BURGESS BEDTIME STORIES - By THORNTON W. BURGESS. .-Manny raeaoow .■nmivi tiems to Temptation. For more than two weeks that air plane remained on the oicen Meadows without once flying. Now two weeks is a Ions: time in the life | of a Meadow Mouse. By the time the two wreeks ended Nanny# and Danny Meadow Mouse had made up th^r minds that that man-bird was there to stay. They had made up their minds (hat it would never fly again. ' Kv«ry night and aomotlines ‘lur ing ihe day Danny and Nanny visited that man bird and climbed into it. The temptation to make a neat in the tiny cupboard in that man bird grow on Nanny. The door of that tiny clipboard had been »eft open Juat a track, a crack just big enough for Danny amt Nanny to run in and nut of easily. Inside that cupboard *as just the right si/.o for a home. There was s3ftie soft cotton waste in It and Nanny had already arranged that to make a most comfortable bed. Then one night Danny discovered Nanny taking some dry, soft grass in their. Danny'* bright little eye* twinkled. “What is that for. my dear?” lie ask^d. Nanny looked a little hit foolish. “Oh. linlhtng speHal,” said she. “I THE NEBBS_ just a square guy. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hew ENTER. NEIGHBOR - ) | INTO "TV4E SANCTUM \ SANCTORUM OT V<\NG 1 03ED1AM TV4E E\RST—) S Iano receive congrat S ULATlONS on vour % ^DAUGHTER'S BEDDING/ o '—rrrr^n Suppose novu that sour dauguterX \S MARR-'EO "OO THE SON OF APOUTlCftLl BOSS SOU'LL BE PEED ill BE pavimG for a Couple Bjtton-mqlES) v—-rr /MOUPL*.- GF olTXirAG W»TM SOUP T£FX\ / COCXF.O OP On ft. GuS DES* fttsO \ 1 DME.ni SOn"'E Tft* PftVlMG OTilEM ) 1 COM.fcs OP AND ftSXS TCP A G\T OX \ istFoRNAftTlOM MOO'LL LET ft FtoftP OOX/ l^OF WOOLXE.ft UUNGRS LVOM c r \ 'M l|iax- ** T%> W*H •*■*»»"«> »■> » '/not ME ! lF I EVER WE POLITICAL^ /OFFICE IT WILL BE A GIFT FROM THE ( PEOPLE - AND I'LL GO INTO OFFICE TO i SERVE THEM TO THE BEST OF MV ABILITV! ^ RUDOLPH NEBB WILL NEVER BE RESPONSIBLE, -TD ANVBODV TOR A LIVELIHOOD - NOU VC / GOT ME MIlCED UP WITH SOME OF VOUR ^ RELATIVES - Go Cn Cat^Usqi*-* Barney Google and Spark Plug Barney’s “Puddle Jumper” Goes. Too Fast. Drawn for The agbtte by Billy DeBeck •*>«« «.»*»** ( S y^Kj-sfvssf \ ' \ Got aheaO OV us \y T L4 shoot aheao ano --- T \ c«o\ao The cheese y V. cvta The ROAfe —' !_ ^ rid Copyright. 1923, by King Features Syndicate. Inc. // f SWftV fl I Oo=i cialI am dn * t*tS t? a nrtit7D Regiitered 5EF jicGs and Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus BRINGIlMO V/IT X X il lji\ —■» U. S. Patent Office PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Copyright, 1121.> I PEEL- HAPPy VOU MEAN g WHEN \ C/AN t>\NC, yOU ARE' g WEREN'T WE :—| -> t-sm W UUCKN TO ^>AVE THAT I COLLY’ I’M tsORE « HEAR ] THEY MUST CsORCiLARB CO OOV/N BE HARO 0^ BTA1RB AND bEE" j TO BREAK v ,—m. irs HERE’ WIPE THE THE IDEA" PIANO-1 , - /////,. -•* -/. ©IKS mr nn-i runm Sonnes. Ins. 2_ EA.ts'f COXb Boots' T f'AA.KE. *>0 MUCH 7 NOI^E _ _ JERRY ON THE JOB— FOLLOWING IN GIVNEY’S FOOTSTEPS. Drawn for The^Omaha Bee by Hoban £ ms.Gnnws’ nu«e \ \J amo me Sewt me Cnets.^ ) ( ~Ttli Mou W& BE /dBSExfr ■-' V >A6ai» "tocvw - MEr _y Y^EAuy VEfcwJ^CK^J ImfT * Logons ow ( 'tvc 3oGoes’ WE Am't Go^r^ JS'ThA'T =wa?/ I V4E T?r*,8 I ^^\v. ^ lgf«MP W HffL —fVlta. tyt. ( \»EU, • Gcoo fcJE. ) / KstfttE - 3u?r mu trtE 0H> BcK 1 &JT ( EMEEsnVMMC? UnWi j i. Con'rttou /49aur/ *ttwEj3oSinEsr. I N0\» 1'VIC Got "Tbl ISmowTUEM <3aiS j VjwOT BOSS' Jk Ofc Course woods' i» Cha®** * fyJT \*JW/tr ViOuU) /Mt GnnEY^ aw it we Shvj Voue. W i <3ar om^ SUBBED / HEEL£J k. thought. I would just add » Httlo of (tils gras to that soft stuff In there. There lent quite enough of lhat. Then wp ran play over here once in a while. If we want to." Manny said nothing.” but he brought some dry grass and Nanny was men ai work building a real nest In that tiny cupboard in the big man bird. She as*rkfd just as If she were making lhat nest for the win ter. She was Just as fussy about It as she would have been about a win ter nest. The fart is Nanny had yielded to temptation., She just had to hep how it would seem to have I real home in that tiny cup board in lhe man bird. My, how she did work! And Danny did his share. It was great fun. Both of them spent more time in lhat man bird. They began to feel as if they owned It. When ever Farmer Browns Boy and his —L i "What is that for, my dear?" he asked. cousin, the Aviator, appear'd Panny and Nanny scampered away and hid In the grass. But they were back again just as soon as the way was clear. There were some days that they had no visitors at all. They didn’t even go home to their old home In the old scarecrow. When at last they had the snuggest of snug nests In that tiny cupboard and there was nothing mor$ to do to It Nanny hoped more than ever that the man bird a!«uj s would remain right where it was. By this time she had quite made up her mind that it would. She seldom went back to the old home In the old sc»»vcrow. She spent more and more time in this new home. The tact is, she had be gun to think of this now as a real home, the home in wbi. John and Fran** B-!-k, R S. South c d«* gir! Pc^r *nd Angela Nielsen, 2®06 Mon- i l ro- st^-eer. girl Anmn ant Mary Prusha. Fifty-fourth add K street*, srir! 1,. \ and F.ula Pimonsen. 3721 Crown Pont avenue, boy. Joseph and Marv Quinlan, hospital, boy. Henrick and Emma Degen. hospital, girl. L P. and I-oretta Duffy, hospital, boy. Ileath*. Pttcia Kusek. 7. 4420 South Thirty third st re--.. Mesaina, 4 months, 2740 South Twelfth atreet. Frank S» hart 52. toepital. James Then*. Ward. 74. 110 North Forty-first street Fred B. Niece. 65, hospital. Building Permits. A R Hlnshaw. 1234 Park avenue. * I' *rA' r.r,», > I ' 1 ?___ \I»> KKThKMKNT. CREAM CLEARS A STUFFED-BP HEAD Instantly Opens Every Air Passage—Clears Throat If your nostrils are clogged and your head Is stuffed because of nasty catarrh or a cold, apply a little pure, antiseptic cream Into your nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage, soothing and healing swollen, inflam ed membranes and you get instgjit relief. Try this. Get a small bottla of l-Jty's Cream Halm at any drug store. Your clogged nostrils open right up. your heail is clear: no more hawking or sniffling Count fifty. All the stuffiness, dryness, struggling for breath is gone.. You feel ftire. Ain't It a Grand and Gloriou* Feeling Biiggs When You have: am APPoint MENT W»TM VoUR DENTIST AND.VoUiJOST KNOW HE.I6 C^OlMcS To 5TRIKE, A LIS/E NERVE r X Your breakfast. -£be->M’T . Ta>ste right — vbuft COFPEe IS Too STRONG ETC/ You* watch The clock amd oust wish That 5omc old relative Tjj would i Die, .'So- You ?? WOUUD .HAVE Aim — excuse, Xor^not, — Going -AND Ybu ARC ,ALMO>ST PeR^OACeO' To PHONE' Doc KRAMER That IT LOOKS L»Ki~ rain AMD VoU OOfiHT To TaK£T The. CLAOIOLU3 eeroRer Thev Ger.a3Ro«A»^c> - and OUST Them as You are ABOUT To vSTAWT Too <31ST A Phone call FROna ThB Dentist That he IS Called Ol*T op Toiajn Right Away ano will HAVE To -POSTPDA!£• *«HE OH-H-H-BOV. Aim't, »T A GR P»-*< FANO AMD GlOFVFVRioys Feeun’? im _ ^ ^ Ta T* ta ^ Tvfe ABIE THE AGENT_Drawn for The Omaha Bee by HershfieljJ Real Cause for Indigestion. '(V& PROBABLY INOI »\/ FROM TWELVfc Tc ONE • QESTKAJ'.MOWU** )/ * buwCh OF US bONooTAte Fob ll ^sEATib. 1 QETHCR HC THE ' vBvt. jy**— v' / /nES- UOE KsEvJER KMOw T»U THE LAST SECONb \ UIHO'S <*OINt, 1t> N^tAKE THE CHECK! If. W firs ham. 5ft17 «'»*!» street brick vpii-pi '*<» iji! t.» *i****iii tf |{ M North rart> c rhth a\. ii". from' dw > # I- ■•* " Martin 4 ;3 Vail v street, frame dwelling, M H Yona***. i> >; * 7 South Twentieth, afreet, frame dwelling. 14 jr thousand* are known to exist ts this country because they have been relieved from pain and suffering by taking Lydia E. P.nkham's Vegetable Compound. Science in surgery ard electricity have advanced greatly during the past fifty years, but treat ment of di-ease hy old fashioned root and herb medicines has never been Improved upon. The leader of them all is Lydia E Pinkhatn » Vegetable Compound, which after fifty years success Is today recognized as tio* standard remedy for female Ills and gold everywhere for that purpose. He pllcs to a ’ of tt'* kina that orgranu i-on — Nux,* **■< !*<>n—he!v# make Nu\i*T©t#£4v o Iron Oxer 4.0*>a .nod prop I© annually ar« u»inf N-.nated Ib'n It ou;< tety h» Hx* nuke rich red blood, rwvitahs© womotiu ©xhauatrd n«*rvc» and »!'•’ new bfr~ngth and ener*) At nl dtwkh > P^are - t substitute Always ino*t on hwx ns e?’ a in© rfhj* fjjjjj I BIU0US.VE53-SICX HEADACHE. I rati lot ao W TaM*». (a rccrtaMa I arartrnO to ton* lot atroogihaa | «h* organa of dlgaatljo and (.’mil. I rrHon. Imrrovaa Arratlta, Rallrvra § Cooatlpatioo, ike Old Block I hR JUNIORS-Lltda N?a I One-third 'he regular dee*. Made L^. j of »a;ne ingredients, then candy I coated. For children and adult*, g 4 Sbertuaa «k McConnell Drug Store*