The Store That Stresses Quality suggests for the table Linens Damask in cloths and napkins. Unique importations of centers, squares, runners and doilies. Real Madeira, Appenzell, Spanish em broidery, Roman cut work, Italian filet, Mosaic, Venetia antique lace, Garrick Macross, etc. China Tableware from Europe and the Orient as well as the best in domes tic glassware, useful and decorative, from the substantial water glass to the slender sherbet and delicate vase. Candy Toothsome dainties designed and created by the man who knows candy—“COBB." A country-wide fame built on merit. “Cobbites” are ready packed at 69c the pound. Ask about them. Don't Shop Hungry WHEN you meet her downtown for shop ping don’t send her home hhngry. It is after a strenuous shopping tour that one appreciates good food most in pleasant surround 1 ings. The Brandeis Store Res taurants cater especially to persons of discrimina tion—we catfer to you for your luncheon and dinner during your shopping hours. The Brandeis Store Rastaeramits Tenth Floor h i ..Mkiti Tested Recipes Approved by Experience Recommended for Trial Tempting Appetites Wrth Meats Mixed Meats en Casserole m Stew together one cup of r soup stock and one of toma toes. Strain through a coarse sieve and thicken with a \ tablespoonful of flour and the same of but ter rubbed smooth. Cut into good sized strips one pound of raw beef, one of veal and one of fresh lean pork. Roll these in flour. Melt in a skillet butter the size of an egg and in this brown lightly a good-sized onion • sliced thin. Turn in the pieces of meat and brown them. When well colored lay them in the casserole dish, surround with a border of diced potatoes and car rots, turnips and string beans or peas, pour over them the tomato sauce. Cook until the meat is ten der. Beef en Casserole Wipe and trim neatly a good-sized piece of the rump or round without bone. Sear until brown in a hot frying pan wilhout allowing it to burn. In the bottom of casserole dish build a nest of diced potatoes, sliced onions and carrots, diced turnips and any cold peas or beans you may have on hand. Season with pepper and salt. On top of this lay the seared meat. In a sepa rate pan mix a large cup of stock or boiling water with one of tomatoes, stew until thoroughlv mixed, strain and thicken with a tablespoonful of flour and butter rubbed smooth, pour over the meat and vegetables. Cover with earthenware lid and cook in moderate oven for four hours. Veal a la Florentine For six or eight persons take six small slices of ba con, two pounds of veal, one cup macaroni, three-quar ters cun of grated cheese, one and a hnl£, tablespoons butter, one tablespoon flour, two tablespoons olive oil and one of tomato sauce, two cups warn water or bouillon. Crisp the bacon, add the oil and cut the veal into small squares, sprinkle with a little sugar, salt and pepper, add the flour, water (or bouillon) and tomato sauce; cook well for two hours. Meanwhile cook mac aroni until very soft, add butter and grated cheese, turn into a dish and put the veal in the center, covered with the bacon. This makes a very tasty dish. Lamb Timbale* Cook together for five minutes two tablespoonfuls of butter, one-half cupful of soft bread crumbs and one cupful of milk. Add 1 cupful of finely chopped cold cook ed lamb, two slightly beaten eggs, one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-fourth teaspoon ful paprika, and turn into buttered timbale molds. Bake, having molds sur rounded by water, until the mixture is firm. Serve with a cream sauce to which has been added two canned pi mentoes which have been rubbed through a sieve. - Ham Loavc* Mince fine sufficient cooked ham to make a cup and a half, add half a cup of soft bread crumbs, sea soning to taste, and milk to form a soft paste. Butter in dividual baking dishes, line with this mixture and fill the center with chopped hard boiled eggs moistened with cream sauce, cover with paste, dot with butter and bake half an hour. Unmold and garnish with sliced hard boiled eggs. Calf’s Liver Wipe one pound of calf’s liver and cut in one-inch cubes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and cover with lemon slices and parsley. Cover and let stand one-half hour. Fry in deep fat one minute and drain. Southern Ham Wash and sflak for two hours two large slices of lean ham. cut at least an inch thick. Butter the bottom of pan, then add pepper and a sprinkling of brown sugar. Place the ham in pan, add more bits of butter, and more sprinklings of the brown sugar, and water the depth of the ham. Cover and cook in a casserole in a slow oven three to four hours. Chicken Fricassee Clean a chicken, cut in 3mall pieces and fry in frejji lard With two finely chopped onions and two cloves of garlic. After it is fried, add a half pint of olives, some finely chopped parsley and one-half dozen stuffed olives. Stir well to gether, add one cupful of tomato juice, two table spoonfuls of toasted bread ground fine, a little Spanish sage, salt and pepper to taste. Stir well and leave on stove for 10 minutes. Sliced Lamb With Olive Sauce Make a stock of the bones and trimmings of roast lamb and add two cupfuls of this hot stock to a sauce made by melting four tablcspoorr fuls of butter in a spider and frying in it two table spoonfuls of minced onion: add four tablespoonfuls of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper. When smooth, add two dozen olives that have been previously cooked for half an hour in boiling water and stoned. Slice lamb thin, sea son with salt and pepper and simmer gently in the mixture for five minutes. Just before removing from fire add a tablespoonfuT of lemon juice. Spanish Fricasse of Chicken Cut up a chicken or fowl weighing about four pounds in pieces for serving, put in a kettle with five cups of boiling water and simmer until chicken is tender. Re move meat, cool, then roll each piece in seasoned flour and fry a delicate brown in fat. Wash and cook in the liquor one cup of rice which has been fried in two table spoons of butter, with one tablespoon each of onion, red and green peppers. £dd one teaspoon of salt and one-eighth teaspoon of pep per. When rice is tender turn on to a platter and on it arrange the pieces of chicken. Garnish with pars ley. Virginia Baked Hain Select a small lean hum, wash thoroughly, sprinkle with soda, scrubbing all over the surface, rinse in cold water and place in a kettle with about six cloves, half a teaspoon, of celery seed, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, 10 pep percorns and one quart of sweet cider. Cover with boil ing water and simmer until tender (four or five hours). Remove from water, take off skin, sprinkle with sugar and brush with beaten egg, then cover with rolled bread crumbs; stick in cloves at even intervals and place in oven to brown; trim meat from the hope end, decorate it with celery leaves and serve with currant jelly. Fried Salt Pork, Country Style Cut fat salt pork in thin slices, dip in a mixture of corn meal and flour, using two parts of com meal to one part of flour. Put in a hot iron frying pan, cook un til crisp and well browned, remove and strain fat through a double thickness of cheesecloth placed over a fine wire strainer. Put (inl and a half tablespoonfuls of the fat in a saucepan, add two and a half tablespoon fuls of flour and stir until well blended; then pour in gradually, while stirring con stantly, one cupful of milk. Bring to the boiling point and add one-fourth teaspoon ful of salt, a few grains of pepper and one tablespoon ful of butter, bit by bit; then add one and a half cup fuls of boiled potato cubes. Pile potatoes in center of ' hot serving dish and sur round with prepared pork. Ham Timbale* Put one cupful of milk and one cupful of bread crumbs into a saucepan and stir over the fire until a smooth paste is formed. Add one cupful of chopped cook ed ham, three tablespoonfuls of butter, seasoning of salt and pepper and the stiffly beaten whites of two egg*. Fill buttered molds two thirds full of the mixture, • cover with buttered paper, put into a pan, half sur round it with hot water and bake in a moderate oven un til firm. Turn out, garnish wish parsley and hard cooked eggs. Combination Mutton Chop* Neatly trim six mutton chops, season all around with half teaspoon salt and two saltspoons white pepper. Cut in halves, lengthwise, three very fresh lamb kid- • neys. Season with three salt spoons salt and one of pep per. Arrange kidneys and chops on a double broiler and broil on a brisk fire for three minutes on each side. Remove, dress on a hot dish, arrange six slice* of broiled bacon over them. Cut away a small round piece at both ends of three fresh tomatoes, cut them in halves, season with half tea spoon salt, same of sugar and a little pepper, arrange on a double broiler and broil three minutes on each side. Serve them with chops. Sausage Bundles Roll out plain paste in six inch squares, rather thin. Cut Frankfort sausages in thin slices, rejecting thn skin, #nd lay the slices in two rows in the tenters of the pieces of paste; double, pinch ends together, and fold as you would do up n bundle, wetting the edges to make them stick: then placo on ice until ready to hake. Bake in hot oven 15 minutes and serve hot with French or German mustard. This is a popular dish for Sunday night supper. Beef Loaf Two pounds Hamburg steak, one-half can tomatoen, one-half pound bacon, chop ped fine with the Hamburg steak, eight common crack ers, one egg, one onion, sea son with salt and pepper. A little sage may he added If desired. Bake in moderate oven one and a quarter to one and a half honrs ia bread tin.