The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 18, 1923, CITY EDITION, PRACTICAL COOKERY, Page 12, Image 58

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    Down for this new model
automatic oven-controlled
gas saving range represents
the best stove buy in Omaha
Then Easy
You Can
The Gas Range That Puts
Efficiency in Your Kitchen
No Gas Wasted
The Lorain or Robert Shaw
automatic oven control with
the ventilated oven takes
the waste and guesswork
out of baking. A whole
dinner can be cooked per
fectly while the housewife
is AWAY from IIOMK.
This Ventilated
Oven Saves Food
It insures uniformity of
heat distribution—prevents
burned undercrusts—saves
4 to 8 per cent of shrinkage
food undergoes in cooking.
Let Us Tell
You, too, will become enthusiastic
when you investigate this wonderful
gas range offer. The special low prices
are so attractive' and the payment
terms made so convenient anyone who
needs a new stove can no longer profit
by delaying.
Come in at once—while our stock
reducing offer prevails, due to our
warehouse lease expiring—and make
your selection while these bargains
A Revelation
In Gas Cooking
Note the special features detailed in the margin.
All the newest, novel labor-saving ideas are ex
pressed in the perfection of these new ranges.
1. The rust-resisting oven linings are so easily kept
clean—spick and span.
2. The new gas-sdving burners give the most heat and
quickest results from the least amount of gas—a
time and money saving.
3. The ventilated oven effects remarkable economies
and the automatic oven controller insures uniform
distribution of the heat.
4. The very beauty of these ranges will prove a con
stant joy and lend cheer t& your kitchen.
REMEMBER—They are all absolutely GUARANTEED by
the maker—an unparalleled assurance of lasting satisfac
tion with your purchase.
Gas Department
1 Metropolitan Utilities District
Headquarters for
Automatic Water Heaters
_ __— -—-1
Answering the Demands
of Holiday Entertaining
Dinners, Football Slippers, Theater Parties W ith
Novel and Interesting Refreshments
SO MANY football games
and other college affairs
are held directly before
Thanksgiving that many host
esses are planning to entertain
the young people during the
week preceding the holiday.
In the two dinner and two
supper menus suggested, dif
ferent numbers of guests have
been catered for, and especial
pains have been taken not
only to provide rather hearty
and particularly appetizing
dishes, but also to have them
of a nature so that they may
be easily prepared should the
supply of help be limited.
For both dinners a very
easily made frozen dessert is
used. The peach Melba con
sist* of half a drained canned
peach placed in a sherbet
glass, topped with a generous
ball of French vanilla ice
cream and again with the
other half of peach. Pour
over three tablespoons of
thick raspberry sauce and
garnish with a rosette of
sweetened whipped cream,
pressed through a pastry tube.
The ice cream croquettes
may consist of any preferred
variety of ice -cream, frozen
firm and formed with chilled
butter paddles into croquette
forms. Roll in powdered mac
aroon crumbs, place in layers
in a small pail with a water
tight cover and set in ice and
rock salt until ready to use.
Place paraffine paper between
the layers.
It will be easier, unless you
have the services of two skill
ed waitresses, to serve the
main course of the second
dinner all on one plate, as
otherwise the duckling will be
cold when the vegetables and
jelly reach you. The duck
lings are delicious and are
cooked by merely dipping the
halves in bacon fat, sprinkling
with salt and paprika and bak
ing in a rather hot oven.
When cooked, dish and cover
each with two tablespoons of
the brown giblet gravy, sea
soned with a little Worcester
shire sauce. If canvas-back
ducks are substituted, have
them rare.
For the first supper party,
the hot curried oysters are
especially good with the chill
ed salad; to prepare them,
steam one gallon (or the
equivalent of 150 oysters) of
oysters and when the cdge3
are well curled drain again.
Melt sixteen tablespoons of
butter, blend in an equal
quantity of flour and add
gradually three pints of milk
and one pint of cream. Stir
constantly until the mixture
boils and season to taste with
salt, paprika, celery salt and
curry powder. Mix well, stir in
the beaten yolks of four eggs
and cook for a moment or two,
stirring steadily. Add the hot
oysters with three tablespoons
of shredded parsley and turn
into small pastry cases.
For a small supper party,
nothing is better than small
tenderloin steaks, grilled over
the wood fire; the potatoes
can be all ready to slip into
the oven of the gas range and
will be browned when the
steaks are ready, and, while
these preparations are in
progress, serve the canapes
and the cocktads, which you
will find are a most delicious
The canapes may be made
from a reliable grade of can
ned fish. Mince the contents
of the can and add half the
quantity of chopped celery, a
teaspoon of Worcestershire
sauce, salt and paprika to
taste, a teaspoon of French
mustard and sufficient Rus
sian dressing to moisten.
Spread on rounds of rye bread
sauted in a little hot olive oil.
To prepare the grape juice
cocktails, mix together the
pulp and juice each of one
orange and one grapefruit
and add 24 Maraschino cher
ries with a little of the cordial,
half a cupful of sugar, one
pint of unfermented grape
juice and half a pint each of
iced ginger ale and Apollin
aris water. Serve in cocktail
Appropriate Menu Suggestions With
Cost Figures for Each
A Dinner Dance for Twelve Young People
(Cost. $ 1H.76)
Oyster Cocktails Crackers
Celery Olives Salted Nuts
Fried Chicken Corn Fritters Potato Puff*
Fruit Cup Finger Rolls
Asparagus Tips in Celery Jelly Salad
Peach Melba Fancy Cakea Demi-Tasse
A Company Dinner for Eight
(Previous to Bridge or the Theater)
(Cost. $12.76)
Anchovy and Egg Canapes
Julienne Soup Finger Rolls
Radishes Stuffed Olives Celery Salted Nuts
Halves of Panned Ducklings With
Green Teas Mushrooms and Candied Sweet Potatoes Currant Jelly
Orange Cream Croquette* With Marron Sauce
lee Cream Croquette With Marron Sauce Demi-Tasse
A Supper After the Football Game
(Cost. $17 90)
(For Twenty-five Young People)
Puree of Tomato With Whipped Cream
Ollvea Salted Nut* Rolls Celery
Chicken and Sweet Bread Salad Curried Oysters in Pastry Cases
Ginger Ale Cup Frozen Fruit Salad Small Cakes Coffee
A Supper for Dance or Theater
(Cost. $6 10)
(For Three Couples)
Lobster Canapes White Grape Juice Cocktails
Grilled Tenderloin Steaks on the Wood Fire
Potatoes au Gratin Finger Rolls
Olive* Celery Coffee White Nut Caka