_10-B_ _ _ __ _ -_1 he Sunday Bee: Umana, novtmoer 10, Read Business Opportunities Now. Your Lifetime Chance May Be 1 here Premier Calls New Parliament Baldwin Faces Crisis Over Free Trade and Protection Issue as Power Wanes. ny Associated I'reui. I.ondon, Nov. 17.—Parliament was formally dissolved yesterday and a royal proclamation printed in the Gazette last night summons the new parliament to assemble January 8. It was thought Ihe new session would convene December 20. but the cabinet decided upon the later date. Two prolonged cabinet meetings were h« id today, one ostensibly to draft the government's election man ifesto and the other to discuss elec tion routine. Itumor, however, has it that Premier Baldwin is having groat difficulties in holding Ids party and the government together. The premier will begin his new campaign under adverse auspices. Nut only has he had the greatest dif ficulty to prevent defections of col leagues with free trade beliefs, but he has failed to consolidate his party by securing laud Birkenhead and J. Austen Chamberlain as members of the government. The Inside story nf this affair ■hows it was a revolt of the under secretaries, led by Ronald MacNellt of I lie foreign office, and W. Ormsby Gore of the colonial office, which de terred the premier from taking Lord Birkenhead and Mr. Chamberlain into the cabinet. A political surprise today was the announcement that Lord Robert Cecil had been raised to the peerage. The lord privy seal lias held his present title of lord by reason of the fact that he is a son of the third marquis of Salisbury. His elevation to the peerage is a clear indication of the difficulties Premier Baldwin is experiencing. Lord Robert Is a stal wart free trader and already has de cided pot to contest his seat in the house of commons. The official explanation of his decision not to run Is that Lord Rob ert’s physician advised him to avoid great exertion until after Christmas. It adds that as Lord Robert has to attend a meeting of the council of the league of nations during that period he will be unable to take any part in tho general elections. Aa a peer, Ixird Robert can con tinue a member of tha administra tion, having his seat in the house of lord* Instead of In the house of com mons; hut the Incident la significant and Lord Robert’s actual resignation from the cabinet probably hag been Withheld only out of a desire not to embarrass the premier at a difficult moment. Sara Houser Back From Convention of Taxi Men "The taxicab men propose to set an example of careful driving for other automobile drivers to emulate, ' said S. E. Houser, president of the Vellow Cab and Baggage company, who attended the recent convention of tho National Association of Taxi cab Owners In Chicago. “Ninety-five per cent of the or ganized cab ownera of America were represented.” he said. "We decided that taxis are tha logical ones to set the example, because they run more miles per year than any other unit cf vehicles." Pioneer and Old-Time Freighter Die* at 83 *»pi-«-1nl DUpateh to The Omaha Ba. Sidney, Neb.. Nov. 17.—Charles Madden, 83. died at the home of his ti.iughter, Mrs. Charles Gamer, wife nf the county engineer, of heart dla sase. Mr. Madden was born In Ire land and during the civil war, was In transport service. He lived In the Black Hills of South Dakota for 46 years, and many years ago, ran a freighter wagon train between Sidney uid the Black Hills. Besides Mrs. Gardner, Mr. Madden Is survived by one soil, Thomas, of Guernsey, Wyo. Paivnce City Rock Island Agent Given Promotion Pawnee City. Neb., Nov. 17.—J. H. Shepherd, IocrI agent of tha Rock Island railroad at Pawnee City for 25 years, ha* been promoted to the position of agent for that road at Colby, Kan., and leaves for his new work netx week. From point of continuous service ns an gent for the Rock Inland lines, Mr. Shepherd holds the record on both the Nebras ka and the Colorado divisions of the road. Friend* Shuck Corn for Injured Farmer Wahoo, Neb., Nov. 17 —Twenty three husking wogons, manned by 85 neighbors, went into the com fields of Krnest Adams, the young farmer who recently was Injured In an accident, and cleaned up 58 aerea of corn In one day, filling a corn crib with 2,200 bushels. A sumptous din ner was served after the work was done. ( Read Household Goods on the Classified page. Ree Want Ads Produce Results. I Radio Device to Send Four Messages at Once Perfected By International News Service. New York, Nov. 17.—Transmission of news by radio has been made prac tical by perfection of devices that will effect a revolution In the news paper world, Kditor and Publisher an nounced In Its issue out today. The new developments, startling In their importance, greatly Increase the amount of news that may he trans mitted, overcome the delays due to land wire breakdowns and insure the news sent out can be received only by papers with the proper receiving ap paratus—an ordinary model of type writing machine. Editor and Publisher says: "After several years of closely guarded experimentation. M. Koenigs berg, president of International News Service, declared International News Service radio engineers had perfected wireless device capable of sending simultaneously from one central trans mitting station four different stories to four separate typewriters operated by the same wireless impulses that carry tho message, thus quadrupling the volume hitherto found impossible in radio transmission." Returns From Asia With Gobi Fossils I I Roy Chapman Andrews, renowned scientist and explorer, leader of the American Museum of Natural His tory’s expedition to the Gobi desert, in China, derlared upon his return to Seattle, that his party had discovered in Asia, the ‘Tab-ontological Garden of Eden.” As proof of his assertion that ail life originated in rentral Asia Ito brought bark 35 dinosaurs, said to be 10,000,000 years old. Tbe skele ton of the newly discovered “beluchit eerium,” or browsing rhinoceros, and one of a gigantic dog, with a three foot head and an 18-inch Jaw, were also brought lack for the New York museum. Boy Mayor Gives Concession to Father j Investigation May Be Made of One-Day Administration of Central High School Boy. An Investigation may be made of the admlnletratlon of T. Albert An dereon. who served yesterday as mayor of Omaha. In the Interests of the father and eon movement. The last official act of the youthful mayor, before he turned the keys back to James Charles Dahlman, was to Issue a permit to X. H. Arey. father of Haw thorne Arey, who served as his secre tary. A few minutes after 12 yesterday noon, Mayor Anderson held a whisp ered conference with his secretary, whose father was occupying a seat in fbe reception room. Hands Out Permit. At 12:10 Mayor Anderson emerged from his private office end handed to the elder Arey a permit to operate a hot dog stand at Sixteenth and Farnam streets during the week be fore Christmas. "Why should the mayor give away such a valuable concession, and to the father of his secretary, at that?" asked an Irate taxpayer. "Why not advertise for bids and let the city get tihe benefit of this privilege?” Approves Administration. Notwithstanding the hot dog per mit Incident, Mayor Dahlman ap proved the Anderson administration, "tie was not ft rubber-stamp mayor," Mr. X>ahlman said. "He had some perplexing problems to solve. He re lieved me of a lot of responsibility. His derisions were well balanced." Omaha Credit Men to Hold Campaign for New Members Tho Omaha Association of Credit Men will conduct an active campaign for new members during the w.eek of November 19. This campaign Is part of a nation wide campaign being car ried on by the National Association of Credit Men. Thousands of Lambs Feeding at Gibbon Pprrlul Dispatch t« The Omalm Hre. Gibbon, Neb., Nov. 17.—Marshall Ross has returned from Heber, Utah wilh a shipment* of lambs for winter feeding in his yards. He is feeding 9,1 r,0 lambs of the tight weel variety now. They weigh about 62 pounds each, and will be kept here four months. He experienced no difficulty In getting freight cars out of Utah. Mr. Ross Is ajso fattening 425 hogs. The capacity of his yards Is 18,000 sheep. Last winter he had 12,000 but expects to exceed that number this year. ,S. D. Fredricks received two car loads of lambs today. Frank Rlch urdson is feeding 1,700 lambs, and A. T. Hibbard 2,500. Mark McConnell has 4,200 lambs from New Mexico and 450 hogs In his yards. Will McCullough of Central City Is feeding 4,000 lambs at the S. I). Camp feeding yards. Carload shipments out of Gibbon were numerous last week. They con sisted of a car of potatoes to Georgia, one of hogs to California, and one of alfalfa meal to Missouri. Five cars of flour and niill products were shipped to various places. Two cars of hay were sent to middle western points and 11 cars of sugar beels went to Grand Island, 60 Men Husk Corn for Odd Fellow Who Is III Special Dispatch to Tha Omaha Ilcc. Plalnview, Neb., Nov. 17.—Emil Keutzel, a farmer living near Neligh, who has been sick for several months and was forced to sell out at public sale recently because he Is unable to do his own work, was surprised when a husking bee of 60 Odd Fel lows and other neighbors came to his farm with 31 wagons to pick his corn. They succeeded in husking and crib bing 2,500 bushels of corn in one day, leaving only 20 acres yet to be picked. The Rebekaha served a big dinner to the hungry corn huskers. Mr. Reutzel was able to ride out to the cornfield and remain there a few minutes, expressing his appre ciation for what his neighbors were doing. As soon as he is able to make the trip, he and his family expect to go to California in hopes of benefit ing his health. High School Boy Dies Following Operation Special Dispatch to The Omaha Ufa Sidney, Neb.. Nov. 17.—raul Oer ard,-15, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. I,. Oerard, died In a Cheyenne hospital, Wednesday, following an operation for peritonitis. Paul was a sopho more In the Sidney high school and a member of the Sidney Community band. The sophomore class met the body at the train on Thursday and escorted It to the home. Three sis ters survive, besides the parents. Chair Slips, Table Rocck Man Is Hurled Through Window Pawnee City. Neb., Nov. 17.—Cal vin Sandusky, Table Rock, was sit ting with his chair tipped hack against, the wall at his home when It slipped and he was thrown through a nearby window glass. He discov ered that his shoulder was bleeding and examination revealed that a piece of glass had penetrated his shoulder. 40 Gallons of Alcohol Wait for Consignee Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee. Sidney, Neb., Nov. 17.—A shipment of 40 gallons of pure gtaln alcohol, shipped to one Ed Ross of Sidney, was Intercepted by the sheriff, and delivery was made to the courthouse Instead of the consignee. Mr. Ross has not appeared yet to claim the delivery and Sheriff McDonald Is ready to receive him, should he put In an appearance. Cotner Student Receives Call to Tecumseh Church Special Dispatch to The Otnaltn Bee. Tecumseh, Neb, Nov. 17.—Revl Frank H. Kennedy, a senior In Cotner university, has been extended a call to the pastorate of the Tecumseh Christian church, and hna accepted. He will remain In college until the close of the school year, filling his pulpit here at th« same time. IMPROVE YOURSELF Great men are made, not born. Our greatest men in nine cases out of ten began life with nothing more than their own determina tion to make good. Undoubtedly it was impossible for them to stall in other than a small way, maybe with less cash to invest than you now own. Read Busi ness Opportunities today and every day until your opportunity appears. It is bound to show up some day. Read Business Opportunities Today Smallest Kangaroo Resembles Monkey When you glance at the picture above you may think it la a monkey. But it isn’t—it’s the smallest, rarest and numt elusive of all Australia's kangaroos. They rail it the climbing kangaroo. It can climb almoat as well as a monkey doc*. 15 SEPARATISTS By International »wa Serrtre. Dusseldorf, Nov. 17.—Fifteen Ger man separative and one peasant were killed and many others wounded to day In a battle between separatists and peasants at Hlmbert, near Bonn. Occupational troops were sent to re store order. Nebraska Man Goes to Hotel in California Special Dispatch to The Omaha Hee. Tecumseh, Neb., Nov. 17.—Kenneth A. Stewart of Tecumseh, eon of the ate Dr. M. Stewart, will move, with his family, to San Francisco within the next 10 days. An uncle and aunt of Mr. Stewart. Charles Stewart and Miss Margaret Stewart, own and operate the Hotel Stewart, a large hostelry of San Francisco. The Te cumseh man will hecome associated with the management of the hotel. Route Announced for Southeastern Highway Special pi.pntrh (n The Omaha lice. Smith Center, Kan., Nov. 17.—Tha Smith Center Chamber of Commerce haa received word through the presl lent of the Saline Chamber of Com merce that the {Southeastern National highway Is to run from Saline through several Intermediate towns to Smith Center, Kan,, thence to River ton, Krnnklln, Mlnden and Kearney, Neb, Omaha Man Waive* on Forgery Charge Burlington, la., Nov. 17.—C. 1). Shupe of Omaha waived preliminary hearing today when arraigned on a forgery charge and wns held to the grand Jury, Authorities wild Shupe planned to plead guilty when brought Into district court. Ite Is In Jail In default of $2,000 bond. Ilumholdt Pioneer Dies Leaving 15 Children Humboldt, Neb., Nov. 17.—John Frankhauner, 82, died Thursday at his farm home. He wn« a‘pioneer of this part of the atat© and wan married twice and had 17 children, all of them livir.jc except two. Aurora (Neb.) Chamber Gives Holstein Cows to Farmers_ Aurora, iSeu., Auv. ttouiiiUUB| of persons gathered in Aurora Wed nasday afternoon to witness the rare Tunny when the Chamber of Com Xnerce gave away its first prize Hoi th« event, und when the winnej- ©J the con left l \.,u* aiuiounctai an vv imam Springer, a farmer living near Gilt net*, he wan aurroundod hy hundred* who deal red to take the row hope with their.'. Prior to the drawing the nine dairy COWS which are to he given awav bv tin* ( ham her of I‘onynerr* . on* each \v< _ K, were parad' d around th•* niuaie following the Auioia bund, will) cum t:uw leu by oiiw ol tile boy* Ink-i lug Agriculture 1» the Aurora High1 school. Three farmer* were chosen ns Judges, nnd n little girl was blindfolded nnd picked the winning ticket out. of ttn* barrel. William Springer, who was tlic fortunate man in securing the row. received many offer* Im mediately for a very substantial figure lur hid tow, Pul tiu tin imi lut ei nil down nnd took her honi* with him. Th« nine cows which have been *p lntei! by the Chamber of Comnvercr mo n.11 hlah Rrade Holstein row* shipped from \\ IsconKln. and one will he |veil awny each week oil the court hotiHe Hijuai e at Aurora. The ficcompanylnif pld me nliown llu nine lows Just bclois th« thawing Mustapha Kemal Covets Throne Believed Dictator Dei-ires to Transform Reign Into Sultanship. Sofia, Nov. 17.—Bulgarian observ ers of events in Turkey fall to dis cern a ray of hope for democracy In tlie prospect that the Angora assem bly, during its present session, nil! vote for the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic in the ancient realm of the sultans. They predict that the scheme for the establishment of a republic will be found to be simply a ruse by which Mustapha Kemal Pasha will trans form Ills present dictatorship Into a new sultanship. It is regarded here ns a foregone conclusion that the Angora assembly will favor the creation of a Turkish republic. In Turkey today, observ ers declare,'there is but one authority that of Mustapha. The Angora as sembly, it Is pointed out, Is composed almost entirely of men who are sub servient to Mustapha's dictates, lie moulds the action of the assembly at will. The Turks, schooled through generations to submission to a cen tral authority, are still content that the powers of government should be vested in one man. The eupreme object of Mustapha Kemal. Bulgarian politicians point out, Is to drive the present sultan from the throne and seize titular as well as actual supremacy for himself. To accomplish this the plausible pre text of establishing a modern form of governments—ostensibly a republic —will be used. When the time seems propitious, however, Bulgarian lead ers predict that Mustapha Kemal will cast the republic overboard and proclaim himself the new sultan of Turkey. Brown Defeats Harv ard. 20-7 Cambridge. Mmi., Nov. 17—Brown today defeated Harvard for the second year In succession. The score was 20 to 7. Brown making three touch downs In the last two period, against the Harvard substitutes. The Crim son, ns usual, reserved most of Its first string players for the Yale game next week. This was the second de feat for Harvard this year. Brown's touchdowns were spectacu lar. tho first coming as a result of a long forward pass, ths second being made by 8tlfler, who ran 74 yards after bVoking a Crimson drop kick, and the third being due to a 62-yard run by Dixon on a fake forward pass. Wise Counsellor ns Big Stakes; Doulsville, Ky., Nov. 57—Wise Counsellor, owned by J. 8 Ward and ridden by Jockey Mack Garner, won the Kentucky Jockey club stakes, j worth *30.500, at Churchill Downs to day. defeating nine other 2 year-olds In 1:27 3 5. The race, run to give a line on the candidates eligible for the 1024 Kentucky Derby, was over a mile route. May Hay, owned by Harry l'\ Sinclair, was second, and Chilhowee third. Haskell-Marines Tit*. Yankee Stadium. N. Y-, Nov. 17.— Haskell Institute of Kansas and the Quantlco Marines played a 14 to 14 tie at the Yankee stadium today. The Indiana led at the end of the ttrst half, but the Marines, dropping their end running game, made a sieve of the opposing line. Swap your dog fur a canary bird. Head the Classified rids. __ BEE CLASSIFIED AD RATES If.o par linn M> h day, I or ? da>a 1 *r p* r linn ra il day. .1 or H dava p,»r lino a* h day. 7 daya or longer THk oMAIIA 11K1: n« rvaa lha right to ra'o.’t nr rewrite all copy Tha ihova iM-a alM'ty lo all advarllga ■n.Tita l». r'aaaiftcatiolia. I,oat a nil Found ..... • 1 Halt* Wanted Famala . llelp Want fit Mala .. snuattoua Want'd Female . J1 | .ina i i>ina Wanted Mata .. i \ i t i. I**-* for Sale . * Kmu h rid Dairy I'roduOta . Hood Tliltifa In Fit .... I I Homemade Tli.a«a ... Hnue«*hold Clootie .•.«••••••»•••»•»•» *■ Swap * *o| ii Mil AM Wearing Apparel . JJ Winlnit to Huy . Itooma With Hoard ... fl ip ,me Without Hoard ............ Itooina for lii'ii »*kc« plnp . lliioma L'nfuriilahad .AM Mu hoi imn Hon id • • I ,»p Mil other clneilfh-atlnne our regular ral<« n-- quoted helou applv I > 1*0r Una raid* day, I or * daya. if.c per Una rm h day, 1 or it day* I3t* ter line »«rh day. 7 data < longer Tlipaa r.alra applv to Tha Sunday tlioal <• n*M- aa tt«'l ta The Murnll'g and I ' nlng Hea All weak day ad\arllnettu'iHa app-ar In both morning and availing tdl* t Inna at 11\»» on** «••**■ i i I.* *SlNu ) | • '’.'Its FOIl t'l A SSI FIFO Al>8 Morning F.dltlon .... lnp.ru i toning I dltlon .. 11 lit a in. i sond»* * Ffllit fp '* t* m Srtturdav C1 a aaiflrd Ada a-t—pl'd at lha following • iff] ... Mah* Off*-e .. . 17th a;id Famum M« H,.uih Omaha . N. 't for 2 4th and N 8l* Count ll Hluffa .W» Scott «st. Telephone A T.aut lc 1000. Call for Classified Ad Department. An experienced «'i»**ifled Ad taker will r»* reive your ad .and a hill will be matled later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash order* THE OMAHA M on NINO BEK. THE EVENING REEf. CLASSIFICATIONS. ANNOt NCEMENTS. funeral Notices . ...A Vault* nml Monuments .B funeral Directors . < Cemeteries ...........D Florist* .r. ( nrd of Thanks ..... . fudge Notices .. Corning Events.. Personal* . l.o*t and found . ,\l TOMODILES. Automobiles for Sale . 5 Automobile Agencies 8 I Motorcycle* and Bicycles .. 7 Aiitoiiiohilc* for Exchange . 8 Auto Accessories Part* ... “i Service Station—Repairing .10 Auto l.iverv (.uruge 11 Wanted Automobiles? .12 lit SINES* SERVICE. Mu*lnes* Service* Offered.13 Building C'ontrnctor* . H Heating und Plumbing . >3 Insurance . 14 Millinery—Dressmaking 11 Moilng—Trucking—Storage . 14 Painting and Papering. 19 Patent Attorney’s .20 Printing Stationery . *1 Professional Service.22 Repairing 23 Renovating and Dyeing . 2* Tailoring and Pressing .23 Wanted Business Service . 20 EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Female .27 Help Wanted Male -8 Help AVnnted male and Female. 29 ■Salesmen and Agents .••••fV Situations AA anted Female. *1 Situations AA anted Male .32 FINANCIAL. Business Opoortunit !**«. 33 Investment—Stock*—Bond* .. 3f Money to Loan 85 Wanted to Borrow 80 EDI CATIONAL. rorresoondenee Courses . 31 l.oeal Instruction Classes . 3K Musical—Dancing—Dramatic . 3ft I’rlyate Instruction . 40 Wanted Instruction 41 LIVESTOCK. Dog*. Cats and Pet* . 42 Horse*. Cutth*. Vehicle* .42 Poultry and Supplies .44 Wanted Livestock . 45 MEKCH ANDISE. Article* for Sale . 44 Business F’.uuinment .41 Building Material* 48 Farm and Dairv Products .t. 4b Fuel and Feed 50 (•nod 1 hi rig* to Eat.........51 Home-Made Thing* . 52 Household Hoods 53 Swan Column ..53 A Jewelry and Watrhe* . 54 Machinery and Tool* 53 Seed*. Plants and Flowers .56 Special* at the Stores . 51 Musical Instruments. 58 Radio laiuipmetit . 5ft W earing Apparel 40 Wanted to Buy 01 ROOMS FOR RENT. Koom* II it li Bo.ml . ....,..63 Room® \4 ittiout Hoard ... 6.1 Room® for lloiiirkefinni. .61 Room®. Unfurnished . 64 \ Mihurlian Hoard . .6.1 Where to Dine >...88 II here to Stop in Town 67 Wanted—Room* and Hoard .. 66 REAI. ESTATE—FOR RENT. I part metif®—• Furnished 69 Inartinents—I nfiirnUhed . .*76 Hti*lne»a Flare® for Rent.7! Ilousea for Rent m *'• llmiae®, Furiii*heit .. «: \ Offices and Desk Room . 73 Out-of-Town Property . 74 Suburban for Kent l’ Summer Plaeea for Rent . 76 V, ante«nd* for Sale . 79 lit* \rreuce for **.»le .... 79A flnti*e« for Sale .So House®—North . K* House®-South . .. .62 House®-\\ est . SX II oil »e®—He li son . H4 Fur Sale®—Dundee JA For Sale—Florence 66 For Sale—( oimril Bluff* . 6* 1 ot« for *ale -66 K«*hI Estate for Kirhime . S*i Wanted—Real E®tate . 90 AUCTIONS. Auction Sale® ...91 ANN O b’NXr.MF.NTS __ Funeral Notice*. A 8HAKPB—Kr»ii«r*i k, rflixl November IS, • ged ri year* Mr Sharpe 1® survived by hi* wife, Susanna. «>ne daughter. Mr? Norman V Chapman of Omaha; two ®on®, Car! A of Pa* f c Junction. la , and i Cheater I, of Omaha, two ai*ter*. Mr® Julia Mallorv of Norwich. N. Y.. and Mr®. Adclla Wood of Oneonta. N. T. Funeral services Sunday. November 1«, 2 ::•' p m, a’ <"* *' Bayne*® naw funeral home. 34.) North 24th St. Interment at York. Neb I'KTKRSKV—*Maria C. passed on at the home I4«I ' rl y ®:re«:. Thursday. No vel.,!.*’- ]r, li*23 Mr® P*ter*en la ®ur vjved by her huahrnd. Han® Peteraen of Omaha, an*! two brother® Hans Cook. • 'maha. and Nick Cook of K«nnard. Neb. Funeral service from Pella Danish Evan ge; , *1 Lutheran < hurh, Thirtieth and Corby ®ti*ete. Monday. November If. 142 3, at 2 p. m. For Information « all Croab> Moor® Funeral Home, WK 6047. J(»HN40N, Jona®, t t*«ed on at the home, 4 DU N«rth *i wes.rv fourth at-**et. Frtda>. November le. 1423, age 74 years. Mr. Juhna*on 1® aurvlved bv his wife. Funeral service from Crosby-Moore Fun eral Home, Twenty-fourth and Wirt ■treat®. Monday. November 14. 1423. at 2 t* m Interment Forest lawn cemetery. - -■ Funeral Directors. C HE A FEY At HFAFEY. I .!• rtakera and Embalmer*. Thone HA 02*? Office 2611 Farnam (ESTABLISHED SINCE 1 482.) KOKISKO FUNERAL HOME 21d and O . 1 r50 8 llth it MA. 0180. AT. 1871. CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY 81* S. 2Cth St. AT. 3684 and AT 3840. CUFFY A JOHNSTON. 311 S 33-1. new fjneia! home. HA. 0417. HHA1LKY A DORRANCE. 1*23 CUM INIS ST.. JA. 962*. HOFMANN AMULANCE Dodge at.'4th Funeral Director*. JA 3401. If. II. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME 6418 Military Ave. WA. 6314 John a uV:nti.kman. 3411 Farnam St T A (it J ART At SON. 2212 Cuming St. JA. 07J4. HU LSD * It 1 E PEN, Funeral d Iter tor®. 2224 Cuming. JA. 1726 CROSBY-MOORE 24lh and Wirt. WK. 004T Florist*. E R'mJKHS. Flortat . 4t h hern am. JA. 3406 i . HATH 1*04 Farnam JA. 1000 Cemeteries. D V INI r 1'nHKRT LAWN The greenhouse® ate again very beautiful, itdera ate being received for thr>saiiihe mum® and evergreen blanket! which lake h«* plat*- tif kutnmer flower® and make ihe surrounding® bright and beautiful dur ng ihe win! «'i month®. Offlcea at the oinetery i*vrth of city limits! and *2* Hi a n !•' • l b, * r 1,1® Personal*. 3 NOT ICR If Hnw*r«l til boon formerly of Menlo, la. nr aii> friend or acquaintance of hi* rhou.d ths item and will ai once n. 11f\ On* Meii|n StaU Imnk ue to hts present location \ ► ■•at favor will bn ,1 on M Ulhfl in and hta fa mils. Iii'iula and i. ;,\ih vdil’iN* Menlo Ruiti* bank. Men.. |a. H. W Kellogg, president _____________ \ \n iN ' m% Industrial home .oitrlis \ ir old « lothlng furnltura. mn*i .a We . 1 • t We diet r. but e Phone .1A 411'. and oni wason will call Call i ? <1 Inei •< t our new home 1110 1113-1114 podge Street___ Wll.l, not be r.-t" ioIMi* for an' debt* • •ntraiUd b\ m\ wife Mra (ieorgia Clorb. •»ftf*r this date. Nov l... Jf»2S. F. \V «'liylv____ • Ii Lai Ian* It da i AI •> ,** anil aileaman will cal Pri rm include printing. I h.-atm al hlatorl al luaaque coatumaa for pla>* and |'t»i l■ • at Idshen's. Omaha. I'll. .It 'll \ H i * \ Chiropodist, haa moved ».* Mh Pavlon Ido u r. 1 l A I ;<»H _ ' I SJItt** Lott ind Found, 4 1.1 (S r HTIt A V Kp OR STnl .KN • Oft* l»«v itot a*1. weighs i.St'n pounds, om* while leg ■ ! " b Rl \\ \ ' l.os’l Mooinn bull f>up, fetnnl*. defect In light #>* ltaf a double wlng-ahap* tie pin I* eet with diamond* and was lost Thursday evening in vicinity of Rrandel* store and Fontenelle hotel. I offer full value of pin for nentlmenta! rea noni> Kindly return to Fon tenelle Hotel deek. LOST from running board of auto brown Sea'her pu.* «:is« between Union station arul It <:ne hotel; containing woman * ap parel arid hoy's clothing. HA. Q5H9 LOST of strayed Ronton bull pup. brln d'e and white, answer* to name of Jlgg* Howard AT 6<>07 LOST—On-* black Shetland pony. Call 11A l-’ib'i Reward automobiles Automobiles for Sale ^5 GOOD CAKS AT ROCK BOTTOM I-RICKS Everyone In Tip Tup Condition See them. Ftide In Them. Fur It'.; We will sell you a late model, t lean Oakland Touiibg. Refined, overhauled. New lop and good tires F*ur 2150 We can show you a Chandler 4 pas* -nger Roadster %\ith a new top and in excellent condition. F'or S17f» We will deliver you * good Cad lilac Eight Touring wifi, good tire* and refinlahcd. A Rargam. F‘or J200: We will sell you a Wllly* Knight Touring in excellent ton* ditlun. Refiniahed and good tire* For $. 'i You 'ar> have a good Old»mo- | hlie Fight Roadster a* good ae new A real bargain. FOP. *"*0 \V» have a Inte Ford Sedan like new and lots of ex’raa For *«'* We have an almost r-w T> sex Touring which 1* » real value a new* tires on tb1* one. For tr.M: You can have a late model at most new Studebaker special six touring with many ex’rne COME IN AND SEE US TERMS IF NEEDED Gtr L. SMITH NIFTY SIX-CYLINDER ROADSTER Just j>ut of paint shop, motor overhauled, fine tire*, when you set it you will want it. A bargain 1400. GOOD MIX TOURING An OMsmubllc * touring, nice ne -r paint, run* f'ne, you will not be ashamed of it I 25ft POPULAR 4 CYLINDER TOURING This ha* been !n«p*«'te4 in our shop. D •n peif-rt mechanfral rrJer. good paint and tire* A wonderful bargain. 9523. OTHER GOOD HUY9 r-.rd Turne . "Idamouie Pacemaker . 5T2 I’I Ruhr Ornr.d Chevrolet .Jln Oldtmobile Sedan .J1** Ona Ton Bconomv Trurk .* F 00 A'K ABOUT OrR TERMS Nebraska Oldsmobile Company AT i77" 18th and Howard Sts. EA< K A RI * light six. just Lke new this car i* n f :s* Ha** m«-hanical condition. If ir *h market for a -ar of this Class, come n ! see *his machine Might eon «.der For i r.r other ar in exchange, bal krue easy terms. Fee Mr. Glass. HANNAN-VAN BRUNT. Inc. 30th and Farnam Fta HA 09CI Open Sun. 9 a. m. to 2 p m. LATE 1923 Fo-d Cojpa. Practically brand new If you ars interested in a r.ew ear at a t;g discount, call Mr. Glass. HA 0SC8. SOME bargsins in used Fords New Ford son. Eas' rsy rr.enta. _ _ MT4PFHET MOTOR CO. The Handv Service Station I r r h ar-ii Jackson g,iAT. 11 NEW ar i u-»d Feed*. ca*h o* term*. C. E. I’AULSON MOTOR CO.. Author zed Ford and I.lncoln Dealer# 3fl*h and Ames Avt. KV1. 0444 53 CADTT.I.AC ♦eur—sr. I?*" 1921 Wat •f ,»d«r $r.->n’y u*ed four mouths: runs aaw 11 * rifle# for I2IS. rash * - term* 1*19 Wirt stree* rSEH >'ARS THAT HAN BE SOLD. NRRRASKA OLDSMOB1LE CO . Tlnward a* Tub AT lT7t. I't:»‘i;n*dari e used cars. ANDEFW MURPHY A SON *4 Ten-- : n Husirr** Ruv Her* g*fely i'SKD par’s f r a 11 makea of / ar. Ford used pa-ts st half prtca. Neb. Auto Parti JA 4931 _ USED CARS O N Rooney Motif Ca 1U4 Fa mam__ r <}>]' . nupe 1971 for sal* f*rat class condition. |2«*. Cj»u 1711 Cuming. »#c pnd floor A T f 3 9 NFW Na*h run mUe* Price II r.e c*H at 4355 dallj 404 Morris Art. Sunday HIGH-GRADE new ano uaed cars GUT L SMITH CHEVROLET bahy grand touring, a real bargain <•( owner WA. 3442 ( KISSEL Coup* 4 passerger. for sal* or trade Call WA 0517. j 2-DOoII Fur i .--dan at a bargain. AT I i«»l after t r m. __j Motorcycles and Bicycles. 7 USED MOTORCYC1 17 BARGAINS. Indian* Harleys. Excelsior* at he re due* ns 1.0 up. Guaranteed and *h ti led on approval F aiy raiments. Rig fill Hale now on. *5end stamp for free ttalog K Ciymer. the Motorcycle Man. Denver, Colo. _ Auto Accessories Parts. 9 , H ' * uii t xI r»'ie- Mai!* in Omaha j CARTER SHEET MKT*’, CO JA '-’M Service Station—Repairing. 10 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMOTIVE MACHIN ISTS -R:i\field a arhuretor* Kl*eman mag netic Is M El. HluRS A SON, 417 S 13th S’. _ JA. 2510 i«» ftftO MILE GUARANTEE agatnat piston -laopirg and oil pumping enormous ga* in 1 nil aaiing cROsSTOWN GARAGE. 1812-16 S 24th Ft See Murphy or Llndsav KINK auto tinner b dy. fender and rai ! at nr repairing 214 F. 19th St JA. *lt0 Auto Livery Garage._U Will. STORK TOUR CAR FOR WIN TER. Ue \ DAY THOME WE. 9445 11 NO 19T1I FT _ AUTOMOBILE LOANS 112ft NORTH l«TH WE. 5443 ^ RUS£N^FSS SEPV1C K-^ ^ Business Services Offer«d. 11 .IAMKS At.UN .1 P.t.i-ltv.. Kir.rt »n-r.l ■m- N.-'l-lf lVffrk AT mi HKI.1 AHt.K ivipcliv. Hur..u Suml.rlssd 11 ids .1A JOi-S. ivsht. KK tin._ I AWN'S fertll fed Reasonable WA 717 4 Building Contractors. 14 i'KT our prior* on mmt'lato Kara ana. Mor* ih'ii l.nmbat A QqaI «~o u i; S.Stl Millinery—Dressmaking. 17 ACCORPION auto, kn f«*. no* pirating . ovarrd button* all Mvlra- hamatttrhlng bu-tonholr* Writ# Man I Hylton A Tlrat ug * o JO* lit an ft lock. Omaha. Nab J A 1911 Milt PUATlVtl CO Hr mat) 11 h in c Covrrtd Buttons. 1JM 1'atnam Srcond Floor J A 5*7* f I • fur* tf mod* lr<1. chokrra innir; rraaon ' - • Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18 C1PF1 ITT HTOllAUK A VAN CO. Nil rACKlNO srOILliifi SHIPPING t'onaol data « ar« to 1 oa \ngaiaa and othar I'altfornla point* llousrhoM c-'oda pm no*. offlc# furniture. 110 11 HOW A HP ST .1A ®1*J HKKINS O W aVTa N AN A STORAOK lllh and l.#avrua-o*th Sta Fa king, mo* ’ < a i’raar. • h;rnti*g .1 a 4193 \ * hviof is tH*n u\t *11.1. .1 A 4 1 •* OH \T o: 19 C NAN 11* North llth St rhona JA ?95I; mov ing. packing, along*. 4*19911* _BUSINESS SERVICE.- «■ ^ ^IKinting^aniPPapenng^ 19 WALLPAPER SALE—7Ue PER ROLL AND UP PA PERU A U1NO. ERLD LARKS. AT. 7404: MA. 6161 PAPER your hour* now and th» dlff.r.ncr. Ev.ry p«p»r ln to $1.55 trr roll go., for $S H* P«r r«m. Inclucllnr paper *n1 .T,_or,, ” KnU'lurn. 513 B _ Patent Attorneys. _20 J W MARTIN. 1712 Dodga, Room *”• Omaha, alao Washington; Houhln aarrtca. aingla fee Alao help aril patanta. Printing Stationery._21 EDDY renting Co 517 H 1$ St JA^ Professional Service. _22 dentistry All kind* of d-ntal work done, una*’ Mw> careful supervision of orofeeanra. a *h<* Creighton I’nlveraltv Co 11 pc* of D*»$ 5»trv corner 26th and Callforr a *tr**.* Take. Harney, fuming or »r . R i:nr' R’> price*; *calp •»nd f*f ia! treat ment* 7>; manicure*. 60c, etc. Beauty Parlor. Haydens Store. PR ESCR11*TI<>N.S c«refu!»> compounded at th* f> Sh*rmwr • McConnell Drug Store* DENTAL X -r*v foe each •* full •«* I 619 **rxjr|tlea Bldg 16tb aod rarnam FISHER bath*, m****** A rt hur_Bb1^_ Repairing. 23 EXPERT aewlne machine repairing. MICK ELS. 1 h an' Harnev__1—j, EMPLOYMENT. Help Wanted Female._27 UXI’ERIENi'KD OPERATOR* AND LEARNERS. To *•«* on power nifhinei n lug Mina Taylor wash dres*** and apron*. Apply factory office. M r. SMYTH AND CO.. Tenth and Douglas. Omaha. Neb. REPRESENTATIVE to rail on ladle* •h# pr.vHcy of every home. Very gc*>! pa y. Permanent. Arnly ltnrn*d!a** Shour company. 641 Grant Uidg , San Franc!**.) EARN i. we*klv. spare ’in. •. v rltinf f< " newap* per*. m-'g*'*ln'* Exr unnec. d* faill fr$*e. Prea* Syndicate. 134. St. Lou. Mo.___ WANTED—Ester cr. — ■! Whit* «ook. ref* *renc* Mr* F B Johnson. HA 34-5. WANTED aT l'N'-E—Kipr’mtM whl‘< cook M-» N H L'pdikt HA -$ * \V A VTF1- E' ler’ ’ laA;. *> make hon - Help Wanted Male. 23 ET.EOTRTUITY tgcgl 1 *T ’ .whll* you laarn a* hom. / 'r * and proof Icaaona fr*e S- **/** ,'J1 an teed and position need write r*hl*f Engineer Co«*ke .144 Lawrence a Chicago__ A 1.1. MEN. wr.rr *n. boy a - '!• IT to willing to accept government * .*m •• * 6117-I.''ti *t• verter; amaiinff Invention; ■ o heat, without mus* and fu«* or cos wood. S'-naon Ju*t starting T*v Mfg Co I’onvu'-r 3*12. T,a> 1 >'■ MEN — Pr*p*re f1rem*n bra;*Tr*n. * r-*d aic^T' f g car porter* * : . - atrik* Nebraska road* M. r$t* Inter Ra way. D*t?. 47fi. Indlanapo: ■*. Ird. BE A D*tectlve 66-1160 ** >'• tr*v ir • nr Detective Agency. .99 Cotumbla. — - I-oul*.______ .1 Th', >'1V ps—N*"d*d *v*r v *. her* . f o*y n,<‘-*«t.rg work experi**'* tmn* *• Mrr. Wrf ' Int '-nation*• D*?*ftlve F charge «’hic*g.. dark P! !c ''hk»r J MKV—1* « * rg By r f ' r-* ppuMton* III 5-1269 month f’*e 1 c* r onrtatlon. *xper ♦r'-** urn* *>*aarv. n* r Bake'- .qupt . 23! WalnwrlghV You * FIREMEN. BRAKEMEN 1 •g 12^6 (which poaition “) Railway T -4* Omaha B»e._ MEN wir.l r, for.-* rung.-, r«'-w«v m «- • .rut govt - >rk po» ' s, w-. for r • . ul ... Mok.-. T -r- — c- ~ Help Wanted Male & Female. 29 ”■ '*T l V; • n 125-11™ week'y. «; *•* Mm*. -pylng ai*hore T.nuv; r;« R J ('»rrt»‘ Auth ALESM AN to travel In the western half of Iowa by old established coal compar Must be experienced coal saleanan. abso lutely reliable and furr sh satlafmcicr> ♦eferenre* as to * hara ter and ability. P i» Boa 22?. Cedar Rapids la._ " AT ESMEV— H ah era.'e stove and ? ’ r.Bve • $ e* ".en for Mtssaur:. Kansas. * • • ihr.mi an 1 T*xn«: *xper»*rce sel'/nr t * ranees to the trade essential; heating • per ie r. <*• dears Secur.ty Stove and Mfg Co . K ana as City. Mo. SELL Malison Better Mad* ah rta 1 -*• from our factory 'o wearer No capital or experience required. Easily sold P c profits WRITE FOB FREE SAMPLES. MADISON MILLS, 60S Broadway. New York City_ WANTED—Salesmen now traveling n a; ate a of Kansas. Nebraska. Illinois, Xowe Ohio. Mich on, except Detroit. to se 1 advertise.! -ne aporting goods. ter cent commies. »n a« sideline, great possi bilities /.dare» Y-24».\ Omaha Bee SALESMEN WANTED w;th car to handle established line cf hlrh grade brooms it* Tows. \ebrssK;i or Minnesota territory. Commission an 1 drawing account. R*f crence required Ths Griffin Broom Co. Chanuf. Kars s AGENTS*—O-Tal Poi1*h*' Monopoly Re peat order features Economical sanita*-', oioifr. 'ast*r new*at meth d for po',-.*h inc with meta! device large profit. O Pal Polisher C . 2 410 N Awre Ave.. Chicago. Ill AGENTS to sell our lateat numbers of Martha Washington house dresses direct from facto-v to w*arer. big profits for workers. For par' ~ula-s writs llilr.c k Garment Factor? 29.9 I .ricoln An, Chi cago. AGENTS—Easy to sell. ladies stylish a hoe«. ?I ingaters* boot* Fa * orv to wear er Profits da/ B:g season. Writs quickly Organising sales force. 8ty’e Krch Shoe*. Cincinnati WANTKh—Men and women ooltc *ors lib eral commissions, everyone who rides in an automobile a proep»rtlre customer; reference* required U TV Smuts A Co, ?12 l.ei/ede Gaa Bldg. St Lovaa Mo AGENTS—$C0 -$!(/> week; genuine gold letter* for store windows. eas.‘v applied :o per cent oommUsion en local arer * orders arpolnted b' you; free samp.* * Metallic 1 et t*r «V 4 ? 1> N Clark ChVae MEN to se'l much ne*ded and f**t n; auto device for a’l cara. truck* aid tractor* (standard equipment on Linco n end Franklin cars). Call Mr. Noah. 221® Fa mam AT JOM AGENTS—A buslr.e** of your own Maks snarklinr glass name plates number* checkerboards medallions star* bg, lustrated book FREE E Palmer. \l% Wi O AtlVNTS—New wonderful *e >r. 9*% profit evarv dollar an!** Deliver on a; l rente unn< eeanry No mpetltloa Sample free. klia-mn Co. 119 N Holateed.' Chicago. Ill \tlKNTS ?0c an hour Wmro «ofk'tch - apr.'n No laundering tla^'x dural* ••uarenteed ^t'i-ndM «. w * « Sample free. Thoma* Mfg. Co. Dept. Ill Dayton O KXPKIUPNi’KD **lhng tartoei* r x\ eek and K'nu* txx these xx ho >;u»l *• Call Mondav ? p m. C v* x'ald x UM llamox £d floor AtlKNTS — IS a d-xx Newrvat kltvltai l«el Fxerx xx oman u«*»* *■' t me* da. ' • x *r’lrr Rig profit* Sample ft — Thor * Mfc Co TWk <'«4 Da> ton Oh o '*x»\ s and OIRl s Kasx txx »■ t, a h , " MfuJ wat h Dietrihote . hn< and e to x our friend* Fre* aample Wr e tx'xl>.' M Don Do-don torn pan > Cfm nnan MUK.sMKN \r« f**t s.’ —>k- * • ,»r* - proposition 4 J deale'* ?. to J dai'x Fxduaixe terntotX * \x. \ ». th.’.ar K ; Ida toxxa PlKNTs $.. d.v x • ak*r.c oi «*»» t • - J » raint-xxat* f*romi«te*t delivers • We de* Mxer. xxxUer’ FaMern Raimogt Co. >.i Hox»aevelt, Chicago. HU! profit! dailv S< !| a. k* for nu kr', Sprrro t xh,1 fr flax xra Ckm.mv o ge* . v . • ia. To * •'ran up Helmet Co. Ctiu nna. " F »*«' I 3 i r xxoek • • 1 l. i.v;-7o th.'s • »xh,' . na’lfx x’a’l V -t xl,*\ * v m c xhCdXX f!l ltiit H rm ,,d f .sf v ’ • ! ’ N ^ r ' * ' tX onder fill to.-dix ue Hig *ope*ter t a prefit* ! ' * '* » C(. Rrpi V I , M X XDKN 1 s \\ anted soap agents to • #’> ■' ■' ' proxluot! No utxxnrv required W Linra Compass Rapt. lit ik L#xU* Ms*