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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1923)
Monograming For gift purposes, handkerchiefs are made much more attractive with machine or hand-made mono grams. Place your orders now. Main Floor Today, Armistice Day, America Honors the Men Who l Have 1 Made f This * Da\) One of Victory to Our Arms “Columbinev Jersey Silk Vests $2.25 Very heavy quality jersey silk vests made regular length, bodice style with self straps. Sizes 36 to 42. Bloomers to match, cut com fortably large and well rein forced at points of wear. Sizes $!•..$3.45 Second Floor Burgess-Nash Company 'EVERYBODY^ STORE” sau of Handkerchief Si \ Buy Now for Christmas ^ Woman’s Lawn Handkerchiefs 10c Sheer lawn handkerchiefs with colored borders, some with embroidered corners. Values to 19c. Women’s Linen Handkerchiefs 15c Handkerchiefs of sheer colored linen or white lawn. Values to 25c. Women’s Initial Handkerchiefs 35c_3for $1.00 Handkerchiefs of sheer linen with hand embroidered Initials and hand-drawn shire hems. Women’s Swiss Handkerchiefs 25c Swiss handkerchiefs with woven cord or spoke-stitch borders, colored or white em broidered corners. Values to 50c. Women’s Madeira Handkerchiefs 59c Sheer linen handmade Madeira handkerchiefs with embroidered cor ners. Values to 05c. Men’s Cambric Handkerchiefs 15c Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 17c Men's Linen Handkerchiefs 35c Men’s cambric handker chiefs with woven cord border. Men’s sheer linen hand kerchiefs with V,t -inch hem. All-linen hand kerchiefs, some with colored woven bor ders. Values to BOc. Mpin Floor Mezzanine Menu, 40c Breaded Veal Cutlet Au Gratin Potatoes Bread and Butter Roll Cherry Pie Tea, Coffee or Milk Mczzanina Floor Costume Overblouses $10.95 and $15.00 Blouses beautifully beaded in contrasting shades, add a fin ished touch to the two-piece suit. Of velvet, canton crepe, and satin they are of good qual ity and suitable for every day wear. Hem Line Blouses Beautiful new hem line blouses, cut to hang gracefully with an extra skirt. This makes a costume suitable for afternoon and informal wear. Fashioned of metal cloth, bro caded chiffon and velvet, some are fur trimmed. Values to §40.00. Third Floor NOTIONS 50c Shinola Home Set, consists of wool polisher and OQ_ bristle dauber.A5/C 10c Shoe laces, all colors, pair .6* 25c Silk shoe laces, all colors, pair. .17* 59c Fancy slipper soles, all colors and sizes . , .47* 10c Shoe trees, pair.7* 60c Coats’ thread, all sizes, dozen .... .52* 10c Kohinor snaps, all sizes, card .7* 15c Needles, all sizes, pkg., f)* 10c Tomato pin cushion .. .7* 10c Electro plates thimbles, tf>* 10c Hooks and eyes, card. -7* 25c Hook and eye tape, yard.17* $1.60 Vcnida haimets, double or single mesh in cap or fringe, all colors, doz. . ...81.35 25c Shell hairpins.17* Main Floor Sale of Silk Hosiery At Greatly Reduced Prices Uur buyers have just returned from eastern markets with a special purchase of unusually fine quality silk hose. These we offer to the people of Omaha at a most opportune time, for included in seven groups are many pairs of hose that will prove acceptable Christmas gifts. $U5 Values 88c Very attractive clocked hose in the wanted fall and winter shades, including Havana, sand and polo gray, as well as black. All are first quality. f ' Women’s Hose, All First Quality $2.25 Values $1.69 Full fashioned silk hose made with lisle garter hem. These are medium weight in black and Ha vana brown. Main Floor 1 1 " i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ $2 JO Values $1.95 First quality silk hose with fancy embroidered clox. Black, Havana brown, gray and log cabin with black clox. Regular $2.50 value. Hose for Children Mercerized Hose At 39c Plain and Richelieu ribbed hose in black, Russian calf, cordovan, buck and polo gray. These are slightly irregular, but the wearing quality is in no way impaired. Sizes 6 to 10. Regular 65c quality. 2 pairs for JoC At 45c Heavy weight derby ribbed hose. Black and cordovan In sizes 6 to 10. These are slightly irregular, but are values to 75c. 3 pairs for §1.25 Mat* Floor Men’s Silk Hose At 49c 1,200 pair* of pure silk hose, regularly priced 11.00. These are finely woven with reinforced heels and double soles. These are slightly ir regular. Sizes 914 to 12. At 79c Included are first quality hose of the best possible manufacture. Regular $1.60 quality and are an unusual value at this very low price. Black, cordovan, navy and gray. Sizes DV4 to 12. Main Floor Baby Week, Baby Blankets, Each $2.95 These are reversible pink and white, blue and white or tan and white. Some are hand-ap pliqued nursery figures. These are slightly soiled from display. Regular ?5.50 value. Cashmere Sacques, 89c These easily laundered cash mere sacques are especially nice for cool mornings. All are hand • embroidered. Regularly $1.60. Knitted Baby Jackets, Each $1.39 Cunning little jackets fas tened with ribbons and daintily trimmed with embroidery. Knitted Capes, each $3.50 ~ Attractive little capes in a variety of delicate colors. All are trimmed with white brushed wool. Gingham Dresses, at Little girls’ school or playtime dresses in. tiny checks and in solid colors. A number of styles; many with sashes. Each. at .75<* Children’s Dresses, at V2 Price Organdie, dotted Swiss and batiste dresses; exquis ite little models that are slightly soiled and mussed from display. Sires 2 to 6. Infants’ Sacques, each, $1.89 White c-ihmere and crapella Jacques, beautifully embroid eredby hand and finished with soft ribbons. Regular $3.50 value. Knitted Sets, $3.50 Sweater, hood and booties em broidered in silk and trimmed with ribbons. Sweater Sets, $4.98 Red and white brushed wool sets, consisting of sweater leg gins and cap. “Red Star” Diapers One dozen hemmed diapers in a sealed package. <M AQ Pkg.<J)1 ,JQ Baby Blankets Soft, warm pink and blue blan kets, 30x40 inches in size. Eight dozen are priced specially for Baby Week, Oft each .o9C Outing Gertrudes Each 49c Long and short kimonos and gertrudes / of outing flannel. These are exception ally good quality. X Third Floor Household Linens and Bedding Cotton Filled Comforts 72x80-inch comforts with figured covering in eight attractive colors. d»Q QC Each . Large Size Blankets 72x84-inch woven blankets, in three and five-inch block designs, while OQ 100 pairs last, each. Sub-Wool Blankets 66x80-inch soft sub-wool blankets in gray with pink borders, d»0 QP special, each. Madeira Pillow Case 45x36-inch pillow cases of fine Irish linen, hand embroidered and scal loped, per (O QC pair .vv) Cotton Blankets Good quality white cot ton comforts covered with silkolene. 72x84 inch size; each .*2/ Damask Table Cloths 70x88-inch Irish linen damask cloths in oblong table size. Many tfjo OQ attractive designs, each... Linen Towel* All-linen towels with deep damask bor der, finished with hemstitched PA ends. Large size, each. S«cond Floor Thanksgiving Sale of Silverware Casseroles $7 JO Values $4.95 Heavy silver plated casserole hold ers, fitted genuine Pyrex baking dish. Salts and Peppers, Pair $2.89 Beautiful Dutch eilveh reproductions in several attractive pat terns. Regular {3.SO value. Fruit Baskets $7J>0 Values $4.95 Graceful basket* of Sheffield silver in lovely pierced design*. Bud Vases $7JO Values $4.95 Octagon shaped silver plated bud vases. 18 per cent nickel silver base. An unusual value. Chest of Silver 26 Pieces $9.75 The new Orleans pattern in beau* tiful flat silver. The chest consists of 6 knives, * forks, 6 teaspoons, 6 tablespoons, butter knife and sugar shell. Fully guaranteed for 10 years. Main Floor Art Needlework Start Your Christmas G:,*s Now Free Instruction on f.'eediework Nn Baby dresses .SI.25 to S2.CO Crib Sets Set consisting of cover, scarf and pillow stamped on unbleached muslin, to be ap pliqued .DDC Bed Spreads 80xl00-inch spread stamped on unbleached muslin. (M QP Basket design. Pillow Cases Pillow cases stamped on 42-inch tubing, some hemstitched for crocheting, others for embroidery. Pair. F’oor Charming Arrivals in Silk and Wool Dresses | $49.50 to $79.50 Fur, embroidery and beaded trimmed dresses in cleverly designed models of silk and wool. Frocks that portray the varied styles of the season are developed in Satin Crepe Canton Crepe Ceorgetle Flat Crepe Brocaded. Velvet Charmeen Poiret Twill Chenille Dresses suitable for street and aft ernoon wear in brown, rosewood, cocoa, navy, sapphire, green and black; in sizes 14 to 44. Third Floor Sale of Cut Glassware A wonderful show ing of light cut glass in a large assortment of pieces, Including— Handled Sandwich Plates v Cheese and Cracker Dishes Plates Choice Values Up to $3.60 Flower Baskets Cologne Bottle with Stopper Footed Berry Bowls /V a p pies Sugar and Creamers Com ports Covered Butter Tubs ('andy Jars On the Fourth Floor--Exhibition Of Expert Glass Cutting from November 12 to 17 inclusive, an expert glass cutter wi|l give demonstrations of glass cutting, and will repair, free of charge, any'idece of cut glass. Special designs will be cut ^o order on Hiiy piece of cut glass bought in our department during this week. _ Fourth Floor‘ Sale of Bath Robes For Men, Women, Children Men’s Robes at $3.49 Lawrence robes in a wide range of patterns made with convertible collar and cord tie. A wonderful assortment at the lowest prices offered in years. at $4.95 Bripht patterned Law rence robes made with roll shaw collar, and trimmed with silk cord. Also con vertible collar. Beacon blanket robes, finished with silk cord. Main Floor One Lot of Boys' Robes Boys’ bathrobes made in the belted all-around style in a wide ranpre of plaids and mixtures. Third Floor $3.49 Women's Robes $3.25 \\ omen's Beacon and Lawrence blan ket robes in new patterns. Kach robe finished with a collar and cord girdle. Colors— Gray Nary Tan All cut full and long in sires lb to 4 1. Third Floor Girls’ Robes $4.95 and $5.95 Blanket robes and those of Terry cloth, figured and striped. Many are made with neck, bound with satin ribbon; other styles with round or square collar. Sizes P ft* II. S«i und Moor