The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 11, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 1-C, Image 21

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    ' *°m£s'.s*es i The < imaha Sunday Bee i —izmi,
m ‘ Do£ rrHitf 0«n ”
High bred canines in Omaha will come In for their day November 17 when
Hie Nebraska Kennel club will open it/ two-day dog show at the Auditorium.
Mrs. James E. Davidson the beautiful wife of Ak-Sar-Ben’g king, will
enter "Buzz” her wire-haired fox terrier. Mrs. J. E. Megeath has a dog of
this bried, named "Rap.” Her Scotch collie "Cash” came as a wedding
present from Colorado. Little Windsor Megeath, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Megeath, likes nothing better than a day at his aunt's home which Includes,
of course, delightful romps with “Cash,” his favorite pet.
tol. J. H. Parker brought his wife three chow chows from China several
years ago. They are dogs rarely seen in Omaha. The one In the picture took
a first in St. Louis at one of the largest dog shows there.
Tugging at their leashes here are Mrs. W. C. Edmiston’s Chesapeakes,
Sandy .the white one and Don the brown.
Mrs. Janies Allan’s Scottish terriers ’’Tain’’ and "Meg” are the “proud
parents’* of three wee black and brindle puppies. "Tain" is all attention on
his hind legs when a tid bit hangs over his head.
Tiny two and four pound Chihaiihuas owned by Mrs. J. \V. Gardner and
Mrs. Effie M. Jones will be entered and at the other extreme will be Miss
Yernelle Head's German police dog. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton, jr. have a
<>reat Dane, not yet his full growth.
Mrs. G. H. Moore will make about 10 entries from her kennel of I’ekinesi
and English toy spaniels.
J(ts JV
and HER,
cAfrs U) C
<j’'atmi store
chesapeak es
THf OA*HA 8ff •
■" U)incisor
Jfegeaih, and his
scotch couliE
'Cash *
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cJ(ts c1. <5
'Jps p AMO
Cask -
ctf*s. cf 9dViclson. J
oewru photo
cj(ts James »«o hs«i scotch t*r.«.is«.s
"Jam "ano £4te<f ’ thf o«»«a im sta*>p photo.
“Three Times a Bridesmaid,
Never a Bride”
But Seven Times a Bridesmaid and a Bride She Will
Be—Ak-Sar-Ben Queen Holds Record as Attend
ant at the Larger Weddings.
MAY wp hope for an announcement from the Queen of Ak SnrBen soon?
"Three times a bridesmaid, never a bride,” goes the old saying. Miss
Eleanor Burkley, reigning <iueen, fulfilled the first condition some time
ago, so Gabby has felt rather secure about her. despite numerous and ardent
But Just the other day we learned the revised version of the old saying.
It confirms the "three times a bridesmaid, never a bride” but goes on to say
“unless you have served at seven weddings and fhpn you are sure to be a
So now* we are nervous again. With the announcement that Miss Head
has chosen Miss Burkley as her maid of honor, she will have been attendant
six weddings, and should Miss Dorothy Judson ask Miss Burkley to be
in her tyeddlng party when she marries Wallace Sheppard In the spring, and
it is nvore than probable she will, the magic seven will have l>een reached
What then?
Just as a guess, Gabby would suggest the name of one of our taller and
handsomer young men. whose attractive manner is backed up with the pres
tlge of a creditable record at one of the largest eastern universities.
Miss Burkley probably holds the record as attendant at outstanding wed
dings of the last few years. She accompanied to the altar Misses Elizabeth
Itlngwalt, Dorothy Kipllngcr, Helen Smith, Marinn Hamilton, Dorothy Belt,
add will attend Miss Vernelle Head In January and doubtless will be in the
wedding party of Miss Judson at a later date.
n WEDDING In New York!
Thwarted friends who received
cards to the wedding of Ger
trude Kountze and Ray Millard,
which they will be unable to attend,
adopt the sour grape consolatory
measure saying “a wedding away
from all your friends wouldn't bn
much fun.”
They will be surprised to IcHrn
1hnt Miss Kountze will be married
in New York with as grent an array
of well-known faces around her as
she would have In Omaha. A close
friend of the family declared to Gab
by Just the other day, that as many
invitations were Issued to New York
ers, as to Omnhans. The wide rami
fications of the Kountze family In
the east, and many school friendships
formed by both the bride and groom
lend a great scope to the list of those
YOU'LL all be surprised to hear
that another young medical man
has been caught In Cupid’s, or Is
It Stupid's net?
course you'll only be surprised
if you are able to guess who he Is.
Ry way of Identification tie It known
that he studied his medicinal arts
at the University of Nebraska
branch here, whpre he wn* a mem
ber of the Phi Rho fraternity, and
that he had what la known a* a way
(albeit a wary way) with the ladles.
Thla way he retnlned after getting
his diploma, nnd lias had a more
or less merry time philandering
around. This week-end. however, he
gave his hand arfay for though he
motored down to the game at Lin
coln, the only bachelor In u married
crowd, she of the opposing team, she
speedily Joined him on hi* arrival.
In the group of Oinnhans with
whom he was were the two doctors
with whom he Is associated as a Ju
nlor servant. The party was an
nounced earlier Iq the week by the
social ffrrlbe.
□NLV lately one of the Telephone
company's confirmed bachelors
established * matrimonial prece
dent which one of I he other bachelors
there Is frying to emulate. Very fre
ipiently lie Is seen with the Dulcifies
of his choice, and even mf recently
as yesterday they were two of the
5,0(10 Omnhans at the Notre Hume
The young lady herself hss not
been without s matrtmnnlsl prece
dent, for only this fall her cousin was
In the van of the season's brides,
Social Affairs Taboo for Week
of November 19
Great Rally Among Women Leaders to Support the
Community Chest Drive for $402,000.
The social slate will be wiped prac
tically clean of daytime events such
aa luncheons, afternoon bridge par
ties or teas during the week of No
vember 19 when the campaign Is on
to raise $402,000 for the support of
29 Omaha charities. Mrs. W. J.
Hynes, chairman, and Mr*. C. M. Wil
helm. vice chairman, ore urging the
women of Omaha to forego all day
time hocia 1 engagements to work for
the Community Chest. Neither of
these women nor any of their 22 ma
jors hna a single social engagement
during the daytime for that week
In fact, Mrli. Hynea and Mr*. Wil
helm have already been working on
such a schedule for a week and will
continue to do so for another two
weeks. Mrs. Jlynes hns a guest, Mis.
K. J. McVann of Washington. Her
friend* have taken entire responslbtl
ity for Mrs. McVann'a entertainment
arid she sees her hostess during the
day only by calling on /her at thi*
campaign headquarters, 1*24 Harney
Mrs Hynes permitted herself one
social diversion last week. Hhe at
tended the Nebrnska-Notre lame
game at Lincoln Saturday. Mrs. Wil
helm will break her three week ached
ule Juat once. She will entertain the
Fortnightly Mualcnl club at her home
"We should make this week one of
sacrifice and consecrate It to a com
mon cause,'’ declared Mrs. Hynca.
"latstlng good should come out of
thla drive aside from the financial
aid extended the various Institutions.
When It Is ended the citizens of Oma
ha will know more shout their charl
ties and they will be more personally
Interested in their support, for this
Is to be an educational as well ns it
money campaign."
Miss Marlon Towle, president of the
Junior league, heartily approves of
tho plan to forego daylight festivities
during campaign week. Hhe believes
that the hostess who does entertain
that week should pay for the prl
vllege, njtd suggests that both she
and her guesta make up a fund that
day and donate It to lha chad. She
also suggests that If bridge la played
that women penalize themselves by
giving the prtzo money to the cheat.
The league has agreed to forego so
ctal activities during the week.
Mlaa Towle further suggests that
next year the Community Cheat week
close with a charity ball. "I believe
a large sum of money could he real
izod for the chest that way. Also It
would compensate for a week of so
clal Inactivity."
Mrs. E. W. Nash believes all social
plans should be khandoned for that
w^Sk. "Unless the women as welt
ak the men work hard the money will
not be raised." said Mrs. Nash. "I
am deeply Interested In this Commu
nity Chest plan and am anxious to
see liow It works out. This will be
the tost of Its practicability. In other
cities they are very enthusliistlr about
the system. If we can raise the money
this way It will tie a splendid thing
Other well known women are out
spoken In their supi>ort of the Idea of
giving up luncheons and teas during
campaign week They expressed
themselves In n<> uncertain terms ns
Mrs. Conrad Toung "I heartily ap
prove of giving up all sorlal engage
menta during the daytime In cam
palgn week. I have favored the chest
plan right along It will eliminate
overlapping of charily work and the
need of drives every few weeks, it
must succeed "
Mr*. C. Oeorge: "There ehouh!
Ije no entertaining during the day
time while the Community Cheat
drive la on. Women ahould get out
and work. There will he plenty to
Mlaa Eleanor Hurldey, queen of
Ak Bar lien. "We muet give up aortal
engagement* that week. It la the
only way the drive ran he pul over
I think the idea of the fVmnuioity
Cheat grow a more popular each (lav
aa people enderatnnd It The women
who will condtirt Ihe hnuae to hoitee
campaign ahould he highly commend
ad for thla will be Ihe moat diffi
cult thing to do."
MU* Claire Daugherty; I think «'
far ae formal entertaining that week,
Smith Cluj} Makes
Scrapbooks for
The Smith College club, which l»
pursuing the policy of monthly lunch
enne at the homra of It* members
this yesr. will make Christmaa scrap
books for children who are In hog
pltals. The little shilling will find
the book a most Interesting for movie
"stills" kindly conducted by the
Strand and Rialto theater* will be
used a* pictures.
Following the next luncheon, which
Mr*. Walter Preston and Mr*. Kdgar
Scott will give at the Omaha club,
the members will adjourn to the
Hlaekstone. where they will clip and
paste on cambric books.
In the collection sre a number of
scene* from the Bible. Fascinating
glimpses of life in costume plays will
lend Interest. Most of the picture*
are shiny blacks and whites, but a
few will be done In colora.
the onlcruinr should he blank. This
will lw a week for work."
Mrs. F. A. Nash: "I think women
should f uego social affairs during
the day for that week. If they are
not working In the campaign, they
shipitld he st home to receive ths so
licitors and mske their work easier."
Mrs Henry Wyman: "I think there
Is a spiritual significance to this
drive as well Ns material one. We can
well afford for one week to give up
our plrasure and devote our time one
way or mother to Community Chest
work "
Mrs tiled Wharton approves Mi*
Hynes' plan "All the Junior league
members have agreed to give up so
dal affairs that week," she declared
Mrs. T. I,. Pavia, who has been
In charge of work at the Day Nurs
ery, has been accustomed lo giving up
social engagements since she took
over that work * 1 haven't been to
an affair In the daytime for weeks.
It’s a tremendous task to raise the
sum the Community Cheat asks and
the only way the women nil do their
part Is to work Hint week," she do
dared, •
Mrs Frank Judaon and her daugn
ter. Miss Dorothy, Mis Clyde Itoeder.
Miss Kina Itced, Mrs. Malcolm Hal
drlge and scores of other women
have adopted (he no play plan tor
that week, i
Comings and Go
ings of People
You Know
Mr. and Mrn. A H Richardson are
In New York City and will return next
Sam C. Johnson of Clayton. N. M .
spent Friday with Mr. and Mr*. M.
J Oreevy.
Mrs. Thomas Niles and son are
the guests of her parents. Mr. and
Mrs T. \V. Austin.
Mrs. Allen Chambers of 8t. Paul.
Minn . who has been visiting Mrs. A
I,. Vernon and Mrs. Krdman nruner.
left Saturday evening for her horns.
Misses Jean Falconer and Ruth
Hope are spending the week end in
Lincoln at the Alpha XI Delta house
Mrs. K H. Deaeauer. her daughter.
Vlrglna. and son, Lowell, included six
In their party motoring to Lincoln
Mr and Mrs. Burton Howard and
Mias Helen Sunderland and Fred
Curtis motored to Lincoln yesterday
for the week end.
Miss Ixettn Smith, who Is In New
York at the present, will be a guest
there at the wedding of Miss Gertrude
Kountre and Kay Millard, December 1
Mr nnd Mr* J F Halley will
spend Thanksgiving with Mr and
Mr* H B Van Vetser In Chicago.
Mr. Hailey will mnk«^ New York
trip at this time.
Mr* Arthur Crittenden Smith and
her daughter. Harnett, will return to
Omaha thk first of January from Co
ll is-i tt. Maaa Mis* Harriett, who
ha* been III for the past few years. Is
•ntlrely recovered,
Mrs. C N Diet* who left jester
day for Tennessee, will be Joined
theiw bv her slsler. Mrs. John H.
Hudson, Together thug will visit til
Chicago, returning home November
Misses Katherine Reynolds and
le do rnnllgus and Messrs, George
Driver and 1 A. Bred are spending
Ike week end In Lincoln. The girls
•ire the guest* of the Phi Omega HI
Mrs, Watson Smith of New York !
city, formerly Mi*s Itasel Howard of
Omaha. Is the guest of her mother;
nnd of her brother. Burton F How j
ard Mr Smith, who Is engaged In
ronatruetlon work at Keokuk, ta , j
will Join his wife nnd two little sons]
(Tarn to !-*■• Twe. loin mu Twa.1 1
World-Wide Birthday Party
Although her mother, Mr*. Edwin Fainter, lives in Honolulu. Mr*.
Frank Norton of Omaha la planning a worldwide birthday party for her
on November !6, two weeks from Monday.
At 10 p rn . Mrs. Norto>b*eriH send a poem greeting to her mother by
radio Mr and Mr* Kenneth Norton of Coming. N Y . will listen in aa
wilt Rudyard Norton, another son. at Yale. Miss Porothy. who ta at home
this season. will unite with her mother In sending congratulation* to her
Mrs Charles Herbert Sweetser of San Francisco, sister of Mrs Norton.
Is now a visitor In Honolulu, and will Join with her mother and a brother,
Howard J. Farmer, in receiving the message. Mr. Swcetaer. in San Fran
elaco, has been Invited to the party.
Mrs Faroe i does not know of the unique mess ige of love she will re
ceive on her birthday, but Mis Norton b s appr sod Iter hrother he letter,
of the plan and he wilt take his mother to a receiving station at Waikiki
at the appointed time.
Miss Rlanoh* Peters of Albion Neb . w ho was Mrs Norton's maid of
honor, will be a guest at the rad, party. Mr* I.enora Piet* Nortor a
much beloved friend of Mrs Norte: who will be In J.os Angeles at :h«
time, according to present plans, has helped plan the surprise for Mrs.
Farmer and will listen in from the Pacific must.
Affairs for General and
Mrs. l.eroy Upton.
Many Informal affair* are be "S
Blvrn fot Ilenrrnl and Mr*. l.em>
l. pton. who leave within th* next two
week* to motor to thoir new- post In
Kort Howard. Md llenei al and Mrs*
I'ptnn mint to Omnha ** Colonel and
Mr* I’pton of the Seventh oorpe
area headhunt tera
Ttte.’.dny e\v I'.ins t'vl Hat't'i Millet
will entertain for the general and hi*
wife, and Thursday there will he a
h i,: fnrtual dinner at the I'nivetalty
eluh. Riven hv the officers and ladies
. f the Seventh ccri** area
Steal Roa-t I ast Eve.
The M s*t < and « M T.
Sehwuu O II Over fi I Taster,
K Mnelnlviv Krnest I'hinp* A,
11 Nabs ted*. Mi* Randall, and
i < ho Itiettnan had a a.eak reast
welting at a huntlne ledge near