The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 11, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 2

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M Jhompson^Go/denitj
Mother’s Part
In Father
and ,
Mothers probably have
noticed that Son is a great
pal of Father’s when it
comes to borrowing hand
le e r*c h i e f's if Father’s
drawer is filled with the
good-looking kind she buys
here for 50c. So if she
lays in a good supply of
these linen ones with
drawn colored thread ,or
the beautiful, plain white
ones with the threads
drawn by hand for the
hemstitching so they will
be perfectly straight and
true, she may be certain
she is promoting the good
fellowship of the father
and son in her family this
Speaking of
Notwithstanding the keen
activity of Omaha in the
Community Chest Drive, it
is probable woman’s big
drive will ever be for her
hope chest. So why not a
handmade towel of col
ored linen for the treasure
chest of the hope-to-be
brides you have on your
Christmas list this year.
One yard of the 36-inch
linen that costs a dollar
will make two towels.
There’s a ravishing shade
of honeydew as well as
lavender, yellow, tan,
green, pink and blue In the
collection on the Second
Hand in Glove
With Motoring
The woman who drives a.
Marmon and she who
parks a Ford both agree
that wool gauntlets are the
gloves for winter driving.
Our new shipment from
“Bacmo” is just in. Camel,
silver, brown and heather
shades in women’s gaunt
lets cost $1.50. Children’s
are $1.25.
Plenty of It
So many school teachers
have been buying gold and
silver braids in our trim
ming section for the parch
mept shades which the art
classes are making that we
bought this new shipment
with them particularly in
mind. There are a num
ber of pretty patterns .aL
12V&C and 15e a yardjM*^
if you can make use>«^fcft
yard quantities it willTWll
cost $1.35 and $1.65. yT'
“How to Keep*
Weir Though
Are you afraid of catching
cold when you change
from the wool stockings
you wear with your ox
fords to the silk hose that*
match your afternoon
frock? Do you feel it is
hazardous to don sheerest
chiffons with your dinner
gown on wintry evenings?
Then we prescribe under
silk hose the cure for your
case. They are full fash
ioned of finest imported
cashmere in a pale flesh
color and slip on as would
a lining under the sheerest
of silk stockings. Really
no one would suspect them
of being there. Instead of
making ankles look
heavier, on the contrary it
often enhances their beau
ty by concealing any im
perfections. G. P. S.
* _
Tomorrow Brings Our Famous
of New and Fashionable
Fall and Winter
PRESENTING a variety of the newest and smartest hats in
America at irresistible prices! Advance styles—surpass
ing values—and this is true of each and every one of the
hundreds of hats in this spectacular millinery achievement.
This is our assurance to you.
As a Great Conception, as a merchandising
achievement, this event has no equal!
On1’ 'nm is to present the newest and the finest hats obtainable at ac
tually less than the prevailing wholesale prices of the same merchan
dise. Seemingly impossible—but months of careful effort—the co-oper
ation of the foremost manufacturers—and lo! here they are for your
* /
Every one of our dis
play windows has
been , devoted to the
showing of these hats.
So important do we
consider the event. It
reveals their richness
and beauty in striking
Striking Pattern Hats and Copies
of Imported French Models
Did you ever dream of purchasing Maison
Maurice hats, Belart hats, or others from
equally famous makers, at this price—less
than half the ordinary prices? Only in the
Everywoman’s Sale is this possible! These
are hats that set the style for the milliners of
Exclusive Winter Hats
From the leading fashion creators of Fifth Avenue
come these distinctive cha
peaux at a fraction of their
regular prices! You’ll fine}
dance hats, dress styles, rich
satin hats, fur-trimmed hats, .
embroidered hats one-of-a
kind model* only!
Brilliant Dress Hats
Every need of matron and
miss is satisfied in this great
group—so many hats to
choose from! The new sat
ins, fur-trimmed or embroi
dered . . . hats with lace
veils . . . gold and silver
turbans . . . brocade and
velvet combinations of great
Trimmed Hats
Scores of Styles
Never before have
you had an oppor
tunity to choose
hats like these at
such a price.
Cloches, mush
rooms, pokes, tur
bans in a splendid
variety of materi
Fourth Floor
Genuine Matteawan
,V elours
Mattewan velours are fa
mous for their high quality,
their soft becoming con
tours, the wonderful richness
of the furry nap.
Tomorrow we present the
most desirable new styles, in
black, brown, beaver, pheas
ant, silver gray.
250 -
Trimmed and
Sport Hats
A smart new
hat for motor
ing. for sports
or for street,
wear can be
found in this
r e m a rkable
The Usual
All Sales
National Father and Son Week—November 11th to 18th