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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1923)
The Best Rooms in Town Are Advertised Under Rooms For Rent 1 ^ EMPLOYMENT.^_ Salesmen and Agents. 30 ONLY one sale dally means $200 per month; five sales, $1,000 monthly! Main or side line. Marvelous now three-pound adding machine, Retails $15. Work equals $300 machine. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, automatically. Speedy, accu rate, durable, handsome, five-year guar antee. Tremendous demand. Amazing profits. Write quick for liberal trial offer and protected territory. Lightning Calculator Co., Dept. 27. Grand Rapida, Mich. SALESMEN—HERE IS AN EXTRAORD INARY PROPOSITION for salesmen strong-willed with a commanding per sonality and accustomed to success. This Is an opportunity to acquire Juris diction over fifty field men, all mak ing for you $5 to $10 per day. IT'S BRAND NEW. Contract continuing In force Indefinitely with men of capabil ity. For detailed Information see COUNCIL BLUFFS REMEDY CO., COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. WANTED—Lady or gontleman of mid dle age, with business ability, to handle a thigh class specialty sold on a money back guarantee and highly remunerative; this la a dignified position, not a house to-house Job: no competition; every per. ■on needs pne some time In life; business secured through advertising and office ■ales; Mg profits and pleasant work. Ad dress Radium Appliance, 1284 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angelea, Cal. COAL AGENCY OPPORTUNITY. Highest grade soft and hard -coal. You get mine prices and spll at whatever profit you want. Our'men now averag gin over $1.C0 ton. No yard or equip ment necessary. We put you in busi ness. jVerv small amount working cap ital needed. BOYLSTON COAL CO., 3880 So, Racine Ave„ Chicago AGENTS: WRITE FOR PART OR FULL TIME LINE. ABSOLUTE NECESSITY. GOES BIG ALL YEAR. REPEATS REGULARLY. PERMANENT INCOME FOR YOU. LADIES SHOES. STYLISH. QUALITY. CHEAPLY PRICED. DIRECT TO WEARER. STYLE ARCH SHOE CO., DEPT. 133-B, 1414 VINE, CINCINNATI, OHIO AGENTS—$5 to $15 dally easy. Your pay In advance. Introducing new style guar anteed hosiery. Must wear or replaced free. No cupital nor experience required. Just show samples. Write orders. We deliver and collect. Early agents get the BIG XMAS orders. Elegant outfit fur nished All colors, grades, including silks, wool, fleece-lined, heathers. M’ao-O-Chee Mills Co.. Mill 7945, Cincinnati. O. ! **JENTS—Make $500 for Christmas. $16 ^ay. $2 hour. New patented aluminum cutlery set. Wonderful present. Take Christmas orders now. Your pay at once. We deliver and collect. Samples free. Don’t miss this Mg holiday clean-up. Start quick. Write today. Jennjpgs Mfg. Co Room 1633. Dayton. Ohio._ AGENTS—Free samples. Large manufac turer wants agents to sell shirts direct to wearer. Latest exclusive N. Y. pat terns. Easily sold. Fisher Shirt Co., 643 Broadway, N. Y. AGENTS—New wonderful seller, 96c prof it every dollar sales. Deliver on spot. License unnecessary. No competition. Sample free. Mission Co., 619 N. Hal sted, Chicago. 111. AGENTS—A buslnees of your own, males sparkling glass name plates, numbers, checkerboards, medallions. signs; big illustrated book free. E. Palmer, 164 Wooster, Q. SALESMEN—First-class salesmen wanted for wonderful novelties. Greatest sellers' Just now. Our men make over $100 weekly. Brandau Co., 439 S. Irving Ave., Chicago. SALESMAN—$150 month and expenses selling cigars. Experience not necessary. Send self-addressed envelope for Informa tion. National Cigar Co., High Point, N, C. AGENTS. $60-$200 week. Genuine gold letters for store windows. Easily applied. 20 per cent commission on local agents* orders appointed by you. Free samples. Metallic Letter Co., 436 N. Clark, Chicago. AGENTS sell guaranteed hosiery, direct from mill to wearer, salary paid for full nine or spare hours. All styles in cot ton. heather, and silks. International Knitting Mill*, Norristown, Pa. WANTED—Magazine ealeem&n. Must bo able to produce. Guaranteed salarc on guaranteed productions. Call 308 Baird Bldg. EXPERIENCED, selling farmers, $50 and bonus per week to those who Qualify. Call only Monday, 7 p. m. C. C. Caldwell, 1614 Harney, second floor.1 AGENTS— lino.oo per week to sell Flve In-One Wringer Mops. Wonderful sell ers Combination mop, mop stick, scrub brush, scraper and tdjustable mop wring er. Operates exactly like clothes wringer. Wv’rlto now for free details. Several new quick-selling specialties. * No capital re quired. Five-In-One Mfg. Co.. Worces ter. Mass. AGENTS—Large corporation wants a service man In *v«ry town to paste up Its signs on storekeepers* windows. Excellent opportunity for reliable party. No ex perience necessary. We also have at tractive pbopositlon for agents and sales men. Guarantee Sign Service, 361 W. superior, Chicago. _ AGENTS— $18 daily displaying Thomai duplex coats. One side stylish topcoat, ether stdVm-proof raincoat. Two coats for price of one. You simply wear coat and book ortters. We deliver and collect. Sample coat free. Thomas Mfg. Co., Section 3844, Dayton, Q. ADVERTISING salesmen wanted, to sell our exclusively manufactured line of Art DeLuxe business calendars, blotters, fans, mailing cards, novelties, etc., from fac tory to consumer. Henderson Lltho ghaphing.Co , Cincinnati. O. TWENTY EIGHT salesmen. $50 to $75 weekly increased income selling 1923 personal greeting cards. Full or Hpare time. Weekly payment. Samples free. Helling experience unnecessary. Get detail*. John Hertle Co.. Dept. 195. 9 S. Clinton, Chicago, III. AGENTS— Canvassers. Exclusive selling rights for the most seasonable article on the market. Hold direct from factory to user Every home a prospect. Wonderful repeater. No competition. No investment. Address G. Beneke. Home Profit Co., 872 Hudson Ave., Rochester. N Y. LARGE and well established Omaha con cern wants high class experienced travel ing salesman. Salary, commission and ex penses. Must be producer with strong personality. Don't answer unless you can qualify, dive full details first letter. Box W-71, Onuru Bee. A SALESMEN: $25.00 to distributers. De liver five rations of Lightning, the won derful battery compound which rhargos batteries instantly, to garages. We give you the Lightning—you collect the money and profit on repeats. Lightning Elec trolytic St pyil, Minn. AGENTS: WHY work for others? Htart. and operate your own business. $100 to *500 profit weekly in the proprietary _ specialty business. We furnish everything ■pand show you how. Booklet free. Nat l w Scientific Labs. 200 Monro#. Richmond, Va.___ AGENTS—Men and women, earn big weekly Income shoeing and taking orders for our sanitary necessities for women and baMee; fast sales; write for full par ticulars American Rubber Products Co., Dwpt. 610. Pittsburgh, Pa.__ SELL Malison Better Made shirts direr from our factory to wearer. No capital or experience required. Easily sold. Big profits. WRITE FOR FREE SAMPLES MADISON MILLS. 503 Broadway. New York City AGENTS—$16 day. $90 week. New style written guarantee hosiery for men. women children. Must wear or new hose free Try It spare time. Sample* free. Get started quick. Jennings Mfg. Co, Trial 1242, Dayton. Ohio. ___ ft ALEHMEN. Inexperienced or experi enced, city or traveling. Write for free hook "Modern Salesmanship." Dig de mand for men. Barn $1,600 to yflurly. Nation,,! Hale.m.n ■ Tr. A wan. Pout. 409, Chicago. acIKNtS — I,ookwood-Orl»nd«r.Rob«rt»— Make lioo.oo, weekly. Jiffy Ch*nK«»bl« f/lKriH. Henna tlonal aeller,. Kvery mnr cfiant buys. float» you 2Tc. Sella 11.00, easy to sell 26 to 60 dally. Peoples Mfg. Co., 604 W. Randolph Ht., Chicago SALEH BOARD SALESMEN WANTED. Now making small towns. Big commis sion* Best assortments. Average sale, *90.00, You can place one a day. Write K /fir P Hales Company, 4325 East Rav enawood Ave.. Dept. 261. Chicago SALEHMEN—$60 daily made by best men. 140 weekly and expenses guaranteed a gs Inst commissions. Unsqualed oppor tunity. Main Novelty Co., Dept. F. R , Codaf Rapids, la, SALESMEN—Experienced. selling art and 12.sheet calendars, fans, yard sMcka. road >gna an«l advertising novelties. Large JIn«. exclusive territory. The Nfercer Co., Ot<umwa, ia. AGENTS: $30 00 dally representing fac tory. Electric lighted vanity oases Fastest seller out. Pay advanced. We deliver. Write for sample GOLD HM1TH, 29 Hu. Clinton, Chicago. AGENTS: $25 dally taking orders f?r 8 2 raincoats. Promptest deliveries. We deliver, collect. Eastern Raincoat Co., 913 Roosevelt. Chicago, * HALBH CARD Salesman Exceptionally good line. Make $1,000 before Xu*** Good all year round proposltIona, js « K Hales Co., 2011 North Halated, Chicago. HALER MEN—Advertising, to sell epic* on entirely new proposition* bee Mr. Loch ray. 300 Crounee Rlk. ’*20 t«, tUl a day easily. Now rapid sell ing .*«pi laity. All retailers buy Main Specialty Cv„ Dept. L, Cedar Rapids, la. ^^EMPLOYMENT. _ _ _ j Salesmen and Agents. 30 COTTON 18 KINO. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED. Due to the boll weevil and other Insect pests, high priced labor and high priced fertilizer, and a great deal of the black land belt districts of central and north Texas having been fanned In cotton so long that they do not produce tho yield 4hey did a few years ago and are gradually becoming less productive, we are practically assured of very high priced cotton for years to come. Wo own and control a very large amount of rich, black loam, and choco late loam, ami red loani soil that has a good subsoil. This soil is too level to wash and is sufficiently well drained; Is located where tho rainfall is tho nearest to the right amount and where , the climate is ideal for cotton raising. , This land will produce as much cotton 1 on an average as the best cotton lands of Texas,, with good railroad facilities and within 10<K miles of Snn Antonio. It Is located in one of the best climates In the United States. Land Is still cheap because It Is mostly ' owned in large tracts by the cattlemen, but we are developing this country fast and therefore the price of land Is ad vancing rapidly, for farmers In the Los Angeles country are assured of a plenti ful supply of cheap Mexican labor, due to the proximity or this land to Mexico, where thers is a large Mexican popula tion. We want good real estate men to repre sent us and we feel sure we can secure tho best In America, provided they know how good a proposition we have to offer buyers and how good a con- , tract we have for good reliable men. i We will be pleased to have you write us at an early date for all informa tion. The writer has colonized a large amount of land and sold millions of dollars worth of land to satisfied cus- j toiners; but the best satisfied custo- , mors I have ever had the pleasure of selling are the ones we are selling near Los Angeles. The writer la also the I man who put Nueces county and j Bishop, Tex., on the map, as well as I Harlingen and the Harlingen country j In the lower Rio Grande valley. Wo are now building a beautiful little city and we named it Los Angeles, be cause we expect to build it modern, beautiful snd up-to-date, and because we can raise successfully practically the same crops that are grown in Southern California. Good bank references required and given. When writing give name of paper In which thla ad was seen and address the Fort Worth office. Mezzanine Floor, St. Anthony Hotel, SAntonio, Tex. F. Z. BISHOP LAND CO., Rooms 203-205. Texas Hotel, Fort Worth, Tex. PROFESSIONAL MAN. Professional man, former teacher, law yer, minister or T. M. C. A secretary. 30 to 60 years of age. for special diplo matic personal soliciting where the cli entage you build up belongs to yourself; 1250 per month guarantee for first ten months' work to right man: company well rafted, established 12 years; this op. portunity will make one Independent for life and net $26,000 certain profit in first three years; must be financially re sponsible no spocial experience neces sary, but character, personality, courage and Industry essential; state age. educa tion, past occupation and earnings in trict confidence. Write O. FT. POWERS, rlgley Bldg.. Suite 1108, Dept. A. H > 'hlcago. SALESMAN—Wanted, a reliable and ex perienced salesman to handle our alread established line of home, porch and stree dresses for showlrg to the dry goods trad in Nebraska, Kansas. Iowa and Missouri Line Is to be handled In conjunction with another nonconflictlhg line and applicant must thoroughly know the trade in the stated territory. Compensation based upon T*\it per cent commission. Give full ex perience and references In letter addresse to G. H. Schroeder, 937 Broadway, Buf falo, N. Y. * AGENTS—Here's sure winner. We pay •$ an hour for your epare time taking or ders for "Zanol" Pure Food Flavors. Miss Edith Hunt ma4e 154 In one week. Write for sample ease. Make beautiful display. | Shows 18 articles of best and fastest eell ; era of Flavors, Soaps, Perfumes, Toilet [Articles, etc. Every woman buys. Big [ ! repeaters. Have steady Income. Customer 1 must be satisfied or money back. fiend for sample case today. American Prod- j ucts Co., 8393 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio.__ Situations Wanted Female. 31 AGENTS—Blcreat. faitent aalllns ahlrt line. Direct from factory. Factory prices. JSasy to aell. Largest commission* paid. ^Prompt shipments. Experience unneces sary. FREE samples. Sinclair Shirt Co.. 1608 N. Halsted. Chicago. WANTED—Day work t>y white woman. AT. 8488. I SALESMEN—STATE DISTRIBUTOR. En velope sealer, teals 60 envelopes minute; remarkable new Invention. No competi tion. Retails |4. Worth 120,000 yearly. Consolidated Co., Dept. B-211, 100 Boyls ton, Boston, Mass. EXPERIENCED laundress, bundle wash ing. WE. 0084.i DAY work wanted. WE. 6004. j Situations Wanted Male. 32 OFFICE work, typist can take dictation. some experience. WA. 0901. Business Opportunities. 33 FOR BALE—Cafe in western Nebraska town of 6.000 population. R. Road division. Located opposite depot In con nection with hotel. Weekly receipts $1,000. Good fixtures. Would Invoice around $10, O00. hut $5,000 «and invoice stock will buy Answ-r Box Y-2486; Omaha Bee. W ANTED—-Trustworthy, competent man with ID,000 cash and up, by well known Mfg. company, to establish and manage permanent subsidiary business in Omaha, willing to pay the right man 1350 a month and expenses, with share of prof it* extra. Box Y-2487, Omaha Bee FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN An exclusive wall naper and paint store. The only stock of paper In town of 1.600 A snap for the man who can handle It. Write C. F Caswell. <’i>on Rapids la. SOFT DRINK PARLOR for sale, cheap; one living room In back and one pool table. Inquire 2603 H. 31st. MA. 5074. TAILOR shop for sale for 200. Will sell on lime. 122 N. Pine, Grand Island, Neb 14-ROOM furnished house for sale., rent |60. JA. $364. Investment—Stocks— Bonds. 34 NEW BRICK STORE BLDG. First class Investment property on main thoroughfare. First class tenants. Four year leasee. Total rental. $151.60 per month. No trouble to handle this proper ty. Price $22,000, $9,000 rash. GLOVER ft SPAIN. JA. $$50. j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY'. A well established drug business on a Prominent suburban corner; con %« ptir < ha sod at a very reasonable fugure. This ! business also curries with It a lease of j better tflan five years. Part of the prop erty covered by this lease can he sub let. If yog are Interested qall Mr. Good rich. JA 5074, or evenings at WA. 00*19. WOULD sell several shares Peru Par Rubber stock If offered fair price. Qulc action necessary to get It. A. li. It inkle . 4101 Magoun k\*.y East Chicago. Ind. 1 ,*iW RATF; on city propertly, quickly1 closed n- monthly payments. JA. 152$ i W. T. OtahaiTi._ 1 CITY real estate, mortgages and contract j bought. Mr. Larson. 104 North 15th St. Money to Loan.35 THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money wafts In the fame way that banks supply the money wants of the business community. Any amount loaned up to $600 and you can repay It in easy monthly payments Our e«iUttl payment plan repays the loan end all'charges. Wo have been In business In Omaha over 30 years and can assure you of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. 50$ Kerbs eh Bloch Tel. JA. $*$6. Southeast Corner 16th and Douglas His $10(1 to $10,000 loans Prompt service. F. I). WE AD ft D. H. BOWMAN. 310 B. 18th. Weatl Bldg AT 0161. MON ICY to loan on farms snd Omaha .teal estate. MYERS ft It A IN BOLT CO., 424 Omaha Nat1) Bank Hldg. JA. 0746 OMAHA HUM EH— EAST N K 14. ^ FARMS O'KEKFk! IlKAl, EFT A TIB Co., 1016 Pin Nit Hk Bldg JA. $716. HBX’oND mortgages or contracts pur chased by Tukey Company, 820 First Na tions I Bank. JA, 4123. farm" LOANS. Z Laras or small, West N«b. farms, ranches looks Investment Cn,, H45 I mi, Nat. Hk. HIX per oent loans on Omaha residences. Cash on hand Prompt service. 10. H Lnugee, Inc.. 53R Keel mo Hldg 6M, AND 8 PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN HUGH. 38 4 Omaha V >(.*1 Hldg I WILL buy mortgages and eoDtraete Corkin. $88 Oma. Nat. Bldg-. Ornate. Neb. Financial. Money to Loan. 35 6 4 AND 8 PER CENT MON Eft. Loans on -Omaha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK If. BINDER. 823 City National.JA, 2661. 5 PER CENT money. Reserve system. 6 per rent loans on city or farm property RESERVE DEPOSIT COMPANY. Lathrop Bulldlqg.Kansas City. Mo. DIAMOND feu ns at lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co„ 1614 Dodge St. Established 189*. FARM LOANS—Gibbon Steel. JA. 6604. EDUCATIONAL Correspondence Courses. 37 MEN—Women—Girls. 18. uo. wanted for U. S. Government positions, J96 to 9269 month. Steady. Short hours. Paid va cation. List position.! free. Write today sure. Franklin Institute. Dept. 211-u. Rochester. N. Y. U. 8. Government Jobs. $95-9160 month Girls—women Steady. Many open. List free. Wrlt^ immediately. Franklin Insti tute Dept. 856-0 Rochester. N. Y. GIRLS—Women, 18 up. Get government Jobs. Big pay. Steady. List positions free. Write immediately. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 666 H, Rochester, N. Y. MEN—BOYS—Railway Mall Clerks, $133 $192 month. List positions free. Write today. Franklin Institute, Dept. 210, H. Rochester, N. Y.t Local Instruction Classes. 38 EXPERIENCED comptometer operator* are always In demand. If you are not an operator an eight weeks' course In the Comptometer school will fit you to hold one of these desirable positions that are always open. If you must work, wtaf not prepare so that you will get the most for your time? Let un tell you about our day and evening classes. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. S00 Oour'ney Block. MThe school that Graduates Experts.** DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete coursee In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and ell Eng lish and commercial branches. Wi%te. call or phono JA. 1665 for large illus trated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg. Omani, Neb._ TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1402 Dodge Ft. 1306 Douglaa 8t. Call or write for information. DWORAK BUSINESS COLLEGE Stenography and bookkeeping. Wead Bldg 18th end Farnam. AT. 7416. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day and Evening Schools 205 S. 19th St.JA. 6690 EIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American College. 1912 Farnam. Musical—Dancing—Dramatic. 39 DANl.'IN'O IN3TFUTTION. Don Mac Farlane, Juat back from a year’s contrart in Paris. All style* of dancing. Class and private. Phone AT. 7860 for anointment. Kelplne Dancing Academy, 26th and Farnam WJC TEACH YOU HOW. And We Don’t Mean MAYBE. Class tonight. Private lessons any hour. KEEP’S. 1818 Farnam. JA. 6470 _Dogs, Cats and Pets. 42 FOR SALE—’Pedigreed German shepherd police dog puppy. K10. 0648. Poultry and Suppliea. 44 TO POUI.TR Y BREEDK.RS—Ther, will b« a poultry show nt the Omaha Auditorium, Thanksgiving week, November 26 to De cember 1. If Interested, write Box 433, Harry Knudsen. secretary, for premium list. Omaha, Neb. FAN< IX POULTRY. White Crested. Black Polish, Dark Brah mas, Australian Kiwis and other varieties. 4724 Kansas Ave. KE. 0670. Articles for Sale. 4C ONE multijn’aph. practically new. Cash or terms to responsible party. Box W-89. Omaha Bee.__ ELECTRIC POPCORN MACHINE. PKR FECT SHAPE. 6922 MILITARY AVE. FOR SALE—Edison diet mimeograph: ex cellent condition. Phone JA. 217 o. BOTTLBir* kegs, crock*. Nathan Stein berg. 1f>19 Harney. Ja. 6166. Business Equipment. 47 WE BUY. sell safes, make desks, show cases, ate. Omaha Fixture it Sunolv Co., 1 W ror 11th and Dourlaa JA 2T24 Building Materials. 48 CRKODJPT stained shingles, artistic, permanent. Bradford-Kennedy Co. JA. S74Q. Good Things to Eat. 51 GOOD APPLES, $1 a bushel; bring your lug for cider; 1 ** miles west of Omaha Detention hospital, then one mile south toJBeavers Fruit Farm. WA. 15*4-F 3. SPRAYED winter apples. sweet cider, honey and potatoes; 3 milea north of Florence, % milea north of Pants achool houae. Vogel. SWEET pear cider in lota of S gallons or more, HO rents the gallon: keg extra, with privilege. John W. Alexander, Klrka vllle. Mo.__ BLACK WALNUTS, fr«*sh bulled. $2 50 per bushel. Remit with order. Wickham Farm, Salem. Neb. SPRAYED APPLES AND CIDER. J. J. Smith, north Florence, Calhoun Road. JONATHAN and Dalle'in apple* HA 7C30. Household Goods. 53 FURNITURE—The kind that you would like to posaeaa, as well ae staple articles. Prices within reaaon Stephenson Auction House. 160$ Capitol. Goods sold at auction and private sale GAS stove, right- hand oven, glass doors; whits enamel trimmings; cost $76. HA. Q919. BUFFET duofold. beds. e*ar oak heating stove, furlined overcoat, reasonable. 1113 Pratt Bt, SLIGHTLY used light oak desk, swivel '’hair, plain chair and hat rack HA. 0919. BUFFF1T and dubfold library fable, lit; new Regina sweeper, $45, KK 596L_ DINING table and afcr chairs A-1 con dition. Reasonable K E. 3802. SOFT COAL STOVE! BABY BUGGY AND WALKERf RKAB. KB. 1131. STOVE, large, hunting, cheap. Might consider terms, KK. 3»5C. | ELECTRIC WASHER. Woodrow, double tubs, very good condition. WE. 1417. STEAM radiators, two, JO-foot. 1111 Dorcas St AT. 6901. STOVE—Three-burner, oil. with largl oven; nearly new; rras. WA 6919. LARGE heater, almost new, reasonable, inquire KE. 687$. HARD coal burner. MA $719. Swap Column. 53A FUR MALE OR TRADE My realdenoe property in Ord. Neb. Good county aeat town of *.000 people. Will trade fur pool hall or hakerv and con fectlonery atore: property valued at I* 000. For full particular! write Box 601, Ord, Neb. HY OWNER Four-room modern bungalow, good loca tion. If you have a good vacant lot and some man, and a good reputation, wa can make a deal Eventnga and Hunuaya can Mr Hchmlta, WA 1439. BRICK garage for sale Will hold lb rara live storage. good shop and aoceaaory location: dealratde lease on building. Wifi ael| or trade. Addreaa Omaha Bee, Boa 8 679, 160 00f 1919 Overland touring: good rubber, extra tire, motor and top In fine condition. 1’eraonal owner. A bargain. Box 8-697, Omaha Bee. Ft»It H A IE or tradV « good I in proved Ilo. all level. Omaha Income preferred, or what have you Bari Welch, Trkamah Neb. HAVE Income property, equity 14.000. want north aide raal'Vtpea, vacant lota, suitable for building pt»^‘0ea or acreage. 8-606, Omaha Bee. 6 0 A**11K8 "ear Mon»W^»Wj, la.. 6-room Bout*, good barns and <•:*#* Bias Imprsys nu?nta; trade for 40 ncroa nearer Omaha. 8 629, t imaba Bee _ HAVE DANDY modern apt house allow ing 10 per cent on Investment, swap for land, city property or acre*. H 914, Omaha nee._ _ ,_ 190 FEET trackage, with awltob track, near to paved itroet for sale or trade for city property. Addreaa 8*676, Orhaba Men TWENTY aerra west >.f IVD™Rea< h. Fla., te exchange for lota, bonds or automobile 8-200. Omaha Bee. DANDY 8lud*-tinker ami an to swap «» ft rat payment on 6* room Vmfalow. 8-98* Omaha Baa _MERCHANDISE. Swap Column. 53A I.ARGR h.atcr and drop edga aawlng machine to awap tor what hava you? Address S-103, Omaha Bee.1 WOULD like to sell my truck and will consider taking in a touring car. Cssh or terms. Box 8-668, Qmafra Bee. CLEAR lot, $350 value, to trade for dia mond bar pin of equal value. Address 8-102, Omaha Bee. GOOD fur coat to trad© for reasonably Srieed diamond, or what have you? Ad resa S-100. Omaha Bee. CHEVROLET Sedan, good condition, fin est rubber for a good touring car. 8-677. Cmaha‘ Bee.' NEW 8-room home, will trade for 6 room cottage, with extra lots. 8-932. Omaha Bee. YOUNG woman will work part time in exchange for piano lessons from regular teacher. 8-104, Omaha Bee. 1918 Chalmers six, now tires, newly pointed, new top; to swap for clear lot. S-676. Omaha Bee, 191*5 OVERLAND touring car to trade for a vacuum cleanc-r or piano, Omaha Bee, S-C57. \ HOUSEHOLD goods tSt trunk and suit cases or packing boxes. S-606, Omaha Bee. ROCKING chair, dark wood, leather seat, for bookcase, prefer sectional. KE. 1831. EDGKWOOD lot: beautifully located; sell or swap. JA. 4228. DESIRABLE property In Neb. town for anv Omaha property or lots. WA. 0397. VICTROLA and records for radio set, or what have you? 8-936, Omaha Bee. ONE-HORSE WAGON AND HARNESS GOOD SHAPE. WA. 1305. 112.500 EQUITY in farm for Omaha ln come property. WA. 0.397. __ 160 ACRES unimproved near Blair, for trade 8-930, Omaha Bee. ORIENTAL rugs, 2 4x12, to swap for what have you? KE. 2402. THREE pair ice skates for roller skates. 8-607 Omaha Bee. 3519 HOWARD—Income maker. Want smaller. JA. 4228. SHOPEN A CO. make exrhanges. JA. 4228, 1 828 HAULER—6 Rmi. Want 6. JA 4228. 6610 N. 34th Ft., 5 mis. 3 lots. JA. 422$ Machinery and Tools. 55 NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos LeBron Electrical Works, 318-20 So. 12th Radio Equipment.59 GUARANTEED radio seta S3 45 and up R M. Bhiaee 218 North 16th St. _Wearing Apparel.60 FULL DRESS unite and Tuxedos for rent. JA. 3128. 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. A REAL Hudson seal coat and muff to match; a real bargain. HA. 0400. . • _Wanted to Buy.61 DESIRE to obtain good duplicating equip ment; must be in flrat-claas condition State model and price. Box W-103. Oma ha Bee. DESKS. DESKS, DESKS. New deaka. uled desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam St. AT 6146. SECONr>-H\Nt> clothe, bouittit. .11 kind. flood prices paid. 812 N. 16th. CASH paid for your books Coil JA. 8297. R O QMS FOR R E N T. ~ Room* With Board. 62 HOME-LIKE room in refined family. 13 60 one. 85 two. Block to car. wreak fa»t. HA. 6267. LOVELY light room, near car line, breaks fast if desired, also garage, reasonable. WE. 2789. KP 1696 (Tel.) —Real home Fn private family for congenial couple; all home comforts; excellent meals. EXCELLENT board and beautifully fur nished room for a refined couple. HA 8431. HA. 7838—Lovely double room, large cioeet, home cooking, gentlemen, reason able, STRICTLY modern room in refined fami ly; plenty hot water; excellent board. HA. 4818. ATTRACTIVE warm room for winter; witla board, $7.10; walking distance. AT. 20917 6CTH AND CASS—Room. warm, comfort able. Private home, excellent board. WA. 6776. WONDERFUL MEAI.S and cherry din ing room in fine location. Homelike. WE 4012 NICELY furnished ronmi with board. $9 a week, 1003 N. 29lh. COMFORTABLE room In real home, cloae in, board If desired. JA. 4455. EXCELLENT BOARD; beautifully decor ated room in new home. HA. 826$. ONE large lovely room and 2 excellent meals for two, $7.80, close in. HA 2773. EVANS 1816—Kountae park, room for I*, breakfast if desired; garage. WE. 178* ROOM and board for two. private home. walking dlatance. AT. 1278. HOMELIKE room with excellent board, ve^y reasonable MA. 4t°6. Room* Without Board. 63 rARNAMST.. till WELLINGTON I.N.N HAS NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH DETACHED OR PRIVATE BATH AT VERT ATTRACTIVE RATES TC PERMANENT QUESTS. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM PARK DISTRICT—Thr„ room, for gentlemen, private home, modern; references. HA. 10M. NEAT room. In comfortable, private home, for one or two gentlemen. 540 0 21 th Ave. 2 ATTRACTIVE room#, a ten parlor mom beautifully furnished, piano, reasonable. HA. 0607. 1404 ROl’TIf 10TH. APT 4—Nicely fur niahed front room#, 2 adults. JA. fill, evenings, JA. 0M0. 1045 H TWENTY-NINTH—One 1 room one two-room suit#, everything furnlahed. Harney 1447. ^ * CLAREMONT hoSel, 17th near Jackaon. Rooms at weekly ratea, it to tin. NICE clean, warm rfonu Single and doubln, n<0 up. jin Bo. tilth. JA. tmt. FAUNA M. 2501—Rmall and large room, furnlahed. also 2 basement rooms. CHEERY room. In Ideal location, for two gentlemen; very unuauat. AT. 426f. NICE warm room In modern private home f«»r >4. hot water heat. 1IA 4959 THREE-rooms, private bath, garage if desired 1IA 1479 PLBARANT room in modern home; gar age; very reasonable; near car. AT. 0395 LARGE, homelike room, walking d.stance, very reasonable AT. 2410.__i NICE ROOM, private family, close In HA. IIP. JA. 4219—Large warm room, mltlbk for two home privileges, very reasonable. LOVELY room. Walking distance. In t 8. home. 4501. HOMELIKE room. In private family. close In. vary reasonable. IIA. 77*3. •04 0O USD RT—Beautiful large room for t, cheap. Call HA. 2941. Room* (or Housekeeping. 64 I7T1I Ava. *11 N—Two large housekeep ing ronma. two cloth.a ciopeta. gaa. cine ma Ughta. heat and linen fumlahed. N1CKI*T furnlahad housekeeping mom. everything furnlahad. clnaa In. |ei«pmiaUa. JA 0171 Jlitt CHICAGO X- l>«lra|iU furnluhni) apartment, walking djataftca; vary raae.-n able. AT. 1401. _, 1010 BO. 2ATII—A atilt of nicely hI7~ nlahed houaekaaplng room*, etrl«Hy privatat In new modern home AT 40*6 24 0» NORTH If Til AVR : houaUeeplhii rooma gaa, heat and eleflrldty furnlahcd WB 111*. 3 MODICUM furnlahad light hounekeaplng ronma no children: deelrahl*. reaaonahla. MA. 1440. BPLRNpID houaekaaplng ronma. cloae in. everything furnlahad; fine location. KK. 44.4___ THUKF ROOM cottage In t hc of, furnlahad. fall MA. Ig*u. Reference! r< uuired._ FAUNAM HT . 444* —Two or thn-n rohina, hnueakeatdng or el-cplng WA fall. _ TWO rnoitte end kttchenatte, very dceirp Ida, wdiking dlatato e. it A. t*o4. hOVHhT fumlahed or uvtfurniahcri mnnin, cloae In, far a couple WA. Mill. I.AROW convenient room, home privilege*!, pultwlile to couple, HA G f> 13 __________ Niwir B, —Houaakwei Ifia rcoma. everything furnlahad ^^^OMSyORRENT^^^ Rooms for Housekeeping. 64 MODERN light housekeeping rooma, 1814 N. 18th. WE. 8088. THilEK or four nicely furnished house keeping rooms, close in. AT. 3491. 124 SO. 21st Ave. Furnished rooms, $4.60 up. Also 3 un'urn., 120 per ino. HA. 3718 _Where to Stop in Town 67 HOTEL HANFORD—19th and Farnam. hotel HENHHAW—l»th and Farnam. Special rates to permanent guests. HOTEL NKVILLK. Wllllom Koenig. Mgr. 107 North iet»» St AT. 8164. REAL ESTATE—FORRENT _Apartments—Furnished. 69 FURNISHED APARTMENT. Undine ICourt, 2663 Dewey Avenue, 3 rooms with 6-room accommodations, all new walnut furniture. Our man will be at the building from 11 a. m. until 4 p. m. Sunday to show apartment. TRAVER BROTHERS INCORPORATED. Week days rail Atlantic 6886. „ 819 Flr*t National Bank Bldg. 3202 WOOLWORTH-3-unlt apt. Fur nished. Private entrance. Oarage. HA. f>074. _ FURNISHED modern f-room apartment. lights, garage. 3837 S. 23rd Bt. Apartments—Unfurnished. 70 for RENT—.1721 North 30th St.. flv« room apartment, all modern, except heat, 827.60. _ ^ BRAND new Brick Duplex, nearly completed, with or , without garage*. Make your selection NOW and select your decorotlona. N. J. SKOOMAN A SONS, 3118 Cuming St. HA 7046. After office hours call HA. 2176: HA. 6714. LONGFELLOW. 2216 Howard Renta re duced. Three-room all modern, new, apart ments. Very fine. No carfare. $55. Sum mer. $50. Corners. $60. Summer, $65. Janitor will show. Burbank, $11 Omaha Nat. Bank. 4 rooms. No. 21 Lafayette, 17th Ave and Jackson. 6 rooms. No. 7 Blrchwood, 481S Dodge St. Call JA. 1016. HA. 0261—Sometning different: heated, St. Lnuia, 7 rooms, comfortable and homelike; near car, school and church. Will decorate to suit. APARTMENTS and flata for rent V, 3 PALMER CO AT 1918 Real Estate Management Specialists. FOR ONE OF DRAKE'S 1000 APARTMENTS Call Jackson 2805. PFTERg TRUST COMPANY “WHERE OMAHA RENTS.’* AT. 0644. 17th and Farnlm Sts. 1817 LEAVENWORTH—6-room modern apartment. $56 In winter. $H In summer. Call JA. 3525 or HA. 1805. FIVE rooms, partly modern, newly dec orated, second floor, $18 per month. KE. 0471. tfiTTT AVE., 635 8—7-room brick, with garage. $60 Modern. JA. 6867. AT. 7381 SELMA TERRACE. 630 PARK AVE -4 rooms. Seybold. AT. 8301. 226 City Natl. STEAM heated modern apartmefita. low rent G Hfebblne 1610 Chicago St FIVE rooms In the Potter apts., Beaton Realty Co. JA. 0081,i NEAT 4-ROOM APT, modern but heat, $20. 2322 So 2»th, AT 8365. DUNDEE—Six-room apartment for rent. Lee Huff. Call AT. $»02. Business Places for Rent 71 FOR RENT Doubts ttors: ground floor Peters National Bank with large basement, vault and atorage space. Inquire treas urer Bes Publishing Cs.t Room 204, Peters National _Rank, STORE ROOM. Very desirable store room on South 16th street—20x60 ft. Fine show windows Onod basement. Heat and water furn ished. For information, fall OEOROE AND COMPANY, Realtors, AT.lantic 2024. FARNAM ST i to?-—store room, 24x122. and lS0f. store room, 14x132. If tenant wants mere room, will build two stories above, each 66x132, with light on three sides Tbos. F.-Hali. 111! Harney St. AT. 7906 PRIVATE office, furnished AT. I SOI. House, for Rent. 72 2017 IZARD ST. — 4-room house, hot and co d wat*r. modern ex ept heat. 110, If-47 N. 20TH ST.—(-room houee, modem except hcat. |40. 3111 BL’RT ST.—6-roorn house, part modern. 135. 1107 WEBSTER ST—l-rm house, partly modern. 915. CHRIS BOYER. I2d and Cuming JA. 1041 S21 PINE ST.—11 rooms, mod., brick, 116 N. 24TI? ST—7 rma. mod. |»0. 601 S. 17TH ST.—8 rms . mod., 949. FIRST TRUST CO., 400 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 1711 KOI N. 49T11 ST.—I room* and alaap ing porch. S60 2414 N 21ST ST.—• rooms, 4 bad room*. |6S. . 43 4 LINCOLN BLVD—« room*. 4 bedroom*. $40. I*ATN^A SONS Ca "OmnliVl Rental Men/* *1« Omaha Nat Rk, Bldg. JA. 1014. JfST VACATED. 3Jlf* Da van port, at tractive, modern, ait loom; bath and large heated *laaping Vorr U. clone to Tataa school. f70 par month HHKDD INVESTMENT CO., Raaltora. Sunderland Bldg. JA. 4254. Evening! HA. 4487. CIVE ROOM houea. modern, 4401 Wah«tat St Has been ranting for |«S and 840. Will redum Kay natt door 0. > A. Erklea. 434 Patton blocks JA. 1888 or KB 0177. HARNEV ST. 8210—4-room heated apartment: lanltor eervlca and wstei 1100 par month Immediate paaaeaaior A • 1 condition AT 0800 _ 3*08 FAR N A M—* rooma snd sleeping Porch partly furntnbed If de*lred Choice location to rent furnlahad rooma. HA. 4044. 528 N 31 ST ST—11 rooma, large yard, walking- distance, excellent for rooming hou*«> Rent, 1100. Corkln. AT. 2428. 1*12 N. 2*TH—Modern alt-room house; water rent paid, only 840 month.. Horace M ltlygtns. JA 4148 COTTAGE. 2 Murphy beds and atove, ga- ! rage. 1 block from car Carter Lake , Blvd. U8 WE. 04If. 8-ROOM mod. bung. 22nd and Fort, wlft Jent furnished at 8* *00 Sunday call WK. 843. week days JA. 1424. FIVE room* and hath at 110* North 16th. whltoa only. >38 WE It 14. 1*67 no DOR*- t-rm, modern esoept boat. Mull a *»lw 3 fa ml I la*. WK tail. _ f'HOQM cotta**, modern aactpt h#at. 1711 H. II. rail AT. <t 4t. COTTAOF Two ronnia. Ill 60 a toonth mar tarllno, .1267 V a 11* v. PKAt'Th'Al.LV now. ii room houae in quire at 1MI No IMh Ht 1VA llfl KIX-HOOM buna*, all modern lilt 8 Vint Ht. Phone _ |03 H rtT-~*7-room houe* mortem, |4&, n»wly ilp.nrete.l HA lit* oiroiuiK, nr. a«»4 n. 74i>i m. Houses—Furnished. 72A ■w- - ■ >. . , BTot May harry, etrtctly modern * room atory ami a half etuoon home. Furni tur« very high xrade, many built in feat urea A really fine home Open for Inepertlon. Hee thla today, I’AYNR * SONS CO *'»>lt»aha'e dental Men." 410 Omaha Nall. Ilk dldg. JA IdU < I.AIHMONT PegJnp fa believing lb and new modern f> motn furnlebe.i nun* galow, garage Until April I. 4734 dor. detie W A. 71>87. ___ M'Yt-U HUA|tR NIW bungalow, Hoard If illiftirel l.nvely neighborhood on ear HYie. HA, AO I 4._ BIX*fulfill duplex In Kountia Place; ga rage; Iftf., ha Till. _ MklU.Y decorated It too me end bath in monthly. 1011 No. »>d m liAUft PUItNlBITKIi 1'undee home to rent foi winter. WA. 1171. REAL ESTATE—FOR RENT. Houaes—Furnished. 72A J.‘r5.0<^V-.mod*rn on car line, 160. WE. 4372. Of fleas and Daah Room. 73 OFFICES. sinslo or suites. Desirable location, reasonable rent. BANKERS MORTGAGE * DOAN CO.. Call Jackson 1014. DESIR^BI.fl OFFICE ROOM IN WIL KINSON BLDG., TWELFTH AND FAR NAM. CALL JA. 6171, SEVERAL small offices In front of ele. vator. Apply Room 400, First Nat. Bank. _Wanted to Rent.77 WANT to buy furniture nml lease trnoil boteUaamaty seat. Address y-Z486. Oma Ha Iieft. Farms and Lands for Sale. 79 —-—-1-— CHOICE BENSON ACRE ONLY $750. Just north of Wert Dodge Acres. Two ?i?i frcTTi P*ved road. Level, rich ■oil, lome alfalfa. »HKDD INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor*. Sunderland Bldg. JA. 4254, Sun. WA. 61$$. V K MISSOURI land close to good town 20 acres for $$0. $5 cash, IjL i1® fruit trees, 30 grapes, 4trawfe?.rr,e* for fruit, vege-v tables, poultry, hogs, etc. Healthful? KSJTOK* hunting and fishing: NEBRASKA—Fnrma. 50 ncree. and 160 •"« ; '»* driving dletsnce of Omaha, JVi.™ *oh?r.2ne or b<,th *< aacrlflce. N^b Poatofflce box. 204. Omaha. frult form : might SJ«?»r oroD.rtv In trade. Mre. Marie Jesperson. Florence. Omaha. Rt. >. CASH for TOUR PROPERTY'. \»4,#S in 60 counties of Nebraska. City, Neb. _Hougcg for S«1e. 80 **■,?.^vJ^P0®- builder of modern home* Bld* JA. «4l«“ ,ln“nce- <1» Sunderland __Houseg—North. 81 **!/. RJH TWENTY-FOURTH ST. "AKE A REASONABLE offer. OPEN FOl; INSPECTION TODAY FROM 2 to 4 P. M. This l« one of the finest on North Sfth st.. Just west of Miller |.»rk. It's a 2 *tory Kr&gfltone—5 room* and nunroom, ■looping porch. It !s complete in every respect, built-in bookcase*, beautiful buf ret and window aeat. kitchen cabinet, pantry and large built-in refrigerator, iota or linen and clothes closet* Cement eirhtly location and the price has b«rf.n 19.200, but sales nJ,Jn charge will aubmit any reason able offer to owner. Evenings and Sun day e*ji Schmitz. WA. 3 232. H F. CLARY CO. REALTORS. Z4th and Ames KE 0175. WORKING MAN'S OPPORTUNITY. Am building nice modern bungalow* They ar® all 4 rooms and bath, well con structed. the best of materials being used Heavy oak flooring throughout with lots or built-in features, full cement basement, floor drain, coal bin. go'.d heavy furnace, some of thee® will be completed the lat ter part of this *month The price from 93.700 to 94 350, with a small cash payment and monthly terma you can affprd to pay. A good vacant lot will be accepted as cash. For appointment call Pln|f. *n<1 ^undav. Mr. BchraJts, WA. K3: Week da \h, Kfc. 0175, _ WXEM kountzk park w me LOVELY KOUNTZE PARK HC M E. si* large rooms and aunroans: sleeping EE*rhw.wit.h window* Oak finish ana highly decorated throughout; seven rioseta- large living room across front, handy kitchen, front and back stairs, stair* to food attic, full cement basement, best of furnace and plumbing, lovely lot bed*. *nd abundaac. of »nrub«. br*t of surroundm*. owner .ox 111" ,0 : *®'»S#; •*** term. Webster FOR 8AT.E HT OWNER , Mil KANSAS AVI Fin. location fncirnr Miller park. 8ta ‘#rl. room, .nd bath: baeement and at. **“• two .tory 1## fret from .treat »»rt«ln to t»rt>. flac. will carry loan of It fan ,t S4 per cent bal anc. of 13.400 mutt b* ra*b, House now Call owner. KE. to70. JU3 Kan.a. TTKET I>08E NOT 8AT BARGAIN "“I*" « I* ThU ft foot lo* near Thlr and Atnti With all tmifrnv.mtiitt in am Paul U a bara„.n at lloo. T.rmi if dealred Call Mr Tracy. V. A »1J If# FI rat National Bank Bid*. JA. 4t!S PIVEHOtiM HINOALOW <'M.r n.rn All modera, oak finish. has living room, , ainln* room kitchen with cabinet*, two »*?• and bath: large floored • ttlc, full cement basement. garage one block to car and achool and only two hlo<,K» from new North High achool. Now vacant. Term* rail KK. 044<V HOW much of a house can you buy for 12.066* And braid#* hare an extra lot thrown In, with chicken hong# and ga* rage and fruit to boot. all on a corner but a short distance fr»im North High school and Amu car N*«wly decorated and an honest to ffoodnea* value on terma you can handle AT 4096. KE 1722. f*® NORTH 25TH AVE—5-room house. w'*hin 3 weeks 2*94 I.ARE ST.—9-room buu*-. partly modern, Can H»- sold on ter mu. 9u00 cash, balance monthlv payment*. « HniS BOYER. *2d and Cuming JA. 3649. 3922 SEWARD ST—A-room modern bun galow 9509 calh. balance m nthly. Creigh. 9f»4 Hee JA 0206 FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow. conveni ent to Technical High, paved air«et. 94.959. Ea*y termi. Call JA. 1426 7 ROOMS. 4310 N JsTH AVE »m1y 93.000 and onlr 9*«6 ca*h down. Calf Mr Cole. AT. 74 13. Monday !—Hi—bus end eeiI home# Houbcb— South.82 Tt'KItr OFFERS A QCAT.ITY BU.NllAI.OW AT A UAV FRICK. Ffnl.hM In rnd o»k, *oo<l l!»hlln* fixture* and decoration* floor drain, fruit ctllar. hot air furnace with water heater a food attic which can be finished into two bedrooms Garage with drive Paving paid In full Located at 42<u Marc? St . Sunday call VVA 411S. Mr Tracy. ( A P TTTKKT A SO*. ••Tukey Sold It." •10. First Nat ltank Ittdf JA. 4SSS: FIELD CLVB llOMK THREE I’.LOCKS T« > CAR FOI H BLOCKS TO SCHOOL* The usual 4 room* on the first floor, quartered oak flnlth and floors Fir place. bookcases; « aleeptne room* and ’lie bath second floor. Maid* room «*n 1 th4rd floor. White enamel. Garage f« two cars. OlOROK AND COMPANY. Realtoi< ^T-lanth 3014 f riKi.n club- - $1 o.ioo. J>ne of the beat value* In thte ddrtrt*t. i ‘•veil rnomi. two-atory. with finished at- ! tic frame and •tuoco. ell in excellent re pair Fireplace, etc . furnace food, oak floors and finish Oarage- and driveway, paving all paid Plenty of shrubbery and , flowers Arrange to are this home Sun I day call HA J0f», HA 041F IIA 0411. OLOVFn .v spain', JA. I*t0 OOOD ItRlt’K niTLKX j For ms.loo. Corner lot with double garage having j all room*, oak flnleh oh each aide, three 1 rooiria down and three atseptm room* I and bath on 2nd floor owner might take | In a six loom bouse ** post payment W »l UATKS. *47 Omaha Nat Hank Pldf. JA. 1804 __ _Realtor WR tCM FIELD CM'H inSTHItT It A K F. YOUR ol UK UL BUR MIT IT A ali-rtom all modem brick veneer home, located Ml s S*th St only |i ftOA cash nm-Mstv ttalame eaa\ monthly pa\ inenta Asking 14,600, but any reasonable offer will ba submitted Must be sold at once Fall WA It2* McFAOUF INN FSTMKNT CO. ■1A t $ 4 S LOOK th!h ON i:iT SI NOAT. Ores between 1 and t> p m A four room new cottage Mae city water, shower hath, tolat. electric lights Price Ik.ftbO • 300 down t nested at 4*th and I. Bta. Sin I KR A OARFY Realtor. J A 60T4 _ t «Kee11ne 141df LOUIS COIIN Pas all kinda of nronertv for aale. Phone ! M A 0141 4v?t S '4th St least A Tesai. nv -slista In 8. Side UORMB REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE, Houses—West. 83 SPECIAL OrTEB. You can secure this nifty bungalow for $5,500. We consider It a bargain. Large living room, dining, enameled finished bath connecting two pleasant bedrooms, enameled finished kitchen with built-in cabinets. Full cemented basement. Doa ble garage. Specials all pal<^ Cash for equity or small cash payment. Even ing* call C. P. Allen. Ken 6744 or R. E Kilgore, HA. 6827. PAYNE A SONS CO. 616 Oro. Natl. JA. 1014. EVANSTON. Ill S&UTH I4TH «T. Living room, dining room. breakfast rooip and kitchen first floor. 3 large sleeping rooms, tils bath second floor. Large c’uaets. Furnace heat. Ruud heater. Interior finish white enamel and oak floors throughout Oarage for two rare This property can be handled on $4,000.00 canli balance very easy terms. GEORGE AND COMPANY. Realtors. AT-lantic 3024. DAVENPORT AND 418T ST. $12,000* A good 3-room home In one of Omaha's fine residence districts, in excellent con dition. House is modern throughout, fin ished In oak on first floor and ivory enamel on second. This home must be seen to be appreciated. Has good garage. 4 FIRST TRUST CO. 4 00 First Nat. Bank. AT. 0729. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT—$1,750. Seven room two-story ail modem horns in ••xfclient • ondition. Three bedrooms and Bleeping po'*ch, fireplace and bookcases, full basement, good furnace, laundry tubs, etc. Txvo-rar garage, cement driveway. A good hom« well located and worth the money. $2,500 cash Sunday call HA. 4/411. HA. 2«78. HA. 0619 GLOVER A SPAIN, _JA, 2850. _ MT’ST HE SOLD AT ONCE. A three-year-old six-room stucco horns. In excellent condition; double garage: east front; good sized lot; plenty of shrubbery; oak floors throughout; largt living room with fireplace, dining room, medium sls*d kitchen with plenty of cupboards, three bedrooms and tiled bath. Price Is 112.500. Can be handled on reasonable terms. Call owner at WA. 5912. New Homes—Your Terms. GROVE-HIBBARD CO., AT. 495C. 626 Sunderland Bldg. COLLIN? COMPANY. Builders of Built Right Homes. 403 Arthur BldgN Office xjF 1311 WILL build to your order •& ou# beauti ful lots in Edgewood: very easy terms ! Phone AT. 3540. 5 ROOMS. 2214 8. 5TTH—Elec lights fur nace. cement basement; 2 lots. S3.609. I i18v terms .1A 1016. For Sale—Dundee. 85 DUNDEE BUNGALOW BRICK AND STUCCO CONSTRUCTION. ONE BLOCK TO SCHOOL. SIX ROOMS—TWO BATHS. Living room 13x29 ft Fireplace, open book esvs, dining room, 2 large bed rooms with tile bath room between— kitchen with plenty of built-in features 1st floor. One very large room and bath second floor, seven .dosets. Interior finish of ivory enamel and oak floors throughout. Full plastered basement, hot water heating plant. Crane auto matlo water heater, etc. Garage for two cars This bungalow is perfect lp every detsll. GEORGE AND COMPANY, Realtors I Atlantic 3024. A Yt ONDERFUL opportunity to get a brand flew home in Dundee. Th:a house hfis just been completed snd was not built to sell A full two-atory six-room bouse, oak floors throughout, oak finifth down ard Ivory enamel up. Fireplace. • hower bath, and all the latest coil' ventences that lend to comfort in a mod ern home. Double garage Priced raas enable. Easy terms Today, call Mr Zacek. WA. MSI. or Mr. Jooea. HA. 4114 F C HOJIACKK A CO. Phone AT. 2111. MO First Nat'l Bk. Bldg. DUNPEKT8 BEST BUT. i-R SEMI BUNGALOW. Near 4tth and California. Oak and whit* enamel finish Double garage. Beautiful lot. Close to car and school. Only JT.OOfl. Small down payment. Im mediate possession 8HEDD INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors Sunderland Bid* JA. 4254. WA «1»€. RUSSIAN—BALLROOM Ballet and all claaaical dancing taught. Private and elate ia etruction. Call lor appointment. AT lantic TWO Dor MacFarlane , KELPINE'S A 25th and Fa mans Direct From Pari* SB" 5, OPEN HOUSE 2 to 7 Sun. Afternoon o _ o p Built by p E EQUITABLE TRUST CO. E N N 2882 Camden At*. q l Block South of Fort St. jj 5-Room Bungalow p $5,650—Easy Terms § EQUITABLE TRUST CO. Realtor* 1813 Dougla* St. AT 2945 j _ v_ _ _ 1 We have the best office and store room on the main floor of the Omaha Grain Exchange, 19th and Har ney, which we can lease on an attractive basis. 12.500 square feet main floor space with 650 feet of stor age space in basement.Win low advertising space both >n street and lobby. En rances on street, lobby and to parking space in the rear. The location is cen tral, being near county and city offices and retail sec tion of city. If interested, address Updike Grain Cor poration, 618 Omaha Grain Exchange, Omaha. Neb. Thone AT lantie 6312. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE. For Sale—Dund«c.85 DUNDEE BPECIAL Brick colonial, 8 room*. oak floors throughout, birch, mahogany and enamel finish, fireplace and bookcases, filed ves tibule and bath, extra lavatories In two bedrooms. Th'e la worth while Inveatl gating. Ben me for prica and term*. C. A. ORIMMEL Raaltor Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg.JA. 1418. DUNDEE Btm.DrNO ■ITM. QEOROE * CO. 1 AT 1*14. ' » I For Sale—Florence.86 NETHAWAT'S SPECIAL. Four-room cottagp, electric lights, big lot, good well, garage and chicken house, close to street car. Hnap at $2,(00. $200 cash, $25 monthly. KB 1401. NRTHAWAT sells to whites only Kg. 1109. Lott for Sale. 88 24TH STREET BARGAIN. $5,500. Here is a lot 60x150 located on 24th 8treet between H and I fltreeto, west aide, about 4 blocks from the business center of South Omaha: excellent location for a business block; this Is a good buy, so don't overlook the opportunity. C. A GRIM MEL. Realtor Cmaha Nat. Bk. Bldg JA. H16. VACANT LOT IN CATHEDRAL DIS TRICT FOR ONLY $600. Two blocks to car, 50x110, with all Im* provements In and fully paid for. \v. H GATES, • 47 Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. JA. 1214. FLORENCE FIELD SELLING tflesmen on grounds every day. C W MARTIN A CO. AT. 0167. BUT A LOT IN BONITA ADDITION. $10 Down. $10 per Month. M’CAGUE INVESTMENT CO JA. 1245. Real Estate for Exchange. 89 CAR AND CASH for $ or 7-room home Car Is 1912. 6 passpnger like rp>v. JA. 3140. _Wanted—-Re«I Estate. 90 LIST your home with ua for results. Evening* call KE 5411. ORUBNIO REALTY CO. Realtor#. Jackson !%*,*>. 1400 Firat Nat. Bk. SERVICE AND RESULTS. When you liat with ua. Competent sale* force. JA. mo. GLOVER A SPAIN, Realtors. WE SELL HOMES LIST WITH US. HAMILTON A CO., 103-4 Neville Block.JA, 0C<7 HAVE buyera for rood homes. Do you want to sell youra’ List 1? with C. A. Qrlmmel, Realtor. JA. 1416. SEE ua ftrat. Need Ratings, any location, 5 to * rooms. Sbopen tc Co., Realtors. JA 4228. 234 Keellne Bldg. chah w. young a CO Real Eatate Rentala. Inauranc#. 1402 City Nat l Bank.AT. M*8. “WE BUILD TO PLEASE'* TEMPLE HFAYDEN CO. 1S08 Farnam St. AT. ff€0. O T. ZZ.x'ji HR Investments. Acreage. 1801 F#rnam. AT. M. A. ANDERSON CO.. JA. tl©7 Has buyera for 5. 6 and 7-room house*. LIST your property with Cbrla BoyeK notary public. 23d and Cuming Sts ACREAGE SPECIALISTS BUY AND SELL 3 H BROWNE CO. AT >35* WORLD REALTY CO ■ Realtor# AT S492. WESTERN Real Eatate Co. JA. 1CC7. G. A SANDELL Real Estate. AT. t:33. Graham Peters Co., sell homes. JA. v**53. Chat. 5 Belman. AT 8250. Real Estate. Huetteimaier Real Eatate—AT. S25C. H. W, Volland Co. for Real Service At PLATER A CO.. Realtors Keelin# B*dg. Auction Sale*. 91 AUCTION C B. A q r r Co. Will Mil all r» fu»»d and unclaimed merchandise not a - cepted bv owner at f SO a. m.. Taeadsv, Nov. II. 1S23. at warehouse. 7th and Jack son St*. Omaha, at follow* Roof ce ment. pitch, olia. grease, paint, chloride, plaster, empty barrels, bottle*, ico er**m/ freezer*. lumber, alnc plate, vtneo&r. rusreJ linoleum, xnattrem. rovee, furnltu* M doora. aaeh. hardware, trunk*, auto partiV tires, tube*, sleds, toy#, plumbing *up^, plies aton* gl««*. wrapping and toilet paper, burial caae, l piano ard N»«ch »**d various other articles. I D. Shields. F C A. O. H. Vawfh&n. Sale* Agent 1-1 Just finished and some just being finished For Rent From $70 to $100 Most Desirable Locations. WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN at 5j/2 to 6% "on business, apartment house or residence property in Omaha. FRANK H. BINDER j 823 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Phone JA. 2561