Burgess Bedtime Stories By THORNTON W. Bl'BGESS. Danny Meadow Mouse was very. very far indeed from the Green. Meadows where he had lived all his^ life. He didn't know this, but he( knew' he was in a strange place. The. fact is. he was in the middle of a] great, bare paxade ground where sol i diers were drilled. The great man] bird, as he called the airplane whichj had brought him there, had landed In the very middle of that great parade ground. As Danny looked about him there wasn’t a stick or a stone to be seen. There was noth ing under which a frightened little Meadow Mouse could hide. It was still bright daylight and Danny ran back under the airplane. It was shady there and he didn't feel quite so frightened as he did out in the light. Several times Danny started to run across that great open place, but each timo fear drove him back before he had gone more than a few feet. You see, he knew that if an enemy should see him he would have no chance at all. After a while Danny realized that he vtias very, very hungry. He had eaten nothing since early that morn ing, for he had been too frightened to eat. Now he felt that he just had to have food. But as far as he could see there wasn’t even a blade fit grass. Thn Danny remembered the feast he had had In that man-bird, the feast that had caused all his present trouble. There was still some of that food left. In fact, there was a whole sandwich. •Til climb back up In ther^ and THE NEBBS_ WHO’S SORRY NOW? Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess THE WEDDING PRESENTS HAVE Started To pour its _ THE INVITATIONS SENT TO CALEB RENROBj TRIEMuJ - With FEw. EXCEPTIONS - UAVE PROVEN SCOT) INVESTMENTS NOT So GocSD TRoMTUE NEBB DELATIONS AND VRiENDS.BOr IT IS ESTIMATED -AT THIS TIME - THAT THE NEBBS Will WAVE the LARGEST RE PRESENTATION AT TNC WEDDING Supper' '■-/o_ LOOK AT *WAT STUf F » ALU (souo silver ! Calebs trends') CERTAVNLV CAKE TMROU&W GREW I — WL EVEN GOT PRESENT6 < It ROM PEOPLE WE tXONT SENbJ ^ INVITATIONS TO _/-7 /THERE'S A WMF Dozen TEA SPOONS TftOM EARL STAMM - ) TWE MlNOTES AT THE TABLE And WE’LL EAT HIMSELF EVEN \ —THIS LOOKS LIKE A SHOW / WINDOW OT A TlVE AND <. Ten cent store fv^Eu. t Guess I'll have to sneak Our and Buy at least one Swell 1 PRESENT and put a Phoney1 \ NAME ON \T So CALEB WILL THINK | That t know somebody that'3 I Got "DOUGH - AND TO THINK / of me feeding those birds ) BREAST or PARTRIDGE ! THEY'D HAVE A WHOLE LOT MORE FUN .( WITH POT ROAST AND A HALF LOAT Or BREAD To DiP UP < THE CRAW r-K " •*>**»*!. |»J*. kr Tk. »«l) 9tW*CO • * Barney Google and Spark Plug BARNEY “MARKS” HIS TRAIL._Dr.wn for The <%»h. Bee by Billy DeBed. P 31.000 'SHARES !•' VOCRlWieSS STOCK OF * -fae BELGIAN hair. Toamc Company * VMIPEO OUT e>JER.V CENT I *AD IN The worat-0 - Look at the STUFF - vr J G'ves me TUf j MEEOIE. J •JEES'ES J Vajwich way un You HtApiW HAZEt street X TiNK Copyr«Ht. 1923. by K«g F—Syndic**. Iwc. ^ | < < nnTVTr'Tvr' I TH r? A T’LiUD Rei>»t«r*d SEE JIGGS AND maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus1 9R.I N GIN C? UP f-A. 1 IJ IJ lx »» U. S. Patent Offlca PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE H -WAt>HER - 1 2 WHICH DTE WANT? A\Vtv Ove Call that a ‘bTEAK ° TAKE it back AN BRING a COOO One OR I'LL BREAK TOUR S-) JAW ‘ ( HE OAT *3 THAT TOO the OTEak take 'T BACK 1*3 ho COCO ^ M*'^E HIM HE WANTt EAT t TOR ILL ANOTHER \ 5Ut)T TOUR. i ONei -Z^Lr (?) tna »v iwr t Fiatw»« scrvicc. iwc. bAY, BObb that OibH WAbhER JOB —P bTiuu OPen "> c m»s * I!:; JERRY ON THE JOB valuable little advisor. Dr,wn for Bee by Hoban rUEW* 1 VJA»r 'R> AScV/cwaX /AOMiCt A9oirr Sbwc toxrtvzs] SESAftOiNQ WJOMTIMS OUCy / f '"ItiAlViS' AMO CoovawG Itf5 WPM^'TlWC'T'ABLt Av3? A Brim's /A LOT CJP N©M J CesiS /A wo EMGmes'V s==— __//wuT*^uT) Wfl Supped wnk) LJAM EAftPuuO'E < I MJH/fTS* MJHAT J B Aro v€ Seed ed \ ■ mein Or^tetuu y BJ/TsaBj TinG MottEJ ftsysi* pd r EUET2V « ernv So oil THE WEAMW I -jages: 7l GUESS M'KUOW i— f Mi GnnC^/ AUJ^S AS*S V'-'7 M4 AOUCE. Oi AW l 7 B\G CASU^OAO •< /*A'rTOiS»EH?y 3u2T 'TO IZ SS3L-* ft HE A^S Mfc\i»TUEft 7 v\e soESS'jSr'rvey ^OPPO^TE^/ get some of it,'* said Danny to him self. “I s'mply have got to have food. Perhaps the best place for me, after all, is Inside there until dark. Then I may be able to get across this awful great bare space.” So Danny scrambled back up Into the airplane again. That sandwich was lying right where he had last seen It. Danny dragged It over close w