i J This Advertisement Made Possible by the Following Live Wire Members of the Advertising-Selling League Byrne-Hammer Dry Good* Co. Nebraska Power Co. Panton ft Gallagher Co. "Bnttar Not Callao” I tea Biscuit Co. Heaehaw Hotel Ceaant Hotel Sanford Hotel Midland Title Gnarealee ft Abstract Co. "Alwaya Be W Walter W. Head Onaka NaMaaal Bank Ooddard Fuel Co. R. C. Goddard Epsten Lithographing Co. Cemneratat Lltkayraphara Carpenter Paper Co. Waatara Bead Papar W. A. Himenbaugh A Co. Publisher* of Fin* Book* Frank Johnson Omaha Printing Co. Wateps-Barnhart Printing Co. Harry A. Koch Co. "Pap* tho Claim Pint'* Changstrom Motor Co. Waalcott and Gardner Cara Corey A McKenzie Printing Co. ■nest Biehler Co. Commercial Photographer* Victor H. Roos Harlep-Dartdaon Motorapcle* Ford Transfer and Storage Co. R. A. Ford, Prep. Sample-Hart Motor Co. Ford Agent* CLUS quarters -*07* raS$B* 4140 Promoting Bigger Men, Better Business Men and Improved Business Methods Each week the business men of Omaha have a n opportunity to come in contact with and hear the business messages of the master minds, source minds and famous men of America, tne men who have earned national renown through their achievements in their chosen tions. Such contact has an indelible influence upon the lives and accomplishments ol tne men w'ho take advantage of this opportunity for self improvement. These messages bring tire knowledge and expe rience which a successful business man of national reputation has spent many years, often a lifetime, in learning. Meetings are held every Monday night from Sep tember to June, 6 to 8 p. m.—two hours most men waste. A $1.00 dinner is served promptly at 6. Mem bers sitting at different tables each week promotes a wider acquaintance. Then there is community singing, some real entertainment, such as theatrical stars. The speaker always has from 7 to 8. Prompt closing per mits other evening engagements. This club, with its membership of 1,200, Is the largest of its kind in the world. It is nationally recog nlzed as one of the greatest speech forums oi Amenca. Omaha’s most prominent business men attend regularly and are enthusiastic boosters. Practically every line of industry in the city ie rep resented. Its members range in age from 20 to 70. It is thoroughly democratic. These facts attest that it is a live wire organization and that Omaha business men appreciate the service it is rendering. The club membership is limited to 1,200 membera. There are at present vacancies in the club, but these are rapidly being filled, and in a very short time the membership will be closed until Octeber, 1924. For new members there is an initiation fee of $5 ahd the annual dues of $12.00. „ ( Proud of the business experts and orators mee ting the chib In the past and confident that the past reflects an even greater future. Ask the man who heard any of the following! Hm. W. J. Bryaa. "Gatling Gun." H. L Fogolman. Salas Promotion Msnsgsr Tkoa. Cusack Co., Chics go—Salesman skip. E. Elmo Martin, CTovoland—Eascutlva Mansge Dr. 9. Psrkos Cadman, Now York City, ono of America's Greatest Minister*—Inspirational. Allan D. Alkort. Sociologist. Rocoivod flvo-minuls ovation at cloao of address last wook. ft. Lyso Sumner, Adverff.hu Manafer. I. C. »w Scranton. Pa.—Advertlalnf. Ckaa. R. Wolra. Philadelphia! IS poara chief eer rr.pendent Larkin Co. of Buffalo—Lottar Wrlt •nf. llomer J. Buckley. Chlcapo—Direct Mall. Harry C. Spillman. Educational Director. Remhac ton Typewriter Co., New York City—PeraonaHty. Frederick Pierce, New York City — Practical Peycholocy. Ummd Vanes Cooks, fhwlul Put Senator Frank B. W.lbe of Ohio. E*.Congressman J. Adam Btifa Ihmmrlat. Ralph Paristte. Chicago—“Aro Ysa Rattling Up Sr Shaking Down"—Inspirational. W. B. Burruee, Kaneaa City—“If ska ha spears Wars Selling Today." E. 5. Jordan. Cleveland—Salesmanship. Douglas Malhxh. Chicago—Post and Humorist. Frank Branch Riley. Portland. Oregon—"The Lara ef the Great Northwest." All of This Is Available to You Until October, 1924, for Only 9L.00 r