_l/~ An4 Her rriends c /he Parser Do// that Sets the Sty/es Polly and the First Snow T T’S Saturday!” was Polly‘s first thought I as she awoke. “How glad I am.” Not ■*“ that she didn’t like to go to school, but he was always glad when Saturday came be iMiise it meant that she could play all day long. Wrapping her soft woollv bathrobe around her, she hurried to the window to see what sort nf weather the day promised, it was a hit cloudy and the ground v/as covered with a thin blanket of snow, the first of the season. Polly could hardly wait to dress and eat her breakfast, so eager was she to get out of doors. Indeed, she had hardly finished her dish of oatmeal when she heard Jack Brown, the hov who lived next loor, calling her. As quick as could he she slipped on her coat uid tam and hurried out to meet him. What fun they had! They tried to build a fort, hut there was not enough snow for that. Then they threw snowballs at each other. Just then the loetor who lived at the other side of Polly’a house came slowly dowrj his walk. He waa a ery dignified man, and Polly was always a little afraid of him. She had a large snowball In her hand and without pausing to think, ' threw it at Jack, who stood between her and lie slowly moving doc^ir. Horrors I The^snowball missed .hiek and hit the doctor squarely on his new hat. knocking it into a pool of slush and water. “Who did that!” roared the doctor as he rescued hi-s hat. “Who did that. 1 say? An swer at once!” 'Both children were silent. The doctor came toward them angrily. “1 did it. Doctor Smith.” said .Tack sudden ly. “If your hat is spoiled I'll give you all the pennies in my bank to buy a new one.” By this time Polly had found her tongue. “Jack didn’t do it,” she cried, “I did. I meant to hit him, but I made a mistake and hit you.” “What's this! What’s this!” A smile spread over the dootor’s face. “I never heard of such a thing as two people throwing the same snowball. My hat isn’t hurt very much. But you two youngsters would better be care ful not to get wet feet, for if you’re sick and I come to see you, you don't know what nasty tnedieine I might take it into my head to give you." DIRECTION FOR USING THE CUT OUT—Out the figure and mount on paste board. Then cut out the garment* and fold the tub* back so they will hold the garment* in place on the figure. The bat* must be rut on the dotted line to • lip over the head. Latest Developments of Research Work Throughout the World During an electrical experiment conducted recently at a high volt age laboratory in Pittsburgh, Pa., »n arc 42 feet long wan developed * roin electricity of 1,000,000 volt • neinhere mv the arc whm the irgest ever produced under con • d1 laboratory condllopM A I f • nrl butterflh •*. will b*> i • pi • hi t• *ii t*.* hi tin- l.onilmi r«* » I ■ V\ , ► | 1 i t Ik ' r «.n f Hitherto the >w*o ■ppoimena hnvo h«*«»n allow * «t iv* fln«1 thHr ow n win ter retroetN in the oubfoor butt »rfl\ Inrlomire. but many w*iv blown nwny ami f*vv »urvlv*«l This y«m they will !»« hoiii*ri| in an loolmx. ami .a f«w vi ill h* tuk*'u out j< ilotlnilly niitl :il|< w. .T to I'eVil iiimmir fl*\ r*. **-•»>■» I with «ll lntf *1 lion* > tn-1 hath* I In jirtiiir al . A -elenliet in Japan lias velopeil a method whereby flash llKl'te ran lx- taken umlei water or a brilliant buret i>f lj*ht of \er eh'*rt duration can 1»- pi-nvidisl la tbe atm lire nt hitthlenslui rum i Meia hi > Is ih inn itiiniieli ihe in Inn- bin- ii( a f.1 i-n iab |.i ci iv, 1 Hi 111 am,-Ilf -if tile lamp. \\ 1 • a 1 'i ailtaue rill reel la !un , ,| ,.n. - . . -i • I- h -'ed n •’ ,-r pkxrion point nhn<«st instantaneous I.V. and ns tlu* ltd*- hursts there *“ IJitdtutd a brilliant mercury tr.% light. This fndtihn for a small fraction of u second and then dUs. The \ ray is to l*e u* d on tin* re mains of Tutentvh:im< n winn they *11-: him out of bio tomb in tin* Vat I v of Km this winter T*t« *! lnrmiti'Mnl iai>|(ian notabh ** -* « d •' > l*oi»i£ Incised to determbu thnr «*• n. hut Kin* Tut is coin*; to ?«• permitted to rot urn to hi* rofftn vu«* scarred after K*?yptolo*n>(?* unwrap him and reveal the tmumri> thojr • t to And with hit l«\lv The first steel nk>>> rwivr v «s I in New Vt»rk ( tv "Sw The tvuoture w i* of It m>*i •*, with a width of but 21 fret 3 rt^ ^ -4