MOST LONESOME BLACKSMITH SHOE IN THE WORLD. High up on the bleak granite top of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, (la., lives Isaac Binion, smithy, employed by Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor, to sharpen the drills used by the men em ployed in carving his gi gantic Confederate Me morial into the face of the mountain. Binion, who claims to be one of the oldest smiths in the eoun try, having been at his trade since 1KK2, lives alone in this little wind swept shack with only two cats and his pipe for company. ROOSEVELT MEMOR IAL HOME committee of — prominent New York women I. to r., seated— Mrs. G. E. Adams, Mrs. Alexander Lambert, Mrs. f'harles Rryan, Mrs. J. H. Hammond, Mrs \V. <'. Demorest, Mrs. A. B. Hep burn and Mrs. Frederick Nathan. Standing, 1. to r., Mrs. N. S. Dike, Mrs. G. B. ile GersdorfT, Mrs. Frederick Longfellow, Mrs. E. F. Sanford, Mrs. Ripley Hitchcock and Mrs. Laurent Opponheim. 7 . hit . ■ {‘lull (j /, • ^ARMY’S YOUNGEST GENERAL pictured at his desk in the War and Navy Building, Washing ton, on his forty-seventh birthday anniversary General Robert C. Davis. U. S A., adjutant to Gen eral Pershing during the war, is one of the best known and best liked commanding officers in Uncle Sam’s forces. l ud. rn'iUKl. o/re sees /tou/ ure rtoneQh v ) see /tout u>e Pxeejb/ure c/toosc /o /e/ //tem '‘ 3 c a u Qrurnme// r\ O you want people to see that you know how to dress smartly?—and do you want to do this at minimum expense? If you are particular about personal ap pearance and cannot afford to be extrava gant see us. Moderate Prices MacCarthy-Wilson Bir Daylirht Tailor Store S. E. Cor 15th and Harney Omaha, Neb. Sample* and measure ment blanks sent upon request to any address. WILL AN r> GEORGE discuss the re spective merits of English and American drivers while visiting recently at the London Country Club. Mr. Hays, czar of film dom. returned to New York recently and Colonel Harvey, our Am bassador to the Court of St. James's, is expected to do likewise In the near future. e t a Gray Hair Unnecessary As I Have Proved I proved it many year* ago l»y rentor i g the original color to my own prerna tniH\ gt.iy hair with the name It* dorer 1 now offer you Thin time-tented prep'ai .11 ion never falln, an hundred* of thoiJNiind* of gray haired people nince have learned Ther e ih not npar e In thin advertine merit to tell my ntory Send for Free Trial hot 11< and learn all Mary T dolclinan h Hair Color Ite Htorer Ih a 'lenr colorle** lh|uhl. clean im water xo greany Hedlmerit to rnalte vim halt -dicky and ntrlngv. nothing to " anti or nth off Application easy, re dored • olio perfec t, in nn) liglit Faded or dlmoloi'd hair iu*t a* *urely and *afel> ii 'ored a* hair naturally gray Expet ience my tern her I ln\onte<| my h« h.ilr color re atotci to bririK back the ordinal color to mv own bait which was urel) k f ■ i HI tic* e milllonM have utuul it and so will million* mote It Is the most popitlat lit blKKcHf selling preparation of lt« k k 111 I In the w lit M Now I have something new to offer i rt«t t.nioRt as important in the shape U,nr (‘Wot AWtorer (h er 10.000.000 Bottle t So/,/ ..f .1 n-w nr. L'OL'L' pa rat or v pnw E IV Ef Tv <1 **r whk*h puts rw-* • a lk _ y.u. h.m .I. | rial nottic lirrfm 1 - you to nentl foi thin p.itnntrH outfit today ami prove how eanllv nurHy .1 ml benefit tally you ran rent or*- yotit own gray h • I r to IIh natural rotor. Mai! i aupati tiulay Horn I today fur flit* a fun lul i».il**ntnl Krt*r Tflal outfit nhh h « »*nlaln* a trial liottlf of m 'i I < «• — t *»r • ■ r 111 • I full IrtHtnn lion* for making t hr • oovlnrlng t«**l on a alngl** lo< k of liiir Indlt-ato rotor of halt ulth \ Print o.tttit* and adflr**** |datnl\ If ftoN.*»lhl»* flit lo“f • lot k -'f your hair It' >'»ur l*lt**i _ _ ___ ^_ IMratr print fmit (lamp ami adiliro — .. . .. I Mary V ****»•«. |I#-M Aaltmaa *t *••!. Ml.. | | Pinal pnd yt 'if pttt'tilail ffm Ti '<11 tmltt X i I •*•!.•» ')f h«" I I Hlart b | rr■ i U«i 1 light •oliurn liar' ' hi*.rut* | Nnmr Hlr+mi 1 — *- ---'- --~ ^ She it No linger Fat She found a way to reduce her fat. It was a way far more pleas ant than dieting, exercising or the application of absurd greases and salves would have been. This new way allowed her to eat foods without danger of becom ing fat again She found Marmola Prescrip tion Tablet* They aid the diges tive system to obtain the full nutriment of food. They help Nature to turn food into muscle, hone and smew instead of fat. Marmnla I*ten ripfion Tablet§ are made frorp the famous Mar tnola prescription. Thousands have found that these handy tablets give complete relief from obesity. Anri when the accumu lat on of fat is checked, reduction to normal, healthy weight soon follows. All g>>od tliug (lores the world #vn »el| Uiiimiilj /'»#•« rigtfion Inhibit mi one dollar • l»o■ Ask your druggist lor them, or order direct and they will h« sent in plain wrapper, postpaid MAKMOI A COMPANY J'Jrt I >ailirl<| Bids Detroit. Mm h a TTRA( Tivr. vivacious, warm /X ly youthful, she is what JL X. every woman ought to be w hat every woman uni be She has learned, like many thou sands of charming women that youth and attractiveness live only m a body unharassed by illness. And she has preserved her youth by preserving her health. lake her, you should realize that the arch foe of youth and beauty is the little ailments headaches, bilious attacks, insomnia and the like I ath takes away piece meal something of your youth, fresh ness and charm. As this attractive woman has done you can avoid these dangers, by maintaining internalc leanhnew. through the regular use of Nu|ol Nii|ol, by lubrication, overcomes and prevents intestinal clogging This condition, physicians warn, is not only the cause of minor ail incuts, but is also the* starting point of most of the gravest dis eases of life. Don't give disease a start lake Nujol as regularly as you brush vour teeth or wash your face Nujol is not a medicine Like pure water it is harmless. Nu|ol pro motes the habit of internal clean liness the healthiest habit in the world. Sparkling eves, lustrous hair, the clear, rich, glowing delicacy of the skin everything which means beauty and attractiveness is the re sult of a c lean system The woman who would always be youthful, active and healthy, should sec that Nujol is a regular fix ture in the bathroom cabinet, bor sale at all druggists'. Nu.jol U» MT For Internal C leanliness Hon to Overcome Faulty Elimination Mint «»f as regard intestinal dogging as mercls atausc oftemporary discomfort pro duung such it's as headaches, bilious attacke insomnia and the like Yet intestinal special ists have proved thit faulrv elimination is the cause of fullv per cent of human disease H’fn Physician* Faror Lubrication Laxatives and cathartics do nc* overcome faults elimination, savs a nc*ed authortn. but by their continued use tend onis to aggra vatc the condition Medical science, through know ledge of the in testmil tract gained bv X rav observation and exhaustive tests, has found m attttt a means of overcoming faulty elimination The gentle lubricant. Nujol. penetrates and softens the hard food waste Thus it enables Nature to secure regular, thorough elimination Nuiol is not a medicine and cannot cause distress Nujol hastens the rate of flow of the intestinal stream preventing intestinal sluggishness Nuiol is used in leading hospitals and is pre scrioed by physicians throughout the world for the relief of faulty elimination in people of all ages Infants and Children: The mother who permits intestinal clogging in her baby or older child is jeopardinng the health, even the life of her little one For a clogged system is a weakened system, and leaves the child a prey to serious disease Nufol. given to the infant or child, gently softens the accumulated waste, thereby speed ing up to a normal rate its movement through and out of the hexfv Let vour child have Nu»ol regularls and see rosy cheeks, clear eves and happiness re turn once more Elderly People: In advanced years the nat ural lubricating liquid m the intestine which serves to soften and assist the movement of foexi w aste. decreases in quantity Hence the need for something to give assistance The action cd Nuiol so closely resembles that of Natures lubricant that it is especially bene he lal to those in advanced years Nujcvl softens the hard waste, thus enabling the intestinal mysdes to move the food waste along and out of the Nvdv \ FRFF TRIAL BOTTLF ! N K ’ HH\ * H«r'ovc« Vjvurr N>« > «'< rnc * «<»*! KmiIc Nu»ol m<\A 16|hrt bHH»klct F*uln I limmMww I .