The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 04, 1923, CITY EDITION, ALCOGRAVURE SECTION, Image 35

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Montgomery Tobin, the
new United States Min*
ister accredited to the
Netherlands and Luxem
burg, pictured, all alone,
practicing at his favorite
sport on the beach at
Scheveningen, Holland,
as The Hague offers no
facilities for polo. Mr
Tobin is a Californian,
who, during the war, was
commissioned in the navy
and served as cable censor
at San Francisco.
WUIr W or hi.
Ward is still mixing bat
ter in a lumber camp at
Klamath Falls, Ore.
Ward, who is a Sioux Ind
ian, tells many an inter
esting tale of his experi
ences while traveling with
the famous Bill Cody. He
took an active part in the
celebration staged at
Klamath Falls last week
in commemoration of the
beginning of the construc
tion work by the Southern
Pacific Railway on its new
line from Klamath Falls
to Eugene. Ore. /' a '
I 1 -T
T Jl H h IKS T
STRKKTS; a tiny Sperry
messenger piloted by
Lieut. Kdwin Johnson, of
Mitchell Field, sailing
around Grant's Tomb,
just before he skidded on
Riverside Drive and
crashed into a lamp-post.
Johnson was uninjured
but the plane was some
what hors de combat.
The American Ambassador to Kurland
takes to the lawn Col. (!eor<re Harvey
playin'; ero<|iiet at Warwick Castle fol
lowing his return to London to resume
his duties.
\ $:ir.,ooo bossie.
Introducing "Darlings
Jollie Lass i e , ” the
world's champion Jersey
cow, as posed at the Na
tional Dairy Congress re
cently convened at Syra
cuse, N. Y. The mere
human with the modern
milk factory is Ovid Pick
ard, of Marion, Washing
ton. Wide World.
as pictured during the
disastrous hurricane that
hit the China coast a few
days after the Japanese
earthquake, showing one
ship ashore at the left, the
wreakaffe of another show
ing just above the surface
off shore and two other
vessels further out mak
ing heavy weather of it in
the terrific gale.
r>M>liir'i riiutii Htnln
knighting an
General Gouraud, 'The
Lion of the Arnonne,”
who recently visited the
United States, pictured in
the courtyard of the Hotel
des Invalides, in Paris, as
he bestowed the honor of
Chevalier of the Legion of
Honor upon Miss Smalley,
well-known American
war nurse. i nilcnimui.
HAUNT," nwniil by Mrs
Wultor II llnwi's, of
Hrt't'ii wi< li. Culm , sunppnl
just nftrr In' tinishril
thiol in I li r hi^Kfst
sti'i'plm luiKi' i ms muntry
inn' Inlil iiruuntl
\iu A.ul
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A lustrous and beautiful fur fabric. •
Made in simulation of
animal furs and in multi'
colored effects
Kerami is especially suitable for
lonq coats and cueninq wraps
The softdrapmq Qualities of the
material and the stnkmq color
effects are an inspiration to de
signers of distinctive garments
KbRAMlisdlsosuitable (or
the hip-lenqth jdcquette
thdt is nou; in uoque
In |dct, the iacquette is neuer
more distinctiue than when
developed in one of the new
and bcautijul shades o| this so(t.
lustrous Jnr simulation
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S*dn*\j WumenlKdl A Co Inc
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