What’s become of Coue? What price suggestion now? Has it perhaps gone f looey? Or is it still a wow? Do his disciples, steadfast, pray Every day in every tvay, Or have they turned to beauty clay? And what of Tut-enk-hamen, Whose name you may recall? The papers I examine, But find no news at all. <>' The king is dead; and moth and rust * Corrupt his treasures; housewives must Use King Tut waists to clean and dust. Such fame as Tut-enk-hamen s Like autumn leaves must fall; Today who eats vilamines? Who murdered Doctor Hall? Yet, though all else time's laws obey, One item's fresh from day to day— They tell us Peace is on the way. Where is the News of Yesterday?—Morris Bishop. First Call to the Early Christmas Shoppers The first Sunday in November—may this be taken ah an opportunity to urge an early planning of the Christ mas SHOPPING LIST, EVERY YEAR HAS SEEN A BIT EARLIER PLANNING OF HOLIDAY SHOPPING WANTS—THE DIFFERENCE IN TIME TO BE MEASURED IN HOURS RATHER THAN WEEKS. MAY WE HOPE FOR FURTHER CO-OPERATION THIS YEAR—A BEGIN NING ON YOUR PARTIAL SHOPPING LISTS DURING THE FIRST WEEKS OF NOVEMBER? ** Birthday Week at the Silk Shop Pre sents Opportunity to Buy Fine Silks at Prices Strikingly Low BIRTHDAY week at the Silk Shop, 1517 Douglas, presents a delightful opportunity for the buying of wondrously lovely silken fabrics at prices remarkably low. Hundreds of bolts of Mallinson’s silks were viewed by PoI> the other day, yards and yards of exquisitely glowing color from the house famous for magically beautiful silk weaving, all being priced at *1.95 !o *3.55, their ordinary selling prices, *7 and *8. Sheerly lovely silks that have their figures In-chenille-blocked solidity, great swirling brocaded decor ative motifs, graciously blending colors in jewel simulations, fantastic bar barity in fur coat linings, silks for every use, all offered at prices un believably low. One-day sample service will be rendered to give out-of-town people the advantage of this great Omaha silk sale. Send for samples at once, today. * A * Whitby Jet Mined and Made In Eng land. SUCH Interesting news to give you Just before Christmas! Beads in various lengths, in graduated and plain strands, are a glitterlngly lovely addition to any gown, $18 to $30. Bracelets to grace the most heautiful arm, $7 to $12. Jet in Its most exquisite form, genuine Whitby products from London, first shipment since the war, now on sale at the C. B. Brown Jewel Shop, 220 South 16th street. Interesting pre holiday news note, is it not? t * * Neckpiece and muff for Miss One year-old are made of the exquisite astrakan wool, hand knitted, $7 for the set. Great Shaggy ‘‘Mums” and Pompons Now at Their Best. U 1 r THEIR best," said Mr. John Bath, in his Flower Shop at 18th and Farnam, the other day, speaking of his wonderful show ing of chrysanthemums and their close counterparts, the pompons. "Never more beautiful, nor more plen tiful than they are right now." Phone JA. 1906 to start Into motion the Bath service machinery. • • • Special Reduction on Tailoring serv ices and Material Stock. rKNEETER, tailor, second floor . 1916 Farnam, announces spe cial reduction in tailoring prices and materials for overcoats, suits and dresses. An opportunity. f The Selection of Dependable Time piece Promises Delighted Gift __ Recipients THERE Is a very fine selection of timepieces offered at the John Hen rickson Jewel Khop, Sixteenth and Capitol, all of them the product of well known ami famous makers of watches. The Gruen wrist watches are probably the moat popular watches for tho feminine gift recipients while the men of the family will he most gratified with either of the follow ing; Elgin, Waltham, Howard and Gruen. The Henrickson watch service, which is a part of a Henrickson watch purchase, is an assuring reminder to the shopper at this store. Select the Furniture Gift Now for Holiday Delivery. CORTE-ALDOU8 HUNT, 24th and Farnam, have a marvelous se lection of furniture pieces suit able for gift purposes. A little table like the lecture, a table designed to tuck under the arm of your favorite chair, to place at either end of the davenport or day bed to hold lamps, ash trays, candy dishes or book . groups, In other words, the furniture ‘...dece indispensable, an ideal gift of fering. The table as pictured is $13.50. A lovely piece. * • * Lady David Ribbon Novelties, the Christmas Gift Choice. LADY DAVID ribboi) novelties are the choice exquisite in Christmas glfties. Until you've seen these rarely fashioned flower trimmed nov elties you’ve not realized the delight ful possibilities of ribbon. Gifts to order, gifts to be selected from stock, you'll find the showing wholly adora ble. The address—1733 South Twen ty-ninth street. Harney 8217. An East Side car will take you to the door. WHEN YOU SEND POLLY YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING LIST BE SURE TO GIVE THE TOTAL AMOUNT YOU HAVE TO UPEND—A DE SCRIPTION OK THE PER SONS FOR WllOM THE GIFTS ARE INTENDED — SOMETHING IN REGARD TO THEIR PERSONALITIES AND STATE IN LIFE—A DEFI NITE SPECIFYING OF AMOUNT TO BE SPENT FOR BACH GIFT. AN ITEMIZED LIST OF EXPENDITURE WILL HE KEPT ON FILE IN , THE DEE OFFICE. A SHOPPING SERVICE . CONDUCTED FDR THE HEADERS OF THE BEE. n POLLY TIIE SHOPPER OMAHA IIEE OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Selection of Your Christmas Card* Will Take hut a Few Minute*. fT'VlK Matthewa Book Store. 1620 I Harney, has a lovely selection of Christmas cards from which to choose. The price for personally engraved cards Is very small, the se lection exquisite If one does not wait until the very last few hours before Christmas day. Order your cards at once! • • • Beautifully shaped are the broad cloth bootees for baby, hand em broidered round the edges, 11.50 and 12. • • » Wheir Milady Selects a Dress for Af ternoon and Dinner Wear, She Chooses the Artistically Beaded Model. PARISIAN designers decided In favor of headed decorative motlfa on dresses for afternoon and eve ning wear and the resulting models are fascinating Indeed, you’ll agree, fitter a viewing of the dresses on dis play In Bamond's, 17th and Farnam. (’.onerous to a degree have been the fashioners of these frocks, for though the Crepe Ellznbeth of the frock may lie somber in hue, there's nothing at all bleak or somber in the ftffeot In tolo, rather Is It a glowingly colorful affair! Madam Omaha Follows Style Prece dent Fsfahllslicd hy Eastern Fash ion Tenters. MADAM Omaha now places an ex quisitely fashioned chapeau upon her tastefully arranged coiffure when fully dressed for after noon and evening functlona—a depar ture In stylcfulness. The Heltman lint 8hop, Eighteenth and Douglas, Ath letic f'lul) building, ha ve on display cx qulsltrles In the new hat style—de lightfully artistic conceptions In lace, velvet and metal cloths, offered at prlres most moderate. • • • Faience blue Is a fascinating new hrlghtener of winter's landscape, a boon to the sotnber costume of the new season. * • • "Flitter" Wondrouslv Effective New Metal Paint Ear Weed Work. HAYDEN Bros., wall paper depart ment, 4th floor, has a complete showing of supplies for the con summation of thn lovely new weed painting Flitter Is the name given to (lie new metallic coloring, heavier and coarser, particularly pleasing for the coloring of smooth surfaces, $Bo a package. The Bronzes are 15c each, the water colors. 2 for 15c. For school room use there's s choice of two com plete weed coloring aets, $1.50 and $1.68. Sports Ccats in Shaggy Weaves Demonstrate Beauty _of Foreign Novelty Color Combinations_ LAVISHLY collared in the season's favored peltries are the sports coats on display at Thompson-Belden's. Kit Fox, Red Fox and brown caracul top Imported Scotch tweeds of swagger smartness, and the shaggy weaves so fascinating In snug fitting warmth: so altogether becoming In their soft ly enveloping folds with long-furred collar. An unusual selection at R>8,50. New dresses every day In this modern costume department, embroidered and fur-trimmed models In wool and silk fabrics, an arresting array offeredat $ti3.S0. * _ • • • Hundreds of Hair Pieces to Hide That Place That Always Part*—That Difficult Place in the Coiffure. TDK WRIGHT - DAVID Beauty Shop, main floor, Baird Block, 17th and Douglas, haa a large sheet of photographed hair pieces posted at the aide of the mirror in the main booth of their shop—places of original arrangement, an assurance that the difficult place In the home hair dress will tie no more, for these are pieces designed to defy such tie fects. • • • Black enamel Inlay decorations add ft note of French decorativenesa to unique shaped sterling dorlne cases on braided silver wrist straps, $12.60. » • • Black Suede Slippers—Choose Kid anil Patent Trimmings for Swagger (ef fectiveness. I BLACK suede slippers prove a most charming footwear choice when they’re trimmed In kid and patent, with dainty one, two and three-strap fastenings, augmented In styleful way by latticed work at the sides. Smart new styles at $3.98 and $4.98. Thesl are to be found at the Kinney Shoe Store. Sixteenth street, and Capitol avenue, with silk hose to match, $1. A better quality, full fash toned, $1.69. • * • Ona of Omaha’s well known artists ha* gone on a hunting trip with her husband that she may better study the feathered beauties she paints so well. Pictures to delight the hunter— a gift suggestion. • • • Luncheon Menus Pleasantly Varied. PAUL’S Metropolitan Dining room In the Hotel Keen, Klghtoenlb and Harney, Is n delightful plats to go for luncheon for the menus pc senfed dally are unusually and pleas antiy varied. One is sure to receive a cordial welcome, a splendid lunch non at price moderate, 46c and 60c. with as many cups of coffee as one desires. ’An Inducement. For Luncheon—Sandwiches, n Spicy Kit O’ Kclinli, Fruit Hud Sweet t'aUe or 1’Mtry. THAT'S the balance In Uic lune.i boxen preptirid by the Stanley Box Lunch company, Jo. 4f>,'7 or At. x'Mtd. Home-cooked, delirious llox lum lien nr* enprelBlIy uxeful now that we've atarted our Chriatman gif* ■howling, w« ent before rushing out to the ghopn. A auggcetlon. “A Million Dresses” Extravagant Description of Smart Omaha Woman Who Visits Dress Showing in _Exclusive Shop._ p -|-v OSCHIN'S Hhop, Hotel Kontenelle, Klghteanth and Douglas, has I Q ps millions of dresses according to the enthusiastic description of J—e „ne smart little Omaha woman during the past week. Flgura lively speaking, there arc millions, though not "countively" speaking decides Polly—however they’ve an Individuality that is really more to be deaired than many different models In the minds of the clothes.wise person. Velvets, luxuriously lovely things! A riot (if long, loose fringing Is noticeable on copies of recent imports. Fur trimmings havs come Into their own, “chip mink" Imagine the chic of that! Summer ermine follows down the center pleated frill of a “tubo" frock of chiffon—unique! Tiers and flares. Dresses hat might have been resultant achievements of a conjurer's art. so unexpected 'heir beauty. Dresses tres charmnnt. Dresses modest In pricings. $45 to $95' Words of Interest to the Wise Shopper From Store of Specialty Shops CHAPEAUX of rianldng Individuality are the new Klhel satin model* Rhown In the tloldateln-Chapman millinery department—pereonal aelec tlon* of Florence Paxton Smith, an Hrllatle peraon, wl*o In the way* of hat harnmlngneea, lint* with trimming* of burnt goo*# and peacock or of ('harmful softening of monkey fur. lively! JANE COWL Jl’I.IET VANITY IIOXES IN VIVID COIOKH AS WELL AH LEATHERS SOFTENED BV TOOLED DESIGNS. IN tho costume novelty areeaanry department, main floor, at Ooldateln Chapman’* (here may he found the charming llttl* new vanltie* of leather match the winter coatume. ltrocede lined, they Include compart dorlne cane, tlnv ehlrred itllk hag and coin puree wllh generou* »l*ed mirror. De lightful find. $3.30, NEW DRAPERY AND DKCORAT1NO SHOP FORCED TO ENLARGE MERCHANDISING SPACE. Avery a large patronage during the opening week* of hualncaa In the drapery and decorating ehop at (Inldateln Chapman'* Itan made It necessary for them to enlarge their me re ha n dial ng space. Thl* due o arllHtlc service rendered, unusual prh e» and excellent Value*. NEW "MODART” CORSET MODEIJt—LOW -TOPPED. lONti IIIITED FOR WEAR WITH NEW PLAIN HACKED T AIIOKED DRESSES. IN the cm net department at Gold*tnln-Chaptiu»n'* *re offered the ex quisitely shaped new "Modart" cornet model* for Milady’* new tailored frock, *r. to I1G. Thom eon'* Oloveflttlng Corselettea In clalnty brocade* are $3 *0, three lightly honed. Interesting NEW AHKIV \LS IN THE IIIOI SE SHOP PROMISE COSTUME ACHIEVE MENTH AT MINIMI M EXI’KNDITI'HES. T111: If !•; are lovely new blmian aril vale In the becoming new style line*, nasurance of effective coatumrry. for they’re the new brocaded erepea and cut velvet weave*, artistic Indeed, moderate In price. H09S to 114.SO For util ty wear, nothing could bo smarter than the pew Jersey slip* on* with touche* of hand work, $0.95. New Beauty Simp Makes Business Debut. THE Bain Beauty Shop. Morris apartments, Eighteenth and Dodge streets. AT. 1617, la •Om aha'* very newest. A beautifully decorated shop In which one will find all the appliances-known to modern beauty operations. Miss Jeannette Bain needs no introduction to Omaha women, she has had many years ex perience in one of our largest shops. "The Shop of Personal Attention." • • • An advance Christmas offering is a shipment of pin seal, It karat gold edged, In gift pieces of hill folds in price range from $6.50 to $28; smartly shaped cigaret cases, long and har row. for the vest pocket, $6.50; match eases, M.50. • • « Rosewood .Suede the Popular Color Choice for Oxfords. Rosewood is the popular color choice for oxfords and the Shoe Market. South Sixteenth street, has a lovely selection in dif ferent heel heights, appliequed kid trims, and toe shapings. Clever styl ings in oxfords, populsf shoe style for fail and winter, $6.50 and $7.50 Sandal effects are $7.95. High shoes in black, brown and gray, In military and Loula heels, arc priced $7.85 and $10. • • • One wonders if the masculine re cipient of the gift will brave the pro hibition officers to the extent of having his personal monogram en graved upon the pint flasks of ster ling silver which range In price from *25 to *H0. • • • Cards and Mottoes to lie Painted (or Christmas at Art Exchange Shop. AT THE Book and Gift Shop, 2nd floor Bushman Block, ldth and Oouglas. one will find delight ful little greeting cards and mottoes to be painted In colorful tones. Sup piles for the new relief work, Gessfl, will be found In this shop. Caissons If one desires, 6(>c each. lovely New Kobe* for Fall and Win ter Wear. HKHZBBIUV8 Main Floor Shop. IMS Dougina street, offer robes of ilrllghtful coloring to tie don nod by Udy Fnlr now that the air's n bit floaty. Beacon blanket robes. »3.»f> to >11.95; corduroy robes In exquisite oolorlng*. >3.95 to >1795. exotleally tinted quilted silk robes, >19.75 to (24.95. * Clever French Fingers Have Evolved Transformation Masterpieces to Adorn Lady America MR. ROBERTS, Black and White room, Burgess-Xash, la enthusiastic Indeed over the lovely natural part transformations which have been evolved under the skillful fingers of French hair workers. These to be worn by the woman who would give her own hair a rest, who is perhaps, waiting for her tresses to regain their natural coloring after a siege of dye ing, or who is enjoying a series of scientific sclap treatments. The new swirls are also being shown in this shop, these exquisitely waved, ideal for use In achieving the wondrously becoming close fitting hairdress, or the slightly more elaborate effect finished off into a chignon or cluster of Marie Antoinette curls. Kxotlc Flower Showing in Omaha Shop. HE 88 ft SWOBODA’S Flower shop, 1805 Farnam, Is a spot of joyous loveliness now that the flower season Is opened—riotous massings of rarely lovely roses in the Ice boxes, banks of giant ‘‘mums" in the windows, great potted plants closely covered with popular pom pons, an appealing showing of finely selected plant life. Palms that tower to the ceiling promise lovely back ground for the solemnities of the wed ding ceremony, the smaller ferns and potted palms for massed use on con cert platform. A shop of true de light. • • • Gotham invisible spats to be worn under Milady’s silk hose for warmth, a discovery, $1. Hand Wrought Work to Be Done Cp to the Night Before Christmas. rTS HA.N'DYEKRAFT SHOPPE Y 635 Securities Bldg., 16th and -*■ Harney, is brimming over with suggestions for hand made gifts for the Yuletide. They’re planning, too. to be busy up to the very night before Christmas. Handkerchiefs, initialing on linens of all kinds, tiny wearables for the tiny person, everything that requires dainty hand stitchery, will be done to order here. Interesting indeed are the oriental novelties shown in the gift collection—gayly colored Chi nese ’broideries, ivory cigaret holders, tiny ash bowls. Lovely. • A • A boy of Christmas gift hosiery contains three pairs, regular $2.25 value—the three pairs for $5.50. All the same color or In three different shades if desired. Spiral Crepe for Fashioning of Clever Little Coat Frocks With Real Lace Trims FDR the fashioning of the clever little coat frocks, buttoning low on the left hip with large novelty button, real lace collar and cuffs are the spiral crepes shown at the Thompson-Hazen Silk Shop. 318 South Six teenth street. Hotel Conant building. These are the silk and wool weaves Ideally suited in weight for the little coat dresses which have won instant popularity. One may choose brown, caramel, tan, gray, navy or black, a regular $8.50 value at $2.95. The same weave in a satin-faced crepe is priced at $3.95, this a regular $4.50 value. Sample orders are promptly filled. Mall order business la solicited. • * • • • • (hristmas Cards That Express an Artistic Discrimination. NABSTEDT Christmas cards, hun dreds of them, one and all ex press the reserved and discrimi nating skill in selection of the artist. Hundreds of cards, lovely, satisfying in sentiment, each with the assurance of Individual selection, in the Nabstedt Studio Shop, 619 Brown Block, l#th and Douglas. e e e Imported from China are tiny em broidered boxes with lids caught by ivory clasps—original suggestions for dinner party favors. 45c each. (There are but IS of these ) • • • Fashion Authorities Declare In Favor of the Extra Hair Pieces—The Ornament. THE F. M Sohadell A Co., hair de partment, 1521 Douglas, have re ceived a shipment of delightful new hair pieces which meet with the entire approval of Dame Fashion Dainty new ornaments will be at tractive additions to tastefully ar ranged coiffures at functions of so cial distinction during fall and win ter. Christmas Gift Showing Sattefyingly Complete. JEWEL novelties, diamond Jewel* of regal loveliness, stone mounted In wondrously desirable ring*, pins and pendants, or the exquisitely cut etones of pure qualify to be se lected and mounted In a personally designed mounting to be made to or der whatever the gift need you'll find a complete f.lling of It In the Rees* Jewel shop. Sixteenth and Harney. Huy the Jewel gift now for holiday delivery. • • • A simple dress draped low at one side gains astonishingly in distinctio* when worn with a soft wrap to har monise. • • • Chrysanthemums Particularly Suit able Flowers for the Holiday So son. GAYLT golden a* any warmly col orful autumn day are the chrys anthemums shown in the 'Rog er* Flower Shop. Twenty fourth and Karnam. exquisite blossoms for th* beginning holiday nu-nth. November. Exquisitely decorative blossoms. Tiny Pin Tucking Lovely When Deco rative Arrangement of Velvet Weave GOLDEN bronio velvet waa Milady's dress choice. pin tucking, the all-over kind, the decorative motif—the place of decoration, the Ideal Hutton and Pleating company, third floor. Brown Block. Sixteenth and Douglas. From neckline to hem, front and hack, a narrow, plain apace left to he adorned *hy a closely aet line of velvet covered buttons In unique shaping e e e For the long living room in which one end Is used ss the dining room. Welsh dresser on which one may range choice hits of colorful china is the holee of the wise decorator. • • • • • • New Mareel Operator* I»emon**ra»e Original and Exclusive Mode* of llairdi essinc. THE Crawford Renuty Shop. 1001 W. O. \V building, .la. SSiS, I* prepared to take rare of thalr holiday patron* In manner entirely vitlsfactory- five operator* three ex pert marcel operator*, who will charmingly demon*!rat* to laidy Kalr tho b*auty of originality in marcrllng The now Christmas Mock offer* any number of attractive gift* for every men-i>er of the family • • • Don’t Hesitate to Hair Your Hat He Mocked—*T« Id He YYell Worth It. THK KRtTOKK HAT SHOP, SOS Rarker Week, doe* realty fin# work In rehlocklng hat* *llghtl> worn by weather, modeling fur* and marabou Closed at I on Saturdays. NOTES FROM TUI FRENCH MODI Velvet applique is one of the newest and most striking types of detail. • • • Faria has revives! the long fringe A Renee gown of white crepe has .» fringed sash and a fringed rectangular scarf. • • • Short capes are being used on many winter models They appear In cloth or in for on the street frock. In matching fabric for evening, and even the evening wrap may wear one. —Till* aaj Tfiteni » n*gt*(»r*4 U tk Ittraii Ottica ,