Benson Society Benson's First Pipe Organ Installed in Methodist Church. The installation of the new pipe organ in the Benson Methodist church is the culmination of a dream of many years' standing and marks a distinct forward movement in the church life of the community. Thi organ installed is a Hilgren I&ne two manual, improved electro, ■pneumatio organ, with attached con sole, and consisting of a great organ, a swell organ and a pedal organ, with a total of about 600 pipes. The case is finished In oak to match the In • terior woodwork of the church, and ■ ihe display pipes are decorated in gold anp colors harmonious with the frescoing and' art windows of the auditorium. Miss Roma Roth, who has been - church pianist and active in church work, for many years will be the or k ganist. Miss Roth is the eldest daugh ter of Mr. Gorton Roth, superin . tendent of the Sunday school, and Mrs. Roth. The organ will he formally dedi cated Thursday evening, November 8, . by J. H. Simms, for 25 years organist of All Saints Ep.scopal church, and is* one of the best known musicians in the middle-west. Mr. Simms will , be assisted by George E. Saltzgiver, well known soloist. The program will start at 8 p. m. A popular price of fiO cents adndssion has been made by the committee in charge. Come and enjoy a musical treat. B. S. Chapter, P. E. O Sisterhood. Mrs B. B Combs, 2020 Emmet street, will be hostess Monday, No vember 5, to the members of the B S. chapter of the P. E. O. S.ster hood. Educational day will be ob served with an appropriate program arranged by the educational commit tee of the chapter. Tri-City Birthday Club. Mrs. D. H. Fair will entertain at a luncheon Wednesday, November 7, at the Fontenelle hotel, complimentary to the members of the Tri-City Birth — day club. Dinner Guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Penoyer enter twined at a week-end dinner party Saturday complimentary to Mrs Pen oyer's aunt, Mrs. A. W. Nason, and family. Old-Fashioned Party. 'Members of the Double Five club entertained at an old-fashioned cos tume parly Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holdredge. Costumes quaint and aged were in evidence. The gown worn by Mrs. W. F. Reishaw was 75 years old. New Director for Baptist Choir H. J. Joseph of Calvary Baptist church will direct the Benson Bap tist choir during the coming year. Mr. Joseph is a tenor of ability, and has sung with the Calvary choir for u, number of years. lie was a mem her of the Mendelsohn choir directed by Thomas Kelly, now of Cincinnati. He is also a member of the Y. M. C. A. chorus. Rehearsals will begin at 7:45 each Friday evening. Choir members are urged to be present. First Community Center Program A short, interesting community center program will be given Friday evening, November 9, in the auditor ium of the Benson city hall. None but Benson talent will appear on this program. The first number will be a saxophone solo by Kermit Sonne land,' accompanied by his mother, Mrs. I). V. Sonncland. Mrs. Gladys Williams, contralto, accompanied by Mrs. Helen Win'er, will Hng, ami | May Spend Winter Here r>fT5v? ADELE BLACKWEIIt Miss Aei.le Blackwell was one of this years very charming Ak-Snr Ben visitors. She was a guest at the home of her uncle, Warren S. Black well, until recently, and though she has returned to her home at Muscatine, la., It Is the hope of Mr. and jMrs. Blackwell that she will re turn shortly to spend the winter sea son here. Her sister,' Miss Bernice Blackwell was a maid in the court