The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, November 04, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART THREE, Page 3-C, Image 25

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Sponsor Lecture
Mrs. H. J. Bailey and Mrs. Gentry
Waldo are in charge of arrangement
for the lecture to be given by Carrie
Chapman Catt, noted suffrage leader,
on December 4, under auspices of the
Omaha Deague of Women Voters. This
is the first of a series of talks to be
■riven during the winter.
Other speakers will be Judge Flor
nee Allen, who Is the only woman
n the supreme bench, and Judge
Martin Wade of Iowa, United States
strict judge.
The local league voted not to' raise
' ics from 50 cents to at a meet
,ng Thursday at the Y. W. C. A. The
untial election of officers will be
ild Thursday, December 6, at which
ime two more vice presidents will
be added to the excutiva board,making
hree in nil.
The study class, which Is open to
11 members of the league, will be
held on the fourth Thursday after
noon of each month.
,'ohn L. Kennedy Speaks on
Law Enforcement.
John D. Kennedy will speak on
• Enforcement of the Constitutional
Daw,” before the Business and Pro
fessional woman’s division of the
Chamber of Commerce, Wednesday
evening at the Chamber of Com
merce. The talk will be preceded
by dinner at 6:15 o'clock.
The Orpheus male chorus of 50
voices, Fritz Carlson, leader, will
give a program of songs. The din
ner is In charge of the bank group,
Miss Pearl Janney, chairman, assist
ed by Mary P. Doyle. Eva L. Hut
chison, Elizabeth M. Kolb. Eleanora
Ijunbracht. I*zabeth Kaufman, H.
\ Sophia DarsonT Ethel Daverlng, Min
A nie Phalen, MarWia Siert, Edith
rttandeven, Frances E. Stem and
Katherln C. Wilbur.
Fx-Cong^essman Andrews to
Address Club Women.
Ex-Congress W. E. Andrews (of
Hastings will speak on "Contempo
rary National Problems From the
Republican Standpoints,” at the meet
ing of the political and social science
- department of the (^maha Woman »
club, Monday, 2:30 p. m., at the Y.
W. C. A. Mrs. Draper Smith will
-reside. The meeting Is open to all
Mub members and their friends.
Get Acquainted Club.
The Get Acquainted club meets to
iVght at 7 o'clock, First Unitarian
..lurch, Turner boulevard and Har
icy street. Col. and Mrs. C. G. Cun
lingham will be host and hostess.
Mrs. Don J. Adams and Donald
f llsbury will give vocal numbers and
l;ss Roselyn Goldstein readings.
Arthur li. Palmer has composed a
long for the club called "The Get
Vcquainted Club of Omaha.” which
1,113 been adopted as the club song, to
lie sung at each meeting.
A club orchestra has been organ
ized under the direction of Ely Ras
mussen. which will give a program
once a month. The club Is nonsec
tarian. Strangers and lonely folk are
welcome. *_
South Omaha Woman’s Club
Mrs. Curtis Cook will review “The
-Cathedral” by Hugh Walpole at a
" 'meeting of the literature department
of the South Omaha Woman’s club
Tuesday afternoon, 2:*0 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. F. A. Creesey 4204
South Twenty-second street. Current
events will be led by Mrs. A. H. Mur
Woman’s Club Debate.
"Shall Our Club Dues Be Raised?”
i the subject of a debate to be given
,efore the parliamentary law depart
aicnt of the Omaha Woman’s club
Thursday afternoon. 2:30 o'clock, at
the T. W. C. A. The subject of the
regular lesson Is "Obtaining the
Floor.”_ __
Street Scene in Paris Reconstructed
for Overseas Armistice Carnival
The stupdendous task of decorating
^he Auditorium for the armistice car
nival to be presented by the overseas
girls Friday and Saturday of this
week is in the hands of Mary Lydia
Rowe. Mrs. Rowe served in the can
teen branch and later as hospital
searcher at Bourges during the world
war. She 1s a professional decorator
for entertainments of all kinds, in
cluding weddings, dinner dances and
festivities for special occasions, and
is the head of her own business at the
Pomegranate shop in the Gardner
A street scene in Paris, winding up
to the Cafe de la Palx on the stage,
is the picture Mrs. Rowe is planning
to present. Tiny shops will flaunt
their gay crepe paper awnings on
either side of the boulevard at this
"Night in Paris.” The general color
scene will be in the French colors,
red and white and blue. Festoons of
lights in these colors will shed their
brilliance over the gala scene. Harry
Trustin is assisting Mrs. Rowe with
the construction work and B. B.
Adams with the scenic painting.
'Two miniatures by Mrs. Rowe have
been accepted and hung by the
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
and one by the New York Water
Color club. She studied four years
at the Chicago Art Institute and one
year with the Chicago Academy of
Fine Arts. She has also worked with
Mr. Ensign at the Berkshire Summer
School of Art.
Community Service League
Members of the Girls’ Community
Service league and their friends will
meet at Forty-second and (fcrand ave
nue at 3:30 today for a hike, under
the leadership of Paul Geiger.
Tuesday evening at 5:30 cooking
class will meet under the direction of
Mrs. W. L. Rlner. At 7:30 the sew
ing class will meet with Mrs. R.
Wednesday evening at 5:30 cooking
class will meet In Trinity parish
house. Mrs. W. I*. Rlner. Instructor.
The Girls’ Community Service
league will entertain at a dancing
party at Kelplne'a dancing academy.
Twenty-fifth and Farnam streets, on
Wednesday evening. The Blackston
lan orchestra will furnish the music.
Thursday evening cooking class un
der the direction of Mrs. W. L. Rlner
will meet In the club rooms. 1712
Dodge street, and the class In cooking,
recently organized, will meet at 3:30
in Trinity parish house, Mrs. R.
Saunders, Instructor.
Members of the league will attend
the dance given Saturday evening at
the Bellevue vcc tlonal school.
They are at Leisure
FOR pleasure or shopping, because
all worry and thought of laundry
is gone.
They send the laundry to us every
Our “rough dry service—starched’'
consists of everything dried; pieces re
quiring starch are starched; underwear
is soft and ready to wear, and all bed
linen, table linen and flat work comes
The price is reasonable—10 cents a
pound for first 15 pounds and then 7
cents a pound for all over that.
i Phone AT lantic 0280
1607-6-11 Jackion Streat
Dr. Young to Address
The Parent-Teacher association of
the Henry Yates school will hold its
second meeting of the year In the
school auditorium Wednesday after
noon. at 3 o'clock. The Henry Yates
orchestra, directed by Robert Cusca
,den, will play, and Mrs. Martin Sug
arman will give a song group.
Dr. O. Alexander Young will give
an address on "Nervousness in Chil
dren.” Members of the Farnam
school Parent Teacher association are
invited to be present Rt this pro
Omaha Walking Club.
The Omaha Walking club members
are at a loss which hike to take this
afternoon as the host at the shack,
Gus Burrell, and the leader of the
hike north of Florence. John Proctor,
are enterprising in their plans of en
tertainment. Mr. Proctor promises an
unusual surprise for those who Join
his band this afternoon, 3 o'clock, at
State street, Florence. Mr. Burrell
has arranged an interesting volley
hall game for those hiking to the
Weekly Club Calendar_
Catholic Ihiughters of .America—Sun
day afternoon at the club rooms. Class
of 150 will be initiated.
House of Hope, 7915 North Thirtieth
gtrect—Sunday. 3 p m. Musical program
by pupils of Mies May Wetheral.
Omaha Walking Huh—Sunday. 3 p m.
from State street, I-lorence through the
woods, where a campfire supper will be
served John Proctor. leader.
Old People's Home. Fontenelle Boule
vard—Sunday. 3:30 j. in. Rev. Arthur
Atack pastor Hanscom Park Methodist
church, speaker Church choir will sing.
Get Acquainted Club—-Hiinday, 7 n. ni.
First Unitarian church. Turner boulevard
and Harney stre^C Program and social
hour. Open to all strangers ami lonely
folk. _
(rolden Bod Auxiliary—Monday eve
ning, card party. Swedish auditorium
Tennyson Chautauqua Circle- Monday.
2 p. m. Y. W. C. A. .Mrs. R. C. Hoyt,
Dundee Chautauqua Circle— Monday.
1:30 p. m. with Mrs. E. H. Orchard.
6096 Cuming street.
P. K. O. Sisterhood. Chapter B. S.—
Monday. 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. B. H
Combs. 2020 Emmet street.
Roosevelt Chautauqua Circle—Monday.
7 p. m. with Mrs. F. A Creaaey. 4204
South Twenty-second street.
Hellenic Cliaiitanqua Circle—Monday. 9
a. m., with Mrs. B. F. Peters. 1*22 Em
met street. Mrs. George Crocker, leader.
Merrill Feature—Monday. 10:30 a. nv.
Blarkatone hotel. Mrs. Anthony French
Merrill will give first of scrips of talks
on “New Values and New Goals."
Omaha Woman’s Club Political and
Social Science Department—Monday, 2:30
P m.. Y. W. C. A. Ex-Congressman w. L.
Andrews of Hastings will speak on "Con
temporary National Problems from a Re
publican Standpoint.” Club members and
their friends are Invited.
American Legion Auxiliary—Tuesday, *
p. m.. memorial hall, court house.
Altruaa Club Luncheon—Tuesday, 12:30
o’clock, Burgess-Nash tea room.
lT. S. Grunt Woman’s Relief Corps—
Tuesday, 1:30 p. m.. memorial hall, court
Minne Luaa Chautauqua —'Tu^k
dav. 2 p. m . with Mrs. J P Sheeran,
2229 Ogden street.
G. T. G. Club of Mara bees Tuesday.,
* p. m. Maccabees Health Center, 1.00
Courtney building
Mercer Park Chautauqua Circle—Tues
day, 1:30 p. jn.. with Mrs. J. H Osborne,
4 40 North Thirty-eighth avenue.
P. E. O.. Chapter B. X.—Tuesday. 1
o’clock luncheon with Mrs. E. E. Thomas,
46 54 Dodge street. Mrs H. M Binder,
assist ing.
Omaha School Forum—Tuesday. * p. m .
Central High school. Miss Clara B
Mason. Social hour will follow program.
All teachers invited.
Jewish Women’s Welfare—Tuesday. S
p. m . Jewish Community center. Sub
vert, “The Work of the. Visiting Teacher. ’
Miss Natalie Bassett, speaker.
Omaha Business Woman’s Club—Tues
day, 6:15 p. m . Y. W. C. A. dinner fol
lowed by business meeting. Miss Cecilia
M. Chase will speak in current events.
L. O. E. Chapter No. 1.—Tuesday. 1
o’clock luncheon and card party Black
stone hotel. Reservations with Mrs.
Pratt Harwood or Mrs. A A. Corkle.
Junior League—Tuesday from 3'until 5
p m. tea for club women a* tna D«T
Nursery Twenty-fourth and St Mar>
avenue. All clun women interested In the
nursery are invited.
P. E. O. Sisterhood. < liapter B. K.—
Tuesday. 1 o’clock luncheon with Mrs
W. H Smalls. 3716 Pacific street. Mrs.
I C F? Walrath assisting. Educational
day program Mr*. M. D. Cameron,
South Omaha Woman * Cluh. Literature
Department—Tueaday. 2.30 p. nv., with
Mrs F. A. Cressey. 4204 South Twenty
serond street Mrs Curtis Cook will ylve
the book review and Mrs. A. H. Murdock
will lead the current events. Guest day.
Omaha Woman’s Club. Speech Educa
tion Department—Tuesday. 10; IT. a. m..
Burgess-Nash auditorium. Lesson fol
lowed by program of dramatic reading.*
mid extemporaneous talks. Prof. Edwin
Pul*, instructor; Mrs. H. J Holmes,
Omaha Woman’s Club Current Topic*
Department—Tursday. 12:30 p. m. lunch
eon Y VV. C. A.. In honor of Mrs. C harles
Johannes. Miss Nana Hobrebena of the
Philippine islands will tell of her coun
try Reservations may be made with Mrs
Isaac Douglas and Miss Grace Thomas.
D.elnphian Study Club—Tuesday. 2:30 p.
in . Burgess-Nash tea room. Mrs George
Magnev. leader. .Subject, "Grecian Art
Roll call, items of interest relating to
topics. Discussions will be in charge of
Mend a me* J. W. A Knew, A. G. Pinkerton.
Charles Janecek. Victor Kropf. O. C. Ho
man. G. B. Child and W. H. Koenig
Doctors’ Wives* Club—Wednesday. 1
o’clock luncheon. Brandels restaurant.
L. O. E. Chapter No. I. Wednesday. *
p. m. Elks club rroms. Business meet
Yate* Parent -Teacher** Association—
Wednesday. 3 p nv. school auditorium.
Fa main school parent-tea* hers will be
Catholic Doug liter* of America—Wed
nesday evening, Fontenelle hotel. Din
ner dance in honor of I fit* new members
initiated Sunday afternoon.
Omaha Woman’* Pres* Club—Wednes
day. 12:30 o’clock Brandels restaurrftit.
Miss Louise Lovely, appearing at the
Orpheum, honor guest and speaker.
Mu Sigfim Wednesday. 9:30 a. m . with
Mr*. Arthur Wells, 113 North Happy Hol
low boulevard Mrs. A L. Patrick, lead
er. Subject "Carlyle, the Philosopher.''
Business and Professional Women’s Di
vision, Chamber of Commerce—Wednes
day. 6:30 p. m.. Chamber of Commerce.
Dinner and program. John L. Kennedy,
P. E. O. Sisterhood Chapter B. P.—
Wednesday, 1 o'clock luncheon with
Mrs P J. Haas. 1141 South Thirty
third street. Mrs. H. E. Maxwell, as
sisting hostess.
Clan Gordon Ladle* Auxiliary—Wednes
day. 2 t> m , with Mrs. Janet Anderson.
4026 Blondo street. Mesdames James
Nielsen. Janies Henderson and Cyril
James, hostesses.
Omaha Woman’* Club, Music Depart
ment Wednesday, 10 a ni . Y. W. C. A.,
chorus rehearsal and business meeting,
followed by 1 o’clock luncheon and mus
(calkin auditorium at 2:30 p. m.
Omaha College Cluh Book Review Sec
tion— Wednesday, 4 p m , at All Silnn
church. Rev, Thomas Casady will review
i Papin! * "The Life of Christ " Tea will
be served preceding the oook review.
American War Mother*' Kensington—
Wednesday. 1:80 p. ni.. with Mrs. Irma
Craig. 2204South Thirteenth street;
Mesdames George Browning. Julia Dwyer,
IE F Doran and R S. Campbell assisting
Dundee Woman’s Club— Wednesday. 2 p
m . with Mrs E. A Beardsley, 103 South
Fiftieth avenue "The Middle of the
Road," by Sir Philip Gibbs, will be re
viewed by Mesdames I. J. Greer, W. H.
Punsing and II. F\ McIntosh 4
p. E. o. Sisterhood Chapter C. B.—
Wednesday, 1 o’clock luncheon with Mr*.
R. M La vert y, 4304 Houth Twenty-sec
ond street. Mrs. J. E. Lush and Mrs
c f*. Wilson, assisting Mrs M. D. Cam
eron and Mrs M F Funkhouser will
speak on the educational fund.
American War Mother*—Thursday eve
ning. memorial hall, court house.
Altru-a Cluh Dinner—Thursday, f, 30 p
Dworak’s Way
Will Fit You in Three Month* for
E. A. Dworak, C. P. A.
will train you. Under his direction no time is wasted.
You will learn how to keep and close a set of books,
prepare balance sheets and profit and loss statements
of any business.
Enroll in Dworak’* School
Shorthand, typewriting, comptometry and complete
business training. Qualifies young men and women
for a desirable office position, earning a real salary.
We assist our graduates in securing positions.
Call or Write for Catalog Phone AT 7415
Dworak Business College
Second Floor Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam, Omaha
Paxton Block “The Store of Individual Shops” 16th and Famam
Silks, Velvets, Woolens
On Sale
At Tremendous
Price Reductions!
Black Silk Special*
40-inch Flat Crepe, $2.95
quality, yard . . . $1.95
10-inch All-Silk Canton
Crepe, $2.95 quality, per
10-inch Charmeuse, $2.5(1
quality, yard . .. .$1.79
Brocaded Silk
30 inches wide; splendid
quality for lingerie, in
white, pink and orchid;
$1.09 quality; yd $1.19
Costume Velvet
A lovely fabric for dress
es and suits; 30 inches
wide; in navy, brown
and black; yard. $2.-15
Poiret Twill and
Twill Cord
A fine quality all wool
fabric with rich silk fin
ish. A $5.4S quality. Mon
day only .......$3.89
54-Inch Aatrachan
Popular for jarquettes
and coats; in pray, tan,
loam and black; $4.95
quality for Monday
All-Wool Pebble f
,'i I inches wide; suitable
for pleated skirts and
dresses; in all wanted
shades; specially priced
for Monday, yd. *1.50
Wide Wale Corduroy
In demand for robes, up
holsteries and children’s
wear; obtainable In beau
tiful hi(rh colors; $1.00
value Monday, yard 70#
69c Sateen
flood quality with a silk
luster finish, in black and
colors; Monday at, per
1,500 Yards
Wool Fabrics
Values From $2.50 to
$4.00 Yard
The season's most desirable
weaves and colors in fine all
wool materials for dresses,
skirts and coats; all 54
inches wide.
Plaid w o o I e n s, velour
checks, duvetynes, tweeds,
jerseys, brushed wool coat
ings, striped skirtings, etc.
Textile Shop—Mxin Floor
m . at tha home of Mrs. Phoebs Fulla
Omaha Walking <!ub--Thur*day eve
ning. dinner and business meeting, T m
C A.
Alice R. Howard Chautauqua Circle—
Thureday, 7::if> u. m . V W. c. A. Mr«
Rmh Scabloom Howard, leader.
Cnlver.lty l^eture—Thuraday, « p. m.
First Unitarian church. Hr * rederlnk
Kiln* will speak on Problemi of World
Johnson Memorial, W. C. T. I'.—Thurs
day. 2 p. m.. with Mrs. O. C. Wrleth. f68
Sol 11 Flft ieth street. Reports of state
| mooting will o' given.
Omaha Woman's Club. Parliamentary
law Oepartment—Thursday. 2:30 p. m.,
Y VV. C A. Lesson. “Obtaining the
Floor," followed by a debate, "Shall Our
Club I>uea Be Raised?"
Fine Arts Lecture—Thursday, 4 p. m.
Fontenelle hotel Major E Alexander
Towel I. speaker Subject "By Camel and
Car to Peacock Throne, an account of
liin expedition in Asia.
Scottish Hite Woman's Clnh—Friday. 2
p. m. business meeting. Scottish Rite
lienet olent ami Patrlotle Order of Does j
! —Friday, 2 p rn., Klka’ club rooms.
Luncheon will be served preceding the
Omaha Walking Club—Saturday. 3 p.
m from end of Albright car line to club
shack in Fontenelle Forest. B*?ss Tury
tiek. leader.
P E. O. Sisterhood Chapter M—Satur
day 1 o'clock luncheon at home of Mrs.
VV. M Berry. Mrs. VV. B. Bredbeck. as
si*t4ng Mrs. Luiah T. AndreAs will speak
or the educational fund. t
P. E. O. Sisterhood, Chapter B. N.—
Saturday, 1 o'clock luncheon. First Pres
byterian church. Benefit of educational
fund Mra. Clara B Maaon will apeak
on the orient. Reaervatione may be made
with Mr*. O. H. Me no Id or Matthew*
book etore. _
Club Women to Visit
Day Nursery.
‘ Omaha club women will he guests
of the Omaha Junior league at a tea
Tuesday afternoon from 3 until 5. at
the Day Nursery, Twenty fourth and
St. Mary avenue. All club women
Interested In the nursery are Invited
to attend.
Jewish Wofnen’s Welfare.
Miss Natalie Bassett will speak on
"The Work of the Visiting Teacher”
at the meeting of the Jewish Women's
Welfare organization Tuesday, at 3
o'clock, at the Jewish Community
center, ' Nineteenth and Farnam
streets. Several musical numbers
will he given and a report of the
work of the organization during the
first nine months of this year will be
Trinity Christmas Sale.
Trinity parish and society will hold
its annual Christmas sale Saturday,
December 1, from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m.,
at the parish house.
Music Department
to Present
The music department of the
Omaha Woman's club. will present
the following program Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the T. VT.
C A. auditorium: Piano group, Claire
Otten Swoboda; two piano number,
Mrs. Swoboda and Mrs. Helen Sadllek
Kyhl; violin solo. Grace Leldy Burger,
accompanied by Mrs. A. R. Burnlte:
choral selections. Omaha Woman'a
club chorus.
The program will be preceded by a
1 o'clock luncheon at the 7. W. C. A.,
reservations for which mav be made
with Mrs. J. M. Lowe or Mrs. Flor
ence Baaler Palmer, depsrtment
The department will meet for
chorus rehearsal and business meeting
Wednesday at 10 a. m.
Musical at House of Hope.
Pupils of Miss May Wetheral will
give a musical program at the House
of Hope, "915 North Thirtieth street
this afternoon at 3 o'clpck.
-- -
16th and Farnam “The Store of Individual Shop*” Paxton Block
( out I It octal
Fur-trimmed coats
of the highest or
der for women
who demand the
Coats of beautiful
Cerona, Marvella,
Tarquina, Lus
trosa and Ara
Tr im mings of
black Fox, taupe
Fox, kit Fox,
grey Squirrel,
Platinum Wolf
and Beaver.
Monday Only
priced very specially at
Here is the opportunity of the season—one that is seldom offered
at this time on coats of this character.
All are Coats from regular stock, and each one has been repriced
to afford you a considerable saving.
Third Floor
Sec Out
Window Display
Ultra Mode«
of Black Satin
Mid-winter creations, each
one a bit different to em
phasize its newness. Art
fully trimmed in monkey
fur, ostrich and
burnt fancies.
1 Millinery Shop
" Third Floor
we have
the pleasure
of showing you
these nrn* modes.
"H here you are sold becom
ing hats that are individual."