Moros Are Repulsed. Manila, Oct. 29.—Moro Insurroctos, armed with spears only, have attack ed Col. Rafael^ Crame'a forces en camped at Parang, in Mindanao prov ince. according to unofficial reports reaching here yesterday. A general battle ensued. After a tierce engage ment reinforcements arriving on the scene saved the dny for the constabu lary and the Moros were driven off, tho unofficial dispatches said.* 30 L. A. Bootleggers Held. bos Angeles, Cal., Oct. 29.—Thirty -, alleged bootleggers snd whisky smug glers. including several women, were arrested In a series of police raids here. The raids reached their climax in a running pistol fight between pursuing officers and M. 8. Mendez, a veteran Ixia Angeles policeman, charged with bootlegging. Mendez was overtaken and arrested. Hratls Reserve Officers. Detroit, Oct. —Brig. Gen. John Ross Delfield of New York was elect ed president of the Reserve Officers' Association of the United States at the annual convention hero yesterday. Other officers elected Included Major O. K. Englor of Omaha, third vice president. Hog Injures Farmer. Tecumaeh, Neb., Oct. 28.—William Jeffery, a farmer living in the west cm part of the county, was endeav oring to catch a hog. The lu>g knocked Mr. Jeffery over and he fell heavily to the ground, breaking an ankle and dislocating his knee. Motion Picture Day. New York. Oct. 29.—National nio ---- THE NEBBS— RECIPROCITY Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hes» iUuDV. COME WEP.E /0\ MOMENT A.ND WELP ) ME M&WE.OP TUIS \ \ last or Guests top ) V^Tv-lL UdEDTMNG J /raon\ -the list vou move there \ f I'D THINK VOU UJOULD NEED HELP _ ) UJHAT did Vou do ? «klST TEf\Q <1 \ OPE THE COVED Or THE TELEPHONE / v—v book ? / r ^ (the; LOEDDinG Dinner will Cost TWE^ DOLLARS A PLATE AND NOO CAN ) SCQATCM OFF ALL THOSE HALF DOZEN \ PLATED TEA-SPOON GUNS ! I'M NOT \ sucker enough to spend fine dollars To TEED A Gun uiho spends three / \DOLLARS TOR A LuEDD'NG PRESENT J -—-r /OJE CjANir To SEND INVITATIONS to Cow DUNGAN . Bill riUERGENS AND THO: klND OF FOLkS THAT SEND SuJELL WEDDl PRESENTS -BUT Nik ON THOSE FtVE AND Te.N cent STOQE SHOPPERS -The first To the table AND THE last AljAV An" THEN Go HOME U)\TH A SATCHEL FU1 | ,-nt- -CtnO -ivtt REST OF J~Z Barney Google and Spark Plug Sparky May Prove to Be a Regular Santa Claw at That f” Th' Billy DeBeclt __ . —---- ■- I ■-7SKB-■ -'l ¥iT:_jyi'' nsTeN. brqujn etes. touq papa s IN UoAU. STREET NOV*)- VESSIO* X OVHN gfj 5oo shares of 'Belgian hair trnic* 5i§- YESTRROAT she 3UMPED FROM Afc A =■ To H2 A • SIXTEEN NOTCHES AND ANT PRceit is *000 boh sons if x uiant To sen. out a but not nie.xim V GONNA take Frank HUTTONS \ ADVICE AND NORSE THAT B.U.T. \ Tin. she «EACHES a00 . / v'\ ' belGian hair Tonic- is the Ji \ GREATEST DISCOVERT IN TEARS. y-SBARKT All IT AlEEOS IS f ——^promoton AND } \ SPADl PUBU? AWBCNAl C p.7;*. mtu. V ’T-Utj itj fo'-loih y .OOfcSPARKY . MERE " / SAMPIC ROT tie • SMELl IT • Aim T / IT d,REAT?- IF SOMfe OU> RENT WANTS t ( A SHRUB OH HIS roof Alt ME DOES ISS I fo SPOIMKIE A FSUI DROPS OF THIS I ToMIC OM MIS Coco » IF ME WANTS A f \ BEARD tike SANTA GlAUS ME ROBS (? \. SOME OF *T ON MIS CHIN ■ tlkE I* \ This, sparky, let me Show You • / \, <510se VOUR Mouth once -/ — . 5 3 —ijp. i - K— Fmtmm Ina_ 4 / RIGHT OOU/n To The. \ ' STOCK EXCHANGE. SWARKV. AND SHOW 1 ^ MouftsctF - we Buy / V SCO more. .✓ ^^SHARES^^/ BelCiaw WAIO TO»4>C optMto na •/«. CLOSED *50 *f* nn TXTPTXTr* I rn t? A Turn see jigcs and maggie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus BRINGING UP r A I HlR— U.S r'tToHk. PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE__iCpyrttht. IM1.I _ - - IM 60RRT MR JICCb) -*-1 BUT OUR BOOK’S ABOUT ALU bHOW A OEPlC»T OP J WE HAVE LEFT tiOOOoroR UAST I TO ^now _ - 1 ARE THE ( S COOKS- ' I THE ^scenario editor I [ *v»'< too >^> ) HA^i A, OjnQv iOE_»- no« to buy 2,0 THE NEW OlCTURE A.VjTOt> AtNO 1 THE.M IN VILLAIN B> FA.C. TORY. ,! then the e/vctory BURn^j DOWN ^nQ THEY'RE *\Ll_ QE-*3TRo' 95 CUEANUft j The Moams ■= Sboerr cMES-va® J <9ET 'EM foa ME.WUuNW^y ^ — ■* . — - f 1 Dtourr Sw / >1 v^oouo >sr.l -11-— -\ / Ow 'NEU.*TVsW 'WERE ] ['Tkst <9ewt (M'WEM OU) CMEE AvmjAV- / MfTTSu LAUMOCV \Gf\lS ftS SAG*. 'TUE | io?r sour. etcNesy ^ 1— _Ta?TS Wk&T 13'*” r..m\.nmmtmr*JA_ tinn picture day will bo observed by theaters sit over the country on No vember 19. Iowan, 103, Pies. St. Ansgar, la., Oct. 29.— Sylvester Lyman, who celebrated hia 103rd birthday 10 days ago, died at his home here Saturday. AltV KRTISKM KNT GOLDS THAT DEVELOP INTO _PNEUMONIA Chronic coughs nnd persistent colds lead to serious lung trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulslon, an emulsified creosote that is pleasant to take. Creomusion is a new medical discovery with twofold action; it soothes and heals the Inflamed mem branes and kills the germ. Of all known drugs, creosote Is rec ognized by the medical fraternity as the greatest healing agency for the treatment of chronic coughs and colds ahd other forms of thront and lung troubles. Creomulslon contains, In addition to creosote, other healing ele ments which soothe and heal the in flamed membranes and stop the irri tation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, is absorbed Into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and destroys the germs that lead to consumption. Creomulslon is guaranteed satisfac tory in the treatment of chronic coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, catarrhal bronchitis and other forms of throat and lung diseases, and Is '■xcellent for building up the system after colds or the flu. Money re funded If any cough or cold, no matter Ask your druggists. Creomulslon Co., of how long standing, is not relieved after taking according to directions. Atlanta, Ga.—Adv. Teething rash prickly heat eciema chafing and uthei skin disorders to which babies are sub|ect can be quickly subdued by Resinol. Apply this pure, soothing healing ointment to the *( iected parts and note huw soon baby s fretfu crying stops as itscouling touch relieves the itching and burning. Resinol Soap lot ha by i halt keep# it aotl and alky. At *11 drujsaia. Resinol ADY KRTISEMUNT. — _____ I Harmless Laxative for the Liver and Bowels t Keel fine! No griping or inconveni ence follow* a gentle liver and bowel cleansing with “Cascareta.” Sick Headache. Biliousness. Gasea. Indi gestion. and all such distress gone by morning. For Men, Women and Children—10c boxes,'also 15 and 60c sires, sny drug store. .The Days of Real Sport By Briggs I HIT IT I HIT IT [f Ah-h v^ -dTJ •I MOT - I M»T IT | a WHAT TiN | CAMS S A*e 1 FOR * —mm_g. n» »7,t»»>h» .im,r ' ABIE THE AGENT_Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Nothing IJke Influence. TVKT SHOW) IS X>OlME X\u QO THE UVtr^ B>Q ^US'HEn^et- Ml MUTE BETTER. Roy -YOUR aev A GOOO SEAT v^TlCKET tM ABUAMtE^ j fcKlOW) TNE MRNMCRQOcbyj f HOW UJAS. ^ — 'mt shou) J / \ V LAiY U»qKr? J \ GREAT*. ) nw, sor unw influence «n YH\s ux>«n.T>,'fou orr EOWYTWNG - I low IN *VHF r\RSfr ROW OF THE STANW*, W&DMKJ ,%l>\ KBTISKMKXT. BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It. Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards* Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tab lets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gently but firmly on the bowel* and liver, stimu lating them to natural action, clearing the blood arid gently purifying the entire sys tem. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the had after effects. All the benefits of nasty, sickening, grip ng cathartics are derived front Dr. Edwards’ Olive Tablets without grip ing. pain ot any disagreeable effects. Dr. F. M Edward* discovered the formula after seventeen years of practice among patient* afflicted with bowel and liver complaint, with the attendant bad breath, Olive Tablet* are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil: you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect. 15c and 30c. AWVKRTI^KMKNT TO RELIEVE PAIN AND BACKACHE Women May Depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege * table Compound Minneapolis, Minn.—“I had heard bo much about Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Com pound that when I realized 1 needed to take something to relieve mv pains and backache,and to help build me up X began to take that. 1 had been sick off and on for years and barely weighed a hun dred pounds, but now I have had such good results that I am recom mending the Vegetable Compound to every one. ** — Mrs. J. J.Bieber, 3939 18th Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. Find* a True Friend “ Every woman who values her health should be proud to have a true friend like the Vegetable Compound, ” says Mrs. W. p, Shgw, 3227 Vk alnut Street, Chicago, Illinois. “I had fe male weakness so badly that I could not stand on my feet. Half of my time was spent in bed and I had pains in my back which were unbearable. I tried everything I could think of to help mvself, and when a friend ad vised Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound I began takipg it at once. 1 recommend it without hesitation.” Why Sniffle? when a few Weeks’ Break-Up - A - Cold Tablets will clear up | your cold in a jiffy? ■ Always reliable. A Weeks r AT Vk lirrak-up-m- roid JahlW* \1>\ KHTI>I.MK>T A Good Thing - DON'T MISS IT. Bend your name and address plainly written together with 5 cent* (and thi* flip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co, Da* Moines, Iowa, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’s Gough Kemedy for coughs, cold*, croup, bronchial, “flu” and whooping ccugh^ and tickling throat: Chamberlain’* Stom ach and Liver Tablets for stomach trou ble*, indigestion, ga*«y pain* that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation; Chamberlain ■ Balre, needed in every family for burnt, acalds, wounds pile*, and skin aflecuooa: these valued family madicina* foe ostiy 6 perta Don't mis* iu \l>\ KKTI>* MKNT AN OBLIGING BEAUTY DOCTOR A He,Hilly Specialist Gives Home Mailt Ke ipp to Harken Gray Hair. Mrs. M. D. Gillespie, a well-known beauty specialist of Kansas City, re cently *av« out the following state ment regarding gray hair: "Anyone can prepare a simple mix ture at home that will darken gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. To a half-pint of water add 1 ounce of bay rum. a small box of Rarbo Com pound and ounce of glycerine, • "These tngredlenta can be purchased at any drug store at very little coat Apply to the hair twice a week until the deaired shade is obtained. This will make a gray-haired person look twenty years younger. It does not color the scalp. Is not sticky or pieas> and will not rub off." IBI1 HI M 'It M UPSET STOMACH, Chew a few Pleasant Tablets, —Stomach Feels f%e! The moment rape's 1 Ha pepsin' reachis the stomach all (win and dis tress from Indigestion or a sour, gassy stomach vanishes. Millions know- Its magic. All drug gists recommend thts harmless stoni aoh corrective. Jill 1UM VHS IIHIMI KKSI US