The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 28, 1923, CITY EDITION, PART TWO, Page 8-B, Image 20

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    Sign a Declaration of Independence. Read Business Opportunities
Moving—Trucking—Storage. 18
Consolidate ears to Lna Angelee and
other California points
Household goods, pianos, office fa/a'lSIt
1107-11 HOWARD ST.-I A, <1.88.
16th and Leavenworth Sts. racking, mov
ing, storage, shipping. J A, 4163._
_CALL JA. 1338 Pit AT 11230._
319 North 11th St. Phone JA. 3032: mov
ing. packing, storage, shipping.t
Painting and Paparing. 19
FRED PARKS. AT, 7 4 *14 ■ MA;_W^_
Patent Attorneys._20
'] W MARTIN. 1712 Dodge, Room 10*.
Omaha, also Washington; double service,
single fee. Also help sell palenta.
Printing Stationery. 21
EPDT Printing Co.. 212 S 11 St- _JA^_606*_
Professional Service._22
All kinds ot dental work done. unJM
the careful supervision of nro/niaor*. at
the Creighton University College Of Den
istrv. corner 26th and Cal 1 forn.a streets.
Take Harricv. Cutning or Oossiown ar.
PRESCRIPTIONS carefully compounded el
the 5 Sherman A McConnell Drug Stores.
DENTAL X-ray. foe each; 23 full sat
• 619 Securities Bldg 16tb end Farnam
mPERT sewing machine repairing.
15th and Harney.
Help Wanted Female. 27
OIRI.—experienced, for
413-16-17 SOUTH 16TH ST.
■ Unusual opportunity to earn $300 to $-00
I fbefore December If. sellins personal street
* ing cards. Weekly pa> nY*nJ‘
^'snare time. $10 sample book free Selling
t .jperlem-B unnecessary. Get details. John
w • Hei tel Co., Dept. 145, 9 8. Clinton,
j IChicago. ___________
h$3® to $56 weekly in your spare time
••doing special advertising work among
‘ the families of your city; no experience
i‘necessary; write today for full parttcu
• *lara. American Products Co., 8391 Ameri
can Bldg. Cincinnati. Ohio.__
■WANTED: LadieTTo do simple needle
work at home Liberal pay. ^a^erUls
furnished. Address'd envelope bringa
CO. Atlanta. Oh.___
; WANTED—Ambitious girls to take bu»l*
or music course. Work wav doing
housework" will give room board ,,.3
small salary. Paterson Institute, 1st
Grange, 111. _______
EARN $35 weekly, spare time, writing
for newspapers, magazines exp. ‘inwG
details free. Press Syndicate, 134 St.
.‘],ouis. Mo.___
MAID—Competent, A**14»V
housework. Family of - call HA :i4
Help Wanted Male._28
MEN—ISO weeklv."-Travel by auto and
Inst all new stovs convertor In • v*r>
home: wonderful Invention: cook
t*»k« all year without coal of wood. no
iaJ or electricity needed: also free auto
offer Thnmaa Mfg. Co.. Convertor 3HI.
Darton. Ohio.
MEN wanting position, firemen. buiK®;
Vnen, colored sleeping car porter. wrUc
for application blank. E*p»rlenc«
.ppa.carv First class roads. NO • TnKP
Name poaifion Inter. Hallway. Dept.
67 0. Indianapolis. Ind. _ .
MEN—Age 18-40, wanting Ry. Station
Office positions. $11f>-$2fi0 month fre.
trnnspdrtation, experience ,unn*™?!■ag*
Write Baker. Supt. 231 Wainwrlght, M
Louis. _
ih-’TFCTIVES—Needed everywhere: good
rm\- interesting work: experience un
Write. International Detec.
tive Exchange. Chicago-dark Bldg.. Chi
VULN't MAN—“TUDT I.AW I—Downtown
evening session, University of Otn*I'T
Ra w Sr horn Nominal tuition Enroll
row See Sec‘y. l"2I umaha Nat n.nk.
nin'Ti dt wanted for Nebraaka town, 300
p : ulatlon No other doctor. Lar» ter
rnory particular. wrlteB. A. Kemlat,
tpaWfon, N*rb.
BE a Detective: $50-$100 weekly; tnrysI
, , r world experience unnecessary.
American Infective Agency, 79» Colum
bis. St. Iaoule. ___
HAN IN each town to plat# *n^
..11 ,,s refK-ctors, beds, mirrors, chandeliers
by new method. $10 daily. Gunmetal CO.,
126 Oh I. Decatur, 111.
CAN use 3 more cleancut. ambitioua men.
Good pay. excellent future. See Mr. Ml
son Mqn. or Tues.. 312 Gourtney Bldg.
i’HII K KN RICKERS wanted. a-esdy
work for five or six good pickers. vv • »
Parrott Co., Onawa, la._ _
THREE cornhuHkers. 10 cents: ■napping.
7 cents a bushel. Herman Koch. Arcadia.
Neb. ________—
MKV to train for firemen or brakemen,
Rginne?s. $150-1260 monthly /which po
sHuation?). Railway, Y-245*!_Omaha^Bea^
Help Wanted Male & Female. 29
TYPISTS —Earn 120-3100 weekly spar*
lime copying authors n^njscripts.^rlt®
R J Carnes. Authors Agent, C 3i»,
Tallapoosa. Ga ■ for particulars.__
WANTED—A man and woman to do
work In exchange for 3-rin. “IT- ai
toil. _i
~ Salesmen and Agents. 30
* professional man.
Professional an. former teacher, lawyer,
minister or Y. M. C. A. secretary, 30 to
n vears of ae**, for special dlplorriatic
persona 1 soliciting, where the <->!enla?J
you build up belongs to yourself. I2M
per month guarantee for first 10 months
Work to right man. company well rated.
Stabllghad 12 vears. this opportunity
will make one 1 n<1 wo°den1 f.r*Lf®t
net 126.000 certain profit In first three
vears must be financially responsible,
no special experience necessary, but char
Actor, personality, courage and Indus
try essential: stats age. ediicotlon. past
(occupation and earnings In strict eonfl
Mmnrm Write O H. Powers Wrlglsy
pSw: BuU 11M, Dent A. H . Chico
INVENTOR of dome.tie oil burner end
owner of two pslents »nd a government of new procoaa which no omer
Corners, wi.he, a man or company
of men pnftner for all »<*♦ «f *“■*
Mpp) river to take the "*>*" '
Jturner hss be«n on market In east "'*£
i. ven year.. All detail. and In.portion
open to intarasted party. ° I- " > ■
Sltaege. Mich.. 324 Fair .treet. _
■★ANTED—Thoroughly experienced hoa
lery and underwenr saleaman, acquainted
wTh the largest retail buyer., to ■•>}
c«,a lota hosiery and underwear, direct
. 111 shipments Enable, u, to meet all
(nnetliion. Wonderful opportunity for
The right men. Olvu full detail, regard
uwe vour experience The Union Hosiery
,nd l?nderwe«r company. S2» W. Adam.
'-Street, Chicago. 111._.
AIIKNT8; Make * 1 * a day Pull down
,, every hour you work displaying U.
S T-overnm-nt Patented Cutlery Set
■w,. lUtlful dlsplayer end at* .ample* fur
I.hed Experleme or capital uunacea
"l,, Part lime aatlafaclory. Juat 10
IH.,11 Ions open this state. W-rite qu -k.
Mniwial delivery auggeatad. Jennings Mfg.
Room 1179. Dayton. Ohio._
' 4G1 NTS-$lf*0 00 per week to sHl FI vs
alon.. Wringer rfops. Wonderful ...I
•Jrs t ombination mop. mop stl< k. tcrub
,'h .mi, scraper and adjusts bis mop wring
's. Operates exactly flks clothes wringer,
rite now for free details Several n«*w
I. Hiding specialties. No capital re
Klvs-rn-uns Mfg. Co.. Worces
3 Iff. Mt«SS. -
17*1 NTS 111 (tally-Hold ' ’ash bonus
. , V (Sworn proof furnished) Introdur
Ii,'k 19 2': 21 fall and winter line guaran.
te. d hosiery. Must wear or replaced free.
Neitlo r experience nor capital r®lIH}®®f5'
ViMIvrr end collect If d«*elred. Writs
Tv! slimnle. furnished. Silk. wools,
lit .it h-1 s In colors Mac O the* Mill. to..
>1111 7«:KI. Cincinnati. Ohio__
r>ril!tl Salesmen —Our Hoses and I.abels
will make u flu* sideline for I tug * ®*®®’
men In reply ^•'r^llVT. Urv.S
I'henIS Hot A l.abal Eo.. II. Hroau
way. Kansas Lily. Mo.
j. adies shoes htyi.ish—oUAUirr—
nn-.AI'I.Y Pint ED IMItEt r 1ft WEAR
1:It STYI.E AR' ll flIIOF. ,LO, DEIT.
Salesmen and Agents. 30
H»1,ESMCX—You can makf> H30 per
month in your spare time selling only on**
polio a day. Five pollc'es a day pav4
you ?7::0 monthly. Policy pays $5,000
death and $26 weekly benefit for sickness
or injury. Total cost $10 yearly. You g*?t
amazing results using our dJrect-by-niail
selling plan. Address I'ndorwriters. 422
Hon noil Bldg , Newark, N. .T.__
A 14-disk tempered steel knife sharpener
that sella on a demonstration Some
tiring new and a winner. Price is right.
Sample on demand. The world's greatest
knife sharpener; let in« prove It to you.
Write. A. C. Conaway, Dept. R, Cham
paign, 111.
WHY work for others’1,, Start and oper
ate your own business. Our system j»io
prietai y specialty manufacturing offers
wonderful opportunities to make $100 to
$500 weekly. Openings everywhere. We
furnish everything and show you how.
Booklet free. National Scientific Labs.,
201) Monroe. Richmond. Va._
WANTED—Resident salesman with fol
lowing among first-class tr$de to carry
popular price line of trousers as side line
on commission basis In the state of Kan
sas, Iowa or Nebraska. Correspondence
in strict confidence. Primo Clothing
Mfg. Co., 1ft27 Washington Ave , St. Louis.
AGENTS—General agents. $60 $200
week. Guaranteed genuine. Gold letters
for store windows. Easily applied. -0
per cent commission on local agents or
ders appointed by you. Big demand. Large
prufi'H. Free Metallic Letter to,
436 N. Clark. Chicago.____
$50 to $75 weekly increased income sell
ing 1923 personal greeting cards, full or
spare time; weekly payment; samples
free; selling experience unnecessary; get
details. John Hertel Co., Dept. 14i>9, S.
Clinton. Chicago. III.__ _
REPRESENTATIVES wanted for Omaha
and surrounding territory, staple line,
sales experience helpful, but not so neces
sary ns good personality and reputation
We nay up to $4,000 per year, depending
on the business produced. Y-24 73. Uma
ha. Bee.__
SA1 ESMKN—If you want $000 the first
year, write now. Strong line for retail
stoics; nationally advertised; established
concern; has unusual opportunity in Ne
braska; liberal weekly advances to pro
ducer. The Continental Co. 1920 Euclid
Ave.. Cleveland. <>., Dept. 101.
AGENTS m dally displaying Thomas
Duplex Coats. One side stylish topcoat,
other stormproof raincoat. Two coats for
price of one. You simply wear coat and
hook orders. We deliver and collect.
Sample coat free. Thomas Mfg. Co., bet
tion 4 344. Dayton, Ohio.
SALES Board Salesmen—We have the
moat attractive line of assortments on
the market today. Commissions 15 to
$::0 per order with full repeat commis
sions. A live, up-to-date line. Write to
(1 a v. Canfield Mfg t'o.. 1543-1G47 Larra
in‘»-» St.. Chi< ->g". 111.
AGENTS- Crew managers, distributors.
Over 1«0% profit. K-Z Soap Shaver.
Makes voap chips nt home. Every house
hold buys on sight. Free particulars.
Write BLB -Mfg. Co.. 601 N. LaSalle
Ch I on go.______
AGENTS — Lock wood - Orlander - Roberts
make $100.00 weekly. Jiffy changeable
signs. Sensational sellers. Every mer
chant buys. Costs you 27«- Sells for fl-JO.
Easy to spII 25 to 60 dally. Peoples Mfg
Co.. 60 4 W. Randolph St.. Ch; ago.
SALESM*EN. Inexperienced or experienced.
city or traveling. Write for fre*» bool;
• Modern Salesmanship.'* B!g demand for
men. Earn 13.600 to $10,000 yearly. Ad
dress National Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept.
409. Chi, ago. __
SALESMEN—Sideline men making small
towns. New ‘dea; no sale; no collection;
no sample* to carry; $f> commission paid
on each trial order taken. Stat»* line
earned and territory covered. K*eney &
Sons Co.. 700 E. 40th St,, Chicago.
AGENTS to sell our latest numbers of
.Martha Washington house dresses direct
from factory to wearer. Big profits for
workers. For particulars write Illinois
Garment Factory, 3969 Lincoln Ave., Chi
TIRE salesman caning on n*'H,eri in
nmaha territory; high-grade cord, raised
flat black tread: price under competi
tion; state tire experience Custom Rub.
her and Tire Co.. 4750 Sheridan Road.
■ 'hicaro._
SELL Madison Better Made shirts dir.,
from/our factory to wearer No capital
or experience required. Easily sold- Big
MADISON MILLS. 503 Broadway. New
York City______
AGENTS—Men and women. e«rn big
weekly Income showing and taking orders
fur our sanitary nece^s ties for women
and babies, fast sales; write for full par
ticular* American Rubber Products Co .
Dept. RIA. Pittsburgh, Pa._ _
Now making small towns. Big commis
sions. Rest assortments. Average sale
$90.ftft. You can placa one a day Write
K Ai 8 SALES C«' 4325 East RavenS
wood Ave.. Dept. 249. ‘'hi1 ago__
MEN—Women—Girls. 1*. uu. wanted lor
U. 8. Government positions. *95 to J- u
month. Steady. Short hours raid va
cation. List positions free. Writ a today
sure. Franklin Institute. Dept. 211-0.
Rochester. N Y
AGENTS: A business of your own: Make
sparkling glass name plates numbers,
checkerboard*, medallions, signs, big il
lustrated book free. K. Palmer, 154
W o (ister, O.
AGENTS; New wonderful seller—96c pro
lit every dollar sales. Deliver on si ot.
License unnecessary. No competition
8 am pi a fr**e. Mission Co., 519 N. Hal
sted. Chicago, LI. __
jf.O DAILY made by best tnen *4ft week
ly and expenses guaranteed against com
missions. unenuaied opportunity. Main
Novelty Co., Dent. N. R. 62.. Cedar KaD
ids, la.
JlftO WEEKLY—Pleasant work appoint
ing local a g»nts to Introduce Mother
Hubbard Foods No canvass,ng: no de
livering; no monev Invested, lntnout Co.
fifiO Congress. Chicago.
AGENTS—M' n and women to solicit or
ders for Clfistmas novelty good*. Excel
lent pay. Money in advance The Cleve
land Hoslerv Co., 224b V\ est 91st 8t.,
Cleveland. Qnlo.
AGENTS—Free samples; large manufac
turer wants agents to sell shirts direct to
wearer; latest exclusive N Y pat'tern*
Easily sold. Fisher Shirt Co., 643 Broad
way. N Y. ______
AGENTS: Chewing Gum Chocolates- -
Mints. Sell direct from cur factory to
stop keepers Novelty nic kel package*.
Daily profit* Write today for exclusive
territory. Helmet Co . ClnclnnatI
SALESMAN- * 15ft month and expenses
Felling cigar* Experience not necessary?
Send self-addresse* envelope for Infor
mation. National cigar Co . High I olnt.
N. C.____
SALESMAN WANTED—Young man^pref
erably college man. not necessarily much
experience. Inclination to work honestly
absolutely essential Write Box W
Omaha Bee. Give full details and phone
number _______
Hustlers If you want to get hold of
a real seller write
Room 7. Mayer Bldg . Grand Island. N*h
HALES MEN'—Experienced, selling srt and
12.sheet calendars fans, yard sticks, road
gns and advertising novelties. Largo
line, exclusive territory. The ftferrer Co.,
Ott umwa. Ia._______
AGENTS—IS 00 dally tnklpg orders for
guaranteed hosiery; 27 different styles;
newest foil shades. Free outfit offer.
Thom.. >lf«. Co., Mill CO*. Dmyion,
Ohio. __
AGRNTH a*ll guaranteed hosiery direct
from mill to wearer, salary paid for full
time or spare hours All styles In cotton,
heather. «nd silks International Knitting
Al 111* Norristown. Fa. __
AfiKNTB—»0«: sn hour N> advertise and
distribute samples to consumer. Write
quick for territory and particulars. Albert
Mills. Gen. Mgr. *220 American Bldg.,
Cincinnati. O.
WANTED cigar salesman. $ I f«0 per month
and expenses Experience unnecessary.
Mend addressed envelope for information.
R< » Y A L C1GAH Cl), High Point. N. C.
A<lKNTK—$;*f» dally taking orders. Union
made raincoat. $1' *2. Ws deliver, collect.
Khstern Raincoat Co., »13 221 Rooaevelt.
I’htoago. ____________________________
.AGRNTH— 93 an hour. Patented, self
sharpening shears. Guaranteed 2<t years.
Big demand Easy seller. Big profit*
Thomas Mfg Co Shear PI 2. Dayton, <>.
HALK8MEN—120 to fr.O a day easily. New
r ipld selling ape* laity. All retailers buy.
Main Specialty Co, Dept. C 14. Cedar
} Rapids, la. _
TRAVELING salesman, salary 140 per
week up Write letter, giving experience.
I goods sold W'111 arrange Interview this
week. Address W-.S82. tirn^h* H*o.
THREE neat Appearing men over 25 years
of »k« to fake an electrical survey of
Omaha and Council Bluffs Gall 214 H
2»>» h NO. and ask for Mr. Clark._
AGRNTH Start little Mall Order hue
Inese Book free. Plsr, S51, Cortland
St , N. Y._
NEW wonderful rat destroyer. Hook
free. Virus Co.. West Fifteenth street,
New Totk.
Situations Wanted Female. 31
At once as companion or light hnu*>
work. Good home desired. Address V*
2475, Omaha Bee.
WHITE laundress wants day work. KEN.
K. wanted WE. 7171
Business Opportunities. 33
A KKW < Inv.rtfd now In our nrrent
borax-potash enterprise should quickly re
turn Immense profits. Our vast deposits
near Deatu Valley. Calif., leased direct
from U. S Government, estimated great
est in world, totalling hundreds of mil
lions In value. Plant construction under
way. Our proved recovery process cov
ered by eight basic patents. Planning
commercial production on startling scale.
Our amazing book, "The Romance of
Borax." mailed fine. Burhani Chemical
Cl),, 138-A North Center St Reno. Ncv.
stock Issues to offer ten thousand inves
tors. Companies needing capital for legi
timate enterprise, write, stating amount
needed and for what purpose. \\ e w ill re
ply Uilly. if your proposition appears at
tractive for class of investors we reach.
Bennett Financing Company. 1 505 North
Western Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.
WANTED—Trustworthy, competent man
with $5,000 cash and up. by well known
Mfg. company, to establish and manage
permanent subsidiary business in Omaha
Willing to pay the right man I3..0 a
month and expenses with share of pjof
its extra. Y-2474. Omaha B« e._
Ladies' ready-to-wear store In central Ne
braska. doing good business, clean etocK.
well located. Must be Bold by December
1. Owner leaving city. Y. 24*-, Omaha
A GOOD billiard hall with seven new
tables and all new equipment, in a good,
live eastern Nebraska town. Sell at a
reasonable price if taken soon. Y--4o«*
Omaha Bee. __
OR MN and Implement business for sale.
15,000 bushel capacity, rribbed steel cov
ered elevator, implement war* house, 4 >
x»i0. St*#! covered. J. K. Quinn, Elk
Horn. Neb._
ONLY service station and gaiage in a
prospering town in a 10-mile radius.
$400 per month net. Can be leased at
low figure Call Ralston HU.
T A I LOR shop with Si off man press for
sols. 2217 Military Ave. WA. 024G. AT.
Investment—Stocks—Bonds. 34
Low RATE on eitv rropertly. quickly
closed: no monthly payments. JA. 1533.
W. T. Graham.__
CITY real estate, mortgages and contract
bought. Mr. Larson. 104 North 16th St.
Money to Loan. 35
To aupplv your money wants !n the same
way that banks supply the money wants
of the business community.
Any amount loaned up to 1500 and you
can repay it In easy monthly payments.
Our equal payment plan repays the loan
and ali charges.
We have been in business In Omaha ov^r
30 \ •'« rs slid fart assure you of a quick,
confidential and square deal
r,0S h TTIo.-k T-l. JA. 2S»i
Southeast t.'ornsr l'»lh and PoukIhs Sts.
Loans on Omibi Improved property »«
425 Citv Nat _ JA 3SS1
i PER CENT money. Heserve system
s I,r ..-III loins on ritv or-ftrm propelty
1 RLSiinvt: deposit company,
Iutthrop Building Kansas Cite Mo.
yTno To It" ooo mans prompt servlos.
‘.to 3 ISth_W> id B 'to_ AT , 0161
\t( NF.Y to loan on farms and Croatia
real eat.,. MY EM * BA‘NB«VT .Sft'
424 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg_JA 0144
DIAMOND loana at lowest rate*, buatne.s
strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan
Co, If. 14 Dodge St . Eatab. 1M« _
lOIt Dm. Nat. Bk. Bids- JA- 21 IB
Large or small Writ Nat) /arms, ranches
Kloke Investment Co . 845 Om. Nat.
HTR vIQHT n-veir losns. *4 per cent.
201 S. 1 Sth Arthur Hidg._AT. k3h
SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences.
ca>h on hand 1’rompt service. E. H
l,ougee. ,in»'.. 533 Keelln* bldg
SECOND mortgages or contracts pur
chased by Tuaey Company. *20 1st Nat 1
Hk. JA 4223
1 WILL buy mortgagea and contract*.
Cork in 94S Oma Na t Bldg . Omaha. Nab
O A RVIN ini'-9 1*4 C»m Nat’l. Bldg
FA I M \J »AN*—Gibbon St*-i ) A
Correspondence Courses. 37
r s. Government 1«ba. $'j5 1: £0 month
Girin—women Steady. Mativ m»en. List
free. Write immediately. Franklin Inatl
tut* Dept » . G Rorhes?»-r, N Y
Local Instruction Classes. 38
Enormously Increased traffic demands
that the railroad telegraphy force* be
greatly increased at one*. Thera never
was a >**ar in the history of the United
States that the traffic demand* wera as
great as they ar* in 1923.
The Union Pacific railroad, for which
Hoyles College is Telegraphy Training
School is known to pay Ita telegrapher*
the highest aalaries—to give them the
best chances to climb high In railroad
work Both the Superintendent of Teleg
raphy and the Chief of the Union Pa
cific Department of Instruction right
here In Omaha, where the headquarters
f r th a Imrnena* railroad svstem Is lo< »t
,#d. have urged us to urge ambitious
young persons to taka up our Teleg
gaphv Course here, right In the Doylee
itulldlng. through which passes th# Direct
W'lre of the Chief Train Dispatcher of
th# Union Pacific railroad.
Thlt great railroad system, as well aa
every o*h*-r railroad In America. Is In
real, genuine need of more, manv more,
telegraphers! They want specially
trained Telegraphers.
A lob is waiting for you If you have
the will to get the few months' training
that will enable you to fill It with ease
Tuition Is very reasonable and you may
work for your board while attending.
Write us right awav for anerlal Teleg
ranbv booklet.
1 nth and Harper *te Omaha. Neb.
EXPERIENCED rotnptoinet* r operators
• re always In dstnand. If you are sol
*n operator sn eight week* course In the
Comptometer school will fit you to hold
one of th**se desirable positions thst ire
always open. If you most work why
not prepare ao that you will gat the moat
for your time? Let us tell you about our
day and evening clasaea
300 CJour* ney Block.
“The school that Graduates Ktparts '*
PA Y SCHOOL,— N ulHT SCHt >< >L.
Compute courses In accountancy, ma
chine bookkeeping, comptometer, abort
hand and typewriting, railroad and wtre
l.u telegraph* civil aervica and all Ena
llsh and commercial branches. Wrlla,
call or phone Jackson 1RI& for large Illus
trated catalog Address
BOYLEB col.lege.
Boy lea Whig. Omaha. Neb._
~l i ITY BARBER Oil.l.l 'llv
1401 Dodga St 1S0« Douglas ■<
Call or writs for Information_
• ' f ' *
fin** offP n {insltlon Call AT 77.4 of
write American College. 1913 rtrnam.
Sten« :i sphy and l>o».kl<»"«pln»c
■ t <
VAN BANT H* *iii. ' i, or i" INKSi
Dav and Evening Schools
991 S 1 **f ti Ht._ j ,l*''
115 H 14th St Write for utelog
Miiiic*l*-Dancing—Dramatic. 39
KEL I* IN E, fRth and Faina in I.a teat
da nee a taught. I'rlrate laasona any hour
ciaaaes Mon.. Thura. and Hat, T180 p. m
Chlldr* n n . Ineaee Bar afternoon AT. 7at.o
And We Don’t Mean MAYBE.
Class tonight Private Uaaone any hour
1 i p Farnam. 1 > *
It m nov Goo|tIn l« nlwnv* good for «
laugh, in The Evening liut
Are You Independent?
Or is your youth slipping away
from you while you still coin
dollars for someone else? Your
independence can be gained—
read business opportunities to
day, count over your available
cash, then make up your mind
that YOU WILL be independent.
Read “Business Opportunities”
Today '
Dogg, Cats and Pets. 42
GIANT Great Dan* puppje* for .al.- Bl*;
Poultry and Supplies.44
WHITE E.rr "^Vn^™
Snd' ca^dl.n g.e.e Kir. I prU. winner,
at Madlami Square Garden.__
merchandise. _
Articles for Sale._46
Ft ilt SALK— Genuine Elk tooth, plain
be "found' °S«nt,C.11'' "d '"'ft.^Tnapection.
Mr. °.l M. " l.esll*. Hrnwnvllle. Neli.
BOTILKS keg a. crock.. -ta'han Stfln
»».*rK 1019 Harney. Ja 516c._/ -
Holl.KK—Small, for hot xeater boating
p.nt. 99113 Hamilton tHr*et1______j_
Business Equipment._47
ti-f ijny mil .nfes. make doaki ihnw
t am., etc. Omaha Fixture A SUPOly t o
S W. cur. 11th and Itougiaa. JA.
Bu’ldrng Materials.48
. REODIPT ataln.d ahlnglan,
pennanent. lira Iford-Kennedy Co. JA.
___ _
Farm and Dairy Products._49
FIMAL Dnttaa Whit. Wyandotte., laying
tulle!, and hena. early matured <o'*
KE 0I.S9. Floronca Station. Oma
ha. Neb.
Good Things to Eat.51
U,i*ItK*S and cider. Oo out ( **nter •tract,
ill rni>« w**«t of Omaha dfentlon nor
nra;. ill- n i II.•> - Uth to Header* Fruit
l’arm. WA.
SALK of rltier and .prayed *PrJ*B fon:
tin icd Brin* container*. J. j. *
mil** north of i l ore nee. KK. 43i.--r-3
11 VATHA^ and I>«llcla Appl**. H*_
fi .1 0,_ _
Home-Made Things. 52
\N’GKI. Koo.1 .aka (or your par(l*». cook
ie. nrol o-h.r dantlaa. Hallows .n la com
Household Good*. 53
And other* contemplating atartln* house
... p.iig to pur>-haaa *11 Furniture Huge.
IMitu;.-. Linen*. Dlahoa. Kitchen Utensil*.
to, of mo.lein five-room apartment.
.. . r|v furnished <. mplete. Ail new
•in i high gra-le Furniture and Rug*.
Wicker Pun Room Pet
Brown Mahogany Living Room
.*Mjlta and Table.
Mah >gany Emtrioi Plano (Lla*
A• 1 VTctrola and Record#
10-Pleca excellent Dining Room
.Suite. _ .
Be en-Pleco Walnut Bedroom
Suite (New).
Cedar Cheat.
Bed Linen*. Dining Room Linen*.
I>'*he«. Glassware, Kit-hen Lten
» i ind Eh*' trio Household Ap
nlianc* • complele
Curtains and Draper!##.
Apartment m*r b* rented by purchaser
l i. fl. ng up housekeeping due to death in
f. m! Prefers to t-il all complete *e It
it nnd* but will consider hide fnr each
roi rn eeparateiy or e.ngle article# If un
! able to sell complete.
Will consider terms from responsible
; arty with suitable security. Do not e%.l
« >..u wart high-grade furniture.
Must be seen to be appreciated.
PHoNE AT HIS for Appolntmsat.
TrilMTl'lM' The kind that you would
l'ke to possess. AS well •• staple articles
prices within reason. Btephenson Auction
House. I’.'D rapItoL Good* acid at auction
and private sals.______
m i FET snd chin* cabinet, like new.
Wiillam an.l Mary patlarn, four »«Hoa
bookcase snd rprlng cot KE. HIP-_
ENTIRE household goods of l-room flat
at 23>b Dewey Ave l*rlc#a reasonable
«sll AT. M6«__
MAHCtlANY library table, elec trie lamp.
table, b«*d. dresser*. gs« stove. Ill* itm
MAHOGANY BLF K ET for *a 1*. N»arW
now Cost pf'.ce $121. for I7$< Call AT
2000 days or KK ISSft.
TTaThTaIN If taken at once. 2 TO*. Al
moat new furniture. No dealer* JA.1171
NEW Comforter, finest totton. eitra *1**;
reasonable, no dealer*. Wa. (Oil.
NEARLY new Royal Acorn baae burner,
• .rlced reasonably. MA. OHO.
O A K B 1 ’FfET." 110. AT. 1141.
Swap Column. 53A
till OIAI.MERS SIX l’r»rtto»llT D«w
tlrae, on* spare lira, nawly painted. naw
ton upholstery covered. Good running
order Fir at >171 takea 1»___KF 44f,V
FORD madater. 1122. atarter. lata# attar
ing wheel demountable rlrna. to trada
for diamond or part payment on lot o»
modern homo Call W A 3 9 4 1._ _
WAP CO Ford motor oil to trgda aa part
jayment On Ford « <»upa or roadater Must
have atarter and demountable rlma. n eat.
omwhn Hee
TWO cgra. roadater and aedan with wtra
wheels, to trade for barber shop or lunch
-land flxturaa. Addraaa b-ttifr. Omaha
HORHK. waron harneaa to trada for
pigs, thickens, houaehold jronde. or what
havm you? Address « lit. Omaha Bee.
('ADI IaIaAC* for long distance radio **t,
K-nady preferred 207 l.ogait atreet.
Council Itluffa Black 1*12_
TIIIIKR good building lota, worth >«n*
.nth io exchange m first payment on
A ' ’ • •
iKI't’K, 2 ton Columbia, ><Q°, and lioo
n«li aa payment on lot or for touring
%r Addraaa H *20. Omaha Bet._
dlUK'KY business, downtown, good pav
In* trade, for land or city property Ad
I rasa H til • • *ha Bee _____________
\ K dining room I iffai at 4*m»orl
for wardrobe trunk or what hava you
KK. M»*l
« * Vlrtrola, valua It*'*;
trade for I ord foupv. Address h *17*
• iniaha Be*_T
I, art. >« Phones, corn;
to listen In. for oh yrle Addraaa 0
Omaha Bee.__ __
-t, suU'iniu m printing o pe and
cabinet; value >lf*0; swap for l ord. A<1
I |l Omal * B
OAfl hearers. .7. t«» exchange for what
have you? Address H fi 1 9, Omaha BOS
I,(»T on carline, to trada f • • i aedan or
• iimnond >lo p« r tn'intb It A. * 71 *
what have you? b 12*. numb. i<-c
NKW ROYAIi sawing machine fei larfi
mi it or. or what hove yon4 k K IBl.
MnVK—4-burner oil. to trade for, what
!uv« you? Addraaa 0 124. Omaha Baa.
Swap Column. 53A
KINDER BPWlms machine to U»<1» for .1
brary tab!** Address S-125, Omaha Bee.
PAISLEY shawl In good condition to
trade for what have you? WE. 2676.
f'HP KENS to trade for rug or furniture
Writs S -1 23. Omaha Bee_
GoOD touring car to trade for 3-tube
radio. MA 4022. _
Machinery and Tools. 55
FOR HALE—One tractor, 15-30 H. P. and
! cylinder corn aheller. both In flrat-clabs
condition. Cal! or writ* W. M. Day
Modale, la ___
NEW and second-hand motors, dynamoa
LeBron Electrical Works. 31*-20 So 12th.
Radio Equipment.59
GUAHANTEKD radio eeia 13.46 and up
K M Sh 1 .•»es 218 North 16th St.
Wearing Apparel. 60
DRESS blue wool. 36-38 valu# 360. like
new 112.50. Brown Bolivia coat. HA.
BOY'S blue serge suit, e'.za 16; heavy
overcoat, eacfi 35. Call HA. 1*48.
FI LL DRESS suite and Turedoa for rent
JA. 3428. K>» N. 16th St. John teidrnan.
GIRL'S brown coat, fur collar. *7; two
good dresses, size 12 HA 1764
WADERS. 312. WA. 0601._
Wanted to Buy. 61
WB BIT magazines and all kinds
18th and Marry._ >*A
New desks, used desks bought, aold and
traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam St. AT
61 46.____
SECOND HAND clothes ©ought. Men a.
ladles', children's, good prices pd. 112 N
16th. AT » *44_
Mus cal Instruments. 58
Many shrewd buyer* have taken advan
tage of I hi* *al»*. We muat have more
room for our holiday *to« k. which is
arriving dally, so have selected 70 new
and used Upright, Grand and Player
Pianos also Phonograph*, that must be
sold thi* week regnrdlens of their origi
nal cost. .
$10.00 sends one of the*** remarkable
Player Piano value* to y ur home. Pay
only $2.00 pet week on the balance.
We guarantee* these Players. ..
Dracbman, only .32 '*00
Heinzle. only . 5?5*$2
Hartford, only .• ••• 310.00
Artemi*, only . 325.00
Solo Concerto, only . 340.00
Stuyveaant Pianola, only ........ 395.00 Pint'* an Uprigh* in your home
Haines Upright .
.1 & C. Fischer Upright . 126.0<»
Kimball Upright .
Krakaucr Upright .JJf-JJ
Smith <fc Barnes Upright. 15 00
Helming Upright . 155*22
Everett Uprigh' .. 22 '0
Steger He Son* Upright .
Estey \jpright . 252*22
Steinway Upright .400.00
Organs. $10.00 $12.00 $ 15 00
$1.00 Make* you the owner of a Phono
Victor, oak .
Portophone> n 1 y *.' .* .*! .* *•' .* ’ • 2*.00
Perfectrola. only ,.. *»r "
Brunswick, oak .. V^rtl
Victrola. oak . • • • "
This great sale only last* a few days
more so you must act quickly. If you
cannot cail. write. _ ....
1514-16-14 Podge st._Tel. AT. 18S6.
COAPPLKTK set f .laxr Or. h,-in jr.
drums, Ludwig make. JA. 0491. 24-6 “•
2 3 d.
Rooms With Board. 62
CALIFORNIA St. 2 AT7—Lovely room ; 2
excellent ijj»*h!* for 2 gentlemen or coup:
employed. $7.50 each. HA. 2*73.
3 A 17 KAHN AM—Attractive front room. 2
clonet*. on ba»h room floor, t r 2. Board
and root?* HA. 4S>41
PACIFIC St 2011 — Housekeeping room*
or board and r'*orn. Good location; rea
sonable. HA. 7110
NICELY furnished room In private fam
ily, excellent board, walking distance.
WE *2H*. ____
W ELI. furnl»he*l front bedroom In prl
vate home betw-^n car 1 r.e*. HA.
FRONT pleept-ig room, clo.** In, near car
line. Ideal location. AT 2€33.
FURNISH FI» room and 2 housekeeping
room*, employed couple. HA 44.6.
JONES ST. 2516—Desirable room fop two
w 11h b<*ard ; private home. JA. 3f.4u.
CHEERY room, n ;.r carline excellent
meal*, ideal Hurroundir.g*. KK 56 €6.
BKAUTIFt L rms for 2 near Tech High:
board optional. HA 6*12
BOARD and room for 2 people employed
very reaaonable KR. 1M6
Rooms Without Board. 63
DUNDEE—Comfortable room sleep
ing port h for I or 2. one block from ^car.
excellent board nest door. WA. 2575
HARNEY 3150—Elegantly furnished east
room. In new house, walking distance.
Rooms With Board. 62
PAK.naM, 2*67 —Beautiful, largo double
rin, also single rni . modern. Homs priv
i’KNTH ST. 1 404 S.—Nicely furnished
front room 2 adults. Cornish Apt., No.
4 Evenings, JA days, JA 66H.
ALT. It, H K. 7124 or HA. 6994; steam
heat: private bath; nice location; refer
BEAUTIFUL room in steam heated
apartment. Private family. Call " r,
. 2 '»M_________
LARGE attractive cheerful room, close.
In; private home, reasonable. Call AT.
DOUGLAS ST. 210.'—Nice large front
room with running water. JA. 341o.
HARNEY* 2632—Neat room. modern.
good h»-at; quiet surroundings HA, itJ-->
NICELY furnished room for gentlemen:
walking distance, reasonable. HA. 7703.
NICELY furnished tm. for girl or lady
employed llo per mo. WA. 5402.
CHEERY room In Ideal location for two
gentlemen, very unusual. AT. 6269.__
BEAUTIFULLY furn. so. rm . mod home,
treakfast. 421" Harney, UA "61 f af'er t».
AT. 1627 — Room In new private home for
one or two; breakfast If desired: close In.
HOTEL CORNBELT—Sanitary. heated
rooms Day or week. 23d and O.
616 s. 18TH. ALT. 2—Pleasont sleeping
r- m, any prL : h-g*** AT. 414I<_
AT 6365—Steam heat'd room, walking
distance; gentleman preferred.
4 20 No. 1M h—Modern, nice clean sleep
ing rooms, first f;<»-.- .1A 6116
4220 DOUGLAS—Two nb-ly furnish**!
large front rooms. WA. 366"._
2211 ST. MARYS—Nice front room for
one or two AT. 60 2 6.
262' LINCOLN Blvd.—Lovely room with
clog.-t for one or two. WA. 4694.
WELL furnished room in new home
■ m»-r A Go at. rage • *': ' ■
Rooms for Housekeeping._64
41 ST ST 10* South—Suite or sleeping
quarters for two: private entrance. HA
TWu FURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
suitable for two. Reasonable. 2o3b Cali
fornia. >1A 3aO0.
THREE modern beautifully furnished
housekeeping rooms; «no children. MA.
1660. _
THREE < lean n'rely furnished housek'lng
room*, gr we*-k. S<-»- these at 231'7 C urnlrg
1.4 So. f'lst A* e —Furn r m«. up.
also 3 unfurn. >2(t p‘r mo. HA 3711.
.TWO T .n, nitefy furn. ta’sk’p'g rooms.
I light, heat, ga* and re! HA. *•«*■>
. 4 DOUGLAS—HlcPg rmi on first floor,
newiy papered water In rin. HA. 6386.
M'LLY KtAniHHJJD sleep ng room also
two house k ■•*';!■ ng rooms. HA. 4414.
THIRTY-FIRST Ave , 120 S.— Two-room
apt , fine location. HA. 2720.
i A (U0—2 furnished suite* for light
housekeeping. |7, IV- per wk.
•; U . i r o ns in br: k flat, with f&s range.
‘•athr<-‘ in floor. *0* N 2 3d.
THRKF.-K'X'M light housekeeping apt.#
j modern 71Q S. Itth St.
! t :.-”s .'TH AVE—1 and 2-room apt .
otnplsl* • 1 *»• --- *_ ____
Where to Stop in Town 67
Ih'.vei. saNT'IRD—19th and F»n»»m.
,TEI. HKSfHAW—l«th and Farnam.
-pacial rat., to t .rman.nt r-iaata
'.KVILI.E william Koentc. Mm
, Hit N irth uth St. AT. •!»-<
The best comic page In Omaha ap
pear* in The Kvening Bee.
1<K Al.KSI fllL—rUK KKWI. _
Apartments—Furnished. 69
lll’XTKR INN, AT. 6»«*—24!h *nrt Dodr»
Home for traveling nun and wifa.
FOH RENT—i-robra fiat. *30, inquire ^
1, .*■ St<» k NR.I n k ^*jr
HTHH’TI.Y mod.7n 4 room apt. Fot
particulars ph-»ne We 3b 1*.
CoMFORTAHEE warm. 2-room furniahed
apt., iiin bath 2:0No. 23d Bt.
ONE or 2-rnv apartmenta. Everythin*
furniahed. WE 40*7. _
FT'RNISH Ef» modern 2-room apt., good
h«*at. 3H37 So. 23d. St._^
Apartments—Unfurnished. 70
No. 6 Sweet wood
Corner of ;*s te*v.ood and dewey Ave.
T. r.i; r n Pedr« t *n and kd' hen g'cod
spar convenient F-atlon. 155.00 add
S 4,04*0
Tisard Apartments
23d and Capitol Ave.*
Three and f-mr room*—close in. p easant,
room) and warm, winter rate* from
*55.00 to *65 00
No 3 Troy Apt*
2009 Harney Street.
Four y<• d -,/.* ! i mtmm only $57.50. Very
good value, desirable location.
No 14 FIo-Le*
201\ and Capitol A\e.
F* ur I h rg ■- r> >;ni. v I arranged, con
veniently io*ated *65.00-157.60.
No 4 Joyrp
27th A \»-. and California
4 r< i'h -r ■ n, , ' datione—
an attractive apartment, 172.50. ,
No 2 Cons more
27r;i California St.
4 room apartrr* t * F -m icfomrao*
datlon* in a f;ne new build eg, **0 00.
No 5 Harlan
2301 No. 16th St.
• ti apart
n.»*nr . .? h *cr**ere<i h fireplace and
many feature*: *72.50-*65.00.
No 6 Potter
33d ard Sf
Five pleasan* homelike r ^ma. **6.ti
No. 3 Webiter
27th Av** and Webit*r
t' r.4 new building, very good vala*
at *30.00.
• Where omaha Renta’*
AT. 0544 17th and F'araam 8?a
We have the best office
and store room on the main
floor of the Omaha Grain
Exchange, 19th and Har
ney, which we can lease on
an attractive basis. 12,500
square feet main floor
space with 650 feet of stor
age space in basement. Win
dow advertising space both
on street and lobby. En
trances on street, lobby and
to parking space in the
rear. The location ia cen
tra!, being near county and
city offices and retail sec
tion of city. If interested,
address Updike Grain Cor
poration, 618 Omaha
Grain Exchange, Omaha,
Neb. Phone ATlantic 6312.
We Plan,
Build and
Rent for
Back of SKOGMAN Stands a
Record of 48 Years Successful
Building Experience
The SKOGMAN ORGANIZATION have been established
builders for nearly half a century; for 18 years they have been
located in Omaha under the same management ^
During all these years nothing has been spared to perfect an or
ganization thoroughly equipped, both with experienced personnel
and enormous facilities to insure the property owner complete
Think what this wealth of experiencse and knowledge, gained
over a period of nearly half a century, means to you in the plan
ning, financing, building or renting of \OUR home: consider
what a saving in money and convenience must result from an
organization of such gigantic facilities and wide expeiience.
Whether you plant to spend $1,000 or $100,000 in the building of
a home or building, it will pay you to see SKOGMAN first tall
us and we will send a principal to tell you more about SMHi
MAN service and the possibilities for investment in Omaha today.
“Omaha’s Best Known Builder 1
3118 Cuming St. Phone HA-7045 Eve. and Sun. Call HA-6714 or HA-2195