The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 27, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Dr. Cohn Savs
Jew Is 'Apart'
Only in Creed
dahbi Answers Klan Wizard
With Statement Race Has
Become Assimilated
in America.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn answered W.
H. Evans, Imperial wizard of the Ku
Klux Klan, in an address last night
at Temple Israel. Hts subject was
“Vision, or Lack of Vision, or Charles
i Evans Hughes Against Imperial
Wizard Evans.”
The address is an answer to the
statement of Evans that the Jew
could not he blended into an Anglo
Saxon civilization.
"When I chose my subject,
•Vision,’ about a month ago, I had no
special vision that would be partic
ularly appropriate at this time, but
Secretary Hughes has come out in
a speech delivered at Providence, R.
I. , at Brown university, welcoming
President Angell of Yale, in which
he denounces what he calls the ‘fleet
ing vision,’ the itch for sensation,
the restlessness, the lack of poise,
the hysteria and general insanity of
the American people.
"He made a plea for vision. We
need the calm vision, the true and
sober judgment, and we must give
ourselves time for this by study, by
solitude, by going ’Into the silence,'
as some people call tt. Our American
life is too feverish: there are too many
distractions. We are apt to be spper
• flcial because hurried, we give snap
judgments, have only a smattering
of knowledge. It was lit a sense the
Babbitt character and the Babbitt
attitude that Hughes denounced; our
content with mediocrity, with super
ficiality with what is, In the last
analysis; ignorance, chauvinism and
Perish Without Vision.
"This is what the prophet of Israel
meant when he said, 'Where there is
no vision the people perish.' This
was explained further by the kindred
idea, 'My people perish for lack of
knowledge.' Ignorance, prejudice, Is
the besetting sin and and It leads to
death, destruction; not only to the
death of fine ideals, but to the de
struction of what has been gained.
"We have again been regaled with
an Instance of what ignorance and
prejudice, narrow-minded fanaticism
and bigotry can accomplish, in the
utterance of W. II. Evans Imperial
wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, as re
cently published. Hts speech has
been given wide publclty and there
fore cannot be ignored. It Is an at
tack in line with the w'ell known
‘principles,’ or lack of principles,
against the Catholics, the Jews and
the negro.
“I am concerned particularly with
what he said about the Jew (the Cath
olics will be able to tak# care ot
themselves, and those who fought a
Moody four-year war to Insure to the
negro hia rights, will see to It that
these are not taken from him).
Cites Evans’ Charges.
"The charges that he brings against
the Jews are: (1) That they are ‘un
blendable,’ they do not assimilate.
They are people apart from all other
people. They always will be. They
will never intermingle with America.
(2) They are not patriotic. To him
patriotism, as the Anglo-Saxon feels
it. is impossible. (3) A fifth of the
Jewish race is in this country. (4)
Their homes are not American, into
VhU-h we cannot go.
"The Jew is ‘apart’ only religiously.
Dreams of Speeding Car;
Has Auto Crash Next Day
Columbus, Neb., Oct. 26—Dream
warnings will be heeded by E. G.
Carter, from now on, he declares.
The other night Carter dreamed he
was riding in a car with another Co
lumbus man, traveling at a rapid pace
when the car suddenly turned around
and in a flash was traveling in the
other direction at a terrific rate of
speed. The day following Carter
started on a trip to Platte Center.
His automobile failed to make a turn
in the road near Platte Center and a
smashup followed from which Carter
fortunately escaped unhurt.
It Is in religion that differentiates
him from his fellow-citizens. He is a
Jew as others are Catholics and
Protestants and he has a right to be
a Jew particularly in this land of
religious liberty where religious free
dom is guaranteed and no one is
permitted by law to suffer or be dis
criminated against on account of his
religion. The Jew is a Jew only in
rel'gion, ill all other respects he is In
this country an American citizen.
“The foreign Jews such ns Israel
Zangwill understand this well and
this w'as the great point of his speech
delivered in New York a week ago
Sunday night. The Jew is in this
country but a little while when he
cannot be distinguished from the rest
of his fellow-citizens.
“In language, clothing, in manner
of living he is just like his fellow
citizens. He talks as they do, uses
the same kind of slang, lives in the
same kind of houses, rides in the
same kind of automobiles, goes to
the same movies, sings the same kind
of songs, has no more bananas than
anyone else, in all respects Is just
like his fellow-citizens.
Says Jews Inter-Marry.
“This is particularly true of the
children. Who can tell them 'apart'
from other children? Our great
American youth all betray the same
characteristics. As for marriage that
is a private affair and can be left
to take care of Itself. As a matter
of fact, there is more or less inter
marriage and has alw-ays been and
the history of the Jews and even the
physical characteristics of the Jews
prove it. Not ail Jews are dark or of
olive complexion, we have blonde
Jews, blue-eyed Jews, red-haired Jews,
we have all kinds of Jews: proving
(as is indeed historically known) that
there has been a 'blending,' inter
mixture all the time.
"Everybody is hopelessly blended
as far as that is concerned. There
is no Simon-pure race, not even the
Anglo-Saxon, the very name with its
hyphen shows the mixture and as
for 'blending' or assimilation in the
Jew, King David and Jesus of Naza
reth were descended from Jesse who
was great-grandson of Ruth, the
Moabitess. who was a Jewish convert,
and there have been lots of converts
in Judaism and their hlood has inter
mingled with the blood of the Jew-.
"As to the statement that the Jew
Is not patriotic we will not deign to/
discuss that subject, we hurl that lie
back into the teeth of those who utter
it. The Jews' record in the last war
and in all wars is blood-spilled on
every battlefield of the republic and is
sufficient refutation of that contemp
tible skinder and deliberate lie.
"As regards a fifth of the Jewish
race lives in this country that is only
3 per cent of the population. The
percentage of Catholics and Protest
ants is much greater but the consti
tution of the United States has not
applied the 'numerus clausus' and
Jews are just as welcome here and
have just as much right here as any
other element of the population.
America was meant to be the home
of the oppressed and down-trodden of
all the earth. It Is that that makes
it America and when It ceases to be
that it ceases to be America, It be
comes the visible empire of. the K.
K. K.
"As to Jewish homes not being
American and entrance into them
being difficult and Impossible—any
gentile at any time is welcome in any
Jewish home and he will find It thor
oughly American, duly ©quipped with
vlctrola and radio and all modern de
vices. If. as Evans himself says, they
are homes in which the Jews, ‘a
family people are reverently and
eugentcally responsive to God's laws'
that is surely nothing against them.
If that is why they are un-American
would we had more such American
ism. Jews and gentiles Intermingle
very freely. Some of the Jews' ‘best
friends' are gentiles!’’
Bigamist Kills Himself
as Police Wait to Jail Him
By International Newi Service.
Portland, Ore., 0ct. 26.—E. C. Bel
nap. 33, wanted at St. Cloud, Minn.,
on a charge of bigamy, committed
Keep That
Child’s Toes
Out of a Jam
Here is a shoe that will do it.
It’s built for that purpose.
There’s plenty of toe room,
thus to prevent tee woe and
give little children’s toes a
chance to sprout and grow as
nature intended. All this sug
gests styles that are wide and
shapeless, but not so in this
case as our
Stand foremost and for most
in Stylish Quality Shoes for
*3» »4«
The Store of •Good
Wearing Shoe*
your savings in
Power Company
Preferred Stock
l **• %
Each share pays over 1% on your money
Buy your shares
fromany employe
they ’re the sales
men. Clip & mail
coupon for com
plete information
| Omaha, Nebraska
I Plaaaa aand ma frea copy of booklet "How to Put |
| Money to Work” and information about your Pro* I
| ferred Stock. j
j Name __ ____
I Bfft_____ ___ ^
We maintain a
resale market for
the benefit of lo
cal stockholders
who may wish to
sell their shares
suicide by shooting himself with a
revolver through the temple shortly
after his arrest today at Tigard, Ore.,
near here. Belnap ended hla life In
an upstairs room of his house while
authorities waited below after the
prisoner ha<5 been stven permission
to secure some clothes. He was ar
rested on a telegraphic Warrant from
the sheriff at St. Cloud. Belnap told
authorities he left St. Cloud August
27 and stopped in Moorhead, Minn..
to fet married and then came to
Tigard, where he had been emplojlM
by an automobile firm. _ '
• Fancy invitations,
paper lamps and
pumpkins, eery
black cats, b I g
and llttls stickers
and nut cups,
place cards; In
fact, every thing
to decorate table
and room for
A beautiful pow
der blue conTea
tlonal border wttb
an exqulalte mar
aa part of border
nnotlf. ** plecea.
Offer the Service of an
v \ '
Which has procured a bountiful stock of merehan
N - dise under a rigid standard of quality and fashion
A Presentation of Holiday Handkerchiefs and a Vast Group of Winter Wearables
Expedience and industry develop
All these are applied to our Hand
kerchief selections and we believe
( distinguish
Our Handkerchief
from all others. • The testimony of
satisfied buyers whose Christmas
purchases here are as regular as
the day itself confirms us in this
The 1923 Window Display Now On Is an Interesting
Demonstration Worth While Viewing
Women's all linen plain hem
stitched with U-lnch bemfe; both
white and fancy colors; .specially
priced for Saturday, each.10c
Women's fancy embroidered corner
handkerchiefs, both white and solid
colors; each .lie
Women’s all linen fancy colored
and white embroidered corners
Sic, Sic, Me and np to ILM each
Women's fine sheer linen handker
chiefs, hemstitched, spoked hem
stitches and rolled hems; each
Sic, 60c to S3.M
Women's fine Appenzell hand em
broidered handkerchiefs: each
tUO to I15JW
Women’s all linen Initial handker
chiefs; each
lie, Sic, Sic, Me to 11.00
Men’s Union linen plain hem
stitched handkerchiefs; formerly
priced a.t 25c; specially priced for
Saturday, each .lie
Men's all linen plain hemstitched
handkerchiefs; different width
hems; both heavy quality and
sheer; priced each.
Sic, Sic, 50e np to S&00
Men's colored bordered handker
chiefs, all linen, each..Me to $1.35
Men's all linen Initial handker
chiefs, each 25c, 60c, lie, $1.00
Boy’s woven colored border hand
kerchiefs, each .15c
Boy's all linen Initial handker
chiefs, each .85c
Kiddles’ handkerchiefs, priced at,
each .15c to iOe
Hand Embroidered Orders tor Christmas Must Be Placed ,
by November ist to Insure Execution in Time
* • §
Broken sized lines. This
lot grouped for Needle
work Guild gifts.
Boy’s Grey Union Suits
Girl’s Cream Union Suits
Children’s Wool Vests and
Pure Silk Sale
Higher priced pure silk in
Black, Brown and Beige.
Some plain, some clocked.
Sale Saturday
tareat In Silk Stocking* ob
acura tba tact wa bava com
plete llnaa of Llala Stocking*
In black and color*. W* have
extenalva llnaa of Woolen
Stocklnga In atapla and aporl
pattern a.
* Aprons
Small lot 60
of Scout Percale,
ihrough handling. Better
;arly. Close-Out Price—
Saturday on the Square
Toilet Goods
Prices to Procure
Purchasers Saturday
Retinol Soap . 28c
Daggett A Ramsdell's
Cold Cream.29c
Mulslfled Cocoanut Oil.39c
Marla Talcum .19c
Jergen'a Lotion .38c
Pebeco Tooth Paste.37c
Palm Ollre Shampoo.37c
Palm Ollre Soap.7c
Cutlcura Soap .19c
D]er Kiss Talcum.19c
Pivers’ Face Powder.78c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste.87c
Physicians' and Surgeons'
Soap .8c
China Section
Floor Below
We are rery proud of our new
semi-porcelain dinner sets. To in
duce you to share pride of owner
ship we are offering pure white
embossed porcelain; tfQ \ (F
32 pieces, for .V©*at)
Our piece de resistance is a green
floral pattern with a floral and
pheasant center, those beautiful
Japanese pheasants t (F QF
with sweeping tails... spAtlel/tJ
All of these from open stock.
Men’s Specials
High-grade Shirts, beat makes,
fine lnlported Madras, Broadcloth
Russian Lords and Fibers; sold to
*u-00; specially priced {O QC
MpaV*** and cashmere socks,
ptktn and fancy; sold at 81.60;
Saturday, pair .85<7
A small lots Men's Outing Night
Shirts; sizes 15 to 18; each 81,00
Union Suits, medium and light
weight; specially <1*| /»(F
priced, per suit.eJJlevlil
Candy Conversations Usually Concern Cobb’s
Saturday Candy Specials
Roman Nougat
One of the choicest confections in our dollar grade. A soli,
chewy nougat, filled with almonds, pistachio nuts, cherries and
honey, covered with a rich dark chocolate; Sfld*
specially priced, per lb..OUl
Chocolate Coated Peanuts
Spanish No. 1 Peanuts, sweet and fresh, dipped In a light, de
licious chocolate. You will want a box for over AQ|*
Sunday; specially priced at, per lb.
Butterscotch Waffles
Just right for these snappy days. Made with pure A(\o
creamery butter. The children love it. Special, 1b. *vv
Marshmallow Fudge
Another delightful confection thaj you will love.
It's a Cobb special; per lb..
Halloween Candies
Black Cats, After-Dinner Pumpkin Pare Potties. Candy Corn.
Salted Almonds. Pecans, Peanuts, Glace Nuts. Chocolate Pep
permint Patties. *
Beautiful “Furred”
Both with Luxurious Fur Collar* and Fur
Collars and Cuffs
With one of these distinctive coats, cool,
frosty mornings and the colder days to come
will have little meaning to you. except that
They Are the Glad Days
With You
Superbly styled and made of rich, soft pile
fabrics, Kilpatriek’s Coats assure maximum
service and warmth; versatile styles and ex
pert tailoring.
Colors, Brown, Black and Ostrich.
Fur Trimmings of Viatka, Black
Fox, Beaver, Black Lynx and
Self Collared Coats
May be worn open or closed collar—later
one's fur scarf gives added distinction.
Smart straight line coats, draped models,
tle-to-side, belted, beltless and sasb effects
Soft, warm pile fabrics, a few semi-dress
wrappy models and odd sizes, that is. with
extra hip measurements; also a few extra
lengths; refined trimmings, cable stitching,
pin tucks, embroidery and French knots:
iwo groupings—
$57 $79
Fur Chokers and
Animal Scarfs
Give style emphasis to one's dress, tailored
suit or self-collared coat.
Fox Animal Scarfs, brown and cinnamon
Priced .824.75 «»d 834.50
Red Fox Closed Scarfs ... .859.50
Fox Scarts, dyed rose taupe and beife;
priced .869.00. 879.00. 897.00
Squirrel Chokers .88.95
- On Sale _
Dresses for Every Occasion
Including Those for Street, Office, Afternoon
Dinner end Evening Wear
Please do not confuse these dresses with those that are ordinarily offered around these
prices, as you will find them to' be surprisingly better. Erery dress in these three
groupings taken from our regular stocks and reduced. Cloth dresses In twills and
Polret. Satin, Canton Crepe. Flat Crepe. Georgettes and combinations.
Styles, Colors and Trimmings Innumerable
Sizes 16 to 40—A Few Sizes to 44l/»
$23.50 $28.50 $34.50
Junior Cloth Dresses
Jaunty style*, straight lines, tla-to-slde and
coat effects In Poiret twill, wool checks.
Jersey and wool crepe, pocketed and belted,
plaits, braid %-nd novelty trimmings; sires
14 and 16; sale price, E£f|
each .nWtOiUv
Girls’ Dresses
Joyfully charming In their attractive color
and color combinations. They come in silk
and velvet, wool crepe, novelty plaids, vel
vet and wool Jersey; sizes C AA
S to 14 rears; Sal* Price.ltJeW
Smart Junior Dresses
Of the decidedly better sort; superior styles,
materials and workmanship; both cloth and
silk models; TwIU cord, Cbarmeen. Polret,
Novelty Wool Crepe end Crepe Satin; style
touches Include Musketeer cuffs, tight
sleeve*, tucked nnd flowing sleeves; self
and colored embroidery, rosettes, tlera, cir
cular flounce, braid and tasaela; else* 14-16.
Colon, brown, rosewood and navy. Sale
$34.50 $56.50
A Big Shipment of Children's and Junior Coats Has Left New
York for Kilpatricks for Saturday Selling—Favorably
Bought, the Prices Will Please You.
A Sale of Infants’ Bands and Shirts
INFANTS’ BANDS—6 mo*, to 3 yoar*
Of cotton and wool and silk and QQe*
wool; close-out price.Owl<
INFANTS' SHI RTS-6 mo*, to S venr*.
Carter and Tiny Tot brand*; caahmer* and
cotton, mercerized cotton and cotton and
wool; Close-out price*—
39c 69c
Sweeter Sets
3 and 4-plece aata novelty toft and
brushed wool; the wanted colon—
85.75. 88.50. 88.00
Children's Knitted Toques
Novelty knit, practical, attractive—
81.00. 81.75. 88.85
Dress and Apron Sale
(tinghaai Presses. Xante*' White Entforaaa, fhaahray Dresses, fttugham
and Apron-Frocks. rercale A proa-Frocks /K ^ A rv
An accumulation of mussed and slightly soiled garments: a tubbing will VL 1 1
make as good a* new; sites IS to 44; formerly priced. 1100 to fS all I
On sale Saturday— ^ s
Outing Flannel Nightgowns
Excellent quality, round, square and "V*
necks: trimmed: fancy stripes, dM QC
blue, pink, orchid and white.. ePAsaetJ
Silk Costume Slips
Of Hahatul allk. bodice top. tha deatrad
hip full new. full lenrtb and width; colors
brown, nary and Mark; (JQ QP
oac# ......