ACafcOaUorGid* ofAUA$*» -®—° _BgWbuft«a H.OoodMll -/ AndHerF:i^4s ^ ^!ne fteper Doff that Sets ihe Styfes Aunt Mathilda Visits Peggy □ IRLS, am I dreaming, or is Noah’s wife really approaching me!" cried Madge Green, who with several other college girls was sauntering along with Peggy, Fashion Fanny's sister. “It must he Mrs. Hip Van Winkle!” exclaimed one of the other girls, stopping short in her ex citement. Puffery looked, and to her horror saw that the object of all the comment was her Aunt Mathilda, who lived in a large old fashioned house near Peggy’s, and who dressed in the modes of fifty years ago. ' At first Peggy thought of entering the nearest ioe eream parlor so that her aunt would not Bee her. Then she thought better of it. “I don’t care,” she told herself. ‘‘Aunt Mathilda’s been awfully good to me.” And running forward she threw her arms around the little old lady and kissed her heartily, then she turned and introduced ithe girls to her. Later she took her aunt to lunch, at the very smartest restaurant in town and never minded a bit the curious glances of her schoolmates. ‘‘I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed myself so much, l’eggy dear,” confessed her aunt as she rested for a mo ment tn Peggy’s room before she went to the sta tion. ‘‘You see I only came down to bring you this suit which I knitted for you.” cried out with delight as she looked at the suit, which was accompanied by a hat and gloves to match. She kissed her aunt again .'and was glad that she had not been ashamed of one who loved her so dearly. DIRECTION'S FOB UMNO THE CU1*. OCT—Cut the figure and mount on pasta board. Then rut out the garments and fold the tabs bark so ther will hold the gar ments in plare on the tigu re. The hats must be out on the dotted lino to slip over t>^ head. Latest Developments of Research Work Throughout the World \ Gold la always found la th* metallic atata and not as a salt, crystal or other chemical or com pound. Other metala—Iron, for In il mice—ara found aa oxide, carbon ate and sulphate, and ara not found In pure metallic atata generally. A device has been Invented by an Italian musician In England that runtyas blind musicians to put A their compositions on paper. The machle is the earn* design as a typewriter, with keys and levers for printing the notes and other musical Insignia The police department of more thna <00 cities In this country arc equipped with tear gas and appar atus for fighting criminals^ Pro feat Inal lawbreakers nre aald to have provided tliemselvea with maaka or goggles aa a protection against the gaa. Tha chemical warfare service of the United States army lias perfect ed a new gna mask with telephone attachment for use in advance ob servation poata. The new mask is similar to the "all-service" riis mask, but has a telephone traits mltter, with wire connections In sorted near the meouthpiece. A new fireproof building is now manufactured in the form of con crote slabs. The concrete is molded In varying sises, one ineh thick and welshing about 55 pounds* to the cubic foot. It is claimed that these stalls will support a weight of iOO pounds to the square Inch liefoie crushing. They may be used for roofing or siding and after being in place are given a coat of stucco. A machine hea her. invented which sets out seedling trees 1* limes as fast as the old hand plant ing method. Its capacity ia from l? ooo to 16.000 trees a day. while a mart might set out 1 ?00 to l.r.00 if he were active.