Many Kinds of Flowers May Be Grown Indoors Lincoln, Oct. 14.—Hyacinth*, paper Nebraska Agriculture college. In a and even tullpa may be grown In doors with a fair degree of success, according to horticulturists at the Nebraska Agriculture College. Tu a bulletin. Just issued, the horticulture professors give the methods of plant ing and care of these flowers, when they are to be grown inside. The bulletin follows, in part: •They may he grown cither in wa ter or dirt. To grow the bulbs in water, the bowl or vase should bo partly filled with gravel, rook or rial, together with a small amount of oys ter shell. Then the bnlhs are placed firmly among tlie stones, partly cov ered with water and removed to a cool, dark part of the cellar, while the roots are forming. They should he left there about six to eight weeks, the water being changed every week. At the end of this period they should he brought into the light and into a heated room to flower. The bulbs may he grown in {tots also, a six inch pot being suitable for three bulbs. The pot should be filled with garden soil* in which a cupful of sand has horn mixed and a little fertillaser. The bulbs are set just beneath the sur fare of the soil, watered and moved (o a cool, dark, moist place, such as i cave, or out-of-doors under a cov erin* of flirt straw or ashes. Here they are left six to eight weeks and then gradually brought into heat.” Sol Hess directs "The Nebha.” an exclusive feature in The Kvening Bee _ #_ THE NEBBS-— GIFTS THAT LAST. Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hew s /QET5V . “TvAiS IS NOuR C.NGAGC.NXENT Ring and \ ViAy xTS Brilliant RavSI REFLECT A LIFE OF J COMPLETE. WAPDxmESS j V -to os bot*4 i y fOH LOOK , OASft 1, ( 6.ND MfVMMA, ■JX-, ! jS ISUT »T A fcEAUT J ) TvJEV MOST UAn/T ) urreo tv^at one. OUT cr T*4E Mint -)U>OW A''C-K AMO COT SoBTCACTED ^ A^OO^r TttQM . U.C bank BALANCE 'T 0'D”J c MAKE AS MOCK ■®J*S2|52 tJi A PIGEON w-ouurt^^y Offt GBAIN J elevaxoq^ Barney Google and Spark Plug The Judge Tempers Justice With Mercy. Oh, My, Yes! Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright. USB. ft ^ ‘SAV, JUDOE - COME \ on ou£r to tme stable - 4PARK PLUO IS PINE TOPAV - Tfc-IAT Jt'O.OOO VOU (5oT OS) mis NoZZ-LE i$ kAS SAPE AS A ‘SQUIRREL’S COOtdES / t CAU'T COME NOsN - IM IN COURT - HONJ - ’T? WAAT l1,'.1 A MILS (W I minute*?!”? <5ooO - THAT S FiM6’.' VOU SAlO iT • 9PACKVS T &ONWA >OCK Tu6 oco cio ofp - that tew oeAwo is fl-tE ®BST (NVje«TMBNX Voo E\)ER MADE J v Iuo8B -.m. CwiH. mi. W *»«■>«»*■— ■» l«« / Art'M ©wilTV | Uo*>At4 TOT V ToY-1 ROM ^ ,0.,s BRINGING UP FATHER— u JCgt SEE JIGGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus (Copyright. It21.) THIS PLACE7 COT LOOKS MORE WORD that JOHNSON j LIKE K WHO PLM MOTIONLESS T^jYthY^ PICTURE Lho^pitY' CONCERN- » THE £.UV JOHN'dON AINT THE ONLV bOLTAH IN THE IbUbltNEVb- THE PW8T I <6 TOO C.OOO PES HIM AIN'T WAV ’ i bO! (E) i»u *r ikt-i. ri»mu AvlHN PARTICULAR mortal •aiR'* r=L____ PlCTvji7 I VUO. ^ ,LL - with JOHNSON ------' - ' vr ______ Drawn tor The Omaha Bee by Hob&n JEPJiY ON THE JOB _acc ting an QfrhER._ 1 I ~TAE SO'IC GA\:E ml OOUS'A ^ SET | HlWk A SArO^'CH = 0 Avro W Sa\o To^. A I, ME "To SET SofArwwG p^’_ TKtt. MMSEIP’ . - 1 hSED Vuzrues^) iMftCiiCTtOki? < -'THA'r^WAY / ( 1 K\SF2. }—' SAwT/Vte SlMMtV VWWEM 1 QCH MOtt / TrtAn S’Awo'wict* *y / \Wtft At* 1 // Supposed'■fb sit) foe ATNSEl*'??/ \ GST /4WNTUIM<* VftJu o “TUA'TS , OAKiov/y f VfJMW 4U. '-V*\or Redtall th* Hawk you will have to do your beet to keep them away from here. Ju*t aa eoon aa we can w*'ll try to get a safer place." Bob White nodded "Get to the dear Old Briar patch If you can. That will be the ssfeit place I can think of " said he "Peter Rabbit la harmless snd no one else la likely to try to crawl In among those bramble* I'll keep watch, my dear. Tee. Indeed. I'll keep watch Meanwhile, don't worry any more than jou have to." B h epok# to the reet of the flock snd then led them over toward the Old Pasture The wounded young Bob White felt §o badly that he dldn t even notice the whirr of wing* a* h s brothers shd sister* followed their father tCopyright. ltf». by T w Burgryg) The next story: "A Faithful Mother " Are you following th# fortunes of "The Nebhs " an exclusive feature In Th# Pevenlng Bee"_ And Then ~~ ~.»• * ABIE THE AGENT-^^ <*- - * You CAM lEAfiM To PLAY ' ^UNto ; ^SOOK3 /^S I QVT &VT- j / CEP'nMNtV \OWT?klNOf? OM F\rTH ' AVENUE, 1 RAM R» more serl us trouble No drugs all pure food. \1»U:KTWMVM OF MAGNESIA Insist on Genuine “Phillips” and Refuse Imitations Protect >. ■ y r doctor and yourself l-\ s phy sniana for 60 years tkm't accept * suhst.tuU' f the g«u » » p* « *. . I.Ui %