The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 14, 1923, HOME EDITION, Page 5-A, Image 5

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    Boy Is Run Down by
Motorcycle Rider
Jack Grleslng, •, 28S0 Miami street,
was Injured Saturday afternoon, while
playing on Blnney street, between
- Twenty-elghtth and Twenty-ninth
streets, when he was struck by a
motorcycle and sidecar driven by
Fred Gosex, 707 South Twenty-ninth
street, carrier of special delivery let
ters for the postoffice.
The boy was with his brother, Al
bert, at the time. He was carried t®
his home.
Gosex said the boy ran suddenly
Into the street and he was unable to
atop in time to avoid running into
The most Interesting city in the
world la New York. That's one rea
son why O. O. McIntyre's ‘‘New York
Day by Day” column in The Evening
Bee is such an interesting one.
Temple Israel Lecture
Dates Are Announced
Aaron Sapiro of San Francisco will
be the first of a series of lecturers to
be brought to Omaha by the Brother
hood of Temple Israel during the fall
and winter. He will speak on the
night of November 1 on "Co-operative
Newman's Travel Talks are ached
uled for November 8.
On December 8 Prof. H. B. Clark
of the University of Chicago will
lecture on "The Fool."
Ludwig Lewfinohn, author of "Up
stream." will lecture on January 16
on "The Meaning of the Modern
Rabbi Stephen S. M'ise will epeak
some time in February, exact date
to be fixed later.
Try reading the Burgees Bedtime
stories from The Evening Bee to the
Sheriffs Son Accompanies
Liquor Squad on Raid
••Kid” Endres, Sheriff Endre* son,
accompanied Deputy Sheriff*’ Olaf
Thestrup and Charles Nelby in a raid
on a cigar store at 722 South Thir
teenth street Saturday afternoon, to
learn the sherlffing business.
Jo* Calion# w** a Treated and taken
to police *tatlon. charged with ille
gal possession of liquor, when a
quantity of Intoxicant* waa found la
a aecret cache.
Adel* Garriaon'a "My Husband’*
Love” In The Evening Be# la par
ticularly Interesting to women.
Beautiful New Models in
Fall-Winter Coats
*95 ‘o *195
Exclusive models in coats for fall and early winter
wear. Fabrics are rich and soft, and the collars and
euffs are of deep fur.
Draped side effects and the slender lines predomi
nate. Fashioned of— f
Precosia Oriona Marvella Gerona
Zanzibar Bat Wing
Colors are: Kit fox, brown, black and navy. Women’s
and misses’ sizes in lined and interlined styles. Fur
trimmings are—
Viatka Squirrel Fox Mole Dyed Fitch
Gray Squirrel Beaver
ThirS Floor
Exposition of Imports
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
October 15,16; I'J&n
• Fourth Floor*—9 <A. M. to 9 P. U.
Importation*—for which every nook and comer of Europe
has been combed—merchandise of such exquisite beauty and
rareness as one seldom sees. •
Wonderful Tapestries, genuine reproductions, in all sixes.
Wall Placques, reproductions of old paintings.
Clever European Toys to delight children.
Exquisite novelty Sautoires, Necklaces and Earrings.
Handketchiefs from Ireland, France, Switzerland and Madeira.
Perfumes from Grass on the Riviera.
Linens from Ireland, Scotland and Belgium.
Blouses and Childrens Dresses from Parisian Courturiers. J.
* Fans /tom Austria.
Veilings from Lyons.
Laces from Nottingham.
Gtoves from Grenoble.
Parisian Opeta Bags.
Ivory Inlaid Bracelets.
Gorgeous Beaded Bags.
Decorative Dolls.
Undergarments of faerie loveliness.
Qreat Three Daqs
rfl Sale of Imports
Y All merchandise displayed will be placed on
E sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the
various departments throughout the store.
These imports will be marked at prices lower
than imports of similar quality have ever be
fore been offered.
An Unusual Showing of Lovely
Fall Dresses
$5950 *o *100
Dresses suitable for street, afternoon and dinner wear
will be found in this showing of models, copies of the
latest Paris offerings. The newest silhouettes are fea
tured, including bouffant styles, flares, drapings and
slender lines.
Jacqulne Crepe Satin
Brocaded Velvet
Poiret Twill
Canton* Chenille
Char me us*
ftt BMt daafrad Aadaft af tfea aaaaam fta dna 14 ta 44. '
Distinctive New Shoe Styles
Fall shoe models In dis
tinctive new creations,
built exclusively for Bur
gess-Nash by-Kozak and
McLoughlin. All hand
Pair $ 15.00
Black satin cutout strap pump. Also pat
ent leather straps with Spanish heels.
Pair $17.50
Two-button center otrmp pump in black or
brown ouede, with leather eoTered SpanUh
wooden hoe). ,
Main Floor
Chiffon Hose
Full fashioned chiffon hose, perfect quality, In the new fall
French Taupe Black Gun Metal ^
Indian Skin Beige Log Cabin q)
Cinnamon Gold Hazel Nut
Oakwood Silver Otter Mode
Mata Floor
Wa carry a iswplete stock
of high grade thermometers in
many styles. Priced from 50c
to 95.00 quality thermometers
for the
House Outdoor Window
Bath Candy
■ Oran Pasteurising
Optical Department
MiiurIm Floor
1 ■ 1 ■ ■R1”.. ' ' 1 ■■■■■*
Drug Specials
91.00 Loser Com
pacta, largo alia... *»>>*
60c Marla Brilllantino 35#
Squibb* Dental Cream 20#
86e Hyglo liquid naQ poliah,
at .,1,.• >21#
HC'SHli Vanftite, with mir
ier and puff ..... 1494
78c Imported French Tooth
Brathe*, tOrer wire hand
drawn brittle* ..... >394
16.00 Itoty Mirrors, band sprung Da Barry . $2.89
$1.26 Vacuum Bottlos, ksops hot 24 hours, 4$ CQ _
hours cold.... . wJ/C
State Ftear.
• 1
Notion Specials
|1.26 8ciaaora, 6, 7, 8-inch «izo.....598
80c Swanfox Sanitary Napkin*, 12 in box ..■*••■354
10c Hook and Eye* and Snap
Faatanera .3#
25c Bone Hair Pina, 2 for 25£
25c Dreaa Shielda, 2 for. . 25£
50c Sanitary Aprona.201
10c Baating Thread.5<l
• 1-25 Silk Dies* Lining*, all
oOc Dre*« Lining*, all size*,
•t. .20#
Joi* Bair pin Cabinet#, black
«#****»•. t M. 12#
Nedra Hair Nets
25c value*. Dozen.... 15#
Main FI oar
Binner Non-Lacing Corsets
00 *1231
■ ~ /
These special girdles make a distinct appeal
to those who desire the comfort and individuality
of an exceptionally fine non-lacing corset. Only
the finest of materials are used and nothing has
been overlooked as to style.
Fittings by expert corsetleres assure comfort
and satisfaction.
"Chateau” French
Pair $5.50
The ever popular and smart
street gauntlet oi aueda or
glace kid, mad* in strap wrist
style with MMambroidered
backs. ^
Brown Mode
Beaver Gray
Mala Float
8-Day Clocks,
Regelar $12.50
These attractive mahogany
finished boudoir clocks are man
ufactured by one of the fore
most American clock makers.
An exceptionally good and re
. Jtehle timekeeper.
A complete line of wall clocks,
chime clocks and alarm clocks,
til very reasonably priced.
Mala Floor
Hand Bags
For Ltitle Girls
Each 25 c
A wide assortment of baft in
a variety of styles, including
leather and silk vanities. AD
are bright colored and will please
any little girl.
Main Floor
Girls’Hiking Togs
$2.50 to $6.95
The knickers have two inverted
pockets, button trimmed, finished at the
waist with a narrow belt and metal
buckle. All are adjustable at the knee.
Many of the smaller sizes have an at
tached shirt.
Khaki Palmer Cloth Tweed
Separate middies and shirts of khaki,
with long and elbow sleeves. These are
co-ed or straight styles.
Sizes 6 to 16.
Third Floor
Sale of Silk Remnants
Thousands of yards of silk in a range of desirable lengths, suitable for dresses, suits, blouses,
petticoats, linings, wraps and lingerie. Due to tho unprecedented business done during our Anni
versary Sale we are able to offer these remnants in two great groups at an unusual price. A com
plete assortment of weaves and colon. .
At 97c
Silks that formerly sold from tl.BO to |2.00
a yard, in widths from 33 to 40 inches, including:
Crepe de Chine Printed Crepes
Silk and Wool Cantons
Black and Colored Taffetas
Striped Satins Sport Satins
Kimono Silks Wash Radiums
Natural and Colored Pongee
Silks that sold up to |3.00 a yard. Exeallsnt
Canton Crepes Crepe de Chine
Printed Crepes Arab Prints
Printed Knitted Silks
Silk and Wool Crepe
Chiffon Taffeta Radium Silk
Plaid Satin Lining Silk
Japanese Kimono Silk Sport Silks
Other remnant! marked at one-hat f to one-third the regular price!.
Vtond Doer
Remnants of
Wool Goods
95c»»<i$1.45 Yd.
Mostly 64-ln. remnant* suit
able for skirts, dresses, suits,
capes or jacquettes. Fabrics
Velours Homespuns
Sili'crtone Poplin
Tuvcd* French Serge
( heck Suitings
Second floor
Negligees — Robes
Crepe de Chine Negligees $ 19.50
An exquisitely dainty garment fashioned of heavy quality
crepe de chine.
Light Blue Pink Orchid
The Jenny neckline and long armseye are finished In rows
of val lace. A spray of lovely French flowers and “Lady Fair”
ribbons add a Farisian totfeh.
Quilted Robes
Quitted dark copen or plum
colored satin robes, lined
throughout with eeco silk. AM
are made amply long and wide.
All regular sues
Other quilted rohea —
$21 75 to $29 50
Corduroy Robes
Comfortable robes made
of Boyd's corduroy in
mountain haze. rose,
copen, battleship gray.
The long flowing sleeves
are finished with a tassel.
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