The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 14, 1923, HOME EDITION, Image 3

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    MONDAY-Special Purchase of
Fine Turkish Towels
Wash Cloths and
Bath Rugs
In Seven Big Lots
Samples and mill rejects from the fore
most makers in Philadelphia, bought
at low prices and offered to you for a
fraction of their value. Every lot rep
resents an unusual bargain and we
advise stocking up at once, as well as
buying in advance of the Christmas
season for gifts.
3,000 Turkish towels and 1,000 Turk
ish bath rugs grouped in seven lots at
lowest prices.
Lot No. 1—Fancy Turkish Towels—In
pretty colorings and fancy weaves; a good
size; usually sold at from 1.00
to 1.50; special, each, U*IC
Lot No. 2—Fancy Turkish Towels—A good
large size in a big assortment of colors;
usually sold at 79c to 1.00;
special, each, DUC
Lot No. 3—Plain Turkish Towels—Plain
white with blue borders; a good large
size; usually sold for a much 1 O
higher price; special; each, IOC
Specials for Baby
Imported Baby Clothes
Imported* Baby
Clothes — No king’s
raiment is chosen
with greater care
than Baby’s. Senti
ment demands dain
ty, charming and
i beautiful things.
I Beautiful Little
F Dresses—Our own
?' importations from
' France. All hand
made of very fine,
sheer nainsook, dainty embroidered baby
designs on yoke, sleeves and skirt, scal
loped and lace trimmed; O QO and A QO
sizes 0 to 2 years; priced 0»j0
French Gertrude*—For baby to match little dresses,
embroidered and lace 1 QQ lo O EA
trimmed, priced, 1 e*JO 0.00
Handsome Carriage Robes—With pillow covers to
match; embroidered and trimmed with beautiful
Irish crochet lace; priced, 19.50
Exquisite Undies—For little folks; gowns, com
binations and drawers; trimmed with narrow
lace edgings and lots of fine hemstitching and
embroidery; sizes for tots | QQ to A QQ
2 to 6 years; priced, * *00 ‘T.OO
Cunning Little Sacques and Wrappers From Japan
—Of silk and satin quilted in dainty colors of pink,
blue and white; embroidered in # scrolls of floral
JSST 3.59 "d 4.98
Third Floor—East
Blanket Specials
For Monday Selling
All-Wool Blankets—In beautiful 6-inch block
plaids in assorted colors; bound with a 3-inch
blanket binding; size 70x80 inches; scoured and
steamed; remarkable value; 10.50 !{
Beacon Blankets—In assorted plain colors with
fast color fancy borders; bound edges; size 66x80
inches; Monday while three A EA
cases last, per pair, ‘X.eJx/
Plaid Wool Mixed Blankets—Size 70x80 inches
in assorted broken plaids or block checks; neatly
whipped ends; worth regularly E A A
6.96; special, per pair, ”
4.B0 Army Blankets—This lot consists of gray
army blankets approximately 70% wool, all new
and unused, but have slight imperfections; 4 7 tC
grouped in one lot while the lot lasts, ea , i . • O
Monday October Sales ^PPortun^es
Monday—Exceptional Offer mgs Womens and Misses’
Fine Fur Trimmed Or Plain Tailored fj&i
Winter Coats
Values Of) ^ Oft Values
45.00 to A VI— / S— 29.75 to
59.75 ml J ^%J 39.75 1
! \ New Lot of Fine Fur Trimmed Coate—
F For dress wear. Garments in straight line,
draped or side tie effects; developed of such
materials as Arabella, Lustrosa, A.rmandalc,
Trebiona, Excella and Mandella; fur collars
or fur collars and cuffe of h ox, "V iatka,
Coney,' Beaver, Squirrel or Platinum Wolf;
warmly lined with good silk linings. Every
garment light, yet heavy enough for the
coldest weather. Coat values of unsual lm
Fashionable Fall and Winter Sport Coats—
Every coat is a model highly correct for the
coming season and is a value you instantlv
recognize. Plain tailored coats of polo
cloth and fine domestic coating mixtures,
developed for the woman who wants a coat
for sports wear, in colors of tan and brown
and combination plaid patterns. Fur
trimmed sports coats of polo cloth, some
fully lined, others quarter and half lined
with good quality lingette or sateen; sizes for
women and misses, 1G years to 44 bust.
Sale of 350 Women’s and Misses’ Sale of 300 Women’s and Misses
Fine New Fall
Of Silk and Cloth
9^00 t
Unusual values, latest styles. These frocks
serve admirably for nil daytime occasions. All
the newest fall features, pleated tiers, paneled
sides, apron fronts, circular flounces, braid
embroidery and tucks; all fall shades of black,
blue and * brown. Developed of fine satins
Canton crepes, silk velvets, poiret twills and i
velour sport frocks. Sizes for the college girl
or woman. j
Iftnnit rioer-WfiJ --J
New Fall P-QQ
Skirts 5
(!ond quality Prunella cloth skirts; box
pleat in plaids; plain wrap-arounds in
solid colors; good heavy skirtings in a
number of the styles. Pelted, some with
two pockets, some button trimmed, others
plain tailored. All new fall shades of
brown, blue and black; also color com
binations; skirts that usuallv sell for 8.95;
special, ' 5.98
Princess Slips 1= «> 5=
Sateen or satin slips for the small or large
woman; hemstitched top and bottom or
plain; double and single paneled front; good
quality sateen and fine satin; sizes from 34
to 54 in the lot; but not all sizes at each
Scrowil Kloor—Houtli_
A Showing of the New Treo Girdles
Now Every Woman Can Wear
Treo Girdles
Slender Average Large
A few seasons ago we could rec
ommend TREO Girdles only to
our slender and average patrons.
Now, due to over three years’ la
' bor in perfecting “TreOtex,” the
new superior surgical elastic
webbing, we can offer every wo
man including those of large
figures- the grace and comfort,
the naturalness and charm which
the TREO All-Elastic Girdle pro
vides. See these TREO and
TREO “TreOtex” Girdles, if you
seek the flattened back, straight
lines Fashion decrees this season.
"The More Elastic to the Corset,
the More Grace to the Figure."
Reasonably Priced, From 3.75 to 22.50
Cpr__* _ First in importance comes the problem of securing the
service correct girdle for your figure: which need be no problem
if you will permit Miss de I.nudin of New York City, who comes to us
for a short time, to assist you in selecting the girdle designed for your
figure—for to be beautiful is to be corseted beautifully.
^ Third Floor—North
Men’s Union Suits
This advance sale of
heavy ribbed Balbriggan
union suits should appeal
to you in a big way, espe
cially if you have tried to
buy a good, warm, per
fect-fitting, long-wearing
union suit in recent years
at this price. We know
you will flock here Mon
day to buy your season’s
supply of these suits.
Sizes 34 to 46 $1 00
1.50 Values 1
Main Floor South
An Unusual Sale of
Beautiful Silks
An Extraordinary Purchase of 3,000 Yards of
Finest Satin Canton Crepe—In emphasizing this
excellent value we desire to lay stress on the
fact that every yard is new and fresh from the
mill; silk that is now in greatest demand. This
fine grade is all silk with a beautiful high
lustrous finish, rich crepe back and one of the
best wearing fabrics we know of. Can be had
in 18 different new autumn shades, evening
tints and black; 40 inches wide; O OC
per yard, O
Heavy Spiral Crepe*—Handsome pebbly weave,
wool filled, insuring style and service; sturdy,
but not weighty in black, navy, brown, cocoa, tile
gray and many other colors; 40 inches O
wide; per yard,
Three Most Desirable Fabrics
40-inch All-Silk Charmeuse
40-inch All-Silk Canton Crepe
36-inch Imperial Satin
The discerning woman wants these silks because
they are the three favored materials for fall
dresses. The colors are navy and brown in the
charmeuse, also street and evening shades in
the other two fabrics. They are 1 QO
very low priced, per yard, *
Beautiful Imported Black Chiffon Velvet*—These
all silk face fabrics are two of the most decided
values as well as most desired materials. They are
lightweight, high-grade qualities suitable for street
and evening dresses; the opportunity to buy them
at these low prices is indeed unusual.
4.95 Value 3.65
5.95 Value 4.45
Black Satin and Taffeta—Two ever popular fabrics
at a temptingly low price; 35 inches wide; firmly
woven and dependable wearing qualities; good
black and lustrous finish; special, 1 OQ
per yard, *
36-Inch Duvetyn—Fifteen beautiful shades and
black for choice of correct finish and O CC
weight; a splendid value; per yard, “‘OO
Imported Satin Metal Silk—Featured for Monday,
7.45, 9.98, 12.98 *"d 15.98
Imported Chiffon Velvet Brocades — Specially
pried 9.98,12.48 *nd 13.98
Main Floor—Center
Dress Goods Specials
Poirat Twill—Two good qualities, medium and
heavyweight; 54 to 56 inches wide, woven from
the finest yarns suitable for fall suits and dresses
in all the wanted shades of navy, brown, cocoa.
4.45 Value 3.45
French Rep*—This new and beautiful material Is
decidedly smart for suits and dresses; one of the
best looking and best wearing of materials; in
brown, cocoa, kit fox, navy, taupe O 1 Q
and black; per yard, O# 1
Oarlock Tweed Suiting*—54 inches wide In novelty
three-color effects, all-wool fabrics that will lend
themselves with facile grace to suits or separate
skirts; wide variety of combinations; O iP
per yard,
The New Fur Coating*—The very latest designs
coatings, much used this season for sports coats and
jacquette. Beautiful caracul and kerami fur;
many weaves in handsome color combinations ar.d
black; a great assortment, Q QQ t° 1 C QO
ranging from J/ea/O lvii/O
Main Floor-Center
Pretty Art Pieces
Chino* Di«ho—Bamboo bound with bamboo
handles, dishes are of artistic design, with blue
or yellow backgrounds; three sizes; these are
for bonbons, sandwiches and fruit. ,
7V2-Incb 1.00
8>/2-lnch 1.501
10-Inch 2.00
Fancy Fruit Baskets—R autifully decorated In
shadow tones of gold, silver and combination col
oring; all have handles and fruit deoorations; !
SSS!” 2.00 5.00
Waste Baskets—Of decorated tin and decorated
wicker; strong and durable; pretty com- 1
binations of eolor;ags; special, each, 1 .uu
Third Floor—West
The Stay kurl Wave
This marvelous curling
fluid enables you to
have a 10 to 15-day
wave effect, fluffy
waves, bob curia or a
marcel. Kliminate hair
worries; damp weather
does not affect the
curl; Stakurl is also a
splendid tonic, stimu
lating the hair growth
and imparting a rich
Satisfactory for All Types
Auburn*, blonde* and
brunettes find it equally
good. Poe* not leave
the hair brittle, streaked
or greasy; an opportunity
for every woman to ful
fill her desire for eurly
hair at a low eost and
small effort. Now being
demonstrated. i
Special at , - _>
Main Fluor— West