Some of the Best Real Estate in Omaha Is Advertised Here Today REAL ESTATE—WEST._ DUNDEE. On 61th St., between Farnam and Dodge, overlooking Happy Hollow, beautiful colonial, excellently arranged. Extra large living room, J4x26. Surroom. A wonder ful kitchen: three extra large bedrooms with a beautiful tile bathroom on second floor. Maids room with bath on third floor. Finished storeroom. Beautifully finished and decorated. Heavy asbestos *. oof. Garage for two ears to match house with solid drive. If you are look :ng for a first-class home in the best location in the city be sure and see this today. MILLER PARK A six-room home. East front. Living room, dining room and gunroom finish'd Jn oak. White enamel kitchen. Three 'Ight bedrooms and bathroom on second floor. This house is in < xcellent condi rloti Inside and out. Fine lawn and shrubs. Garago for one car. Solid drive Convenient to school, car. churches and park. Price 46,900. Terms. Move right in. Sunday rail Mr. T.angfpliner. KE. 2832; Mr. Brader, KE. 5370, or Mr. Hoisington, KE. 3472 CHARLES W MARTIN & COMPANY * Realtors. 737 Om. Jlot. Bk. Bldg. AT. 0147. \ CATHEDRAL DISTRICT BUNGALOW. This exceptionally attractive home con sists of 6 pretty rooms finished in the best grade of oak. You will bo pleased with th* convenient floor plan and the atmosphere of contentment created by tt\” fireplace. Other built-in features in- , . lude the bookcases and kitchen cabinet. The h«ir.e is complete with a single gar age. We nr» asking 46.750.00 for this homo— about $2,250.00 rash will be re*iuircd. The monthly payment Is correspondingly low. For appointment call Mr. Peter- n W 7082. A. P. TUKEY & BON, **Tukev Sold It.” 620 First Xat’l. Bk. Bldgda. 4223. ATTRACTIVE FIELD CLUB HOME. We have Just listed a very attractive home in this desirable district full t*u-story and one room finished in attp . frame and stucco, ;1 largo rooms on tirst floor, full length living room with fits place, beam rollings, finest of oak flop:* ,.nd finish, second floor has four nice bedrooms, oak floors throughout. whit' enamel finish, mirror doors; large lot. handy to car line; one-car garage; plenty of shrubbery and flowers. I rlced lo «. . at 910,600. About half each required. Sunday cal! TIA. 0411. GLOVER A SPAIN', JA. JS50. DAVENPORT AT 41ST STREET m. ooo. ^ A good seven-room homo on corner lot. ^ South and cast front. First floor ftni h-d In oak throughout 4 bedrooms rna tsin on second floor. A very comp.eto home Oarage. FIRST TRUST CO 490 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. AT. 0'-9 CLAIRMONT. WE HAVE several live rrn,P'c1lf,.rif".r homes In or near the Clulrmont district, one hae cash and the othor*t5aBIP‘5|52 very substantial down payments. If you have anything call us at once JSh**La* _V van submit It to our parties. " hen can ing «sk for Mr. Pedersen. M’CAOUB INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors. JA. 1316. _ REAL ESTATE—WANTED. CASH customers for brick dup lexes, store buildings and apart ments; medium priced homes. Consult us at once W. FARNAli SMITH A CO., 3S20 Farnam St. JA #564. PRIVATE owner wants to buy several vacant lots. Prefer all together, but will consider separate. State location ,md price in first letter. Box W-504. ■unaha Bee. _ WE HAVE THE BUYER Tf you have a 5 or 6-room house, north west. and want $5,000 cash for it; call GRAH AM-PETERS REALTY COMPANY, JA. 0553, WA. 1103. WA. 208^ HAVE several customers /nr homes in Dundee. Must have a few listings priced KD WARD i“'wiLLIAM8 CO REALTORS *fi5-6 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. JA. 0420 service and results When you list with u» Competent sales fores. JA. 2850. PLOVER ft SPAIN. Rea.tors. LISTINGS for 6 and 6-room houses. Any location. Buyers w*lBng. _HELD LV'D CO . ^ A. 1075. WANTED to hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sale. Mrs. '»• Booth. Hipark. Pea Moines. la. WANT to hear from owner having farm for ‘•ale; give particulars and lowest prP c. John J. Black ChlPP*w.i Falls. \V iscon-m. .SEE us firtt. Need listings, any location 5 to 8 looms. 8hope.n ft Co., Realtors JA. 4228. 236 Keeilne Bldg_ HAVE buyers for good homes. Do you want to sell yours? List it with C. A Orlmmel. Realtor. JA 1616.________ CHAH. W. YOUNG ft SON Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. 1602 City Nat. Bk. AT. $668. LIST your property with Chris Boyer notary pub !c, 22d and Cuming Sts._ Western Heal Estate Co. JA 1507. Huettelmaler Real Estate — AT. S2.'J>. II W. Volland Co. for Real Service. At. >r.»& WDRI.b REALTY CO., Real tore. AT. 3 til-1 ■ ■has E. Helman. AT. 5250. It os'. Estate ■ ’, A. HAN'DKLU Real Estate. AT #212 Graham Peters Co., sell homes JA. 0553 WE BUT old houses AT, 3350. realtors^_ SLATER A CO.. Realtors Keeilne Bldg ACREAGE FOR SALE._ IMMEDIATE POSSESSION fO acre* wlih 3 cows. 4 horses, 1'3 hogs. 100 chickens, this year's crop, all tool*, v&gons sod harnesr. everything on the place must go quick. The owner says 'sko off $1,508 aorl sell nt $-'J. H IM* n>M my 1 area with new building paved road, on very eaey term*. « -.U ' REAL ggTATg—EXCHANGE A HOOD seven-room modern J>°me near Lothrop school, >» block from 24th Street • ar lino. Will exchange foi smaller home „r will apply on homo In western part ,.f ally. F. N. Davie, AT. 69941_ WILL TRADR section grusa land, clear, In iir..wn county. Nebgatka, for »»>' Will pay cash difference. Direct from cwrier. J i: Mooney, llronann. Kan CAR WANTED. Vs first payment on 7 room modern h‘>mc flood lo. at Ion. Price 94.600. Building A Loan. $1.700. JA 2140.___ 7% Guaranteed First Mortflir* R*al K'tute denominations of t'OO and f 1,000 Principal and eemi-annual Interest guaranteed by PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. r»3? Om. Nat’l BW. Bldf. AT. R®00 REA!.ESTATE-^XC HANGER FINE piece of land near town hs part] payment on large bourn Would consider real good car. Mrs. Mureau. KK. 212^*. . ur'rrr. ^^^^ARNIS^FOR^SALE^^^^ VERNON COUNTY MISSOURI FARMS FoR SALK Mil l' WINTERS BAJiMT SUMMERS 4 0 acres G miles north of Nevada, Mo., on good road. Oood 6-mom dwelling, fine barn and out building?. Nearly sli hog tight' woven wire fence, worlds of good water, 51,250. Half < ash. Fosseo ?ion now. G(i seres. 3 miles of Nevada. Mo . good smooth farm, fine crop, good improve ments, possession now—crop And all— $5,600. 40 acres well improved, 3 miles out. good crop and all, $4,000. 160 acres 12 miles of Nevada, good im provements, land lays good and is a snap. $6,600 la the price. $3,000 will handle this until lvJ], 7 percent on balance. Nevada is a town of 10,000 people with fine school.?, fine parks, street * ars and several railroads here. Principal in dustry is h-»gs and cattle, poultry and dairy business with corn, wheat, oats, grain and timothy clover and prairie hays. Hcndiickson Realty to Loan Company, BOX S9. Neva da. Mo WASHINGTON STATE. If you want a homo of your own on ft t. n or 20-acre tract in the Puget Sound count y, where climate is good, rich land, •e-hools and churches, no stumps to clear, building material very cheap, land can i * purchased on very easy terms with steady employment during the spare time. We can place you find furnish with fr**e information and full particulars re t irdlrnr this opening. Write or call Wil liam Blonder, Agricultural Agent. Great Northern Railway. 211 Crounse Block, across from the postoffice. Omaha, Neb. Sunday afternoon at 3 n. m., moving clotures and lectures w 111 be given on Washington at this office. If is free; bring \ ' ui family and friend?. NEBRASKA Ranch 5.000 acres, good hay, v at. r improvement?, some farm land. I1."Ice $125,000. Rnr. $34" It M. Shines 2U North Kith HI. PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS. EDDY Printing Co- 212 S H JA. bb b* The First Hundred Lots in FLORENCE FIELD have been sold. Many buyers bought two to five lots. WHY? Because they are priced to sell, and they know they will make money on them. Do You Know? That this great addition lies between Forence and Omaha—and is the last un platted property between the built-up sections on the North Side There can be no more additions platted out there. Compare our prices with ANY anywhere in Omaha. GRADING is completed. 2,000 shade trees are ordered. SIDEWALKS are being put in. PAVING, WATER and GAS districts are being created. Florence Field is going to excel any addition ever sold in Omaha. $350 to $950 Terms $10 cash—$10 per month on most of the lots. They Are Going Fast Salesmen on the ground SATURDAY and SUNDAY—ALL DAY. Office 30th and Vane Streets Charles W. Martin & Company REALTORS 737 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. 0187 Lf;,1 L 4! H ^9pP El flB |P W7 .^p; MID-CITY ADDITION Midway Between Omaha and Council Bluffs (>n high, dry ground, never affected by high water or floods. :J7th to 10th Streets, Avenue D to new Boulevard, adjoining Waterworks Park. Council Bluffs Cinder roads in the addition to car line and pavement. Con venient to car, with 5c fare to Omaha or Council Bluffs. 7 Minutes by Street Car to 14th and Farnam Streets Kasy walking distance to jobbing and manufacturing district You can save not only car fare, but one or two hours each day ordinarily spent on street car. All lots 50 feet or more frontage. Clear title abstract with every lot. ' PRICE -$200 to $300 a Lot TERMS—$4.00 to $5.00 CASH, $4.00 to $5.00 A MONTH. SECURE YOUR LOT NOW You will never have another chance to get a close-in lot of this quality at such price and on such terms, for it is the last tract available. You have full possession after you have made your first payment, ou can build now or later or not at all. The thing to do is to get your lot while Ihe getting is good. Ry putting away a few dollars each month you will soon have a lot clear. SEEING IS BELIEVING Don’t take our word for it, but come and see for yoursell SALE ON GROUND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13 AND TWO DAYS FOLLOWING To get on grounds take street car and get off at 37th Stret t and go three* shert blocks north. Phone ATI aid ic 351U. Evenings call WA. 1580, WA. 2812. BENSON & CARMICHAEL REALTORS 642 Paxton Block, Omaha. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. DKNT1STKY. * All kind* of dental work dona, uoltr the • ;ireful sun* rviston of nrofeeartra. at the Creighton University College of Den* iatry. « .truer 2tlih and California streets Take Harnev. Cumin* or *>ogwtown ar. Greatest Bargains In Used Cars Ever Offered Easy Terms Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. 18th and Howard Phone At. 1770 Morton Meadows The large, sightly lota in this new addition, Woolworth Ave. to Pop pleton Ave., 42d to 45th St., can never become congested. Only one home on each of these large lots, and every house set back 40 feet from the street. We a-e putting in all street Improvements inelud ing underground wires and street lighting standards. We want you to see the advantage of a home site here. The "open air" and the long view will appeal to you, A growing district with low prices and easy terms. Harrison & Morton 916 Omaha National Bank Bldg. JA. 0314. 1913 S. 10th St ] 4-room house for rent, suitably located for rooming house. Im mediate possession. Call AT. 5044, HA. 2920 Eveninga ISKF WANT Alls IIKIMi RKSL'KTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. PRESCRlfTIONB carerunj compounded *i the ' Sherman * McConnell Drug Store# “Ultra Home Bargains” N. 41st St.—5 rooms, mod., newly decorated; good lot. $4,300, terms. 33d and Maple—5 rooms, nearly mod.; garage and chicken house. $3,500, $700 cash. 27th and Indiana—5 rooms, modem but heat; •• big lots. $3,500, $700 cash. 3oth and Leavenworth — 7 rooms, 2 story, mod., fine lot. $6,500, $2,500 cash. 40th and Burt—8 rooms, ex tra nice; mod., garage. $7,900, $2,000 cash. 26th and Capitol Are.—Dandy G rooms, mod., garage. $5,000, terms. 46th and Douglas.—-7 rooms, modern; garage. A splendid home. $7,600, $1,500 cash. ,26th and Harrison—6 rooms, 1 acre, garage, chicken houses, grape vineyard, fruit, truck garden; 300 ft. to pavement. $5,250, $1,500 cash. Lot Specials—-Fine 50 ft. building lots in new addition, rapidly growing. $5.00 cash, $5.00 per month. Business corner—6th and Dorcas. $800 on terms. Chas. W. Young & Son 1602 City National Bank At. 9668, Ha. 5051, Wa. 7865 AUCTION At 2424 Farnam St. Complete furnishings of several homes and apartments. We have that piece of furniture that you are looking for at the lowest price. Come early and look over our stock. We buy and sell fur niture on commission. Farnam Auction Co. At. 4057 2424 Farnam C. M. JONES, Auctioneer We Do Moving. » PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. DKNTAL X-ray, Cflc each. $3 full a#t 61f> 8*curjfl*» Bid* 16th and Farnitt SERVICES OFFERED tt'Hna.BrS »POKY12»<» aOOI>H SHOT'. 220 S. ! !th. for r*nt AT 0601. Mcneii tc Mean Dwelling House Loans Centrally Located Omaha Warehouse and Busineas Property “Company of Quick Action” W. FARNAM SMITH & Co. 1320 Farnara Street JAckson 0564 WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN at 5V2 to 6% on business, apartment house or residence property in Omaha. FRANK H. BINDER 823 City Nat’l Bk. Bldg. Phone JA. 2561 OWN YOUR HOME Plan it yourself at you want it. Have it built to your own specifications. Pay for it in monthly installments loat than the rent you are now paying. Our new financing methods make it possible for practically anyone to own a home. Phone for appointment. Herron Home Building Company J. ARTHUR CHRISTIE. Mgr. 1716 Douglas St. JA. 1040 Live in One Off the Other Start an estate the DUPLEX way Many of our most successful investors have accumulated large estates by the Duplex Method. Starting with one dwelling they used the income from rentals to finance a second Duplex, repeating this operation until from a single Duplex investment they have become wealthy. Right now in Omaha there is unprecedented opportunity in home building. Tenants are waiting for desirable homes at good rentals. The Duplex Home offers the greatest and surest revenue of any investment oppor tunity today. Let us tell you more about the Investment possibilities of Duplex Houses. Learn the secret of how successful men in your own neighborhood have created vast estates "The Duplex Way.” We build, plan and completely finance, your Duplex House. Our staff of experienced builders and archi tects are at your service to lend you every assistance in starting "your estate." Phone Harney 7045 and let us tell you more about Duplex investment possibilities in Omaha. I “Omaha's Best Known Builder" 3118 Cuming St. Phone HA-7045 Eve. and Sun. Call HA-6714 or HA-2195