The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 14, 1923, HOME EDITION, PART TWO, Page 7-B, Image 19

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    Growing of Fruit
in Nebraska Is
Much Neglected
Horticulture One of “Sleep
ing Industries,” Says
Secretary of
Lincoln, Oct. 14.—“I know of no re
source 6o much neglected which could
he made the source of rare profits as
tho growing of fruit In Nebraska," said
Grant L. Shumway, secretary of the
department of agriculture.
“Horticulture Is one of the sleeping
Industries of Nebraska," he con
tinued. “The Union raclflc Is now
running solid trainloads of refrigera
tor cars east nnd they are loaded with
California grapes for eastern centers.
Four thousand cars went through In
ft single week. Last year the Union
Pacific road' shipped 60,000 cars of
these grapes.
“Nebraska has the climate and soil
that will produce grapes In abun
Will do well even In sandy soil. Tho
Beta is hardy, a rapid grower and
heavy producers, and Is very julcy
and fine.
“Jules A. Sandoz of Spade, which
Is 40 miles from the railroad, in the
sandhills, has a remarkable orchard
that compares favorably with those of
Idaho. He has demonstrated that the
sandhills will produce abundant and
high quality fruit. His first orchard
was on sub-irrigated lands, but he
later planted tho large commercial
orchard he now owns In the higher
“In the days when Stevens, of the
Crete nursery, used to coax old
timers of Nebraska to try out fruit,
there was planted In the North river
valley near Sutherland 40 or 50 acres
of apples In one orchard. This is also
on quits sapdv soil. From this or
chard In a single season has been
picked nnd sold ten to twelve thou
sand bushels of choice apples.
“Near tho southern edge of Mc
Pherson couAty, near tho Dismal and
Blrdwood, Dave Callender settled In
the 80\s nnd one of his first acts was
to plant an orchard of seven or eight
acres. He used to grow corn In those
early years, and In #he winter when
storms were had the kindly one
armod pioneer scattered loads of tho
harvested corn along the sandhill
highways for prairie chickens. I think
this ranch Is now owned by Ed Mc
Connell of Lincoln county. Some of
the Callender family reside at Staple
“While the millions of acres of al
most idle sandhills could he made as
prolific and beautiful with orchard
and vineyard as the far-famed valley
of the Shenandoah, the great reaches
of valley and prairie elsewhere In the
state have the same sleeping giant..
"We were along the highway that
runs by the ruins of old Fort Kear
ney and here we found numerous or
chards glowing red In the sun be
cause of bending branches full of
splendid apples. Fred Kahle's orchard
Is one we visited and there were sin
gle trees that looked good for 10
bushels of marketable apples. The
Kahle’s have several acres of such
trees and there were many others
with fine orchards in this vicinity.”
Joint Club Luncheon.
Special Dispatch to The Omaha Bee.
Albion, Neb., Oct. 13.—The Lions
and Klwanls clubs had a Joint din
ner last night which was attended by
about 75. Addresses were made by
Dr. R. M. Shreves of Denver, and
Prof, J. O. Masters of Omaha. These
two lupeheon clubs are working to
gether for the upbuilding of Albion.
New Method
Heals Rupture
Kansas City Doctor’s Discov
ery Makes Truss or Opera
tion L-nnecessary.
Kansas City, Mo.—(Special.)—Anew
discovery which, experts agree, has
no equal for curative effects In all
rupture cases, is the latest accom
plishment of Dr. Andrews, the well
known Hernia specialist of this city.
The extraordinary success of this new
method proves that it holds and heals
a rupture. It weighs only a few
ounces. Has no hard gouging pads,
no elastic belt, no leg straps, no steel
bands, and is as comfortable as a
light garment. It has enabled hun
dreds of persons to throw away
trusses and declare their rupture ab
solutely 'healed. Many of these had
serious double ruptures, from which
they had suffered' for years. It Is
Dr. Andrews’ ambition to have every
ruptured person enjoy the quick re
lief, comfort and healing power of
his discovery, and he will send it on
free trial to any reader of The Omaha
Bee who wrltfs him at his office at
1503 Koch Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
He wants one person in $ach neigh
borhood to whom he can refer. If
you wish to be rid of rupture for
good, without an operation, take ad
vantage of the doctor's free offer.
Write him today.—Advertisement.
IP you have never experienced■
that uncomfortable, soul rend-|
ing, heart tearing, nauseating
feeling that boils carry with themj
you are truly fortunate. The boil
lodged securely—hiding away,
ashamed, so to speak—behind your
collar—just where you can't reach
It and you want to so bad. Every
time you turn your head—oh! that
scraping pain—that agony.
Bolls the same as all sldn disor
ders—pimples, blackheads, eczema
—are caused by a run-down state
of health. The human motor is not
hitting on all cylinders—the spark
of vitality is low—rich red blood is
not surging through your veins.
The human carburetor is clogged
up. When the lead from the gas
tank of the automobile is filled
with particles of dirt the engine
does not respond
properly. So, too,
when the system Is
, clogged with lmpuri
| ties, skin disorders—
pimples, eczema, or boils appear.
S. S. S. builds new blood cells.
As blood cells Increase In number
impurities vanish. When impuri
ties vanish boils and other annoy
ing skin disorders disappear.
S. S. 9. is the conqueror of skin
eruptions. It is the greatest blood
cell builder, blood cleanser and
body builder known. It is fool
hardy to suffer from boils and skin
disorders when by putting your
system in order these uncomfort
able hindrances to well being will
be done away with.
Mr. V. D. Scbaff, 557 15th Street,
Washington. D. C , writes:
"I tried for yean to get relief front
a bad case of boils. Everything failed
until I took S. S. S. I am now abso
lutely cured, and it was S. 5. S. that
did it." .
S. S. 8. is sold at all leading
drug stores. Try a bottle and get
rid of your boils and other skin
eruptions. The large size ia the
more economical.
^Ke Worlds Best
^lood Medicine
> | “
* advertisement. advertisement.
Can Now Insure
Against Appendicitis
London Firm Offer* New Insurance Policy
I>uo to the enormous prevalence of ap
pendlcltla, a firm of Insurance men have
evolved a scheme whereby people can In
removal by operutlon. Th's rcnmvi« iv
euro tlie appendix ugalnm the cost of tta
eoxletv regarding the expense of an ap
pendicitis operation but doc# not, of,
course. remove the worry or possible
chance of Iobs of life.
A Treacherous HHraAc.
Appendicitis attack* at any moment even
Keraonu ae-mingly In good health. I'suaiiy, j
owover it is preceded by ao-called atom-i
■ rh trouble, constipation or similar die-I Often when there la < warning
feel rig of untasiness In the abdomen, an
pendltltls an be guarded agaitiHf In tho
same manner In which one guards atf-iinat
file spread of throat Inf-ctlon. because
that fa Ju*t what appendicitis la—an In
fection In the intestines spreading to the
append:*. When one has sore throat, one
esn often prevent further trouble by using
an antiseptic wash or gargle to fight the
germs and a laxative to carry off the
poisons from the body. The s«m^ pro
cedure le r «*ren*ary to fight he nt**«tln'l
gerrns and guard ngalnst appendicitis. Hut
instead of tn antiseptic wash or the
throat, an INTESTINAL antiseptic 1" nec
Intestinal \nt leapt l«. _
There le now offered to the public •
preparation having the jjot'Hf.F. "rl*r>,)„.
en Intestinal anti*-; »ic end a cuMl'M! I l<
system cleanser. This preparetion, known
a* Adierlks, arts as follow*
•It tend* to eliminate or *troy harmful
germs and colon bnciii m ‘lie intestinal
canal, thus guarding against appendicitis
end other diseases hnving their start her*
a * most complete system cleanser
ever offered to the public, acting net
DOTH upper nnd lower bowel and remov
ing foul matter which polaontd the sys
t»*m for months and which nothing elaa
• an *1 itdudg e It brings out all gams, thus
mm* 1 atcTy relieving pressure on the
heart. It Is astonishing *h« great amount
of poisonous matter Adlerlka draws from
the alimentary canal—matter you never
thought was In your ayatem Try It right
after a natural movement and notice how
much more foul matter It brings out
which was poiaonlng you. In align* dis
orders such ns occasional constipation,
sour stomach, gas on the atomarh and
--frit headache, nna spoonful Adlerlka AL
W A V ) biingi relief A longer treatment,
however, la ner* >.<o,ry In cn ** • of obstinate
constipation and long standing stomach
trouble, preferably under direction of your
l(cport* from Physicians.
•’I found Adlerlka the best in my entire
37 years' experience" (Signed) Pr. O.
"I ua« Adlerlka 1n sll bowel cases Hero*)
taquln* only ona dose. * (Signed) Pr. K M
P. (Name given on request.)
"I have found nothing In my B<) years
practice (o excel Adlerlaa '* (Signed) Dr
Jamea Weaver
"After taking Adlerlka fea 1 better than
for *0 years. Haven't limgtiHg*- to express
i ha AWHTTI# IM PMTJtITIISM eliminated from
tny system" (BJgned) .1 k Puckett.
Adlerlka is a constant surpr ■** to people
who have u *'l only ordinary towel and
stomach medicines, or a- - <.ont **f I * a
rapid, plagsahf and r»*Ml’I-KTK action ft
la aold by lending drngatata everywhere
Fold in Omaha by Sherman McConnell
Drug Company.
for— -■■■ —
Cold winter winds will soon howl around the house, seeking entrance at windows and doors. Snow and sleet will cover roofs and sidewalks. The time to prepare for the
ravages of winter is NOW. Look over the house from attic to cellar, the garage and outbuildings. A little work in time will save many dollars. How is your heating equip
ment? Get that heating plant in NOW.
Get your coal bin filled while there is an available supply of coal. Have you a gas or electric heater to take the chill off these cool autumn nights?
Finest gas range made at record ,
low price. More than half a {
million A-B Gas Ranges are in
use today. Hundreds of them in
our own city. They are generally
known as America’s Best Gas
Ranges. Glass oven doors. Alu
minum alloy rust-proof oven lin
ings with 25-year guar
a n t e e. Finished in ,
beautitul snow white
porcelain finishes.
Semi-porcelain and jet
black porcelain
enamel handsomely
trimmed with nickel.
With Every Gas Range
Sold This Week
FREE—$12.50 extra value. With every range
sold this week we are giving away a genuine
25-year West Bend Aluminum Set with a retail
value of $12.50 per set.
FREE—Automatic lighter with every gas range
sold during this sale.
FREE—Every gas range sold this week will be
connected free of charge.
FREE—Booklet of what a B. T. U. should be to
you, telling how to cut your gas bill down to
$5.00 allowed for your old gat stove.
$5.00 down and the balance in easy
monthly payments.
MWesiem Appliance (o.
411 South 15th Street AT 4 289 Opposite Orpheuin
Don’t Start Your Furnace Now—
Use Radiantfire
Why bother with a furnace in changeable weather
when you can have the convenience erf instant heat
at less cost.
A Radiantfire in your flreplace will give you from
four to nine times the heat of a wood or coal fire.
It is a marvelously efficient and beautiful gas fire
that heats by Radiant Rays —the most healthful
heat known.
When you come in wet and cold it will warm and
dry you in one minute. You will get ten times the
use and comfort from your fireplace —without the
trouble—without the dirt.
You can install a Radiantfire for the coat of ordinary
fireplace fixtures. It will bum for hours for less than
the cost of a shovelful of coal.
. There are portable and fireplace models for every pur
pose. Priced from $15 up. See them in our showroom.
Buy of Metro
politan Utili
t 1 e • District
and Patronise
Your Own En
Gas Department
AT 5767 1509 Howard Street AT 5767
If You Can*! Coma In—Phone and Salesman Will Call
— ■ —— ,1
Sold on
Monthly Pay
ment PlWn
Ga. Bill
]_ ■
Put Your Hard
Coal In Now
We have a supply of the best
grade Pennsylvania Anthracite
on hand now. This coal purchased
through the Carbon Coal and
Supply Co., Omaha.
Updike Lumber
& Coal Co.
V •
This winter
the owner of this hone
will not know what it is to
worry about heat
And during the fall, when ho needs heat for two or three hours in the
morning ami evening, he gets it as easily as in mid-winter, without the
labor of attending a furnace.
For him the drudgery of manual attendance upon a furnace, worry
about his fuel supply and the <1 irt of coal heating are things of the past.
Nokol gives him clean, even, healthful, reliable boat automatically with
oil, at less than the cost of coal.
The first Nokol was installed five years ago, and today there are more
than 14,500 Nokol heated homes. Nokol has grown because home
owners who value comfort have discovered that here is a heating
service as reliable, clean and convenient as electric lighting.
The change from coal to Nokol can be made in a few hours, without
interrupting the heating of your home. Write, call or phone for
See a “Nokol ’ in Operation at Our Store Room, ISth and St. Maryt Avenue
Nicholas Oil Corporation
AT 4040 "Bu»ine»s l» Good, Thank You” AT 4040