HIRAM JOHNSON’S SOMBRERO IS ON EDGE OF RING ---- -—■—- ;« Seen as Foe of Coolidge for Office Will Be Led by Force of His Nature to Seek Presidency on Progressive Issue. Lasker to Support Him By MARK SULLIVAN. \ Senator Johnson of California has come to a point where his movements and utterances are watched by all re publican politicians with a concern which writs from benevolence to alarm. Senator Johnson personally Is In his home state. There he and his friends are making a fight to name the California delegation of 28 members to the coming national re publican nominating convention. Johnson says he merely wants a "pro gressive” delegation and adds the qualifying phrase that "this is with out regard to myself.” Practical politicians who survey this action are not necessarily cynical about Johnson's good faith, but they doubt whether the distinction implied In Senator Johnson’s words can be maintained. If he is engaged in try ing to name the California delegation sooner or later he must say whether or not it is the intention that this delegation shall be for Johnson for president. Senator Johnson may or may not seek this issue, but at some state of the fight the issue will be forced upon him. It is Inherent in the situation. If Johnson names the delegation it will necessarily bo a Johnson-for-pres ident delegation. It is Inevitable that the opposition faction of the, party will crystallize about some other can didate, presumably Coolidge, and Johnson will then bo pressed to an nounce himself as a candidate on the , Children Cry for \\V\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ vwwwwwwvvwvvwv wv^v w v wvvvvVv\\%r J • MOTHER Fletcher’s Castoria is especially prepared to re- : ' lieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely ITarmlecg—No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it ______* A Congenial Friend A warm house is always an attractive one when the weather is cold or damp and rainy. It creates hospitality and congenial friends—just as the Nesbi Standard Furnace is doing is thousands of homes. A warm moist heat that is healthfu at all times—an even temperature in all the rooms—consumes from a third to one-half the fuel required of the ordinary furnace—burns economically all grades of coal—even slack coal, are only a few of the superior feature* of the Nesbit Standard. The Nesbit Standard Furnace is noted for its cleanliness. Each and every joint is packed with the very best asbestos fibre cement obtainable. There art no complicated parts to break or wear out in the Nesbit Standard Furnace. Ask your dealer to show you the NE5BTF FURNACE STANDARD FURNACE A SUPPLY CO. • . Omaha, Nebr. Sioux City, Iowa moistened dv f ^ [most familiar of the axioms of prac tical politics—namely, that you can't fight somebody with nobody. In short, fronr the point of view of practical politics, Johnson is at this moment engaged in a course which implies strongly either that he al ready intends to be a candidate or that events will force him to be a candidate. This is so. even if his present intention should go no fur ther than merely to name the per sonnel of the California delegation and dominate it in the writing of the platform and throughout the conven tion generally. It is entirely possible that the pres ent qualification Johnson puts on his attitude is in good faith and that he has no present purpose further than to name the delegation. Hut Johnson belongs to that temperamental class of persons who are led unconsciously by the law of their natures and who Inevitably do /the thing that reflects a purpose tenaciously held, but us yet not avowed even to themselves. Johnson Wants Presidency. For that matter there need not he much doubt that Johnson wants to throw is hat into the ring, wants to get the republican nomination and wants to be president of the United States. Johnson himself has said this ■ n an intimate letter to a friend, which letter became public through the machinations of one who Is not a friend, much to Johnson's embarrass ment and Indignation. Johnson wants, and has long wanted, to be president. He had, however, so long^is the late President Harding was alive, definitely, though with cl nging regret, put aside that ambition for the present. He had put it aside largely because he be lieved it would be impossible for him under his particular circumstances to take the nomination away from Hard ing. Aside from general consideration, such as the difficulty of taking the nomination away from a president al ready In office and surrounded by a compact organization of personal appointees and persons otherwise loyal to him—aside from this general difficulty, Johnson had, in addition, to face the particular difficulty that some of his closest political friends, some of them men upon whom he must rely most heavily to fight for him, were also intimate friends of President Harding and would never turn a hand to get the nomination for Johnson so long as Harding was alive and wanted it. The most im portant one of Johnson's friends who comes under this description was and is Albert D. Lasker, who was John’ son’s principal backer in 1920, but who subsequently became one of Harding's closest political Intimates and the beneficiary of Harding's favor, officially as chairman of the shipping board and unofficially in a thousand ways. Derision Is Eventful. With the death of Harding the whole political map changed for Johnson. From having come com fortably to the inn of decision ns re spects the question of contesting with Harding, he was thrown again into the sea of doubts, hopes and specula tion. Lasker, who, while Harding lived, would not have helped Johnson, could now be counted on. Coolidgs might be easier tr. Caldwells Syrup 2 Prptm by actual Lett .bend me u free trial buttle. Address to 2 Address . ... .. 2 . n odc fn« trial botti > to a lumiif __ F* The Devoe Margin of Supremacy * PSJ#T*rfVAXW5H ZL#^>T:TI3r, The Devoe Agent - Paint and Varnish Headquarters Established by Father Time Dependable guidance in the selection and application of Paint and Varnish Products means unfailing satisfaction. The vast store of practical in formation accumulated by five generations of Devoe Experts enables the Devoe Agent in your community to advise you author itatively on any Paint or Varnish problem. 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