The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, October 14, 1923, HOME EDITION, Page 10-A, Image 10

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    Monocles in Demand.
I/ondon, Oct. 13.—No longer la the
monocle the mark of an English gen
Taxi drivers and artisans have tak
en to sporting monocles. One expla
nation that ig offered for the popu
larity of the single eye-glass Is that
many men whose position in life ha*
been lowered through trade ddpres
Bion nnd unemployment desire to have
an outward symbol of their previous
Optician* say that the sale of
monocles Is *1* times a* great na It
was before the war.
English women have also taken to
the monocle with a vengeance. Heath
er Thatcher, an attractive aetresa,
paved the wny and now many women,
leader* In aoclal and profaaalonal lif^
are affecting the monocle.
A^i^Maiaaaft m ease• aaan4
Union Outfitting Co.
Union Outfitting Co.
Out of the
High Rent
Union Outfitting Co.
Sixteenth and
Union Outfitting Co.
3 Rooms
of Furniture For
Your Credit Is Good
POR years this store has prided itself upon its ability
to start couples in homes of their own with the right
kind of home furnishings. Realizing that furniture is a
life-time investment, every outfit we offer has behind it
the kind of materials, workmanship and finish that in
themselves are a guarantee of long and continued satis
The Living Room
There is a promise of genuine luxury In the over
tuffed suite, comprising Davenport and Chair, covered
vith velour—the Davenport Table is finished in mahog
any with a 60-inch top.
The Bedroom
Here is an attractive Queen Anne period suite—
Dresser, Chifforette and Bed—built of genuine walnut
A Combination Room
This combination Breakfast Room and Kitchen In
cludes an attractive Breakfast Set (unfinished so von
can paint it to pleas* your taste) and a four-burner Cab
inet Gas Range. j
18 Months to Pay for This
We Give
' &9C
' Green
On All Purchases
A few trade mark line*
only excepted. S. & H. Stamp
Books fill quiqkly as many
Omaha merchants give them.
Visit the S. & H. Stamp Re
demption Station on our
Fourth Floor.
The name ‘Brunswick” on
your phonograph is your
guarantee that jour Instru
ment has everything a truly
great phonograph should
—the "Brunswick" stands for
the greatest musical achieve
ment in recent years.
—its tone-chamber is built
like a violin and with its re
producer, you can play any
make of record.
$45la $253
Attractive Living Iloom Snile of three well constructed piece*
with mahogany finished frames, spring seats and backs all com
fortably upholstered In a pretty velour; an CQQ ^0
example of values in suites..
Day-Hod Couch with a restful,
all-cotton, crctonno covered
mattress opens up into a full
Massive Hooker with solid oak
frame and full spring seat and
back upholstered In genuine
V ^ V/
Queen Anne DlninT Room Suites in beautiful walnut finiatv,com
prlsing a 43x54-inch oblong table extending to 6 feet
and FOURJcather upholstered chairs.
Sturdy Kitchen Tnble with
bolted white enameled frame;
porcelain top and drawer on
Odd Wood Beds
l/2 off
Low Prices On
Axminster Ru^ attractive
now patterns in 7-6x9-foot
size& on Monday are—
Seamless Velvet Rugs with
linen fringed ends in 8-3x
10-0 sizes, on Monday at-*
Seamless Tapestry Rugs new
fall designs, in 7-6x9-foot
sizes, on Monday at—
Beautiful Axminster Rugs,
extra heavy and seamless, 9
xl2-foot sizes, only—
I.nrge Tea Wagon in rich ma
hogany finish with rubber-tired
wheels, drop leaf side and drop
Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite in genuine walnut veneer com
jirising a handsome. 45x54-lnch oblong Table that extends to 6
feet; a stately 54-lnch Buffet and SIX chairs 41/47 ^10
with tapestry seats for...,.V“^ivV
Roomy Dresser In genuine
two-tone walnut veneer with
good French plate mirror, two
short end 2 long flJQQ (TA
drawers Is .«PO«7.«)U
Marin, Hoary Blankets wool
finished, 66x80-lnch sizes In
pretty plaid patterns, on Mon
day, at, the QK
pair .
liras* licit Outfit, itu excellent lvalue In a massive Brass Bed with
heavy, 2-Inch posts. 2-lnch fillers and angle Iron, llnk-fab
rlc springs with an all_potton mattress. PIfl
built for sleep; complWt.I sOl/
Stately Davenport Tattle, >
gueen Ann* de»lRn In llih ma
lioRany finish with hand
rubbed. 4S-lnch (Pt C QPT
lop is .tpltl.I/tJ
Kail Table or Console Table,
with turned leg* nntl Rood size
top, in mnhOKuny d*Q A IT
finish l» .OOe^lJ
Big Factory
Demonstration Sale
AA’e fire sole agents in Omaha for HOWARD
Heaters and Ranges, and have sold them for
many years. Our best recommendation for their
fuel saving, heat giving qualities is the thousands
of Omaha homemakers who are using them to
day. See our exhibit at the Auditorium this
A Howard Saves Fuel
i \
Howard Heaters have the “over-draft” construction
that consumes the coal gas usually lost up a chim
ney in smoke and because of ic they give you MORE
heat on 20% to *3 1-3% LESS fuel
and burn satisfactorily soft coal, coke
or wood—a wide range of models with
prices beginning at.
t.,5 $5
For Tour Down Brings
Old State X Howard
FREE—This week, all pipe neoes
sary to connect stove with flue.
Howard Range *69=
This "Howard Week" Special Is a perfect baker aa
Its oven heata evenly—Ita "over-draft” construction In
sures a quick cooking heat and a warm kitchen; has
high wanning closet.
Luncheon Served
Hot "ADVO” Coffee With Cake
You are cordially Invited to drop In when down
own shopping for a refreshing and dainty luncheon of
lellclous cake baked with “Sweet Tootli" High Patent
loor, and fragrant "ADVO” Gold Medal Coffee..
Howard Given Away
Friday evening In addition to other articles. NO pur*
:hase Is necessary to participate.
Monday for this outfit
comprising black Japanned
Coal Bucket with shovel.
Monday for this Furnace
Scoop, Just right for your
furnace door.
Excliange Your Old
Furniture for New
If you have gome old furniture that hag outlived Its ugefulm
or have some pieces you are tired of, our Exchange Department tu
tnko It In at a. fair value on any'new furniture, rug or stove you maj
As we take this exchanged furniture and price It low for quirk
clearance It Is possible to si cure some genuine bargains In furniture
for any room in your home In this department.
. UHOH k
S. E. COR. 16th & JACKSON STS.
Ws maintain a
list of houses and
and apartments
that are for rent
m various parts
of th« city and
will assist you to
toiutri' a aultnl'l* ,
location without
chat to. *•“
Of Women’s and Misses’ Fall
Purchases made by our
Buyer in New York city last
week are offered Monday at
notable savings.
Your Credit
Is Good
Just make a small down j
payment—then pay the bal-1
ance as convenient.
_ t
Dresses of true style distinc
tiveness and attractiveness,
/ashioneo from fine velvets.
Polret twills, satins, silk crepes
etc. THREE big value-giving
groups, at—
^ Coats
At Big Reductions
Exclusively styled models for
now or later wear, tailored from
sport fabrics, velours, velvets,
bollvias, Marvella. Arrabella,
Francine, etc., in THREE groups
Stamps are giv
en with all purchases
with which you can se
cure hundreds of valu
able articles.
New Fall Pumps and Oxfords
An excellent selection of good looking styles in
satins, tan, black, patent and suede leathers at ths
pair, $5.95 Up.
In Our Upstairs Store
If. re you will find Quality Suits and Overcoats that
show their worth indeed you'd prohaMv never suspect
such good clothing could sell for so little.
Examine every garment.
You will find thrat can ful attention has been given
1o stylo--tailoring and sel-etiou of mat rials. It 's your
assurance of VAl.l'K n' lii selecting a fviit or Ovcicoat
here at their moderate prices.
s24s s29|
Your Credit Is Good Here