Nebraska Corn Is Out of Danger Other Products Also Look Good, Says Government Issued. Lincoln, Oct. 7.—About 90 per cent of Nebraska's corn crop was ma tured beyond danger from frost by the end of September; reports Indi cate a large hay crop of poor qual ity. a fair potato crop of poor qual ity, and soil conditions in the state are ideal. This is the summary of a report made public by A. E. An derson, head of the United States bureau of crop and livestock esti mates. The report states that the remain der of the corn crop will have ma tured enough by October 10 to with stand a heavy frost, adding that western Nebraska has the largest corn crop on record and It has prac tically all marred. The only sec lions In Nebraska reporting any in jury from drouth are a strip ex tending from Nuckolls to Butler county and a small area about the center of the stdta, the report de clares. The remainder of Mr. Anderson’s report follows, in part: ‘Soil conditions have seldom been better for seeding winter wheat. This may result In a larger acreage of wheat than planned, particularly in western Nebraska where wheat is often drilled in the corn fields. A second inquiry on winter wheat yield gave exactly the same average, 16.5 bushels, as given in the August pre liminary report; Spring wheat re turns were lower than previous es timates. “Returns from grain dealers sub stantiated previous reports on other grain crops, all of which were large. The quality of the oats crop was impaired by rains while In the shock. Due to low quality, comparatively low price, and shortage of other grain feed, most of the oats are be ing fed to livestock. “The hay crop is largo but of rather poor quality due to both de lay In harvest and rain ijfnlng har vest. The United States hay crop Is ■short and the price, very good. Pas tures are exceptionally good for this time of the year, and were far above ;he average throughout the summer season. "Yields of the late commercial po tato crop, particularly the Early Ohio variety are considerably below previ ous expectations and the quality is also very poor. Red Triumphs are generally yielding better and of a much better quality this year. “The harvest of sugar beets has started. The acreage is above that of last year, but the production may not exceed last year, due to thin stands. Apples are being picked and the crop far below last year. Heavy yields of forage crops are being har vested.” Fowa Will Send 25 Legion Women M >ny Prominent Members of Auxiliary to Attend San Francisco Convention. Des Moines, la.. Oct. 7—Twenty SH^kfive delegates will represent the Iowa department of the American Legion auxiliary at the organization's na tional convention, to be held at San Franosco In conjunction with the na tional convention of the legion Many other Iowa women prominent In the auxiliary also are expected to attend. Mrs. Carrie G. Hunter, state presl dent, will be chairman of the dele gatlon. Some of the delegates are planning to travel to the convention city In a Special car to be started out of Davenport, and which will carry the Davenport uniformed drill team. Others will travel on the "tall corn specials" being made up by various legion groups. The department headquarters has mailed a check for *150 to each dele gate, to cover traveling expenses. At Son Francisco, numerous events have been planned for the Iowa dele gates. An effort Is to be made to have the national convention adopt the uniform of the Davenport unit, as the official dress of all drill teams. The delegates are: Mrs. Hunter, president, of Newton; Mrs. C. 8. Me Clung, Tipton; Esther G Kennedy, Davenport; Mrs. G. W. MacDowell, Story City; Mrs. Aelia Coan, Sioux City: Mrs. C. C. Rullook, Clarlnda; Mrs. A. W. Hinderman. Wapello: Mrs. J. F. Benson. Davenport; Mrs Harry Utley, Manchester: Mrs. J. B. Clark, Hampton: Miss Agm-s Heiberg. ^ Mason City; Mrs. W. H. Fox, Wau ^,cotna: Mrs. F. G. Reimann, Cedar Rapids: Mrs. Paul Samburg, Durant; Miss Franoes Renninger, Marlon. Mrs. Millie S. Heffner, Sigourney; Mrs. A. II. Hoffman, Des Moines; Mrs. M. F. Stever, Creston; Mrs. May Bolt Woodbine: Mrs. George Alex ander, Griswold, Mrs, F. H. Cooney, Carroll; Mrs. W H. James, Boone; Mrs. Martha McGowan, Ocheyedan: Mrs. Frank E. Muraine, Cherokee and Mrs. B. J. Baker, Spencer. Bronkhart In Address Women. Des Moines, la., Oct. 7.—United States Senator Smith VV. Brookhart •will address the open forum depart ment of the Des Moines Women's club at a dinner here October 10 His subject will be "Impressions From a Summer In Europe." _ Calico Corn Yiobls Bool in TVsfs at Re»l Cloud, Neb Red Cloud, Neb., Oct. 7.—Corn va riety tests held here under the direr Hon of County Agent Fausch. In which three tracts of corn were put Out in different parts of last spring and husked recently, show ,-allco corn leading In yield, according to present weight, with St. Charles white second and Iowa silver mint third. However, the cnlico corn contain* considerable moisture, and anothet weighing In 60 days, ns planned, tuny Blmw It to have shrunk enough to lose its lead. On bottom land the rough kernel varieties outylelded the Hmooth kernel, while on the upland the1 opposite was the case. Seed from upland outylelded the seed from the bottom land. Samples of the see<; and of the corn that was raised, art to be shown at the Red Cloud fait this week. * A cloth with equal parta of sweel oil and lime water applied to a burr will bring gtcut relief. Columbus to Have Big County Fair Forty-Six Merchants Will Use Store Windows for Display of Exhibits. Columbus, Neb., Oct. 7.—Columbus will have a three-day county fair. But It will be ‘‘different." Instead of big booths and buildings, store win dows of 46 merchants will be used to display exhibits. Each window will be devoted to an exhibit of a differ ent nature. There will be windows filled with fresh home grown fruits, vegetables, corn, small grain, school work of rural schools and high schools, exhibits of bread, pasterles, candies, needlework, sewing, small livestock, pet livestock, etc. In each window the prize will be shown that, will be given for the best exhibit of its kind in the window. Each merchant wilt give the prizes for the i xhlbits in his own windows. He will also gather in the oferings he has to show. Judges of three farmers and one town man will be appointed to Judge the farm exlilb ts while ’ the Business Women's club will appoint three Judges to take charge of the women's exhibits. The fair will begin October 15 and close October 17. Stores will be open and windows lighted every night during the festival. With the close of the festival will come the close of the five-week sales campaign the merchants have been conducting. At that time there will be street festivities as well as a “fun auction” In the Frankfort park square. At the "fun auction” bidders will bid on a 1924 model touring car. The losers will then have the privilege of bidding on BOO diferent kinds of mer chandise oferings of 45 merchants, the articles to go to the highest bid ders. I October 17 charitable and religious organizations will have street conces sions. Farmers Need Aid, Man National Union Secretary Cites Better Banking and Prices Among Wants. West Point, Neb., Oct. 7.—The an nual meeting of the Farmers Ex change and Co-Operative union of Cuming county was held here. A. C. Davis, national secretary of tije union, was the principal speaker at the meeting, which was well at tended. State President Osborn also addressed the meeting. Mr. I*ivis, whose headquarters are In Washington, is working in the interests of legislation for the benefit of the farmer through their union and the Milk Producers union. He also spoke of the need for better banking and financial aid for the farmer and fairer prices for farm products. Mr. Osborn told of the union's ef forts to get a seat on the grain ex change at Omaha and of the aid that they received from Attorney Oeneral Spillman. The exchange seat of the union has in the last 60 days handled 100 carloads of grain, according to Mr. Osborn. These officials Intimated that the nlon in time would go Into the pack ing business in Omaha and other places and that they would try to get their share of the export grain business. They pointed out, however, [hat the union will not participate in politics. I The national organization will meet at Omaha November 1. Delegates will come fri-m all over the country. A special effort Is being made to ob tain rates on all railroads for those who attend the meeting. Meat cakes, minced meat on toast, meat to stuff peppers or tomatoes, meat coquettes, scalloped dishes and the ever-popular hash. ~~FUN ER A I. N OTIC ES ^ REEDER Zetihanla Hart rawed away tetober « list. ape 71 Survived bv ht« n-tfe, Matbtldn: two brothers. .lamer Reeder of Omaha and Charlie Reeder of f tneotn. ill. t uners! service# from Johnson A Swan ion chapel Tuesday at 230 p nv Inter merit Lawn r«*metery * ^FU^/ERAL^DH?ECTOKS^^ H EA FEY A HEAFEY Undertaker* and Embalmera rhnn* HA 0365 Office 2411 Farnar (EST A RUSH ED HI NCK 1 SAY ) K( RIRKO FUNERAL HOME. 21d and O St*. 1*50 S 13th F MA OflHO AT. 1873. CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED HY LAlTKfi ONLY D5 8 20th St AT 1881 and AT. 14 ___■ - \ NDREW T REED OrM»*r Om*b ! f rerrmat COI^ORKD undertaker. J’hfi I A. 3901 DUFFY A JOHNBTON. 311 S 33d new funeral h"me. HA. 041 HOFFMANN AMBULANCE. Ood*e at 2"\ va »U ■ tbinf'd Watch for name In II (i M*n ufa^'tured only by the Omana Coiirra*# Burial Vault Co. 6210 N 3 0»h Ht . Omaha ^^^CEMET^RILS^^_ VISIT FOREST I. AWN. North City QmHi 120 arrea Perpetual • are Cfflcea at cemetery and 720 Brand la Theater Rid* FLOgISTj.'_~ LEE LA KM' >N • Ofh and Uouglaa l‘h<>na AT. 8244 R< n 1 Kit 8, Florlwt. 2|th Karnnm. JA. 30*0 71 H ENUERBON, 1607 Firnam. JA JOHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA EM. _ I.OST AND FOUND. LADY H hlHrk leather mult < m*< from 83d and Q Ht*. to flOth, north on noth to On* tar call vva 4184. 4115 Bad ford Av*. LOHT Alradala puppy rhuradai r»«« »■ r Dundee sohoo] Name. Bob Reward. WA 77 40_ _ LOHT—i’urt* and 112. HA. Mli I'LL AOMVT HOME REMEOT OlONT CURE MX RHEUMATISM BUT I HAO A CsOOOTItAE - I OO KNOU) AN OLO DOC TOR THOUGH WHO IS AN AUTHORITY ON THE STUFF -HE CAN CURE ME ! ANTTHIMS BUT THOSE BLEACHENC I SPtt OOCTOR.VKXTHE BRRRRCKSOP JTYAE GRftNO RRNVi OF RKtUlARTIC . ( fVUIA^NTS- CRN VOU w^-"^ ypbemoBiu^e'emi y-^\ MR. H\U- V »A TAKING TOO TO A PLACE VMHICtt THROUGH THE PROPER USE OF OMAHA BEE VO ANT AOS HAG BECOME NOT ONLY , A BENEFACTOR . TO HUMANITY j W^irtwr tnd Tribam gyndlctta P- Motw— . | - but At so A feREAi business FIXATION f i/Tv ‘CK fcftTHS I BEE WANT AD RATES 15c per line each day, 1 or 2 day*. 12c per line each day, 3 or 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rate* apply exclusively to Want Ads which are commonly termed "public wants” and do not include adver tisements of Individuals or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. These rate* apply to The Sunday Omaha Hpo as well as The Morning and Eve ning Bee. All week day advertisement* ippear in both morning and evening edi tions at the one cost. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Morning Edition. 9 p. m Evening Edition.11.*0 a. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday Want Ada accepted at the following offices: Main office... .17th and Farnam St*. South Omaha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs... .15 Scott St. Telephone ATlantlc inno. Call for '"Want” Ad Department. An experienced “Want” Ad tak^r will recelv* your add and n bill will be mailed later The rate* quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. THE OMAHA BEE reserve* the rltfht to designate what constitutes a public want THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. _THE EVENT NO BEE._ I.OST AND FOUND. LOST—-Pointer pup. about 1 year old; white with brown spo's; answers to the name of “/lan.” Reward if returned to N P. Dodge & Co., 2110 Harney. LOST—A platinum bar pin set with dia monds 'n center; between Strard theater »nd 43d and Davenport. Friday. Call VVA. 0518. Reword _^PE P S ON AL._ HIE SALVATION Army industrial home solicit* your old clothing furniture, mega alnes We collect We distribute. Phone JA 4135 and our wagon will call. <"*l. 1 «nd Inspect our new borne 2170-21121114 t if 're St ^^AUTOS FOR SALE.^ 53 Years In Business—Buy Here Safely l Ford Sedan, 1918 .$85 1 Ford Sedan. 1921 .$325 1 Heo 4-cyl Touring . ...SI?5 1 Durant. 4cyl. Touring .$600 1 Durant 4 cyl Sedan .$1,000 YVe have others $.0 up fo $1,000. AT. 4411 OT»en Eve and Sun. ANDREYV MURPHY & SON. Durant and Star Cara. 14th and Jackaon. SOME bargains in used Fords. New Ford son. Easv payments. M’CAFFREY MOTOR CO.. The Handy Service Station. 1*th nml Jnrkaon Sta AT. 77!' NEW and used Ford*, casn or term*. C. E. PAULSON MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford ar.d Lincoln D'-alera ?9th and Amea Ave. KE. 0146 GOLDfcTROM'S new car place, 2112-14 1 Harney. New and used car* Casn or: terms. Ford bodies with winter tcp* Goklstrom’s Auto Sales Co.. AT 6546. USED parts for all makes of car. Ford used parts at half price. Neb. Auto Parts JA. 4931 USED CARS THAT CAN BE SOLD NEBRASKA OLDSM<*DII.E CO.. Howard at 1«th_ AT *779. YVI.LL kept Si». puns fine Good finish Cal! HA. 5" 19 at noon hour or after 5 p m. Price. $1/5. HIGH-GRADE new and used cara. GUY L. SMITH USED CARS O N Bonney Motor Co $554 Fa mam. IH’ICK Touring, Dixie touring. Max well touring, one ton truck, nil In good condition. 4 4‘J9 S 24th. MA 3905._ rtriCK Six Touring excellent condition. Make me an offer. HA. 6163. POlt SALE—-The e au'o trucks JA 3T01 AUTOACCESS0R!KS TIRF.S HUY a metal garage Made in Omaha * ALTER SHEET METAL CO. JA 0602 ■ ■ mm ■ E DUCAT 1 CNaL DAY SCHOOL— NiuHT school. Complete course* In accountancy ttu '* h I n e bookkeeping. comptometer, short hand and typ< writing, ra.iroad and wire .'is telegraphy civil service and all Eng ll*h end commejclal tranches. Write call or phone Ja« k*»nn 1545 for large 111ua trated catalog Aaa H <* Y L K 8 COLLEGE. Boy I- Bldg <»maha Neb t’LKHKS—Railway mail. 18 upward. $133 mo. Experience unner«*a«;irv For fro*1 particular* write R. Terrv /former Civil Service examiner). 341 Barrister Bldg YY'nshi ngton. D. C. 11 to 11 week* prepare >uu for a Erie offtc* position Call AT 7774 .»r i write Amirican Col lift, 1912 Firnam TM.rlTV HAKBEI! < ’• >?.!.*•:«: K 1402 find** 81 1J0» I)ou*lM 81 /‘all or write for Information MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, no s 14th Si Write fur eUtlng ANN UfKRi piftRO and harmony JA. 2 «13.‘ tometef school 399 Courtney Bldg HELP WANTED—MALE. YVA NT ED—Several first-class tdutnher* for open shop, who can paaa examination t if 114 filin', we offer $1 25 an hour for 4 1 [hour we-k. time and half for overtime double time Sundays and holiday a this t* for steady work and i*» exceptional open ing for good men. Address Y-2447, Omaha Her [WANTED—Several first-class sheet metal 'worker* for open shop, men who nre c«>m potent at th's trade, we offer ]1 16 per hour for 44 hour week, time and half for overtime, double tune Sundays and hnll f!a' s this i« at* nly wot k and la w t.ional opening for good men. Address V . » l V < imaha Bee. WANTED—Good boys for mess. r.g**r work, i'an use a few part time school boys. Good pay Apply to WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO 307 South Fourteenth. YOUNG MAN—STUDY LAW l —Downtown evening aeaalons University of Omahi /.aw Be ho. Nominal tuition Enroll now. Sei. Her'v 10.7 Omaha Nat Hark. MEN now employed who desire change f.»r the betterment of their future, call it 2303 Cuming 8t . ask for Brady, be I tween R a m and i ti m. men to train for firemen or braUemen. 1 beginner* $lf»0-$: n monthly (which po sit uatlonT) Rallwav. Y .’4'>4 Omaha Bee WANTED—Clerk foi g*n*'al store UaM M A 1f» -r. 2 4 1 R N Mr »■ e t HELP W A NT E D-F_KM ATE WANTED—Saleswoman of ability for ladle V apparel shop, reference, height weight, age and Into photo in first lei *>*• Kepfi Hue I «■ h Co., I .■ id. 8 1 * WANTED—Competent whlYe maid for up l»’»ira v .rk reference < n-quiri *1 Apply ■ - * Wm J IVii y-* i:: 2 '-'liml St A^N^V^NTl^D^_ * DAILY tsworn proof) Introducing new full n ml winter line guaranteed hosiery v.uat wear or replaced free Neither «x l erlen- e or capital required M rite order*: ... deliver ai.-i oiled • ir*i if* furni hi 1 all colors, gladfH Including full fashion* d ike. wool, hcuthc.a Mm ' * Chff Mill* Mill ftp/. • in* ) n no 11, i bio SAI.FSMANI WANTED. _ VVjjj want f.n live wire wide awake men to work In Nebraska selling th« g'eairst aul*» h" 'ir- • v* i invented » lla on sight to nil motor car owners. If you h.ive u 'ii ami monev »** buy V"*»*ts s*e Mr. King «it »I *., I'untenelle lintel Thl*i i« your gn-jit* t opuurtunltv lu go 4n»«•1 bushit'Sh f* r V" irs-lf itn*1 be Independent | SALESMEN hi-" .. f o sell fits! etnas' union man# cuatom garments at modal nfe prices Coin! ado Tailoring Service 600 Club Bldg. 1731 Artpahoa Mt.. Den ver Colo DEMONSTRATOR WANTED—capable «*f lu*rntllng men and getting the buslne** ( Mum nave had experience and able to pm dure Former Insurance men nreferted W'.e Air. Browning. 201 likird Bldg. SALEM AN WANTED * V A man with a clean business record and preferably some sell Ipk experience is wanted to act as exclusive representative at Omaha and surrounding counties. Another for Lincoln and sur rounding counties. lie will sell to accessory deal ers and Karaites an unusually Htronr line of automotive staples for all cars. Payments on a weekly commis sion basis, no drawinx account; he will have the backing of the larges' manufacturer In the world of such products, also the support of newspaper advertis er. Thla Is a bona fide opportunity for a salesman to establish him self in a profitable, perament business. No Investment required, but ap plicant must have automobile and enough rnonev to ph* his ex penses for about two months in troductory period Interview will be aTranped Write full informa tion and telephone dumber. Y 11444. Omsha Bee. THIS organization, the largest In United Staten need* manager*. I must »l';vS«p *o from thin territory. Are you paid enough where you are? Ho you dears a change? [f po—j will guarantee that It aa III t»e worth your time to me. $125 to $130 a month I* tup money to begin with, but if you have abillty, we will soon pay you more. Cal at the Apex Electrical Distributing ' o. 41* Smith 1* ti St ask for me personally. Mr. Crlastnan. YOUNG men. salary *'n „t,€r bon' h for those who qualify. C. C.C*la CaId w*el 1. 1*14 Hnrtiey, i p m Monday. SITUATIONS WANTED. BUNDLK washing. WE. *003. ___ • * ATrRKH—Cooke dir lunches WE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CAPABLE successful man. with earning capacity of I10.0UO to $20,000 per 'ear we want him to take charge of exclusive territory, on the fastest automobile ai c**Horv on the American market; our men aro making from $-'5 to IU0 per day If you hiu looking to better your position nee Mr K nv. Fontenetlf MODERN cleaning plant, priced to *» I Only plant in town and doing a nice buni ness. Bernard C MonnMi, Hooper, Nct>, ROOMING HOUSE, eight rooms, seven rooms furnished Any reasonable offer considered. 602 N. 23d S' JA 4910. 1 — 1 -- _J^OVESXNTENX^_ CITY real estate. mortgak-*** and contract. .Light Mr I.arson tQ4 No 15th S* *6x133 FEET business district, fine gar W site |7 OH. JA 0 " 2 7. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE S i, and « TEH CENT MONET T.oan. on Omaha Improved properly ai lowest rates FRANK H BINDER. I §63 vr _ DELAY GARVIN OR* »S 3*4 Om Nat l Bldg SECOND mortgage* or contrarta pur chased by Tukey Company. 620 1st Nat l Ilk JA 4223 I WILL buy mortgage* and contract*. Corkln §4* Otna Nat Bldg Omaha. Neb STRAIGHT 6-year mans *4 per cent _AMQH GRANT CO_ FARM LOANS—Gibbon-Steel JA S&Q4 MONEY TO loan]_ THIS COMPANY IS ORGANIZED To supply your money want* In the same way hanks supply the money wants if the business community. Any amount loaned up to $500 and you rnn repay It In easy monthly l aimi n'* <»ur equal payment plan repays the loan and nil charges We have been In hutdnesa In Omaha over 30 years and cun assure you of a quick, confidential and square deal. OMAHA LOAN COMPANY F0* Karbach Block Tel. JA 2295 Southeast Corner 15th and Douglas Sts. DIAMOND loans at lowest ratal, business strictly confidential The Diamond Loan Co If, 14 ! lodge St Eat ah 1H»< GOOD THINGS TO KAT. JOHNATHAN apple* at 60 cents per bu. These nr«- i**nr d windfall* good fur pre** ent use while tuatiy will for months .Sotn** excellent apples st Finch's Orchard, Ft Calhoun, Neb. ___ GKLMLS Golden ai'jdes, $1 (0 per bushel winter varieties, $|. nft«-r October o Three miles southwest of Nebraska City J A ItollHhaugh WINE grapes; Walter Tuttle KE. o*14 WIIKItK TO KAT. DORSEY'S Chicken Shark, beet coolod i h!< k<-n in 6206 Center W \ D " DOCS, BIRDS AND PETS TWO rnnal, m nmntha old 110 <■», h WA in" 1*1: US I AN klttan, fnr „lr lluninahl. .Mr* H C hmlth 1471 N I Oh hi_ POR SALS—CANARY H1WU0 KE *404 liniMMKIin MNUKHS ki: 477 7 1.1VESTOCK AND VEHICLES ONE sound black. fire gnlted sudd •• huts*' weighing I 1 ?r> pound* Tin* h< r*»- ha* wonderful style, good action and uuiet dlsposltIon I’tLied f #r quick r G< Phon* I*, oi < i«|| ai Newmeyers Barn. Council Bluff*_ BOSTON terrier pedigreed WA. 42*6 . ■ ■■ ■■ - POULTRY _ \IAI,I.AIll> l'l ■ h.i f,,' » *> '* MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I'l.AYKIl plann. I rniiltfui 11 ,n .. ,nv, h ,, lii*w. Him .T'.'H N.'.vpiirl,. Ki: F*| A M » for ..Iff KM lb,', El, i:i' V l«~l min, malm mi .iff,,. AI' 1.77 C!*OT!I IN^ HTJRS^JCTC BLACK FUR COAT, reasonable. WA $164. C LOTH IN GjJFU RS, ETC. FOR SALE—Lady’s beautiful black coat, wgrn very little, coat, $125.00. Sell cheap. 3111 Myrtle Av*. FULL DRESS aulta and Tux?dos for rent JA. 3128. 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. FOR SAIJ-:—Two coats and one dtVaa; age 14 aWd 10. KE, 4037. TYPEWRITERS. SPECIAL Bale of typewrliera, $19 Oliver and Smith Premier viaiblea. All Makea Typewriters Co . 203 S. lhth St AT. 2414. FOP SALE—MISCELLANEOUS SECOND-HAND lumber for sale. 4971 Min ml St WA 2103._ HOUSEHOLD GOODS. THU largest etoeg of used furniture !i. Omaha at the Stephenson Auction House, long Capitol Ave Auctions at 1:30 p tn every Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday Clooda also sold at private sale EXPERT sewing machine repairing MICK ELS. 15th and Harney AT 4191. t UltS I l UKE AT AUCTION This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE \K duofold md dining room table, cheap Phone KE 0898 8481 Sprague. TWO good dresaera. Reasonable. JA. r»244. HEATER, good aa new, reasonable. WA. 0464. SIX-hole cook range and kitchen cabl ner WA M81 HOOVER SPECIAL. slightly ua*d. Must sacrifice. fail KE. 0418. S'.FT « oa 1 p;o%~$2t*. HA. 0826 BED SPP.INGS, WA 4819._ <>\K buff't. Rood condition. AT. 2146. MACHINF.RyANDT00LS. NEW and second-hand motors, dynamos t.-Bron Electrical Works, 3IH-20 So. 12th. OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR SALE. WE HUY. sell safes, make desks show case*. etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co : W cor 1 11 h and Douglas JA 2724 SWAP COLUMN. tuK EXCHANGE—Eight full sit'd lots clear «»f encumbrance. lay beautiful at 4€tfc arc! Redick Ave.. for house and lot Jr equity, diamond, or what have you. 3 944. Omaha B*»©. OLD rare coin* and stamp collections f »r diamond, or what have you? 8-901, 1 '.-naha B TRADE fine automobile and furniture and electric wa*h©r for atone maion and con crete, repair work. 8-945, Omaha Bee. WILL swat* new Chevrolet coupe for f< ur t as«eng©r coup© or light sedan. 3 991. Urnibi Be© WILL swap new Chevrolet coup© for four paaeenger coup© or light sedan. 8 99 1. Iiiioh., Her GROCERY wanted for my Interest in *»\>n-room residence. North Omaha. W T ' 4 Omaha B©e. i CADILLAC, first class running shape. 1 00. or will swap. HA. 0919. 114 8. *t h Ave HI X* ROOM house, two lots. York. Neb..' f.,r small stock of merchandise. 8-165. ■ t Pee nc.HT -Room house. Omaha: rent 030. Will consider auto and what elite have v.» »•* s i * j Omaha Bee si 'IT-—Gray aport, tuxedo coat. perfert condition; trad- for navy blue skirt, wool. 3 19*>% Omaha Be©. TO SWAP— 3-table hall and soft drink parlor for used car or what have you? 8-984. Omaha Bee. ERA' s B-flat Mnrceau cornet to trad© f r r-dlo tube aet or radio parta. 8-711, «’moha B©©. -It. COTTAGE on.tar line, paved street, to swap for automobile, lata model, and rash 8 V'C, ninnhi! Be CHALMRKN light 6 touring. 1919 model. 1 to exchange for Ford coupe or roadster. 1.3 714, li©« BABY Overland In good conditmn. new ba tery. light touring car. good Urea oil | around, for truck. 8-905. Omaha Bee._ I* ORD grocery truck body. In g«»o«l con dition. for Ford roadster, coupe or touring onr, truck. 8-708, Omaha Bee. STERLING silver sal,id forks and butter spreaders for rug. or what have you? 8-000 Omaha Be©. GRAND Six louring car. excellent condl | tIon will trad- for Ford truck. JA 6723. j l>.\ ; Nash truck. In excellent shape, to ! trade for Ford S 716. Omaha B©e. 1919 OVERLAND, for \etour overstuffed narlor set H 903. Omaha Bee. $Sno EoFITY In rottfcg* and J lot* to trade for Ford coupe or *edan. F-705, B©e. ALBURN touring, mechanical perfect, to swap for Ford 3 717. < unaha B©e. i'NII Nash truck. In excellent *hape, to 1 trad© * r Ford. 8-7H6. Omaha Bee. tB.'OP car wanted In exchange for real • state Mrs. Mureau. KE IM.'s I ('IIOK’K building lot* or fine trackage fur house 1 lose In S 40 2. Omaha Bee MAXWKI.L roadster for diamond, or wha» hav© you’* 3 90?. Omaha Bee. DIAMOND r«n*. value $75, for Ford road «*©r 8-71'. Omaha D©e. WANTED TO BUY. 11KSKS f'F.SKS ItF'Ki New dess * used (leak* bought, sold and trs led J C Reed. 1307 Farnam 8t AT 114* APARTMENTS AND FLATS \N APARTMENT YOU WILL CALI. HOM E •• No 409 Austin 3Sth and Davenport 8ts A well arranged apartment of four 1 noma. Npvi been 11 v«d In Mill decor* Ml. t i suit. B© sur«- and sec this, you will hi it tall DRAQE RENTAL AGENCY. .FA 21"-' 17ih and Howard ELMH ,\PIS , ?5TH AND DEWEY Chou •• 1 >vn apartment. Including aun room, murphy h* d. tlln bath, large rooms newiv decorated, walking distance Barked grounds Se© Ian t<>r__ 17.1 BARK AVE. s room, fully modem Reduced rent I BANK C BEST COMPANT, AT Cljft f.08 SrrmUt 1ea Bldg ti I ■» Nt'HTH 3"RD.—Mix rooms, all mod urn vet v low rent at $65 H B Boyles «*rf << thorn JA. 1565. Rcaldance, K1 PI 1 1 H - TltUPI COMPANY, will Hi: OMAHA RENTS AT 0844 17th and Farnam >t> • »•; i’l.l i l' second floor Aid with hiith and si* ping porch, hot water furnished ! \\ 1; 5735. \|’,\lt I Ml N TH and f.ats for rent j\Y .1 I’AI.M Ml CO AT 8960 R. al I * ■! t e \Ltn.i. ©m« at 8t lallsta F« It « N V »»F D R A K I h 1 tn * APARTMENTS Fall Jackson 2905 ________ hT CAM h©at©d inodiTh apartments, lo» rprt t; I* Htehhfns 161" I'hliatn Wt 8iXT 1 '17 N — I and ••ring 1 w 1 ; ♦ APARTMENTS AND FLATS. TWO furnlahed two room apartment#, on fli^r him! - i itpl flouts nil modern, new 111111,«1 quiet n# lb blint hood, beat furnished, j. 1 p, r «»■• It t.l" . 8 Mill Ave. M A r i ll AVI' 1311 80111h—Brick fist apart* in-tii ■ fut nlalied: also heat ; 0 large rooms, timdero. it good desirable space foi w«rehou-* . machine eh.p or rto^age pur ; poses. Anc rican Tr»*U*f‘*r Co. 1324 Leav- , enworth. _ PRIVATE ..ff:i e »i AT 1508 ROOJ.IS FOR RENT. r. ________ O i'uUTH fror* sleeping room next ba*h 17, for two. also one room and kitchenette] with private entrance. $10 week. Walk hz d stance AT 404;. 330 4 1 i AHN I.Y ST — <' on nor ting front rooms, eapecinlly eutted for 3 rr 4 *tu <1 nts a!*o eingie room A11 r. wly fur nished ir. mahogany HA 7 C. Cl. | HOTEL SANFORD— lftn and Farnam. HOTEL HENFHAW —Dth and Farnana Sped*' rate# to permanent gueat* HA or,07—parlor, with riatin, beautifully furnished Employed coutle p*eferrcd Good location. «in 2 car lines—rearv_ HOWARD ST I’SSE nicely furnished - ,-m. also unfurnished houarkeet ng rooms, HA. 2»8*__ 14 ST., 271©—Wry d**trable front bedroom, n. I* rn home, breakfast optional, garage. M A 3 ’> n_ i KH.'GLAS Pt . 2124-—Mon Armour, mod rn brick building, steam heat, use of r-b no. I 4TH T 123.» So—3 beautfuUjr furn rma Sim b' Rena Hv dnv nr wit AT. 4595 1718 CASS—Beautiful big front mom ault- i abb- for two gentlemen. AT 23*0 | » OMFORTAHl,E room in private home f gentleman preferred KE 3813. II ST A VK. €22 N — Modern rni private ? a m I i y suitable for on* or two. HA. 4 463. i H1RTY-SBVENTH St. 113 H—Two nlcelv furnished ro*im« HA 12?* HA 7 4«4—1 rre steam heated room HOUSEKEEPING;JOQMS _ TWENTY-THIRD. 3710 S —2 mod rm* everything furn sh**d. electric washer. iautulrv privileges. a's» sleeping rooms, *-f-n»onab!e Call AT €llf-. 3] » NORTH 20TH—Light houaek eeplng r tom one 14 ner week Call AT 1213 II Robinson. _______ 4’ 4s 5KWARI>— All modern I room* and lu.'h Furn shed completely. 121. per M.onth A d 11 * WA 3*18_} THREE completely ? irnlahed rooms, i light, heat and gaia 21S N. 2Mh • 1 wi: riff__ 1 TWENTY-THIRD ST 3*32 S. — Furnished 1 and 2-room apartments Modern home Gurnee Adult* MA 47*2 Wi m iLWGRTH AVK "11—Three room* for houaekee-dnf. 31. € room*. $12. mod i rn AT *7 77 _ SIXTEENTH ST :«« 7 N -—ONE. TWO THREE ROOMS EVERYTHING FUR N ISHEl) $4 11’_ _____ 31 ST ST. 1141 S — One large unfurnished room f> r house keeping. heat, light and gax fur nlahcd See thia first. EARN AM. •»lf>7—T«v light hskpe room* and kitchenette. Everything furnished H A 1*04___ WE «T« I )—Three ©I 4 light modern Housekeeping rooms: ground floor. .1*01 FARNAM- Nicely furn room and kit« henetle. suitable f.-r i ouple employed 1 *TI1 211 N —N ce large front hOU»* keeping room. Reasonable.__ M A RCY ST . iot» -2 light houaekeepln* room*, also one sleeping rcom TWENTY SIXTH n'. 32 2 S —2 or 3 mod ern rma Steam heat, walking distance__ KOC^^j^JND^BO^AKJD^ __ Rm)\| >n fir-t floor c!n*e to bath PH \ .ite home, hr*’ 'kfn t and dinnet. $3& Per 1 f __ 1*11.1 EU Park ' mity board and room to employed m*n <1 count©; references • ' ■ hn" red Phone KE -f 1 . *. * M.IFiiRNIA, ."77 Man roommate want cx. < ll*-lU > aid and room. $7 f>» l * week MA 27 7._ CASS 2t#l-*l»»n«tv board and room for 4 student* blocks to Creighton AT *08*. ____________________ EERNIS1IEH room* with board or kitch en privileges Phone WE 3*** References III sis* tov-lv room end excellent l -aid fur is,, Hnn«iu|il Paik district HOTELS__ i'l.A M HM-INT ilolKI. 1ITII AM- JACK ! i t \ \V, . K1 > I'll '■■■ P I • P ■' A 1 **** REAL KSTATK^BENSON HEY A LOT IN IIONITA ADDITION fio p.»wn $ 10 o©r Month If. C AG1 1 INM s'1 MINT ff: *» hours call HA. 6714 or HA. 2195. TAKE A RIDE WITH M i7 I'LL SHOW YOU BARGAINS LOVK.JOV. c. CaKLBKRG, Realtor H( ME3 for wonting m«n Four rooms, partly modern full lot easy terms, fl,*00 Have others. Stewart. Ralston 10-W 8 H EL WOOD, builder of modern homes W# will help you finance. 419 Sunderland Bldg. JA. 36P6 _ _RE A I^ E S T AL E—RTH~ A BEGINNER’S OPPORTUNITY. MODERN 4 ROOM AND BATH BUNGALOW. Have two of th"*** that will be com pleted October 15. nice sightly locations fheir values are Increasing rapidly. Thej have oak floors and built-in features; well ■ instructed, bert of materia * being u***d <>n!v small cash payment Is required and balance w.ll b*‘ lees than rent you are now paying. Good vacant lot will also b* accepted same as cash on first pay ment Evenings and Sunday call Schmitz. WA 1232 H V CLARY CO. Realtors. 24th and Ames KE. 0175. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. Choice «:x • o' m oak finished bungalow all on one floor, tiled bath with wa ub. latest plumbing, kitchen with ail »he built-in conveniences, floor i attic, fine basement 1 ve! lot with shade r «s: on raving Price $6,750 Reason able *erme Call Jackson 2292 or Har r. e ••• *11:__ HAVE YOU A FORD OR DODGE AND NEED A HOME? •Jan consider an offer on my 8-rocm mod ern dwelling facing Fontenelle park Hero is your thanes at $4,000; easy i-rnu A T 411C 7 $:•».> DOWN. SS3 PER M«l This dandy 4-ro-vm home Modem ex • ga- Oak floors. Nice large lot <*1 ken foop and pens JA. 0013. Mr. v • • .k:n«> ti:pan;-‘ D C RUCK A CO bus and sell homes REM, ESTATE—SOUTH. MY rice home, a bargain; six rooms and r.. • lath on first floor; three and larg* hill upstairs, nine rooms real bargain, fine neighborhood, half block to car, • hods close, only $2,966. Easy terms. » s nth St. HANSCOM PARK — 7-room modern home corner lot. all oak floor*, newly decorated A bargain. K7S term* JA 14 26 1 7 24 SPRING ST—S-rnom. all modem hous* A bargain af trice asked Creich P«e. J\ 02ftb Tessr ii Tesar speclaiixe la ft Bid# homss RE A T ESi ATE—WEST. BARGAIN—READY TO OCCUPY New 5-rin all modern bungalow. Edge w< nd district: oak floorg and finish: lar** >t. cIo*»* to car and school $’.750, terms Ev*nlnc phone KE. 5039. WA. 7S30 or KE. 545? EQUITABLE TRUST CO. 1413 Dourl-t« S- Realtor* AT. 2945 4 S TII AN IT PR A TT. BARGAIN. 5 room* nearly medern. 4 rooms first floor, large lot. f»xl30; garage Price f >- quick sale. 12.750; $750 cash- C-ll KE. 5611 ORUEVIO REALTY CO Realtors Jackson i *»•■.$ 140* First Nat. Bk. A Tremendous Cut In REAL ESTATE 3Fit Hawthorne Ave Berai* Park Addi tion. 6-r. hot water heat, full lot. Gar age In A-i shape for only 95.75# We need the money. Cali AT. 0.95. L. N. • n___ NEW 5-room bungalow, modern hut gas. Clstrmont district. three block* from car line. Price $4.r0ft—|560 down AT 4666 FOR SATE—To sgti'.e estate, must sell *-’Vfn room strictlv modem house, well located, on car line WA 51 §6_ ' SCHROED H SELLS HOME? ' Snappy Rays—Kaiv Terms TPcvIre Reni'nr* Call JA 326L U ILL biP’d to 'our order cn our beautl f I! lots !n Edgewood very easy terms PtlAilS At antic ■. H«K»MS 2 214 S th—Klee Mehta. fur race. c^;n*»nt las«’r.-nt 3 lo’s $3 600 ilstT terms .1A P’4 • •’•'M.T 'N8 COMPANY Builders of Built Rich? Horn** 103 \rthui B’d - « »fPee AT 3321 New llunies—Yout Terms GROVE HIBBARD *X> AT 4156 5?6 Sunderland Bldg RE A ’ K^TATi;— V.' A NTF D ^ M A VE several' customers for homes in Dundee Mum have a few listings priced nrtht for otilrk sale l*t <\VARD F WILLIAMS CO REALTOR*® »• OmtK a Nat Hi. P JA 642" SERVICE AND RESULTS. When vou ll»t w th us Competent *•!»** force JA 5*5" GLOVER A SPAIN Realtors LISTINGS f r 5 and 6 room house* Any location Buyers waiting HELD LAND «*•> WA 1675 SEE ti* fir*t Need listings any location to t >a';ir J l 1615 _ (MAS W YOU NO A SoN IT**; F*»at* Rant Insurance 1601 City Nat BkAT 96f« LIST vour property with Chris Boyar rotary pub *c. lid and Cuming Sts H W Vollan l Co for Res 1 S rv • e. At 1H Wt »R1 1>*HK A1.TY th ■ Hew‘to-- AT 74*». rhaa E Walmsn. AT $250 Real Fatale i A 8ANDKLL Ural Estate_AT_9:37 Graham Peter* Co sell hemes JA #999 REAL ESTATE—WANTED. Western Heal Eataft Co JA 1601. ■1' " ■■*■ - " '■ REALTORS } SLATER A CO.. Realtors Kcehoe Bldg. REAL * ESTATE-EXCJIANGE. MINNKAPOLIB. MINN . Income, runs $16© per month, also first-class lard near lak* shore and adjoining 2 large cities, for Omaha income. Improved land or good business \V A. 7386 or W-581. Omaha Bee. 320 ACRFH northeast Colorado, clear: some improvements Priced $6,400. Want country store building. 2820 James Ave , Omaha. KK. 4249. ICO ACRES eas ern Colorado: $2.'00 worth of improvements Price $4.,*0‘i. Wat. merchandise or building. 2820 James Av- KK 4 24» FARMS FOR SALE_ FIGS and strawberries. In South T,?*8e Y.riding this $200 to $000 per acre Spier, did lands for both from $23 to $60 per acre. Cash o» *ernis accotdlng to io nation. Write G. C Moodle. ..ll1-* M.lot* Sf I: C.i^t T. \__ (}}f’JCK FARM FOR SALE. A 170-acre farm one mile from Aurora. Neb . a town of 3.000 people. Farm we,; improved Would make a splendid dair farm For complete information. Inquire ■ * r 9 Hrran. Aurora. Neb. • 'HOICF.ST dairy grain, fruit. garden and clover lands in W smnain No ston** sand or swamp, improved and wild. Term# to w>iit, A T Polder. Brule. Wls SACRIFICE. GOOD SAC County Iowa farm.. Chance to make money J H Campbell. I BUSINESS SERVICE BUILDERS CONTRACTORS. STORM sashes made, broken windows re placed. glazing windows reputtied. j.-rman. KK. 2701. GET our prices on complete garages Mor rison Lumber A Coal Co WE 6661 DANCING ACADEMIES_ K EL -PINE"! 25th nnd Farnam Latest dances taught. Private Itssons any hour. Haases Mon.. Thun and Sat. 7"" P- p. ’hildrtn s classes Sat afternoon AT <650 WE TEACH TOC H<»W And w# don't mean MAYBE i Has* ton'eht Private lessons any bour. KELP'S. 1618 Farnam JA t4.q DETECTIVE AGENCIES T AM ES A l.LA N 8 D«:*etIV f* E1 P*Tt arcr.l -rvtce. N.vlB. AT • ! ELIA RLE P»t*rtlv, SunderlAOd HUIg JA. iOit night, KE »»U MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS. ACCORDION, side knife bo* pleating, •mvere-i buttons all styles: hemstitching: buttonholes. Write Ideal Button & Pleat ing Co. 301 Brown Block. Omaha. Ntb.. Telephone JA 1 >?l. NEBRASKA PLEATING COMPANY Hemstitching Covered Buttons. 1*04 Farium, Ser.-nd Floor JA ;» • j FURS remode'ed; suits, dresses altered; f-w F * chokers to order. HA *604 MOVING. STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, pianos, office furniture 1107-11 HOWARD ST.JA. 61*8 EXPERT Ch na. furniture, packers, flr* ! proof storage Phone JA l‘®4 *"• * Terminal Warehouse Co TfJ South it'th j St corner Jones, on Viaduct. , BEK IN S OMAHA VAN * ST--RAGE :«ih srri Leavenworth Sts P*ckim. mov ! nr storage. shipping JA 4161 ! FIREPROOF VVHSE * VAN ,S!» North Ilth 9t Phon, JA 30SS: oiot i .n*. r.arklttc «.or««r. shirr.n«__ GLOBE VAN and STORAGE CO Parkin*. norm*: lITi t» nr br .TA 4 - ^ PAINTING, PAPERING. 1 PAPER H V. d scrunt: paprr h.ana | inr puIrt'tiK. htrh rl,<> work. Irwl Parks. I 4 7. a S .4' .V A 0181. or AT .« • PATENT ATTORNEYS J W MARTIN. 1712 Dodge. Room f*$. Omaha, also Washington doub’e service, single fee Alto he’p sell patents R \D!0._ ' UAL A STEED rad*o sets $.8 4a and ctw }' '• Sh’ne* ;tl y-^-th 16th s* PRINTERS. ENGRAVERS EDDY Print• ng Ca. 212 P II St JA *666. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE | rnESCF: :PT1» NS carefully compounded at I the s chrmnti A McConnell Drug Pt» res. pt'NTAL X ray J*c each $3 full **t 4223 ■ ■ ■ ■ — a SERVICES OFFERED_ j WHITE I.F S SPORTING GOODS SHt'P, S 13f r» G'.ns ft»r rent 4T O' J. 7^c Guaranteed First Mortgage Real F Mate R~rd* •tenor. t rn« of $660 and $’.,$00 Principal and »mi anual I teragt guaranteed by \ j PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. 537 Ora Nat l Bh Bldg. AT 5»*0 'aBnuaaanaraauuaasMaaiMaaan Grading Contractors ATTENTION Approximately 19,000 cubic yards of excavation at 24th and Poroaa Street* must be completed in five weeks. Call Homer V. Knouir, WA. 3610, Sunday, or AT. 5760, | Monday, I Health and. Accident | Insurance Man An Illinois Casualty Company has recently added a Health and Accident Department and nro offering the broadest and moat liberal policies ever known at a rate that will meet any j reasonable competition. They want a man who has had Agency and Field experience and is acquainted w ith cond t one in the middle west, one who can yet out into the field himself and build up an agency organization. This is a rare opportunity for the richt man and will develop into the management of this department. W rite in detail, stating your exper ene>. . salary desired and full information as to your qualifications to fill this po rtion. V 2445. Omaha Be*