Would You Like To Lose a Pound j a Day ? Then TR Y this Delightfully' I FACE CHIN NECK. SHOULDER.S AR.M5 — HANDS^/ | Thousands Are Now Finding It Easy To Have the Trim, Slim Figure Dictated By Fashion and Admired By All. v A RE you too fat? You shouldn’t be. Without rigorous ZA dieting or exercise—by a simple natural process— ■*" you should quickly and easily be able to hav, the slender fashionable figure that is so attractive. Scientists have discovered that excess fat is often caused by the subnormal action of a small gland. Once thi3 gland ' "“is healthy and functioning properly, your weight should reduce naturally, and without effort on your part, to the normal amount for your height. And science has discovered a simple extract which tends to regulate the gland that controls fat. Without lifting a hand in unnecessary and violent exercise, you should find it a delightfully simple matter to have the ideal, slender figure admired by everyone. The wonderful thing about the scientific formula known as Rid-O-Fat is that in losing your superfluous fat you should gain added vigor, health and energy of mind and body. Be Young ♦ Feel Young Look Young There is nothing which adds to a person’s age so much As fat. A few extra pounds makes any man or woman look from five to ten years older. Not only that, the excess weight and increased heart action saps vitality and energy. Once the gland which controls your fat is functioning properly your food should be turned into firm, solid flesh jmd muscle. As your weight comes down to normal you should experience s delightful and amazing improvement in your appearance. You should not only feel and look younger—you should actually be younger. Yon should also be in better health—a real health of energy—not the fictitious and deceiving health of fat that insurance com panies say shortens the life 10 years. Complexion, health and figure are improved at the same time. The result is a new vitality, jnagnetism and per sonal charm that makes for success. Tasks once hard be come easy and life worth while. . SIMPLE Way - - « Science Discloses Method of Quickly Reducing Excess Weight—Many Losing a Pound a Day Without Starvation Dieting or Exercise—Greatly Improves Appearance. Generous Sample Sent Free. Quick Results— No Exercise— No Rigorous Dieting. . Rid-O-Fat, the scientific com pound, comes in convenient tab let form, and is practically tasteless. You simply take one at each meal and bedtime. The results are often surprising in their rapidity. Within a few days you should be conscious of a new feeling of energy and lightness, taking the place of that tired, worn-out feeling. Quickly as the fat gland resumes normal functioning you should lose weight in a healthy normal manner. Many fat, ungainly figures are in this scientific manner helped to regain their normal and idealistic proportions, giving that fashionable slenderness and athletic poise. And all this time you live as you please. Nature is doing the work. No more irksome exercise —no more denying yourself of all the things you like. Take just one small, pleasant, Rid-O-Fat tablet after each meal. Could anything be more simple? , A Fat Neck is a Social Handicap Modern fashions prevent a woman from covering up her neck, and thus it becomes the focal point of attention. If the neck be fat, with unsightly rolls and wrinkles—if there be a double chin—then there is small hope of being fully attractive. Notice the vast difference in the two pictures above. What can be more attractive than a slender, oval face, glowing with the color of firm, solid flesh and graceful, properly proportioned neck and shoulders T Rid-O-Fat Used By 100,000 People Since the announcement of the wonderful discovery of Rid-O-Fat Formula it has been used by more than 100,000 people. Twenty to thirty thousand more people ape writing for it every month. The following letters show what users think of the scientific Rid-O-Fat system of fat reduction. Lost Forty-One Pounds In Thirty Days “When I wrote for your Rid-O-Fat sample I weighed 245 pounds. Today, which is 30 days later, I weigh only 204 pounds. A reduction of forty-one pounds in a month. I am delighted! Please send me another 30-day treat ment, as I want to reduce to 14S pounds, which is the correct weight for my height. I am sure that I will realize my ambition with Rid-O-Fat and I feel better than I have in years.” Lost 12 Pounds In Six Days “t lost 12 pounds the first six days I took Rid-O-Fat and feel and look 100 per cent better. Will tell my friends about it. I am happier than I have been in years.” Lost 20 Pounds In 3 Weeks “According to weight tables l weighed exactly 20 pounds too much. Rid-O-Fat reduced me to normal in just a little more than three weeks. 1 feel better, don’t get tired, and my friends say I look like a a«w person.” Fashion Several centuries ago the fat figure * was fashionable, but today it is decid* D6Cr66S edly passe—so much so in fact that it _ is almost impossible for a fat man or Olim woman to find any style or fabric that P» is at all becoming—everything is being r lgVllCS designed for the gracefully slim and j athletic figure. Notice the vast difference in appearance and attractiveness be tween the fat and gracefully slender figures shown in the pic ture. Why should you suffer the handi caps and embar rassments of ex cess weight—why should you suf fer in appear ance and actually shorten your life when the Itid-O Fat treatment is so simple and easy? Why not de clare ytfur inde pendence today right n o w—by writing for a free sample of Rid-O Fat and prove to yourself that you can be as attract ive and grace fully slender as you wish? Notice How Much More Attractive the Slender, Graceful Figure le. Generous Sample Free I want every fat person to have a chance to try Rid-O Fat in their own homes at no expense. I don't want them to take my word or that of the thousands who have used it. I want them to see for themselves that the results are more pleasing than anything I can say. To introduce Rid-O-Fat in a million more homea I will - send a free sample to any one who will write for it. In fact it is really more than a sample, as it is often sufficient to reduce the average person several pounds. I will also send with the sample an interesting booklet that explains the scientific reason for fat, and why Rid-O Fat is so valuable. M | w * m m Don't send a Send No Money and the booklet under plain wrapper and fully postpaid. This does not obligate you In any way and la never to cost you a cent. It la simply a limited offer I am making to more general./ Introduce Rid-O-Fat. This £gcc offer is good for only a short time, so send me your name and address on the coupon below or a post card, and I will see that the generous sample and booklet are mailed immediately under plain wrapper postpaid. Do not try to get Rid-O-Fat at drug stores as it is dis tributed only direct from my laboratory to you—remem ber this is a short time offer and send your name at once. H. C. Haist, 11029 Whinton Laboratories, Coca Cola Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. H. C. HAIST, Whinton Laboratories, 3029 Coca Cola Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Without obticatlon tn any way and witn tn# undemanding It I# not to coat me a cent nt any time, pleaae Bend me your »;e' neroiiB free sample of Ilid-O-Fai and free booklet under plain wr upper. N ame ..---—. --- \ddrese ...———-»■-——.