Iiotdr (3d dloppin^ villi Jolly If I knew you and you knew me, ’Tie seldom we would disagree; > W€d clasp each other by the hand, And right away we’d understand That each intends to do whatrs right, And treat each other uhonor bright How little to complain there’d be If I knew you—and you knew me. When One Is Married in October There Is an Infinite Number of Advantages MANY are the advantages of consummating the marriage ceremony in October, beautiful autumn month. Entirely fitting are the festivities of Ak Sar-Ben w^ek as a beginning of nuptial events—guests and attendants often choosing to wear their regal robes of Qulvera's Court In honor of her majesty, the bride. Then too, in choosing the trousseau, there's a world of becomingncss to be found In winter apparel, fur trimmed suits, swagger big top coats, cleverly modeled fur coats and wraps for enveloping the silken fullness of Dame Mode’s novel style conceits. Enter October Brides! THE Hess & Bwoboda Flower Shop, 1805 Farnam, not only lias orchids growing in profusion in tlielr shop show windows but they have many more of the exotic blossoms In their greenhouses. Even so. there aue many more bridal processions than there are orchids so It behooves the bride to reserve far in advance the butterfly blossoms that burst their gossamer wrappings on the wedding day, an assui%nce of distinctive floral color notes for the wedding bouquet. Mr. lless, recently returned from at tendance at the national flower growers’ convention and is brimming over with ideas of originality for the using of decorations to advantage at the home and church wedding. I’d suggest an early interview with this eminent authority. “Day* Break," Maxfield Parrish's Sensational New Picture _]_t £ ffr^HE picture of the day,” says Miss Pearl Davey of the Brandeis Picture | Department, Sixth Floor, in speaking of the sensational art achieve meat of Maxfield Parrish. "Day Break.” In all of the exquisite color ings which distinguish tills artist's work, there's a. daintiness of detail about his new decorative work which is unusually attractive. A lovely gift for the October bride—choose the size host suited for the wall spaces of the new home —for it is available in two sizes. The framings are essentially correct in carving and coloring. A triumph! • * * • • • Engraved to a Nicety the Invitations and Cards That. Carry Tidings of .foy to Hundreds of Friends. Matthews Book store, igso Harney, has long been dis tinguished for the excellent service of engraving rendered by their well-versed attendants. When one of the Matthews Book Store ret inue gives assurance that a certain engraving detail is correct, one may rest assured that the best available authority on social usage has been consulted. You will appreciate Mat thews service. Hallowe'en Party Favors Unique In Coloring and Entertainment Frv lures. MRS. ROWE of the Pomegranate Shop, 302 Gardner block, Sev enteenth and Dodge streets, learned many of her interesting ''tricks of the trade," the amusement, entertainment and decorative trade, in Paris during the war time, when she had charge of a great recreation center for the boys over there. Her plans for Hallowe'en festivities ars quite the. jolliest yet. Delightful! Omaha’s New Corset Specialist tSpeaks to Thoughtful Women ,Concerning Lines. ( (TT ou .imply cannot afford to let your figures get away,” states ths | corset specialist, Madam Dalil. who has come from Chicago to take charge of the newly opened Herzberg Corset Salon. ‘If you have allowed this to happen, there is no quicker way to get the figure lines into order than to consult the specialist who knows what she is talking about. It is her work to show you how to attain fashion's newest contour and to tell 5ou how you can wear the latest gowns. The smartly gowned woman gives more attention to her corset than to any other detail of her wardrobe. Kvery well groomed woman should realize that no matter what she pays for her ; clothes, they will not hate style distinction unless the corset foundation is ; correct. New models in the non-lacing corset or corsette are an invaluable aid in attainment of the slender silhouette of the style season 1923." For i ,he faI1 brld* Madam Dahl has matching sets in exquisitely colorful brorad ed silks, negligee belts with bands for the slight figure. For the average and "stouts' there Is offered a girdle .model, beautifully fashioned of best quality materials combined with surgical elastic, an elastic that best takes rare of the figure lines. Brassieres to match every corset model. Trousseau service of unusual versatility. Silver Showing Introduces New Designs in Time for Gift Offerings to October Brides THE John Henrlckson Jewel Shop, Slxteenlh and Capitol, introduces exquisite new silver designs in time for gift offerings to Oetohpr brides. A lovely period design is represented In the hand wrought beaded edging on the lovely Lady Constance sterling silver service! Exceedingly dainty in outline, square cut handles with a tiny tracery curving round handle end and up on the handles of each piece Is the new JJu Quesne design. A third which really should be named in the list of newr and lovely silver patterns is tlie Pantheon, heavy, impressively designed, a following of the famous Pantheon known to history as a triumph of classic architecture. A marvelous design for holh flat services and hollow ware pieces. It is a pleasure to buy gift silver from the Henrlckson jewel shop, for a gift bought here lias behind It 10 years of business integrity, an assurance of perfect quality, unparalleled excellence of manufacture. If unable to call at the store for a viewing of the gift stock, shop by mall. A card or letter will bring free illustrated silver booklets with price quotations. n—lTTW—■HTHTrnilTB Mill ll. II 11 11 Him ■ . Heavy Dull Silk Shoe With Bright Stripings Ideal Shoe Model for the Bride's Going Away Costume THOMPSON-BECDEN’S shoe department suggests a lovely dull silk shoo model for Milady Bride's going away costume. Conservative in its soft finished cording, the silk is enlivened by a tiny brocaded strip® design. Two narrow straps button over the ankle with latticed insets in dull kid at either side. Similar stylings in suede or patent may be fitted if Cady Fair desire*. These at from *10 to *12. White satin *lippers, *10, assure a correct covering of tiny feet during the solemn half hour of th® wedding ceremonies. For wear on the wedding trip are the tailored shoo model*, patent or tan calf with trouser crease vamp. *9. A more conserva tive oxford, exquisite in line and finish in warm cinnamon or gray sued# with tiny rubber heel layer, *10. Service for Parties of All Kinds to Be Enjoyed in Up-to-Date Dining Room THE Metropolitan Dining Room. Hotel Keen, Eighteenth and Harney, announces a service for clubs, or individual host or hostess entertaining friends in a formal way, an offering of hospitality in its highest form which involves a furnishing of food in any form decided upon from a very elaborate menu to the simplest of refreshments. The dining room is open from 6:30 to 9 o'clock in the evening, a widely varied numljer of limes In which one may take advantage of hospitality so freely offered. Call JA 3S08 for a consultation as to reservations, prices, and decorative details. An assurance of delightful entertaining. Fashion Starts I'po^ An Kra of (harmful Becomingness in Coiffure Arrangements. Margaret Gunston, Delft, Beauty Shop, second floor. City National Bank Bldg.. Sixteenth and Harney, Ja. 1795, demonstrates the exquisiteness of the new season's hairdressing by the adding of new hair pieces, ear muffs, switches, curls, bewitching, bewildering, wholly lovely. New Satin High-Heeled Cutout Suede ^ Trim Oxford Commands Attention of Fashion Follower. THE KINNEY Shoe Store. Six teenth and Capitol, presents a chic little shoe model in satin, high heeled with an attractive cut out at the side of its graceful lines. Suede trim for contrast has this mod el at J4.SS. Silk hose to match, black, ox in colors, to add a dash are $1.S9. San Francisco Dresses Originally De signed for Movie Star Wear Chosen for Fall Trosseaus by October Brides LAMOND’8, Seventeenth and Farnani. present to the admiring gaze of style connoisseurs San Francisco dresses, originally designed and made for the brightest stars in the moving picture constellation. Omaha Is the most eastern point in which these triumphs of designing have been shown. First of all, they’re fashioned of the finest obtainable fabrics, crepes, satins and velvets. Quaint arrangement of fullness in flared frill below a • bodies of unique shaping, an unexpected color merging of beads on band ing of contrasting color, or in the gracefully distinctive placement of a rhinestone ornament. Marvelous! • • • • • • Art Gift Exchange In Book and Gift Sale of Stock and Tailoring Talent an Shop. Advantage to the Assemb*srs of THK Book and Gift Shop, over Fry * Shoe Store. Sixteenth and Douglas, conduct* a most helpful art exchange to which all women are eligible. An opportunity to realise •pending money from the products of your hours of sewing, painting and cooking. To your advantage! Fall ana \> inter W srdmpes. LKneeter. tailor, second floor, 1915 Karnam. owing to a • change rn business location, is offering not only his entire stock of woolen and silk fabrics but also hia talents in the tailoring of apparel for men and women at prices remarkably reduced. Novel Designs Evolved in Embroideries on One-Piece Dresses— _Enter the Pleated Panel in Styledom THE Ideal Button K Bleating; Company, 3d Floor Brown Block, Sixteenth and Douglas, may be depended upon to e\ohe decorative intricacies of the newest style notes in their spacious workrooms. This week a very unique all over design from neckline to hem on a little tailored frock was worked out by leaving the design .•ntirely without threads, the design, itself surrounded by solidly massed embroidery. Chic! One of the new wool crepe frocks had as its sole trimming narrow pleatings of the crepe round Its dropped shoulders, down each side o tie skiit with semi-circle figures at each side of the apron over-tunic, round hem. neckline and cuffs. An sir trancing effect was achieved in an all-over pleating on a MttleVhllTon frock. Graceful' • * • • Christmas Card Showing Indicative of the Artist Man Wlm Exhibits Them. IN the Nabstedt Studio Shop. all) Brown Block. Sixteenth and Doug las, one finds a marvelous showing of characterful Christmas cards which distinctly emphasise the artistic per sonallt.v of Mr. Nabetedt. If ora wishes a subtly colorful achievement that marks the unusual in parch ment tinting that embodies all of the mysterious beauty of medieval times, that card will be at once forthcoming. However, If one would convey a rollicking hit of good will, the self, - tlon may be made of a rare bit of humor expression—-jolly! Hundreds of advance orders have already been taken In this modern gifi card shop * * » Fall and Winter Rrirli Work an lip vestment in Beauty and Durability. MR. Bubb, Hydraulic Press Brick Company's expert on brick building questions definitely states that the brick work done ip tho fall and winter is infinitely mori to bo desired than the work clone in the summer seajrfbn, this as considered from the standpoint o( beauty and durability, in the coed weather/tlu moisture remains in the mortar which hardens it. adhering to I he brick's sur face making a better and more com plete wall, with a more lasting life, flot weather dries out the moisture before the mortar has hail time to set and harden. Now Is a splendid tins to build. Send to Ihe Hydraulic Press Brick f suitability for every occasion for which it has hern planned. A feature which s|waks volumes to the women of discriminating buying knowledge Flattened Hack Achieycd by New Corset Model. THKHK'S a marvelous «*or*et buy in that new Thomson Glove-Fitting mode! specially priced at *■'» now op sale hy GoldelelnOhapmans. Daintily ribbon Ikhjnd round the top is this exquisitely brocaded little affair of subtly frareflil lines, which combine* comfort and style to a stir prising degree. When One Wishes to Find llrr Friends, One llmrir* to This fteiirie/vou* of Fashion. GOl.DSTKIN (’MADMAN S milhtiVry department, under the tutelage of Florence Paxton Smith, has proven its popularity among fashion folk' When madam et madumolselle would gather with their kind, ’tis a simple matter—just slip up to the French Salon where maid and matron may he found under first one and then another of the fascinating hat brims from renowned chapeau designing houses: Taupe, Ferle Heller, Joseph, DeMarinis. Furtis, Bru« h Weiss, Meadow Brook and- hut why enumerate? They're all of a fascination, of an utter liccon ling ness. “Chappie” Coats, Most Popular Style llit of the Fall Season. GOBDHTFIN CHAPMAN S have a very extensive showing of new brushed wool and brushed mohair "Chappie” coats. The prevailing color schemes represented are tans and browns, grays and navy in one but ton choker collars, all of them with the low front or side fastening in single or grouped buttons. The price range within the reach of everyone. Is from Oft to f 12.75. Osborn 1872 Peter 1874 Nelson 1874 Albert 1879 AFTKU having spent ninny successful business years in « street jewel store, Albert Kdholni. Omaha's oldest established Jeweler, expresses himself as delighted with bis preempt upstairs shop venture, which after two years lias proved Itself entirely feasible, lie finds that hi* pa front are beginning to learn the truth of the situation, n revelation of better service, a personal contact with the Jewel knowledge which Mr. hdholrn has gained through many years in lhe art jewel business, lower prices ami a quiet seclusion Mr the leisurely examination under natural north light of the finest finality Jewelry merchandise *•» be found anywhere. Mr. Kdholm *n\s It Is a source of deep gratification to hear with increasing frequency the ex pressed pleasure and satisfaction of customers fiver a diamond, watch, or rare quality piece of Jewelry, n piece or service set of StiefT Baltimore Silver hat lias been purchased In this new upstairs Omaha Jewel and Olft Shop on the second floor »»f the t’ity National Hank Puildlpg Four hdholrn brother* have "carried an" in tile Jewel trade In Omaha. Osltorti starling In 1872, IVter in 1874. Nelson in the same year and Albert in 1870. A record of busi ness Integrity. Dress Models—Copies of French Imports Prove Fantasies of Color Applicqued Under _Lines of Pastel Tinted Beads MADAM expects something entirely different from 1a P.oschin. Hotel F'ntenelle. Eighteenth and Douglas, and truly she is not disappointed. When on* views the dresses in the Ja Roschin showing she is behold ing the exact reproductions of model* selected from the well known ateliers of the Parisian style world. Exquisitely styled, fashioned from the finest obtainable quality fabrics, in price range to surprise, $45 to $7*. 'tls a dress presentation without parallel. Long graceful lines of color, green. Amethyst, black, blue, are appli qued under a threading of crystal beads. White chalk beads have been used to trace a leaf design round the neckline of a heavy black frock. Unusual! Unexpected is the introduction of lace frills on either side of crepe covered buttons on a satin hacked crepe model whose Illusion of tailoring is achieved by long lines of hairlinq tucks "Why don't Omaha women recognlre the smartness of Jersey frocks?” queries the chic little La Bosrlun, "they're wearing themNat the Hit* in New York. Strange"’ Oxfords Continue to Receive Ap proval of Fastidious Women in World of Fashion THE Shoe Market, 3"0 South Sixteenth street, recogniting the popu larity paid to smartly designed oxfords, offer an extensive showing from which to choose. Black calf, patent trimmed, black and brown suede with contrasting leather trim, are tha new oxford models cut on trig sports shoe lines with a different flat heel, one that is smaller and more graceful than sepn heretofore. These at 15.60. Military and flat heels are found on oxfords In black, brow n and bamboo suede at J6 to |7.95, A shoe style show ing pleasingly versatile. "The Modem Women Developing Too l2-9ft For the evening •vents of the social season brocaded silks bold the ceiitei of the sty lu stage, « g hunting fantasy of shimmering colors. >2 50 to >195. "Challenge Sale" Features .SO Dif ferent Sale Items Pally. HAYDEN' BROS have announced a "CliaUerg# Sale." which may best be described in -the word* of Mr. Hart, Hayden Bros.' merchan dising man: “Our big sales w:H defy all competition. Our buyer* have returned from the east with a very great quantity of merchandist which will be used in the feature sal for each day of the week. Fifty Item* which will be auld at prices below the price of production." s • • Diamonds Framed In \l liile t«>ld anti Platinum—Engagement and Med ding King* of the Modern l>aj THE HKESE Jewel shop, Six t sent hand Harney st reels, have many suggestions to offer in the way of value*—in diamond rings fot the engagement and marriage bond*. Platinum ami white gold framings for engagement solitaire diamond* of exquisite beauty are of fered at a special value price list the range of price* from $40 to S100. Diamond »et wedding rings are of fered st from >28 to $100 Values of surprising excellence. • • • Ilnmftmliid ItM, C*kf«, Samlw lilies. Salad* and Soup* In Nrn C'luh Tea Room. THK Catholic Daughter* of Amec lea hare opened a delightful tea room In the (loMatelti-f hsipman Store, entrance through either tlie store or the I’axton IthicW elevat u Slsteenth and Kwrnam. where h-dh men and women m*> enJo\ fine home oooked food* at prices markedly low. Hue Engraving \uiim) in Shop »f Established Reputation. TME N. t\ 1-eary Company. En Slivers. T1S South Fifteenth street, have gained for themselves a wholly desirable reputation for flna ly composed 'wedding invitations, cards of announcement and invitation, engraving matter of assured social* usage, messages of exquisits oors redness. If you are unable to call st^^ the office of this company. I'll be most'T delighted to aid in selection by the sending of samples and price quota tions. Engraving to mark the mo mentous occasion in manner distinc tively right. \ Bride of I .ate Summer ft he* Rea sons Sufficient and (nnvhiring in Regard to Florist's Services. a 1.ITT1.K bride of late summer sent for John Rath. Flortat, *■ Kightecnth an.i Kamam streeta, J V 1906, and asked what he would ■ liargf for certain tentative decora tive flower work for the great occa - on of her life. After talking with Mr Bath for a short time, she said: Well. Mi^ Bath, your prices are more than those quoted by some of the others, but I'm going to havs you do the work because all of my friends who have had you decorate for their weddings report that you're absolute ly dependable." "John" is pretty proud of this bride's opinion in re gard to his dependability, • • • "Come To W> Party" Xssures tlia Hostess of a Big Crowd Wlien the Invitation is Written si Hallowert> Time. THK Brandets Stationery Depart ment has .lolly novelties for the Halloween merrymaking — assur ance of accrplani es in rcejHMise ta the unique cut out bids. Favors, noise makers, streamers, lanterns, candle shades, and the candy cut's, anything and everything to make the fall jwrty a ' howling" sinew, Order early. -—--- ^ Continued on Page Nine