Council Bluffs Society Wedding Date Net. Miss Grace Kargee. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Karges, has set Wednesday, October 24, as the dale for her marriage to Guy Morton Bonesteel. The ceremony will be performed at the Karges home at 8:30 In the evening, .with Mlsa Bernice Ball and Frank Spetman attending. Little Ruth and Adelaide Karges will serve as flower girls. Bridal Affairs. Complimentary to Miss Florence Senior and Frederick Duerr, whoee marriage will occur In St. Faul”s Kpiscopal church Wednesday morn ing, October 17, a dinner was given on Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John Sorenson. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beardsley have asked a group of musical people to their home Monday evening, honor ing this couple, and on Saturday Miss Senior will have the entire bridal party for luncheon at the Grand hotel. That evening Miss Mona Med ley, who is to be one of the brides maids, will entertain for Miss Senior and her fiance. Interesting Guest. Mb and Mrs. AValter S. Stillman will have as their dinner guest today Miss Kmily Taft, leading lady with the ‘‘Cat and the Canary’’ company, which Is to* play an engagement at the Brandeis theater in Omaha this week. Miss Taft is the daughter of Lanar do Taft, the notejj^sculptor, at whoae home in Chicago the Stillmans’ daughter, Mrs. John Shaw Broek smit, often visited before her mar 'rlage, when she and Miss Taft were classmates at the Chicago university. Mrs. Broeksmlt, who now resides in Chicago, arrived a couple of weeks ago with her small son, John, jr., for 1 a short stay with her parents, and she has asked a coterie of intimate friends to meet Miss Taft and have tea at the Brandeis Monday after noon. Dinner. . Table decoration* ef yellow were" used by Mr. and Mr*. Arthur W. and Dr. and Mr*. J. Philip Cogley at the dinner over which they presided at the Grand hotel before the Tuesday Dancing club party last wee*. Places were marked for 65 guests. Birthday Tarty. To celebrate the fourth natal day of her daughter. Jessann, Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, jr., invited to her home on Saturday the following young guests: Rosann Sheehan, Jean Wilcox, Eleanor Van Brunt, Mary Virginia Wickham, Rebecca Baird, Marian Maiden, Hannan Van Brunt and Charles and Kelley Han nan. A "Grab-Bag" and various games occupied the hours until tea was served from a daintily appointed table at which the places of the guests were marked with horns and bright colored head bands topped with feathers. The little girls were also presented with tiny dolls in cradles while the boys received miniature globes filled with candy. Barbara Van Brunt assisted In serving. For Chlrago Guests. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Watkins of Omaha gave a supper Sunday night at Valley for Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ^““"^tidington, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Shugart and de parted Wednesday evening for their home In Chicago. Mr. and Mr*. Eddington were among the guests at a dinner given Tuesday evening at the Grand hotel by Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Oard and Dr. and Mm. J. P. Cogley. Informal Lunrheon. Mrs. Robert Turner entertained in formally at luncheon and bridge Wednesday when the complimented guest was Mrs. John S. Broeksmtt of Chicago. , For Ottumwa Guest*. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Quinn have as house guests their daughter, Mrs. Wallace Graham and niece. Miss Maude Packard of Ottumwa, la., In whose honor a round of entertaining lias been planned. East Thursday Mrs. Quinn and her daughter Elizabeth had a buffet lun cheon for 36 guests in compliment to these visitors and at bridge which followed, the high score prizes were awarded Mrs. Frank Rikcr and Mrs. A. W. Oard. Mrs. B. O. Bruington received, the consolation. When Mrs. H. B. Jennings enter tained her club on Friday she also Invited Mrs. Graham and Miss Pack ard, and on Saturday they shared honors with Mrs. Harvey Bennett of Jx>a Angeles at a. four-table luncheon and bridge given by Mrs. Roy Max ^ field. Quinn has issued Invitations F i* a luncheon on Thursday and k Monday she and Miss Quinn will have a luncheon and bridge. Other hostesses who are entertain Accomplished Musician Is the Wife of Former Assistant to Famous Doctor —l’huto by Kni«-l.v Studio, Council Bluff* A welcome addition to Council Bluffs is Mrs. R. K. Werndorff, who arrived here recently with her hus band, Dr. Werndorff, to make their home. Mrs. Werndorff is a pianist of note, having graduated in Vienna at the Conservatory of Mustc and later studied under Leschetivsky. Two years ago the Werndorffs ar lived in America ami since that time have been in Wichita. Kan., where Mrs. Werndorff was in charge of the piano department of the Academy of Fine Arts and also coached pupils i n voice. I)r. Werndorff for over 19 years was assistant to the famous Dr. Ia>r rii7. at the Vienna clinic, and he, too, is an accomplished musician. ing these visitors this week are Mis. Charles R. 'Hannan, sr., and Mrs. Charles R. Hannan, jr., on Tuesday, Mrs. Elmer Shugart on Wednesday, Mrs. Dillon Ross Friday and Mrs. Ju lius Rosenfeld on Saturday. Returning to Ottumwa on Monday, October 15, with Miss Packard will be Mrs. Quinn, but Mrs. Graham will remain in Council Bluffs until later in the month. Affair in Omaha. Flighteen guests enjoyed the hospi tality of Mrs. Rolland Otis and Mrs. Perry Hendricks of Omaha 15st Mon day when they entertained at the University club for Mrs. Arthur Shaw, formerly Miss Etta Otis of this city. At bridge during the afternoon Mrs. George Gerner had high and Mrs. Garland Rounds the low scores. Mrs. Shaw received a guest prize. Bridge-Luncheon Scries. Among the October hostesses are Mrs. F. M. Scarr and Mrs. Sidney Smith, who will have bridged unch eons on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week and one on Tuesday of the week following at the home of the former. For Mrs. Macrae. In compliment to Mrs. Donald Mac rae, national vice president of the American I^eglon auxiliary, who leaves Monday for San F’rancisco to attend the annual convention there of the legion and auxiliary, a bullet supper for 20 guests will be given this evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Quinn at their home on Oakland ave nue. Complimenting Mrs. Maurer. A luncheon hostess of last week was Mrs. W. S. Stillman, who invited 20 guests to her home on Monday as a courtesy to Mrs. W. A. Maurer. Bridge-Luncheon. Entertaining jointly at luncheon on Saturday at the Grand hotel were Mrs. Henry Cutler and Mrs. Elmer Ryan, whose 20 guests later w ent to tj)e home of Mrs. Ryan for a game of bridge. . View Parade After Luncheon. Mrs. Harvey Bennett of Los An geles and about a dozen other friends of Mrs. Everett Wright and Mrs. Clay Thomas of Omaha were invited by these matrons to luncheon at ttie Athletic club last Wednesday, after which they viewed the Ak-Sar-Ben parade. Attended Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. \V. S. Higdon motored lo Lake Okoboji last week to attend the wedding there on Thursday of Mrs. Rigdon's cousin. Miss Virginia Clark, and Mr. Wallace of Des Moines. Before returning home the Higdons plan to take a trip into Dakota. To Witness Decoration. A number of people from here are planning to go to Fort Omaha next Saturday afternoon, at which time Eldon Anderson, one of the Council Bluffs war heroes, will receive a dei oration from the F’rench government. Personals, Mrs. John Shugart and son, Philip. The Best Substitute for a Washing Machine High-Grade Laundry Work 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c per lb. HA mey 0784 iii HA rney 0784 SAFE School EPWORTH YOuITboj Military Academy EPWORTH, IA. Est. 1857 For Age* 6 lo 21 Clean, safe town; Christian atmosphere; school of high ideals; Methodist church; accredited fully; honor students in universities; West Point military system; excellent morale; separate grade and high school departments; buildings brick, fireproof; 15 acre campus; inter-school athletics. “Every man on field every day.” Enrollment Limited—Fall Term Opens Sept. 10 Apply at Once for Catalog Colonel F. Q. Brown, D. D., President leave this week for a visit with rela tives in Ames, la. Dell Morgan plans to leave this week for California. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maurer expect to leave this week for Chicago and other points in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd and Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Doolittle left Saturday on an overland trip to Chicago. Mrs. Anna Thorp of Denver, Colo., spent the past week visiting her sis ter, Mrs. M. A. Tinley and Dr. Tlnley. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Galvin had as their guest for a few days iast week Mr. Galvin's nephew, Deo Flynn, of Washington, D. C. Jlr. and Mrs. C. H. Parks, who re cently returned front an extensive trip tin tlie east, plan to leave in the near future for their home in Sioux Falls, S. D. Mrs. ,T. J. I’helan departed during the week for Hock Springs, Wyo. Mrs. I’helan is a sister of John P. Organ and lias Just concluded a pro longed visit at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green, who have been summering in Kurope. sailed from Southampton, Kng., for America Thursday, September 27, and plan to come directly to Council Bluffs. B. T. Club Entertain*. B. T. Kensington club of Railway Mail Service will entertain at a the* ater party for members of the club Tuesday afternoon. Benson Society Birthday Luncheon. Mrs. C. O. Robinajm entertained at a three-course luncheon at her home on West Maple street, Saturday, com plimentary to her niece, Miss Irene Searson. who celebratc/g her 16th birth day on that date. The color scheme was pink andS. large birthday cake adorned the center of the luncheon table. The rooms were decorated in autumn flowers. Covets were spread for the Misses Muriel Paj-mele, Irene Corbalcy, Belle Brewster. Linda Bradway, Margaret Johnson, Irene Searson and Mrs. Searson. Mrs. Rob inson and her two daughters. Birth Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Horn announce the birth of a son, Wednes day. October 3. at their home. 3344 North Fifty-ninth street. Baptist Rally Day. The BensonBaptlst church celebrat ed Its annual rally day, Sunday, September 30. The church was well filled and a fine spirit prevailed. Sev enty-five remained for the dinner served In the church parlors. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Cobbey were among those who participated in the pro gram of the day. Calls Committee Meeting. Mrs. Gorton Roth, president of the Methodist ladles' Aid society, called a committee meeting Friday, when the year book for the organization was made out. Delegates to Synod Meet. Mrs. Claus Hamm and Mrs. C. C. Jacobson will be delegates from the English Lutheran church to the syn od meeting at Emerson, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. October *. 9 and 10. Mrs. Ramm, president of the church mission society, announces that the annual thank offering of the society will be taken Sunday, Octo ber 28. Narrissus Chapter, O. E. S . Members of the Narcissus chapter of the O. E. S. met Thursday eve ning in the T. O. O. F. hall. The regular business session was held. Entertained Out-of-Town linest. Mrs. E. W. Norris entertained seven guests at Brandels tea room Satur day complimentary to Mrs. Horace Roos of Los Angeles, who, with Mr. Boos, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Welch of Cherrycroft. Prominent Benson Pastor to Go to Colorado. Rey. O. W. Ebright. pastor of the_ English Lutheran church of Renson, lias accepted a position as mission superintendent of the Rocky Moun tain synod with headquarters at Den ver. Mr. Ebright has just returned from a synod session at Denver. He will begin this new work November 1. Rev. Ebright has been very ac tive in church and social work dur ing his term of service here. He Is now president of the Parent-Teacher association. To Elect Oflcers. The ladies' Aid of the English Lutheran churrh will meet Wednes day afternoon in the church parlors to elect officers for the eomlng year. They will also begin sewing on clothing to be packed In a box and sent to an orphanage In the Virgin Islands. Tuesday Dinner Guests. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Maurer and Miss Lot* Hyde were Tueeday din ner guest* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Hyde. To Attend Reception. The members of the Woman's Mis sion society of the English Lutheran church attended the reception given Saturday evening at the Churrh of Art Institute Student —Uatrh'U Photo. Miss Olga Sorensen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sorensen, has gone to New York city, where she will study piano at the art Institute. While in the city Miss Sorensen will make her home with her cousin, Mrs. John Sixamer, and Mr. Sixamer, Who reside on Riverside drive. Our Redeemer in honor of Mrs. Kepner, national president of the Lutheran Women's Mission society. Motor to Warmer Climate, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Rutler and Mr and Mrs. E. N. Alderman left the lat ter part of .the week hv motor for Buffalo, Kan., where they will visit relatives. From there they go to Texas and Florida to spend the win ter months. Mr. and Mrs. R. H ! Holmes and son. Richard, left the j early part of the week by auto foi California. Mrs. Richard Holmes an-l the baby are at the home of Mrs. Holmes' mother, Mrs. C. O. Hurd, and Mr. Hurd. They will go later to California. Birth J^nnuncement. A son, William Earl, was born Monday, October 1, at. the Methodist hospital to Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Foung, Jr. Parent-Tearher Association. The Benson Parent Teacher associa tion will hold Its opening meeting Monday evening. October 8. In the auditorium of the city hall. All pa rents sre urged to attend. B. S. Chapter, P. E. O. Kislerhood. Mrs. D. M. Wyckoff, 413 Lincoln boulevard, will he hostess Monday, October 8, at 2:30. to the members of the B. S chapter of the P. E. O. sisterhood. Mrs. Charles Leslie is leader for the program. Personal. Mr and Mrs. Julius Hansen came home Friday from a two-weeks' visit STEAM PIPES THROW WATER OVER $15,000 STOCK OF 0 Fur and Cloth C O A TS Landlord Acknowledges Responsibility I and Says " ! “Sell Every Damaged Coat” AND SELL WE WILL Prices Smashed to a Point That Seems Incredible Hundreds of Coats—All Must Go And you’ll find many of the coat* only very slightly damaged. A trip to the cleaner* will put them in perfect condition. Think of the savings. Buying was at fever heat Saturday Monday greater crowds than ever will compete for these Coats If you need a (’oat, and if you want to own it at the lowest price ever offered In Omaha—attend this sale Monday. Coats Sold as They Arc —Every Sale Final Jn Denver, Ogden and Salt Lake City. Gorton Roth spent Thursday and Friday In Herman and Tekamah. Mrs. Ida Morris returned home from a six-weeks' visit in Illinois. Rev. O. W. Ebrlght came home Friday from a business trip to Den ver. Mrs. E. A. Hibbls arrived home Sunday from a month’s sojourn In California. Mrs. W. A. Wilcox arrived home from Kansas City the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. O. Arthur Melcher came home Friday from a two-weeks' visit in Denver. Mrs. D. A. Sonneland spent the week end in Sioux City as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sonneland. Mrs. Mary Van Horn came home Monday from St. Catherine hospital, where she underwent ari operation a few weeks ago. Mrs. F. E. Toutlg came home Fri day morning from Kansas City, where she attended the national W'ar Mothers’ convention. Miss Martha Nelson of Wlnside, Neb., returned horn# Saturday after a two-weeks’ visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hurd. Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Devries have recently moved from Benson Gar dens into their new home on Sixty fourth and Bedford avenue. Mrs. Katherine Swisher, who is en route from Illinois to her home in Hastings, Neb., is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Hyde. Miss Alta Lean of Horton. Kan., will be the guests of Mrs. Richard Holmes at th# home of Mrs. Holmes' mother, Mrs. C. O. Hurd, and Mr. Hurd. Mr. and Mrs. I). W. Burford. who have been visiting their son. Mr. lb Burford, and Mrs. Burford, left Mon day evening for their home in Lutes villa. Mo. The annual meeting of the board of trustees, Old People's Home asso ciation will be held at the Fontenello hotel Tuesday at 10 a. m. All asso ciate members are requested to at tend. __ Perfect Cleanliness It’s a wise housekeeper who insists on clean rugs. Not only from a sanitary standpoint,'but for appear ance’s sake. Send your work to us and keep your oriental and domestic rugs looking like new. , My eight years’ experience with Corte-Aldous-Hunt Co. as oriental rug expert insures satisfaction. Our work is the boat and our pricaa reaaonable. We Specialize in Repairing Oriental Rugs Persian Rug Cleaning Co. 7aMES BUCKAK, Prop. 3257 Farnam tJA. 1842 Do It the First Thing Monday A. M. TMv HOOVER You can put away your carpet beater, your broom and your carpet sweeper this housecleaning time for The Hoover ideally com bines all three. It beats, as it sweeps, as it cleans— quickly, with practically no effort. You can put away your dust cloth and your stepladder, because Hoover attachments do your dusting dustlessly, and require no reaching or stretching. All this you can accept for over a million Hoovers in use have proved the incom parable efficiency of the Hoover method, and the time and labor it saves. The new HOOVER Begin now to make your life easier. GeT a Hoover on this Special Offer. Don't let the few remaining days pass by. Come in or phone the first thing Monday, as the time is limited. $/V I-1 / Down $ ^ , * \ Month I 1 j Nebraska iH Power