To Inspect Air Defenses. Washington, Oct. 3.— Brig. Gen. Wil liam Mitchell, chief of operations of the army air esrvice, who will sail from San Francisco October 23 to Inspect the areial defenses of the Ha waiian Islands and the Philippines, will break his official tour at Manila long enough for a big game-hunting expedition In India. General Mitchell hns ben granted leave on his arrival in Manila to permit him to make the trip to India. On Ills return to Ma nlla, after completing the inspection of the air forces stationed there, he will visit China and Japan on his way back to the United States. Children to Aid. Children of the Council Bluffs pub lic schools will be permitted to con tribute to flood relief, it was decided at the meeting of the board last night. The contributions will be ar ranged in such a manner a^s not to embarrass those children whose par ents are financially unable to con tribute. Good Cake. A few bumps on the kitchen table ! before baking will cause the air bub Ides to come to the surface of the rake batter and break, thereby re moving all likelihood of falling. THE NEBBS— He Told the Sexton and the Sexton Tolled the Bell. Directed for The Omaha Bee by I | Good mor.nimg,dasu(nG\ ■Dymamo couple ' STvCtOb OF twwr BQ.OLJM/ •DVMftMtTE J '-r At Sour SERStCO MOST liberal SRREBBEQ or / WtfW\C.E i/ (mo weir, did mq. nebb G'we woo THAT WOT TIP ON ONiON TOOL l£ OJlRE TOO ?( IT ojaS wor ALL awjwr! IT MELTED and UAN INTO TWE BASEMENT - VT l MAD TAKEN Nl$ AIWlCE t CUOULD BE. ( coearinG one. ov Those cemetery ^ '-v EXPRESSIONS "TOO _y v'~-——1—r7-7“?=; So sou Cor THIS TIP RIGHT TQOM HEADQUARTERS ? THAT AWE MILLION . DOLLAR ORDER FROM THE ARGENTINE. MOST WAVE SEEN CANCELLED OR MASSE “WES CANCELLED G MILLION Of vr — xbc AS IT MAS TV4E STOCK IS GOING UP VuKE THE NIAGARA FALLS j ' £\NO THAT GuM B«0» WEDLtK VULLLU 1HBI If* \ rnONr OV THAT" K>0 AnD LET WiM KnOWI l TOOK I TVP • kind earth open up and Sujallow I me ! OjHCn it COMES TO PASS that a toll J _ GOOOJM mam - Supposed to be J RiGuT H>ND - LAV5 HtMSELT OPEN To f SuCW AN OPPOQruN.TV TOR RIDICULE ) iTmem Earth, open up and take \ 1 ME .M 1 I MAUE no place o«y The OutSiDEJJ “ ~~ y I/<>-£. lorv'fc* T»« •*«! •»«««<•. <•«•> yC-)C\ CaC^uSc^l^ . Barney Google and Spark Plug SPARKY CAN RUN, BUT CAN HE read/ Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck (Copyright. 1121-» j . ■ ■ ...... — —. i . [ i i > 111, . , / ( . 1 BARAEV (SocGifc AMO A7TA\ s*) »Of)0ft S0APKV • >OAm nosom . UOQITE i To VC«J 3* toox at P0PA *.tm ■ T*^se BrI’ 6T€S 1 Mfc S i«D \ '3tCft\jS6 ^INKS MOBt-C)V ■^LOVlfS U"*\J r > i .1 e * TtjAT Copyright .92> »y K..wg foatwr— >yitdt—f <*• wtTTtOS fO?. ' Spakv f QOtS / t>o*>A '■O'/e V *41$ BABY ! to Y . -m -r __■ -r r-T * A mi f T^TV R»«ni«r»H SEE J1GGS AND MAGGIE IN FULL BRINGING UP FATHER-- u. s p.t... oiiic. page OF colors IN THE SUNDAY BEE Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus (Capyrlf ht, 1121.) WHAV ALL RlCHT- L CO OH WITH the picture: L_^irr JERRY ON THE JOB _JUST AN ANSWER TO A QUESTION._ Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hoban Siw. ime BEEnvmav'RmG Toe. \ Train TeOtsN "NEsn MOM\A", ^7 Tor. -a long LonG x_y WCL-^\ TME * '>nwat 'TUAE^ j W'M ooes rr get r—' QL ^—r us2E ? / SNWT A MtkttSTt.) I = I'LL ASV '"TVtt S SOS'? <- AUNey ? v«t vo**»c / "Thews Otft'tUEW 'THAT Gjamcs Tb \ooom •^©J 'TVE CUOOCUOO SfcOA* ’K©N /W»\A' ^err«£ y [ AA\60SU-I ) 1 OOi'T J S KmO\M J f NMEU • TMt *->. Gcrn'A'TEu -nas * SomE1V>HK> r - Suppose 1 ^j5t ^ [ S/M WffcE ^iPECmNS L »T /CMS 04V. r—J g)»«o «t ■■ m«x '■< 'J-1*— Children cry for MOTHER:- Fletcher’s Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substi tute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on ea^h package. Physicians everywhere recommend it Pyorrhea Strikes Four | —Misses Only One Nature warns with bleeding gums Four persons out of every five past forty, and thousands younger, too, contraa Pyorrhea. So be on your guard, especially when the gums are tender and bleed easily. Play safe. Brush your teeth with Forhan's For the Gums. If used consistently and used in time, it will prevent Pyorrhea or check its progress. Keeps the teeth white and clean, as well, and the gums firm and healthy. Pleasant to the taste. The formula of R. J. Forhan, D. D. S. At all druggists, 35c and 60c in tubes. Formula of K. ]. Forhan, D D.S. * Forhan Company, New York Fj' (S Fortran’*. Limited. Montreal ADVERTISEMENT. ADVERTISEMENT. iWHtTTD EATTO PUT IRON'IN YOUR - | BLOOD ANQ IKE YOU STRONG PHYSICIAN TELLS HOW IRON-CONTAINING VEGETABLES. SUCH AS LENTILS SPINACH, APPLES. ETC., WHEN REGULARLY TAKEN WITH ORGANIC IRON BUILD GREAT STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE. "At their own doors—in the very gar dens of those who are weak, nervous and a ling all the while is one of the most i aluahle tonics and strength-builders known to medical science." said Dr. Emile Sauer, well known New England physician, * hen consulted recently. Dr. Sauer further said;—**Tf your daily diet contains an abundant amount of iron you are giving your body the red blood food It craves. But if your blood lack* iron and is thin, pale gt»d watery you cannot expect to be strong and well. On the contrary, your nerve# become weak ened and you become irritable, fussy and easily upset. In such ra>e*. vrha* vott need is iron—organic iron to remove the cau«e of your troubl#, and the n. im< nt iron is supplied it is often wonderful how quickly your multitude of symptoms will disappear and how strong and vigorous you will become.’* But be careful to dis tinguish between ordinary metallic iron which people usually take and true or ganic iron Metallic iron 1* iron ju«t a« it fcmfi from the action of strong ar ds on iron filings, whtle organic iron is a true red blood f<»od. like the iron in your blood itself and like the iron in spinach, lentils and apples. In fart if you will ea* a pint or two of spinach, half a pint of lentil* and three or four baked apple* cnch day > u will probably not need t> take any other form of organic iron; hut most people prefer to eat a smaller quan tity of iron-contaming vegetable* and take organic iron, like Nuxated Iron, with then It is like taking extract of beef instead of eating pounds of meat. To prove to yourself what Nuxated Iron can do for you. get your doctor to take a specimen of your blood and make a ' blood count ‘ of your red blood corpuscle* then take Nuxated Iron for a month and have a new “blood count” made and *e« how your red blood corpuscles have increased and hdw much stronger and better you fee., see Jiow the color ha* come back >our ebook*, how steady and str ;ir rr . <•« have become. At ai 1 dr Movie of a Man With An Appointment in Hotel Lobby By Briggs »»■■■■ ■-- " —-1 ■ ■■■-■.-.. 1 - mmt ‘ — ■ i—■■■ ■ ..— —-—■ -- ALL JHAVCO ANP CLCArO vs/A»ri«G lr4 MOiEL LOBBY FoR. OlD Pal SCOTTV HV6^ ^ • • • VA/A-S "To MtC T MCR«E AT S*-V£^ i 1 VoU iwrM T Seem him ipok ye mis amo .'rfco Rt Ni. r sone Thut^ VooLL EAC,«iy RECOC.NIZie /\H That LOOKS Line HIM I Nope -iho iTIm - r womder what’s f , KeePiNcs' him’* perhaps HE MISUNDERSTOOD TtlP NAME OP HOT CL V ■ WClUVoU vs WWTeD Fora OV'TP AM , HOURjMOW AND YoO RE gutting .lorae what ooest MC Think , YoO ARC frc j r You near lad PAv6imcS You * I You Re. Called 1b I'lione Yoon, fril'nd Rlcretj he IL ee UNABLE To BcEP aPPointmumt anC) HOPES YOU A STAV IN ThC ClTY has Been A PLEA5AHT-.ONe ETC]] [ #m» » U■* '«L - ' ■ " "foo Vow HEVCNcifi AMO OliTp r>r^iM(T NOT To CftV«E 5COTTVS CONCERN AmmV BUSiNts*: -> You FUY a maOazimg ArJD GO TO OKD 'TJ-JE AGENT_Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Herahfield Then The 'Tonrh’ Camf. \ HEAR that MEMfcEL MIWEH T & MOvJlKVGf OUT It) AKiOTHER PLACE - 1M ^OIN^ IH THAT J UEU,HRoRHOoO, So VU. PAM j >Z_ RT THF /'■ '^zr>=— ■ place* y-:—c / HCU.0,A9t. m ' CtHTMMCt QlAt> V'Tt> VOO" 1 HEARt>TOO \ vajAS mooing, MINSK,SO l CAMS 8V TO SEE'. Too look \ NERUOuS COER i SC-METi d J /uw «tnem\ J NAOVJERS <*ov 1 ME TETJRlfeLY ^ utoBWEO!!^ (JJHN SHOULb\ NCW idORRV » \ OUST TCU. k "mew Tb bs / yOARgm-v/ rrr NUT THAT - 1 A\K>"r ^ QOT THE MOKJEV TO PAN THEM, UJHEM They . V ^ QET THROUGH"_ V"V \ **?&»>> 'Mi MRS. EARLS TELLS WOMEN „ How Backache and Periodic Pains Yield to Lydia E.Pink ham’sVegetable Compound Clean. N. Y. —“ Every month mv blood would go to my head and t jrouia nave such i headache, nose bleed, backache and pains that I could not do my work. At night 1 could not get my rest and nothing seemed to do me any good. I read some of your tes timonials about what Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg* etable Compound r.aj a re ion yrN so I decided to try it. 1 had oi y t., k a two bottles when 1 began to be letter, and my hack did not hurt me ner my head ache. 1 felt like a new woman. The Vegetable Conn- und is a sp.eti did medicine and ’ " always recom mond it-"-airs. A. IV Fakcs, fv»o N. fith St., Clean, N. Y. Mr*. Kelsey Adds Her Testimony Copenhagen, N. V ~ " 1 read your advertisement in the papers and my husband induced nr.e to take I ydta I'inkham’s Vegetable Compound to fet relief from pains ar.d weakness. was so weak that 1 could not walk st times. Now 1 can do my house work and help my husband out doors, too. 1 am willing for you to publish this letter " Mrs. HiKlutfT K.HL 8LY, K.F.D., Copenhagen, N. Y. \\ 111 N IN Ni l II OI 111 I p TRY «Y| Ml \ Ml I \\ \NT M»S