I The Omaha Sunday Bee fflie JVexO ^Afatonic Home for Jtoys ^s^hELl library is equipped. u)ith. — 7 Y “riundrcJs of Books. Here are the youngsters Who liOe in, I the Masonic Home far Soys, as bright and intelligent a groujo as you u)ill " “ Jind any where. | i knuckle Jou)n •' fudging ! Be }}er gate ih is lad four uJide ones. )/e has red ha ir. (Sail 'and cS'tcam" in competition,. 7vJo of the hoys tiaile made clexler little aqua-planes I uliln clock-ulork motors. Zfffeir progress through the ulster is rapid, if erratic. Tliitfu- lu)o 2>oys can. eat . a powerful lot oh toast in# eats. jfye 4oy«r operate their ouJri taunclty Th»s« loux haiSe cortslmcteJ hnyrvoJet dn-/>?cin*>x 7h» 777r7777777-_777 77777 J 7 “7 I i > > Ground-hog day,