The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 23, 1923, HOME EDITION, PART THREE, Page 6-C, Image 26

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    Beautiful Fabric Makes the Gown for
# Its Exquisitry of Weave Leaves
Little to Machinatioqs of the Modiste
IF one buy* a shlmmery length of one of the new exquisltrles of the
weaving art now on display In the Tliompson-Itazen Silk Shop, 319 South
Sixteenth street, there Is hut little for the modiste to do, a swirled drape
here, a deftly cut opening for milady's head there. Volla! Madam's gown
1* done.
French made plain metal cloths, soft in gold and silver cloud
ing of vivid colors, soft, silky, will not curl.$7.50
Imitation metal cloth, gold sheen over emerald green, all-over
flowered design, to be veiled in chiffon or georgette....$3.95
Same cloth, plain background with two-color changeable ef
fect, lovely for foundations, dainty Indeed, used plain..$2.95
Satin crepe In vivid colors "for evening, conservative after
noon shades, white and black.$4.95 and $3.95
One cannot resist the naming of vivid shades; Gladiolus,
Nymphea, Matrix, Pigeon, Antelope, Cinnamon, Turquoise,
Clover, Ntmeg, Seal.
Satin Panne, all shades, unusually heavy, velvety
smooth .$4.95
Satin Canton, black, brown and navy, a fine value... .$3.60
Novelty weaves, unusually colorful; charmingly exquisite
, In Cleopatra Glue .$8.50
Butterfly Voile, rare In color beauty ...$6.50
A shop to satisfy the tastes of the most artistic person—a “find” for
the modist who would offer her patrons the lure of cleverly cut lines mould
ed Into rich fabrics.
For Four Inspection and Selection, 1!
Hats, Chosen by Committee of
Fashion Authorities at Fall Fashion
WHEN the Millinery Association
of America held Its fall fashion
show, a committee selected 12
, hats which It Judged the best and
), highest in perfection of designing and
modeling, paying at auction $1,500
V for them, these to be reproduced to
f tho minutest detail. “America's Su
preme Hats," now on exhibition at
Thompson-Belden’s hat department.
1 * * *
Ross Descat, the popular Rue
Royale milliner, has Just sent to one
Of her smartest customers six small
hats made of suede kid, all exactly
the same except for the color.
Beauty Shop Moves Into Daylight
Shop on Seventh Floor of Newly
Erected Addition.
THK Herzberg Beauty Shop Is
now at home In a new daylight
shop on the seventh floor of the
new addition. Delightful, indeed, Is
the effect of all outside lighting and
ventilation—windows, lots of them.
An Invitation Is extended to all friends
and acquaintances to visit the new
department. Miss Murle Kettleson
now has one of the manicure tables.
One remembers Miss Kettleson as a
skilled person who achieves a mani
cure to please the most fastidious in
30 minutes. The appointment books
show many reservations for the Ak
Sar-Ben. Have you made yours? A
shop which specializes In giving Im
mediate attention and prompt service.
Orchids Bloom in Omaha Flower Shop
Window; Fragrant Bursts of
Colorful Blossoms.
HESS a SWOBODA'S Flower Shop, 105 Farnam, had a lovely color ns
the central decorative motif In their windows this week, color of blue
of sky. purple of violets, pink of primroses, all in the butterfly shaped
flowers of growing orchid plants. Unusual! One id sure to find the unex
pected In loveliness in this art flower shop,
* * * « * i
Directions for Painting and Gilding
of Weeds, Seed Pods and Odd
THE Rrandels Wall Paper Depart
ment, Bth floor, carry a full
line of colors and bronze* for the
painting and gilding of oddly shaped
weeds, seed pods and grasses. First
the specimens which have been pleked
must be allowed to thoroughly dry.
Anything which shows a tendency to
••fuzz" should be given a light coat
ing of parafin wax. Use water colors
(Dissolved In hot water) first.
Touching up the high lights and
touching up Is done by the use of
bronzee (powders In oil). The finished
products are remarkably arttstio to
place In big bowls on fireplace man
tle. In baskets on stair landings. De
cidedly lovely—decorations for any
part of the house. Water-color shades,
two for 15c. Marine blue, roselake
red, grgen, yellow. Rronzea: silver.
*nld flre red, purple. These with
on, loc.
• • •
Send Your Fancy Work and Art
Products to Gift Shop—Art Ex
OUT-OF-TOWN women as well as
Omaha residents are eligible to
be members of the art exchange
conducted by Mrs. Brownlee in her
Rook and Gift Shop. Sixteenth and
Douglas, over Fry’s Shoe store. She’ll
sell anything you have for you.
• • *
Talbot makes many beautiful
Oriental toques of wool and metal
• • •
Overstaffed Su’te of Two Pieces for
Apartment Furnishing.
IDEAU for use In furnishing the
small apartment are the two piece
suites tit Hartman’s. A Ppecial
value for this week In courtesy to
out-of-town Ak-Sor-Ben visitor* Is
quoted in the pricing, $129.75.
Attractive Queen Anno designing,
loose cushions, roll arm. and the col
orings of the richly effective figured
velour combine to make this wonder
value representation. You are In
vited to visit Hartman's during the
•xposltlon of fall furniture styles.
If It’s Weather-Faded, Have It Dyed;
If It's Ix)st Its Favor, Have it Dyed.
PANTORIUM. Sixteenth and
I Jones, Is a busy place Just now.
for it's the time of the year when
madam searches through her ward
robe for the weak spots in the armor
of charm, mors commonly known as
"clothes." Lovely when new, but
weather-faded now, the worn Jac
quette suit, wrap or tailored dress
will be renewed in charmfulness after
the dyeing experts at the Pantorlum
finish their processes. I'll be glad to
subr it your coloring problems to
them, with snggestlons aud price esti
mates, upon request.
Carriers Hair Blankets Imported for
Your Winter Comfort, Madam Omaha
CAMEL'S hair blankets, light, fluffy, delightfully dainty In coloring sre
presented at Thumpson-Peldens, Madam Omaha. Particularly pleas
lng are the wide satin borders on the same delicately shaded color
ing as the blocked plaid designs which seem particularly lovely when evolved
in camel's hair weaves. Lovely too, ere the darker shades, a rich tan with
Greek key design border, wide brown satin binding Is unusually attractive
Of a fascination on a coot day Is the Inspection of the comforters offered.
Down comforts covered In fancifully des gned sateen*, plain bordered. Luxur
iously thick and fluffy wool filled silk and satin comforts to add a comfort
touch to the finest guest room. A showing to delight.
• • • • • •
Style Shop Announce* Exposition of
Fall Fashions on Friday and Satur
THE Matthews Style Shop, Ne
braska City, will hold a *fa.ll
faehlon exposition In ttv lr store
on Friday and Saturday. Milady of
Fashion may attend this showing of
modish apparel with the assurance
that no effort has been spared to
make this the finest of fall fashion
■hows ever presented to the publto
by the Matthews Style Shop manage
ment. Your viewing of the new mod
els Is Invited.
• • •
Sumptuou* fabrics are employed
for the new modes. Or If the fabric
is plain It IS a brilliant color and often
marvelously embroidered and Jeweled.
• • •
Many Hesitate to Kat Downtown lie
cause They Fear Crowded Cafe*
During Ak-Sar-Ben Feslivltles.
fTM THE Metropolitan dining room.
i Hotel Keen, Eighteenth and
Harney, Is promising absolute
assurnnce that they have adequate
facilities to taku care of the crowds
In town during Ak-Sar-Ben week.
Plenty of room for everyone, splen
didly prompt service by skilled wait
resses who have had years of experi
ence In caring for the comfort Of
tired merrymakers. They begin at
«:30 In the morning to serve meals at
the Metropolitan dining room, and do
not stop until 9 o'clock In the eve
All the time I had with you
The time you had with me
Was underneath a rosy lamp,
Beside a pot of tea
All the word I had with you—
As wistful as Dame Lot—
Was “Cream or Lemon? ... Is that right?
Two lumps?—Take care, it's hot!**
All the sight I had of you—
A stingy bit at most—
Was full of lights for cigarets,
And passing buttered toast.
But, oh! the time / had with you . . .
The time you had with me . . . '
Has crossed high scornful mountains
And a wicked-smiling sea.
(I knew between the little cakes the way that it
would be.)
—Konenbranc by Fanny Ilcasllp Lea in October Good Housekeeping.
Above—Martial et Ar
mand model of navy blue
moire with hustle bow nt
the hack. At the right of
it—One of Agnes' new
long tunie blouses of cy
clamen velvet with self
tone embroidery.
Embroidered Traceries Occupy Time
and Attention of Skilled Workers in
Decorative Shop
TUB Ideal Button and Pleating company, third floor. Brown block, S x
teenth and Douglas. Is a fascinating place for fair woman to wander
at the turning time o' style seasons, for there's a weaving of embroid
ery traceries, both by hand and by machine, which is an allurement! That
French appearing person who works with Inf nite engrossment In her nook
close to the window, what Is that unique chenille masterpiece which grows
under her fingers? No less than one of the chic little "tarns" which they
have no time to embroider In the smart chapeau shop which has engaged
the serv res of the Ideal sh- p service staff. The same flower motif In ex
quisite tones of Jewel colorings Is to he repeated on Milady's dnln'y frock.
The artistic vermicelli embroidery was noted on a slender little frock, a
machine embroidered motif, following the design given In a well known style
hook. From neckline accented by flared upright organdie collar the design
two Inches wide, followed side opening on the left, down to IS Inch wide
border round the hem. Tiny patches of the design are to he found on each
cuff and on the right-side pocket. Smart! You’ll find the new pleating
suggestions offered In the catalog most Interesting.
Stage I,ast Shoes In Brown Suede
Smartly Display Spanish Heels.
THE Kinney Shoe Store, Sixteenth
and Capitol, display to our
pleasure, stage last pumps, short
vamp, rounded toes, which logically
choose the new Spanish heels. These
in brown suede. Flat heels have tho
fancy cross strap effects, these fol
lowing the vogue set during the sum
mer season. Both models the same
price, $4,98. Hose to match are $1.89.
"Francis Mi* First" Silver Design
Impressively Massive.
ONE of the fairest of Omaha's Oc
toher brides Is to receive the ex
quisite “Francis the First” sil
ver service, which Is Impressive In
the massiveness of Its design of cornu
copias crowded full of fruits, flowers
and autumn leaves, a particularly fit
ting silver service design for a fall
bride, was my decision after viewing
its beauty. The C. R. Brown Jewel
Shop, 220 South Sixteenth street, has
an unusually fine seleetlon of this
graciously lovely silver on display.
Brown's for Bllver!
Tailored Frocks of French Flannel
Prove Delightful Wardrobe Addi
COMBINATION of practical frook
and chlo tallleur are the new
French flannel frock* at Lo
mond's Seventeenth and Kamam.
Finely tailored, exquisitely finished,
swagger In designing details, they’re
eminently suited for street, after
noon house wear and office use. One
may select gray with navy, tan with
brown or navy, In blocks or stripes.
Dresses to delight with the moderate
ness of their price tags, $25.
• • •
A great many three piece suits In
which the Jacket wrap Is three-quar
lers and seven eighths length are
• • •
An Opportunity Offered to Possess
That Hand Tailored Tup Coat for
Whirl) Yon Have Yearned.
LKNKETER, tailor, second floor,
191# Kamam, offers a special
• price reduction on his entire
stock of woolens and silks for men's
nnd women's suits, coat* and wraps,
with radical price cuts In charges for
tailoring them. Your opportunity!
Is a Matter of Muscles, Creams, Lo
tions and Science
THE Black end White room, third floor. BurgesaNnah, might with reason
he likened to Ponrs de Beon’s Fountain of Youth, ao striking the results
achieved by the skilled workers In this great shop undsr the direction of
Robert Hlegmann, American and European authority on queatlona pertaining
to beauty culture. Because he understands ao well the secret of preserving a
youthful appearance, he will at once recognize the treatment your Individual
skin requires—result—youth. Inspiring thought! Youth—a matter of muscles,
cream, lotlona and science. In the Black and Whit# Room on# will find
skilled chiropodist# In attendance, relief from the nagging discomfort of foot
troubles which add mtioh to the sum total of aga, suhatractlng many yaar*
from our appearance of youth. Chiropodists of escellent reputation at your
service madam et madamoleeUe. |
Ceremonious silver nnd steel brocade evening gown by I’olrrt. It It
made even more somber through the use of blurk velvet.
Cleverness of Buying Policy Adds Al
lure to Fall Apparel in Store of
Individual Shops
G0LD8TKIN-CHAPMANB, Sixteenth and Farnam. display In their ready
to wear apparel department abundant evidence of the cleverness of tholr
buyers. A versatile style showing which satisfies every need t'oats
which rang# a gamut of originality, e|>ortn affairs, fur-trimmed and plain,
lavishly fur trimmed coats made decorative by 'brn de les; afternoon and
evening gowns of sumptuousness. Models to surprise with low pricings.
"Wool Frocks for Cool Autumn Days Remain Slender In l.lne." A Reason
Wliy the “Wrap-Around'' Skirts Have Attained Such f'opulnrity.
SKIRTS at Goldstein Chapman's sre varied In coloring and styling, and
thsrs’a a marvelous number from which to make eelectlon, hundreds of
them, ranging In price from te.95 to US 75. Novelty weaves that show
thslr French origin In unexpected thread knotting*, beautiful colorings to
harmonise with ths autumn landscape; checked French flannels, smooth
nnd lovely; hand tailored genuine camel's hair skirts with swagger buttons
placed advantaganualy: Imitation camel's 'hair "wraps" which almost defy
detection, so clsvsr the Imitation Pleats, too, charming version* of the
undeniably lovely novelty ideated arrangements. “Plenty of tans now." ex
rlalmad Mr. Raum. manager of the department, In discussing the popu
larity of this shad# for early fall wear.
Hams Mods Announces Score One for Modart Models Now on Display.
THE ooreet department at (loldsteln Chapman's, on the second floor, I*
Indeed *n Interesting discovery for the Modart models for fall nnd win
ter fashion modeling ar* now exhibited. Proportion I* the yardstick
by which every woman will always b* measured nnd admired With a
Modart you have no feeling of being corseted except the knowledge (hat you
express your loveliest self. A line may he softened a trifle. Your figure
may have a tendency to develop a "double chin" or "figure wrinkles" Just
*• telling a* though they appeared on your face. These line* must be finessed
from where they are to where they really should he and can he with n
Modart. Send for Illustrated booklets.
THIS Is the message I'm giving you from that Interesting authority on
chapeau fashions, Florence Paxton Smith, manager of the millinery
department at Ooldsteln-Chapman'a. Startlingly lovely Indeed sre the
exqulsltrlen from famous maker* on* will And her*. Specially featured too,
are bate at 110. truly flf>* value*. Surprising!
‘‘There Is Nothing, Perhaps, That
Has a Mine Subtle Influence Upon
a Woman Than Her Hat."
IF ONE may take the liberty of
quoting from the editorial columns
of a noted style writer—the above
lines encompass the story of style
and charm In the life of a woman.
The clever buyer of millinery model*
in the Nebraska Clothing millinery
department. Fifteenth and Farnam,
Mr. Weinman, well known to Omaha’*
fair, at all times translates the models
he is purchasing into the terms of
types of feminine beauty to be ob
served on every side, whether one
resides in Podunk or Poughkeepsie.
You'll be delighted with the versatility
of the models on display In this shop.
• • •
About Blankets Information Quoted
From Interview With Department
MR. FOSTER at Hayden Proa.,
Is responsible for the blanket
Information which I found de
cidedly Interesting now that there's
a nip in the air at nights and morn
ing*. "The blanket business demands
either cotton, all wool or mixed
blankets. Out of every 100 sold, 95
are plaids. We take Into consider
ation these preferences of the buying
public and concentrate*for better val
ues. This season we're featuring:
Extra lnrge wool finished
blocked plaids, blue, rose, yellow,
heliotrope and tan bound In three
inch silk finished fabric.15.95
Strictly "all wool double bed
blankets In depeate shades to
harmonize with bedroom decora
tions ...IS.75
Blanket values of unusual economic
* « •
Make Early \ppointments for Ak
Sar Ben Coiffure.
THE F. M. Schadell & Co. Beauty
Shop, 1522 Douglas, suggest*
early apjiolntmen’s for milady *
Ak-Sar Ben ball hairdress, reservations
which assure freedom from worry
at the last minute before the mem
orable event. Mlsa Jennie Schadell
al*o offers the valuable hint that it
might be well to make selection now
of the hairpieces necessary for the
enlranr ng new Swirl Hairdress, thi*
the satiny banding over forehead with
crown of soft curls across the top of
the head and caseeding down the
back. Swirl, 14; curls. I t, 15, 16.
“Expect Great Things”—V-63 Cadillac
Model Presented to Omaha Public
HE J. H. Hansen Cad llac company. Twenty-fifth and Farnam. last
week placarded their window's with great streamers on which one read.
"Expect Great Things." Exciting! Then to add to our pleasant antici
pations, there appeared over the sidewalk a striped canopy-covered Cadil
lac radiator hood. Unique! A preparation for the presentation to our de
lighted eyes of the beautiful new V-6J Cadillac models.
Motorists have come to expect a great deal of Cadillac, because so much
of automobile development has centered about the Cadillac car. Conse
quently, the Introduction of a new Cadillac Is always an event of deep Interest.
Never have such expectations been more certain of fulfillment than they
are with this announcement of the new V-68, for In this car utility has been
combined with beauty to an extent never before realized even by Cadillac
Attention Is directed particularly to three features:
The new 90-degree, V-Elght engine, harmonized and balanced by en
tirely new principles of design, to a degree of smoothness hitherto unequalled
“Cadillac" four-wheel brakes, a safety factor developed With the care
and thoroughness characteristic of Cadillac.
New bodies, certain by their graceful symmetry, distinctive finish, and
exquisite appointments to win universal admiration.
Much Is expected of this new Cadillac. It will fulfill great expectations.
Everyone is Invited to make a thorough examination of the new model
—If unable to visit the Omaha showrooms, w'rite for an exquisitely Illustrated
booklet on the new Cadillac achievement.
New* From Omaha Florist Makes One
Stop and Conclude to Advantage
That There Must Be a Good Reason
JOHN' RATH, florist, Eighteenth
and Farnam, reports being quite
busy with fall wedding decora
tions. To me, this gives an incentive
to reflection nnd conclusion that there
must be a reason why his work is in
demand. Do you know why?
• • •
Hals Reblocked, Feathers Fashioned,
Furs and Marabou Cleaned and Re
Barker block, Fifteenth and Far
nam, offers unique service in re
claiming to styleful usefulness hats,
feathers, furs and marabou. Closed
at 2 on Saturdays.
Diamond Values I'nusualjr Good in
This Omaha Shop.
THR John Henrlckson Jewel Shop,
Sixteenth and Capitol, has many,
many notable diamond sales dur
ing the past months—secrets—I as
sure you—yet I Just happened In Im
mediately after the purchase and
couldn't help seeing the price tags.
Row overhead expense, wise and con
servative buying, low margin of profit
selling policy combine to make dia
mond prices to your advantage Estab
lished In 1882, the assurance of Integ
rity which is associated with this firm
name means much to the purchaser
of fine diamonds You are Invited to
visit the store during the next few
weeks. A deposit will hold your dia
mond selection until the holiday de
Shoe Shop Specializes in Novelty Shoe
Models, Beautiful in Leather
Selection, Exquisite in Styling and
Detail of Workmanship.
THE centra! shoe figure In the window disr’av at the F. & M Boot Fhcp.
Sixteenth and Farnam, I* an Egyptian effect, in brown suede. The dark
brown tip extends up the center of the instep to about four Inches from
the floor where It slips over the ankle strap buttoning at the side. This
suede strap crosses a slashed yoking of bright glace kid In very light tan.
striking contrast. Two straps at 10-inches from the floor in the back, ex
tend at either side of a strip up from the heel quarter, buttoning at the side
front. A stage shoe model which promises to be most popular during the
coming season. Delightful combinations of suede and kid are to be noted
in the F. & M shoe showing, an exposition of fall's newest fashion colors.
Society Maid hosiery in a fascinating selection is now offered In this up-to
date store, which features ultra modish footwear at moderate prices.
Beacon Blanket Bathrobe* In Gay
Plaids and Lovely Flower Design
to Wrap Round Miss Two to Four
IF ONE Is the tender see of ttvo
w.nters or perhaps the more
mature atre of 14, she will find of
entire becomlngness the pretty Bea
con Blanket hathrobea which are to
be found in the Kiddies Shop on the
third floor at Goldstein Chapman's.
Window Trimmer of Furniture Store
Faithfully Depicts Colonial Period
in Bedroom Furniture.
THE window trimmer at Corte Aldou# Hunt, Twenty-fourth and Fa nut m,
has fa Hiftilly carried out the details of furnishings during colonial days
in a display which sera's as background of Colonial mattresses. The
central p'ece of the display, the Col n al mattress. Is beautiful In earh
P"int of manufacture and finish of its tufted cretonne surface. On each s'de
of the v, ndoW a clever dr illing of the dashing col red cretonne is weighted on
the er. Is hy Mg halts ,f cott -n. In pleasing contrast are the spool turned
colon al poster b<sls. full sire. *44 and MS. with splint seat Windsor chairs an
ass-ranee of comfort, widespread in delightful manner. Black and white
rug rues of great grandmother’s day. A window to cause the passerby to
stop for appreciative comment on the decoatK-encss of the splendid values
displayed The Colonial Is a matt! according to c - t< AM i« Hunt's
own spec; flea lions, a true $.’. value flow offered at $17.85, an attractive ’’buy '
for visitors to Ak Sar Ben festivities.
Silver Cloth In I'laln Anil Brocaded
Designing Fashions Milady's Dainty
Evening Pumps
mllE Shoe Market. 320 S. lfith St .
I presents for evening wear a daln
^ ty sliver cloth pump In cross
•trap effect according to Dame Mode's
latest style concept. Its plain vamp
delightful contrast to the brocaded
quarter and heel of I. uls shaping,
moderated for 1923 riyfulness.
Pumps popularly priced for the Ak
Bar Den Ball. }IQ
* • •
Bolster pillows for davenport nrd
day bed are lovely when made to
match table scarfs Sunfast Damask
of gold, rose, bit e and green stripes
on a black background has Mg flow
ers In harmnn' colors over Its
surface. This Is a semi metallic cloth,
Specialty Shop Coat Showing Em hod
les Every Style Note Emphasised
In Paris Openings.
THE three quarter length c>at was
one of the moat popular notes In
Paris style revues l.a Boschin
Introduces several great collared
coats In this length. One of them
with fur collar, ruffs end hem hand
Ing "Fur and still more fur. seems
to he the ery In Parle " I .a B schln s
coat designers lavishly trim every
model for your utter beromlngness
“Broadtail fur Is bewitching in com
hlnatlon with Mack marvella on a coat
for matron or maid." at least they're
wholly delectable, those broadtail af
fairs at l.a Boschln's exclusive shop
In ths Hotel Fontenelle, ISth A Doug
las. Da Boschin Is now In ths east
and dally aenda shipments of stun
nlng apparel to this Interesting shop.
• • •
Ittno, a creation In green, ha*
broad band* of rhinestone embroidery
encircling the close fitting straight
line dross.
w » • •
'“"(olyr Brides Will Be Married I’nder
Mower Canopies With Drifting
Showers of Soft l’etals.
nBS. Rows of the Pomegranate
Shop, 30J Gardner BUIg.. Seven
teenth and Podge, la planning
lovely "secrets" for the October
Brides Hundreds of Towers she Is
using for canopies under which the
ceremony Is to take place, showers of
soft petals dropping on all sides. Big
white chrysanthemums, cathedral
candles, confetti In horn favors to be
thrown by the guests In place of the
customary rice. Novell
Omaha Beanty Shop Owner Unusual
ly Successful in Treatment for
MARGARET Gun*ton. Delft Beau
ty Shop. 2nd floor City National
Bank Bldg.. Sixteenth and Har
ney, JA. 1755, Is unusually successful
In treating blackheads or acne,
smoothing the skin permanently.
Make early appointment* for th* Ak
Sar-Ben Ball,' warns Mis* Gunston.
• • •
Omaha Ha* Member of Munda Tech
nical Society of .America.
TEN of the most progressive clean
ing establishment* In America
associated as the "Munda Tech
nical Society of America” hav* a fel
lowship In the Mellon Institute of In
dustr al Research of th* University
of Pittsburgh. Pa. They have been
spending $15,000 on research *fci— '
Dresher Bret., of Omaha are one of
the 10 members of the association
west of Detroit. "Omaha Is Indeed
fortunate in having access to an es
tablishment connected with this great
work." wiid Mr. Al Dresher in an in
terv.ew last week, it Is indeed an ad
• • •
Mirrors ard pictures are suitably
hung w hen one uses silk rosette* and
corded tassels. $1 25 to 12.50.
• • •
Japanese Gift Shop Receive* Ship
ment Which feft Japan * Few
Days Before the Earthquake.
HMHE Nippon Importing company,
| 207 South Eighteenth street, has
"*■ received a shipment of silken
kimonos, carriage robe*, shoes and
d'ps for tlnv tots, china, linen* and
Siftings of all kin Is. cargo which left
:he city of Yokohama a few days be
fore the earthquake. It :s the opin on
if this shop's proprietor, Taso, that
this may b« the last shipment from
Announcing the Opening of ‘Babyland’
Department of Dainty Loveliness.
BABILASD Is now open on the meszanlne floor at Herzberg's. Delightful
Indeed the dainty Ivory enamel (Usings all small enough to prove most
delightful to the woe tot and her little brothers and sisters. Infinitely
lovely little frocks, bonnets, wraps and era s will delight the mother of
fastidious preferences who has not the time herself to trace with delicate w
stitches her tiny person a wearables. Madam Dahl no dear reader not "Doll"
has charge of this dei>artment and also conduct, the corset department ad
joining Hahyland. An excellent place In which to have a maternity corset
A Chrmhl of Note Analytes Fine
Toilet Requisites.
jjt N T1IK Identical condition In
I which they left the factory,"
states John O'Frten of the
O'Hrien Prug Store, Twentieth and
F'arnam. in discussing the fine line
of toilet requisites which sre on dis
play In hia store. "That holds good
of the entire store," he thoughtfully
added. And after purchasing drug
needs In hla store one le convinced
"there Is a difference."
• s e
Sunfast Grenadine, golden, glowing
with cross bars of white threading 1«
the new Scotch Import curtain ma'er
Ml: 4S Inches wide It Is most moder
ats In price. $1 a yard.
Men’s Shop Presents Splendid Quality
Sweaters for Your Selection—Shaker
Knit School Sweaters on Sale
Townsend Sporting On.'.!* company. 1309 Fnrnnm, have * lovely
3 presentation i f sweaters for fall and winter wear, excellent qualities.
■** fine workmanship
l'ure yarn slip-over In light tan with V opening to allow a cascade
of dainty lace frill* to *plll ovjr Its soft front . $7 50
Brushed wool Sweater*, coat style. In combinations of colors, swagger
designs, pla n hacks with brushed wool front* .$17 ,',0
Pure camel'a hair sweater coats, from foreign makers, navy or
heather mixtures, alternating brushed surface with plain knit, hav
ing Its wlds brushed girdle slipping under the plain knit etrlpe*.
the sailor ci ( collar of brushed woo! .$17.(0
A sweater snowing to delight the woman of conservative tastes Shaker
Knit school sweaters with one button shawl collar*; sll school colors, both
plain and combined, regular $15 value* are offered at a special price of $10.
An acceptable addition to t’l# wardrobe of school girl or hoy.
French Parfnin-r* Present IV'lighted
.America with Original Concept* In
Scout Containers.
U NIQUE to a degree are the ex
quisite Uttle perfume holders to
he found In one of Omaha's ex
clusive specialty shop*, achievements
of fine perfumers of Paris.
• • •
Captivating as favor* at luncheon
or dinner are d.ce, site and colorltv.
most realistic, aach pair In decorative
box, the opalescent glass serving to
hold matchless perfume.
• • •
Sure of whole hearted greeting tn
my gathering of the "Grand Old
Party ' are truly lifelike little ele
• • •
Graceful gaxeitea might be sug
gt'sie i as favor* for the "iv.b" party,
a pretty compliment to the light feet
of the guests.
• • •
Prises for bridge are offered In the
form of "Old Fashioned Girl*" of
wax. unusually tinted as to crinoline
skirts, tiny waxen feature*, decidedly
true to type, these carrying * stopper
in the lady s neck over which her
dainty head fits tightly with neyer a
hint of her inner sweetness."
“V.WT«JSR~* * *