" woMwaSres i The Omaha Sunday Bee VOL. 68—NO. 16. PART THREE ' OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1923. 1—C FIVE CENTS 11 I cAfirf Wallace 9rta Zh-irahle X’ (JX'L -*— =..ri'."DesMoines and Fort '“Snelling Polo Teams to Compete Here Oct. 4 Ak-Sar-Ben maids of former years are agog over the news that both the Fort Des Molns and the Fort Snclling polo teams are coming to Omaha to compete on October 4 and 5 at Ak Sar-Ben field In the polo matches Jield here. Many of them have seen exciting gafhes In the east. They are most enthusiastic over the sport, and expect to be, over the horses of the saddle and mallett. Box parties for the matches are being planned, and dinners to follow j with great gusto and will add a great deal to the regular festivities of the ] .•oronatlon and the races. General Duncan, through whose courtesy the teams have consented to day, has taken a box for himself and his party, the Nelson B. Updikes will have one. Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis another and Koine Miller, who has just returned from California, greatly interested In the spoft, has already made his reservation. ' Sulgrave Manor, Old Washington Home in England, Will Be Preserved America will help England preserve the old Washington estate, Sulgrave Manor, the home of George Wash ington's father. The old ,home has been purchased with English money and will be reclaimed as a place of historic interest. In order to Insure its preservation a fund Is being se cured, part of it to come from Airier §. lea. The Colonial Dames have appor tioned their quotas for this purpose. A meeting was held at th^ home of Mrs. Edgar M. Morsrnan, Jr., on Thursday when this particular mat ter of business was discussed. Mrs. Isaac Raymond of Elncoln was an out of town attendant. No tag day or public solicitation will be made but any one contributing a dollar or more to the fund will have tils name enrolled In the permanent records of Sulgrave Manor. The na tional campaign will be held during the first week of November. Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith Is the local president of the Colonial California Guests Mr. and Mrs. Horace Itoos of Eos V ngels#, •guests of Mr. and Mr*. John \V. Welch, have been the Inspiration fur many affair* during the week. On Wednesday night they shared honors with Mr. and Mrs. U. T. Water bury of New York, who had been house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Welch and were leaving that evanlng after the dinner party given at tha Ath letic club. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones ef Col orado Springs and Mr. and Mrs. Boos were dinner guests at the club Thurs day night, and on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Jones entertained at the Fonts nolle. Mr. and Mrs. J. T- Pickard honored Mr. and Mrs. Boos at the Saturday night dinner-dance at Happy Hollow club. A Sunday dinner will be given at the Welch home. ' Mrs. Roy Ralph and Mrs. N. H. Tyson will he hostesses for luncheon Tuesday at the University club, fol / lowed by a matinee party. Dames. Site Is at Cohassett. Muss.. and will be there until January In her absence, Mrs. Edgar M. Mors man, }r„ first vlre president, Is the local presiding officer. Mrs. C. Will Hamilton is second vice president; Mrs. Ward Burgess, recording secre tary; Mrs. B. Shannon, corresponding secretary: Mrs. Charles Offutt, trees urer; Mra. C. M. Wilhelm, historian, and Mra. John J. Stubba, registrar. Crescent Dancing Season to Open in October. The Crescent Formal Da’nriug club will open its fifth season with a dance at the Fontenelle hotel early In Oc tober. The club will have a series of It dances. Memberships are open to members of the Masonic order. Officers and committees Dor the Season of 1923 24 are: C. C. Rucker, president; R. S. Somerville; vice presi dent; Herbert Ewall, secretary; C. E Board, treasurer. Membership committee: J. H. Wll son, chairman; W. R. Gibson, Ted and Z. Ore ham. Reception committee; Ed Rlerman, chairman; Max Agor, M. C. Dudley, W. r. Hatteroth, H. Hansen, Irving Me Ewan. Dr. Conlin Gives Smoker Dr. Frank Conlin gave a emoker last evening for 35 members of the Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fratem ltjr of the .University of Nebraska The smoker Is an annual affair and a number of Lincoln doctors came to Omaha for the event. Dr. Conlin Is faculty advisor for the fraternity. -4- \ October Hunting Party The Ward Rurgess hunting party which will go to Wood Enke In Octo ber will Include Messrs W. C. Tongle and S. A. Megeath of New York City, C. G. Burnham of Chicago, Frank, Mark and George Woods of Lincoln, Nelson Updike and Mr, Burgess of Omaha, i —Fhotc bf I>o!«* Debutantes Return to Fashion By GABBY BETA YUS. □ABBY is holding her breath. It may be that after a lapse of a year debutantes may come Into fashion again. Not that they have ever really been out. except In Omaha, but lust that due to stage fright, and a lack of eupport among the girls who were possibilities we have been denied the pleasure of watching these young things make a formal social bow. Last year, after a false start or two, the debutante rumor died down, and a more or less dull season result ed. The sentence, "Well, my dear, she's been dashing around socially for the last few years, and It would be ridiculous to bring ber out now Wouldn't It?" was the one that clinched Its death warrant. Of course the dear young things have been murmuring bids over the bridge tables and flinging an eager shoulder in the maze of the dance for lo these many seasons, hut even in the good old days when sub debs crept stealthily about till they were "brought out." their existence was known, and they couldn't have been kept away from all prying eyes. Gabby is the more hopeful because this year a particularly enterprising set of girls are horns from school. Margaret Eastman. Josephine Schur man. Virginia Barker, Cornelia Baum, Catherine Cartnn and many others are determined that their first season home won't be the frost they heard last one was Yes, wo may have our debutantes! Gabby repeats! □ MR world do move! Yesterday careful householders with love ly linen* which must he laun dered with anxious car# watched their neighbors' chimneys for aoots and smudge* that might smudge thalr precious whiteness. Today Gabby hear# Mra. George Prlnx bemoaning th# fact that her most exquisite napary hna had its perfection aolled while on the line by a low swinging mall plan* drip ping motor oil In passing □ARBY hardly knowe why ehn Includes this one—there Isn't any moral Perhaps |t'» a re venge on the familiar bit of adver tising we eee *o often wherein the weery wag* slave ssys bumptiously "I maintain my opinion," to be crush *d by th* npt sally of- th# controllar of hla destinies with "No, you retain your opinion and loaa your Job.” Of couraa, such anappy repartee 1* quite th* thing between master and man In a dictionary, hut methlnka thla reads about as well: - A young business woman from real life plead with the collegiate Klmon Regies who had Just been put over her In her dally tolling*. "I hav* to go at 12 loduy, Mr. X," she snld "Have to,” said he, mustache btlst ling like the hack of an outraged kitten, "(fan I? you must mean!" "Oh, I beg your pardon, but 1 don't. May IT I mean.'1 Photo by Itoyn —Mluu Bradford Photo by Powoll ^*^^rbor Photo by Htyn Mrs. Ernest TV. Julian and son, Robert, have returned from a at* weeks’ motoring trip' through the New England states with Mrs. Jul ian’s parents, the John R. Bennetts of Lincoln. Faculty Women's Tea. Mrs. A. F. Jonas, president of the Faculty Women'* club, will give a tea for the organisation next Wednes day, I to I o'clock, at Conklin hall. SJr. and Mr* R. L. Van Sant who have recently come here from Fort Worth. Texas. Mr. Van Sant to be come pres dent of the Live Stock Na tional bank, are at the Blackstone hotel for the winter. | Two Brides of the Early Fall_ o —Photo l')r Dole —-I'hoto by Rtnihart Muiadilii i no wedding or miss Helen smniis and Henry Curlls Swenrlngen of Chi cago, whose engagement was an pounced a week ago. will he solemn l7.ed next Sunday afternoon, 4 o'clock, al the home of the hrlde’e brother, W. H. Smalls, Rev. Edwin Hart .Tonka pastor of the First Presbyterian jdhurch, officiating, The couple will renuift in Chicago. Ml** Small* I* tha daughter Sf Mr* William K. Small*. With her depnr tura from the olty Omalm will lonr one nf It* he*t known plant*!*. Mia* Small* only attendant at the altar will It# hor alater In law, Mr* W. II. Small*, and Mr Small* will' ••iv« am hut man for Ur. 6»urine I «n. The bride'* oldest brother. K D. Small* will give her In marriage I .It t In Margaret Mrt’ully ami Jan* Walrath will b* flower girls Mr. and Mr* Small* will glv* the rehearsnl dinner on Saturday eve nlng The groom to he will arrive that morning Th* ruuug coupl* plan to r*turn. I —Pbci* by h s'.wlck No thrill* to the school set are comparable to the one* that make then shiver esrtatically a* huge driving wheels give their first tug and the engint whistles cheerily Each day of these last few weeks in September largt parties of attractive young folk are "down at the train" to wavs goodbya at departing devotee* en route to their shrine* of learning. The Bradford twins, Martha Ki and Bertha Mae. with their departwn for Oaksmere school In New York will leave a grievous gap In tub del circles. With their mother. Mrs. D. C. Bradford, they are In the east now They are looking forward to riding lessons on eastern bridle paths, follow ing a summer spent in the saddle in a Colorado ramp for girls. A reluctant traveler was Miss Roberta Trimble, who left last week ts enter Vassar, for she Is to miss this year s Ak Sar Ben festivities. I-ast year Miss Trimble served as a maid, prior to her departure to Milwaukee Downer school, and Is speculating eagerly on the Identity of this year's soverign and her attendants. The Omaha nnversity social set are losing one of their most attrac tive students In the person of Mis* Ruth Wallace, daughter of Dr. and Mra. J. H. Wallace, who enrolled In the Physical Training school st Chicago. .September 17. Miss Dorothy Barber and Miss Charlotte Bucker have left to spend the winter studying in southern schools, the former at I.exington. Mo., and the latter at Memphis, Tenn. Miss Barber, who Is the daughter of Dr. and Mr*. Peter T. Barber. !* a graduate of last year from Central High school, where she was a member of the O. T. club. Miss Burlier is the daughter of the Commanding Colynel anti Mrs. Guy E. Burker of Fort Crook. It is not a« yet derided whether Miss Bucker will return to Omaha for the Xmas holidays. Her parents map join her in Memphis for the season. Departing for Pure Manor, Wellesley. Maas., will be Miss Janet Cun ningham on Sunday next. Miss Cunningham Is majoring in their famous homemaking course there. She will visit, en route east, with Miss Betty Tewksbury- of Chicago. Miss Tewksbury Is a student_at Northwestern uni versity and Miss Cunningham will he her guest there. With Captain Finesse in Charge, Bridge Regulars Prepare to Fall-to - One and Two Tables Favored by Hostesses Who Round Out Their Day With Golf, a Brisk Canter, Dinner and the Dance Old Captain Finesse of his royal nibs' bridge regulars Is soon to take formal command over feminine soci ety for the winter Recovering from that flight of farcy ne wltl add by way of explanation that bridge clubs are being organised for tbe winter season Two table* and foursome# are the order of the day. 1.arger groups are too much of an undertaking for hostesses In these days when one must round out one's housekeeping day with a dash of golf, a brisk can ter. dinner and the dance. The Wednesday Fridge club of last year will reconvene, and will again hnye as Its members the Mtase* Wlnt fred Smith. He Weenta Conrad. Wil low Brown, Frna Reed, Gertrude Sfotlt, Katherine Penny and Mr* Richard Mallory. The Meadames Bourdette Klrken dall. Albert Sibberneen. Robert Gar rett, C. l.ouls Meyer. John McCague, Fred Clark. Carl Paulson and J. P —“~~~~~———— to Omaha during th# holiday*, and the many eoclal Affairs planned for them this xveek will he given then. An engagement of Interest an nouneed today la that of Mlaa Helen Harrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs J J Harrington of O'N’elll, Neb., to Pari Francis Buelow of Racine. Wls The wedding will he In October Miss Harrington Is a graduate of the University of Nebraska, class of 1911. and a membei of Valkyrie, an honorary senior socfbty. and Pelts Gamma sorority She Is a frequent visitor In Omaha. Mr. Ruelow received his B K and 1. I., P. from the University of Wia oohaln Hs la a member of S erna Chi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities Megeaih plan to start their play in October. A foursome which meets weekly for luncheon and bridge Includes Mrs. Douglas Peters, Mrs Lewis Burgess, Mrs. Charles Allison and M ss Dorothy Judson. 1'ndeolded about ths date of their first meeting i« the grour which in cludes Mr*. Robert Turner of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Herbert Davis. Mra. Rcb rrt Edwards. Mrs. Robert Burne. Mr*. Gertrud# Thomaa. Ml** Gertrude Stout. Miss Marian Weller end M:ee Corrine Elliott. The Lincoln Bridge club, which waa organlied a year ago with the Influx of attractove Uncolnite*. will seat around Its two tables Mcsdamee Chester Nteman. Max Miller. George It* Iairy. l.eohard llartx. Lynn Storey. Naasson Young, Max Miller and George Seaman. Marilmony has badly depleted the bridge Indefatigable* which formerly Included the Misers Beatrice Johnson, Leta Hunter, Ruth Beatty, Marton Coad. Evelyn Iredwleh. Marjorie Bar rett and the Meedamee Frank Selby. 1 re Huff. Jr., end Melvin Beklne. for Mts* Johnson is to wed In October and live In New York, Miss Coad is now Mrs. George Wigert of Cedar Rapids and Miss Beatty ts Mr*. Ted Lonam of Lincoln. For Mifs Patterson Mr and Mrs Georg# RadcllfT* will give a buffet dinner *t the home of M;s. Radoltffe's mother. Mrs R L> Carter Saturday evening. October *, for Miss Marie Patterson and her flan c, Guemeev Wllhourn*. of Wr m'r.ghnm Via who at-# to wed Octo ber