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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1923)
Farmers Oppose 6Hick’ Type Movie Threat of Independent Pro duction Made if Carica tures Are Continued. Chicago, Sopt. 20.—The ‘'hick” farmer with hayseed In his whiskers and trousers tucked in his boots, caricatured in the movies and on the stage, will be relegated to the same shelf with the dado bird, if plans approved here today at the publicity convention of the American Farm Bureau federation are successful. Movies qn Broadway and State street will dispell the ancient farmer type and in his place present on the sliver screen the modern farmer, a type of business man with a capital of from $25,000 to $100,000, an owner of automobiles and the latest farm machinery. The blame for the old "Yankee farmer” type being carried in the minds of the majority of America’s city dwellers was laid at the door of the movie producers themselves by Samuel Guard, director of publicity of the federation. “The farm Is modem and up to date with all the convenlencea and comforts of the city, but the film Producer has woefully neglected to keep pace with the farmer,” he de clared. "They fall to depict us as citizens, but prefer to picture us as 'hicks’ and ‘rubes.’ ”\Ve don’t want these kind of cari catures circulating among the public, and if the motion picture interests won’t picture rural life and districts as they should be, we intend to pro duce our own pictures.” Not alone will the movies be used to correct impressions of American farms and farmers, but they will be qaed, according to plans of the pub ucity convention, to teach the latest scientific methods of agriculture to tika farmers themselves. The American Farm Bureau fed eration already has utilized the radio in furthering farm work of the coun try. Farm programs with practical farmers or authorities on agricultural problems are being broadcast weekly from hundreds of stations throughout the country and these will be in creased materially in the near future. W. S. Felt Dies. Word has been received here of the death of William S. Felt, who, until last Jure 14, was superintendent of the Fourteenth division of the rail way mail with headquarters in Omaha. He cams here first In 1912 when this division was organized and was here until the war started when he entered the censorship service. He was sent hack here as superintendent, February 1, 1923. He was transferred to tit. Luuis last June. Mr. Felt dropped dead on the street in Kansas City. Taggart Seriously 111 By International »wa Seri Ire. Hyannis, Mass., Sept. 21.—Thomas Taggart, former chairman of the democratic national committee, is seriously ill at his summer home in Hyannisport. He is to be removed to Boston today. Two days ago he was apparently in tha best of health. The children of the political leader have been sum moned to his bedside. Taggart formerly represented Indi ana In the national senate and was three times mayor of Indianapolis. “Gas” Inquiry. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 21.—Attorney General O. S. Spillman will call a national conference of alt attorney generals at the Old Colony club in Chicago, October 15, 16 and 17, to investigate the national gasoline situ ation, it was announced at his office today. The conference results from action taken at the national meet ing of attorney generals in Minne apolis. Broadening of Examination for Aliens Is Advocated Washington, Sept. 21.—Broadening of the scope of medical examinations which aliens must undergo in entering the United States was recommended by Assistant Secretary Wadsworth of the treasury, in a report today to Secretary Mellon. Comfort Tired Aching Feet With Cuticura When your feet are tired, hot and burning bathe them with warm water and Cuticura Soap and fol low by a gentle application of Cuti cura Ointment. Cuticura Talcum dusted on the feet is cooling and soothing. laaylaa ti« by Mall Add raw: "CaU.ara La bar - atarlaa, Oast IlS.Maldaa 41, Maaa." Bold arary where. Soap He. Ointment 26 end Me Talrnm H«. I 1WCuticura Soap ahaaaaarHkoutwa. Prove for Yourself ihot Ofe HOOVER ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPER Really Cleans Rugs Clean— If ••lIvnlnnlrN (llrtf, daily braam • nrpplnt nnd mmreu yatr time -»ml money In iloirnn of wiijm. Unusual Terms for n limited Tima Only * 2 Down *5 Monthly Should Have Shown Curator Who Matches Coins Is Swindled His Diploma Instead Chicago, Sept. 21.—Karl Ruppert, who Is said to be curator of a museum in Jerome, Ariz., appealed to the police yesterday to help him find $580 with which he Intended taking a trip to the museums In Washing ton, D. C. He said he became acquainted with a man while walking through a museum here today. The man intro duced a friend and the two matched dimes and quarters, his first ac quaintance winning $300. The second man refused to pay un til the first had shown he was able to pay if he had lost. Ruppert said he handed over the $580 to his first acquaintance and the two men dis appeared. Underwood Quits League Support Says He Saw Failure in Dis pute Between Italy and Greece. By Associated Press. Chicago. Sept. 21.—Senator Oscar W. Underwood, Alabama's candidate for the demorcratic presidential nomination, is no longer a strong ad vocate of the league of nations, he is credited by the Chicago Tribune today as saying in an Interview, To tha senator, onca an eloquent advocate of the league, who waa in Chicago on his way to Washington from a fishing vacation at Eagle River, Wis., was attributed the fol lowing statement: "I am no longer a strong advocate of the league of nations. My original views are well known. However, on my trip abroad I saw the league at work. Developments then and sub sequently have changed my attitude. The failure of the league to function in the dispute between Italy and Greece had much to do with the change." The senator also said he did not think the league would be an Issue in the approaching presidential cam paign. "The present administration's lack of a definite foreign policy and its failure to achieve any notable ac complishments at home will furnish the best democratic campaign mater ial,” the senator was quoted on cam paign issues. Drowned in June; Find Body. Blackfoot. Idaho, Sept. 21._The body of Mrs. Mabel Quereau of Jerome, Idaho, who was drowned In Snake river here June 26, was recov. ered last night. 25 miles below this city, near the mouth of Boone creek. Identification was made by indelible ink writings in her shoes. Women Voters in Clash Over Funds Omaha League Members Want to Send Contributions to Washington. Has a local political body any right to Interfere with funds of its national body was the question raised at a meeting of the Omaha League of Women Voters Thursday afternoon at the Y. W. C. A. It ail came about because local business men had contributed to that certain fund of the National League of Women Voters. W. F. Baxter gave $100 to the sup port of the league, former Senator Gilbert Hitchcock, $10S and Senator R. B. Howell, $10. Efforts by the state league to add to this amount failed throughout Nebraska, according to reports.- The plan was to send the $210 to national headquarters at Washington, they In turn were to send $50 to the Nebraska League of Women Voters and the Omaha league was to receive $25 of the state amount for financial aid. Mrs. H. J. Bailey, former president of the Omaha League of Women Voters, moved that the money be given back to the donors. Mrs. R. E. McKelvy, president of “A Good Place to Buy Lighting Fixtures” ADVEKTINEMENT. To Wear Thin Waists or Sleeveless Dresses (Beauty Topics) With the aid of a delatone paste. It la an easy matter for any woman to remove every trace of hair or fuzz from face, neck and arms. Knough of the powdered delatone and water is mixed Into a thick paste and spread on the hairy surface for about 2 min utes, then rubbed off and the skin washed. This completely removes the hair, but to avoid disappointment. get the delatone In an original package and mix fresh. Beaton Drug Co. Fifteenth and Farnam SPECIAL CUT PRICES FOR SATURDAY AND MONDAY -ELECTRIC 10 to 60-Watt Edison Mazda Lamps.32* $1.50 10-ft. Extension Cord with all connections for globe, special .89* $3 50 Electric Curling Iron Jot . 81.49 65c Heater Connection Plug, fits all irons . . .35* $1.00 Double Socket 2-Way Plugs for .59* $1.50 Heater Connection Set, including socket plug, 6-ft. heater cord and Security Plug, all for .98* $5.00 Electric Toaster, turns bread automatically, . 83.49 16c Fusa Plugs, any size, 7* -CIGARETTES Camels, Chesterfields and Lucky Strikes, 2 for 25* Saturday, earton 81 16 of 10 pkgs. ..I CIGARS 8c Flor de Intal.5gk Box of 60 .82.25 10c Harvester, 2 for .. .15* 16e Della Casa .10* Box of 50 .84.50 -RUBBER GOODS $1.25 2-qt. Velvet Fountain Syringe .85* $1.50 2-qt. Velvet Combina tion Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe ...98* $3.50 Le Grande Female Spray Syringe -$1.98 $2.50 Le Grande Combination Fountain Syringe and Water Bottle, guaranteed two year*, for-$1.59 -DRUG WANTS 30e Phenolax Wafer*. 22* 60e Phillips Milk of Mag nesia . 36* 26c Mile* Anti-Pain Pills tor . 21* 25c De Mars Cascara Tonic and Liver Pills ... •17* $1.10 Mastms Vitamon Tab let* for .69* $1.26 Pinkham Vegetable Compound for.92* 30c Lavoris ... .19* $3.76 Horlick’a Hospital Size Malted Milk, each, $2.98 26e Mentholatum . . ...17* $1.50 Lyko Tonic for. .98* 26e Lyadl .19* 60c Norwich Milk of Mag nesia for .33* $1.00 Listerine.79* 30c laxative Bromo Quinine tot . 23* 60c Syrup Figs .43* 60c Doan's Kidney Pills, 44* 60c Zonite Antiseptic. .43* 25c N. R. Tablets.17* 60c Hind* Honey and Almond Cream .38* -SOAPS 10c Creme Oil Soap.5* 10c Palmolive Soap.7* 10c Coleo Soap, Colgate’s. for . 7c 10c Jergens Violet Glycerine Soap . 7* 16c Fab or Lux Soap Chips for . 9* -FOR MEN $1.00 Gem Razor with blades for .. 67* $6.00 Gillette Gold Razor and three blades, special.. 79* Auto Strop Razor with blade and strop, Saturday only, for.64* $1.00 Gillette Razor Blades for.69* $1.00 Auto Strop Blades for.65* $1.00 Sewing Seissori, 7, 8, 0 inches long, special.... 59* —TOILET ARTICLES — 60c Ipana Tooth Paste. -39* 60c Squibbs Magnesia Dental Cream . 39* 60c Pebeco Tooth Paste, 32* 60e Wernerts Powder for false teeth .46* $1.00 Pjtos for Pyorrhea for.69* 50e Prophylactic Tooth Brush . 35* 50c Dr. West Tooth Brush for.38* 35e Colgate Handy Grip Shav ing Stick.27* 85c DeMars Shaving Cream for.23* 35c Safctee Shaving Cream or Stick .17* 50c Beaton’s Cold Cream for . 39* 30c Kolynos .22* 10c Wanous Shampoo Bags, 4 for.25* 75c Stacomb for the hair for.54* $1.50 Van Ess Hair Grower for.81.18 80c Emulsion Cocoanut Oil for . 34* $2.00 Goutorbe Double Com pact, all shades, gold or black enamel hinge box, for . 98* 60c Lucky Tiger Hair Tonic for. 42* -RADIO SETS $7.50 Radio Crystal Sets for . 84.98 $5.00 Radio Head Phones, 3,000-Ohm . 83.98 $1.50 Receiving Plugs for . 81.29 $15.00 complete Radio Crystal Sets with head phones, aerial plug for electric light socket and ground wire, ready to tune in .. .89.98 MAIL ORDERS Add 5 cents on every dollar or fraction thereof to cover pack ing and postage. the league, ruled the motion out of order. Decision as to disposition of the money will be made by Miss Belle Sherwln of Cleveland, first national vice president, who will stop in Omaha October 3, enroutc to the convention at Aurora, Neb., October 4 and 5, said Mrs. McKelvy. Delegates elected to the slate con vention at the meeting Thursday are Mesdames F. H. Cole, Gentry Waldo, Charles Neale and Dora Alexander Talley. Mrs. McKelvy, president, will also represent the league by virtue of her office and will appoint two other dele gates. Undertakers are unknown in Japan. When a person dies there the body is encofflned and buried by a member of the family. Roastin' Ears Arc Given Introduction to Prince of Wales Calgary, Alta, Sept. 21.—Eord Ren frew was introduced to another royal Canadian dish at his noon day meal today when he sat down to a “feed” of corn on the cob at the E. P. ranch. The prince did not hesitate and ate several ears In regular farm hand fashion. Lord Renfrew spent the morning In supervising numerous tasks being done on his>anch in preparation for the winter. Lord Renfrew has expressed him self as pleased over the improvement in his property and is making plans that Indicate he may be a frequent visitor there In the future. W. C. T. U. Meeting. Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 21.—Th* county convention of the It. C. T. U wa« held in this city wrlth attendance from Burchard, Pawnee City, Table Hock and DuBois. A report of th# national convention was given. CASH® CREDIT Prices always the lowest ewYEAR AND A HALF . frPAy Poster ' Bed t style lr brown mahogany finish. Full si/e Splendid value, reduced to— S36J° Wood Tub r Electric Washer —Stationary Attached Wringer ia it Fully Guaranteed One of the finest electric ash'rs made—makes wash day a pleasure, not a drudg • ry. Wood tub. with loose ringer attached. Here's an ' ’ir.rtunlty to realize a «av Chifforobe •solves the problem of lack * closet space. Full length clothes press, roomy draw ers and hat compartment as shown. Only— *34.= iff Values Typical of Real Hartman Value! 3-Piece Genuine “Kroehler Velour Upholstered Duofold Suite "zsssst ss^raTO«s,oy»a5 $qq n ^ ' slue, »peclal . * ^^IIIIkV Mahogany Finish Poster Style Dresser \ T.arje. clear mirror. Roon drawer apace. Regular \alue at !>xl2 It. Seamless Wool lace Hnnsels ltuits—A heavy, serv iceable grade. Special at. 9x12 ft. Axmlnster Kngs—In an extra heavy grade. Splendid colorings. Saturday at. 9x12 ft. Itojal Milton Jiugs— With fringed ends. Varied as sortment of attractive patterns. Prepare Now For Cold Weather! Winter Time Is Just Around the Comer! Very soon, now, the cheerful warmth of indoor* will be very welcome. Have you considered your Stove or Heater purchase? Best not to delay—come to Hartman’s. Here you’ll find the largest display in ihe city of every sort of stove, range, heater or combination range at Hartman's usual bargain prices. And you'll get immediate delivery. Note these typical values! Visit Our Big Stove Department—Inspection and Comparison Invited. • Home ^ Oak Heater Has heavy steel body; highly polished nickel parts. Here's a real heater. Very specially priced for tffcO 7? Saturday * I A L~ Only . The Famous “Regent” Gas Range \ Complete With Baking Oven An excellent, high-grade gae range: equipped with 4-burner top. High, sanitary legs nickel trimmed: drop atria oven door. Enamel door panel, plain black, no white . _ . _ apla*h»r hack or white drip pan, 7 5 A bargain at.. q3 jTe~ "ft Guaranteed Oil Heater High-grade " Perfec tion” make. !n the plain Mack. Portable from room to ror*m. $10.00 .... "Airtight” * Hot Blast A wonderful Tala* In this "ho* blast" heater. Burns coal op wood economically. Hand somely nickel trimmed. Give* ample heat for the averse* »l«e home. A reductlo* worth while Buy Yours Now! “Globe Regent” Combination Range 4-burner lop. 4-lldtyp*. Has lk Inch > i'aking oven, fully guaranteed. I’eautTful nickel trimming; attrac tive white eplaaher back and doer panels. $U»u value, $119.C Guaranteed “Palace” Coal or Wood Rangel A raniarkahla barpa'n In a flna atova nlrkrl trimmed. pra-ed a' a nrl.-a that ahould sell manv on Ka Uinta- I.vrae ' ox an. Complete. ^ ^ with w arming p C » 95 cloer t, anl> ... - Hartman’s Wonderfully Complete StoveStocks Include such famous makes as “Garlands, ” “Regents, * * * Bakers, * * “Globes,” “Penninsulars, ” Etc. You are sure to find hen exactly what you want at the ■ price you want to pay-and — your credit is jfooa, if yo*» . ^care to use it. Il I nJiiJH— 1 Rugs—Breakfast Room Sets—Dishes—Kitchen Furniture—Etc. Exceptional Values in Quality Living Room Suites!