The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 22, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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    Former Nebraska
Senator Sues Son
John Swanson Brings Court
V\ction lo Collect $2,323
of Alleged Debts.
Columbus, Neb.. Sept. 21.—Former
State Senator John Swanson lms
Med suit in district court In an effort
to collect $2,323 and Interest which
he alleges Ida son, Gilbert tV. Swan
son. owes him. The petition contain!
four counts, the first three being on
a series of three notes of $400 and
interest each and the fourth being
SI,123, which the father alleges is due
him as rent on 178 acrea of land.
^old Star Mothers of
Nebraska Elect Officers
Hastings, Neb., Sept. 21.—The Gold
Star Mothers of Nebraska, meeting
here In connection with the Amer
ican Legion, re-elected the following
officers: Mrs. T. J. Gist, Falls City,
1 president; Mrs. Boiler, York, vice
president; Mrs. G. W. Murphy,
Chadron, secretary-treasurer. The
organization will meet in connection
with the legion again next year.
Blue Springs Pastor Is
Transferred to Nebraska
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 21.—Rev. Con
rad Hewitt, pastor of the United
Brethren church at Blue Springs, has
been transferred to Nehawka, Neb.,
ami will leave for that place this week.
His successor at Blue Springs is Rev.
Mr. Brink.
Prominent Farmer Dies.
Pawnee City, Neb., Sept. 21.—J.
if. U. Martin, prominent farmer liv
ing just east of this city, died In the
Pawnee City hospital following an
operation for Intestinal trouble. He
had been a resident of the community
for many years. Funeral services
were held Friday.
Adele Garrison
“My Husband's Love”
The Way THrky Came Home to Madge
My hopo of Bleep, which ehould
banish the reinehibrance of the book
I had read and had tortured tnyelf
Into believing its hero was my hus
band, did not materialize.
I tried every 'expedient I knew,
but I heard each quarter-hour strike
from the old chimes In a church
tower nearby until a tangible anxi
ety was added to the Imaginary ono
which had been terrifying me.
Surely, I told myself, when 2
o’clock had sounded, the most drawn
out banquet should be over, and I
knew that it was less than a half
hour's journey from the big hotel
where the affair had been held, to
our humble apartment.
Dicky ought to be home.
Suppose something had happened
to hinti
Useless to tell myself that if my
husband were the man about whom
I had been reading, he was distinct
ly not worth worrying about, and
my life would be more peaceful If
he never came home. That primal
emotion of woman, fear of danger
to her mate, swept over me, held
me tense, breathless, agonized for
the hour and a half which elapsed
until I heard the hall door open and
close and Dicky’s key in the lock.
Then with something akin to the
emotion which prompts a mother to
slap a child over whose disappear
ance she lias been agonizing. I found
myself unwilling' to greet him
kindly, or even to speak to him if
I could help it, and cuddling down
into the bedclothing so that there
was left only an aperture for breath
ing, I pretended to be asleep.
A Terrifying Thought.
X kept up a regular and deep
breathing for several seconds after
the door had opened and closed again.
And then, dlsquietingly, I realized
that Dicky had not moved after
closing the door. He was standing
motionless, Inside the door, and I
• AT Untie 3857 AT Ipntic 3857 <
\ Li iiifff fJifTJiy (
ll|T3 ■ 1 § I I J| . Wi " 1 ^ ^ ^ fl
lUM 1 t 1 ill | I A A M M 1 ■
> l^g^BSEEr 1
I SEWARD or Idlewild Butter. .47c
AMERICAN CREAM or Brick Cheese.29c
I CHICKENS—Spring, fresh dressed, lb.. .32Y2c
PORK SHOULDERS—Fresh, lb.10%c
> POT ROAST—Choice Steer, lb.12V2c
1 PORK CHOPS—Ex. lean, center cut, lb..221/2C
VEAL ROAST—Young and fancy, lb.15c
* BACON—Dolds, sugar cured, Yz or whole 17*/2C
PORTERHOUSE STEAK—Short cuts, lb. 25c
* T-BONE STEAK—Very choice, lb... .35c
HAM—Sugar cured, skinned, Yz or whole, 21 Yzc
Del Monte or Nomis Brand Berries
Blackberries, Red Raspberries, Straw- a a aa
* berries, Black Raspberries and Logan- t MltC I tP
berries, in heavy syrup. ” WWW I VU
I ANKOLA COFFEE . 3 lbs for 98c
TEA—Black and green mixed, per lb.29c
> OMAR FLOUR—48-lb. bag.$1.59
CRYSTAL WHITE Laundry Soap, 10 bars 43c
* CREME OIL Toilet Soap, 4 bars for.29c
PEARL WHITE Laundry Soap, 10 bars for 39c
► COOKING APPLES, per lb.5c
RADISHES—Fey. home grown, 5 bunches 10c
* CELERY—Finest Michigan, 2 stalks for.. .15c
^ SWEET POTATOES—Jersey variety, 3 lbs. 23c
PECAN ROLLS—Large size, per pan.20c
► BOHEMIAN Rye Bread, 3 loaves for.25c
Grand Opening Saturday
New Dodge Market
Omaha’s most modernly equipped and newest market withes to
announce that they are open for business with a full lino of
Groceries, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Vegetables, Bakery, Delicates
sen and Creamery goods. Our latest fixtures of marble and
tile and full stock of the best goods on the market enable us to
serve the public at large in a clean and efficient manner. Open
for inspection.
113 N. 16th Street Phone AT 7911
Pig Pork Loini, 1 Q 1
half or whole. 2 C
Pig Pork Road, 1 A 1 _
per lb.IUzC
Fey. Dressed Spring QA3
Chickena .s&J/cfC
Freah Dreaaed 1 Q3 A
Chickena .1J74C
Armour’s Star or Q J* _
Dold'a Hama .40C
Lean Breakfaat QO 1
Bacon .44JC
Freah Young Veal 111.
Road .1 ItC
10 Iba. Granulated Q[J
Sugar . . .,.OOC
IP bara P. A G. dO
Soap for.“»OC
Try our Dodge Special OA .
Coffee, lb.OUC
3 Iba for. . ..85<*
Armour’s Veribeat 1 A
Pork A Beana.IwC
3 cana for.... .Z7<*
N. B. C. Premium 1 C _
Sodaa, aalted .IOC
Windmill Preserves, Oi .
20 oxs.
Kellogg * K rumble*, 09
2 Pkg*. ZoC
Wedgewood Fancy iQ
Creamery Butter. *i»C
10 lb*. Granulated QC«
Sugar . ODC
Sweet Potatoei, g
per lb.DC
Red Rirer Ohio O A _
Potato**, peck.lJUC
40c, 50c
40c, 50c
Cooking Apple*, |g
per lb.DC
Large Bunch * | A
Celery .IUC
Green Bean*, g
per lb.DC
Beet*, Carrot* and g
Turnip*, per lb .OC
per lb.**C
Free Deliveriis on all orders of $2.SO or Over to all parts of city.
We Fill Mail Orders Promptly.
Orders taken Friday after 12 m. delivered Saturday; orders taken
Saturday up to 12 in. delivered Saturday; after 12 m., Monday.
heard no sound but that of his hur
ried, unsteady breathing.
An utterly absurd but terrifying
thought seized me. Suppose it were
not Dicky standing there, but some
marauder who had in some way se
cured a key to the rooms?
My pulse seemed to Btop and my
flesh felt Icy as I faced this possi
bility, but I knew there was but one
thing to do.
With a swift movement, as noise
less as I could make ft, I slfpped from
my bed on the opposite side from the
door, and snapped on the switch of
the night lamp at tho head of the
bed. But at what the light revealed,
I forgot my absurd fear, xny auger
against my husband, my worry over
the book I had read—everything but
the_ fact that disheveled, pallid,
shaking, Dicky was leaning against
the wall, either sorely hurt or des
perately 111, I did not at first know.
Then, even as I sprang toward him,
I saw tha edge of a bandage beneath
his hat, and knew that he had ex
perienced some accident.
"I’ll Attend to This Myself.”
I wasted no time in exclamations
or questions. My long association
with Lillian has schooled me In a
habit which my mother's teaching
began long ago. I drew up a chair
to Dicky's side, and slipped my hand
under his arm.
"Sit down, dear,” I said softly,
the caressing word involuntarily ut
tering itself.
He slumped heavily against me,
while tho pallor of his face deepened.
"Bed,” ho whispered to my re
lief, for knowing his reluctance to
be "doctored'' or "babied," I had not
ventured to suggest his lying down.
But he was almost a dead weight
upon mo when I finally got him to
the bed, and with the whispered
words, “No doctor,” he fainted.
Fortunately I have had much ex
perience with swoons, and in sick
ness and accidents of widely differ
ing kinds, so that I was not as much
alarmed as I otherwise would have
been, but even with my conviction
that he was only in an ordinary
swoon, there seemed a tight bana
clutching my heart until the restora
tives I applied were rewarded by the
opening of Dicky’s eyes.
“Did I go under?" he asked slow
ly. “What a fool!”
“Don't talk yet!” I urged. “Drink
I slipped my arm under his shoul
ders, and put a glass to his lips. He
drained it obediently, and I eased
him back to his pillow, taking my
first opportunity to give more than
a cursory glance to the queer-looking
and blood-stained bandage around his
l’ut as I bent down to inspect the
bandage, Dicky put up both hands
over it, as If he were protecting it
from me.
“Didn't you ever see a cut on the
head before?” he demanded crossly.
“I’m all right now. or will be in a
I minute or iwo, and I’ll attend to this
I myself."
(Copyright. 1»23.)
Pioneer Resident of Gage
County Dies at Beatrice
Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 21.—Andrew
I’. Holmbeck, 80, a resident of Gage
county since 1883, died at Ills home In
Beatrice. Mr. Holmbeck was n native
of Swecdcn and after locating In Gage
Voss Electric
Washing Machine
With Swinging Wringer
Sold on Such Low Terras That
It Actually Pays for Itself.
k J
May Be Purchased
at the Rate of
The Greatest of All Home Electric Servants
Nationally known as a great household time and labor saving de
vice. The choice and favorite of hundreds of housewives. The
leader of the most popular type. Lowest priced of its quality
and size.
Fifth Floor
A New and Better Soap
that ends all cleaning problems
The first thing we need is good soap,
and one good soap does most of our
If the soap is efficient, a positive
cleansing agent, harmless to hands,
clean smelling and pulverized for con
venience, a very great deal of the load
is eliminated.
LINN la all that and more. Its lemon and
cocoanut oils combined with the purest ma
terials known to modern soap-making and
natural water softeners make you realize wrhat
soap satisfaction really means. And it la eco
nomical. One package will prove that.
Chicago, Illinois
*Banana - Custatd
Pr Irate
Brand V
A Breeze from the tropics. Hard
ing’s Banana Custard Ice
Cream! Newly made every day
with the palate-tempting flavor of
ripe bananas, rich cream, Santa
Clara Peaches and pure cane
sugar. A real Custard Ice Cream.
Any Harding dealer has it. Quart
and Pint Bricks.
It’s a dessert that requires
no preparation.
'JAie Cream of All
Ice Creanx
county resided on a farm near l’irk
rell for 20 year*. A widow and five
children, four sons and a daughter,
Nearly 90 per cent of our pro*per»
ous women liave fInt feet.
Saturday—Offering New Fall
2=Trouser Suits
Largest Assortments—Best Values and
latest Styles in Up-to-Date Clothes
Men and young
men who look for
clothes of the
most serviceable
types, invariably ap*
preciate two trouser
suits, and our spe
cial offerings are re
markably choice. The
latest models, care
fully tailored of de
pendable all wool fab
rics, in the newest
patterns and shades.
Extra sales
people to
serve you
Perfect fit
All with two trousers—Single and double breasted models in a
great variety ranging from conservative to extreme ideas; per
fectly tailored,, fine worsteds, cassimeres, cheviots. Shorts,
stouts, longs, regulars; sizes are complete.
Last Day of Our Sale of Men s and Young Mens
All Dress Trousers, 3.95
livery pair is made for dress wear, perfect in the tailoring, carefully worked out and
only the finest of trimmings used in their construction. Worsteds, cheviots, cassimeres.
Idue serge. Patterns to please every individual requirement. Hundreds of suiting patterns
included which will go well with your old co at and vest. Light colors, medium colors,
dark colors; any style you want is here. Trousers for men and young men; all sizes, 2$
to 50 waist.
Sale of 1200 New Fall Caps for Men
Saturday-at 98c
A special purchase of 100 dozen all new
fall caps, in the one-piece top style, satin
lined. Light and dark* coloring in tweeds,
softings and suitings; remarkably large
range of patterns. Choose a number of
these at this unusually low price.
Fourth Floor
Men’s Fibre Silk and Silk ^1 95
Striped Madras Shirts 1 ~
Hundreds of beautiful patterns; a lot of shirts
which we purchased at a great price concession,
which saving we are passing on to you. In the
regular wav they would sell at 3.50.
Men s Madras Shirts—
An exceptional opportu
nity to save money on
your shirt, supply. A
good range of colors and
Night Shirts — A very
special bargain in night
shirts; full cut. roomy
garmenst, in sizes Iti to
20; regular 1.50 values
Men’s Sport Coats—.lust the thing ,
for cool wcalther; in all the desired !
colors* tan, brown and. pleasing
color combinations; brushed wool,
smooth weaves and fine worsted
ribbed garments; 95*° 8 50
Munsmg Wear Our fall and win
ter stock of Men's Munsing Union
Suits is now read): licht, medium
and heavy weight winter wear;
make your selections while sizes
are complete; all sizes and stvles;
rcd 1.75,010.00
Mam Floor—South j
Men’s New Fall Shoes and Oxfords
All ...
xpiaro roes; mars has perforated loos, and
tne brown onlf lias a wine tip: special 4 i~\
6.50 values, at. 4*H5
Men’s Brown and
Black Vici Kid High
Shoes -T.-'H) Ar
Boys’ Shoes High and
low, all stvles, all sizos;
special, 2.15, 2.95
and 3.95
Fourth Floor