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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1923)
Club Women to Meet in Beatrice Oct. 23-26. The annual convention of the Ne braska Federation of Women's Clubs, will be held at Beatrice October 23 to 26. The program for the convention will be announced later. Mrs. E. S. Nickerson of PapilUon, president of "the second district, Ne braska Federation of Women's Clubs, organized th< members of her dis trict board at a luncheon at her home on Friday, September 14. Those pres ent were. Mrs. B. E. Mulholland of Valley. Mrs. W. A. Serger of South Side. Mrs. O. M. Jones. Mrs. T. .)■ Johnson and Mrs. O. V. Kring of Omaha, Following the luncheon matters of unfinished business were transacted and plans for the state meeting wore discussed. Columbian dub. The Columbian club will give their first evening card party of the sea son on Thursday, September 27. The ladies acting as hostesses will be Mesdames W. J. Finnegan, P. M. Clark, S. P. Coffey, John Collopy, D. W. Horton. H. D. Hunt, R. Lamp ing. T. *.T7 Ladd, George N. Lehn, J. Boon Kelly and W. J. Nolan. Ak-Sar-Ben Guest. Added to the list, of out-of-tow uers w'ho will arrive in October for the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities is Miss Jose phine Pearson of Montclair, N.^ J.. who will lie the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Olmsted for the ball. Miss Pearson lias a number of Omaha friends made at the University of Wisconsin, of which she is a grad uate. v_ Equal quantities of vinegar and water brushed over every part of the white-washed wall will prepare the walls foe papering. Follow the crowds to THIS STORE SATURDAY. It will PAY YOU WELL in DOLLARS AND CENTS. PHONE ORDER SERVICE UNTIL 8 P. M. TONIGHT. FREE DELIVERY IN THE CITY ON ORDERS FROM $2.50 and up. TELEPHONE AT. 4603. Mail Orders Filled. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ON TOMORROW—SATURDAY We will have our attendant at the green stamp booth ready to exchange all your Wrigley gum wrappers, United Cigar store coupons, trademarks, etc., for _GREEN STAMPS_ GREEN STAMPS and Green Stamp Premiums HAVE PROVEN TO BE THE FAVORITE DISCOUNT OF OMAHA’S MOST THRIFTY MARKET SHOPPERS NOTICE! All C. O. 0. sales slips, Issued since Sept. 8th, will be redeemed for S. A H. green stamps Saturday. After this date stamps will be given on all C. O. D.'s if presented within five days from date of issue. SUGAR, 10 Lbs. BEST CANE 88c OMAR FLOUR, 48-Lb. Sack SI ,69 SUHKlSTFL0UR48-lb.SackS1.59 LI A M C »’• hitaw skinned hams. lb. . .27'.* nnlllg siuar cciied picnic, i.b.12'i* P A 4 AN »u«*r Cured i % ar whole i lb. ,17Vi* DnWwl* I'urltau ( V4 or whole atrip). . . 32 ',(• 0 H I O KENS 'ime*n.K rV. T| AF* 32i/2c FREAK YOUNG PI<i PORK ROAST, LB..11044 FRESH Fit; FORK LOIN, LB.194 4 FRESH FIG FORK i HOPS, LB.24 44 FRESH FIG SPARE RIIIS LB. 944 PRIME RIR ROAST. Honed and rolled, LB.22' -4 STEER REEF POT ROAST, I.B. STEER RIR ItOI L, I.B. 5* FRESH PORTER HOUSE STEAK, I.B.24'-4 FRESH OX TONG I E, I.B.2444 FANCY YOUNG VEAL ROAST, LB.1444 FANCY YOUNG VEAL STEW LB.§44 GENUINE LAMB LEGS, LB.2944 YOl NG LAMB STEW. LB.9' -4 PURE FORK SAUSAGE. LB.1244 HOME CURED CORN REEF, I.B.14' 4 OUR OWN HABIIECI ED HAM. SLICED. LB.*54 Our own 1,000 Idle or MAYONNAISE DRESSING p«. 754 PLUMS 75c PEACHES, FANCY ELBERTAS, FULL BUSHEL, $2.39 GRAPES, FANCY CONCORD. FULL BASKET.274 FEARS, FANCY' BARTLETT*, FULL BU. BOX $3.19 PEARS PEACHES OR TOKAY GRAPES, for table u*e d tlie fIncut aeleeted fruit* .254 ORANGES, BEAUTIFUL SUNKISTS, DOZ.234 LEMONS, LARGE .11 ICY SUNKISTS DOZ. 334 FANCY CELERY HEARTS, lar*e bunch .254 GRAPEFRI IT, DANDY. FLORIDA. 2 fair .254 HEAD LETTUCE, FANCY LARGE HEAD*.^-.104 R \ DISHES YOUNG A \ D TENDER, ft lianehe* .104 SWEET POTATOES, LARGE FOR BAKING 3 lb*. 254 CUCUMBERS, LARGE, FOR SLICING; 3 for 104 CELERY, FRESH FROM KALAMAZOO. 2 STALKS 154 TOMATOES FOR TABLE USE, BASKET . ..104 GREEN OR AVAX BEANS. LB.1 Op APPLES LARGE GREENINGS FOB BAKING, pk. 594 WATERMELON. GUARANTEED RIPE, LB. 24C mTOT cYhn vrio.v 3 Cans 32k: 01 It OWN GEM INK A N KOI, A COFFEE. 2 LBS. .«74 NO. I FRESH ENGLISH WALNUT MEATS, 1,11 £<»<* TIIO UPSON'S SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 LBS. . ... 29^* SANTA CLARA Pill M.S. 2 LBS.234 OATMEAL, tr.c SIZE I'KG.. *pcoinl 3 for 294 PA \« A l\ E FLOI If. Rr^nlnr Lie Seller, PKG.104 HU N t IN OR RED It ASPHCRRIES. JKAr Value. 2 Can* 494 DEL MONTE PKAf IIF.S, APRICOTS and PEARS, Inrpe enna, the flne*t fruit* parked .334 FAMOI S RED DOT SIFTED PE AS, 2fte A nine, Can J 7 %4 FANCY EAEIIGEEN TORN. ran. 114 do* .$1.25 FINEST SELECTED TOMATOES, ran. 114; do* $1.30 ll.AREI) BEANS, hirnc cniin, 104; do*. $1.15 .ALASKA SALMON, toll enu*, 15*. do* $1.75 STHIMil.FSH UFANS. 25o value, run. 15*; ilo*. $1.75 tDVO .'FI.1.0, ii...r)H flnvor*. .1 pkB.. 25r ■roll.»:T I'AI'Flt. Regular Die Sloe, 4 Hall* 'Zhr' III I.K 'IA) AltoNI, FreNli. Nothing Itetter - lit*. 10* ITFVN HIIIV '.OKA I It A( Kill', I.nrge l-lb. IIO\. H * A 'I'l’IH SI III I*. Fvlr* l ine, Worth 7fte, t|T. Bottle 53* I’OST TO A STIRS or KH.UIMi’S CORA FI,AUKS, 2 Inrce plig*.25* Ml mm < ••mitry rREAMERV Pk*. Ik. 45* 321 ITTFP TIHIHHI.VH Dairy Halil, lit. ,4K* W I I bin RKV Ml nilTF.IIIM:. II. 21* |r___ , ^ Klltrr !knt BUTTER INF, III 20* flHFFCp Knnry Salo llolnrallr. Ik. ftOr Wi t l~!aakaSl» Ncrlrtr Prani-h Hoi,urfor«. It.. ?r>r* 0 R Y ST ft LWHITESO AP10 Bars 4 3c ^EARL WHITE SOAP, 13 Bars 35c i i 1814-1C-18 F;unam Phone AT 4603 HONEY MOON Sounds Interesting, doesn’t it? And it’s an appropriate name for the honey - flavored Delicia Special that’s filled with a combina tion of fine fruits, including pineapple bits and fresh shredded cocoanut. Take it horn, today in bulk- or In pint or quart reeled package*. Freren Fmh Daily the BETTER Way in Omnha. Crete. Giand laland and Sioux City _ Hi FairmontCreameryCOi^ . 1 itsTABiisHco 1884- DeliciaIce CirbamCflu To Be Bridesmaids in October. Miss Mary Findley and Miss Dorothy Dahlman leave in October to serve as bridesmaids In the weddings of former schoolmates. Miss Findley leaves the evening of Friday, October 5, for Chicago and the wedding of Miss Doris Pike of La Grange, 111., her roommate at the Bradford acad emy will be. solemnized on Saturday. Following the wedding Miss Tlndley will visit the Robert Itigwersens, former Omahans, at their La Grange home. k Miss Dahlman leaves 'late In the month for Youngston, O.. where she will be maid of honor to Miss Eleanor McClure, Miss McClure and Miss Dahlman were freshmen roomates at Smith college. Miss Dahlman expects to go east after the ceremony for a short visit in Boston and Philadelphia. Affairs for Mrs. Hasley Mrs. Joseph Shireman entertained Friday at the Orpheum following a luncheon at the Brandeis restaurants for Mrs. J. J. Hasley of Indianapolis, who is visiting Mrs. Morey V. Por / . . ter. Mrs. Hasley, who moved away from Omaha last spring, is well known here. John Barnes will give a dinner Saturday evening at the AtH lethic club for the visitor. Next week Mrs. Charles Grant will give a bridge luncheon for Mrs. Has ley on Thursday and Mrs. Michael Coakley will be her hos'ess on Fri day. Mrs. Taylor Hostess. Mrs. E. W. Taylor entertained 24 guests at luncheon and bridge Friday at Happy Hollow. Mrs, Horace Boos of Eos Angeles, who is visiting Mrs. J. W. Welch, was among the out-of town guests. Birthday Dinner. Miss Katheryn White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin *'■ White of Prairie Park addition, entertained at a 6 o’clock dinner Wednesday eve ning, September 19, In honor of her birthday. Covers were laid for seven of her schoolmates. The color scheme was in yellow. Phonograph Facts. Keep the cover on the phonograph when not in use. / Records should be kept in albums, free from dust and warping. The reproducer, will wear longer If records are dusted before using. R will lengthen the life of the phonograph spring if the machine is allowed to run down every now gnd then. Married Girl to Please His Mother By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Dear Miss Fairfax: My mother, knowing that I had broken off with my sweetheart, asked me to marry a very good girl that she liked very much, wh^ch I did to please mother, hut I could not learn to love my wife, and I told her so. She went back to her parents to stay. I ptlll love my sweetheart dearly, but she is to be married in December to a young man she does not love, but her mother stated to me that she loves me' more than ever and Is sorry for the trouble we had. Will I $o the right thing, taking her away from this young man, as I know he loves her very much? This girl knows that I am married and goes out with me at the present time. TEDDY S. You are complicating life for your self and for eve jy one with whom you coine in contact by letting too many people influence you. When you drifted into marriage on your mother s suggestion, and then did not make good, you began the process of weak ening your own character. Now you are being Influenced by the thought that your old sweetheart loves ysu and are letting her revive her Interest In you, though you are married. If you still love tjie first girl, and she cares for you, tlW first step for you to take Is to see\f your present wife is willing to give you your free dom. — Betty. Your mother Is not unrea BUEHLER BROS. OMAHA’S LEADING CASH MARKETS For Quality Meats—Quick Service and Lowest Prices 212 N 16th St. PLEASE SHOP EARLY 2408 Cuming St. 4903 S 24th St. Stores Open Till 9 P. M. 634 W. Broadway, Co. Bluffs Fresh Killed Spring Chicken < Choice Beef Chuck Roast Sugar Cured Picnic Hams lie Small Lean Pork Shoulder# 10c Fresh Killed Young Hens 25c Prime Rolled Beef Ribs 1 Op (boneless) .*,••»••• lOv BEEF CUTS Choice Boiling Beef.5c Choice Beef Pot Roast.9c Choice Beef Chuck Roast.12c Choice Round Steak.15c Choice Sirloin Steak. 15c Fresh Cut Hamburger. 10c Pickled Beef Tongues.25c GENUINE SPRING LAMB Fancy Hindquarters.22c Fancy Forequarters.15c Fancy Lamb Chops.. • • ..25c —-——1■ ' ' PORK CUTS Fresh Spareribs .10c Fresh Pork Butts. 17c Choice Pork Loin Roast.20c Fresh Leaf Lard.14c Little Pig Hearts, 4 lbs.25c Fresh Pig Liver, 2 lbs.. .15c Pickled Pig Feet, 4 lbs.,25c BUTTERINE Liberty Nut Oleo.20c Evergood Oleo, 2 lbs.48c Evergood Oleo, 5 lbs.$1.20 Danish Pioneer Creamery Butter. . 45c Fancy Cream Cheese.32c Fancy Brick Cheese.32c P. & G. White Naptha Laundry 4Ap Soap, 10 bars for.“wL Pillsbury’s Best Flour, 24-lb. QQ sack for.OOC SMOKED MEATS Sugar Cured Strip Bacon.18c Sugar Cured Bacon.20c Sugar Cured Breakfast Bacon.,.22c Sugar Cured Picnic Hams.11c Sugar Cured Skinned Hams . . .23c Cudahy’s Puritan Skinned Hams. . . .28c Cudahy’s Puritan Bacon .30c VEAL CUTS Choice Veal Roast.12^c Choice Veal Stew ..9c Choice Veal Chops.v17c Choice Veal Legs, V2 or whole.18c Choice Veal Loins, Vz or whole.18c SPECIAL ON CANNED GOODS Fancy Early June Peas, 3 cans.40c Fancy Sweet Corn.10c Fancy Tomatoes. 10c Puritan Malt .55c Van Camp’s Milk, tall cans.10c Van Camp’s Milk, small cans.5c Buehler Bros. Peaberry Coffee.30c Buehler Bros. Royal Coffee.40c Armour’s Veribest Milk, tall cans. . ,10c Fancy Peaches.20c Fancy Red Cherries .25c Fancy Sliced Pineapple.35c Pure Cane Sugar, 100-lb. sacks $9.05 umo AT. ( 5490$ Wst Harney Phone AT. \ *717.3 OMAHA’S BEST FOOD MARKETS The Home of Quality Products Come Once and You Will Come Always ■ - 10 lba. Cane Sugar 89tf 48-lb. sack Pillsbury Best Flour SI.59 Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb. .32' -itf Best Cuts Fancy Shoulder Roast, per lb.141 ■>& Fancy Pot Roast, per lb. UV*4 Fancy Young Veal Breasts, lb. S'-jC 1' Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg.300 Instant Swansdown Cake Flour, pkg.250 Shredded Wheat, per pk>r.10 Quaker Oats, per pktf.131 jO Advo White Asparagus Tips, can. . 480 Advo Extra Sifted Peas, per can. . . 250 Per dozen.$3.00 Red Dot Sifted Peas, can .. 171 ;jO Per dozen.-$3.00 214-lb. can Windmill Sliced Pineapple for.350 Tall cans Windmill Red Salmon, can 250 Prime Rolled Rib Roast, lb.22' 2$ Lean Young Pig Pork Roast, lb. . 141ijC^ Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb.15<* and 12,i<^ Fresh Cut Hamburger, per lb. . . 12,i^ Fa... Fresh Short Cut Reef Tongues, per lb.. 22'i:^ Armour’s Shield Narrow Lean Breakfast Bacon, per lb.23Vls^ Hood River Bartlett Pears, | per box $3.25 Blue Plums, per box 89c A Convenient Fcononiical Food Iten Graham Crackers, the Junior Caddie, Saturday, -ISC Homo Grown Blue Grapes, basket 2!»C Creme Oil Soap, :i bars urw* 1 Bar Free Crystal White Soap, 10 bars ir>c <i-lb. basket Fancy Tokay Crape*. 7oC Extra Fancy Elbertn Peaches, per bushel $2.39 Sweet Potatoes, per market basket Fancy Navy Beans per lb. 10<* 8 lbs., 25^ Walter Maker’s Chocolate, per lb. .w Guaranteed Fresh Checked Kjtrs in cartons, per do/. »7(* Central Xtra Quality Creamery pk(f. Butter, per Ih ItJ'.f'' Fancy 1-lb. pk»:. Tdmburger Cheese, lb. Our Contrnl Special Coffee, Jb„ 30* 3 n»a.. 88<* Our Delicious Salad Pressing, pint, ,|0<* 'a pint. •JQc^ sonable, Betty. Girls of 1» are too young to be out late at night in com pany with young men. You will have plenty of time for dances and parties when you are out of school. Arthur J.: The University of Ne braska at Lincoln and Creighton uni versity, Omaha, have medical schools. The Nebraska University College of Medicine is in Omaha, but you would have to take your pre-medic work in Lincoln. _ Mrs. R. J. R.t Do not rub soap on the garment. Make a strong suds, using a good white soap. Rinse three nr four times In warm water and roll In a bath towel. Press with warm Iron. Comings and Goings of People You Know Sam Carlisle left Monday evening to enter his Junior year at Dart mouth. Mrs. J. E. Gatchell has gone to To ledo. O, to visit relatives for a few weeks. Miss Agnes Dunaway will leave Tuesday for Chicago, where she will attend the university. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Creighton leave on Tuesday to go to the derby race meets at Louisville, Ky. The Tom Flynns have gone east to meet the John Maddens, who left In August for a flying trip aboard. The Maddens sailed for home last Saturday and the party will return to Omaha next week. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Gale of Chicago are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Robert Shepherd and Mr. Shepherd. The Robert Stouts of Tekamah spent a day with John F. Stout and Miss Gertrude, en route to a month's visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Platt have left for a few weeks' visit in Boise. Idaho, where they will visit Mrs. Platt's brother. Miss Nellis Duff of New York left last evening for Minneapolis, following a visit with Mrs. Catherine Allison at Rosemere Lodge. Mrs. Blaine Young and Mrs Mark Levings went to Sioux City Friday. They will be guests at the Country club there on Saturday for golf and luncheon. Mrs. James B. Strang of Brooklyn, formerly Miss Mlargaret McCoy, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McCoy, for the next two weeks. Miss Mildred Larsen of Los An geles, formerly of this city, who has been visiting relatives and friends here for several weekt, left Frida* morning for her homt. Mra. C. W. Hayea, former Omaha a, ia here for six weeks, stopping at the Flatiron hotel. Mrs. Hayes hss re sided In Upland, Cal., during the past eight months. _ Mrs. Edward Johnson la expected home soon from Boston where aha has been since May. Mrs. Johnson Is leader of the literature department of the Omaha Woman's club. She has written that she will be home for tha opening day of the department, Octo ber 2. Mrs. Paul Sisson of Columbus, O., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Uhl, Jr., for a few weeks. Mrs. Sisson will be remembered by friends made, when she was a resident of Omaha seven years ago when Mr. Sisson was the managing editor of a local news paper. Mr. Bisson will Join her here later. - The daughters of Mr. and Mra. Charles G. Trimble, the Misses Elizabeth and Jeannie Trimble, have left Omaha to enter their school years, the former at the University of Nebraska and the latter at Monti cello seminary. Godfrey, 111. Mrs. Trimble's mother, Mrs. J. S. Came ron, has gone to Missoula, Mont., to visit her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Henry, and the Reverend Henry for a few weeks. For Quality Just Around ■ O, r - the Corner General Information Mr. Ek, HA. 1325 SERVICE AND ECONOMY Service has become a definite and positive thing in practically every mercantile operation. Service has come to have an actual and tangible value. , Service is often worth more in convenience and time to the buyer than the commodity which is bought and sold. Save your time, telephone your order now to your neighborhood Handy Service Store. VINEGAR Haaman’g “Diamond H“ Brand. Buy gallons and save the cost of many bot tles. Per gallon. 45c i-Fruits and Vegetables Colorado Jonathans, APPLES £££.85c ..... Small Baskets, 20c*, PEACHES as, 82.75 mi ■ ■ ■ ■ m Extra Fancy Blue Plums, PLUMS EL,.20c PEARS P,r2Z. 30c __A Home Grown Concord ! GRAPES “X’ per 25c Head LnTucESS^4.. 15c COFFEE c”“,rs,r."tar39c CRACKERS «63c Swansdown 29c SAL SOD A**,H 7 c BON AMIr^y"^21c Pork & Beans'-"r -25c Post Toasties -25c CHOCOLATE1“^39c COCOA 22c Mousetraps 25c Nut Margarine “The Finest Margarine Made” Lb. ISTRODK TORI OFFER—S-cop alorat. nnm perenliitor or r«nn<t roaster—choice of either nith :ftl cartons. Fairmont’s "BETTER' BUTTER" Kirschbraun's "IDEAL BUTTER" "Best in the West” MILK Robert* label their milk the date it'* bottled. SKINNER’S Macaroni Noodles Spaghetti OMAR Wonder FLOUR Every sack guaranteed. 24-pound QZf sack. p n IT A Fresh Bread Daily, Buy of Handy Service Stores DllLHU “BUTTERNUT” “FAULTLESS” “MILK CRUST”