The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 22, 1923, CITY EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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    Picture Show Association
Is ( rganized at Dunbar
Dunbar. : b.. Sept. 21.—'The Dun
>ar Picture Show association organ
*ed here last evening with the follow
ng officers: A. Weller, president: A
“• Boyd, vice president; Thomas Mur
•ay, treasurer; Wilbur W. Anneas
k lecretary.
me object of the association Is to
give Dunbar on up-to-date picture
show, showing the best films, and
make it a community affair. The
officers are leading business men of
the town. The new company was or
ganized under the direction of the
Dunbar Community club.
Bee Want Ads produce results.
Nebraska Naval Officer
Probes Destroyer Wreck
Hastings, Neb.. Sept. 21.—A Nebras
ka naval officer. Commander Leslie
E. Bratton, Is directing the naval in
quiry Into the Point Honda destroyer
disaster, which occurred 10 days ago.
Bratton, who Is the son of City Clerk
A. T. Bratton of Hastings, was judge
advocate of the naval division to
which the destroyers were attached.
He had been ordered transferred to
Washington to be assistant judge ad
vocate general, but when the disaster
occurred the transfer was postponed
until completion of the inquiry.
Nearly one-eighth of the surface of
Sweden is covered by lakes.
Diversified ‘"Farming’’ on
City Lot Is Profitable
Colutnhus, Neb., Sept. 21.—Pete
Sehaecher, deputy county treasurer,
has a story of diversified “farming"
on a city lot 44 by 66 feet at his
home on the south-side here. This
year Pete has raised 20 bushels of po
tatoes, five bushels of sweet corn, and
all of the strawberries and common
garden vegetables his family could
use, besides the fruit of his cherry
trees and grape vines. From the
latter he obtained five bushela of
Passengers Quit Ship
Providence, K. I., Sept. 21.—The
Colonial pasenger liner Lexington,
from New York, went aground in a
thick fog in Narragansett bay eaily
today. The i«ssengers were trana
ferred to a small steamer and brought
here The Lexington is believed to be
Marine Fliers Reach U. S.
Miami, Fla., Sept. 21.—Lieuts. Ford
O. Rogers an 1 Horace D. Palmer, ma
rine corps aviator* attempting a
flight froift Santo Domingo to fit.
Louis, Mo., landed at the Hialeah
flying field here shortly after noon
from Havana.
A regular passenger airplane serv
ice has been established between
London and Prague
Two Popular Dance Numbers
Love Tales" Great White Way Orchestra
Somebody’s Wrone;’’- Benson Orchestra
75c Fifth Floor
Burgess Nash Company
•everybody's store”
Special Menu Daily
We nerve hi delightful and satntfylnjr luncheoc
with choice v-f »oup. choice of hot and com m^ati oi
fish, choice of vegetable ot salad, choke f\ **
of dessert and drink. The food in dt- f*
llclous, the service prompt, attentive.
Seventh Floor
Women’s Fall Shoes
Newest Styles in Smart Footwear show a tendency toward
solid colors in shades of tan, woody broun and plain black
these are marked at the unusually low price of $7.50.
Two of the Many Styles
Are List: J Below.
A new dress slipper of black
satin with center strap of black
suede In Grecian cut-out design at
A ent-out one-strap pump is de
Hi vel oped In field mouse kid with
covered wooden heels, $7.50.
Ma'.n Floor
Pitied TravePnj Cases, 48-!
We have o. ly a limitod supply of these fitted cases, complete
».th every requisite for an over-night trip. These are regularly ,
priced 120.00. Ivory or am her fittings.
Blnin I Icor,
Cl am i” tie Gloves
ZTl ^ A
Fair $i.OO
Values Up to $3.00
An opportunity to purchase an cn
tire tall and winter's supply ol
Cbamoisctte gloves at a remark
ably low price 12 and 16-button
lengths a9 well as smart gauntlets
All colors and all sizes.
Main Floor
New Ribbons
Recent arrivals In fall ribbon
show many new designs for bags
sashes and fancy work. Included
are heavy faille and taffeta ribbons
in Dresden and Jacquard patterns
All are 9-ineh w idths. CQ/»
Regular $1.50 values.0*71
Mnin Floor
Burgess-Na h Special
Granite Hosiery
$2 00
Women who
have been wear
ing excellent
hose will be de
valued to know
t'at we now
! ive a complete
’ ne of new fall
These are of
• medium weight
silk, full fash
ioned and made
with the triple
knee assuring ex
ceptional wear
ing qualities.
\ rinnnnion, nt
I'nr, onie, oak
wona, log caDin.
polo gray, African brown, sen'
brown, tan, fawn and black.
Women’s Fancy Ribb,
Sport Hose, $1.00
Among the newest and most pop
ular fall hosiery for sports and
street wear Is fancy ribbed mer
cerized hose; In black and navy,
also eo blnatlons of black and sil
ver and brown and silver.
Main Floor.
Columbine Un’on Suits, $1.0P_
Suits of mc<' urn weight cotton with
French band and bodice styles; tight
knee; white only. Reg- A-| Ark
Extra Sizes, $1.25.
Fine Lisle Bloomers, 85c c
Made with elastic at waist and ki ^
well reinforced; white and Qr n
flesh. Regular sizes. O0C||
Extra Sizes Priced at 95c t
_____ Second Floor
Costume Blouses
The subject of blouses Is ever of pre-eml
n> - ' ance to the well dressed woman
>fv\i —particularly with the vogue
l V for separate skirts and blouses
\fj continuing strong.
Overblouse Jacquette
Tuck-in Styles
Every one of these blouses will
make an individual appeal. Can
tons and crepe tie chines In a large
variety of colors in plain and fig
ured effects. Some are embroid
ered, others finished with tiny or
namental buttons.
$6.95 to $13.50
Third Floor.
An Extraordinary Purchase and Sale of
Sample Jewelry/^?
In this assortment of imported sample jewelry are necklaces, earrine*
sheath pins, choker necklaces, and an assortment of boxed jewelrv including
cuff links, sweater sets, beauty pins, Waldemar chains, and many other articles
suiwune ior gins.
Choker Necklaces
are the newest accessories to the fall
costume. These may be had In any
color and several combinations.
Sheath Pins
are an attractive addition to any hat,
coat lapel or dark blouse. Many
beautiful new patterns from which
to choose.
The Necklaces
are 18 to 24-ineh strands of indestructible
pearl necklaces; 24 and 30-inch novelty chains,
48-inch jet chains and 30 and 36-inch lapis
The Ear Rings
t' be worn this season, are entirely different
than they have been heretofore. Hoop, shower
and pendant effects in any number of new
and novel designs.
Main Floor.
Exceptional Values in
Women’s Dresses, $18.75
\ Hundreds of beautiful new fall dresses grouped in this one low
m Prlcp l°t for Saturday’s selling. The models are suitable for street
I ) 'veai> drPW» or business. These dresses feature the new full lines, in
'-v eluding the basque-straight-line, and eoat dresses, and nre trimmed
with lace, beads, buttons, pleated ruffles, braids and panels. Materials
shown are—
Poiret Twills Cantons
Wool Crepe Wool Waffle Crepe
Many color combinations are shown, and the sizes are from 16 to
20, and !16 to 46.
Warner’s Bande aux
We have just received a new shipment of these popular brassieres, in
front and back fastening. All are made of good quality, plain and fig
ured materials, with good serviceable shoulder straps, rust- ff A
proof hooks, eyes; many have clastic waistband attached, Ot/C
I New Fall Skirts $5=
Quite the smartest outfit for sports or
street wear when worn with either
sweater or chappie coat. Lovely silk
and wool fabrics, some pleated in knife,
side or box pleated effects—some are
tailored, using simplicity of line to
stress the beauty of materials. Sizes
°3 to 33. Others to $25.00.
Chappie Coats s6=
Now that sweaters have developed
into chappie coats, they become swag
ger affairs with added warmth as well
as style. Beautifully made of fines'
quality imported yarns, mohair, alpaca,
camel’s hair and angora. $6.95 to $25
Third Floor.
Candy Specials—Saturday
.nnrsliuiellonr snow llalla—A |
creamy marshmellow dipped
in chocolate and rolled In
'ocoanut . . |
SI I Ik rinwolatrs—Assorted fla
vors, regularly 90c, package
•>aturda> . 7Uf
Hpn'.'nl* From Our (and)
Kitchen—Almond nut klsse#
1’nttlea — Assorted flavor?
j .MuIn Floor. |
A Sale of Fashionable
Handbags and Vanity Boxes
A wide selection of beaded ba^s and vanity
boxes in the new fall shapes and shades.
A variety of leather hand
bags in black and colors. Also
silk and head bags.
" $7.85
Attractive and practical
bags for street or dress are
the beaded pouch bags fea
tured so strongly for the fall
season. They are mounted on
filigree frames and suspend
ed from a beaded regulation
or panier handle. In an as
sortment of beautiful colors ■
and designs. Mala Plear (,
“ $1.95
Large size paten* leathei
boxes with trays and complete
fittings. Also brown embossed
leather without trays, but
nlcelv equipped
Women*s and Misses*
Winter Coats
For Saturdav we offer a splendid
selection of New Winter Coats, made in
luster pile Bolivia in
Black Brown
Kit Fox Navy Slue
With Large Fur Collar* of Finest
Quality Manchurian Wolf
Included in this group also, are stmari
Novelty Coats in sports styles, fashioned ol
newest fabrics. These Coats are beautifully
.made and perf etlv fitting. All are lined
throughout with fine |ualitv -dlks »r Cantor j
crepe. The styles are exclusive with Ihmress
Nash and an unusual value at this low prieinp |
New Fall Dresses
Beautiful new fall dresses developed in Satins
Canton Crepes, Georgettes, Twill Cords. Twill Bloom
and many other fabrics. All are in the season’s most
favored styles.
TklrS Floor.
For the School Girl
A lovely display of wool dresses and
winter coats for the girl from 6 to 16
years, is now ready in the Junior de
Coats $16.75 and up
Bolivia, Camel's Hair and oyer-plaids, in
■port models with Inverted pleat down the
back. Some are fur collared, with wide
sleeve, aide tie or button. Full lined In
sood quality sateen, satin or crepe, Many
numbers In the better coat with hat to
$9.75and up
Dresses of serge,
jersey and trleotlne
made In the straight
line basque effect,
and coat styles, are
trimmed with round
collars, narrow bell
and ruffs of r.elf ma
terial, tlped In the
bright ooiou
Third Fleer
Children’s Mercerized
A fine quality hose that assurra ox
cellent service. Mercerised stock
ings In the Richelieu rib, Phoenix
make, in black, white, cordovan
gray and Russian calf.
Priced, a pair.DOC
Mnlw Floor_
Fleece Lined
, Waist Union Suits
Medium weight, nmde with long
sleeves, high neck, Ankle length,
garter attachments. Age 2 to
Silk and Wool
Union Suits
Medium weight suit*, made
high neck, long sleeves or
Dutch neck, eihow sleeves,
.inkle length. Ages 2 to 16,
but not all sUes fl?1
in every style.1 • % «/
*eromi I Inor
Novelty Shoes for Children
Leather Russian Boots
Made of the softest leather Imaginable
with pliable soles and spring heels. Clev
erly styled In several color combination*
Black Russian Calf with red kid collar
Brown Russian Calf with patent leather cob
lar. I'stent leather with white kid Inlay
Hires 7 to It, pair.-S5.25
Sizes 11 Vi to it. pair. $ti.O0
Mato Kloor.
A Silver Mesh Bag Will Be G iven
to Every Little Girl Who Buys a Hat
in Our Children’s Shop Saturday
Beautiful little hats of felt or velvet made with
the same care and attention to style as those mother
buys. Jaunty affairs for school are fashioned of felt
with a pert quill on the side, or a bit of gay yarn
embroidery. Soft, rich velvets are trimmed with rib
bons an^ rewers.
A genuine “Whit
ing Davis” mesh bag j
will be given tu
every little girl who
buys a hat, no matter
what the price.
Included are
“Mad ore Evans,”
‘‘Tattle Miss (lacje.”
and many other mod
els, all moderately
Third rior
Boys’ “Jack O’Leather” Suits
With 2 Pair Pants
$ 17.50
A ".lark O'Lentber" suit la really good til) It's outgrown
The soft leather reinforcement at the points of wear the
seat, knees nnd pocket* I* pliable and washable It absorb*
tho friction that wears the fabric- friction that conies from
the Inside.
Newest fall models Include all style*.
Norfolk Sports Yoke Back
Pleated Back Plain Back
These are no higher than the ordinary boys' suits nr*
better looking—better made and each has two pairs of
Olher* tip to fl7.nO
Boys’ Union Suits, 75c
Hoys' fleec* lined union suit*, good quality are priced. 75<*
Others at $1.00 and $1.50
Ja« k
Etrluiih ely
t owpaay
“Toy tin rage ami Sedan"
A well built toy garage, 4 by
7 Inches In slie, attractively
decorated, with double swinging
doors and equipped with a dur
able mechanical sedan. Will
make u delightful toy for a
small boy or girl.
IlKrywIn Hwannewl,
“Keller” Sweater
Coats $5.00
A large varied) of all wool
combination* ami plain col
ored sweater*. Others priced
up to StO 00.
“Jackie Coogan"
Hats and Caps
Every new shade ami pat
tern ts represented tu this
complete showing of boys
headwear t» si.on
• nirn r io«»r