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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1923)
Arrest Bares I Death Gamble Suicide Pact ,Winner Goes to Collect Life Insurance of Partner Who Lost and Is Nabbed. By Associated Press. Louisville, Ky., Sept. 21.—With the arrest of Elmer Schmidt on a charge of having attempted to obtain money under false pretenses, police dis closed the details of an alleged death gamble suicide pact in which Schmidt won from W. A. Worder man, his partner in an advertising company, but which ths loser failed to carry out, instead giving officers information which l-esulted in the In dictment of the winner after he at tempted to collect Worderman’s <7.'>00 life insurance. The two men tossed a coin to deter mine which was to die after he had agreed to such gamble when it was proposed by Schmidt, officers quoted Worderman as having said. Worderman was reported to have drowned in the Ohio river here on September 1. The supposed victim, it was disclosed today, had planned the reported drowning and in such a man ner as to deceive Schmidt and then gone to New Albany, Ind., after hav ing informed officers of what pre viously had taken place. A proposition that inasmuch as their business was Insolvent, one of the partners commit suicide and the other receive the benefit of the 'vic tim's Insurance was made by Schmidt, Worderman Is quoted as having re lated to the police. It was agreed to toss a coin to determine who should die. The following day Worderman said he told police of the agreement and his clothes were placed on the river bank. After the supposed tragedy was reported Schmidt is said to have offered a reward for the recovery of Worderman's body and to have filed claim for his insurance. Jteteetlves were said Jo have begun an investigation today of the disap pearance three years ago of Edward Keane, who had been a partner of Schmidt, and whose disappearance was a mystery. Schmidt filed a claim lor insurance carried by Keane, the detectives said. Woman Claims Impure Water Cause of Mate's Death; Seeks $50,000 University Place. Neb., Sept. 21.— Mrs. Nellie E. Woodford filed suit to day In district court against the city of University Place for $50,000 dam ages, setting forth that her husband, Francis E. Woodford, died last July from typhoid fever, caused by drink ing impure water furnished by the city, Man Who Fled Insanity Probe Returns; Arregted Columbus, Neb., Sept. 21.—Ed Hill, Silver Creek man, who gave Merrick county authorities the slip several weeks ago while the insanity com mission was trying hlin, returned to his home in Silver Creek, was arrested and taken to Central City and lodged In Jail pending a second hearing be fore the insanity commission. On the occasion of his previous discharge under a dipsomaniac complaint, Hill walked out of the courthouse and dis appeared 1,700 More Pheasantg Are Purchased for Nebraska Lincoln, Sept. 21.—The state bureau of fish and game has purchased 1,700 more pheasants for distribution in Nebraska. Each pheasant costs $3, Two hens and one cock jvlll be re leased at a time. In a few more years George G. Koster. game warden, believes It will he possible to have open seasons on these birds. They are reported to be multiplying rapidly. The birds are purchased from a game farm In Illinois. SOUTH OMAHA BRANCH OFFICE. 24TH AND N STS MA. »»8« South Side Turners’ Fall Festival Tonight The South Side Turner society will hold its annual grape harvest festival and ball tonight at S at Turn er hall. Eighteenth and Vinton streets. The affair Is the first of the season of a series of monthly entertain ments to be given this winter by the society. The hall has been enlarged and re modeled. The celebration tonight will take on the aspect of a grand opening. The hall has been decorated with grapes, fruit and autumn leaves, In keeping with the spirit of the oc casion. Connie Schoessler's orchestra will furnish music for dancing, which will be preceded by a short program. Re freshments will be served. The af fair it open to members of the so ciety and their friends. South Omaha Brevities. Ze1g!«r coal in cood to burn. BKRQ> QUIET ««ll It. MA. 0063.—Adr. | 4 '■HaYPEH®*' Store tor Hn and Bays This Requires Quick Action, Men! JUST 200 Two-Pant Suits We’ve Grouped Into Three Extremely Low Priced Lots Saturday Suits For Young Men For Business, Sport and] Conserv ative j Models I A Shoe Sale For Men Another Big Crowd! 300 pair men’s shoes. While they last. Values up to QQ $8.00. Broken sizes. Extra! An Even Hundred Gabardines That Are Worth Regularly $25.00 Your Choice One Price— The Better Kinds Up to $42.50 Eclipse Illinois Lump Coal $9.75 STATIONERY Ravelstone Fabric Stationery; gilt deckle edge; assort ed colors; regular $1.00 value; Satur day, per box.. 59* Saturday the Last Day Surplus Stock Sales JUST “OPENED UP” IN TIM FOR SATURDAY 200 New COATS They’re Worth to $59.00 A group of 100 coats, beautifully fashioned into the season’s most vyanted styles, and of the most desirable materials and shades. Bo In ias, francine, ardosa, lustrosia. The trimmings are wolf, fox, nu tria, opposum and racoon. Shades are brown, black, navv and kit rox. Sizes for misses, women, including stouts. Children’s Coats Our fall and winter line of Coats for Infants, Children and Juniors. They are made in the most fashionable and want ed fabries of the season. Many are fur trimmed. The mate rials are pile fabries, chinchilla, broadcloth, polo cloth; in fact, all colors. The prices are mod erate— $7.85 ,o $25.00 NEW DRESSES Sizes d»AQ 7C 16 to 52 «j)£Oe f %J Thrifty ones who take advantage of this Sat urday sale will have due cause to feel elated Dresses at this price and of this character are unusual at this time of the year. They are suitable for all occasions. Materials are Poiret 1 will, ( repe Satin, Canton, Tricosliinos. All new shades and very pretty models. Second Floor HI* Special* In TOILET 4.001)* All Standard Brands. 50c Woodbury's Face Powder.35c 25c Daggett a: Ramsdell s tubes, at.17C 35c Frostllla. 35c $1.00 Glacial • lay .49* 50c As the Petals Tissue Cream, at .35c 50c Creme de Meridor ... 35* $1.00 Hudnut’ft Marveloua Cold Cream .89* 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste. at .31* 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste .31c 50c French nice PGwder .35* $1.00 French Face Powder . 50c 75c Melba Love Me Face Fow der .59* 50c Melba 8km ’learner . . 39* 50c Melba Br»l liantine . 39* 35c Daggett & ltamsdell's Creams, at.. 39c 60c Creme El cay a .. .421 75c Harriet Ayer.' Luxuria, at .55* 5048 Dr. Charlf s’ Flesh Food . 35c 65c Dr. Berry's Freckle Cream, at.49c 15c Amaml Sham poo . 9C 50c Non-Spl.. 31* 50c Jergen's Lotion ... 35* $1.00 Hudnut's Toilet Water 89* 30c Wrlslejr’s j Cold Cream* 15* A special lot of Toilet Waters. at .35* .SATURDAYA SPECIAL OFFERING 1,500 Wonderful AUTUMN HATS Never Shown Before Beautiful Fall Colors: Wood, Tan, Sand, Pearl, Mahogany, Muffin, Brown ' Navy, Royal, and many in Shapes that are new, different, stylish, and smart beyond words. Trimmings that reflect every new style-theme of Paris and Fifth .\ve. with wonderful distinction. Sumptuous fabrics in a glorious array. Lyons velvet, panne, bro cades, gaufre, and others. A magnificent collection of individual creations from houses whose names are absolute author ity for authentic styles and for exquisite work manship! NEW XECrtVt EAR On special sale Saturday in lots. 1st Lot—F ancy Collars and Collar and Cuff Sets. for. 29c 2d Lot—$1.00 val ues at .59c rid Lot—fj.oo val ues at . 98C new leather GOODS Three big special lots of fancy Pouch Bags. Pur- r * and Hand Hags, in real Seal. Morocco, Persian and Crepe Grams. I at Lot—$2.50 val ue, at *1.69 2d Lot—$3 no val ues at 81.98 :Sd Lot—$4.50 val ue* at. . 82.98 JEWELRY DEPT. W7W Emit Itovtls, 82.49 Th's u a special quadruple plate fancy rim bowl on stand; usually s« ld at $5.00; spe cial price. 82.49 Novelty Ear Kings In T«o Lots. 1st Lot — 75c v sl ues at. 55* 2d Lot — $12$ to $2 00 values on '«!» »t.. 81.00 A • p e e I a I • 1.00 counter consisting of i $2 50 Dutch Can dle Sticks; $1.75 Bread Trays; $1 25 Berry Spoons; Cold Meat Forks and Salt -»nd Tapper Sets. »*( Mftat Bou doir T-ampr: for Saturday 81.OK A rprclal lot of Fr.nry Hair F'n. at. .a'-h. ,1#. ' •! I rank*, lins* ind * mnrm aellla* «..Hrja. . . ... “ — * * ** Slt,ri,y ■< »*»■ <»■« wnaafarlarrr’a ro*t —F.urth Floor Men’s and Boys’ Sport Coats In a One-Day Sale 500 heather colors; wool coats, two pockets, belted hack and plain Sizes 34 to 46; $6.00 pwA | regular, Saturday.... JpOeOU Ijl.OOO mens brushed wool and ' ribbed; in tans, grays, blues, browns and heathers; sizes 34 to 46; $0.00 regular; priced for fSCT Saturday at . 300 dozen Men’s Parded Yarn Hose; all colors; regular price. 25e; Saturday, 2 pains for. Wsln Mo«r Buy Your New Top Piece Saturday SMART! That describes them. Rood style, good taste and good all tha way through! because they're made by the best makers in America; in handsome smooth finished felt and the becoming new scratch in all the newest fall colors. STETSONS—We are headquarters for the famous John B. Stetson Hats. New fall styles at... nn F. Berg A Co. New York Hata ’ ror youn* men priced jit $5.00 and $7.00 Short and (Iilleaudeau, New York; ail silk lined at $2.95 t«» $5.00 Here's a Buy! Men's Caps. 98c We stretch a point in value gtving; all well made, smartly made and smartly lined High priced caps the sort of pur chase an in-between season sometimes brings. Caps tor sports wear all fall and winter and values that you won't find when fall and winter come; $2.00 and $2.50 values; Satur day. at . 98<* Boys’ $1.50 Caps, 98c All the latest fail and winter styles to match the new suits and overcoats; positively worth $1.50; Saturday.. 98c Strap Gauntlet Gloves 75c pair Ladies’ Strap-Wrist Chamois Suede Gauntlet Gloves; cm broidered backs. Boys’ School Suits With Two Pairs of Pants Star* far Mm and Ho,, Fine fitting, smartly styled suits for all boys of school years. The things hoys want correct models, Norfolks, plaited sports, lots of pocket room. Mendless de pendable clothes that stand the gaff- big values at ’ $6.98 $9.98 $12.50 „d»P,„ $19.50 Last Day of the Wall Paper Sales Neat patterns for kitchen, dining room and hall; values to 12v*c; special, per roll, a Saturday .4C F.XTK V SPECIAL Handsome Bedroom Papers; floral, stripes and chinti pat terns; values to 20c; Q Thursday; per roll .5/C 30-inch Duplex Oatmeal The very best oatmeal made. AH new shades Regular 20c grades Saturday at. per "*» . _ 80-tnrh Engraved Papers and Grass Cloth effects; values to Hardware Specials Preserving Time—Preserving Kettles. Wenr-Erer at Reduced Prices. *1.75 value; 6-qt.$1.39 *2.15 value; 8-qt.$1.69 *2.65 value; 10-qt... .$1.79 *2.95 value; 12-qt .. .$1.98 *3.40 value; 14-qt... .$2.98 *4.30 value; 17-qt—$3.89 naipmpiit Grocery and Market Sales For Saturday Fancy Free Stone Peaches, (1*0 "I Q bu. bskt... A 7/ Htae Bril .*1.58 Diamond H. Hour ....*1.09 9I*« *',i California Fancy l.rnntn Cling I'ra, hra in 4*1 drgrrr augar ayrup. Satur day only. < an . 'J-Jf Dom'u . *2.75 'Star 3V4 Fancy Aprlrota. Boar Brand In heavy ayrup. .23C »*«■■ . *2.75 Slar 3>/a Spinach new atork. l*« .18C Doarn cana .*2.15 Fancy Sifted Knrly June f*eaa. Fan .15C Doaen eana . *1.75 inn Corn alie sr«. Urtirrn 1 gooda. Can .. 9p Doaen eana . S1.U5 Can 'I onuitofs, also 2'*. \ t C*> . .10c lioarn i nn« _ 81.15 Fancy Hlur Hose, J lb. . . . 5c JO iba. lor .95C 10 Bara I*. A G. boap for . 38g Only io lo euatouier. A B C. 1»*1 per rent pure Har ley feyrup. Can . 45c Doses* rana 85.40 1 lb. I-lat I'ligft fecund feal m«n. Con . 23c Doarn ran» .> Fancy Mar*hmallowi,. featur day only. |b.23c 4 iba, for.90c Bo* i aody feprciala Saturday. .25C J 8 'h«.82.00 lhoae Item. nt wholesale today. Oar Candy Drpt. will feature high elaaa candle* at lower prices. Dried Fruit*. Fancy Dried Apricots* lb. 10c Fa ary 'I houipson feultnna haiiiliis, lb.12:C 3 lb*, feanta Clara I'ranrn 2<fC TEA AND « OFFI’E DEPT, la mourn feantoa 4 Iba. . 95^ Di iiuond II. 35C 3 lb* .81.00 Gunpowder lea . 60c 3 l»*a. 81.10 Fanry fean Dried Japan Tea .tt5C 3 Iba .81.20 3 lb*. Breakfast Cocoa . 25C M ARK ET. Freak Dreamed Spring Chlck eaa lb. 30C Freak Dreaaed fetewing or Roasting Chirke ■*, ...17’;C Fanry Steer Rolled Ribbed Roast* lb.20C Fanry Steer Shoulder Roast, *h.1 2 1 r C Small Iran Fork Roast* *h.12’C Fanry Milk Aral Roast. »*».15c Steer l*ot Roast. lb. ... Ulc Cudahy B-s I’nritan Bacon. **»• 30C C n d a k y Puritan If a m*, .25!sC L adaby Paritan felired Baron „ !*>.38c Cadahy Paritan Pnre Fork Sassage, l |b. hog_ 24c (hoi re narrow lean Baron. IS.24 c Cold Boiled Ham, sliced, IS.45c Haydens' Special Tab Cream ery Matter, lb. I3<* Fresh loan try Egg-, do,. 2 7c He\ *r fellser Nut Oleauarga. .. rlnr- .19C I nary Wisconsin Brirk < hreae. lb. 2 7 ’ C I.arge Dill Pick lea. p«u. . 25c BAKERY DEPT. Cookies .12c .! dose a .33r Coffer Cakca ..If . 3 .25; Last Day Surplus Shoe Stock Ladies’ Pumps and Oxfords Samples, sizes 2U to 5: patent, dull kid, satin strap, kill oxford, at.... Extra Special—High grade hlaek satin, beaded I strap, high or low heel; Saturday . $4.03 5.000 pair Men's and Women's Felt Slippers: $1.19 value.‘ 9Sc Children's School Shoes "Better Shoes for Less Money.” For Little Girls or Boys Green, blue, black: sizes 4 to 8; pair. $1.00 Girls' School Shoes. Brown calf lace: sizes IS1; to 2; pair .. $2-09 Boys' Scout Shoes. Size* 13 to 3. Heavy dur able shoes for school; per B»ir.$1.98 Big Boys' Shoes Si’es d to $: welt >olc, rubber heel; pair.$2-98