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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1923)
BEE WANT AD RATES lie per line each day, 1 or 2 days. 12c per line each day, 2 or 6 days. 10c per line each day. 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to vV ant Ada which are commonly termed public wants" and do not include adver tisements of individual* or concerns ad vertising or exploiting their businesses. Those rates apply to The Sunday Omaha Bee as well aa The Morning and Eve ning Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening edi tions at tho one cost. CLOSING HOURS FOB WANT ADS. Morning Edition...9 p. m. Evening Edition..11.20 a. m. Sunday Edition.t p. m. Saturday Want Ada accepted at the following offices: Main office.17th and Farnam St*. South Omnha..N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone ATlantlc lnno. Call for "Wtnt" Ad Department. An experienced "Want" Ad tak*r will receive your add and a bill will be mailed later. The rates quoted above apply to either charge or cash orders. THE OMAHA IJEE reserves the right to designate what constitutes a public want THE OMAHA MORNING BEE. THE EVENING BEE. _ CARD OF THANKS. WE wish to express our sincere thanks to our kind friends and neighbors that as sisted us In yur late bereavement of our beloved Wife and mother, also the beau tiful floral offerings. Mr. P. A. Peterson, Mr. Henry Powell, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnhart. FUNERAL NOTICES fBKXAK— Mrs. Katherine, nged 63 years; September 19. at St. Joseph hospital Funeral Saturdav at 9 a m . from her home. 1715 Hickory street, to St. Wen '■eslaus eliurch 14th and Pine Sts. Burial. Bohemian National cemeterv. SUYviving relative* are her hushsnd. Michael Benak, and the daughter*. Mr* Frances Gardince snd Mrs. Antoinette Gardner, and Mrs. Acneg Craig. Mrs. Marie Slagle. Mr* Anna Kriss nnd one son, Lewis: a granddaugh ter. Katherine Gardiner, and two grand son*. Tame* and William Kris*. Janda Funeral home in charge «>HMN—Ralph W., ago 5 years 9 mo». end 4 d*’v*. beloved son of Mr. and Mr*. W W Ohlin. Funeral from F. J. Stack y C«>. funeral parlors Saturday 2 o’clock. Interment West Lawn cemetery. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertaker* a, , Embalmer*. Phone H\ 0266 Office 2611 Farnam. (ESTABLISHED SINCE 18**.) KORTSKO FUNERAL HOME. 23d and O Sta. 1260 8 13th St MA. 06S0. AT. 1873. CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED BY LADIES ONLY. 618 S. 20th St. AT. 3683 and AT. 36t0 ANDREW T. REED. Greater Omaha’s foremost COLORED undertaker. Phone MA. 5901. DUFFY & JOHNSTON. 3tl S. 33d. new funeral home. HA. 0417. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE. Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA 1901. HULSrt A RIEPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 umfng. JA. 1228. CROSBY-MOORE. 24th and Wirt. WE. 0847. TAGGART * SON. 2213 Cuming St. JA. 0714. II. H. KRAMER FUNERAL HOME, 1918 Military Ave. WA. 6114. BRAILKY & JX)RRANCE. 1823 CUMING ST.. JA 0534. JOHN A. GENTLEMAN. 3411 Farnam St. VISIT FOREST LAWN. North of City Limit*. 320 *crea. Perpetual cars. Office# at remetery and 720 Braml^la Theater Bldg. VAULTS AND MONUMENTS? DISTINCTIVE feature*, aea demonstra tion at factory. Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial Vault. Insist upon your un dertaker using no other. Everv vault stamped. Watch for nam# In lid. Man ufactured only by the Omana Concrete Burial Vault Co.. 6210 N. 30th 8t.. Omaha. LEE LARMON 19th and Douglaa. Phone AT. 8244. L. HENDERSON. 1507 Farnam. JA. 1258. »QHN BATH 1804 Farnam JA. 1908. LOST AND FOUND. I .GST, between 17th and Charles and the Burlington station, a lady’a black vanity rase. Finder will receive ample reward. Hazel M. Olive. 1 426 N. 17th St. POCKET BOOK lost containing cash, keys, and Armours No. 3940. J. F. Holnb. 5823 So. 17th, MA. 1468. LOST—One black yearling steer, branded x 7. Phone Union block* ard* Co., South • imaha.___ PURSE—Black raJent leather lost 1n Cen t rai market Reward. Call KE 51*9. DOG—White Spitz. 6 moa.-old; Answers, to name "Jack " Lib. rew. AT. 6916. LOST. billfold containing draft and '••nt-v Reward. Call WA. 0147. • • 'NCESXIONS wanted for tha annus! Harvest Festival. Norfolk. Neb. Septem >.*;■ 26. 27 and 28; three big days, well adve-tised; gr«=it opportunity. Apply nr ( unto for space * oticessions Committee. Harvest Festival. Norfolk. Neb. j A BIG WATERMELON DAY. 'housand watermelon feast on next Sun day. Sept. 23. Everybody welcome at 1 apaneeo Farm, Mod ale, la. . . -~PERSONAL THE SALVATION Army Indu.trUl hum. eniiclte your old clothing, furniture, /inea. We coll.ct. We distribute. Phone IA. 4135 end our wagon will call. Cali ond Inanect our naw boma. 1U0-11I2-1114 Dodge St WANTED to buy two return ticket. 4o ^EDjJCAT^NAL^^^ ^ DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course* in accountancy*, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometer, ahort hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, • all or phone Jackson 1665 for large lllUftr (rated catalog. Addreea HOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. LIGHT to 12 week* prepare you for a fine office position. Call AT, 7774 or "rite American College. 1912 Farnam. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 8 14th St Writ# tor catalog. TRI-riTV H Alt HER (’OLLKOE. 1 403 Dodge tit. 1308 Douglaa Bt. Call or write for Information ■ emptometer ach#ol 3n,> Courtney Bldg _^_AUTiQS^OH^ SALE._ USED CAR BARGAINS Kord ■'‘dan, 1923 .. ®?^2*22 u.ikland touring. 1919 model.12?*52 v;icar touring 1919. a good buy ... Uf-J® l ord sedan. 1921 . •••• :,.*■!! l a g.* touring. 1913. good rubber -o'».00 Terms or Trad*. Open Always. ANDREW MURPHI A «ON\ 14th and Jackson. A r *,u FOH SALE—A Mitch,II Sfdnn. D 40; lu.t overhauled every part; mechanic. at Ion courted, new corde. heater, wtarter. eafsty lock. new battery; In uae every • lav; demonstration on r«iBWl bf 13.0 takes It ^ee Co! Parker. Army Building; horns phone ha. *».« ■<_ Some bargains Iti used Forda Nsw h ord* •OM- *^1 cCX FFHK V MOTOR CO. The Dandy Service Station 1 of h and Jackson Bta._AT. 7TI1 NEW and ue^d Fords, caan or terras. C. E PATJLSON MOTOR CO . Authorized Ford and Lincoln 20th and Ames A vs._K 01 *" «’.OLDfeTRo M'S new car place. 21J3-14 lim n'-y. N« w end used car*. Catn or forma* Ford bodies with win tar tops. Gulrtstrom n Auto Hales 1.Q-. A I. 6^4* rort SALE—Splendid tunning good hill climbing Ford tourlmr. repainted; good upholstery; only II Ob. MA. 39U0. R. W. Habltard, 2819 E Ht . USED CARd THAT CAN BE BOLt>. N ERR A » K A OLDS MODI L E CO.. Howard at 18th _ AT. 17it._ HIGH GRADE new and used care. GUT L. SMITH 1919 m TCK roadater. new top. nsw bat lory. good tire*, in first class condition; Injured for ITM KK. 4083,. _ USED CAUH. O. N. Bonnsy Motor Co. 2664 Fa mam. _ _ *USKD part* for all makes of oar. ford need p*rta at half price. Neb. Auto 1'arla JA. 4931. A* ft FAMlLT DIPLOMAT \ 6UE5& \V\ AVWKUU ARO LOBSTER*. fAV H»REOG\<U.STUNT »AS SURE GOOD.I HOPE MA HAS OECIDED TO MAKE VT A SHORT AND SNAPPY EXECUTION \HSTEftO OP SlDNW -^_TORTURE»>-^-s OUST L\WE LOOKING DOWN THE tAOUTH OF A CANNON-l WONDER VMHERE rAA HAS AN\&\JSHED HER SELF- - AH - SHE’S TALHIN SON r , THE PHONE YES n'S * SHANE NY HUSBAND tSYOO STOBBERNTO VSfcYHE\NANYHDSWT>n ONAHA BEE BUT IYHXHKYHV^ UTTUt. EXPERIENCi WMWJl OPEN HIS EYE ' ~.. OOfeY H«YEO YO <■»! furt*— THftot>» trwaimU. p«» j BOT SINCE THWT CARL RinNEO f\CC FNS OCO ONES - IT'S DIFFERENT » I OOENT OOVMN*TODPN F\NO ORDERCO (TN ENTXREEN NEVu VJOftftDROBE - <~,ORGEOUS “ ONW TOT ft LED FlUE RMvO. AUTO ACCESS PRIES. TIRES. 1 BUY a metal garage Mad* in Omaha. CARTER SHEET METAL CO., JA. OGUJ. BOY OVER 18 WHO DOES NOT ATTEND SC HOOL FOR DELIVERY AND STORE WORK. GOULD DRUG CO. 49TH AND DODGE. YOUNG MAN—STUDY LAW!—Downtown evening sessions. University of Omaha Law Schor.t Nominal tuition. Enroll now. See Sec'y. 1027 Omaha Nat.* Bank. HELP WAhTTE^D^FEMALE^ WANTED—A snappy experienced mil iinery saleslady wno would assist in work room, none other than experienced need apply Box Y-J428. Omaha Dee. MAID—White, gene rat housework. Snail house, three in family. Mrs. J S. Me* Gurk, 319 South 50th A\e. Phone WA. 70,81.___ MAKER, slipover, experienced, wanted. Apply Mr Wevkbach. ORCHARD WILHELM. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for 7-room house, three In family, no laundry. Call IIA. 4859._____ MAID, experienced, for general house work. Good wages: references. WA. 214t. GIRL—CAPABLE. WHITE. FOR GEN ERAL HOUSEWORK WE. 6360. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. ROOM IN HOME. HA. 5313. ^SALESMA^ SALESMEN Extensively advertised high grads line, union made overalls and work pant.® State of Nebraska Strictly commission basis. Salesman of proven ahiltty who knows the trade and can produce re suits. THE McKEY .\FFO CO. F * nt Scott. Kansas. SALESMEN: Experienced pisno and phonograph salesman for outside work. Give references, age. salary or commU slon expected and full particulars in first ’etter. The Glen Bros. Roberts Plano Co. Ogden, Utah. SALESMAN to work Omaha and Council Bluffs. Must be over 25 years and hav had previous selling experience. Call 211 S. 20th for interview with Mr Clark. .SEVERAL ambitious college fellow^ desirous of earning good money during leisure hours. High class proposition. 440 Peters Trust Bldg . Mr. Gould YOUNG men. salary $50 p*r week and bonus for those w ho qualify. * t • Caldwell. 1814 Harney. 7 p. m. Friday. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED by resp. lady, mlddlo age Posi tion as housekeeper. Have little girl, 11. and boy. 8 On farm preferred and n*ar srhooi. Writs cars Staub Bros.. Avoca, la., R. 3. _ WANTED—By experienced housekeeper, situation in small family home with mod ern conveniences. Good cook. References. Address Box Y-2429. Omaha Bee._ BOOKKEEPER, experienced, wants few books to k*»«p for firms not rmploying steady bookkeeper. Call HA. 4851 A GOOD meat cutter wishes good position. References furnished. Married. Box 231, Waterloo, Neb. UK P. with child desires position. JA. ■18 21.___ REFINED young lady wishes position as governess in good home. Wai. 497*. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 4 FIXTURES AT AUCTION Furniture and fixtures of the " R 'T Allen clothing storo at 17th and Harney, i umaha. Neb., will be offered at public auction Monday afternoon, 2 p. m Feptenw her 24. consisting of the following items One roll top desk, one typewriter desk, one L. C. Smith typewriter, two largo pressing iron*, one rafe, two electric fan*, electric light, fixtures. Todd VTotecto graph, office* files, cabinets. 11 large dou ble deck sectional clothing case*. one cap *ase. one four-drawer National Cash Register, one National Credit cabinet. < ne clock, table*, chair*, settees, -window f x ture* etc These fixture* are all *■ good a* new as they have had the very beat of care »nd have l»een In use a very * iort time. or further information, call or writ* E. R. Burk*. 50$ Kceline Bldg Omaha. Neb. B. H Dunham, referee; D. E > eafua. selling agent. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY My home and restaurant. building worth >8,000; will take $6,000 if sold at once; $ 4,000 down, balance on *•% note; fine town. 12 grads school, big trading conter; home Is two-story. 12 rooms, rain water In kitchen and bath room; good well, c*ment walks, fruit and shade trees; two lots 50x130 ft ; the restaurant building m 44x6i» ft.; good well. 3 lot °3xl30 ft I aervs meals, lunche*. i« * cream. soft drinks, candy, cigars, tobacco and some groceries and bakery *turr • have a cracking good business and no competition, poor health make* it necss aary for me to rell and move a * ay This proposition will make a fin* horns and a good living for somebody. T-.4S1. Omaha Bee HOTEL for sale. 3 story brick building. pressed brick front; lows- floor in two 4 room strictly modern apartments, 1" rooms on the two upper flora; strictly modern, furniture new and good; la rented, income ..bout $300 per month. Plenty of ground to make the building three times a* Urge Price for quick sale $35,000. Terms Frank Linton. Preston. In HOTEL lor sal*. Perclval Hotel. 0 rooms up® fairs, two bedroom*. parlor office, •lining room and kitchen downstairs. Everything in good condition. For further information writs John Clausen. Per •ci v a I, la FOR *alo or Trad#—Large established coal business located Hloux City. I" n* ' reason* for selling Real to buy a snap. V 24.VV Omaha I4e*_ PLUMBING and v»ll busin*** with good well machine: good going business, snap If taken :*t once; trade considered. « ha fliiniprprht. Hlielton. Neb, POOL HALL f**r sals or trad* in the best town In the countr . 13 pool table*. * card tables. A good reason for selling. Andrea Y-2419. Omaha. Dee js ROOMS or 9 separately. Good Income. Piano 1A 3409 INVESTMENTS. CASH paid for 2d mort*aiiea on Omaha property. F O lloracek A; Co., 640 lit Nat ) Bank Bldg. AT. 3631. __ CITY real refute. morrraa»*a and 'onfrocts nmiaht. Mr. Laraon. 104 No 15th MONEY TO LOAN. YOU WANT MONEY DON’T PAY Hiail RENTS. We loan any amount up to IS00 at the loweat rates. Can ba repaid In easy monthly payments to ault convenience. We are Iheneed and bonded and have been in buelneae over *0 years, therefore you are aura of a quick, confidential and •,U*r* OMAHA LOAN COMPANY. r.0« Karbarh 131k. Talaphona I A. .. »5. Boitthaaat Cur lith and Dou«l»» nl» DIAMOND luana »' lowalt run, bualnaaa at nctly confidential. Tha Diamond Loan t o. nil Poilan 8t.. Kaiab. 1«H _ LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. J ~7iTS«nrYpERCISNTMClNKr. Loana on Omaha tmprovad proparty at loeraet rate* FRANK H. BINDER. .... «2J City Nat. .’A. 1100 to" tm.oon' loana I rompt. a-rylca. F. D. WEAD * D H. BOWMAN M0 H IBth. Hbla_AT. 01 ol. MONEY to loan on farnu and Omaha aatate. MYERH a It A IN BOLT U*>.. 424 Omaha Net Bank Bldg JA. 0*66 FARM LOANS—Gibbon Steel. JA 6604. _LOANS ON REAL ESTAT OMAHA HOMES—EAST NEB FARMS. C-KEEPE REAL ESTATE CO., 1Q1.~. Uni. Nat. Ilk. Bldg. JA. 2715. STRAIGHT 5-year Inn ns. 6 \% per cent. AMOS GRANT CO., 201 S. 18th. Arthur Bldg. AT. 8380. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. Caah on hand Prompt service. E. H. Lougee, Inc., 633 Keellne Bldg. SECOND mortgage* or contract* pur chased by TuKey Company, 620 1st Nat’l Bk. JA. 4223. ^ FARM LOANS. Large or small. Weat Neb farm*, ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. 845 Om. Nat. Hk. r»* ANdI PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BB1 «8_ 364 Om Nat l Bldg I WILL buy mortgages and contracts. Corklm^9J^^na^Nat^JBMg^Omahia^reb^ IiyEjj^OCK ANDVEHICLES^ SOWS- -Nine Duroc-Jersey. two heifers. months; two goats, urn- fresh soon. Sell whole or separately. WA. 6;;.$ti. TH« IROTTGH HKI<;!» Kliod# Island IDM young h^iie, $i. Pullets and cockerel* WA. nios, FOR SALE—High-class combination sad dle horse. Frank Hoffmann. Weat 8ide. la. GOOD THINGS TO EAT. GRAPES for rah KE 4313 P 4 ^CLOTHING. FURS. ETC.” FULL DRESS suits and Tuxedos for rent. j JA. 312S 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTsT^ FOR SALE—Buescher B flat tenor Saxo phone, fine condition, complete with case. 175 cash. New value $150.90. Drawer C. Culbertson, Neb. TRADE your used piano on a new player plan*. Balance as low ns $10 per month. A. HOSPE CO.. 1513 Douglas I'lAN'd —A-l #14HA OoTT WANTED — MISCKr'LANE OUS ' hTljf?f>,TrlTT8Tmni^Trre^,vvauTeaio* 'Toy 13. VVE 56 2 7. FORSALE MISCELLANEOUS^ TEAM for coal hauling, harness and good coal box for salt Team weight,] 3.200 and 3. luO. KE. 4809! HIGH GRADE paint Closing out sale. 1.900 gallon*, standard colors, $1.50 gab; worth <3 Call AT 965 4. MOOD—Hard chunks for flrerlaca and furnace. <14 per cord. WE »'56c ELECTRIC butferkist popcorn machine. Cn«h or terms. I,. Anderson, WA. 3411. BOTTLES, Kegs. Crock*. Nathan Stein berg. I01> Harney. JA. Bill. NICK clean wheat screening* for*sale> D H. Wendt, 3920 F. MA. 483s. OFFICES U PPLIESFOR SALE. WE BUY, sell safe*, make desks, show case*. etc. Omaha Fixture * Supply Go.. I. W. (or. 11th and Douglas JA. 27 24. HOUSEHOLD GOODS? < Knr *^n !♦* ) 1 THE largeat stock of used furniture !l Omaha a» the Stephenson Auction House. I 1609 Caoltol Ave. Auctions at 1 30 p. m every Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and ] Saturday. Goods also sold at private sal* ; FURNITURE AT AUCTION This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. _DOWDS AUCTION HOUSE. EXPERT sewing machine repairing. MICK ELS. 15*h and Harney AT. 4161. HOT water gas heater, used ©i ir <10. HA 4914 SWAP COLUMN. COMPLETE stock of adjustable nickel plated Min vigors, fitting all cars. Mill trade for real estate, cloaed or whs' havo you? Spend your winter In Call fornia selling this exclusive a cr-.,ory. '’all Seemann. AT. 3r*>4 <r WA. 05*7. AN 1RR IGA TED farm m th* lower Rio Grande valley. Improved and In cultlva iloQj cleai "f Incumbrance. Valued at 112,000. M’ant Omaha property or small farm close to Omaha Address 8-194, Omaha Be# 12.900 EWt'ITY In Omaha six-room res idence. g »od district for second mort gage or contract. Want t» deal quick, owner. Leaving town. Addicts 8-195, umaha Be*. T HAVE 55 acres of Pottawattamie coun ty, Iowa, land, good lmprovem-nt». that 1 want to trade for serond mortgages or land contracts. Addresa S-141, cunaha Bee. EQUITY In hou:« as down payment on 5-ro om home In Dundee now !n process of completion Up-to-date In every detail. Address 8-164. Omaha P«‘». NEARLY new seven-room all modern houso and lot Will trade for atook of ?;ood automobl^ea. Price $4,509. 8-149, )maha Bee. 329 ACRES, half In wheat, clear. Im proved. \ alued $16,000. some caah. for lows. Nebraska or OmaJia resl estate, or what have you? 8-196. Omaha Bee. WILL trade lot 63x140 feet, on# block from cltv limits and 6 blocks to car line, for what haye >ou? 8-181, Omihi Dee. GOT a good brick residence. 10 rooms, valued at $30,000. Wane tr» g * good f.imi close in or ©estern land. AddreAa 8 1 4 “. Omaha Pe»* SPLENDID 49 icra farm In Iowa two mile* from market, fur sa!« or trade for good Income property In Omaha. Address 8 143. Omaha Bee. _ WASHINGTON county. Golorado. wheat farm to trade for $6,000 worth of vacarU lots; must bo In Omaha. Address 8-193, Omaha Bee. _ HAVE 3 Jot* on 43d mid J. M'ould swap f>>r t lor between ISth and 24th; no far ther north than A street. 8-186, "main Hc» lit DRON speedster, model J, excellent mcch.-inbal condition, new top, good rub ber. will trade for Ford. R 431, Omaha Be<*. _ )923 IfARLKY-DAV1DSON motorcycle* an fir*r iiHjmtnt on email grocery, d*llca *- naan nr confectionary afore. 8 434, Omaha Be*_ HAVE good 40 acre irrigated farm to awnn for city properly and pay differ <m*. or what li*\o you? S 191, Omaha He* LADY'S fine winter clothing. aUea 54 and rj for eile < li*ap or tmda for diamond Addr* • * 8 I *>(>. «>mahn Be" BLACK Cochin bantnme and r*ed baby buggy for what have you? 1VA. 0074 after A GOOD (ray dr*i*. wiah to *x<han** foi w’h «t have you ’ 8 t ci Omaha Fb**_ FLItNISMIVOS « room *. 144 rent. trad>- or sole Call AT. H5f'0. i)i >> ip TIRF. ’ 2x4. wiah to exchange foi .13x4 8 tag, Omaha Be*__ BAKER BROS unloading machine for Ford i ru< K or • ar ' all MA 1114 _____ fb Jl ’ A UK 1 > IN I N't J I A 11LD I ''ll WHAT HAVE Yid'. AT. 49itL WANTED TO HUY. ^ WANTWIt- A ue*d cylinder block for en International 1-ton. model T* ftuck. Cv|. Ittdora miiai he in fit pi ano to regrind. valve «*jite mu at he in uanble ahape. Rob ert' Kr. g<d A Broe . Neloank « City. N*b TTeSKH D K5 K S. D K8K 8 New deeka, U"*d drake bought. Bold and trad d. J. C. Ueed. 1207 Faruara St AT. 4144 ___ 7'A - If for C'J aood u-rd cm a. 7*. A T Auto 8Ik pa, 41** N. 2Cd 8t. ■ , ■ ■■■■— -- '■ APARTMENTS AND FLATS. Klv* room,* all modern flit I ■ -a > I « i""S to echoed and car line* t-Onanna bit tent. Refercncea required i'nll JA. .uiiO, After »*. o'clock. W’A 1 5nf> r .Tl l.KJAV L .\ W< >R>T!I :t-r..i*»11 coxy nil modern apartment 145, Inrludc* plenty heat. Vlctoi it Rooa __ FIVC ROOM AFl IN Cllt’LA VISTA, 9?ii. If A '**• APARTMENTS AND FLATS. t Unfurnished.! DUNDEE. Now Modern Pressed Brick Duplex. Completed for occupancy October 1. Six beautiful rooms, with breakfast nook. Hurd wood floors throughout; oak wood uo-k downstairs, enamel upstairs. Tilt bath, stationary laundry tub.* Garages. Will decorate to suit tenant. Hplendld lo cation. RENTAL $85 AND 190. CALL OWNER. JA. 4874. FOR ONE or DRAKE’S 1000 APARTMENT* Call Jackson 2805. APARTMENTS snd flats for rent. \V. J. PALMER CO. AT. 8IS0. R.-al Kstato Management Specialists. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. "WHERE OMAHA RENTS.* AT. 0544 17th and Fern am Sta. 30TH 8T . (510 S.—3-rin. flat. In excellent condition: mod. ex. heat. $23 50. Rasp Bros , " 12 K»»»*Hne Bldg. AT. 0721. Very handsome upper fist, 6 room* and sleeping nort h; all modern. 628 Park A vi , $6ie JA 0420. HA. 7124 OK HA. 64*94 -6 large, beauti ful room apts., mod ., choice location. STEAM heated modern apartments, low rent <;. P Htebhlns. 161° Chicago St. THREE largo modern rooms, heat. gas. light and garage $37.60. WR 7027. VERY PLEASANT f room flat. 517 8 2*'*h Avp. Adults only. AT. 8291. "II WuOI.WORTH AVE-Modern apt., 2 »»r r. i uoiii*1. $1-' or $23. AFARTMENT3 AND FLATS. COMPLETE—MODERN—CLEAN. One room, three-room efficiency, apart ment at the Emerson. 2211 .Tnn«*i street Winter rate. *40 Call JA. 2806. Drake I'.M.tal Agency. 17th an 1 Howard NICELY furnished apt., piano. living room, breakfast room, kitchenette and hath. fall KE. MSv 2053 KARNAM —Modern front apt. on* large room with kitchenette, steam h*at, bat"n. HUNTER INN. AT. C9«0—24th and Do<lge S*s. Home for traveling man and wife. AT r. 7 41 Desirable At it. well furnished, walking distance; references required. MODERN furnished apartment* on both floors. 4024 S. 25th. MA. 2999. HOUSES FOK RENT. Groom bungalow built-in buffet, 1ea box and kitchen cabinet*- Trench doom to sun room. Xlc® vard garag*. I$5. D. E. BUCK A CO.. JAckson 3543. BEMI8 PARK This fine 7-room home, all modern. Jus* red^.-orafed. Double garage. Nicely le rated, JA. 661$, Mr. Vogel, 1806 N. 28T1I —Very nice eot*age of six room*, modern $2" per month. Horace M Hlggin* ,n 4 145. PARKER ST. 250$—Five-room hmis* strl«'tly modern, 140; white* only. TVK. 2914. « ROC*.MS, strictly modern, fin# locality. WA 2020. Rent lit. WE 1559—Good 6-room house, walking distance, all modern except furnace. >' - cottage, $45 per mo., 1021 Chi. HA. $353. t RM. house. mod. except heat. 2017 Lard St. >38. JA. 2049. FIVE ROOM modern bungalow, $35. JA. 5618. NEW 5-room. modern Half block to cav 2732 H. 9th St. JA. 3201. | HOUSES FOR RENT."" NEAT, clean fi-roome. 2815 Woolworth furnished or unfurnished, low rent, no children. Inquire st 2117 Woolworth A v e. NICELY furn. brand new 6-room bungs-! Ion . no children. Call after 7 p. m. Kl. Q9&5. PART of nicely furnished home for rent for housekeeping to reliable couple. IIA. ’• OF^ICES^TOHES^FO^REj^ FOR RENT. Doubla store, ground floor Pater* National Bank, with Urge basement, vault and storage space. Inquire treas urer Bee Publishing Co. Room 20$, Peter* National Bank. STOREROOM. 108 N. Fiftieth etreet. suit able for almost any line of buslnes* Coxy live-room alt above also for rent Store. $4... not, $7" Cal! N. 1* Dodge A «'o ■ Mr Harrimsnl. AT 1979. Kve*. and Sunday call WA 7362. FOR RENT —Light airy office space beau ttfully decorated; private off - es and vault, I 2 50 fh-et floor spa-e, mak*' fine f fire or email factory. Inquire Alamlto i Dairy Co JA. ; •MAH A NATIONAL RANK BUILDING 1 DESIRABLE OFFICES FOR RENT. SEE HOWARD G LOOM IS. Manager, _ ROOM 1091.1 FOR RENT—Private, outside office, with telephone service. flrst-clasa building Joyce Lumber Co., 280 Saundara Kennedy building._ ! FOR office* in First Nations! bank build *mr apply room 4nft First National. Well lighted and ventilated, _________ PR IV ATI. office furnished AT 1506 ROOMS FOR RENT. . TWENTY NINTH 4 15 P — Lnrga room, twin I'eU*. also alngle room Fee of par-j lor. player piano. i»«Hn Excellent board, homo prlvllagea. IIA *213 TTF hTrNfTv pt Connecting front room a •■•"padAllT atilied for 1 or 4 atu <1«nte. alto alngle room. All newly fur nlshcd lit mahogany. TTA 73*1. FORTY NINTH ST N Two furnlah od room" for two gentlemen nr couple em ployed. home priv. ( all r\ r . W A. 4U»7. HOTEL PA NFORI>—1 •*h and Kant tin HOTEL HEN8H AW — 16tb ami Farnam. Special rates t«. permanent guaat# ^ • TMl'NH FT. ?705—Large fi tit room, all; mod. private home, hot writer beat. autt ■ 1 fl PLEASANT room In prn . t e home for i or 3 gentlemen," if desired. \1 F. ti7!»2 3307 N JAtti Ave _ MARi Y ST. 1009 Two light hniisakegp Ing room*: eleo one aleeplng mom HA .1543 — ftogrd and room for man and wife, working n« opl«- preferred NICHOLAS. 3036— Nice room In privata home; bregkfaat, optional. HA 4610. TEL fl A 403?--Nice warm room Privata Fine I oration Referenrea._ HARNEY ST. Slot Nice mum; ateani neat ; private home I« * week If v aiM-—Reautlfut hon»e. ft noma, $4. 15 iiii i i■! pt liEMIS Par! Innrahle mom for lad). Imine privilege* W A 41>»*> 2AF> FT . 20/ N - Modern front room, $7 »>0 week for t ' N 4 _________ p o *t wof iff not It l.arjre vnom for one cn two. rra«onable. 1 i \ »•(*.» _ fA. 3413— f.i»r» • cool sleeping mom* In I r|ct fla' 2Rf*7 Farnam HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS i n a *» • I a leu - • IV H unfurnfahwd houaoke* ping rootiie, i; » p*r month; wltli gangs. 921 4«31 ts. 1 b hi. l’hona IvE «9ti>. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Curtis Ave. KK. 3027. 3 hkg mis.. 2 h keeping ring. 114 N. 26th. "~R QOM^^BQ WOOLWORTH, 2516—Room and break f«et; gentleman or couple employed, one blm-k »'* '«ir- JA 1GH9, :i 1 ST ST . 1117 s.—Rooms to rent >n ntre home. Hanscom Park district. HA. 8311. JA. 3237—Two beautiful front room*, modern, suitable for three; home cook ing__ WOOLWORTH Ave. 3116—Clean, warm room: three doors from Weat park car. HA. 5574 REFINED young man wants roommate. In uriv. home; excellent room and board, $10 a week; d>:sirablo l<)< ;ition HA l>o'M CAPITOL AVE . 2.706—Hoard And room for two; good cooking. AT. 8533. Cane, 6012—Dundee; large rs., with meals for 2 men or husband and wife. WA. 2617. CLEAN' HUMK COOKING. 117 «. liT.t h AveJA. 0610. HAN9COM PARK district, large pleas ant room for 2. with board. HA. 3166. HA. 7K3*—Beautiful room, home cooking and privileges; close in. reasonable. WANTED TO RENT. WANT to rent a 5 or 8-room modern house, a few lots or acreage, and north side preferred. HE 3339. ^JREAXJSSTATE—BENSON^ 67-0 CASH. Stucco bungalow, located on 60th ntreef, about two blocks north of Military a\r nu. . paved street, lot 40x144. oak finish. In good condition, price reduced for quick sale; let us show you through. Imme diate possession J. I*. HIATT CO. iHret National BK Bldg AT 6900. BUY A LOT IN BONITA ADDITION • 10 Down. $10 per Month. McCAOUE lNVlkSTMKNT (JO. JA. 1345. ————'—■■ ■ —— —■■■ CLOSE IN BARGAIN 14 ROOMS—66x131 FOOT LOT Valuable corner with good substantial house; vapor heat, strictly modern; fire place; seven-car garage; complete with >>lve furniture, fur $15,000. Now bringing In $320 a month. $:.000 cash re quired. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 63Q Trust Bldg, JA. 22*?. ^jreaj^es™te^ DUNDEE BUILDING BITES. GEORGE A CO. AT. >024. REAL^^TE^PjLORENCE. WILL 800BE OPEN, C. W MARTIN A CO. VKTHAWA V sells to whites only. Ivfr. 1409. REAL ESTATE—Miscellaneous. HALF acre. 3-room home, like new. ejer trlc light. 12.950. \ ery easy terms. WA. 7<»50 evenings. HOMES for wormng men. Four rooms, tartly modern, full lot. easy terms. $1,300. Have others Stewart. Ralston 19-W. S H. El.WOOD, builder of modern homra We will help u finance. 413 Sunderland lPdg. JA. 3616, CASH FOR P \ V WENT ‘ON' & * * NEW BUNGALOW. 4925 N 76th St., 6 rooms and bath, mod ern, oak finish, bookcases, kitchen cabi nets. electric, wall plug*, fine plumbing and fixtures, full lavement; near new North Fide High school and car line. Phone J\ 2183 or W\ 5"52 HAVE YOU A FORD OR DODGE AND NEED A HOME? On consider an offer on my 8 room mod ern dwelling; facing Fonaenelle Park Here is your chance at $4,000.09, easy terms. Atlantic 2115 • 200 « ASH DOWN will handle a new 6-room bungalow bn * nice large lot near park. Here is your opportunity to get. started on a home f your own. ''an Mr. Cole, WA. 764 4 «\rn ing* vi .41** day. 1200 CASH DOWN will handle a new . room bungalow nice large lot ndr park Here la vour opportunity fn gf farted on a home ■ f your own. (’all Mr. Cole. WA. 754 4 even Ings. AT 7413 day*.» f 5.600. ALMOST NEW l-room modern bungalow everything up-to-the-minute. A real buy. *1.000 down. Call owner after 5 p. in. KF. 4 77 J, FIVE ROOM BARGAIN—14.000—TERMS EQUITABLE TRUST COMPANY. 1*1.7 Douglas St, Realtor* AT 2145. "WE BUILD TO PLEASE * TEMPLE MrFAYDEN 4?OMPANT, ISOS Farnam St. AT. 9960 1 L BUCK A CO buv and sell homes „REM. ESTATE—SOUTH? $6,250 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW I room* with large floured attic of space sufficient for two more rooms: tiled bath with built-in tub. built in buffet in dining room; large kitchen with built In cupboard, nice lot all sodded, walk*, paved street, lust one blo« k to cariine (*loe« to schools. churches, stores, ele Located In a home owning commuhity. 2*27 8. 32t»d f*t. $509 down, balance like rent. r. G CABLBERO. Realtor. _71? Braudels Theet - Bldg S ROOM HOUSE. $3,600. At 4 74 * r 13th Ft do** to car and i .« LOtTfl COHN, 4823 f 24th MV 0143 1020 S' H' I II " J I II 84T. FIVe rriis . modern. oak (loom oak fin living end dining mu . gam*- li.T.di about 11.1,0ft handle: for Inspection call .key hold AT. *101. 320 «'|fy Natl bank llANfb'OM PARK- 7-roop, modern home, corner lot. all oak floor* newly deooruud \ btrgjin yy. t+rms .TA 14 o 17 4 SPRING ST. 8-room, all modern lio'tse \ barggin at prpe nrked. Crelrli. »il»8 lire. JA U200. MODERN 0 room hou*e for sale <*r rent. I'. ^mlnn * . • id rMar * Tssar *: > 1 , c#a REALJES TATE^WESrJ_ Yt.»l it OLD ITCH SE ' *tji equity in that old hou*« will f ik* th- fir*? raiment on .» brand new fl\e ro>'m bungalow, rtritjjr modern, on a r**et| street, aarage on alle\ , in n n*gh hot hood of home owaara: near beautiful Mllb-r park with It* publl. pin around* and gulf - o.,t.... It \ 804 4. AT. .412 .lays Ask for M*i. Cm DUNDEE ft PM I vl V V 'Y~TKRM A knockout! i‘le\»>r built h >nis, almost new. J» warm, , oay room* end screened porch, oak finish mainel in bedroom*, only 14.000: #1.000 down. Don’t wall i’ell !»*>*, .1A ’> ♦.!, for a r-**l snap. FORTY FIRST ST . "40 N --iTafstcnr new bungalow, six largo rooms de'oraied In oil paint ms. finished gumwond, oak floor*. flicplH.e, double garage. \VA 183 5_ _ _ New Hnmee -Your Tarma. GROVE I11HRARD EG AT. 4061._ 1 * \'ool> Pip. ' I EDITABLE THCM F«', 1*1* l»<Mia..*e I Realtor/. \l '1|* 7^ H -LI N~ i «. > M FA S V Rudder* of liuilt Right Homes lft.1 Arthur Hldg Office A i . .V.’! 4671 M ARC V NT "nTTv Fio»in l"i-,« a l.i\« oak finish with built In f.-atm. * till* P\euln»;e AT HJM' V\ l 41 S, MILE build to your ,m d> r on on* t'.-autl 1, \ r , in, tft UBS Phone Atlsntlo #640. RE A L ESTATE--W A NT ED.^ SELL NOW! We are In need of listings at this time. Call us at once for service >V> need t*. 6 and 7-room home*. Don't wait. Wt are member* multiple listing cx'hanit. Evening* »all 1\U. .’fill or HA. <>360. GRUENIG JIKALTY COMPANY. Realtors. JA 1 966. Hum First Nat'I Hank mTrvice and results. When >ou list with ua Competent sales force JA. 2*50. GLOVER A: SPAIN. Healtora. CHAM. W YOUNG A SON. Real Estate. Rentals. Insurance. K.Q2 » ity Natl bk.AT. 966*. SEE u- first. Need llfttinga. any location G to a looms. Shopen & Oo., Realtors JA. 422*. 236 K*e!lne HMg. HAVE buyers for good homes Do you want to sell your*7 List It with C. A- | Grlmmel. Realtor JA. 1615. _, WE NEED some listings Buyers waiting Quick action. J L. HI ATT CO. AT. 9900. ■ LIST your property with Chris Boyer/ notary pub to, 22d snd Cuming Sta. H W. Vollaml Co. for Real Service. At. $585 W«»ULD REALTY CD.. Realtors. AT. 3432' ( has E Holman, AT. 5250. Real Estate 1, A. SAN DELL Real KM ate. AT. >232. | Graham Peters Co., sell homes. JA. 0<G3 H. H. Browne Co. s^Ila sere*. AT. 3350. Western K*ai Estate Co. JA. 3607. ■ _.j\ARMS.FORSALE.^^ RICH corn Rind, h ’ithern Minnesota, 160 acre.- Must l — -old; too old to farm, am moving to California, l*»rge. beautiful: bouse, barns, silo, a IP elect rifled. 31? mb from towi $16.. j>-r a--r«-. at \ to* to suit. Come and *«-(» it. or wide t lie owner J A Sterling, Route No. 3, Lake Crystal. Minn. FOR SALE—320 acres eastern Colo. land. I 4r» acres farmed. All tillable. 3 room house, barn, chop chickenhmise; 3L miles wire fknee. windmill, etc. Inquire Russell Lucas, Haswell. Colo. COLORADO and New Mexico— 91.MO, 6*. 000, 1 t'.O'to. 26.000 acres. $3.60 per sere up. C. Travis. 1011 Nineteenth 8t.. Den Mr. Colo " realtors7~ SLATE It A CO., W.alter,. K.-lin. nidt REAL ESTATE—EXC HANGE. WE WILL *ubin 11 you a reasonable offer n exchange for your land, income or ir.dse. Try us. we probably have just ■hat you w* looking for. BERT L. COOK A CO. 6H» Brown Bldg. AT. *2*7. LK »'"M MAKE A TRADE.'* $904 EQUITY in five-room c’tage Man vwa t.* trade 1923 cr 1323 Kuril coupe. ij-T w nu «> , b*« REAL ESTATE—VACANT. DANDY lot. 53d and Pinckney. size 60s 14"; water, m-mr and aldewalk* all paid 160$; $23 . at-h. $10 a month. *05 Oiuaha Ndifiai Bank bldg J A. Q4.T BUSINESS SERVICE TuTLDERS^CQtn:RACTORT' GET our prl-ea on complete garages Mor rison Lumber A Coal Co WE. 5561. DANCING ACADEMIES K EL-PIN E. 25th and Fsrnim. Latest dan> <-* taught. Private lessons any#hour i >wm Mon ThJ** and Pat., 7:30 p. in • hildren's classes Sat. afternoon. AT. 7$5u \\1:~TT~ACH YOU HOW And w« don t mean MAVB8. • !as« tonigb*. Prl ate lessons any hour j KEEPS, HIS I- am, am,J a, M70 DETECTIVE AGENCIES. ! JAM LS ALLANS Pettctl'*.. E*F«rl i*crel i *«*rvh p, , 11 - . 1; Ne\ille Block. AT. *126 RF LI A BLi: Detective Bureau. Sunderland Bid it JA. 2056: night. KE. l!12 RA^CE^A^L^MNDS~ j KV ft FT Y BONUS CHARLES SI'YDBLAP COMPANY, i Fire. Tornado, Automobile, Burglar;- and Accident INSURANCE. ls» no L ) d-ngT \ ‘2: MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS. J \CCORM*'*V. side • iif* i-ox pleating, covered button* a 11 ♦vies; hemstitching, buttonhole* Wrhe I 1 si Be»ton Jk First ing Co.. .>0* Bro'- a Block, Omaha. Neb.. Telephone JA. 1»3# NEBRASKA PLEATING hemstitching, covered button*. 1904 Farnam, second Poor. JA. 567Q. FURS remodeled, suit* dresses altered, new Fox chokers to order. HA. $$04, WANTED- U. .’ff making in families JA L‘ 9 7 9 moving: STORAGE FIDELITY ; FORAGE A VAN CO. MOVING PACKING STORAGE SHIPPING Household goods, pianos, office furniture. IPG 11 II' »I ■ MID 8TJA. '■:»»» EXPERT China, furniture. packers, fire proof at o*a p *- Phone JA 1564 The terminal Warehou-e Co. -03 8outb lvtb . corner Junes. on Viaduct. | GL'RD 'N 1 1RI PROOF \VAREHOt 8E \ND VAN (119 North 11th Si Phono .1A 3022, mov ing. M- king, storacc, shipping. lil.OHK \ VN *0.1 STORAGE ro. Packing, moving. M.ning. estimates fur* Ui»n»ra< - bv 1"b <-r b< .1 4 4 ’ 3 a AT ‘' 2 A *» miKIKJI OMAHA VAN A STORAGE. 16th nn-l lieavenworth 8** racking, mov • - ' r*gt ' ! ; w 1 \ » ■ PAINTING. PAPERING. W M.l.PAI’F!lt * .'* disc J\t per h inging, p.ilntlug high • lam work. Fr*d Parks. •04 PATENT ATIORNEYS V w‘ MAHilN, 1 , I I ‘ode Room R*. • msha, also Washington doubt* asrvtca. nngla f'*» Alao help •••11 patanta. PRINTERS. ENGRAVERS. I I 'IIT I’llnlii.i in, :ii at 11 SI. J A M)H II MHO ii» Isanti.i;i>, »»i« »ii. and ui> h M. Shi,.* -IS Nonh ICtIs m. PRO! i S ilQNAL SB RVK i I’RESriUl’TIONS iirsfully rompoutulad at tha Ehrrtnan a Moi>nn«ll Drug stora* 1 » NT \I \ ' (iC. aacl" I' full ••! 4is . s.-kiriMs* flidg IStb and Farnam swfihmi m 'ail w \ • ;«; R\ < 1 OFFERED i.ANPHl’APK rni apectalUirig In hardy ahmhs, perennials; ae.'ding, ambling • heap fart 111. t. inv i<uantlt>, KK. t">1 win rijiTkT*3 kroKTini* ITooi d*“jtTu'ip ■* 3 11th. Puna fur rant AT Ft IM 8 uiV BI OFSP FHlfiK ’ rha F.iiflfti <*o 2F0* La*ranworth cm OFFICIAI NOTICES — ^,T1CK Pu t • 41» of the Kiilldl ihj£ of t h * t'ttv. \iuhPr notira la h (• that Mr* -t I Murphi h*a nif I*’ npplinMon to rnova tha onr story (' i hulldmg from It*51 J* 4«th St tl..t t 1M 0ck 5. Li plow PUcai to 2424 »» st i M* ■ ft ! uts 7 and S. Him >» It v«uit!i "i, ,ilin «*b Mlnal < H.'l Iht* hu*ld ' * *»''•! I" hr * * • I •ndlt.-' Hi" * ' • 'M i I II I . I Sr|s| . - . . 1“ 1'iHint 11 I'tmnbrt C‘*\ Hall. .»t 1'» iM'lio li #. m . KS (ha data for public han log ii w laic Ii all purlte* Intel v*ted wilt hi- haard Such ordar thereupon and thaiiaftar will it mad* t directing tha CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. removal of thin property dh in the Judg nient of the fity Council should be made. Omaha, Ncbraf*ka. fiept 21. 1923. CLAUDE V HOSSIK. S 21.City Clerk. NOTICE. ‘ To the owners ot an lots, lands, tracts :i iid par cel* of land*, within btreet Improvement District No. 2179. and »<* thrt owner* of ail lot*, tracts and par cels <>f lands, abutting on or adjacent to that port of Marie Street, from John A. Creighton Boulevard to 38th Street, In the City of Omaha. Nebraska. Noti-e ta h:*ret\ given that there ha* be ri filed v. jth I he C;*y Clerk of the City of Oinah.i a petition for th» Im provement of that part of Maple Street, from John A. Creighton Boulevard to . «th Stre.*t. in 1 he City of Omaha, by paNing mid • urbinc, said petition being In word* and figure* up. follows Petition for Improving Maple Street from John A. Creighton Blvd. to 38th •Street. To the Honorable City Council of the city of Omaha: U e. the under*igiud. ow ners of lots or land* abutting upon ihaf part of Maple c reet from John A. Creighton Blvd. • «> t h Str^rt in S'reet Improvement District No 2179. in the City of Omaha, being re-ord owner* of a majority of the f»ct frontage on said part of said street, a- shown oy • he generally recognized maps of ha Id city d*» hereny petition that th* mm« be approved by paving and curbing And we do further petition the Council to order su I» improvement and rause It to be made, ai 1' tna* thirty days be r.llow.'d to the property owners In said Distri. * within ■ h: h to designate the material «Je*:r.-d to bo used in the pavin* of said street Atider* I* John*on. December 8, 1922. Lot 7. Block Hitch cock’s Addition, 60 feet front by 120 feet deep Eng-.-fig X. Petersen. December 8. 19.2. Loi* 2. 3 and 4. Block 20. Hitch Addiuon. 150 feet front by 120 fe*t deep. Paulin* A and I^eroy WYlkerson. T>« (“.riber c 1922. Lot 25. Block 12. Lin coln Jfe.ghts. 46 feet front by 120 feet deep. Her.*fino Halil. December 9 1922. Loti 12 and ir: Block 32. Lincoln Heights. 50 f**et front by 120 feer deep. Ward E. <iamet. December 9. 1922. Lot 8. Blot k 12 Lincoln Heights. 40 feet front by 12ft feet deep Clia*. Clan. December 10. 1922. Lots 14 15. 1 •> and 17. Block 13. Lincoln Heights. 175 feet front bv 120 feet deep. Chan and lizzie Clark. I»ecein1*er 10. 1922 Lot 1» Bb-Mc 13. Lincoln Heights. 49 fee( front It# £e*t deep. Oust Olson, be ember 1ft. 1332. T.ots 19 and 20. Block 13. Lincoln Heights. 8 0 fe*t front t> • 12ft feet deep Nell J. Johnson. December 19. 1922. L. i 1 B’o< k 19. Hitchcock s Addition. 50 f-et front by 12ft fe- t deep. Mis* Mary Peterson. December 1<V 1922. Lot l Block 2". Hitchcock's Addition. 50 f*=*;t front by 120 feet deep. Liberal* Sort! .•» December 19. 1922. Lot 3. Block 19. Omaha View Addition. 50 feet front by 120 feet deep. Mary Lyons, be ‘Tiber 10. 1922. Lots ‘s 3 9. 4 0. 41. 4 2 Block 11. Omaha View Addition 25" feet front. •’ <\ Taylor. Dec*r..ber 1* 1922 Lot 1 B: • ■]< 19. Omaha View addition, 69 feet Iront by 120 ft»t deep. T, I*. SI e |, December 19. 1921. I^ot 1 B k 1? cnnnhn View addition, 69 feel fr^-nt by 1 2o feet de^p j R Stenlund. December JO. 1922. Lots 11 and 12. Block 19, Omaha View Addl-l tlon, *9 feet front. c D Armstrong December IT, 1921 all Lots 1 .ml 2 Block 19. Omaha View feet front * - feet deep. Mr*. I'ai«v Helvi* January 7. 1929, Lot1 3. Block 19. Omaha View Addition, 60 feet front by 12" feet deep. Alfred J Abrahamaon. January 7, 1923 be 2". B •' k 15 Lincoln Heights, 49 feet front by 12** feel deep. , Minnie Poston. January 7. 1921. Lots 4. ft and 7. Btc-k u, Omaha View Addi tion ?99 feet fror.t hv 12* feet deep Alexander Reck. January 7 1 923. Lot 8 R -. k .9. Omaha View A -Jd t;on. 60 foe: front by 12" feet de-p Paul «’ 01*on. January 7. 1923. Lot 11 IJ It an l R. Block 19. Omaha View Ad (i ; n. l"ft fe«t from hv 120 feet deep, also K. 21 ft I»t 43. Block 11 Omaha View Additt n. 21 fe**t fr.,nt: W 19 ft. fe*t 4 4. Bine- 11. 1» feet front I W. 38 ft. lot 4L Block ! L 31 f*. L*'t 44. lEoOk 11. *11 m Omaha k"* Addition. Si " B-n Hoyt• *n January 7. 1923. Lots. It ’ *nd 'ft B’ock 13. I ncoln Heights. Earl C. Ru ■ ** i». January j9. 1?2S. T.ots 4 ft and Bloc* 19. Omaha View v Mtl*n I "ft feet front by 12ft feet deep. Re«ery# Realty Co., I*. R Wilson. Sec’y . May 12. 1?. Lots 1. 2 acd 5. Block 29 ach 5ft feet front bv 130 feer deep: Lots * 7. Block 19 each »ft feer frost by 120 feet deep, all In Hit -.hooch a 1st Addition. • ha - O WrcM May 15. 1923. Lot* 5 and ft Block 2ft. Hitchcock s 1st Addition. 157 feet front by 120 feet- deer. Sara Barker July 19 1925. if* 4* in 1 44. \ BVck 11. Omaha V;en Ad d-on 1*7 feet front >V 138 feet deep. luurz K Litton. -Inly 19, 192* IjCt *. Block l«, Hitch-ock’s let Addition, 69 fe■»» front bv 12" feet deep. K* fi O’* ■ August D 1933 Lr» Block IV l.inro I He ghie. 40 feet front h% i.'ft feet de* JoPie II Pefereon. August 1ft. 1923. L* is 2' and t 1> .■■» * 1?. b r min Heights, ft** feet front by lift f*et deep lu>renr • W. Litton. August 1* 1921, Lot li. Block 13. Hitchcock * l*t Addition, 6ft fee- front by lift feet deer. Ca*«us M Doo’e> August 1ft. lir^. Lot 1© Block 12. Lincoln Heights. 4ft foot front by 120 feet deep Filed. September 6. 1923 at 11:19 o clock a m You aro further notified that yon and ea » of vow will hs • f!f*een da>* from September 2(». 1929. th» f rst day of pub ation hereof m which to ft* • protest the office of the City Clerk against the regularity, legality o" sufficiency of said pe*;t -*n nr any s gntture thereon. Published In e ©rdanco with Resolution No :.«16. Series 1»2*. Oroahi. Nebraska. S ptember 2A. 1921. CLAUDE K. BOSS IE 5 20-21 2? _Citv Clerk. NOT IFF PROPOSALS F"R SIPKTAtK CON STRrCTTON Sealed Vropsuli at# Invited ard will !«■ received by the City Clerk of the city of Omaha, until Tuesday. September vs |#*3, at lo o’clock a m. for the con struction .r widening of #5dewa*ke In Sidewalk 1'.at riot a N“» 2'“* and 3?, da #,-i l*ed *nd locat'd a a follow#: On the North Side of Camden Avenue ? Artificial Stone. Claaa * A", 4 Ft. Wide: T1 e «nt t* f r*t. of the north ST H feat, of the aouth a. A* feat of leal a; the : 'rill Zb^ 2$ feet, of lha eaet ^ and west '-3 of T ot 7. McRnteee additton. I .eta T a'an*1 11. Block 1. Andrew* and B n*on a addition. On tlie South Side of Camden Avenue ! of Artificial Strn* date "A” 4 Ft. 'Vide: I.Ot* 1 & an 1 <. Block 2. Andrew* .i d B#i a• * ' Idlt-on T.ot S, Block 4, Willie Park I'lac* addition On the South of Seward S're*f of Atfiftcial Stone. Ciaaa "A*" 4 Ft. Wide: I «>t 1rt Block to fToverdale addition: l.ota 1. r 3. 4 a td ft. Block 6 Saun * - and Hlmebauf’ a addition to Walnut Hill: Lot Block * t» Piorpect Place ad dll ion » »n the North Sid# of Frai< *a Street of 1 \ i i • \v l.ota ST. M and ft’1 Centervlew addition * 'n Pie l .o! Side of 44?h Street of Bt k. i F* 'Aide to Renal I.ot "4. Block 4, R-.fcv Place addition. On the AA#a* bid# < f 41 *t Street of Ai tit's :*l Slone Claim ' V 4 Ft. Wide The north 40 feet and ihe aouth If fee* ..f Lot 14. Block 14. Hitchcock* !*t i addition. i'm tii* North v c of Dodge Street of Artificial Stone ■ i A 4 Ft AVMe lot* 3t. •;?. S2. •» W 54 and ST. Block 4. Mtuo Plai •' addition On «ha South Side of B |r| Street of Artificial stone Clea* A 4 l’t 'Vide: tor* i . 3. 4. • ft T and I. Block I t.incaln Ite.ght* addition On the South s ■ rtf Ohio Street of Art t ,,0 S'opr via** v ' 4 Ft 'Vida: l-«'t* l. . 4 and !*. Block 4, Hitch *', k • i*t addition Ob tti* North Side cf r*h‘ v Street of Art if-. i*| Stone H«u A 4 Ft Wide Lot* 13. 14 IS. 1*. IT and If B no It 4. t .*11 * f to U and i:. Block .. Hitch cv k » i*t addtrfon •*> the s nth Side of 'Pam! street ef ArtIflciat stone CJa»a * V 4 Ft 'Vide; l.ota 1. 77. 3. 4 v' ■ 7. * and 9 Block * l.ota i end Block 7. 1 fa I. 2, j, 4 • and 7. Block a. II it chew * * First Addition On the North Md* of Miami Street of Artificial Stone * la** "A" < Ft 'Aid# I •»•* 1«. 11. 1 • IV 14 IV U i: and JV Block lot* 14, L and 14 Block 1i l otf 11 ! ’ 14 17 1*. 14 and 2(1. Flock 13. Hitchcock* 1 * t addition On tie M • vt Side of 3 7 Mi St'eef Of Vrnf’clal ston* via** ’ A” 4 Ft 'Aid* Tot* 1 and 2, Block < Newport 4di 1 ion. lot* v a if II. tj and U Block 4. Mill* dale add lion. Section V, | ft JJ. On tl . AVcat Side of 77th Street of ArtifldMl Ston#. i'laaa "A 4 Ft Wide Paten* on into Brown afreet admitting Lot It Block i AAilila Perk Place On the North Side of Brown Street Atnft.irtl Ston# t’l-Mii \ < Kt Wide i \f*U*iott Into ,,ih afreet id.lo.ning L ’ !«' Bio. k 4. \A ’lit* Pare Place 1" t:-c »#*t S de of 14!b Ac e ef Artificial Mon. Fmi -A « ft 'Aid# Lot 14 Black 1. Sherman Arena# Park; CITY OFFICIAL NOTICES. I«ot 17. Block 4, Sherman Park, Lata !• and II, Block 1, Tartar Park. Such aldewalka to ba conatmatad tn as* cordanco with tha plana and specific* tlona and requirements aa prepared bt the City Engineer and adopted and ap proved by the Mayor and City Council tor the purpose of governing the construction of aldewalka in said city during the year, 1921, end to ba constructed under the supervision of tha City Engineer. Each proposal muat ba accompanied by a certified check in tha aum of 9109.09 ms a guaranty of good faith and to ba forfeited to the city aa liquidated dam agee in event or failure to enter Into con tract, if award ba mada thereon. Proposals must ba made upon printed blanka provided by the City Engineer, and no proposal will ba considered, if de tached from tha package In which It was b'.und. but tha entire package muat ba uttbror-n and In good ordar whan the ta deposited. Prices muat be stated In words and figures In tha r<*epe:ttve columns provided in tha printed blanka. Proposals must be sealed, marked "Pro posals for Sidewalk Construction/* and addr^aa-d to Claude F. Boaaia, City Clerk, Omaha. Neb., and will ba presented to the City Council unopened at the regu lar meeting to be held on Tuesday, Sep tember 25, 1923. at 19 o’clock a. m. Tha council reserves tha right to reject any and all bids. Published in accordance with tha pre visions of Ordinance N*o. 10942. Omaha, Nebraska. September 17, 1923. CLAUDE F BOSSIE. S-1.7-1S-19-29-21. City Clark. NOTICE. To the own^ri of all lgta. lards, tracts and parcel* of lands, within Street Improvement District No. 2411. end to the owners of all lots, tracts and par cels of lands, abutting on or adjacent to that part of 16*h Street from Dee" Park Boulevard to C Street, In tha City of Dmaha, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that there has been filed with the City Clerk of tha City of Omaha « petition for the 1m nrovernent of f hat part of 14th Street f om Deer l ark Boulevard to C Street ir. the Uiiv of Omaha, by pavlna and curbing, said petition being in words and figure* as follows: PETITION FOR IMPROVING HTH STREET FROM DEER PARK BOULEVARD TO C STREET. To the Honorable City Council of tha City of Omaha: Me. the undersigned, ownera of Iota ar lands abutting upon ‘hat par* of 19th Street from Deer Pars Boulevard to C S.reet. in Street Improvement District 2 411. in the Clt- of Omaha, being record owners of a majority of tha fee: frontage on said pai t of said street, a* shown by the generally recognised n.aps of as Id city, do hereby petition that the aarr*- be improved by paviug and curbtng And we do further petition the Ununcll to order such Improvement and cause it i- b*. mad*-, and that thirty days be e< lcwed to the property owners in ea‘d dt* trie wthin which to designate the ma tsiial denred to be used in the paving of sa*'l Street. Hieronymus Elael*. August 3, 1121, Lola 1?, ic. 21. 22 and 23. Eiaele'a Sub. D1v 220 feat front b- 15$ feet deep: also Lots 1ft. 11 and 12. Block *. Deer Park Addi tion. 150 feet front by 149 fee* deep. Lucy Muller. August 2. 19-3. 8. 7 f* cf w. 21 ft. of Lot 14. oak hill Additlo No. 2. 7 fart front by 24 feet deep. Fritz Muller. August ? 1*22. Lot 3. Mueller Home Addition. 2*4 feet front b HR feet deep Lot J. Block 7. Hasel Ter race. $0 f*e* front by 127 feet de-p. Hans and Nette Sorenson. August * 1*23 Lot 15. Oakhlll Addition No. 2. 197 feet front bv 2* f»et deep Henry Ouinotti August 2. 1*22. Lot l Block 1, Hazel Terrace. $9 feet front by 11? fret deer> 'Arnold Huitak, Annul !. 1*11. North J7 fr»t Let !A. and south .» fMl Lot 1 Block l. Haasl Terrace, 15 feet front by l‘M*tiul»d I'll Omar R, 'v'n»®a. Aujuat j 1*23. »ouih 34 feet Lot 14. Block 1. Haiel Terrace, 38 fe*t front by II. f««* d*%-1 L. Gudath. Au*uet I. IMS. Lot 34. > subdivision, 44 feet front by 15, nFna'l Hubbard. Au«uet «, 1»S3, La* 1* Mueller A Blumle a addition. 44 fee front by 155 feet deep . W S». M-fralf. Au«uet t, 1*13, Lot 30 jluei'er A Blun-'.e'a addition. 44 feet from by 155 fret deep. Peter M. an l Emma Lund. Aufust » 1*;* .outh 41 :r feet of north 335 feet 05 east KT feet Taa Lot 53. Section 34-11-1* C 2 7 feet front by 1J7 feet deep Frank Riha, August 4 1*21. S 4, ft e the N 143 ft of the E 13. ft of Taa Lot 4" n e of a e M. Section 54-15-11, 4 ft f-ont by J37 ft deep Frederick T'oeach. Auauat 4. 1*!-. S M ft of N *5 ft of the E 137 ft cf Ta t o- (3 » t 'i Of I * li of Se'tlon 3« T 15. R 13, East, ft ft front by 137 t? d,5fathew Webb. Aurnst t. 1*31. Lot *1. Mueller * Blumles Addition. 44 ft front by IIS ft deep Tohn M Tomlale. Auruat «. 1*31. N 47 ft E Lot J. Block 1. and all Let 3 Block 1. Haael Trrace 10* ft fron* Frank J Tourek. Auruat «, 1*31. K .5 ft o' the N 3* ft of Let *. and the E 5 ft of Lota 7 and *. Block 1* I>eer Tank Addition. IS" ft front by 55 ft deep France. Hustak, Auruat 14. 1*3,. S -4 ft Lot 13. Blo-k 1. and N 13 ft. Lot 14 B ock 1. Haael Terrace, tl ft front by 127 ft deep ' Helena Outnotte. T*at 1. Block 1. Hasel Terras, tft front bv 1ST feet deer Frank G. and Wllhetmlna Linnemanr. Augnit 14. 1*23. aouth 12 feat Lot 12 and north 2 4 feet Jx>t 1*. Block 1. Hasel Tar race 37 feet front by 127 feet de#p. John F. and Mrs Anna Millar August I H. ]*3l. north '7 feet Lot 22. Block 1. Haael Terrace. 57 feet front by 127 feet deep. Edward and Vets Marl# Zarp. Aurur* 14 1*23. south 47 feat eae* 127 feet Tax Lot 43. 8-ction 84-14-12. 47 feet front by 137 feej d-ep JuAj a 7. Riha August 14. 1*33, south 47 feet north 142 feet "f eaet 127 fee: Ti* Lot 49. 8e<-tion 24-11-12. 47 feet front by lxl feet deep -Touephln* Motts. Aurust 14. I*?U south 4 7 fe*t north IS* feat east 17 < feet. Tax Trf>t €2. Section 34-11-12, 4. feet frorr b> 127 feet deep Aims E. Poaecb. August 14. 1*22. south 44 fe*t north *5 feet of east 1?7 feet. Tax t » r*. > ction 24-15-13. 54 feet front br 127 feet deep Filed • September I. 1*21. at 11.19 o clock a m You are further notified that > ©a and %sch cf vou will hare 15 days from Sep te- l.-r jn. j?:“. the first day of pyb' . ©n hereof m which to file protest Mi •he off*c* cf the City r:#rk the regular:::• legality or sufficiency of aa‘d or ary e’gtiatur* thereon T»ubi;ahed in accor-Hnce with Reaalu • • No MIC Series 1222 Omaha. Neb 5»pterr.ber 20. !*3? CLAUDE F. BOSSIF Cty Clerk ^•pt- 2ft, • j NOTICE TO AEWER CONTRACTOR? Sea'ed proposals are invited and will b# ri'efvsd at the Offie# of the Cltr E a neer at Room 506. Cttr HaU. Omaha v abraaka. tip to *vo o clo'-k t* m Aer tember 21th. 16*5 for th* conetroetio* of rawer* a* follow* Fn»rm Power No 721. •• provided in 11aso'u' ?n No. 6536. adopted Soptefube* 4, till J *20 !'n. ft. l2-;nch aewar c!p# ".40 i;n. ft. 15-ln<*h a*w*r pir# ‘ l«n. ft. 16-inch aewer pipe >20 I n. ft ?l-tch sewer pipe A* tin ft. *4-irch rawer pipe !!5<* Vp. ft. 2.'-inch aewer Pire, i■ n ft 27-'nch aewer ripe ’tr. f' 5'.inch fewer ripe. 6?ft lir. #t J3-inch aew*r pipe. ' ! m, f* three foot dtamete- eew*r • i n. ft three ft. six-inch diameter es*. *■' n. f». f • foot diameter »»*r to 1 ft fne-foot pine*iB'*h diamrr th*^ee rir* trick *ew#*\ Note— Alternate bide will be race v#d o~ Vitrified '» Pipe and Concrete Pipe twelve mch to iwrntv-one inch inclust*# al»o on B- < k Reinforced Concrete Ftp# •id Reinforced Concrete Monolithic d‘ * -ter. rhrt'e-foot. three-foot • x-taeh an <1 fire-foot ‘"ear l)ie:rfct Vo 624. in pursuance of ordinance No 116SJ *i« i*r> f* e uht ‘nch ripe M««r. n ft. I4 inch pipe seme 16'.) I n ff 21-inch ripe #ew*r Note Aite-'ist* hid* on \itrif:e4 cla* p:p- and concrete for the aboi* 16# iin ft. 24-inrh pipe newer. • o-‘ lin. ft. three foot aix nch diameter er" er. Iin. ft thr## foot nine-inch diameter id* e-. Note- —Alternate hi da on vitrified cla r and re nfcreed concre'* p r# fc Ce 24 m-'h pipr MV«r; art alternate '• on two-rr* brio*. reinforced cor • e and monolithic on th# thr*#-foC' n vm h dl.nir.eter sever. lilt, ft three foot two ring brok w** *'■ vc#*'* #re to b# mad# upon pr'nted blank* wh h will, upon application be f trmahed by the Cltr Englrt»r and aM "''"k must be don# in aorotdarc# wifT f e p.»n» profile# and arectfvat'os for ■ '• ■ on f"* in h'» off *c# A r ♦ ^enc# of food faith each proeo#* ' all h- sc 'omnajnied be a c*rt f-ed chec-v * Omaha bank pa'-ab:* *o th# » it* of Omsha tn an amount of not lee# tha i » t>er cent of th* total of bid and r.o cat# to ha less than »i©b. which amount * h a 11 be he'd bv th. C*ty a# '"4 6.dated Aiamaee* if th# aucor**ful Md «ler fa '• to %nter into contract with «ood • rd *ufflctent turet'ea within 16 da# after award ha« t-r*n mad-v Proposal# shall be addre.M< d to '*Clt /:« ''*•*, «] a’.« V#b cwd marked 'j,'1''" • f< r hewer Conat mot ion " SiY» **• »>«*l *<* re-Hc: an' and a!’ but a Omaha, heptemh#* 16. *6 * HERMAN 6i‘A!* , x :t v :,.j* s; ' r~*"’*‘* — "i '■»*•'■ <■' »un.r va mts# IN 1IAEPT Bruton, ll.!*».*« u% ***** ■ .< i-wt, r-AUANe* bast Ttnw. ►a ii rtv>T rRovTAor# ' IT. AT R SET MraeVEVKNr# IV. 1* ^R1 A »'»> RMltTr# AT Uatlt ; j»