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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1923)
Heads Rail Telegraphers. Colorado Spring?, Colo., Sept. 21.— 1. C. Forshee, telegraph ami telephone engineer for the Pennsylvania system, ^vas elected chairman of the Amer ican Railway association, telegraph and telephone section, at the final meeting of the annual convention. C. D. Hood, superintendent of tele graph of the Rock Island system, was elected first vice chairman, and H. A. Shepard, general superintendent of electric transmission and communica tlon of the New York, New Haven A Hartford, second vice chairman. "Women Who Wait," a screen ver sion of the old story, "Cape Cod Folks," is to be filmed with Robert Fraser in the leading role. Turtle Lives Through Fire. Berkeley, Cal., Sept. 21.—Bereft of their pets by fire which razed 600 homes in Berkeley last Monday, tear ful youngsters yesterday pleaded with wrecking crews clearing the de brie left In the wake of the flames to find a variety of missing creatures. A turtle is the only known pet to. have stayed In the flame-swept zone and survive. ^ Paracelsus, shell-backed mascot of a University of California fraternity, | was named rrom ms asne* ox me fraternity house by a worker today. Apparently Paracelsus had not suf fered from his torrid experience. Hot vinegar will remove paint from windows. THE NEBBS- ' THE KID'S GETTING JEALOUS. Directed for The Omaha Bee by SoL He*. L — ^ BETSY, YOU ARE GETTiN^TuroGETUeQ^toO^j s§ MUCH INTERESTED «N this RENQOO TELLOW I S AND YOU DON'T COVE HIM — 'YOU'RE ciUSTl IMPRESSED BY HlS GREAT OJEACTW <^mA |W YOU'D NEVER BE NAPPY VNitW H»mJJ|MH tec tell you TMftT^<ap^g^~^wgoaB ■Got mouR tatner lop-eared nickel 5LO GuV - w t ONEN I GET NlS RESTED TOR RID - i GOT MV IE r I’LL LJi*A V UE »E r $ in mv dictionary IE" AND E COULDN'T fan\e . fortune y m IBM? —< H LETS ELOPE .SWEETHEART- ITyCOME ON «OmE, VOO N,, UJIVL BE ALL aiGHT wrtH MV I FOOLISH BOV — vouvE / FOLKS -TWEV'RE HUMAN AND 1 QEEN TAlH'NG "THIS , Y I knouj vooR mother will I^tuff over with voua-\ forgive us ano that dad f self until vou qeueve / OF vouas WILL 60FTEN UP I tr — you've GOT A ( - 'll lot or confidence / [ M IN VOURSELF -DONfT J |lig|\0S6 VT T J~—-r <4? * »®ax* «r 'rfc* «mi *•»*> ^ y Ov«OcstiWSO#4* SlOtS , UJOUU© you do you weac aer^y nebs? MAaay a oooa MAN, WHO uAb youtN amD Good lOOKi, AND WOftX AND SAvE.OP MAR.QN "TVtE 0.4CM MAN ANO UVJC 'N EASE AND U/tfoOV ? wuwr luOuuD NOU fcOWtSE ? Barney Google and Spark Plug Sunshine Not Going to Lose This Race—Not on His Life! Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Billy DeBeck FIRCTL1 WINS GlDDV AP SPfl'k Piu6! r— I OpT-TC** »W». I»T K— ?«■«"«» ■» y^TAXl - QUICK - FOUOW THAT HORSE I VUftNNA CHOKE Twt V^jJOCKE'f ijT) rXT/^TXT/^ IT'D 17 A rT'l-fl7D R.«i»ter«i SEE J1GG3 AND MAGGIE in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus DKIJNIjIINO UJr r A I rlrLK—— u. s. p.t«« OHIC page OF colors IN the SUNDAY bee i»:» > ' YOU %'T OUT HERE ANf IF ANV THING IMPORTANT HAPPENS OR ANV IMPORTANT PEOPUE COME. IN • %ENO THEM IN MV -^ PRIVATE OFFICE j VERV WELL* /I NR JICGV V __ OT COLL-T-TH»^> - REM. ESTATE JbUblNES5 * ^ OOL L • I WONDER. IF THE COUNT HA*t> C FAtlLEN M«bL.EET>'> J we /vcte *io* CILAiO TO HATE MET TOO * r viiii VOU CO irs THAsT OFFICE - I'LL tJlT L-j OUT HE«E. /mm\ I , . Y ]~©W» vr iwt’l ffc»Tuw^ •■**■*>» »«*■ ] JERRY ON THE JOB explanations are in order. ' Dr,wn for T)>e.0m^ ^ by Hobl“’ _!-- 11 T'i j I 1*10* 1 mao '■n* low Down on ) (TW« 8abv m Ink Sfeew uim abound meeeT) tUJts Axns UJts Birr - rw\y We \e mss^I I ?a/wuar. * Sb isl L W»S /KAwnER« J I $UT 1 OONlY ^ K^OM X\r MAME I Oft ACCESS' Ott- J [ §nu.- tweA Mon Sex>o ms To / "‘Mew MOKi\A', US j /*WMNf GETS’TaeJ MStfTTfcAW r—' •AVTEB. Mik£\J _ /I MON>SEviSfe = It we 'TaveS ]» pf "tue 't^awj /Ajttec, Voufcr'y-' pi UC*H Do VOU V-^ _ 3 ^—tWM<y*nt? ^ r ^ X /ftr t< 1 ft ItU wrr IHT-U ---1 Mt. Vernon Equipped j Henry Ford Slums His Practical Side With Fire Apparatus Washington, Kept. 21.—Henry Ford, while in Washington recently in con nection with Muscle Shoals, visited Mt. Vernon. It was the first time he had ever seen the picturesque home where George Washington lived and died. The millionaire manufacturer dis played a keen interest in the build ings and the priceless relics they con tain, spending several hours at this national shrine. Then the practical side of his nature asserted itself. “What precautions have you against fire?’’ he asked. He was shown a row of red fire buckets, filled with water, and In formed that they were the only means of comt- ting any blaze that might start. The nearest fire depart ment is at Alexandria, miles away. Ford seemed deeply concerned at the thought of Mt. Vernon falling a prey to flame and expressed a .wish that he might do something to guard against such an eventuality. Today, a complete chemical en gine, the last word in fire fighting I apparatus, arrfved at Mt. Vernon. It «as the sift of the Detroit manufac turer. Prove for Yourself | That | Ofa: HOOVER ELECTRIC SUCTION SWEEPER Really Cleans Rugs Clean— If *llrty, duaty broom dwerplng and anrra your tlmr ind money In ttownn *-f *tnyn. Unusual Terms for n Limited Time Only $2^°wn ^ Monthly Nebrd-skd ® Power < j When in Omaha Stop at Hotel Rome Mrs. Shoji Osato who with her daughter, Sono, was saued in the disaster at Ijokohama, Japan, will speak at the Strand Theater today at 3:00 P. Ill and tell of the earthquake and tidal wanes and the imperatiue neeH for relief in Japan. A collection for Japanese relief will be taken. THE STRAND Arthur Cunningham, Mata. NOW PLAYING N'*1’4 2:20 Orpbeum Concert Orchestra 8:20 2:30 Aeaop’a Fables 8:30 Topics of tbe Pay 2:40 THE THREE WHIRLWINDS 8.40 755 FRADKIN *** World Renowned Vloliniat 3=06 GUS FOWLER »;0C 3 23 MISS VEN1TA GOULD »*3 3:41 Mr*. Rodolph Valentino 9:4' 3:56 BURNS a LYNN 9:5f 6:10 EVA SHIRLEY <o^p «;34 Path. Nawa Weakly 10:34 Pricest Mat.. 17c, 25c. SOc, 75c. Nifht, 17c. 55c. 83c. SI.10. $1.50 (lncludinc Tax) 'oW FRIDAY SEPT. 28 GROUNDS: 2<>th and Paul Street* r 1500 people mrnl 700 uSfvs'iS |3l21n£l 1 n DOORS OPEN AT l AND 7 P. M .PERFORMANCES AT 2 AND « P. M.. DOORS OPEN AT 1 AND 7 P. M. PERFORMANCES AT 2 AND 5 P. M. Downtown Ticket Office* Myera-Dillon Druf Co.. 1809 Farnara NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS GRAND ...... 16th and Binney Anna Q. Nilllon and Edna Murphy in "HER DANGEROUS PATH" 11K.K \\ ANT ADS BRING RESI LTS There’* at Least One in Every Office. By Briggs; (' Have To Take o'roE of These I POWJJJER S 6UEO.Y / FOUR. HO^U^S - ^ owe of These Pili_S I After, ewery meal- / ^J>a IW BAD 5HAPE AiLJ WtlL HERE Qoe. 5 | VJELL IT-S TimE. For ME To TAKE ANOTHER l poouder-- »'m vocally V Ten mmouteS OUtR due / roR The love or mikf Y0u'Pt Cj E T TI nJ Ci rvi RYOOOY ELSE ,SICK AROUND HERE: KEEP YouP 1 ’ll. eS And l\}vjr>l rl, "fc> YouR .51 U |E You J*>ON T J ABIE THE AGENT_Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Tim* Will Tell. 5 AM) KjOuO »TS VJP To VOU , MASTER V \Jfc\.GEfcHOLT2 i: PtJID NQU LAI TQOAV 1 OOT SMITH I AW ? • 1VJE a^HKi vjooKlkK, * ^CUJCB NAMCfc \AVL CW0i NOU MAH VJAUJEWHOCT^ ~ '- t>0 SOL? KTOOx) a MAX V/ALQtkHOLt??A i LiMy \ Ttvc tJAME I& famuas 1 tioc- 50 ^ 1$, HE A LAWYER3 v J0ST '--—~-r—mv\ W CASE!.' 1 1--*-- - .Sr mssrn THE WORLDS GREAT EST MYSTERY PLAY! ! NOTE: "THE BAT" remains at th# BRANDEIS for an extra and final performance. PriCAQ" Ev’n»*- SOc. $1, SI 50 $2 r I IVCS • 5at. Mat. SOc, Si. SI.50 More Glorious Than Ever GLORIA SWANSON -In “Bluebeard's 8th Wife” Gorfeous Gowns—Startlinf 5ceno*— Sensational Climaxes It's Gloria Swanson's Best A « “ » D t I_f i LEATRICE JOY Owen Moore. Robert F.deion and Lura Anson of Omaha In “The Silent Partner” 1 NEW SHOW TODaYI K: [wI«Mv jSU BUCK JONES In a Fifth tins Drama of the West And——Third Showing “Leather Pushers" 1 Vaudeville- Photoplays gj f) i, I Start* Today ALL NEW BILL Six Splendid Acts gowrnriwow D W. GRIFFITH’S A. hlavement “The White Rose" I- ^ f/J Omnlt.i «. t'wn Ontrr 3^* ■Jf^r Mat *•'.! Mtr T»>«fa * jV'ort*i-r*skvt HARRY STEPPE In Mttoica! R»v»tf'» Ulm<i»t •DANCING AROUND” I \TR \ UMM'D M\K and Rl R !M I >.*' Am»n(»'i ! 1 o;•' *-<! St.* » William* and W*tWr» » Su » l.ajiaa* 2B\ Pat gait Mat., * .|J» \\k l>*>» «