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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1923)
Burgess Bedtime Stories By THORNTON W. BURGESS. Temptation wears a harmless guise, And often thus deceives the eye*. —Old Mother Nature. Spotty the Turtle Finds a Tempting Bit. Spotty the.Turtle was prowling around at the bottom of the Smiling Fool. That is where he gets most of his food. He was hungry this rnorh Ing, and somehow he had had no luck at all. Every pollywog he had tried to catch had been too nimble for him. He had succeeded in nipping off the tail of one and that was all. This had just made him hungrier than ever. ' To be sure there were water plants which he could cat, but he wasn’t feeling like water plants. "I'll fill up on them if I have to,” said he to himself, "but I don't intend to unless I have to. ,It is queer where al! the insects have gone to. Usually ■~ there are plenty of the little fish, hut for some reason or other they are all hiding. Ha! So that's it!” Spotty had discovered a big. ugly looking head thrust up from the mud at the bottom of the Smiling Pool. He knew it at once for the head of his big cousin. Snapper the Snapping Turtle, and he knew now why those little fishes were hiding, and why the tadpoles were keeping buried in the mud, and why he had had no luck In finding insects such as live in the water. It was all because of that ugly looking, big cousin of his. Spotty swam away to another part of the Smiling Pool. He popped his head out of water for fresh air and for a look around. *He was just in time to see Farmer Brown's boy como to the bank of thelBinlllng Pool. Unlike Peter Habit and so many other of these little people of tlie Green Forest and the Green Meadows, Spotty was not acquainted with Farmer Brown's boy. Of course he had seen him many times at the Smiling Pool, but he never had really made his acquaintance. So Spotty was distrustful. He dived at once. THE NEBBS— THE'STORM. Directed for The Omaha Bee by bol Hess (hEU.0YESBETSY NEBB? NO^ AucsT UWW WOT KID fmaK'£^ VLA SUE <iOST LEFT _ 1 Tnink ShE'S i GoESS THAT WILL BORN HIM ) or rAC« in A ) GOING TO THE TuEATEP-ThE CAR \uP* l TOLD a HE BuTTUATSJ minute , I JUST C dusT Rolled away this minute r ) one or those little white / want to tell V _ AWFUL SORRY _ CALL AGAIN ) VOND THAT'S ALL TOR THE J (DAD SOMETHING f* flWft Charlie a'nd T S5Eg5=T"-N f?‘tJSgSwSS^ OUT TOR A WHILE - WE BEEN EXPECTING) 1 LJAlS TALKING TO OWR THE WONE . j A PHONE CALL TQOM MR. PENROD — ( THATIS OUST LIKE STRIKING OIL AND / HE PROMISED To call at seven-thirty/ then touching A MATCH to it AND ITS AFTER EIGHT NOW - TELL I'M A SMART GUY l I BUttNED THC / HIM IF HE CALLS that l WAITEDJ BRIDGE OF GOOD FORTUNE AHEAD toq mis message, as long as r Cf Me ! I’D "Do anything, outside j S i could__' or MURDER, to Square mvSELT / v-;—V- AND ir -MAT MElT GuV WALKED I n (in now t MIGHT -DO -MAT TOO J iMi. hr n« um »«*»•» ;if| Barney Google and Spark Plug GIRTH CONTROL WITH A VENGEANCE. for The Omah. n-e ty Biiiy DeBeck D»DNY I Tfetl YOU To PUNCH TDat 0A6 = Don r You know P GOTTA REDUCE TtM NOS BY SATURDAY OR M OUT FIVE IOUSANO BUCKS I SE TikeO, Boss AM ooN E PUNCHGO DAT BAG A HUNDAHD y _ NOW WHEN quit punching The 8AQ. x HAlSE L '7 te *&< j ^ Copynfhv 192) by Kins Features Syndicate, lot BRINGING UP FATHER-u.s'KSTo™- SS^-’SS'iAr'S; Drawn for Th^Omaha B.a by McManur WELL'tMUBTBE WELL'l 6<5lNC«-I ANCETTIN<^ ^ SHOULD VERV THlRBTX AND BAX bO‘ I HAVE FOUND A L--rJ PLACE WHERE XO(J -n $> can c»et z.E fine, drink MAXIbEXOO WOULD LIKE *\\1l, l.TOJO,N«5? ( T~ fr 'lii\ TOO MEAN TO J Ye^-MR: I TELLMETOOVE P ORlNK. HERE =?* KNOWN OF THI«b ' EVERT DAT- T PLACE FOR a Uhomth? < WATFD ? WT IT WONOCRFUL- 6t 60U-<- I Think Wni C.W. \ PURE WRINC, l HE'5 TRX»rS‘ TO I _«-' WATER-IT l^A | / \ PO(t)OtS NE: K * <$ DRINK FOR Z.E Y/ ^ ) r - KltN^i,-COME \y # 2S-^ _«■!> ^iToi““»^y/, jl ^ . —L__ * L■BP* 9-/8 © IMS ■» lnt'L Fiatum Scwvtc«. Inc. JERRY ON THE JOB—,_something has to be done. Drawn ,or T£f,tt?™,aha B"by Hoban ' * /// --- r——7717 3 /ahe? 4 MU.E? -tb f*OM>A AAOM>A _ i- IMUJ l W. ^ Tr* ADAMS' OOuG 'rue 010 SEakj . MR GwnEV « ju?r no w 1 MO'JEO "rue 'TmRBE' Mu.C SvGn uo 'TCe Co ao &\<5vr 7 SESlOe "tUE ^OUft, ’ ^ -MMiE mark E'jeaMBODW vmast \ SVqiKIMG fAAYG^ETy on \x and went clear to the bottom. Down there he couldn't see Farmcr^Brown’s boy.'and knew that Farmer Brown's boy couldn’t see him. So he no He was Just In time to see Farmer Brown's Boy come to the bank of the Smiling Fool. longer gave Farmer Brown's boy so much as a thought. He continued to hunt for something to eat. It was not long after this that Spotty heard a little splash in the water up above him. At once he turned to see what it meant. Some times a splash like that meant that food had fallen in the wa_fc?f. Almost at once he saw something coming down through the water that made his eyes grow bright. with eager ness. It was an earth worm. Yes, sir, it was an earth worm, and it was wriggling in the most enticing way. Spotty likes earth worm*. Sometimes after a heavy rain many of them are washed into the Baughlng Brook and come down into the Smiling Pool. Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been in use for over 30 years to re lieve babies and children of Constipa tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diar rhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimi lation of Food; giving natural sleep without opiates. The genuine bears signature of TIMELY BEAUTY HINTS Society women wash their own hair, not because it is a fad, but because they wish to obtain the greatest pos- i sible hair beauty and be sure they are not using anything harmful. They have found that in washing the hair it is never wise to use a makeshift, but is always advisable to use a prepara tion made for shampooing only. Many of our friends say they get the best results from a simple home-made canthrox mixture. You can use this at a cost of about 3 cents a shampoo by getting some canthrox from your druggist and dissolving a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. This makes enough shampoo liquid to apply to all the hair instead just the top of the head, as with most preparations. Dandruff, excess oil and dirt are dis solved and entirely disappear in the rinsing water. Your hair will he so fluffy that it will look much heavier than it is. Its luster and softness will also delight you.—Advertisement. ADVERTISEMENT. A Good Thing - DON'T MISS IT. Sand your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this •lip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dee Moines, lows, and receive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, cold*, croup, bronchial, “flu" and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain's Stom ach and LiTtr Tablets for stomach trou bles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd tha heart, biliousness and constipation; Chamberlains Salve, needed in every family for bums, scalds, wounds, piles, end skin affections; these valued family madicine* for only 6 cents. Don't mi— it. Aid EKTlvEMt NT~ 666 is the most speedy remedy we knee Ns Constipation. Biliousne;:, Colds, Headaches and Malarial Fawar. rhe Days of Real Sport By Briggs! HAKC PUT A ] &ULEttcTj j ' p| \ A / p ABIE THE AGENT— _ Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield Whsrs Icnormnrp Is Bliss. AV.L RIQHY JOSEPH, CU BE BY THE UODQE TOkMQHr Buy peueue me. iy ujooed POSiYiua. BE BETTER IP I stayed Home amt* (uekjy Tt> _ «ouu>tfr i wai.ittjiw T CEKtAtuiT uoy-T aspianiaq S^m^havje I . ts tVTERKJOOM *MV EFF¥tV »» 1 ***> MUCH / iEPHMoT-niR MORE Shots / KFULQAME ^ THAK) HIM!’ J ---' Then Spotty joins with the u*h there In having a feast. "The very thing!"' exclaimed Spot ty. "I don't know where that worm CJtne from, but it doesn't mailer. I know where it Is going! Yes, sir. 1 know where it Is going' It is going wiiere it will do some one tin most good, and that some one is me." He swam rapidly toward that wriggling worm, and the nearer he got to it the more tempting it looked. (Copyright. 1S23.) The next story: "A Worm That Could Bite and Fight." CffiCACO * ai& 9 ' on, GU)h^eLs'" Comfort Baby’s Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum For—Bp?»CaticiirsTa>ran.»fMcir.»t;rgfragT»Bfr A dare— Caticir* Ubortl*tlH,DiplI,U4.a«Zi,Mu« &Q TIME TO HUNT for a doctor tv drug store when suddenly •"bed with agonizing intestinal cramps, c -?dly nausea and prostrating diarrhoea. CHAMBERLAIN’S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY gives instant warmth, comfort and ease from pain. Never fails. Am KKTISLMKNT. WOMAN SO ILL COULDNOTWORK Gained Strength,Weight, and Now Doing Own WorkbyTaking Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Marion, Ind.—‘T was all run-down, nervous and bent over. I could hardly drag around, let alone do my work. I read some let ters in the papers telling what Lydia E.Pimiham's Veg etable Compound had done forothers and I thought I would try it. Then a man told my hus band about his wife and what igood it had dona her and wanted him to have me try it. I took one bottle and could see what it did for mein a week’s time, and when I had taken three bottles I had gained both in strength and weight and was doing my own work. I took it before my last baby was born and it helped me so much.’I sure am glad to recom mend the Vegetable Compound to any woman who suffers from female ail ments, for I know by experience what it can do. I have used Lydia E. Pink ham’s Sanative Wash, also the Liver Pills, too, and think them fine ”—Mrs. Wm. Eldridge, 630 E. Grant Street, Marion, Indiana. A record of nearly fifty years ser vice should convince you of the merit of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound. A 1)1 I.KTl'KM ENT. »an means— Beauty/ HEALTH and beauty go hand tn hand. Where the system is run down—the face drawn and hag gard—the body limp and lifeless— beauty is missing. Looks of pitv supplant those that might have been pares of admiration. , Restore vo«r health and beauty will take care of herself. S.V\ S.— the rich blood builder—rekindles" the spark of health and lights the blaze of beauty by building red blood cells. The nerve power of J our system finds life in these Yery blood cells. Build more red blood cells and your nerve power will In crease. S. S. S. builds them. Rich blood will tingle through your sys tem. That lost charm will return. Your entire system will be re paired. You will be ready to cope with the impurities and blemishes that handicap beauty. As physical health means beauty so. too. dees S. S. S. mean beauty. For S. S. S. means systems that are free from Impurities — pimples, blackheads, acne, bolls, eczema! rheumatism. S. S. S. and good health go hand In hand. b. b. S. is made of pure veco :able Ingredients. It is sold at « all good drug stores. Tho J large size bottle is moro Wt.% economicai. 'Wakes V»u Feel famdf Agutri —d. i li til — ■