Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1923)
Hit by Baseball. Man to Lose Arm Wymore Conductor, Struck on Thumb During Game, Will Have Amputation. 'Vymore. Neb., Sopt. 17.—Being struck on the end of his thumb by » pitched ball will cost N. J. IJvely, 33. Burlington conductor out of 'Vymore for the last eight y ears, his right arm. On July 4 he took part in a ball game at Blue Hill, with other mem bers of the train .crew and a pile driving gang, and was catching for his team when the accident occurred. A week later it was found necessary io remove a Joint in his thumb, the hone having been split by the impact rrf the hall. Two weeks later the en tire thumb was removed. Infection set in recently and he has gone to Rochester, Minn., to have his arm amputated, which, according to phy sicians, is necessary to save his life. Man Held on Minor Charge Ex-Convict, Police Claim Harold Cutler, who gave police his address as the Globe hotel, and who was arrested last Friday on a minor charge and held for investigation, was identified yesterday by Rleutenant A. C. Anderson, head of the police Bertillon bureau, as Raymond Chase, an escaped convict from the Colorado Slate penitentiary’. Chase escaped from tlie penitentiary it the same time as Charles Matson, arrested in connection with the $9,000 Metropolitan Utilities district pay roll holdup, and who pleaded guilty to a two-year-old fur robbery rather than he sent back to Colorado. ■H3 i ------— | “Ye.! We Have No Banana.” Still getting encores both at a song and a fox trot 1 But have you heard Furman and Nash sing it •r the Lanin Orchestra ■wing it into a captivat ing danca on Columbia Recorda? If you're one of the few who haven't, just ask for— The Song, A-3873 The Fox-trot, A-3924 At Columbia Dealers llfsanJilsJ' Colaaki* Crapbaplaat CoapMJ Milwaukee Will Show Big Electric Engine One of the new, high-powered, bi polar, ({earless, electric, passenger locomotives now in uso on its west ern lines will he exhibited in Omaha by tlie Milwaukee railroad on a track at Tenth and Jaekson streets Sep tember 25, 28 and 27. This locomotive, the most powerful type in the passenger service, is 76 feet long, weighs 452,800 pounds, has a total tractive effort of 48,500 pounds and a tractive effort available at starting of 123,500 pounds. The bi polar giant is driven by 12 motors, with a total power rating of 3,200 horsepower. Attendants will bo in charge of the locomotive while it is on display here to explain jtn features. When trav eling down hill the motors are con verted into generators and feed power , back into the line. President Is Told Liberty League Aims Don E. De Bow, secretary and treasurer of the National Liberty league, lias written President Calvin Coolidge, concerning tho meeting of governors which tho president has called to discuss law enforcement. He states in his letter that many voters of the middle west are inter ested in the equal enforcement of all the laws, and not what he claims is enforcement of the prohibition stat utes to the neglect of others. He also declares In his letter that there is a growing sentiment for a modification of the Volstead act, permitting tlie sale of light wines and beer. Four Women Report for Jury Duly in District Court Four women reported for jury duty w-hen the jury for the September term of the district court w'as impan eled Monday morning. Two of them, Miss Cornelia Dunlap and Mrs. Salina Bell, were excused. The other two, Mrs. A. L. Ingram and Mrs. H. Schnellbacher are still on the list. On the Screen Today. Iti<o—“The Silent Partner.” Sun—"The White Rose." Slrand—“Bluebeard's Wife.” Moon—"The Miracle Baby.” Muse—“Cordelia the Magnificent.” World—“The Cleanup.” Brand—"Slander the Woman.” TODAY Lions’ Club Day Ladies Admitted Free TUESDAY, SEPT. 18 General Admission $1.00 plus tax; Children 50c plus tax. Reserved seats on sale at Beaton Drug Co., Merritt Drug Co. and Unitt-Docekal Drug Co. Automobiles Free. Postponed Auto Races to Be Held Sunday, Sept. 23. N N o IclKlrLiti ° w w LEATRICE JOY Owen Moore, Robert Edeeon and Lure Anion of Omaha I LARRY SEMON “Midnight Cabaret” HARP LAND 4 Udy Harpists \ |j Playing Classic and Popular Music KINOGRAMS ORGAN RIALTO ORCHESTRA WITH 21 ARTISTS Mel*. NOW IMAYINC. 2:20 Orpheum Concert Orchestra 8:20 2:30 Aesop', Fable* 8:30 Topic* of th* D»y 2:40 THE THREE WHIRLWINDS 8:40 JZa FRADKIN _World Ren own sd Violinist 3:08 GUS FOWLER 9;0H 3:73 MISS VEN1TA GOULD 9^3 3:41 Mri. Rodolph Valentino 8:41 3:88 BURNS a LYNN 9:9g *:io EVA SHIRLEY 10,10 ~34 P»th« New* Wrehlp 10:34 Prlc**: Mat., 17c, 25c. SOc, 75c. Night, 17c, B6c. 83c. $1.10, $1.80 (Including Tax) edt--a Omaha'* Kun Cealer yOygly Mat. and Nile Today ' Mammoth. Stiiprndnu* Show* Combined • Jimmie Cooper’s Revue Burleak 18 White Artist*—38 Colored Entertainer* Extra Midnite Show Thurs., 11:30 I -adits' 29« Bargain Mat., 2:IB WU. Days featurd*v Matin** and Wi»*k ‘Dancing Around wjlh Harry Slspps I FOR YOUR I APPROVAL I liir Now Showing At the Boa I lA-fRI Three Days Starting THURS., SEPT. 20TH MATINEE SATURDAY FLYING BACK AGAIN THE WORLD’S GREAT EST MYSTERY PLAY! ! TICKETS NOW ON SAI F. ; PPirrC* F.vening*. 50« $2.00 rniGC.9. S«t. M-t BOr. •$! ilO NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS GRAND ------ 141th end Binney DOROTHY PHILLIPS In “SLANDER THE WOMAN” i JMGWNG-TOCAUUPOOCSUR|P°P THERE YOU GO - SPENDING MORE MY MOTHER RAISEO A FAMILY OF ThEBAKEO HER OWN CAKES AND AND ADVERTISE IN THE ^NEY-YOU SIT AROUND LIKE AN NINE CHILOREN -MAOE THEIR BREAD -MADE HER OWN PIES - OMAHA BEE R^U.W.9NE EVE 0N A CLOTHES - DIO THE HOUSE WORK SOME PIES TOO — AND THEN _ cad a. r 101 *ta ucin . tuc 2f.l*^SSS.E LOOKING FOR ANOTHER AND ALUTHE COOKING. SHE . FOUND TIME TO KNIT EACH OF TRE DOLLAR TO APPEAR • SOON AS YOU HAD NO OE LI CAT ESSEN STORE / VS KIDS A SCARP LONG ENOUGH ^^^S^nVw°ct!^N*GETT>IlG^ ToiSUf:VS2Sl^lA'<00 ^ r TO RUN TO AND BUY GLUE < TO WRAP US UP LIKE T-r'~X ' V L SO NERVOUS * ~I REINFORCED WITH ARTIFICIAL >1-7 MOMMIES* v, ^-^L-- WVV^HftS.^ 6*£CUT,6M O 'w-^CVKM-,-r--[T-^r „ | wut J I 1U«<«UT Ml Trlbpw ftmUloM. 1W *»*■!—. [ AT THE THEATERS BREAKING a 11 recent attendance rec ords. the current vaudeville bill at the World theater provides an un usual amount of solid entertainment, daffy's "Music Masters," 10 synropaters, is proving one of tjie favorite features. Myron Pearl Ale Co. offer a whirlwind dancing act. Downing and O'Rourke are top-notch harmony singers ;»nd comedians as well. La France and Bvron keep the. fun going with blackfa-e nonsense. Wllle biothcrs thrill. The Manikin Cabaret Is Jin original novelty. Nada Norralne has a remarkable double voice. Herbert Raw llnson stars In the picture feature Ful ton and Burt are delightful furimakers. Are you Inclined to be scary of your own shadow? If so. do not see "The Hat." when It comes to the Brandeis fheatnr on next Thursday night. Septem ber 20. "The Hat." written by Mary Koberts Rinehwrt. in collaboration with Am ry Hopwood. and produced bv Wag enhals A Ketnner. contain more thrills, anatomically t-peaklng. to the suuare inch >f backbone than any play to b« pro duced within the last two decades. A shot in the dark, an arm thrust through the window. a thunderstorm. ghostly knocking.*. th<‘ mvsterlmis waving of a searchlight, and the flitting* of a crazed hat. flving through the house. These are only n few elements that blend to make "The Bat." This attraction will he at the Brandeis next Thursday, Friday and Sat urday, with a Saturday matinee. Jimmie Cooper, who heads his own show. ‘Jimmie Cooper's Revue." at the tiavety theater this week, is not only tho youngest actor, manager, producer on the Columbia circuit, but is % graduate lawyer as well. His engagement opened last Sat urday and so tremendous has been the attendance than an extra performance will be given, starting at 11:30 Thursday night, in nn effort to provide s^ats for the throngs turned away at every per formance. The daily matinee begins at 2:15. but seats should be procured in ad V .1 m »v More Glorious Thao Ever GLORIA SWANSON “Bluebeard's 8th Wife” Gorgeous Gown*—Startling Scenes— Sensational Climaxes It's Gloria Swanson's Best The Show of the Year Big in Names Big in Numbers Big in Talent Big in Entertainment Vaudeville—Photoplays Matinees - - Night* - - - 10£:55£ HARRY CAREY “Miracle Baby” In Addition Third Series ALL NEW “Leather Pu»hert“ With Reginald Denny FUNERAL NOTICES. I(i \X_-fh,,r,eN paas**f on at the home, » •« -No. 30th Rat . Hept. 15th. 192 3 Mr V nn Is survived by bis wife, one *on. • Hilam Jfnnn, Clarion. In ; two daughter*. 1>. W Morrow-. Sutherland. Neb., trs L. T. Watt, Omaha Funeral aervlco from Crnaby-Bfnnre metal home. 24th and Wirt R»* . Tue* Sept 1*. 1923. at 2 p. rn. Interment • r**t Lawn cemetery. fVFSKY-—Mary M Hept. Ifith 1921. d 02 y« ars. 1 month an,| 24 .lays. Hhe survived by her husband. Robert K . •• son*. «ieorg<* and Howard two -othcra. Olaf and Andrew Johnaon. all >f Omaha Funeral <*<frv|ce* will be held from the Ural ley A- Oorrance chapel, Tuesday, Hept. • 8th. at 2:00 p. m. Interment Foreat Lawn remet, ry IIRKCKF.NRIIHJK Mrs W |J.. .lied Sep. t ember Ifith at < ml way. Colo. Mrs. Brock enridge was a former resident of Te Hainan Services Wedne* 1 a ’ 2 o’clock from Hurket chapel. Farnam Hi. Inter ment Foreat Lawn. CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to kind friends and neighbors who ah siated us during our lat" bereavement In the death of our beloved father, also for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. It C Kramer and family. Mr and Mts. Steven Mohr and Family. ^FUNERAL DIRECTORS. IIRAKKT A HEAFET. Undertakers and Embalmera. Phone HA o2r.r, offlre 2*11 Farnam. (ESTABLISHED HINCK 11*1.) CRANE MORTUARY CO.. CONDUCTED HY LA DIES ONLY BIB S. 20th St. AT. Ifi*9 and AT. 8*90. KORISKO FUNERAL HOME. 28d and O Rta. I860 H 18th St MA. 0*80. AT. 1*72. ANDREW T REED, Oreafer fimiha't i for* oat COLORED undertaker Phone MA 3991. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, 311 S 33d. new funeral home. HA. *417. HOFFMANN AMBULANCE. Dodge at 24th. Funeral Directors. JA 8901. HULSHJ A RIEPEN. Funeral directors. 2224 urnlng. JA. 1114 CRONF1Y-MOORE 84th and Wirt. WB. 004T. TAUflART A RON, 3212 Cuming Ht. JA. 0714. H. H FUNERAL HOME. B91* Military Ava. WA. 5114. Hit AI LEY A DORRANCE, 1 *23 4 TIM I NO HT . JA 0514 JOHN ^ UKNTLKM AN. 311] Fa main 0t. BEE WANT AD RATES 15c p*r line each day, 1 or 2'daya, 12c per line each day, 3 or 6 days. 10c per line each day, 7 days or longer. The above rates apply exclusively to ”atit Ada which aro commonly termed public wants” and do not include adver tisements of individuals or concerns ad vertlaing or exploiting their business**. These rate* apply to The Sunday Omaha Be® as well an The Morning and Eve ning Bee. All week-day advertisements appear in both morning and evening edi tions at tne one coat. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT AD8. Morning Edition.. p m Evening Kdftlon.11.30 a. m. Sunday Edition.9 p. m. Saturday. vv ant Ads accepted at the following offices: Main office . ..17th and Farnam Sts. South Omaha N. W. Cor. 24th and N Sts. Council Bluffs.15 Scott St. Telephone ATlantic 1000. r*si! for "Want” Ad Pepsrfment. An experienced "Want” Ad taker will receive ynur ndrt and a bill will be mailed later. I ha rate* riunted above apply to either charB« or raah orders. THE OMAHA BEE reserve, the right to wantnatS "hat constitutes a public THE OMAHA MORNINO BEK. THE KVEN'lN'tl BEE. CEMETERIES. t VISIT FOREST I,AWN. ... North of City Limits. J2" aerss. Perpetual rare. Office* at cemetery and 720 Brand 1* Theater Bid*. VAULTS AND MONUMENTS. DISTINCTIVE features, sea demonstra tion at factory. Automatic Sealing Con crete Burial Vault. Insist upon your un dertaker using no other. Every vault ■tamped. Watch for name In lid. Man ufactured only by the Omana Concrete Burial Vault Co.. G210 N. 30th St., Omaha. _FLORISTS ..... . _ lee larmon 19th and Douglae. Phone AT, 8944. L. HENDERSON. 1607 Fernam. JA. l»l. I £OHN__BATH, 1804 Farnam. JA. H0». ! ATTRACTIONS, CONCESSIONS. ( ONCESSIOJCS of all kind*, shows and attractions wanted for fall festival at Lincoln, Neb . September 22d to 29th inclusive. Write or wire secretary 219 N. IHh St„ Lincoln. Neb._ ’ LOST AND FOUND. CAPE-Lo.t, September 9. child’* acarlet, blue-lined. Reward. MA. 4079 ~PER^N^. REWARD. Suitable reward will be paid for ANT in formation leading to the arrest and con vjctlon of the person or person* involved in the holdup of the Metropolitan Utilities district messenger, whirh occurred near the House of Hope on N. 30th Ft.. Omaha, j Neb., on Saturday. September K, 1923. or for ANT Information leading to the re covery of the money taken or any part thereof. Al! Information will he consid ered confidential and the name of the party giving *ame will not ha disclosed, i all. or write A. J Rhodpa, Adjuster, i nited States Fidelity A- Guaranty Co . Peters Trust Bldg , Omaha. Neb Phone JA. 5453. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicit* your old clothing, furniture, maga zines. We collect. We distribute. Phone JA 4136 and our wagon will call. Cali and lnapect our new -bom*. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge 8t ALTER THIS DATE I will not he respon sible for any debts contracted bv my wife, Shirley E 6»n2 N*. 13rd Ft __JESSE M. POUCH. WILL sublet my downtown studio 1 or 3 day* per week fall HA 6174 WANTED to buy two return tlckata to Los Angeles WA. 1660. riANO stored for use. WE. 1131. _EDUCATIONAL._ DAY SCHOOL—NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses in accountancy, ma • hire bookkeeping comptometer, ahort hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil service and all Eng lish and commercial branches. Write, rail or phone Jackson 1666 for larga illus trated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Bldg . Omaha. Nab TRI < 1TY BARBER coi.LEGK 1402 Dodge St. 1306 Douglaa it. Call or write f r • formal n. FRANK Bl*< *K INGH A M Banlo. rnando. lift, guitar Instruction. Rm t Rnldrtge Hlk . 20th and Farnam AT. 3761 FIGHT to 12 weeks prepare you for a flue office position. Call AT. 7774 or write American College. 1112 Farnam. MOLE It BARBER COLLEGE^ 110 S 14th St. Write for catalog. Comptometer school. 30n Courtney Bldg ^^^^jAUTOS^FOR^SAI^E^^^ F. F7AL BARGAINS NEW FORD COUPK COLB-8—RUN 1.001 MILES NEBRASKA PAIGE CO 1947 Farnam Pa ge AT J4?9 Jewett. dome bargains In uaad Forda Naw Ford son. aaay payments McCaffrey motor co. The Dandy Service Station 16th and Jackson Btm._ AT. Till. NEW and used Ford*, cash or terms C. W. PAULBON MOTOR CO . Authorised Ford and Lincoln Deal are >0th and Arnes Ava KB. 014f. GOLDSTROM’S n< w car place. 2112-14 Harney. New and used car* Oath or term* Ford bodies with winter tops. Gold** rom a Auto Sales Co. A'1 hfi44 USED CARS THAT CAN BB SOLD. NEBRASKA OLDHMOBILK CO.. Howard at 18th. _AT. 17 7t. IJ8FD parta for all makea of cara Ford used parta at half price. Nab. Auto Part*. JA. 4921. ItlCU-GRADE naw and uaed cara. OUT L. SMITH. USED CARS O. N. Bonney Motor Caw 36f-4 Farnam. 1919 B11ICK roadster, new top. new bat t^ry. good flree. In first-clana condition. for >3 r,n KE. 4981 HAXoN roadster, extra good" " ^fully *(l ul t>ped. >00 209 S I&th A\c AUTO ACCESSORIES. TIEES. BUY a metal garage Made in Omaha CARTER SHEKT METAL CO, JA 0402. MOTORCYCLES—BICYCLES. 19 ? 1 IVKNDKKtfoN motorcycle and aide car I22IS 3002 H. 9th AT. 44 78 HELP WANT ED—M ALE. WANTED- Good boys for nirrurngn work Cen u«e a few pert time bool tmj * Good t»a\ Apply Hi WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH Co. .797 South Fourteenth YOUNG MAN ST t 77y~TT l7v 1 Downturn evening aeastnne Unlveialtv of Dinah* La 'V R« honi. Nominal tuition Enrol! now See Aar'y. 1037 Omaha Nat. Hank ^JjNELIMVA^^ PAINTERS. Interior decorators who can do first-class refinfshlng. open shop. $1.15 per hour. Steady work for competent men. Addresa Y-2412. Omafra Jiee _ PLUMBERS. First-class, who can pass examination for license, open shop. Iona Job. $1.25 per hr. Address immediately. Y-2412. Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. WANTED—At once. High school assist ant to tea<h English and commercial. Must be qualified to teach In accredited high school. Wire application to Board of Education, Corsica, South Dakota. COOK and second girl wanted. 3 In fam ily. Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm. 3623 Jackson. HA. 20:.*;. COMPETENT white rook wanted. also second maid. HA. 0206. CTRL wanted to model gowns and hats. Jessie F Fox, 774 Ha under*-Kennedy Bldg SALESMAN wanted. SALESMEN. Experienced piano and phonograph salesman for outside work. Give references, age. salary or commis sion expected and full particulars in first letter. The Glen Bros. Roberts Piano Co, Ogden. Utah. CREW manager wanted to handle sales men Guaranteed salary with guaranteed productions. Must be able to handle sales men. Apply 308 Baird Bldg, from 9:30 11 12 and after 3:30. SITUATIONS WANTED. DAY WORK, reliable woman. Ref. KE. 503 2 after 3. _ J3XP. laundress. Steady day work. WE. WHITE woman wants laundry work. JA. 5618. WOMAN wants day work. WE 3214. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE Liberty market and groceries, only market In town of one tnousand, good slaughterhouse and fed yards. Will In voice about $6,000 Writ* Fred Blake. < h^yenne Well*. Colorado. POOL HALL for sale or trade, m th»» best town in the country. 18 pool tables. 7 card tables. A good reason for telling. Add re*- V-241P. Omaha Bee. RESTAURANT—Cheap If taken at once: caters to all trade leaving town on ac count of other bust no** WE. 5621. $4,000 STOCK general merchandise trade Baa °maha t>r°D*rty. W -522. Omaha STOCK or hardware for sale. Carlson A Hodman. Mead. Neb. MUST »cll—-other business—candy route »nd truck KE. 2660._ I L®°£ wparaUIy. Good income. l isno. JA. 3609 investments. CASH paid for 2d mortgage, on Omaha property. F C Horacek & Co.. (40 lit N«; I Hank Bldg AT. 3(11. CORNER, ««x!32. largo Iiouk. In huainoa let. n.rgmn. 113,600. O. P. Hteb b.n*. 1(10 Chicago St. m°rtgagr« and contract! Mr l.araon. 104 No, nth 8t . . _ MONEY TO LOAN, YOU WANT MONEY DON'T PAY HIGH RENTE, w# loan any amount up to $600 at the lowest rates. Gan be repaid In easy monthly payments to auit convenience, w* are licensed and bonded and have b*en in business over 30 >eara. therefor* >ou are eure of a quick, confidential and square deal OMAHA 1.0 AS COMPANY. 506 Karbaeh Blk Telephone JA. 22»$. S.-uthewst Cor 15th and Dougiaa fits. DIAMOND loans at lowest rates, business strictly confidential. The Diamond Loan Co.. 1514 Dodge St.. Kttab. 1894. LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. &** and 6 PER CENT MONET. Loan* on Omaha Improved property at lowest rates. FRANK H. BINDER. 821 fVy NatJA. 5S«1. $100 to $1^.000 loana. Prompt service^ F. P WEAP A D H. BOWMAN. |0 s IMh W»*d BldgAT. 01 SI. 1 MONET to loan on farms and MYnahe j real estate. MYERS A RAIN BOLT CO.,! 424 Omaha Nat Rank Hid* JA. 0744 OMAH A UO M EH— EAST NEB FARMS, f'KEEFE REAM ESTATE CO. 101S Om. Nat Pk Bldg. JA. "71 f». STRAIGHT 8-year loana, 4 Vi per cent. AMOS GRANT CO.. lot 8. 14th. Arthur Bldg. AT. $180. SIX per cent loans on Omaha residences. (Cash on hnod. Prompt a*rvlce. E. H I«ougee. In r.. fell Keel In a Bldg SECOND mortgag«a or contracts pur ' chased by Tukey Company. 62$ lat Nat‘1 i}'* T Al 4?gl FARM LOANS. Marge or email. West Neb farms, ranches. Kloka Investment Co. 848 Om. Nat. Bk I WILL buy mortgagee end contracts. corkln. >♦» Qma. Nat. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 5>4 AND « PER CENT—NO DELAY. GARVIN BROS 34 4 om Natl. Bldg. CALM MOANS—GIbhon-.Steel, JA. $604. LIVESTOCK AND VEHICLES. ONE thoroughbred Jeraev, freah, with heifrr <-a!f, aeveral dandy dairy cowa. Mgr. German Home. 420h 8 13th fin MEAT* of choice Holstein milk cowa. fie*h and coming freah Frank hark o»"i>. mile So Of Ralston. .IA 5010—4 heavy horses. harness, wagon for *■* le T 0 8 N hill St. SO IV 8—Five with 6 pigs each, for aalr cheap JA. 2;.$4. _GOOD THINGS TO KAT. Al'PI MS and Grat e* for sale, price* rea sonable Bring containers. J. J Smith, three miles north .if Florence on brick road KM 4112 F-1 GRAPES fur »•* le Walatrom, 50th and prwgne St, Kenwood 2*15. GOOI1 FLACKS TO KAT. CHICKEN dinner Sundays. Phone be I f**re f» p m. Sat. Dinner every eve ti p rn. I bread. JA. 0410. j , .CLOTHING, PURS, ETC. I I’LM PR MSN suits and Tuaedoa for rent. •TA 109 N. 14th St. John Feldtnan. RMI» 811.K Tuxeda sweater; alae 38. tan ma|. IIA 3 8 5» MUSICAL I NST RUM ENTTS. TKADH your tiaed piano on a new p1a>er piano Balance ee low «n» $10 per month A. HOSPi: CO. 1M3 Douglas 1'yA N' 1 8 I 1 i .r i» ■ - || in 11 A 094F FOR _SI ALE MISCELLANEOUS. PEON Y ROOTS—Now* la the time to plant beat known varieties KM J428 1904 Grand OFFICE SUPPLIES FOR SALE WM BUY. sell eafen. make desks, ahow £•*?"/ **•*• Omaha Fixture A Supply Co s " 1 1,1 HG» and 1 touwlas, J A 57 24 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ---—-GCSUSxJfc!___ EXPERT sewing marhlnw tensions MICKEM8 lilh and Harney A t 4i«i library table *“v|,tioha * M^nrde $«"• 49M t alifornbi NFW^ j|'^AV. 4 '^MAII It. AN GOOD AN Pt’oE' »1.1* washing machine If A "*| Tl HOUSEHOLD GOODS. THE largest stock of used furniture Itj ,/?,*}• at 8tephenson Auction House. 1508 Capitol Ave. Auctions at 1:30 p. rn. *very Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday and Saturday. Goode alao sold at private sale. FURNITURE AT AUCTION This Afternoon and Tomorrow Night. DOWD'S AUCTION HOUSE. GAS STQVK 2211 Ames, KK. 4389. _SWAPCOLUMN GOOD as new. hot water gas heater for instaHing 6 yds. gas pipe or kitchen cabinet. 8-143, Omaha Bee. TWO Winter Coat*—12 and 15-yr. old., young man’s suit. 36. for what have you? 8-1*2. Omaha Dec. 1 ’paved streets, new addition; value I1.7a0. for what have you? S-17S. I * imiha Bee. I HRKK-BVRN*EIi Detroit Vapor oil stov. to trade for toe box. 5b or i5-pouiul ca I'»''lty. Call KII 540* 5 INK muskrat for lined nvqrrost to trade for ttroa, otlter auto equipment, or what have you’’ .S-17V, Omaha Hie. .--OMF. household furniture to trade for auto tires, bed. tent, apot light. or what hate yog* S-I7X, Omaha H-e. GROCERY and Meat business, trade for 'ily property or land. H 4Z',, Omghu Bee. WILD awap or sell A-l auto touriat tent, 7x0, Used 5 times, s 415, Omaha Bee. PHOTO printing frame* all Use. for suit eaea or what have you?. S-4!5. Omaha rice. KIMBALL upright piano for sale or trade for v- hat have you ? 8-427, Omaha Bee. j WILL trade one battery charger part In on a large speaker. S 179. Omaha Bee. FORD sedan to trade for desirable lot. will demonstrate. 8-410, Omaha Bee. t'ROWN carpet sweeper for coal heater or stove. WE 1380. SQUARE dining table for what have you? 8-173. Omaha Bee HIGH CLASS furniture. What have you? 8-418. Umaha Be e. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS ..ew desk?, used desks bought, sold and «l4«Cd’ J' C‘ Reed* 1207 Farnam 3t. AT. WE BUY magazines and ail kinds of waste paper. OMAHA TAPER STOCK CO. ■ Stn and .Mar, y,_ JA. 0159 CASH for JO good used tars. Z. Ac T. Aut4» Shcps. 41 *> N. 22d St. APARTMENTS AND FLATS! 123 N 36TH ST—Cheerful, modern, onr room apartment, with larg* rjoaet. kiten*-n and private bath room. HA. 2290. Also garages for rent FOR RENT—MODERN BRICK FLAT. Five-room, all modern flat Located close to school and <-ar |j0e Reasonable rent. Reference! required Call JA. 507 0. After 4 t» clork. W y 1 300. FOR ONE OF DRAKE’S 3000 APARTMENTS _Call Jackson >805. APARTMENTS and flat* for rent. V8. J. PALMER CO. AT. 6910. Real Estate Management Specialist!. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. ’’WHERE OMAHA RENTS." AT. Qj44.17th and Farnaro gta. THE FRANCES. 2616 Capitol Ave.; four iarg« rooms and bath, strictly modern. walking distance no WE. 5365. 4 ROOM heated »pt .'12 3 0 Harnev. Jib®1 per mo in A-l condition. J L. HIATT CO. AT 9»ftQ. H.\. T34ft—Slng’e nr doubl# rooms; walk ing distance, reasonable. AT. t*741—Desirable Apt. well furnished. walking distance; references required. STEAM heated modern apartments, low rent n tv stebblns, 1516 Chicago 8t. Ha. 7124 or HA. 6994—Six and seven ! room apta. modern, choice location MODERN 2-room arartment good heat, i wly decorated. 2437 So 23rd. | APARTMENTS AND FLATS. MORRIS APARTMENT HOTEL. 18TH AND DO DUE STS. APARTMENTS CONSIST OF LIVING ROOM. DRESSING ROOM, KITCHEN ETTE AND BATH. RENTAL INCLUDES HEAT, LIGHT, GAS AND MAID SERV ICE. APARTMENTS FURNISHED SOFT WATER BY REFINITE SOFT WATER PROCESS. rilE ELSINORE *f 41 % s 9t h St . has moat comfortable arul cleanest fur ■i «h<d apartment* in Onulu HA. 3114 T\\0-RfM*M art bath. *t*am heat com P.^trlv fum 330 1, N gld. AT. *70?. m NTMl INS. at — and Und*. ! Horn, for traveling m.n and wlf*. | HOUSES FOR RENT. -y-, l unLn-A_, J-UjljjjrnU Pi V K- ROOM m partition t with al.gnlng porch end garag. corner 5oth ard Wrh.lrr T. II Ma.nn.r, AT 33*2. FI\r. roorr. and gar. |2& p.r month and «»« ■'•nv. 1113 North 30th. Call JA. 1'IVH larg. mod.rn rooma. ».<-0nd floor. 7010 r ,urPl»hr<!. AT. 5630 and HA. MODKRN 7-room, newly decorated hour. for rent at 201. 1'oppieton Ave. nt'.’he.r^^U^C'atirs.1 hl‘mC' °“k fur •kr^vyi«T<,r"-fm* ior‘i>i1 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT TV. O fiTOftft ftOOMS ^ I NKW DODGE BUILDING 2110 Harney 1 hey are located right. Ea-h Otn la rsxgg Ready for ,«■ upancy O t ! Rent |O 0 \ r •Month. Including heat and tan' or *> rv!re On »*, ond floor of nsa lullding there i* verv dealt T ««. ".o'ua’r/Tr, *V-r.l?X'S'M'i' Itodgo S. Co. Mr lUrrimanl AT \*'\ it*”**” *"d -^vin-lay for rknt Itoubla .tor#, ground floor Caterg National Bank, with *rga haaemem vault and • lorage apace. Inquire treat ttrer Bee Publishing Co . Room *04. Peter* Nation*! Rank. 4 i. «S 11,h Sl 1enuare feet of .... , 'v FARNAM smith x CO. b:nnnm St j g *5^4 ST«»BV Larg* modern, for rent. ,t if 14 U p Strbhtne, K1Q Chicago Pig V ATE office, furnlabed. AT. Hot ROOMS FOR RENT. —--_ Nb IK>1.AS. 1026- Nba room In private home; breakfast, optional HA 40fO SIX rKKNTH St . ?«0j No,Nicely fur nlwlnrl front room, reaaonablc. \VK, 0*11 90ft SOUTH • > 01 h — Larae room for on* or t n <v rrnxui il'lr H A 17CJ •J ' *77*' tTF,I, >—Mahogany furnlehed room In prUate home walking d iat a no# Id WENWORTI1 2»23, Apt ft TI^'gT riom loom. ld«*i home 11 \ 0*9 v t• o 579 ' f 1 In K >untte park, hot water h«*at u ;*l,nr“i b.*m, Rooma. It $J Sleeping po. i t> \;;| 4 ,« j^i yi h 1 ** N »"«'m. " e► t bn at ion \V \ OtH~” •" '• ■ <•' ".1 \~l~V. Jt| § ROOMS FOR RENT. VORTY-SBCOND ST., 822 N.—2 or 3 largo room* anrl kitchen, furnished or un furnished. everything modern. Adult* only. WA. 3 7 9 :t. HA. 4809 <TeI.)—Room for students, 6 rulnute w’«lk from Creighton 113.50 per month; with room mate, $9.60. Board if desired, I'AVEN'POItT ST., 253-7—Large beauti fully furnished front room with alcove, walking distance, Reasonable. AT. 4356. LARGE front room, ait mod., priv. home. hot water heat, suitable for 1 or 2. 2705 Cuming. HA. $81Q TWO splendid rooms in private home. well furnished with twin beds, beautiful location. Call WA. 0441 2509 HARNKV—l sleeping rooms for gen tlemen: first class; strn htd. apts. JA. 5AS2. HOTEL SANFORD—19*n and Ksrnam. HOTEL HKNSHAW—ICth and Fa mam. •Specie I rates to permanent gussts. MINNiJ Lt.'SA DIS'lRR *T—Nicely fur nished private bath, private home. KK 1 *130 WA 4*:;:.—Ni«e;y furnished room in Hen-, s«n, with private family. Reasonable. JA. 2 413—Large, cool sleeping rooms in 1 brick fla*. 2507 Karnam. HA. 2€63 — Board and room for man and w fc working people preferred. NICELY furnished room with private farr.iiy, 2493 *'a i i b-rn i a St. HA. 0845. HA. 783V—Beautiful room, home rooking and privilege; close in. reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WIRT ST. 2128—Large, nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, with kitchenette. Lsundry privileges. WE. 0381. THREE large front rooms, modern and nicely furnished: nrivate home; also garage 2215 N 25th St. WE. 256*1. DODGE HT.. 2707—Single housekeeping - Her. light and gas furn, $5; two nice front rooms, $7.00. FIVE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 520 per month; with garage, $25. 4731 \*. 37th St. Phone KK. 4910. S;H,CAQ0 ST., three beautifully fur mshed rooms, reasonable. AT. 3491. LARGE SUITES, or single rooms in pri va’e house. Garage. W E. 3 71 i NEWLY furnished housekeeping- also a.eepiny rooms 2654 Douglas St. MARr-Y ST. 30C9-: light h*kp*. roomsi * i sic»-t ing room Curtis A*ht k?^pinc rooms. 2C59 ! ROOM AND BOARD 1IANSCOM PARK district, large pieaa ant room for 2. with board, HA. 3l«6. C*ss. 601 -—Dundee; large rs with meals ror * men or husband and wife. WA. 2517. 5?? /I MMAve HA -i€-- nic# room fo* two. Harney car. hotels! rs7:v,U1v'10NT H?TEL. 1TTH AND JACK 8, to HQ, AT. 6944 REAL ESTATE—BENSON BL’T A LOT IN BONITA ADDITION ,, I'o^n. $io per Month jcCAGlt_JN VK8TM KNT CO. JA. 134E. REAL ESTATE—DUNDEE. DUNDEE BUJLDINO SITES. GEORGE A CO. AT. 80IA. REAL ESTATE— FLORENCE? Florence field W ILL SOON BE OPEN _C W MARTIN A CO. N_r_T_IIA" A V .• , lo wrhitu only, KK. U»8. REAL ESTATE—CENTRAlT OHOB'E HOME SNAP—RENTAL TERMS • -room Alt mod , 4 bed room,, nek floor* [f", n* p.1.1, w,4t :T:h «nd jjM-Pleron bArga -a At 86,-iflfi JA. d'O. . ESTAT E—M iscpl! REST PRICES and workmanablp. Many lew hen <1 -Jit t* a or Pa-tonal AT »0«,.T' 11 amK,:!' H' MP.S for working non Four roonu. lardy modern, full lot. raay terma 9! S00 Have othara. Stewart, Raliton iO-VV Id 'Mini, louder of m.wl.rn home* w'l Jt -uJ f'n*BC*. Cl Sunderland _R_EAL ESTATE—NORTH. ~ MILLER PARK H'lMK. , Lv.-room and balh. lum. rorairue rah.n “/'Ti °*k "’’"•'work, kitchen lei.nM and full r»meiit basement Will conHilsr \*rant lot «r Ford nr « « n*rt ranraHA' 7**‘® down- b*:*r‘'' nka rent! , . l:oo cash i,own will handl* a non 6-room bungalow on a Pt'.rlu'.^y s'!Th^-J NEW 6 room modern bungalow ») «0eihVPTvn"''t,'V'he-mtnu-e A teal but KK 4T7? ' *"* obncr after 6 p. m. tltv Al, HARliAlV . IA ROOM eernl-hungalnu. i tsar* old CTo" *• •«*< JA 001 y Mr Vogel, Ruild to Pleaae " .... ..temple m f at pen co .606 h arnant St AT bur and tell h mea _ , HEjVE ESTATE—SOUTH. ... 1«*» SOUTH TH ST I,,|* rn'!i ,,,,k < oak rin t 'S and dining rme . ranter } - ■ n A bargain. K7, irfm. ,!A 142*. hones !SlAlIh.'r, NT—S room. aTi modern ff p-e AJ vT?^ kl • »k-d- ATe.ah. Po!.t’Kr,tN *'room house for sale or rent* Pove-tainn non, 2997 So 23rd, Te«ar_A_Teaar aperlaliae in A SldThomao ^Jg£AL ESTATE—WEST. FLORENCE RI.VD. ntHOALOW. 'LOSE TO M1I.LKR PARK Handy fit. room strictly modern bunga L"*„ .,hrT* P>om" flushed h, oak. built.m buffet, bookcases, two targe a.raenad por.-h*,. ran front, lot tltKS tlet.ra "hruhherv Most he .old Price 97 ioo 9600 raab 9. ■> a month Cali . osnoRNt: rhaltt co 63ft Tetera Trust Rida ,t t 17k* 'VEST EARN AM l 'Till OK At. HIST runualow s.'t Riricn S t large rooms and hath oak finish tn mam roonta while enamel !„ balance oak throughout, Fron-h doota Cr»'*: kton^ rx,#‘r,"r. **•»»’ f-4» K>t. $:rf» c«i»h and 966 a month Call 08RORNP REALTY CO. >0 triers True! Rida ,t A If*. ’NK 6-room new and ore aetrn-rooriT ’oih on« f.oor , .... in Technical High 'is: '*’** *' hooie and Cathedral. HA New Homea—Teor Ternta OROVK HimtARn CO AT. 6911. 626 Sunderland Rtdg | COLLINS COMPART , ,, P'll Id r re ,.f Ru lit K a hi Homea K'J Arthur ItMg \ !VtW.bu.H In tour order on our twaytL . ’ lota in I da-wood aery east teima I hone Miami * a • ROOMS --14 s Tilt” 'i:7ra iub,s f.'T eemeiBt tm.emrnl 3 ioia I .m h.MRb tsrnik ,T A « • t i . ^^REAL^STATE—W^EST_ 65TH AND JONES LOCATION. 'Could you Ilk* an Elem wood park loe* Hon at a Minne Luaa price? Five beau tiful room* strictly modern, new building built for a home, south front, -nappy and up-to-dato <n every detail; loc ated out where nature invite* you to frolb- and play in the city's largest, moat beaut Jut park. Going at * bargain value. Calf today for an appointment. AMERICAN MORTGAGE AND FINANCE CO AT. 2115. AT. 5911. I WILL SACRIFICE If you hav* $1,000 in rash I will pelt you my brand new modern bungalow fo only $4,500 On p*v*»«j street I,« 60x 150 Jus* b*lng finished. Hurry ;-rd vou ran select the fall paper and gilt f - turps Finished in oak and cnarn*!. Oak floor* throughout Full cement basemen* Write Bog W-633. Omaha Use ;«nd I will mil for you and tak • > ou out 1 J" REAL ESTATE—W^NTED^ PELL NOW! We a e in need of listing* a’ this tim*. Call us at once for service We need ft and 7-room home* Don't wgir 66 ► are member* multir'^ l-.stinr exchange. Ever'rg* mil KK. 5611 or HA. Oir.o. GRUEKIG REALTY COMPANY. Realtor* JA 3 96 6.14Q0 First Natl Bank. TOUR SECOND MORTGAGE, if on (»maha property, will make the first payment on a delightful five-room bunga low, brand new, oak floors and fin hi h, *trictly modern, on paved street. Reason ably priced. HA. *"44 evening*. AT. 7411' day* Ask for Mr. Cars*. SERVICE AND RESULT?. When you list with us Competent tale* force. JA 2350. GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtor*. CHAP W. YOUNG A SON. Real Estate. Rentala, Insurer*- e. 1 ft "2 City NaG Bk. AT. 966* SEE u* first. Need list.egg. any location 6 to 8 looms. Staopen A Co.. Realtors JA 4228. 236 Keellne Ridg. HAVE buyers for good home* Do you want to *e]i yours? List it with C. A. Grimme!. Realtor. JA. 1616. WE NEED some listing®. Buyers waiting Quick action. J- L. HIATT CO.AT. 9900 LIST your property with Chris Boyer. rotary pub fr, 224 and Cuming Sts. IT W Voltsnd Co. for Real Service. At. 95*. WORLD REALTY CO.. Rea tors, AT. sTT rhas. E. Reiman. AT. 6250. Real Estate G. A. SANDELU Real Estate. AT. 953. Graham Petera Co., sell homes. JA. 0553 8. H Browne Co. se!!a t'-rea. AT. 2350 Weatem Real Estate Co. JA. 3607. 7 ~■REALTORS~f77"_~~ SLATER A CO.. Realtor*. Keeline Bldg R E A L ESTATE—EXCHANG E. WE WILL submit you a reasonable off* in exchange for your land, income n :nd«»’ Try u*. we. probably ha\e ; .* what you hre looking for. BERT L. COOK A CO . 61* Brown Bidg. AT. 62*T. 'LET'S MAKE A TRADE." REAL ESTATE—VACANTk DANDY lot, 53d and Pinckney, else 50* 14- water. **wer and sidewalk* *11 fla-d |Af»0: $;5 rash. 310 a month. S05 Omaha N a'to cl Bar'-; bldg. JA. "420. BUSINESS SERVICE BUILDERS, CONTRACTORS. GET our prlre* on ccrnr’ete r» ar*« Mor Lumber A Coal Co- WE. 55«L DANCING ACADEMIES. ... . DENTISTRY. All kinds of dental w >rk done, uai** the far**fu' euocrrsaien of profeoeor* at j h° Cr - gh-n Fniver* it College of Per j*trv. corner 24th and Califerr.'a *tr<“<-;*. ■ < a Harr • - v. Cuming or Orosstown car K EL- PINE. 7ith and Farnam. Later* dance* taught. Private lew ns a^e hoy «’!***** Mon.. Thurs and Sat.. 7 .TA j>. rt Chi’dren * elapse* Sat. afternoon. AT. 714“. WE TEACH YOU H'^W And we don't mean MAYBI. '■’a»r tonight. Private lewon* a^y hour, i KEF S. ISIS Farnam. j a. Mil. PETECTIVE AGENCIES. JAMES ALLAN'S Detectives. Expert secret in-;, n NtMl » V or k AT. 7136 RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Sunderland • 1g JA 2“5I. night, KFL MIL MILLINERS. DRESSMAKERS NEBRA9K V PL£.U1\C 1--a f ov*red by tors. ISOt Fa:aa:n. •e'-OBl floor. JA 6470 IT RS remodeled: *u:?s dree^o* altered, r-ew Fox .hiker* v> ord*r. HX *«fl« MOVING. STORAGE." FIDELITY STORAGE A YvN .'O. MOVING TACKING «» STOR VOE SHIPPING Household *r »o is r ano* ufflce f tmlfur*. 11 HiiI-AUP ST.JA g*6M EXPERT China, furnitur* packer f -#-* proof e'oragr Phone JA 1504 The Terminal Warehouse Co. 7f2 South 2Cih St . corner J.'nea. on Viaduct. ■ 8TIMA rE8 fun lahed on : s k -k me* <~c r d storing. Centra* t* taken by or hour. ■ be Van A- S- r Co . JA. 435*. AT. f2SP BUKINS OMAHA VAN* A STORAGE !4th and Leavenworth St* Packing, mot* rg storage ah.pp-ng JA. 41«. Moving-Packing—Storage. uoeden V re: roof Warehouse A Van Co. -I> N- Hth St. Phone JA l“It. PAINTING. PAPERING. 'v ALLPAPKit f L d:«c Paperhang‘ng% paint ng b gh- ass work. F’-ed Ihirk-. I.cs So *4t h MA hlf’l. or AT 74A4 PATENT ATTORNEYS. 1 W MARTIN ITU Dodte. RTvm~I«». Gmaha a!»o Washington: double service. ■ n*u fr* Xla.t help eell patents _PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS. >PT Printing Ca. 211 S. 11 St. Ja7~446|T. RADIO. • i AHANTEEP rad ' set* f.t 4> and na V bt--.,-* ns \ rth lfth PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. nRESORIPTIONS caryfu’.ljr at 1 > :■ Murnim * M.-Pcnnan Dmi sroraa DFNTaV. N rav *(N- r».-h I fCi a*t »1> Sa.-urltlaa R;,I« m» ir< ra •• am |'R AMIIS- to::, :■'] o-vaha ! 'a'-" A I'-'t II. I.Mh an,I IV if N W.Pbi > DISH V \S>A»P . a \\ A i.M SKKVUFS OFFERED i AND!*''.A PH gardening. : *1 *mg ■ i ohrub« perennials *e Ming *-"4oing . »necp fertilise!. an\ quantity. KV lff|% IVIUTKI I Y S SPORTING G OCX'S SHoT\ * - ^ ^ 1 Ith Guns for rent AT fsA.t FILMS PKVH i>PKP FKKK The Ensign Co. ft** Leke'enwerth ^OPPIN'O reel ”g art content work; all * «>rK winen c \V A t hi F-T 7r> Guaranteed \ '1 *a-*R«' Keel E*ta*. denom-nation* of fMVg *nd ft po* Prince.'*! end cm' a i ua’ • r «•» guaranteed hr PAYNE IN\ 1 STMI NT CO. ».»T C*m Nal'l Hk BW| AT B*n U— l .