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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1923)
Runners Find Ak-Sar-Ben Track a Sea of Mud After Two-Days* Downpour . Horses Come in Spattered With Nebraska Gumbo Times Fairly Good Despite Heavy Going—The Wit Wins Spectacular Race. By L. V. GRAHAM. mud featured the races at the Ak-SarBen track yesterday. The rains of Sunday and Monday left the oval a perfect sea or mud. Jock eys and horses crossed the finish well bespattered with Nebraska real estate. and yet . very good time was made in every event. The most thrilling race of the day was run last. Fair Virginia, .T. Arm strong up. got away from the barrier to a good start, but was 'being ridden hard. The race was over a mile and one-eighth course and The Wit, E. Taplin up, and Rusticator, R. Doyle up, were satisfied to lead the rest of the field by a small margin. Taplin carried The Wit easily un til in the back stretch he slowly forged ahead and ran from the half mile-post on neck and neck with Rus tlcator. Fair Virginia, tired and dropped back as the stretch was reached and began to lose ground. Taplin then began to urge The Wit and Doyle began to whip Rusticator. The Wit won easily by two lengths. Fair Virginia was out of the money. First went to The Wit. place to Rusticator and show money to Mays ville. Old Sinner Victorious. Old Sinner, Taplin up, carried the Jones Stock Farm colors to victory in the .first event. The horse got a poor start, but rushed up in the stretch and fought his fight with Due de Guise. C. Cross up. Both horses were well ridden. The five and one half furlongs were run in 1:10 2-5, just four seconds slower than the track record. They came in. Old Sin ner. Due de Guise and Ask Jesse. In the second event Queen Mazonla, C". Gross up. came from the rear to win under the S. T. Baxter colors. Kenetio and Bon Box fought a game fight in the stretch but both tired badly. Queen Mazonia paid her back ers $17.60 on n $2 straight ticket, the longest odds of the day. By a be lated burst of speed Kenetic succeed ed In wresting place money from Bon Box. Time was 1:10 4 5. The track record is 1:06. Prairie, H. Zander up. wearing the holers of the Ak-Sar-Ben stab/es. an outsider, took the third event. The track was too heavy for the rest of the field and the early leaders tirod and gave place to Prairie, Bess Welch. B. McEwen up, and Jack Mea ly, C. Gross up. The course was cov ered in 1:11, five seconds slower than I^N the record. Ilamlteappers Right. In the fourth event the handicap pers guessed correctly and Carlos En rique bearing the colors of the Den ver stables, J. Singleton up, came :n n winner by a head. Lady Gorham, R. Doyle up, a Tri-State entry, picked es only contender to Carlos Enrique, placed while Green Spring. E. Taplin lip, showed. The heavy track wreck ed the dope of the dopesters in the other events and horses with speed to burn ordinarily made poor showings. The time for the fourth ^vent was just three seconds slower than ihe track record of 1:12 3-3. The fifth event was a six furlong Sprint and was taken by Recruit. It. L. Smith stables. G. Garrett up. Lit tle Florence made an easy second and Honest George showed after a hard lace. Dapper Dan, twice winner in other events of this meet showed that be .lid not lige the mud and finished (tight h. The entire program wag good. The •'class" of the track was not very •veil represented but then there was Nothing to attract them. The ponies that were entered "did their stuff" end did it well. Siki to Meet Godfrey. Philadelphia. Sept. 17.—Battling blki, the Senegalese boxer, was today signed to meet George Godfrey, negro, In Philadelphia, October H. ia an eight-round no-decision bout accord Jng to an announcement Jack 3 lanlon. BASEBALL RESULTS 'a«4 STANDINGS/ WESTERN LEAUt'E. standing*. W . L Pet W . L. Oklahoma I ity . Ui BO .H05 .HOH .601 Tulsa . Hi Hi .107 .BOn ..'ill | Wlrhlta . MX HI .179 .59*5 .575 Omaha . AH HI .573 .57 H .570 J>e* Moines . Kt HO .519 .552 .515 ploii % City .5H M5 .371 .375 .3611 [Onier 59 07 .3644 .370 .394 P*l. Joseph 59 00 .301 .305 .159 Yesterday's lleaulh. ful'H-Omulia (post |>one«|». Oklahoma City- Den Moines (wet fciound). l>enver*St. Joseph Crain). NATIONAL LEAOt'E. Standings. W 1. Pet.I N>w York ft4 .«201 W. Louis 7 ’ 67 .513 I inn* 11 S3 63 .5H9| Brooklyn 67 70 4*9 f'ltta'gh SI f.St .:,33i Boston 43 92 535 Chicago 74 66 .529 Phllaphla 4. 31 321 Yesterday's Result*. I * h I Indclphio. I. 8f. l.ouH. 6 Horton, »t; PI tishurgh. 1 Vow York. 12. Chicago. 6 No others scheduled AMERIC AN LKAGI E. Standings. W. L Prt.l W U Pot. New York 90 47 .657 Wash’lnn *•* f.0 .4*9 Cleveland 72 HO . Chicago 6i» 74 4 4s Mel roll 67 6 4 .fill! Philii'phia 53 7 4 4 19 HI Louis 66 66 .500 Boston 54 79 406 Yesterday ’s Results. SI. Louis, 4.2. waahlngion fi-12. Hec *nd game. HL* inning*; darkness ) Detroit. 0 ;i; Philadelphia. 2-4 Chicago. 6.6: Boston. 1-6 Cleveland. 6; New York. 2. A M ERIC A N A NSCM I AT IO N Standing*. W.l Pci I W.L.Pc t. y» Paul 93 49 .6671 Milwaukee 62 31.434 k’an Pity 94 50 .6531 M inn* pel Is HI 32 .427 Louisville 3 3 65.6611 India'polls *2 *4 .425 VOliimbUs 70 76 .479 Toledo 50 95 346 Yeelerduy ’* Results Toledo. 1. Louisville, 10. A? Paul 13; Milwaukee. 9. columbus. >2; Indianapolis. 6 Minneapolis Kansas City (wet ground*) INTERNATIONAL LEACH V. T-momio. 9; Buffalo, 9 resiled end ninth \r allow Toronto In catch train ) N'swaik. 2 I lea din a, 4 Onlv games scheduled for todav. SOI Til MIN AMMO* IATION. Little n*»< h. t k ■ 12 9. (Second | %*nie, six inning*, daikncss I i athtrs played. vw-* \ a ——__ _ I EDDIE’S FRIENDS The Winner Who Freezes the Rest Out. ,J^WT/// , HES,EDDIE, n /ARE- UBEEAU l—' / , BE'Mt* IM j I uHTrl SOMEONE. / * ' SOME POISOaJ I l ELSES MOMEV ( ^-r-' JUUELL, BOWS, < IT'LL COST WOO SlVl ROUWD BLUE: OAJES TO M4MQ Usouwot*: ^ t,m& j~\ J> ma.*£ n* u—>» A COUPLE OP- / WHITES AMO / lje'll all '-, STAW^J ' TAAT 60V IS AS SOCIABLE. AS / A UMt\>CAT ) k^ s-J mr iirr i pkatuiw floivKZ. Inc. WM Cleveland Stops Yankees Rush for Another Pennant Momentary Halt in Inevitable Result—Ruth Draws Four Passes and Totals 156. New York. Scot 17 —The New Yonc American* were delayed in the clinching of their pennant here today, losing to Cleveland. 6 to 2. it was Cleveland's first victory in six games. The veteran left hander. Sherrod Smith, pitched a steady game against New York, while Cleveland drove Bush into retirement in five in ning?. Ruth was walked four t.mes by Pitcher Smith, giving him lo« bases on oalls for the season, CLEVELAND NEW YORK AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A. Jim son If 4 1 0 OjWItt cf 4 11 •» Summa rf 4 l l OlHend'ks ef 1 ft o o Speak’r c f 5 2 4 ft; Dugan 3b 4 2 2 0 Sewell ss 4 3 ft 7iRuth rl ft 0 0 1 Ste’son 2b 4 r 5 61 Plpp lb 4 2.9 2 Oardnr’3b 2 i o SlMeuael If 4^10 Brower lb 4 2 14 1!Ward 2b 4 o j * Myatt c 2 1 2 <• Schang c 3 ft * S Smith p 3 0 1 3 Scott ss 2 ft 2 1 --Mc.Nal'y sa 1 0 1 u Totals 32 33 27 1 3 Bush p 2 10 3 Roettger p 1 0 i i zHalnes 1 ft ft o _ ^ , Totals 32 7 24 14 zBatted for Roettger in ninth Score by innings: Cleveland .020 120 100—fi New York.001 010 000—2 Summary—Runs: Speaker (2). J. Sewell. Stephenson (2). Brower. Witt (2). Errors: Ruth. Two-ba?* hits: Dugan Homo runs; Brower. Speaker. Sacrifice hits: Summa. Gardner. Stephenson, Smith. Doug!e plays: Ward. Scott and Plpp; J. Sewell. Stephen son and Brower (2). Left on base; New York 8. Cleveland 5 Base on balls. Off Bush 2: Rottger 3; Smith •*,. Struck out: By Bush 4; by Roettger 4; by Smith 2. Hits: off Rush. 10 in 5 Innings; off Ro ettger. 1 in 4 innings Wild pitch: by Roettger. Losing pitcher: Hush. Umpires: Rowland. Nallln and Hildebrand. Time of game. 1:50. 81. Louia Loses Twice. Washington, Sept. 17.—Washington defeated Sr. Louis twice today, 5 to 4. in the first game which went ift Innings, and 12 to 2 in the second, which was called in the seventh on account of darkness Walter Johnson got credit tot both victories, finishing the first game and twirling the second. Th® Senators collected 31 hits, in the : wo con tests ■ Uiraf game* ST. LOU!* WASHINGTON. I AB.H.O.A AB.H.O.A Gerber. ?s 5 2 ; 1, Evans, c f fi 3 ti 1 Ezzell. 3b 4 I 0 n P'pgli. ■? fi l ft o Tobin, rf 3 ft 2 « Ooslln. If « 2 :: ft Wiring, if 4 i 2 1 Rice, rf 5 3 ft ft McM's. 2h 4 3 ft a Judge, lb 4 r. 11 1 Wh’ley, cf fi ft 1 1 Ruel. c 4 2 7 0 Collins, c 4 1 ft ft Harris, 2h 3 3 2 5 8’bner, lb 3 1 fi ft Blues*. 3b 2 ft ft 3 Bayne, p 1 ft ft 1 W'm'tb, p t ft ft 2 V'g'der, p 2 ft o 1 M'b'ry, r* ft ft ft ft -J'nson. p l ft 1 0 Totals 35 **:• 15 zLetbold 1 0 ft o zWade ft 0 ft 0 Totals 3» 17 30 12 x I wo out when winning run scored, zRatted for Warmouth In fifth. zBatted for Marberry In seventh Score by innings: 8t. Louis .ftftft 31ft ftftft 0—4 Washington .021 ftftft IftO 1 — 5 Summary—Runs. Gerb*r, Tobin, Wil liams, McManus. Peckelnpaugh. Klee. Ruel. Harris. Biucgs. Two-base hits Judge. Collins. Rice. Three-base hits: Goslin, Harris. Rice Stolen base* Mc Manus. Judge Easel! Harris Sacrifice hits. Bayne. Kzzell. Bluegc. Wade. RueL Double plays; Ezzell to McManus to Schllebner (2). Evans to Judge to John son Left on bases St. Louis. 8; Wash ington, 15. Bases on balls Off Haym . 2: off Vanglld»r. 3; off Warmouth. 3; off Marberry, 1; off Johnson. 1. Struck out: By Bayne, 1; by Vangllder. 3; by War mouth. 2; by Marberry, 2; by Johnson. 1 Hits: Off Bayne, 12 In 4 1-3 Innings off Vangllder. 5 In 6 1-3 Innings, off War mouth. fi In 5 Innings; off Marberry, 1 In 2 innings; off Johnson. 1 In 3 inning? Hit by pitched ball: By Bayne (War mouth. Rluege). Winning pitcher: John son. Losing pitcher: vangllder Um pires: Mkrarlty and Ormsby. Time: 2.2ft. Second game: ST. LOUIS WASHINGTON AB.H.O.A.1 AB.H.O.A Gerber ss 4 1 0 1 Evans, cflh 6 t I ft Ezzell 3b 4 1 1 L'jPeck'gh as 4 2 2 » Tobin rf 3 l ft ft Goslin If 4 3 2 ft Wil ms If 3 I 2 ftlRIoe rf 4 3ft ft McM’i 2b 3 13 3 Judge lb I fi ft Hevereld n 3 ft 4 ft Ru*l r 3 15ft Whaley cf 3 1 4 ft Harris 2b 3 2 1 I P'-h’n*r lb 3 ft 4 ft'Lc-ibold rf ft ft i it Dan'th p ft ft ft ft Bing* 3-2b 2 ft 3 ft Root p I 0 ft ft Johnson p 4 1 ft ft Grant p I ft ft 1 -- xDurst ft 0 ft ftl Totals 31 14 21 2 Totals 24 fi 1H fi! x Hatted for Grant in seventh Score by innings: q* Lottte. . ! ftft 100 1 Washington .403 500 x —12 (Called end seventh, darkness! Summary—Runs: Gerber. Williams. Evans. Peck in bough (2). Goshen (3). |tt<e (3). Judge (2), Ruel. Errors: Gerlicr. Ex zell (2). Evans. Johnson Two-base hit*: Goslin, Williams, Rlc* Thrce-basa hits: M< Vfunua. Whaley, fltolen bases: Judge. Sacrifice hits: Judge, Hutl. Double plays Gerber to McManus to Hchllebner Left on has*. St. Louis fi. Washington 7 Rase on balls: Off Root 1. off Grant 2. off Johnson 1. Struck out: Ry Dan ford 1{ by Root 2: by Johnson 3. Hits: off panforth. 4 In 1 , off Root 7 In 2; none out In third; Grant. 3 in 3 Tilt bv pitched ball: By Root (Rluege) Wild pitch Bv Root. Losing pitcher Panforth. Umpires Grins by and Morlcrlty. 'r!tte: l ift I liicagn Divide* With Boston. Rost on. Hept. 17.—Chi'ago and Boston spill even on a double-header today. Thurston held Boston to si hit# In the opener, which the visitors won. f, to J. Boston won the second same, f, i«» mainly through Flag *t*a<f * timely hit ting Ills double In the eighth erornd two runs snd he in turn scored on Mo* Millsn'a single In the nitnh, with none cut and two men on bases, Quinn relieved Ferguson and struck out two. a third bat t#r flying out, ending the game Anh* deacon Joined the Chicago main today from the Rochester club In the Interna Southern Ball Championship. Shi eve port. I,a flepl. J7 The 'Dixie series" for the rises A baseball champion • hip of tile loulh Will open In Fort worth September ?il. It was determined heir to dev st s < onferem e between President Merlin of the Foulh»m association, I'res Ident Roberta of the Tessa league snd representatives of the Fort Worth and New Orleans clubs. GAMES TODAY W ESTERN LEAGL E Tulsa at Omaha (double-header). Wichita at Sioux City. St. Joseph at Denver. Oklahoma City at Dos Moines. NATIONAL LEAGUE. New York at 8t. Louis. Boston at Pittsburgh Philadelphia at Cincinnati. AMERICAN LEAG I E Sr Louis at Washington. Cleveland at New York. Chicago at Boston. Detroit at Philadelphia. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Toledo at Louisville. Columbus at Indianapolis .Nfinneapoiis at Kansas City tional league. Ills work sa leadoff man was excellent and he hade a single and % double In each game Score; Score, first game CHICAGO. I BOSTON AB.H.OA AB.ll.OA Arch on. cf 4 2 0 1 M chell. sa 4 0 2 3 Mct"n. ss f* o 2 f.t P'nich. c 4 16 1 B ("ns. 2b 4 .3 < 3, M’osky, cf 4 •* 4 u Sh’ly. lb 3 0 12 0. Burns, lb 4 2 it ) Barrett. If -N 1 2 0| Harris, If .3 I (> 0 Moatif rf 4 1 5 in Ah'ks 3b 3 0 0 2 K’tnm. 3b 4 2 I 21 F stead, rf 3 l 2 » Crouse, c 4 1 2 0| McM tl 2h 3 12 6 Th’aton. p 4 2 0 01 F’lerton. pi 0 0 3 ~ — —~—I zReichle 1 ooo Totals 37 12:- 121 Howe, p o o o o rJ Collins looo Blethen, d 0 0 o o Totals 31 6 27 16 r.Ba led for Fullerton In sixth. /Batted for Howe in eighth Score by innings. Chlrago .020 103 000—6 Boston .ooo 000 100—i Summary—Runs: K Collins. Barret*. Mostll (2). Kamm <2). Burns. Error: Burns. Two-base hits Mostll. Kamm. Crouse. Thurston. E. Collins. Archideacon. Burns. Piclnlrh Stolen bases: Barrett (2). Mostll Sacrifice hit: Sheely Double plavs McMillan to Mitchell to Burns; i; Collins to McClellan to Sheely. Left on bases: Chicago. 10; Boston. 2 Bases on balls: Off Fullerton. 3: off Bb then 1. Struck out; By Thuraton. 2; bv Fullerton. 2; by Howe. 1 Hlt«: Off Fullerton. 11 In 6 innings, off Howe. 1 in 2 Innings; off Blethen o in 1 Inning. Hit bv pitched ball- By Fullerton (E. Collins). Losing piteher: Fullerton. Time 14 1 Second game: CHICAGO. I BOSTON. AB.H.OA, AH HO A Aden, <f h 2 0 OIMitcbT. as 3 1 1 4 CcCTn. **321 IlxRefehle lion E CTns, 2b 3 3 4 IjPit ger. s* n o 0 o Sheely, lb 6 1 * OjDevmr, c 4 0 7 1 Bar tt. If 4 0 3 O'J Corns, <t 4 1 0 0 MoatU. rf 4 0 l 01 Burns. Jb 3 1 » 1 Kamm. 3b 3 1 i 3'Harris. If 4 2 2 0 Sr ha lk, c 3 2 h If Shanks. 3b 3 t : ?. xElah 0 0 0 0 F gated rf 4 (21 Cvgios, p 1 1 0 21 McM'n, 4 13 2 Lev t*t. p o i J F'g'son, p 3 o n xllooper 110 0 Quinn, p o o 0 o Totals 34 1 3 24 10 Totals i! 2 7 I ♦> xRan fot Si ha Ik In nlntli /Hatted for Leverette in ninth /Batted f«ir Mitchell it: seventh Score by innings Chicago 101 020 00)—3 Boston . 901 von ntx—f, Summery—Buna. \r<hdeecon. MrCktu lan. S<-ha lk. Kish. Cvengros. Burris (2). Harris (2), Flagstead. McMillan L't ror: Mo at 11 Two-hm* hits Archdeacon. E. Collins. Kamm. Flagatead (2), Tfire* baa hit: E Collin*. Stolen base- : Mostll.: J. Collin*. McMillan. Sacrlfb e hits M< Clellan (4). Double plays: Katnm to L. Collins; Leverette to Sheely; Ferguson to Shsnks to Burra l^*ft on bases: Ch1 cago. 9; Boston. 6 Bases on ball* off Cvengros. 3: off Ferguson. 4. off Quinn 1. Struck out By Levarette. 3 by Fer guson. 4: by Quinn. 2. Hits Off Cven-' groa 4 in 3 innings, rone out in fourth; off Leverette. 7 in 6 innings, off Forgu son. 13 in * Innings, none out in ninth, off Quinn. 0 In 1 Inning Winning pit* b er: Ferguson Losing pitcher Leverette. Umpires: Owens and Evans. Time. ) ;5t» Mm Linen Take ’Km Both. Philadelphia. Pa., Sept 17.—Naylor and Heimach were too much for Detroit today and Philadelphia won both game* of a double-header. 2 to 0 and 4 to 3. *1 the opening contest. Naylor blank<d the Tiger* with five scattered hits whtle In the second Helmach was »J\\a\s rnas ter of the situation. . Second game: DETROIT PHILADELPHIA AH If o. A * A II II m A Blue, ]ii f» 2 12 n French • f i » u Jones no 4 114 Math'es rf n n o Cobh cf 4 1 2 PerMne • .1 i „ 1 Heil'an rf 6 2 o AlHaU 1b i j ' " Pot h ill If 4 2 2 o Hauaer lh 4 0 ] t o Rlgney ss 4 1 2 1 Miller If I 1 I ti Hanev 2b 1 1 1 1 Welch rf 4 n •» o Woodall c 2 0 4 i dil'wiv ** 4 t b f» Plllett* p 1 1 0 4 li kes 2b 4 111 xPratt I o 0 r> ifeimnrh p 4 2 o i Francis p n 0 0 " -- —-—» Total* 34 10 27 13 Tot*!* 3G 11 2 4 I 1 «Hatted for Pillette In eighth Score by Innings I >et roll .. .002 001 000—n Philadelphia .. 000 1 10 20x — 4 Summery—Runs. Blue. IDilmann Rig ney, French, Hole. Dykes. Ilelinach Ki cos. Pillette. Male. «lal|oy*v Two luise hits: Blue. < obb. Rlgney. Hejlmann. Hal*. Galloway. Dykes. Sacrifice hit* Jones. Cobb l<eft on base. Detroit 1 f». phla * Bases on balls Off Plllett*' ; off Helmach a. Struck out My Francis . by Helmach 2 lilts Off Pillette. !) In 7 In flings, off Francis. I In 1 Le* mg pitch *r Pillette, Umpires Dineen. llolnira and Connolly. Time 1.47. First game DETROIT I PH I LA Dl. I .Pll f A A AM II ii A Blue, lh 4 1 ti 0 French. *f 4 I 0 0 Jones. 2 b 4 1 0 t Mat'we. < f o n i n Cobb, rf 4 0 2 b Parkins c 4 1 f* t» Manueh. If 4 1 3 0! Hale. Hb 4 ? n 4 Hell’n, rf 4 0 2 0l Hauser, lb 3 til u Rlgney, «a 2 0 13 Millar. If 4 ;t 0 Haney. 2b 2 0 f. 2l Welch, tf 3 1 4 0 xFoth'glll I 0 n olOai’a>. *s 4 0 0 Baasler. 0 4 | « 11 Dykes. ;’b .3114 Dauas. n I 0 0 Ol Naylor, t> 0 0 0 x Veach 1 1 0 0! Olsen. i» OOO Total* 11102713 Total* 11 5 24 v Score hv Innings Detroit . . . 00ft "00 000—0 Philadelphia lOtf |O0 no*- 0 Rummer 3 Runt: Haiti Millet 1 rro Cobb Two-has* hits. Pork hi* \ • n h Three-basa hit: Blue |>oiible play*: Blarney. t»i Mine; Haney to Blue. Burster to Haney; Gallowsv to Dykes to llamier Left on lifl'icn; Detroit It; Philadelphia * Baa*** on halls: off Panes. 2. off Navlnr, 4. Struck nut By Dau»«. 4 hv olaan 2: hv Naylor. 2 Hits Off Danas H in ‘i Innings; off Olsen. 2 In 2 Innings. HU by pit* bed hall: llv Olsen (Hauser) Wild pitch: Olsen. Losing pitcher; Dgu*" Cm mres Crnnollv. Dinneen and Hntrna* Time 1.10. Izu«k Will I on League l<> Meet The Omaha chapter of l ho Tznak Walton leagua will hold n mealing tonight at X at tha Paxton hotel. All memhora of the league and persona interegtod In hunting and flahlng arc urged to attend tonight's mealing. Kelly Sets New J Home Run Mark; Three in a Row Pounds Out Circuit Hit in Third, Fourth and Fifth Innings—Two Other Homers. Chi xro S-p? 17—Georg* Kelly, first | baseman »>? the Now York Nationals, was the hero of an oldtlme batting bee today n which the world'a champions defeated i'hlcago. V; to r>. ,n the final game of th® series, thereby earning an even break. Kelly established what i» believed to be a world's record in modern baseball when he smashed out three consecutive home runs In three < onaecutive Innings, the third, fourth and fifth In addition he drove out a double and a alngle, rr.ak ,ng five hits in as many times up. Five hoiners w» re made during the game, M e u > e l and O’Farrell getting one each The nearest to it. a cording to records of modern baseball was in 1521 when , Ken Williams of St. I.ouis hit three home runs In a game against the <'hl«agn Americans. Among the oldtime records, both Hobby Lown of Boston, in 1*94. and Ed DHehanty. in 1*9*'.. made four home runs in a game hut the records do not show that thej.f. wer* made consecutively, and. according to baseball men. It It highlv improbable that they were made in consecutive innings. Score: NEW* YORK ! CHICAGO AB H O A AB ILO A. B’croft. as S 2 .3 aj S!at*. cf U l 1 0 (Jroh. 3b 5 2 0 l Adams, «» .1 0 6 4 .I kson, 3b 0 n r» " G him. 2b 4 1 1 4 Fnsch, 2*1 6 2 1 O’F’rell. r 3 J 1 1 Young. rT 4 o 1 " H t nett, r l » 1 M'usel, If 4 1 I 0 K'leher. "b l< 1 * J • ham. rf h 2 3 " Miller. If f* 1 ! J Kellv. H» f* SI- 9{ Grl'es. 1h 4 1 14 J Gowdy. <4141 (V gsby. rf 3 2 1 « Gaston, c i o i « AJd’dge. P •» n n 4 , Bentley, p 2 1 0 ", Fussell. p 1 1 0 " 1'nard, p 3 0 n o' xCallaghan 1 4» 0 J J 81* land, p • o • 1 Totals 42 II 27 10| /Vogel 1 0 l! I Bush, p a a o § Totals 3* 11 27 19 /Batted for Fussell In sixth. /Batted fer Stuelaitd In eighth Score by innings. N York . . ‘’94 1*2 13 Chicago 13d 101— 4 Summary—Runs Han<. toft <->. Groo M«*ij.*<d » upnIngh.iin <2) Kelly < 4 ». B-ntley. Stilt*. Grantham. <»'Far t.> ' Hartnett. Giigshv, Fussell. Errors; Ad.ims. Kelleher (ill Two base hits: Hamit ft Fussell Urtgsb> Kelly. Gowdy. Home rum* Kelly (3), i» Farrell. MeusH. s ten fii m hits Me use I Adam". Houble I by* Grantham to Adams to Grimes. Fussell to Adams to Grimes. T.eU on |,(MI New Jnrlv. f- Chicago, 9 Base# < n bails, Off Bentley. 4. off Aldridge, 2. off blueland. 1: off .rown-r^ i Struck out By B*ntlev. ’2: by Aldridge. I, by .1 mnatd, 7: by Bush. 1 Hits <»ff Ald ridge. 4 In 2- it inning, off Russell, 2 in I i-:i Innings; off Stueland, 4 in 2 innings off Bunt). 1 In 1 Inning, off Bentley. 4 In 4 2 3 innings; off Jonnard, 7 in 4 1-3 innings. Passed ball: Hartnett. in ning pitcher: Bentby. loosing pitcher: Aldridge. Umpires Moran, Kletn and Wilson Time: 2.f* Marquard lloliU nrnto, Pittsburgh, Pm. Sent 17.—Bffeetiva pit. hlng by Marquard while hla teammates pounded two Pirate pit h<*ra won the firat g h ) 11 * * of 'he aeri** for Ronton today. • to 1. Cooper was hit IihkI from the find inning and w an relieved after the event U by Stone, who prevented further scoring _ BOSTON I PITTSHPru.H All ire A AB.H.O.A. Felix. If ;• 1 4 f»l Mar lie. *■ 4 Mum, . f b 1 3 crv. «f 4 Ho orth. rf . I 3 «* Tr not. ub .1 M*In'*, lli 3 2 9 o! Rar'rdt .rf ♦ I io k e I, 3b 4 i I 2 Bigbeg. If 1 Rer an. 2b : 2 2 .1 t.ucr. If 3 Conlon, *9 ’ VI Ra nge 2h 4 • i'Nell. « 4*3 ft! Hu m. lb Mar'rd. p 2 t* ft 2 Schnndt, c - —-- Cooper, n Totals 33 1 3 27 9 Stone, n - Totals 33 7 27 14 Score by Innings Rost on . 3ft 1 ft"2 non — ft Pittsburgh . ('"ft ftbl "ft*!—1 Summary — Rune: Felix. Nixon. South worth. Mi Inn la, Hoeckft. ('union. Mm»n v.lle lirrote Conlon. Maranvillt. Rowl ings Two-ba-e hits. Nixon. Mouthworth. HarnhsrdL (.irimm. Three base hit* Mclnnta. I'A’eil Sacrifice Inti* Mclnnta. Herman. Marquard (2! Rouble play*. Conlon to Herman to Mclnnta. Left on bases Float on. ft; Pittsburgh, ft Huaea on balls off Marquard. 1. off Cooper. 1; off stone. I Struck on': Ry Marquard. 3. bv Cooper, 1; hv Stone. 1 lilt*; Off cooper, 12 tn 7 Innings; off Stone. 1 In 'i Inning* Losing jdtcher Coopei tim nlrss Pfirtnan. llatt and Fintitrsn Time . 1.3ft. Four Out of Fixe to Ht. f oul* St l.oui*. Hop*. I* —Ht Louts made If our *nii of five over Philadelphia today by wlrmlng the filial gain** of the aerie* today, t» to ft A four-run tally In th« fifth against thr«e visiting t it* her* g«\c the hu nts the < oiitfst Cv Williams failed to get ii hl4. Max Flack got four hlta out of four trips to the ids''- including n double mid u triple The visitor* mined five double pbivs l.ratci Kell, formerly "f llouaton. made hla debut at allot i for the Cardinal*. Hrore: PHILARFLPHI A | HP. LMMH A H IM > A Ml II "A. Hand. »s b ft b f»l Flack rf 4 4 ft ft Will*. * f ft ft 1 fti Htnith. H 4 13 ft Walker rf 4 ft tt •» II K'dia. lb I III 3 T nc \. b 4 : ft I M I. r. »f I l ft Met/. 2b 3 I 2 ft; Flo. k b I 3 0 l Henlina. 3 I 4 ftl Roll. Be 4 l .% » Mokan. If 3 « I 0! N gall. • 4 13 ft Hoik*. |p ;j 2 1ft II I’ gau. Lb tit flrhati. t» 2 1 ft 11 Toney, p 4 <» :\ 't RImIiop ii ft ft ft •< Ward. P 1 ft ft I Totals 3.* | ; J7 I ft xWlir. p I 1 ft •• Totals 33 » 21 1 ♦* . x Wall id f*>r It *4 n ip *h Hcpfe by tunings: Philadelphia.(Lift tftft ftftl -ft HI Foul* 00" 24" to** ft Fummnr> — Hutp I lertPW . M- ||en IIlie Holke it), I la- k. Hmltll. ILidgrn*. Mueller, Htock Hell. Krrnr* Walker, Hell tji Two has*« hits. Flsrk. lludg*-na. Fine It. Me II, 11 oik tv Tlernev. Threi base hit- Flack Stolon base llanlin*. Sacri fice 'hit* Metv Mnknti llenlirov Holke Roq bln p la i * ; Met/, to Hand CJ) Sand to Holke. Holke to Sunil to 1ln|k< Head to Ngod to 11o|ke Left on ha*. PlillH d* I nil lit *> Hi l.oui''. • Ha*>« on ball*; • Iff lllshop. I Off Ton.'* I off Head. X Ft ril'd* out llv Henan, I 111 Tonev, I. by Head, 2 Hit* « • ff Heb**n I ft in ( inning* ittnne out In Mh); *.ff Mishap I tu ft in ning* t Pitched o two hatters); off Head i 'ft 4 Innings VI iId Head t.using nlieh. i Hiiikop l mpIr.-H Powell and Wuiglay. runs. 1.4ft. Referee to Be Picked at Ring Fight fans at next Thursday's box ing bout between Tiny Herman and lack Renault will be introduced to New York methods so far as the se lection of a referee is concerned. Following in the footsteps of the New York boxing commission. State Boxing Inspector William E. Kavan will keep the name of the referee a dark secret until after the principals in tlie fight have climbed onto the rosined canvas. Then, and Ihen only, will the arbiter of the fight be se lected from three referees whom Ka \an has ill mind "We will have three icferees at the ringside. One of them will lie an Omahan, the other two men outsid ers. Neither of the contestants nor the club will be considered in the choice of referees. We will make our selection after the men step into the ring," said Kavan. Because of the importance of the result, the commission, Kavan said, is taking precautions against any pos sibility of an "influenced decision.” When Renault goes into the ring against Herman Thursday, he will be seconded by his "millionaire mana ger," Leo P. Flynn of New York city. Flynn, who is the director of the greatest “stable" of boxers ill Amer ica. notified Legion officials that he was coming to Omaha to personally handle his heavyweight “ace" in Thursday's bout. Although some of Flynn's boxers have appeared in nearly half of the shows staged in Omaha since the game was legalized here, this will be his first visit to Omaha. He plans to go to St. Paul. Minn., immediately after Thursday's bout. Renault is due to arrive in Omaha today to complete his training for the Herman go. _ Wichita Fails at Sioux City * Sioux »'itv. Sept. 17—hefty S. human allowed the former league lapdera Just aix scattered hit* in thla morning a game against Wf^hita and the Packers won by a score of :> to 2. One of the visitors’ tuns v as produced by Griffin in the third inning when he hit the hall over the left field fence for a home run. After the third inning 8<-human held the Ir. ziea acorele>>- Olsen and Milan made reneational plays. Score. WICHITA | SIOUX CITY. A FI H O. A AB.Il.O.A. A.S'th, ?f - o o o .loore, cf 4 1 .1 o Butler. 3b 2 1 0 3i Olsen. lh 4 0 1U 0 < Irlfti. 21) 4173 I'aim r, 2b 4123' H k’ley. if ;i n l « Query. • 4 3 4 0 Ml D'l. lb 4 0 X 0, ll Mil’ll. .Jb 4 10 2 t onion, cf 4 1 l 01 G’Inrdl. rf 2 « 1 Heck. 4 13 2 Milan, If 3 1 b 0 Casey. 4 2 4 2f F’chlld, ss 2 1 1 1 Maun, p 0 o •« Sch'mun, p 3 1 0 0 xMcMul o 1 0 0 01 7- —" - Totals 3i 11 27 7 Totals 32 6 24 10| xMcMullen batted for Maun in ninth Score by Innings: wirhiH . on non nno—2 Sioux City . 020 010 mix—3 Summary#—Run*. Griffin, (onion. Palmer, Query. R Smith Error: Rainier. Two-base hit * Itutler, Cunlon, R •Smith. Palmer Home run Griffin. Rou ble plays: Butler to Griffin to M< Row rII; Heck to Griffin; Heck to Griffin to McDowell. Deft on bases: Wichita, X; Sioux City, S. Base: on balls: t*ff Maun, l ; off Hchuman. 3 Struck out; Ry Maun. 3. by Sc human. 5. Umpires: Held and Shannon Time 1:30. A. A. U. Board Meets in Omaha Tonight The annual meeting of Die board of managers of the Midwestern Ama teur Athletic union will bo held to morrow night at 8 p. in; at the Om aha Athletic club. Representatives from Nebraska, ITmersity of Iowa. Drake, Iowa State college, Creighton, Nicholas Senn hospital and other clubs and schools of t his vicinity will be | present. New officers w ill be elected and records made during the last season j will be passed upon. The awarding i of va'-ious athletic events for the j coming season will be made during the meeting. _ • . i .... The Omaha Bee Race Chart DAILY PEERLESS FORM CHART (Compiled by George W. Schilling.) Stewards Representing Nebraska State Racine Commission. N. I ■ Ron.r and Perry Reed. Starter, Arthur McKn ght Pre.idtn* Jud*e, W. A. Philllpa. Steward. Dr F W. Ash*. WEATHER—CLOUDY. TRACK SLOPPY OMAHA, NEB., September 17, 1923.—Sixth Day. Fall Meeting rr-ni FIRST RACE—Fiva and one-half furlonga. Claiming Purs* *500 OQ£i. Three-year-olds and up. Net value to winner. $400; second. *70; third. $30. __ ____ Horse and Owner_Wt. St. i i _Str._Fin. Jockey Ods. St . 4171 Old Sinner I (J. B. F) 11* 2 ' \ ' Japlln 40JS Due d. Guis. 7 (F.N S.l *11* 9 .7; < Gross 90 4079 Ask Jessie 7 (G Hum) 1«S 7 4* 4 ‘‘ • P Hum -L2« 4089 Puehlo 8 (M.V.Manal-1 118 1 ll U 2* «* <■ *«•' St Just 8 (Warfield! 19* 8>V M H .*1 N Barn.. 3S..0-1 .-,.-,09 Paula 7 (Mr,. Sutton) MOO 8 1 «' «* 5* <• Sutton ».*• „->07 White Boot. 7 (Smith) 108 9 - * • » ' 1 * ,D°r1* I!’!' 1189 Ca-men 7 (J.A Hall) *2 < » ? *» Rodnoaex **•-• .207 March Lad * tTex. S) 1 07 8 8} 7 i 84 9 M m '.4 At DOtt. 1 minute: off. 2:07 time. .’4. ;«» k*-„ *- ,?>“• tuels paid Old Sinner *5.20 to win. *7.20 place *2.80 .how Due de Gut e *3.80 Place *2 80 show Ask Jessie *4 80 show. Start t-ood won cleverly, saeond and third driving. Winner Jones Stock Farm’s eh. e . 6. bv Von Tj-oup-U S,. nola. Trainer P A Jones. Scratches. Stylish Miss, Sponhour. f C tor ley. Spicehrush. Goldie 71. Old Sinner raced in close attendance upon the pa emakr- until a'ter turn ing for home, where he forged to the front to win under mild urging. Due De Guise made a game finish and outstayed Ask Jessie Latter ran a 4mart race from a alow beginning Puehlo set the pare to the last eighth, where he com menced to tire. The others were never prominent. | - -OQ—SECOND RACE—Flva and one-hall furlongs Claiming Purae *500. Three-year-old a and up Nat value to winner. *400 second *70; third. 30. ____ index: Hors# and Owner Wt.. St. i j _5 Str. Fin. Jockey Ods. St’s - Quean Maxonia I (Ba.t.UOT 5 21 2’ 1> 1’jI C. Grosa .-,518 Kenetic 5 IP. Htnphy) 112 7 7 * S’ ?-» fapltn 1..40 .711 Bon Box 11 tH. R.Rashl 112 n at 8- 5. 7‘ C. Stud-r • «» 1077 Stanley H 17 (Hum) 112 1 1* 1* 2* 4} IV Hum 2 88. _.Capilmo 8 (G. MTIura) 1 f4 5 8* 4 4 4 > .-J McEwen I2.2J-1 S5tl Willigan 7 (J White) M04 « 81 78 *• G. Sutton 4..0-1 (4"04) Flossie F 11 (Sco. Sta.Vl04 7 =4 7* * 4 • H. Zander 9 00-1 .-,.-,12 Indtanola 17 (Indi SU.)112 4 VJ f,< 84 *• Dor tty 5511 Voorin 4 ( Texas sSta.) 112 6 9 9 9 R. Doyle 14.60-1 At pout 1 minute; off, 2.37: time. 24. *6 1 -5. 1:104-5 >2 mutual, raid Queen Maxonia $17 60 to win. $12.R0 placa. $7 40 show Kenetic 113 40 place, tk dhow Hon Box $7.20 show Start good Won a.x.-ily . *arond and *htrd driv ing Winner S. T. Baxter’s eh. f . 3. by Seth-Maionia. Trainar W. E Shanon. Overweights Maxonia 2, Capilmo 2. ... , # . Quaan Maxonia at home in going racad Stanley H into defeat than paaaad him quirk ly and won with speed in reserve Kenatir finished gamaly under hard riding and warded off tha clo.inir rush of B‘«n Bex letter gained ground teadily and would have been aecond in another atride Stanley H Mopped I.adlv after setting the early rare Capilmo tired Voorin raced ax if *he dis liked the going. ~~no--TH!RD RACE—Five and one-half furlongs Claiming Pur*e $5 00 Ot)£0 Three-year-old a and up Net value to winer. $400. second. $70; third. 30.___ "index. Home and Owner_, Wt St. 1 j Sir. Fin. Jock* y Od«_ _S*_a - Prairie 1$ ( F. N. 5U* rH4 3 r- (* ", • f* MeEwen 22.46~1 512 Be** Welch .F» t A-S-BS.)M64 » *i T”1 ;• ?* Zandei 10-1 _.. Jack Healy 7 (J. Evamt)ll2 5 A* 5* *' 3r* Groaa 16.36-1 (4142>Haxel Dale 10 (Rdall) 169 \ 1j 1' l’ < J R Dority 1.00-1 — Col Tex 4 (C.Barnett ) 115 7:i 6*- 5* .r ’ Hunakor 43.60-1 4*>0R Brown Bill 6 (Gaines) 112 R Rh 7* 7* M Owen R.20-1 - Crest 5 (H Warfield) 112 2 ^ * 3 * 6* 7* N. Barne. 14.40-1 f,501 Braxo* R (W.Gardner) *107 9 * 9 R* G. .'sutton 5 60-1 4202 Ray Atkin 6 (K M’Cuan)l12 « s* s’* 9 9 1 Mills 15.20-1 At pout 2 minute** . off R:IR; time .‘<2-3, 61 4-6. 1 *1 >2 mutual* paid Trairie $46.R0 to win $13 «0 plare. B (fl ahow: Be«* Welch $7 60 place f 4 R(1 *how Jark Healey $10 allow, .^tart good' won e«*\!y ; «eeond and third driving Winner Frown North Stable* h g. 13, by Ogden-ra*»au. Tiamer C. C Emmert. Overweight* Prairie 2. Col Tex :t. Prairie forwardly placed rame fa»t through the final furlong and fogging ♦* the front drew <*ut to win with rontumtnate ease Be*» Welch was a forward contender from the Mart and found no contention fir second place. Jack Healy fell heir to third money when Hate! Dale auit. The latter opened up a gap early, seemed to l»e running ea*t!)\ hut Mopped suddenly as if ehort. C-e*t showed a flash of *pce«l then tired badly rrO< — FOURTH RACE—Six furlongs. Claiming. Turae $500. Thr ee-yaar f * olds and up Net value to winner. $400; second. $70: third, $30 Index Horae and Owner Wt 8t | . 8t (4102)Carlo* Enrique S ( D SfTl07 1 !h P (*• 1 *| Singleton l.tO-1 5514 I^idy Gorham 3 (T.S.S.MOI r. "• 2* Doyle 1.36-1 Green Springs 3 (Tu. S.)116 6 31 3* 3* 3* Taplin 5 66-1 (‘apt Adam* 3 iM’Neil) 107 2 U'\ 4* S. Banks l 60-1 41*7 Pauline M 3 (J Hall' 104 4 t 4‘ \ S» Rodrlquer 16.$6-1 406K Lady Leonid 3 (Gibson) 104 6 t. 6 a 6 W Dean 22.40-1 At post 1 minute: off 8:64: time. 7 1 J-6. i»t, 1 17 2-6 $2 mutuels pad t'arloa Enrique $.*• 66 to win. $? 60 place, >2 20 show : Lady Gorham $3 place. $2 40 show: Green Springs $2.46 show Start poor; won easih second and third driving. Winner Denver Stable a eh g 3. by Seth M iy Day Trainer }■. It. Irwin. Overweights Green Springs 3. Carlos Enrique raced head and head with Lady Gorham until midway in the slretch where he came away fn win with speed in reserve. Lady Gorham showed .>od speed, hut t red in the final sixteenth Green Springs ‘lid his best Capt. Adams made up some ground The other* were outclassed. FIFTH RACE—Six furlongs Claiming Purae $500. Three-year old* and up. Nat value to winner. $400; second. $70; third. $30 Index Horae and Owner Wt St , i> Recruit 4 (K 1 SmllfitPill ’ • ‘ 1"* G <:*• rett Io 1 10.;. l ittle Florence 4 IM'G.IMO* 6 4‘ 4' 4‘4 2 Armstrong 6.16-1 .'.0‘» ||ones( George 7 (Slms)*l06 3( 2H 2* U G. Sutton 6 66-1 10 .5 Black Monkey 3 (Stokes) I0R 3 ;■» 3’ 3» 4’^ H .lone* 3.70-1 (R.OD/.ing 3 (Ak-Sar-Ben S' 16? * 6-' 5 * Zander 20-1 Miss Grace Denny 4 (S '113 t s • >«• a11 6 1 Harrington 44.46-1 <>.’*12 'Full Moon 5 (D. Moore) 116 | * 7* ;* 7* E Barham 26 16-1 (5 .07) Dapper Dan .1 tl. Erh)110 **'• fit* s «» Tsphu $00. t 4004 Sample 4 (.». E. Gibson) 115 9 9 9 9 9 \V, Miller 31 10-1 At post 1 minute off 4:32. time. .2 4 2-5. 30 2-5. 1 16 t-6. %* mutuels paid Recruit $16.20 to win, $7 60 place. $5 show Florence $5.20 place. $4 40 **how; Hone t Geo rtf# $4 40 show. Star! good won driving second and third same Winner *1. 1 Smith's b g . 4. by Saln-Anola. Trainer U 1 Smith. Over weight Sample 2. Dan 2. Monkev 8 Recruit showing much speed in the going *et a good pace, hut tired in the final drive and barely lasted to win. Little Klorenee came a round the leader* and wide entering the stretch then rinsed with a rush and just failed to get up in a elose finish. Honest Genrga raced forwardly from the start and did his best Black Monkey w a* a prominent contender to the l.i-t sixteenth where b • faltered Zinr nn fairly well. Dapper Dan was always far back SIXTH BACK—One mile and one-eighth. Claiming. Purse $500 Three “ yeai-olds and up. Net value to to winner. $400; escond. $70; third. $30. DECLARED OFF jXfJ‘>7 SEVENTH RACE— One mile and one-eighth Claiming Purae $500 w Three year-olds and up Net value to winner. $400, second. $70; hud. $30 Index. Horse and Owner Wt. St. \ K *' str 1 i%. Jockey OH* St s ‘>56? The Wit 6 (Den. Sta ) 111 ’ ° 2; 3' 11 laplin -66-1 569 Kuatirator 3 lM Smith' 16t 4 3* 3* If y ? Doyle 'xO-1 5 50 7 Mayi'vllle 6 (P M How#)*l6l l 1 • 1 ’$ X ) G Sutton 4 66-1 66 l air Virginia l (Clark) 'I6t f, 4' 4s .t* <'), 4^ Armstrong ? $6-1 II el man 7 (ON Barne*) 1 14 7 7 ft* 6* 3* McEwen 19 46 1 Miss D Dance 6 t Sim.) 166 3 6 P 4 | f 6 O. Gross 3 20 1 >1 ' C, B Hohinson 6 (M're)llt R 5* 5*V Pull up Harington 1 7 40 1 At post I minute off > II ; time !4 1 - A, 50 4 < l 17 • 6. 1 .45 1 6, ’ 00 1 ■ 5 ‘ mutuels paid The Wit $ 7 20 to win. $' V0 p'aer. $2 66 show Kusticator $( ?6 'see. 13 -how. Mayavilte $2.60 »how St-ut good won pulled up second and bird driving Winner Denver Stable* eh r 6. by Ormondtlc-Witful Tran )• I R. Irwin Overweight Hrlman 3 The Wit raced close up while under eMraint and when given hi* head • ficr turning for home look (he lead quickly and won pulled nn to a cant* Kusticator raced Mayavllle down rounding the far turn *«sumed the lead. hn( wa* no malrh for (ho winner when challenged Fair Virginia broke slow!* hut showed no speed thereafter. The others were never prv»minent. — - " .. . - --- - - - - -- - 1 Counterfeit Ushers Sgrve at Big Fight New York, Sept. 13.—Not all the counterfeiting in connection with (he Dempsey-FI rpo bout wax done by bogus ticket scalper*, Tex Itickurd learned today, Counter feiters also made a few illicit dol tars on tho fight by driving along liroadway mar Forty-second sheet the e\c of the big battle and hawked at -SI each a whole load of red caps which were clever, al though cheap, imitations of the headgear worn by Itickard's army of official ushers. Several hundreds of these pseudo tishcts got in, il spitears. and they not only wandered at will right down into (lie ringside section nil the authority of the dollar lids, but many of them gathered a pretty penny in tips for ushering paid patrons to seals in (lie arena. esterdays Results. \(H l in ( t. ,„ug£!t ra'" *" ***«• handicap, a(ur. Miss Star 11itunv H“H> Beat .107 osprey* .lj? eye I ops U7 Iteply si Knobbl* 12« lllucmont 11 ,a<e selling, steeplechase, i < v««, du/!,nd up ab,jut ‘w° nuleg: •Tuftn” JJJ 1-hllypup * 4 1 '• Demarsouin 14t sMrSJtn Vr* *' 149 *F»nelady . 1. 5 ?Tork,hO«' ' lox »*®P«h II HO i orkshlrA . ... 1«J- Bon Gascon 134 hivo pounds claimed. furlong* ra * * 'aiming. 2-year-old*, five ilE^1 '"]*» >-*<!>• Audrey 111 ,'”Orl K-2 Suubretts 111 Ho»er lit Parvenu lui Ihlfly J>artawav 114 K.eoba D'tfro log Aggravating Praia-worth . Ivi Papa 105 Neptune lit Billy Todd 1«5 '-■"“-tly • I.agoon ...lot Black wand lit plaid . 10 Apology ..104 Ptkros .105 ""bout .105 Friday 13th . .113 l-'.urth race. 33,500 added, handicap 5 year-it.dd and up. ruile-and-alxte'-nth eberry p,» .. :i3 Brainatorm lot Knohbje us Little Chief 124 Ihumlerclap ...12# All Over 107 I’lav 122 Dunlin 110 i'trth race, claiming 3-iear-otda and up one mile: High Prince ...110 Overtake UJ Krights Bridge Stony Point .101 t'Y. ■ 1,3 •Olynthus . 104 ]..«*• Indian *.110 Master Hi *lJuetabout ....llf >ixrh rate, --^ear-old maidens, aix fur longs Amity Claim 111 Dante 114 gold Mawr 124 Maxi* 114 Mr. Mult 114 Jereboam 114 •-f..VJri-r 114 ' ffilMT 114 inti* Tnisite 114 Price Wak'r :14 .iimaon 114 Hunapoi ;14 Doldfield . ii4 Sherman .114 • » *n H4 Sunaltos . . 114 Apprenii * allowance claimed " eat her. clear; track, fast LEXINGTON rare Purse. 310#; tu.m; ig 1 ' -r-nldr and uu. s furlong. xFindavx 94 xDlocetlan 105 VLol,ova . 1®4 ***** 107 Thelma K 99 Lucldus . 102 r,I»'Jr -loaella 93 Amanda . .704 uui* ^*1° •• 121 x‘ uba Em anfo 11# Hilly Boot. 107 3* 143 Hazel YV 104 Bold Gold . 107 Mat Prosper <-.» v/oronne .102 M ret a. Malt) 1-4 Second rs-e Purse $400. maiden 2 year-otd folia and geldings, O', furlong Hen Mack all. aBatter I'd 115 Emlnen.115 Sav It.11S Phil Metlann 111 Klaxon 115 Arark P.a> 115 Pet Dispatch 115 - Her Grift 115 New P.nk 115 Rambler !ir> c-,,0per Head .115 xBwok III March On . .113 Gtblon . u$ riarente 114 •Idle Hour Farm entry J h rd ri' • Pure' SfiOfl- c laiming t y*ar.olds; mi e sn«! 7» rards: xPiYjmp. Jr.1A-. xTxvior Hay. ins xJuptt'r 1 a» Kd Y’endletor* n •* J h?n£! x'V i i.jfs * !«J 1 atal G Brown 1 - Fourth r,.. Purse. S30fl allowances *%.",roM fur Jongs Mad.'me \cnm*I«5 Ban* * b* 0r i«r Pr*r$v PehU-isr io9 Mar i U»r«n^ A \ixia r Psulins N*U Mct'hor«f 7 Ai a!>iad*m $‘.or*L* v b'her. am B-e li? I'^rah Eiixoth 112 y Mivj. VtYnMjra .105 Bla- k’. ] 1 r*e larking Place .]"» Sxzle na . 105 aHoau fj! Aipea 1 j *rV<*,*r •%D‘i MUatne entry bH L Baker enir> FifthAr*ce: Pur«v *90". allowances 2 ' >**rolds and ui»; * furiong* J inlet Mahoney *5 Bight on Tim* ! Mervin Mav 1*>J r.e*- :,g Tim*. *T Lord oranne 1^0 Dustflower 9. I r*r|ous L«ia 100 > oh ra. ' Purs' ftn* elaimlng 1 re$.'-nldt ,n., uo j mif„ ‘ro,n* * ^T°"n *5 Paladin 10a ;V‘C7 Jbt- lin inornrv ion lr::r“v. ;»■ w.,«u, h.;i -\%l\ r''i>V“‘di T-1 *’mtiew*'m,n* : *- i i" '< Dimubt. ,« • IrL; k* t'4 IRrliabil.v l«7 Be n11V a is- !•;, V 1 i ri*,,n'd w>,,h! I oday's Fn tries — - , ’ _ VK 'IK-BKN III WIM, Kill! Itajr—'Tiif.rl.,. S,-,,| la ’,a.s "vssss. imr”. • .\v *»]• ***th'a Klowrr SMI U-Mla Wriaht "" ;.I1"'* »id Tid* " f* J B"»'llmi * •’* 1 han.-i, n >»<[ Bo. ssi'i "hifr JJi Krakiuman lnrT,1JRS57,P:;5 ^l0B'*- »*•*• 4i*# I.eolai Mav ... **;; h Tour Amam •SIT h rkwood !** {{{• Sjaajorla M,K.> .,11 Ram) Dal • New Mud, ! Ml« King 4'<'l Rungenrge 41** Kcirbv «•*' B'ax«w av •”* 1 'r • ns ALSO ELIGIBLE 4515 Mia* Earn el; . . Emily Wait# | y, | Third Ha.f- 8u hirlaaxi »u I pur»»? IMt, 3 year old* and up ■ 8 ah Rim J 1 Faithful Gii ' A B\ rne • *. ! n 1 •*e0» Alice |<)rn 4*:i st juat * ,}: Hemlock * ... Bribed Yot#r "m 5M • I \\ llsrjar . li. t os Hr own Check ..... i , 4.«9 Balfour ;;;;; Tom Saunders Capital City .... •!!.*!. H 5 I ALSO ELIGIBLE 41 a i i .4i*quelie t - j *41« Hp.i ehueh . 11 Broil n I a \ m ite .. Re.-iprocty V. Wol Aland 44; 3 Or w n B ’: Fifth Race—Six furlongitf. puree f. Or. li>- Vyrar-oldi and upward 4055 O'Henry « * - ci ; ihifAl t..t*> I'oroihy Hu* kner t »* i t»5T4 Carlo* Kiuiqu ' 11 • . i. * % it« . ii lviania . ! •ITU R a a h i 5 •«**) Golden Red , . . 41V.-* Sunny M k> a i •*« ! Golijatem , t j 5 a Lorena Man eliU •’“'Oh Rio#—Wile and ;o \ arde purs* »«•’*. claiming >e.*r olde and upward Y ortck ««i | 5f"l Capper Pan t« ..501 \ i'« Cuhn . .. 1 Ak S"*» Mas 4*0 1 \ i raven . . . ... \ Ap Jordan .. * \ INhh*4 . toe R -1* Harp u The %n*ch i .>• 5M3 Chrlatie llulten *11*1 t *'0| Gold Bryan »,*« 4*02 T em broke 1 j 4M3 Hill He ad Seventh Rare Mile ami TO yard* .Sa‘-t lug. puree NOt* 2 veat old* and upward 5|«i Major .Tone* ay 5|»l While lloo, * wSOS »4«“P It' nu •■.04 M»«* I'Viv*peril) to* l'av|»»v Re le \ a* 4011 Tor*,d» tag Buraoype tn.-j !hantare<to 'I 5 M3 • ardiMit Mfl <,'•.'•01,1 Cron*, on 0013 Yermak * t * I 45 A3 finiK'rtit j|» I Weath, ,. , \ ,. •ArrteatKt allow an a claimed * Evans Ties With Jones for Medal in U. S. Tourney Two Slur- in First Place Fillt 119—Chirk Misses Five Fooler to Be Low Man. Ily S <•»««• inf rd I’rfs* muoi Country Club. Chicago, Sept. J 7.—I 'hick Evans tied Bobby Jones for tlic lead in medal play by shooting 35 39 74 for at total of 149 missing ;• five-foot putt for a birdi* four on the lSth^hole Ily KOIU RT I IIMII.mV Flossmoor Country Club. Chicago, Sept. 17.—Bobby Jones, the open champion, was leading the field in the qualifying round of the amateur golf championship today when three fourths of the field had completed the 36-Tiole test. Jones returned 75-74—149. Davidson Herron, Chicago, former champion, was in second plat e at 77 74—151 with George Von Elm. Salt bake City, and Francis Quintet, Bos ton. were tied for third at 153. Out net played today's round In 73 a stroke under par and the lowest , round of the tournament. t-hk-k Evans, tdyalng perfect golf, was out *n 33 which set tlie low msrk for the first nice holes bosemoor Country Club, t'hicago. Sept. 17.-wBobby Jones of Atlanta, na tional open champion. Chi, k Evans of Chicago, former holder of both na tional and amateur open titles, were favorites to win medal honors in the qualifying round of the national ama teur championships, wlten the final Ik holes were played today. Jones and Evans played the first round Saturday in 75 strokes, a shot worse than the score of Bob Gardnei. A field of 131 starters trailed these three stars ' Today's play will determine the it players who will qualify for the championship to be decided at match play staitiug Tuesday. It was esti mated that scores of 160 or better for the 36 holes of medal play would be required to qualify. Saturday 34 contestants did W or hotter. Practically of all the know.i stars played well enough, so tha> good rounds today will win them places in the match. Jesse Guilford of Boston, who won the title twi years ago. too S3 Saturday and need ed a good round today. American Association MPwauk*® .*®i>t IT— R. H E St Paul . . 13 76 1 Milwaukee 9 IS I Batter!®® Sheehan and Gonza!®* Allen. K®«*f®. Pott. Shanov, Lingret and! Njfkhiji, Ind'anapoli*. Sep? 17— TV H E Wwmbu* . ....; 7 r Tnrtianapo!.* S 1.' Batten®.* Sander* and Haiti®'; HI I i and K^ufiffr K*n*ft* City Sep*. ] 7—Minneapolis Kansas City double .U«ader postponed, wot ^ ... WB'TERV I FAME. t. A B. R If Prt. Huraii Hr* Moine* 1*1 5*1 II* SS9 .*11 Idr. Oklahoma C it' *1 1** 1* ** .3*3 Its it m.t n. TuU* 117 50* 1JO 713 .375 I'almer. M«u\ f it> 150 *3* |I7 73* .371 l.uderua. Ok la C its \+9 4*5 *7 17* 3*7 SMIRK%V «. SB R H T r| Hr lima nn, Krtrott 171 41* 94 17* 3*3 Ruth. New York It* 477 133 1*3 3** *prs»ker. I I®' r l« ml 13« 1«*5 1 *9 37^ 1 I®' eland 13.1 4*rt ft* 17* 3*7 SS illiam* "t lx»ui* 17* 475 *5 10* 354 V STIHV SI. «• SB K H P »). Iloruahy. 'i. l/»ui* 107 411 *44 1*3 :ul.\ Wbmt Brooklyn !** sit ho t la w*i IkilttHuIrt, *■!. I out* 111 1*1 *44 17 7 307 Uoii'h. ( inrlnnati 175 17* 7** 17*4 ,iV 1 Htirnler Brooklyn II* 131 IS ISO 3Sa BaseballToday Double Header Omaha vs. Tulsa First Game at 2 P. M Thursday is “FiteNite” See the First Indoor Boxing Show of the Season —— "Tiny** Jim HERMAN RENAULT New York 10 Rounds Other Bout*: Morrie Schlaifer VS. Charlie Long 10 Rounds Hugh Walker VS. Joe Stangl t> Rounds and Others Auditorium Thursday Vm0 Tickets Now Selling True*. $.t. $2 .„d $J_ lax Free It's a Legion Show— Lei’s Go