$16,254 Delinquent Taxes Renorted at Columbus Special Dispatch Thn n—* Dee. Columbus, Neb., Sept. 1G.—Dis trict warrants for delinquent personal taxes dating back to 1910 and aggre gating $16,254.77 have been placed in the hands of the special tax collector, Henry Lachnlt, by County Treasurer W. L. Boettcher, who estimates that probably $10,000 of that sum may be collected. When preliminary steps towards appointing a special collector were made the delinquent personal taxes accumulated on the treasqrer’s books through a period of 11 years were found to be fully $24,000. Fremont Man Loses Three Cars hy Theft in One Year Fremont, Neb., Sept. 16.—A. K. I,ane, local Insurance man, Is mourn ing the theft of his third automobile within the last year. Returning from a visit to Des Moines he reported to police that his coupe, like its two pred ecessors, had mysteriously disap peared. The first two cars stolen from Lane were ultimately recovered in a somewhat damaged condition. In one instance, the thief was cap tured and is now serving a term of three years in the penitentiary. Bee Want Ads produce results. THE NEBBS— THE OLD, OLD STORY._ Directed for The Omaha Bee by Sol Hess RUOV WEBQ fcOufiWT lOO SHARES or OHION Tool Q lure ow MARGIN, OM CWAQLlE MEtT'S Tit* AT Ul IT 'CLOSE© Saturdav AT (s(» VES 1 OJAS SPNing'I/'--——\ 1 fBET.SV WAS Two ADmiDEOS — lb husband I )NES V°° >-1 ONE A voonS man UWO Y LIST WAVE TO CALL KNOVsA WAS ^UST A MINOR POSITION nIbRS i^lHER AND dUNlOOl ,N A -BANK - TwTE OTmTO IS LoEaEESutNBGooD / GEToN^q]E \ A M*N < NOT Good LOOKING, ?£ZdtrivCgr{(“ 6 ®a (mout 35 w v*(W tuch^I Bexsvs a big giQl j r--Y — AND NAS LOTS / ) I QF APM'OEftS y I \ / HAPPILV MARRIED^--^ tempi Hc»«. Iiu, kr Tkt »«II irMkii*. Uf » /tuvs marrying for love is all QiGHT y. IF THE LOVE LASTS TJUT YOO KNOW THE OLD V 6AVWG WHEN POUEQTV FLIES IN THE WINDOW] i ovjp goes oot the DOOR — t had a chance / to marry tor money and while Stephen! and 1 NEVER HAVE ANY QUARRELS - *■ < HAVE FELT MANY A TIME .^f ujOU^D HAVC \ MONEY THE PATHWAY OF UFE WOULD HAWE AFPM A LITTLE SOFTER — YOU KNOW.FANNY,\ VWE ROTH KMOW WHAT IT IS TO' SKIMP AN [-APE AND DO /—•jgZ I 2FtW~\ UJITHOOT J ..fel V Cj A . Barney Google and Spark Plug SUNSHINE THINKS HIS NAME IS MUD. Draw, for The OmahaBe. by Bmy DeBed. / *THEX TfeU . / NVF you MIX65 A \ _ MATCH FOR ■SHARK. \y PLufi'AGAiMST C010MEE Y \£P - \ <3u s 'f.« cracker' I ;EO ^ \ MEXT SATORDAy /— „.. ” r v / The papers aka i R* , / N0W J 60TTA ( 5.000 / SEC 1WAT wr VeilMKERS - ./'l SOCKET TAKE 5 _\ OFT "T«m ' T"”^ t>OUWl>S y/ S' XT VJE USE DER Mod'^v\ f VJHATS ^OUR \ gftTMS ,VE GET I SVSTEM DOC \ ) MOO FROM GM,WR Efkv \. v/EEK - tT TAKES -r-OFF DE« FtESH ' OCR QVAVCKES"» tm. ly ^Wut» THAT-S Ixl HAT 'ADVI'RE DOING V -s.r, y PcAN'T f\H EVEN HftME ^ HAM S ANOWlDCrE v iVv BRINGING UP FATHER—u -.’sari. see jiggs and maogie in full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManus PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE * (Copyright. 1»:L> ZAT IB ZE PICTURE I I'VE HEARD ] „ OP My CABTLE IT AU.THIB ^gj| DATEB QACkr roOR ecrORE —. Centuries: bo i dec #53] (—-' to be ( OATES (SACK. CENTURIES Z.E NAME IS FOUND ON document - si* hundred 1 -- ©'•*»■* inrx FIatum (envies. Inc. BY THe WAY, COUNT - I HAVE. AN I O U or YOUR/b AN' IT OAT£^> BACK BIK MONTHS-HOW 1-) AtSOQT >T? ry-j—p' 9-/7 - wm . itnl —_ JERRY ON THE JOB no need for food. Drawn for ™a B" by Hoba’’ ( Sesms as ”fas Boss’ Guett op mok^or. ; tfT a IukjCwTOn ' ToOAy. i Caktt w»h Bacu voow> win mBau a uyt « V ! Gemts 6Et ove* the Teed Sag j ”IJ*n Amo Set < Amo Srt amo <3aS / amo GaS Amo Gab \ Toe. HOoBS AMD } ^ HOWS'jAMOJ->Ouft$^2 3U 'iTCttE.\ Vi A J WAV < VTT ,-> ) f'BllT 1 oeooro J \ MSI 'To Go- ^y rl'IA /tfST (cj -Hi » wi, scwvtci. me: t-17 Burgess Bedtime Stories BY THORNTON W. BURGESS. To laugh at one's aalf la a hard thing And those who ao lauich ar» distressingly few. —Old Mother Nature. Peter Rabbit Laughs at Himself and I/earns Things. Peter Rabbit can see a Joke even when It Is on himself. What is bet ter, he can laugh at himself. Thia is something a lot of people cannot do. It came over Peter all in a flash that it was his own ignorance that had given Spotty the Turtle a chance to play such a Joke on him. When Spotty had'said that he was going to get a lunch Peter had asked If he might go along, and Spotty had told him that he might. Then Spotty had dived into the water and disap peared. Of course. Peter couldn t follow him and, of course Spotty had known that. Suddenly Peter burst out laughing. "Ha, ha. ha! Ho, ho, ho! He. he, he!" laughed Peter. Spotty kept his face straight, but his eyes twinkled. “What are you laughing at?" he demanded. "At myself,” replied Peter. “Of course you have been laughing down inside ever since I asked to go along to lunch with you. I don’t blame you a bit. It was a good Joke on mo. Now tell me, Spotty, do you get all your food in the water?" "Every bit of It,” replied Spotty. "Don’t you ever get a bite when you are out on the bank?" Peter asked. "Not a bite,” replied Spott. "You see it wouldn't do me any good if I did ” Peter pricked up his ears and looked surprised. “Why wouldn't it?” he demanded. "Because I couldn’t swallow it," re plied Spotty. "You couldn’t swallow what?" cried Peter. "I couldn’t swallow It," repeated Spotty. “Do you mean that If you got a mouthful of food on the bank you couldn’t swallow It?" persisted Peter. “That is Just what I mean,” re plied Spotty. "But why not?" persisted Peter. ’’That's something I cannot answer because I don’t know," replied Spot ty. "You'll have to a^k Old Moth'* Nature. All I know .s that 1 cannot swallow unless I have my head under water. If I couldn't get Into the water I would starve to death." Peter suddenly remembered Snap per the Snapping Turtle, the big. fierce, cousin of Spotty, and how he “Don't you ever get a bite when you are out on the bank?” Peter asked. had heard the same thing about Snapper. He remembered that when he had first heard it he hadn't be lieved it. It was hard to believe now', but he felt right in his bones that Spotty was telling the truth. "What do you eat, anyhow?” Pe ter asked. “Whatever I can get,” replied Spot ty. “Tadpoles are very good eat ing, and so are young fish. Then down on the bottom of the Smiling Pool there are insects which are very tasty. Also there are water plants by way of variety. It was some of these that I had for lunch just now. If you had come along. Peter, you might have tried them, too.” Spotty's eyes twinkled. Peter laughed. “I'll take your word for it that they ware good,” said he. "Now I understand why it is I never have seen you eat. My. it does seem funny to think of having to keep one's head under water in order to swallow.” The next story: “Spotty the Turtle Finds a Tempting Bit.” Luther Women to Meet Columbus. Neb.. Sept. 18.—The an nual convention of the Women’s Mis sionary society of the German Ne braska synod of the United Lutheran^ church will bo held In Columbus Oc tober 2 and 3. Now Now Playing Playing The Outstanding Picture of the Week GLORIA SWANSON -IN “BLUEBEARD’S 8TH WIFE” Gorgeous Gowns snd Settings—Sensational Climaxes The Most Amazing Romance Ever Screened I KINOGRAMS ORGAN I 7j run c*m*r: *Sf Mat. and Nit* Todaj S Mammoth. Muprndooa Show* fomblnod Jimmie Cooper’s Revue Burlesk 35 White Artist*—35 Colored Entertainer* : Extra Midnite Show Thurs., 11:30 Ladies* 25c Bargain Mat.. 2:15 Wk. Days I Oh, Man! " By Briggs ' y OUGHT A Tha»T K»D op mineA Jin\! hcs omly Ten Bur he l HAKDLES a. SRivIER WOHDER^L J ' YeH ? MY K'D is 8ARCI.Y ) EIGHT YfeT H* HAS A ) V peRFtCT J f RerAeMBfff*. "The «soc*n?rw ~h \ well mv Bov got a Three / l t^ere Yesvpay J ^. i— ■ -^ MY kid drove ThcvSfventh fifleew "Th- OTHER DAY • AN& 'jcrr a Birdie two - — BRexxy 60 ot) ( MY 3Tar s an.D ' 80OY t . I < HOIAJ TM/VT MAN w' _xn'..__ J ^ »«i-> u.y.*r^»|uwt imc VOHAT IT -S ABE K*B\BBl£, *27 TONJTlFE STREET f ARE Vou^\ [NO* NO MAN CAN BE POSCTNs | SURE that /Sure oe a thin*: nou»take WAS THE EO« INSTANCE, THIS MORNlMi - timf oi: I 1 positive sure \ tErr TV(. W THE HOUSE WITH MV DIAMOND k ACCIDENT-3 Studded watch - and now \ JUST REMEMBER That 1 lett it oro ihe bureau IN THE tMN\NQri-pB > =5~£7Qjf// TOO MUST HAVE QONE CRAZT , IN COURT TODAY ABE-UjHAT 1 UUAS THE IDEA OF SENDING FlUE \JmFFEREHT FELV.OUJS HERE FOR. ' * wArrCH? ? J * N ^ 'T' ^ 7 | j ' '^ ’1 mV r T'u V’m -- FOR YOUR APPROVAL MfHMilrrr /o Now Showing At the sna NOW PLAYING Ni*ht 2:20 Orpheum Concert Orchestra 8:20 2:30 Aesop's Fables 8:30 Topics o( the Day 2:40 THE THREE WHIRLWINDS 3:40 2:49 FRADKIN *:«• Wforld Renowned Violinist 3:06 GUS FOWLER 8 0* 3 23 MISS VENITA COULD 9 *3 3:41 Mr». Rodolph Valentino 3:41 3 S« BURNS & LYNN » ^ 4-io EVA SHIRLEY 'O 'O 4:34 Pathe News Weekly 10:34 Prices: Mat., 17c, 25c 50c. 75c. Night, 17c. 55c. 83c. 81 10. $1.50 (Including Taa) j iast rrrTTn last TWO 1 I • I • I v 1 n*1* DAYS i | 11 i TUES. HARRY CAREY in a new type of western drama ‘The MIRACLE BABY* in conjunction with “WIDOWERS’ NITE’’ The second showing of the third series, LEATHER PUSHERS’ ^ Vaudeville—Photoplays K Now PI a v mg ~ I 7 FEATURE ACTS B Including Jaffy't 'jjp Mutic Matters SVj Matinees . 10c-35c Nights.10c 55c