Wool Men Optimistic. Chicago, Sept. 11.—Optimism about the wool market and belief In the financing of wool held in storage was reflected in the remarks of wool growers who gathered here today for a two-day conference of wool growers and bankers, with officers of the National Wool Warehouse and Storage company, an organization of wool growers. Forty-five thousand wool growers In the western and middle state* were represented among It men at tending the conference. Brasilian to World Court By Associated Frees. Geneva, Sept. 11—The assembly of the league of nations curtailed Ita sessions yeeterday as A special mark of feeling for Japan. Former President Peasoa of Brasil eras elected to the bench of the permanent court of In ternatlonal justice. The Irish free stats was admitted to membership In the league. Miss Katherine Alleman left last night for the Trances Shlmer school In Illinois. 30 Firemen Are Overcome. T.OS Angeles, Sept. 11.—Thirty fire men were overcome, four requiring hospital attention. In combatting a fire which spread through the entire cargo hold of the American Hawaiian 10.000.ton freighter American here last nifht. The American put in here today with lire in its hold. It was estimated tonight that It’jO.OOO worth of damage had been done. Bee Want Ads produce results. THE NEBBS_ TJ. T. W. IS A GOOD BUY._directed tor the Umana Pee py aoi nc. {vix~tcmz CoooiE t*\ (istukTSO? EvJERV PlEcf TvJOSE ^OUTU ToRCMES _\ C*" TOBACCO TMCT GOES MAmV A UORSE MAS I IM TmosE O^PQJ|Q^-✓ / \ tmoct stock \S fioiwfi op OKty //- / U «.--Z_T MR -H\Es EAM\LN ONE OR THE OLDER WO RIME*bT r FAsM\L1E*3 OR FRWCE * HE 1 “b ONE CJKKNO CENTLEMAN - 1 - - TOOR DAvEXiHTER WOUI.O OE ■ PROUD OF boai A - hu^no^ k-' D^-U^HTEH-THI'b l*b THE COOHT DE L DATE A CREM FRIEND OF CW' CoONT OECAT' j c. ^ 9-12 but op COURSE <-* rAMILf 1^5 2_e OLDEST <— AHO FttSE'bT IH ^R^rsCe /*ps ©ins rr iwt-l PukTunc tcmncn. Inc. ■*~-1 ■ __-ail ... JERRY ON THE JOB_ returning it promptly. Dr«wn {or l£fri£n?iia Bee by Hoban . ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ - i — —. " ■ I ’T—O—r ■ ■ ■ * « mmmumi j»! — ■■■ 111 I T IT* '■'»'I ' T 'T r - r " N 1 A Sfu'T OU'rS’iCt. usV SNAPS' vt0 <* j \w£ \MtU, i-’BMO 4 U\VA A 'T'CV^CT “TO V ''KE*J /AOK^A"* j \MHKTf ^ 3oQ.aov a Q.B.Ticket f? K 1 VieJcB VAEABO OP SbCH f/k TU'kjS! j -v—/ "I'M V'MOVMKi Alt CMEU/'^UV -- CouKrtwv as *8io UEAQ'Tttf Gwuev.) •/' /dKiO 1 VjAKi'T 'TO Oo £l6tfT:S=l Birr uo>j oo l know 'TmS Gekjt \mu.u _ Sna » urn, riwn »«*'■«■ >**■• \\ ■JuSt A ■ TU Get //oar Vj OrrotSy ■ I WSJ *. It OiE IS MO 1 l MOO AMiCt^Y l Uo-M 00 M.'S Kvi^l r^t’u. smss, err I SaQk^ J Hu G'me VT'To^rucV Conductor. Oi J i ^7 Tue s:is=/4w V1 I WEU. BftlKiG' IT J J BACK 'To Voo.' Vv ^ 9.u\ Simple Food on Table Flappers If ill Have No Chance In Dance For Prince of Wales Toronto, Ont., Sept. 11.—It will be corned beef and cabbage, boarding house hash and boiled potatoes for the prince of Wales when he places his feet under the chow table of Edward Prince ranch, near High River, Al berta, next Saturday. At the ranch is one Japanese cook, Jirnmie Shim basi, who learned the culinary art by opening cans for the Canadian army in France. "Me no cook fancy foods," Jimmie told newspapermen today, "excepting Irish beef stew and Chinese chop suey.” Bobbed hair individuals who hop# to be added to the list of the prince's dancing partners may as well save themselves the long hike to High River, the manager of the ranch, W. E. Carlile, announced today. The prince, he explained, Is coming To Canada to rest and consequently he will be thankful for all the privacy that is accorded him. The prlnca is scheduled to reach Quebec on the Empress of France Wednesday. Fremont Police Note Seek Three Where Only Two Were Sought Before Early Tuesday morning Oiief of Detective* Charles Van Deusen re> reived an excited telephone call from Gus Anderson, Dodge hotel, who declared that Madge Howard and a girl named "Bernice," whom he knew as the “I.ady In Black," had left the hotel with a traveling bag belonging to him. They were removed from a train, at Fremont, Neb., on orders issued. by Van Deusen. When informed of their detention Anderson told \ an Detwea lie would "lie right dim n.’* lie failed lo appear al the sta tion. Van l>en*rn believes he went to Freniorit. Now, instead of or ders to hold two, Fremont polite have orders to hold three. “I want to know what it's all about,” the chief explained. ^ The worn brown kitchen chans would ho mighty r retty with n few coats of white paint. \IIV KRTIsKMKST. _ Say “Bayer” and Insist! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over twen'y two years and proved safe by millior s for Colds Toothache Karache Neuralgia Headache Lumbago 1 Rheumatism Pain, Tain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. \ RETIREMENT. WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE Much Interest Being Shown in the Large Num ber of Women Safely Carried Through the Change of Life by Lydia £. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ■ ■ ■ 1 — The Following Letters Are Impressive Owing to modern methods of liv ing. few woman approach this per fectly natural change without ex periencing very annoying and often painful symptoms. Those dreadful not flashes, nervousness, headaches, melancholia and irritability are only a few of the symptoms incident to this trying period of a woman's life, and the following letters prove the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to overcome these abnormal conditions. Fisherville, Ky. — “ For several months I was under the doctor's care as he said my nervousness, chills, hot flashes and weakness was caused by the Change of Life, but I did not seem to get any better. I was not able to work ana spent most of my time in bed A friend called to see me and asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I cannot tell you how mud) good the medicine did me. as I had such a hard time be fore taking it. I can only advise every woman passing through the Change of Lire to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as itdid so much forme." -Mrs.Edward B.NEAL.Star Route, Fisherville.Ky. A Michigan Woman Helped Ionia, Michigan. — “1 was passing through the Change of Life and had been under the doctor's care without any relief. A friend in Lansing, Mich., asked me to try Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound and I feel fifty per cent better already. If any one in this condition doubts the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound to help them I will gladlv answer their letters.”— Mrs.Max'W.Hahn, 537 N. Jefferson Street, Ionia, Mich. A New York Woman Helped Syracuse, N.Y. — ‘‘I was used up with nervousness, weakness and hot flashes so I could hardly keep around, and could not get out much on account of those awful prickly feel ings. I read about Lydia E- Pink- * ham’s Vegetable Compound helping another yotnan with symptoms like mine. Mv husband got some for me, and after taking it five months I can get around and even do my housework, washing and ironing in cluded, and my friends can see what a change it has made in me. "—Mrs. Sidney Humphrey, 826’- i Burnet Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. LvdiaE. Pink ham's Private Text-Book upon “Ailments Peculiar to Women" will be sent you free upon request. 11 fit© to the Lydia E. Pinkliam Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. This book contains valuable information. Don't Squeeze Block Heads—Dissolve Them Squeezing and pinching cut blackheads make the pores large and cause irritation. Blackheads are caused by accumulations , of dust and dirt and secretions from the skin and there is only one «afe and sure e-ay and one ghat never fails to get rid of them a simr'e way. too that i* to dissolve them. Just ge* from any d-ug store about two ounces of calonite powder sprinkle a litt’e on a hot. »et ciolh— , rub over the blackhead* brisk.) for a few seconds wash off and you'll be • ?r prised to see that e ery blackhead ha^ !■ sappeared. and the skin will be left soft snd the pores in their natural condition. Advertisement. The Days of Real Sport__ _ By Briggs The school PUMP V «* YoV KWov/J j ME EARL l - 11>> B. A\Ai Ml/RRY AviP MAu/SiR | M Wt*T v / I'M AFTER. ^You Dutch _m ABIE THE AGENT- __Drawn for The Omaha Bee by Hershfield \n Kye to llmlnny Vlwayv NOO.UJHAYS \ UJRONQ NOW PARTNBl?y JUST WHEN WE RE trhk*, “TO. CUT T>OU>0 UNK)fcCLSSA» EXPENSES, X HUAEMRER 'THRT HftRKV LKTZ. IS OPEN IKK, HIS KJRJJ HOTEL IN NEW TCRK ON VOCT 1C J in NEki York, von ocy til ?? 'its AND UJE CAN'T QET OUT OF IT- let QOT TO SEND HIM A TEVEQRAM OF QOC* 10I6H6S, WO MATTER. 10HAT IT POSTS1.' J J f vjrrs titcvtxr \ 7 ow YHKr t>.i.VE \ / *ND i u. RE A imexi You semd him | UOUJ- UJHOS qoiKM, / 1'v.V. fcE HO 1 V|M BOSYOIO I TV* YECSqRAM — TcvS?!r"'°u J\ FSWCS.-0 \ YOU'LL ®s-me v- r F ' ■ • v^ V-S^MT^»y _ Viuu Beauty Of Skin And Hair Preserved By Cuticura t’se Cuticura Soap for d-i-’r tc.'rt pur poee*. v i:h touches ot Cuticura Ointment as needed, ard have frr^h. clear *4 r aid th*ek. p'esry hair. They are ices lor the toP.et as is also Cuticura Tal cura lor powdering and perfuming. Tr— hrM* k CtV< «ra ? *S*r ataelM. P*|*t *W MCC«i it Mast So • fW! •hw S »r C*v O ' " 'r,tSlpdav TtVwtt .v jQPCuticura So«p»bavM«