r —n The Omaha Sunday Bee 'VW [ Ont o /(a front iite i n YUl The smelter and the Douglas street bridge over the Missouri. r— The downtown district looking south Fifteenth. Six teenth. Seventeenth. Fight eenth. Nineteenth and Twentieth streets are easily distinguishable I V general \le\% of flu* pnrkini; houses and I ho storl* \ arils The downtown district looking east and north from about Twenty fourth and St. Marys avenue. An ami> p«»M within the rit>—Fort Omaha \ Writer irdnation of jn>t how Lire* a po*f Fnrt Omaha 1* nia\ h«* ohf lined from the air than merely h\ pa*sh^ b> on a sfifrt rat. -1 I-— I I Fori ( rook Iimiks morf* 1 llk«* a summer r**s«»rt I than tin* homo of tho 3 S*‘v«*nl**#»nth infantry I \\ Im*ii your vi#%% »* from — abnw. I ■ I J I TIm* railroad yards and tin* Iturlincton arid In ion s fa- H lions. The Tenth, Eleventh and Sixteenth stre«*t viaducts fl __ also are easily identith d I W I \ \m'm iif tin’ r#sidi*iHY district, lookmc vmith from I Kotiiofli anil ('limine “irfrfs *«it Crciliju cJMlicdrat . is ivi the foreground K. ~ - H *11" \k Hitt* ll«*n 'i'll i.•.>K v f (> ()i, in in m • i.11 ini , 1 III L