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About The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1923)
900 Baptist Ministers Received Aid in 1922 By Associated Press. Kansas City, Aug. 31.—Although tha relief and annuity board of the Southern Baptist convention Is only five years old. the combined assets of the two department* of it* work are now in excess of ->1,600,000, according to the annual report presented to the Southern Baptist convention here re cently by Dr. William Lunsford of Dallas, Tex., corresponding secretary. A part of this increase is due to the rapid advance in the value of certain oil securities given to the board by John D. Rockefeller. Over 900 aged ministers and their dependent ones have been aided by the board during the last year, the report shows, gecretary Lunsford rec ommended to the convention that plans be projected at once to provide for a fixed Income of $100,000 a year to be applied to relief work, in addi tion to the regular annual receipts from the various states of the conven tion. Other recommendations provide that as soon as the $75,000,000 cam paign has been completed In Decem ber, 1924, the convention shall give itself to the task of providing $2,500, 000 additional resources for the board, In accordance with the original pur pose of providing the board with $5, 000,000. When this is done It will en able the board to use the interest from at least $2,000,000 to be applied to relief each year. In addition to this work, the boart is fostering an annuity fund in whict ministers can carry old age insurant at a very low rate by reason of thf denomination assuming the bulk o the cost of such insurance. Want Ads produce results. *vTHE NEBBS_ _FATHERS NEARLY RIGHT._ Directed tor the Umana Dee py oo. ne« GotMG TO tME TMEOTEpTN vcP, - muJkt take: a bitc To EAT ATTEQ T*4E &HOW fc. — IF I'M’MOT MOMEBEFOPE °IV Too GO TO ®ED POT [)IVTv4EiK£V UMDEP-THE' 1 A T *ruic I i (FftNNV, Do you KNOW TWAT CwAQucX (I "tol-D ME ft Too WERE T MET ASKED ME IF WE COulD MAUR.V \ BUT \F Vou R.E M E M BE Q W WEN BETSV— WEB ONLY EARNING Bo DOLLARS) ujE WERE MAQU'^ ^|J?SSTc2aSot A WEEK AND WES PASSING IT OoT J TOTwE CWORCW IN A,GOOgW O^MHOTI LIKE samples at a COUNTRY TAiR- / AND WWEN MiNvST£P bU ^ I TOLD WIM To WAT UNTO. WE / TwE R>nG on My r.NGEP DARNED EnOUGU TO SUPPORT W6R / WALT VOURTORTONE - t WAIi I AND A Dollar looked like ^ Twew AND I WT \SomETWinG wortw keeping^/ -BUT it I UJAS / V l HAD a SPEAKING ACQuAinTP^CES r«.|»» H«IH. twyt. »> Tfcr Writ «»*> *»•■■ ■>»»!'«» >«»l BARNEY GOOGLE_ ONCE AGAIN BARNEY’S GLAD HE’S ALIVE. Drawn for The <W.a Em by Billy DeBeck ____.. i .1 i _i—> u'---r». -——-r i—rmr—rain—IIOT ih/in 11 - '-"a . i COME UP ON WOOF VNlTp - IYE 1 A YELE’SCOV*' SHOOTlNQ SMACK. ON THE RACE TRACK, i The WORSSS \Ntlt> EE AT ^ The poet IN Ten MINUTE. E » SPARK. PLUCt IS .A "SO To IF X VJIU X GOU-ECX IS 50 - AND I'M GOING 7«J QUIT TV»iS JfcB and buy a Ranch — And YOU LL QRAQ OFF THE 4 purs* . pay ■v , .*r ^ I ""Copyright. <92). by King F—tor— Sydicof. Itj IHE'tWw OFF • ^ ^ LEAD-'SPARK PLUG' IS FIFTH - The CAMEO BAQY’ TXiMISlE S AMD KICK^ ’SPARK PLUG |M TVE SLATS - KIOUI "ISAACS GOAT" tS HECK ALiD M6CK <M»TK 'MooRE S CABBAGE* Imeyre pounO'ng DOUIM TUB HOME VTRBTCH — * SPARK PLUG ' LOOKS / UP AT TAB | GRAND STAND \ IIS BAR £ J BACK r Ftvle STORIES SHOULD t JUMP NOKJ s OR uo*it till I \ GET klflKED OFF 1 VMCAH ^ SfARK PV-uCr VOIMS A Hoof nsr _ T%Tr,T\Tr' t tt\ t? a rrurn R..i>Ur^ see jiggs and MAGGIE IN full Drawn for The Omaha Bee by McManuf BRINGING UP FA. i HER —— “ U. S. PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE (Copyright. l»2l > REMEMOER-i'VE MAOE AN ENCASEMENT j '( COT TO OO A«a WELL-HOW CREAT- 5UTVOU RE^AU^Sl^vSS^, FOR TOU TO TAKE MR. CL^b OUT TO ^HE OlD TOU KNOW- 1 EAT t>0 COUlO^AOMF Dinner-^EE THAT TOO take F^M TO A WILL'TELL HER WHERE ENJOT TOUR MUCH IN THESE cOOO°cm I 5WELL PLACE • HE'tj A bOOAL ,-j- J »HIM • t Wl-on HE DINNER - MR. C LAW PLACED• I C‘<2P° ! L^OEy TtUbTOWN-^j \ CL^? V~ -^TT. 1 CADDACE-rJ (91923 >V INT I FCATUKt SCRVIC«. Iwc. ) j j ) | /' *• [ JERRY ON THE JOB— A CONVINCING SALESMAN._Drawn for Th«On.»ha Bee by Hob.n OaSS HAMl COM».^ T PASOON 1 . StEAnGETZ. • \_Jr F“mt.ME4ft.» yJ ?tfT SO»<3 >TS PftAC'flCAU.V 1<5W “TO OBlUK Yl - “^S piafr Of “IWfc A^OMTV, yj OKM - Vt >*T WOvtf Utt A r-r-W^i 5gg*»J Qfi) ) <5ooo ~n»* to ^ <^1 v/ArriKj<ar^ > *) l MGvwi , ~ — ( &OQt* l*^ j |ArtOtfnu.VV— fcg I f Poo ■t Sa«l r 1 /A\kTt Go'mG'to Be /sMou Cam Grr mwoe To®, mo aaonitw 1 ^3 q Oav c top ^ > c* wm,» u« a. > / 1°“^ ,»i / ^° 1 SN°Vi*T t “TU\S Waitin' ( Mo AaomTuw ^ S Eoo^A: < v-\JTK>EY^T -- nu •» im \ ruAt<** ■•m. 'flCfo/i-*. — Starting — Sunday As Usual the Greatest Show in Town HKKK S JacK non in the kind of comedy that was so successful in “Making a Man” and “Nobody’s Money.” With more real laughs and stir ring action than both of them together. ! % Gentlenan of Leisure*_ A SPEEDY COMEDY OF LAUGHS, SPILLS, THRILLS “LODGE NIGHT” YOU KNOW “OUR GANG”—THEY’RE ALL IN IT I Strand Symphony Orchestra E. J. Sutton, Director ALL THE LATE NEWS IN PICTORIAL FORM LAST DAY The Spoilers BY REX BEACH <--t Starts j Eight T-day _ Daya LON CHANEY in “THE SHOCK” , of discomfort is what you want r your skin trouble —Kesinol to stop the itching and burn ing—Resinol to heal the eruption. Scratching makes it worse, besides being embarrassing and dangerous, but the smooth gentle ingredients of RESIN'OL OINTMENT often over come the trouble promptly, evrn if it is severe and long established. Bathing 1 the affected part first with RESIN'OL SOAP hastens the beneficial results. Restnol products at all druggists. I ■ii 11 i i — 111 i i ■■ iii — Movie of a Man With a Burning Sense of Curiosity. _ By Briggs' AMTi'MA-re'i^rr<>4<3IRL , (sTAR«J5'•BLANKLY at oVsERveS -GlR*-,^, WOULD .LIKe To roCCUPANT ' OF CAQ SBArl NOTHIN4 ABSORBED IM, f<^Ow TITLe he '■ WOULDILIKEATo* wiF'l K ► IN. share-it^ tvi I i i C-iiRt- Look.s uP..7.. He ,15'Mone-THAM eves ecoes 'toward Gipl CJiRL holds book pbs'.!m£5 attituor Anxious To:know evea so slightly tiose up t© FAce of i>:«initer^st ; \book TITVJP"*, • makimg it difficult To#see -Title AS GIRL. GLANCES . ALMOST HA-S.lT G»RL ToRwS HASTILY PeELS FoquSH OUT * OF- WlMOOW . . within GRA-SP iGiUiNG HIM CHANCE • Book Cntit^ed "HoW MAKbS BoLO .efforttj' *To> ASCERTAIN Title To SeHftve in public" To see Title i: > ABIE THE AGENT_Drawn *or T^e ®ma^a ®ee by Hershfield Number’* Dlwontlmifd. * QoT To CAU- OP MERY ( IMPORTANT, WEiER EVEEQEO. i But \ CouvJOKiT TH\*0k m& KiuoftER = J VOOVt VW Y*PY T5ESK, IENP» 'fOU'U. SEE MENER PXEEQCVS e*RX> - SRMO^ >Y To ME V*\»EfcSE'. X ulWCST \^YO C&U. HIM OP'.'- / - '•'^VfcftoriWE.D ^aa>5‘ I a. FUE6EU 1 **r-U« »™*’ , : fj ' » » >• »llv»l »l » ■ . * ■ ESTABLISHED Today Still Delighting Thousand* I | 100 Big Stars 100 j Never before has a photoplay been i blessed with such a brilliancy ef cast. Hollywood introduced by the latest dance sensation. “The Hollywood Tan fo,” interpreted by Dorothy Dev ere. DON’T MISS “HOLLYWOOD” I_ sc GEES ss D. W. GRIFFITH'S “ORPHAN’S tSfe STORM” Lillian and Dorothy Gish Vaudeville-Photoplay* mat*) STARTING TODAY All Laugh Bill of Eight Fun Featuraa 3 HEADLINERS Omaha'* Fun Centef Mat. * Nhe Today Barney Gerard* Extravagant FOLLIES THE DAY B°urIT.b|I* WITH THE MAN BfW#> WHO NEVER SPEAKS, DVaU 36—DIMPLED | GERTRUDE KNEES—36 | HAYES. JR. NEIGHBORHOOD THEATERS J GRAND - - - - 16th and Binney TOM MIX IN -STEPPING FAST ~ ADVERT IS KMJCNT. MRS. COFFMAN ILLSEVEN YEARS Sired from in Operation by Lydia L Pinkbam’t Vegetable Compound—‘‘I was a nervous wreck. I was suffering from a pain in my left side, which was al most unbearably and I could not even let the bed clothing rest on my body at night. 1 had been sick for seven years, but not so bad until the last eighteen months, and had become so run down that I cared for nobody, and would rather have died than live. I couldn't do my work without help, and the doctors told me that an operation was all there was left, 1 would not con sent to that, ao my husband brought me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and bogged me to take it. 1 have taken fourteen bot tles of it and l fed ten years younger. Life is full of hope. I do all my house work and had a large garden this vesr. I never will he with.-mt th., womanhood t intend to teach them to take it. 1 am never too busy to tell some suffering sister of rny help, and you can use my name and letter to spread the good nows of Lydia K. Ihnkham's medicines, ”—Mrs-Ip \ M~ Coffman, K. D. 2, Side!!, 11'