The Omaha morning bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 1922-1927, September 01, 1923, CITY EDITION, Image 7

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    Adele Garrison
“My Husbands Love"’
The Message Harry Underwood Sent
to IJIIIati.
Harry Underwood* sudden appear
*nc» from the dump of evergreens
«^in the hidden road startled me almost
S o the point of a shriek. But from
r somewhere I summoned the self
control to answer his query. “Can't
you figure out how I managed it.
l.ady Fair?" in as c asual a mannr •
as If we were continuing a conversa
tion of long duration.
“I suppose you backed the. car in
nom the other road,’’ 1 said. Know
ing that he had served as an ambu
lance driver during the war. and re
memborlng his reputation as a driver,
r realized that the task of barking
a car along two miles of winding
wood path—for what was really all
I he road amounted to—would be only
child's play for him.
“Step qp end receive the pink
merit card,” be gibed. "That's ex
actly what your Uncle Dudley did
do. And now I suppose you're won
dering what It's all about, and why
I'rp galloping around (his fag end
of nowhere with an escaped criminal
lucked under my manly right arm."
I smiled at his characteristic little
fling Rt the section of country around
us. To Harry Underwood any spot
on earth except the street* within a
tew blocks of Broadway and Forty
second. is the “fag-end of nowhere.”
1 have heard him vise the expression
dozens of times.
"You're generally to bo found in
the most unexpected places, aren't
you?" I countered demurely, adding
ihe mental comment that if ever a
man had a flair • for theatrical ap
pearance* and actions, that man is
Harry Underwood.
He never does anything in an or
dinary manner, and revels In the
mysterious and bizarre. I have always
Ihought that he was born a couple
nf centuries too late. He would have
been a wonderfully attractive swash
bucking adventurer, hampered by no
troublesome scruples of convention or
Harry Underwood Is Quizzical.
\He shot rpe a keen, mocking glance,
“Aren't going to gratify big bad
void man by exhibiting any curiosity,
i re you?" he drawled. “Well, just
JL or that. I’m not going to tell you
• 'one single thing, although I know
, vou're simply writhing with curiosity
, inside that eucumberlsh exterior. I
fame down heye—no matter what
for—discovered you were here—no
matter how—and decided to send you
that scarab by dear old Jim to let
you know I was on earth. By the
way, how Is Jim? X hope he wasn't
“Not a bit." I returned. “And—
I’m sorry, but I must hurry back.”
Dear Mama-ln-law right on the job,
eh?" he quizzed, and I was so furious
that my cheeks flamed at the thrust.
The moi kery faded from ins eves in
an instant.
"Forgive me, Lady Fair, he plead
ed boyishly, then he rushed on with
out waiting for an answer. "I want
to talk seriously to you about forty
seconds or so. Where's Lil?''
"In the Catskills with Marlon, vis
iting Mrs. Cosgrove."
"The old blily gnat's sister, eh?”
he said with a laugh. "Lil must he
in love to stay up in that Godfor
saken place in this kind of weather."
"Her physician ordered her to the
mountains," I said indignantly.
“Nice, accommodating doc," he in
terrupted laughing. ''But that's
neither here nor yet there. Till me
this: Why in thunder doesn’t she
get a divorce from me, instead of
dragging along this way? I’ve told
her often enough that 1 wouldn't dc
fend it. she can bring any charge
against tne she likes—with perfect
truth.'' he added with a wry grimace.
I explained patiently that Lillian
was unwilling to expose her idolised
daughter, Marion, to the publicity a
second divorce suit of her mother's
would cause.
"Piffle—also poppycock!” Mr. Un
derwood exclaimed. "She's foxy
enough, and can pull enough w res
to file it where and when it y n'l
attract attention. And if it does' halt
out, by the time Marion is old » n gli
to have It matter. Jt will have been . n
gotten. And If Marlon goes in foi
the society stunt, a twice-divorced
mother will be an asset to her. 1 be
lieve the average is three to each par
ent in our loftist circles. In any
event if she and old Savarin will just
time their wedding day when som«
movie star scandal breaks, nobody
will ever know wlien they're married
Look hef0. will you tell her all this
and let me know her, decision? l'i.
go to see her directly, but there's nr
use giving her any unnecessarily uii
pleasant moments."
"Yes, I’ll tell her," T answered
“How shall I reach you?"
"Did you ever pass that little pawn
shop between—" (he named a loca
tion only a block away from the apart
ment which Dicky and I bad taken
until we could find one better suited
to us).
“Yes, I have seen it,” I answered
‘‘Well, either of the two proprie
tors there, George of Ed Briscoe—
that isn't their right name, but that
doesn't concern you—will do anything
for me, because of reasons. If you
have an answer for me from Lil, or
if for any reason you need me—and
you know your Uncle Dudley will
como from Kamchatka to serve you—
go in there, be sure you're speaking
to either George or Ed, and that no
one else hears you, and give him that
scarab pin I sent you by Jim. You
don't need to say a word. They'll do
the rest."
“But—how will you know where I
“I—always—know. Lady Fair, ' hf
said, made a ceremonious yet half
mocking obeisance and vanished into
Your Guarantee
of Superior
It means that The American Shoe Repair ,
has been selected, after a rigid examina
Ijt tion, to be one of the first to represent
the Goodyear Welt Shoe Repairing
System in Omaha.
It is your unqualified guarantee of
“superior” workmanship and honest
materials. Don’t accept careless or in
ferior shoe repairing. Have shoes re
paired “The American Way” and get
complete shoe repair satisfaction—and
at a saving in cost. Bring your shoes to
ns today. Phone AT lantic 5876.
Shoes REBUILT, $2.50
These Are Our St?ndard Prices:
Men’s Half Soles.$1.25
Panco Soles .$1.25
Women’s Half Soles .-$1.00
Women’s Special Rubber Heels 35C
O’Sullivan’s or Wingfoot Heels 50f
Fix ’Em While You Wait
Shoe Shine—5<^ Suits Pressed—35c
Ohe American Shoe
Repair Service
Undrr Central MarUat
114 So. 16th St. AT lantic 5876,
Lincoln Invites You
To Attend the
Annual State Fair
September 3 to 8 Inclusive
• For several decades the State Fair
has been the ANNUAL EVENT in
Nebraska. It is so NOW, BIGGER AND
Mother Nebraska, with just pride,
exhibits then the products from
her unlimited resources and even the most pes
simistic cannot view this display of abundance
without a thrill of satisfaction and a thought of
To many, a few days in Lincoln
will awaken memories of pleasant
school days; renewal of old friendships are on
the order. Others will take this opportunity to
make plans for the education of their children
and get them the needed first-hand infor
Insurance policy holders can use
the occasion to get personally ac
quainted with the men in the home offices of the
numerous Nebraska companies, who are rein
vesting their premiums to further the interests
and welfare of the state and nation.
This is the one week of the year
when Lincoln is prouder than ever
to entertain her guests. In every place of busi
ness, be it bank, store or commercial plant, with
a cheery smile vou will be cordially invited to
This Space Was Contributed by the Following Boosters for the Nebraska State Fair:
Bruce Hamilton
“Lincoln’s Best Known Grocery end Market”
Manufacturers Outlet Shoe Co.
“If You Compare You Will Wear Our Shoe*”
Pinneys Garage
Lincoln Tent and Awning Co
Woods Bros. Companies
State Journal Co.
Belote Cycle Co.
Jeweler*, Optician* and Stationer*
25 Year* at 1123 O Street
Fenton B. Fleming Jewel Shop
1143 O Street
Lincoln Star
Robertson Furniture Co.
1532 O Street—“The Store of Low Price*”
Dr. S. L. Ashworth
Chiropractor, 508 Fraternity Building
American Old Line Ins. Co.
Lincoln Liberty Life Ins. Co.
Bankers Life Ins. Co. of Neb
Lincoln Life Co.
Lincoln Trust Co.
Nebraska Central Building and
> Loan Association